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Colin's Determination, Part 13


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With news of Mr. Kunitz’s imminent visit, Colin had the team on a strict training regimen and diet. Every day, we woke up early for a seven-mile run, which we now completed in less than 40 minutes. Before long, people in town started to gather to watch and cheer on a regular basis, amazed at the site of over 20 speeding muscle jocks. Local newspapers began to breathlessly label us as “the fastest powerhouse athletes the state has ever seen.”


Colin used the attention to motivate us to go even faster.


After the run, we would all sit down for breakfast. For most of us, that was composed of a 12-egg omelet and a 24-ounce steak, as well as large amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables. We kept the local supermarket so busy, they had to hire four new employees just to keep up with our orders.


Breakfast was followed by three hours in the weight room, where we were throwing around incredible amounts of weight. Every day, someone had a record dead lift or back squat, which we just celebrated with more steaks and more intense lifting.


The afternoons were reserved for study, or active recovery sessions on the field, doing light drills, and practicing fielding skills.


Our forthcoming season looked promising, and major league baseball scouts started to stop by. After a few weeks of their awed observation, scouts from the NFL and even the British Rugby Union started to come by.  


Colin ate up the attention and adulation, but he also wisely channeled the energy to making the team even faster and stronger.


Marcus seemed terribly rattled though. Every time we mentioned his father, he would lose focus on his training. Any progress he had made seemed to be lost, and he was still hovering at his starting weight of 140lbs. I couldn’t seem to jump start his training at all, so I went to talk to Colin about it after dinner.


Colin and some of the team were out on the street throwing a football. Jackson was by his side, as always, and both were clad only in sweatpants. I watched in awe as Jackson tossed the football to Jeremy, and I still could not help but gawk at him. He was easily 6’ 8” now, and probably weighed 300lbs.  His lats were flared out wide, even when he was relaxed, and his shoulders were inconceivably wide. The sweatpants hung obscenely low on his narrow hips, and he proudly displayed his 12 pack abdominals. The only thing holding them up was Jackson’s spectacularly round and muscular ass. Colin saw me on the porch and trotted over.


“What’s up Greg?” asked Colin. “You are concerned about Marcus, right?”


I was finally getting accustomed to looking up at Colin, as he now towered over me at 6’ 5”.


“Yes Colin, I am. I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to have his father come here right now. He was making such good progress. He’s very distracted, and I can’t seem to get him back on track.”


“He’s going to grow Greg, everyone on this team is growing.” He put his massive hand gently on my shoulder as if to acknowledge that my own growth had slowed. I was stuck at 197lbs, and could not seem to break past the 200lb benchmark. “And you will grow as well. Do I have to remind you where we both were a few months ago?”


He stepped back and patted his ripped, muscular midsection, and presented his stunning physique as evidence. At 224lbs now, he had gained an even 100lbs of pure muscle since we started training a few months ago. His biceps were enormous, and beyond comparison to a softball. His chest was literally a plate of armor, which was appropriate to support front and rear delts that could only compare to a melon. My eyes drifted down to his incredibly powerful legs, and started to think of all the speed running those quads were capable of. Colin was also proud of his calves, which were nearly as big as his biceps.


“Greg, don’t you realize that YOU did this to me?”


“Really Colin, you see it that way? I always thought your growth was due to your determination, and genetics.”


“Greg, YOU are the one who lit that fire of determination in me. YOU built this!”


I was a bit dazed at what Colin was telling me. This whole time, I had no idea what a key role I played in his, and then the team’s, remarkable growth.


With that, Colin reached over and grabbed my wrist, just like he did with the car keys a few months ago. I was terrified of another humiliating showdown with Colin and tried to retreat, but he just barked at me “TRY TO RESIST ME NOW GREG.” And with that, I was able to ever so slightly budge his gargantuan forearms. My biceps flared up to a size most guys would kill for, even if it was on the small size for this team. It was only the slightest of movement, but not something I was capable of doing even a few weeks ago. Naturally Colin was still stronger than me, by an order of magnitude, and he was able to stop me after a few seconds. But it was very motivating to feel that glint of power. Colin saw the look of recognition on my face and smiled.


“Greg, I know you can kick start training for both you and Marcus. You have the power.”


With his words still ringing in my ears, I was jarred back to reality by the voices of the team in the street. I looked down and saw Terence, from the football team, pulling over his pickup truck. He stepped out with two of his teammates behind him.


“What are you doing here Terence? I told you this house was off limits to you,” Colin said as his deep voice boomed down the street.


“I just wanted to speak with you Colin,” said Terence, in an almost pleading tone.


“You may approach,” said Colin, with authority.


Terence and his pals trotted over quickly to Colin, who remained on the top step of the porch, arms crossed as he eyed his supplicants.


“Jesus Christ, these guys are huge,” one of the team mates said in a loud whisper.


“Colin, I’ll get to the point. I underestimated you. I underestimated the whole team,” said Terence, trying to quell the fear in his voice. “You’ve built the biggest, strongest baseball team in the state, maybe even in the whole country. I wanted to ask, can you train us on the football team too?”


Colin didn’t say a word for a minute, he just let Terence’s desperate words hang in the air.


“You want to get strong, like us, Terence?”


“Yes Colin. All the scouts are coming here, but they are ignoring the football team. I think, with your training, we might change that.”


“Strong like this?” Colin said, directing Terence to look at the street. And with that Colin nodded to Jackson, who still had the football in his massive hands. Jackson pulled the ball back overhead, his lats winding up with power, and in an instant, he spiraled the ball down the street like a bullet, right at Terence’s pick up truck. The football was projected with so much force, it crashed right through the windshield of the truck and kept going right out the back window, before it finally came to rest about 200 yards later.


Terence turned to Colin in a daze, speechless. Colin said to him: “I’m not going to just train you Terence, I am annexing your team. You will tell everyone to follow my plans. Under my direction, we will become the first two-sport team in the history of college athletics. And then we will annex the soccer, basketball and lacrosse teams as well. Do you understand me, Terence?”


With that, Jackson trotted over, arms on his hips, and stood behind the football trio. Terence turned around, with awe on his face, and looked up at the behemoth.


“May I?” was all he could eke out. And with a nod from Colin, Terence started to grope and explore the Jackson’s muscle. His hand rested on the wings of Jackson’s traps, and all he could say was: “You feel like steel, Jackson. THIS IS POWER.”


With just a glancing side eye, Jackson’s hand shot over, grabbed Terence’s shoulder, and sank him to his knees effortlessly.


Colin just chuckled and said “Terence, THAT is power. You will learn soon enough.” With that, Colin ordered Coach Conway to start integrating the football team. Then he looked over to me and said, “You have some training to do yourself, brother.”


Feeling inspired by the displays of power I had seen, I ran into the house to find Marcus. He was sitting quietly on his bed, studying. He had clearly given up on working out that day.


“Marcus, what is bothering you?” I demanded. “Why are you so upset that your father is coming?”


“Greg, my father has been disappointed by my lack of athletics my whole life. He funds this team because he is a football alumnus of the school, not because he believes in me. He only ever came to our baseball games to watch Jackson, not me. And the only reason he calls Colin is to get updates on Jackson. If he comes here, he’s going to take one look at everyone else and be disappointed all over again. It’s going to fill me with rage, and I’m powerless to do anything about it.”


I was getting angry myself, listening to his self-defeating talk. I took his chin in my hands, and forced him to look up at my eyes. “Marcus, does he make you angry, your father?” I demanded.


“Yes,” he said, a bit fearful of my demeanor.


“Then USE that anger to grow Marcus! Instead of your father, think of yourself!” Even I was a bit thrown off by my aggressive stance.


Marcus quivered for a minute as I held his chin. Neither of us said a word as he tried to process what I was saying. Then he looked right up at me, and I could see a steely gaze come over his face. He chin, and his whole body, stopped quivering, and there was a dark look in his eyes. He stared at me, unblinking. At first I was overcome with a chill, and then I knew I had tapped into something primal in Marcus, and he was tapping me right back.


He reached over and grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from his chin. Marcus surely wasn’t strong, but I could tell his attitude had changed dramatically.


In a deep, confident tone, he said, “Let’s start lifting Greg.”

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Awesome chapter!  I can't wait for more.   I feel better knowing that Greg is getting proper recognition for what he had started.  It's now my opinion that Colin charged Greg with training Marcus as a challenge.  I can't wait to see Greg and Marcus get HUGE!

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  • 4 months later...

OMG! How had I missed this story??? I did an author search after reading Evan and discovered Colin.  What an amazing tale.  I hope that if you get bored or stuck on the Evan series, you decide to continue this! I'm really shocked that there was only one response until now, but maybe others had overlooked the story like me.  People are missing out if they haven't read this!

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22 hours ago, Kymuscleboy said:

OMG! How had I missed this story??? I did an author search after reading Evan and discovered Colin.  What an amazing tale.  I hope that if you get bored or stuck on the Evan series, you decide to continue this! I'm really shocked that there was only one response until now, but maybe others had overlooked the story like me.  People are missing out if they haven't read this!

This can't be all the comments on this story.  I swear I must have had a comment on 70% of all the chapters.  Definitely one of the best stories on this board.  Superstud Colin and his team of Supermen.

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