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Come here, Maggot. I know we finished the workout for the day, but I want to show you something. Stand right here in the mirror. That’s good. Now, take off your shirt. What do you see? What do you mean, nothing? You’ve been training for 3 weeks now! What do you see?! You don’t know? Ok, let me show you. First, your paunch is almost completely gone! You think you’re getting fat? Haha. No, Maggot, you’re just getting a little bulking gut. A bulking gut is completely different than a paunch. A bulking gut is a nice rounded stomach that comes from putting on muscle, which usually comes with a little fat—not much you can do about that. And a paunch hangs low on your waste, goes all around your middle like a spare tire and comes from being a crap eating, video gaming, couch jockey!


You see those two bumps just below your rib cage? They were never there before, were they? Those are your upper abs, Maggot. You’re starting to get fucking abs! Yeah go ahead and poke ’em. Solid, aren’t they?


And check out your chest. No more flat nubs. They’re becoming rounded mounds now. You have to have noticed how they’ve started pushing out the front of your shirt. And those new little caps of muscle on your boney-ass shoulders. They make your body look broader up top.


And flex those arms. Yeah, that’s it, flex. You got biceps, now Maggot! They’re not much more than bumps, but they’re a helluva lot more than you had when we started.


And feel those legs! Yeah go on, feel ‘’em, just like this. They’re a lot thicker and harder than they were. That’s all the running and the squats you’ve been doing. Fuck, they’re like rocks! You...


…Ahhh… Cindy? What’re you doing here? You came to see what I’ve been spending so much time on? So what if I’m standing here with a shirtless dude? This is a weight room. There are lots of shirtless dudes around. What do you mean I spend more time with my Maggot than I spend with you? He’s my Maggot. I told you about the bet. So what if I had my hand on his leg. Dudes feel each other’s muscles in the gym all the time, especially if one dude is training another dude. Is he blowing me? Cindy, if you were a dude, I’d knock you into next week for saying something like that! Ok, fine. Fucking ask him. See, he’s not blowing me. Are you fucking happy? Where are you going now? Geeze, fucking bitches! Problem is, she’s the hottest girl in school; buys her a lot.


The bitches are gonna start looking at you soon, Maggot. Be fucking careful though; most of ’em are bat-shit crazy. So, don’t pay any attention to Cindy. I think you should be proud of yourself Maggot! I think you should enjoy the look and feel of your body as you change from a slug to a man!


And I’ll tell you something else! I think you’re doing way better than your buddy Ralphie. From what I can see, you just got better genetics, like I’ve been saying all along! Simon Philips, though… I don’t know what’s going on with him. Those shirts Jack dresses him in are so big they hang on him like a tent. It’s hard to tell what’s going on underneath. But he’s such a tiny guy, I can’t believe he’s doing better than you. Yup, I think we got this bet won!



Brian’s Journal


Day 22


The shit seriously hit the fan today! I don’t know what’s going to happen now… Just when I was starting to get used to this whole fucking weird maggot-thing.


I mean at first, it was pretty fucking rough. My body hurt so bad, I could barely move. But that went away after a couple of weeks. I still hurt, but nothing like I did.  …And after the workout yesterday, fucking Troy, actually giving me a guided tour of my own body. As if I hadn’t noticed. Hell yeah, I’d noticed! It’s been staring out of the mirror at me every morning for days! At first it was me looking at these little lumps and bulges going, “Is that what I think it is?” A little prodding, a little poking and I was pretty sure. Fuck, they’re muscles. I was growing muscles! Then I found if I tried I could actually make them jerk a little. It was actually pretty cool—all those tiny bulges of twitching muscle. And my biceps… they started showing up about a week after the workouts began. I’ve been checking those out every day. And every day they get bigger. I mean they’re not huge or anything. In fact, I think most guys have bigger arms than me… But then again, every day they get bigger.


I think it was the day after I first started noticing the changes that I found myself waking up in the morning before Troy actually got there. I’ll never forget the look on his face the first morning I was out of bed and waiting for him when he showed up. It was classic Troy.


And then today at lunch… Fuck… Shit got real. It started out pretty normal. I was feeling pretty good about the changes I was going through, and I found myself looking across the lunch table at Ralphie and wondering what kind of changes he was going through. So, I said, “Hey dude, check this out.” And I pulled up my sleeve and flexed my budding bicep for him.


He kinda smirked at me and went, “Oh yeah? Check this out.” Then he pulled up his sleeve and flexed his arm. Fuck, he had a bicep too! Was it as big as mine? Was it bigger? I just couldn’t tell. But I knew a way to find out.


“Wanna arm wrestle?” I asked.


“Seriously?” asked Ralphie.


“Yeah,” I said. “Seriously.”


It was about this point that the jock table noticed what we were doing. They all started elbowing and nudging each other and pointing over at us. Hunter and Troy were grinning and trash talking each other and I could tell bets were being placed. Before Ralphie and I knew what was happening, the whole jock table was crowded around us. For some reason Jack wasn’t there. I never really found out why. I think he may have been sick or something, but anyway… Our little arm wrestling match had become a main lunch time event.


Talk about pressure, I think both of us were kind of regretting our decision. But it was far too late now. We took our positions, elbows on the table and arms extended. I could hear Troy cheering me on, “You can do it, Maggot! He’s nothing! Waste him!” Of course Hunter was saying pretty much the same thing to Ralphie.


We clasped hands and stared each other in the eye. Damn, Ralphie looked determined. Well, I was just as fucking determined!


One of the jock’s said, “Ok, on the count of 3. 1… 2… 3!”


And it was on! I gave a mighty push! Fuck, I thought I might just have been able to quickly slam his arm to the table, but fuck no! He pushed back just as hard. We were both straining, hard as we could, against each other. The cheers and shouts of the jocks all around us. A lot of them were calling, “Go Maggot, go!” Of course it was hard to tell which maggot they were cheering for. I’m not even sure if they knew. I’m not even sure if they cared.


I could see my new bicep bulging up hard. Fuck, at that moment it just didn’t look like much. But Ralphie’s didn’t either and after a few seconds he started to give. Slowly I began forcing his arm down.


“That’s it, Maggot!” shouted Troy. “Destroy him!”


I could see Ralphie was straining as hard as he could and I could see he looked worried. I found myself smirking over the table at him. I was winning. I was stronger. And it felt pretty damn good.


With one final heave, giving it everything I had, I slammed him to the table. FUCK YEAH! Cheers went up amongst the jocks. Money changed hands. Troy was slapping me on the back. “Atta boy, Maggot, I knew you could do it!”


Hunter looked kind of pissed, and he shouted over at Troy. “It ain’t over yet. We got til graduation! By then my maggot will be crushing yours into dust!”


“Yeah,” answered Troy, “and then you woke up!”


And then suddenly we all heard this ridiculously loud shout. It sounded like a pissed off kid who had just gone through puberty and gotten a voice that was way too deep for him to handle.




Everybody turned.


There in the lunch line was little Simon Phillips, resplendent in his tent-like, yellow Jack’s Maggot shirt. He was red faced and pissed and shouting at Justin Tambor, who was about a head taller than him, “YOU FUCKING CUT IN FRONT OF ME!”


“Yeah?” said Justin. “So, what if I did? What are you going to do about it? You fucking jock-boy guardian angel ain’t here today! And you’re just a little fucking ant man without him.”


“ANT MAN?” Simon turned so red I thought he might explode. Then suddenly he was yanking off his yellow shirt and… Holy fuck! He was completely yoked!


He pulled a most muscular pose and, all at once, muscles were exploding out all over him. He had a fucking bulging chest, a chiseled six pack, a back writhing with ridges and slabs of muscle, tennis ball sized, striated shoulders and big, vein-covered bicpes that looked like they were starting to develop peaks!


Simon let out a low growl and then, grinning savagely, he grabbed Justin by the arm, twisted it, and forced the wincing taller guy, to his knees.




It was suddenly so quite in the cafeteria you would have thought school had ended and everyone had gone home.


Simon turned to Ralphie and me and shouted. “And when the time comes, I’m going to do the same thing to you two losers, only by then I’ll be way fucking bigger!” Then smirking, he flexed his bulging biceps at us. “Unless you want some now?”


Both Raphie and I were too shocked to move, let alone answer him.


One of the lunch monitors came over and asked Simon to put his shirt back on which he begrudgingly did. It was then I noticed Simon had a bad breakout of acne across his chest and back.


The lunch monitor led both Justin and Simon out of the cafeteria, presumably to the office.


As if someone hit a switch, the cafeteria erupted into a sea of babble. Troy tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Stick to your phone. You’ll be hearing from me.” Then he turned to Hunter and said “Jack’s been juicing his maggot.”


Hunter acknowledged Troy with a sagely nod, and the two of them walked away to confer.


Ralphie was as stunned as me.


Holy crap! What’s going to happen now?



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