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  • 2 months later...

Part 7: Another Chance

Through the pouring rain, Alison saw the bright gleam of the medallion like a steady beacon, but it was down at ground level. Adam's still knocked out, she guessed. Maybe she could grab it before he awoke and dominated the school once again. But after just a couple steps into the courtyard, she could see what happened to Adam. He was back to his small, scrawny form. She picked him up like a small child cradled in her arms and brought him out of the rain as Bryce ran over.

"What happened?" Bryce asked.

Alison replied, "Adam used the necklace, but there's no moon tonight, and it wasn't charged, so I guess it absorbed all his power. And some of mine." Only then did Bryce notice that she was a bit smaller.

"Help me," gasped Adam. "I'm weak and cold."

They brought Adam to Bryce's room; it was closest. Bryce took the medallion off Adam and changed him into dry clothes as Alison warmed up some canned noodle soup. They debated bringing Adam to the medical center, but Alison admitted that she also felt drained for a bit but was otherwise unharmed. She expected Adam to recover with some rest, and Bryce hoped she was right. Adam deserved some retribution or penance, but not death. Adam ate the soup and some of Bryce's snack food before falling asleep. He slowly looked less pale and fragile and Bryce stayed with him as Alison took the brightly shining medallion away.

Alison was a bit worried about Adam, but found herself very happy about the night's outcomes. Adam was still a threat, she supposed, but a much more manageable one. There was even the hope that the medallion would no longer work for him at all. But what was perhaps even better was her shrinkage. She was now so much more comfortable navigating the halls and doors of the school. She estimated herself to be about an inch shorter than Adam was before. She was still a beautiful powerful beast that could easily break power-lifting records with muscles that bulged and rippled over her body. But she felt she regained some of her humanity by flying a little closer to being normal and not seeing completely everything as toy- and kid- sized. Being a goddess was fun, but a demi-goddess was more practical. Still, she wasn't so small that she didn't have to twist and/or duck through some doors. Maybe she could still shrink another couple of inches; she'd likely retain the title of most powerful woman in the world. Alison decided to wait to see the long term effects on both her and Adam of the last exposure to the power of the medallion. Besides, the stunning brightness of the medallion clearly showed that it was primed to offer its power, not take any away.

By the next day, Adam did recover physically. In fact, he was in better shape than he was at the start of the school year, with an athletic swimmer's build. He guessed that since Alison was drained too, the medallion didn't drain him completely, so he owed her that. He guessed that she also protected him from retaliation by other students, or maybe they considered that he might regain his power and glory as easily as he lost it.

A couple weeks later, Adam marveled that he was having lunch again with Harry, Bryce, Chris, and even Kyle. Alison was organizing a holiday-themed ultimate frisbee hat tournament to benefit muscular dystrophy, and Adam was also surprised that he was helping her. "This is your second chance to be real friend and teammate," she explained to him.

Alison, Bryce and Sandra were still a threesome, and Alison offered to share some of the medallion's power with them, but they were happy being her perfectly human devotees. Harry and Kyle, on the other hand, jumped at the opportunity.

"Yes!" Harry exclaimed. "I get a second shot at being a muscle stud!"

Bryce and Alison explained their plan to both of them, "We're not sure if this will work, but once the moon is back during midnight, both of you will hold the medallion and see if it shares its power between you."

Harry agreed, but Kyle seemed reluctant to share. Alison explained to Kyle some of the practical difficulties with being a hulking giant who literally could not fit in a human world. She argued that even sharing the medallion's power, Kyle would likely become larger than even her. He was already a tall, handsome athletic jock, and the medallion now shined brighter and dazzled the beholder more than it ever did. It was supercharged with more than enough to share, and maybe too much for one person to handle. She also secretly shared with him that she was thinking of using the medallion after it was drained again to shrink a bit more and she would happily give that additional power to Kyle or whomever he wanted. Unvoiced, Alison thought Kyle might have a girlfriend that could use some size and strength to survive having sex. She secretly wished that Bryce was bigger and able to satisfy her better. Kyle was distracted as always by the rippling of her arms and shoulders as she talked and even the muscles in her neck flexed powerfully as she looked down at him. But he heard enough of her speech and the determination in her voice to agree to try her approach.

The following week, back in the familiar courtyard on a clear, moonlit night, Alison and Bryce stood opposite Harry and Kyle who each had a grip on the brilliant jewel-like medallion that lit them both as much as any other light. Even in the evening coolness, they were sweating from wearing several layers, a suggestion of Alison who anticipated the need for clothing that fit. As midnight approached, Alison and Bryce stepped well away and guarded the passage between the courtyard and the quad from passersby. Looking back, Alison noticed that the medallion slightly pulsed seemingly in anticipation. Midnight chimed and this time the medallion flashed as bright as a nuclear explosion.

Alison woke to see Bryce lying next to her, also waking up. They checked that they were unchanged and both looked into the courtyard and saw a pair of monsters rise from the ground. Harry was almost as big as Alison, but he looked almost normal-sized compared to the eight-foot-tall muscle beast standing next to him. Harry felt over the thick chest that stretched his shirt, but quickly got distracted and gaped at what the medallion had done to the jock's body. Kyle felt over the huge, thick muscles that rippled under his clothing before quickly taking off his hooded sweatshirt, two t-shirts and two tank-tops to reveal his hulking glory. The clothing fell to the ground and looked like a pile of picnic blankets.

"Yes!" roared Kyle, as he forcefully pushed his track pants down to reveal mammoth legs and barely noticed that he destroyed the waistband of the pants in the process. He stepped out of the pants and more carefully took off the two shorts and two jock straps he wore. Harry, Alison and Bryce continued to stare silently at the god revealing himself to them. Kyle was like a cartoon superhero come to life, only even bigger and definitely X-rated. Bryce noticed the fire hose between Kyle's legs that was just starting to swell and stiffen, and turned to see Alison noticing it, as well. It was only with Alison that Bryce felt inadequate in that area and he began to regret passing on the opportunity to be able to fuck Alison with a tool that could really please her.

"Holy shit!" Harry finally managed to say.

"How come it didn't work on you?" Kyle asked, with a voice that boomed and rumbled in the courtyard that seemed so much smaller, and pointing at the dull medallion on a chain around Harry's neck.

"It did," Harry replied looking at the changed medallion, "a little." Harry again scanned his own bulges of muscle that were obvious even under four layers of clothing, and he figured he easily surpassed the roommate he previously envied, but still felt dwarfed next to Kyle and walked disappointed over to Alison and Bryce who just realized how much they were staring at Kyle. Kyle again felt over the warm power of his rock-hard muscles, arms bigger than his legs used to be, pecs thick enough to block his view of abs that felt like a brick wall, lats that spread behind him like armored wings, a lower back and ass that solidly supported his massive upper body, and legs that felt like rockets, ready to launch him across the earth. He finally noticed his hardening cock, the sight of which made it expand and rise further. Despite wanting to jack off that glorious pole right there and then, Kyle took a deep breath and willed it to behave for now. Alison and Bryce turned to the approaching Harry as Kyle put on a jock and shorts and bundled the rest in the super-large hoodie.

"Thanks, Alison," Kyle said, trying to lower his voice that still easily carried across the courtyard. "This feels amazing," he added as his gargantuan legs rolled around each other and his arms slightly compressed against his lats with each step. "I feel like I have superpowers. I'm so buzzed right now."

Alison was surprised by how much taller and wider Kyle was than she. Alison didn't feel so big anymore. "How come he's so much bigger than me?" Harry asked her, waving the medallion at her. "I thought we were splitting it?"

Alison shrugged, "I don't know Harry, maybe Kyle was holding more of it."

"Well, can we use it on me again? I'm not even as big as you!" Harry complained

"You're still plenty big," Alison retorted, "but we could try it again, I guess. Maybe take a little from me instead of a full-"

"And I could go again, also," Kyle added as he produced a second medallion from his bundle of clothing. Only then did Alison notice that both medallions had changed shape.

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