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Transform: Gaiden - The Story Thus Far


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I just had an idea. I figured it would be better if all the chapters to my story were in the one place, and updated as I write new parts. It's been interesting to see how far my writing has come, and it was surprising to see i'm already 17000 words in! Once again, anything you want to share would be greatly appreciated!






Sydney, 1st of March, the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade


“Well,” Nate thought, “This this isn’t what I had in mind.”


Nate, aged 22, had decided to make the trip into the big city, to go and see what was apparently the biggest event of its’ kind in the southern hemisphere.


And it was certainly big.


All around was a massive throng of human mass. For someone unused to even normal Sydney crowds, this made Nate more on edge and feeling more exposed than happy. Everywhere he looked, there were group selfies, young parents hoisting their infant children in the air so they could plough through the crowds to snacks or whatever. Nate had a strong suspicion this is what it’s like to travel to Mecca for the Hajj.


Though he doubted there was this much glitter and jockstraps at Mecca.


And yet, despite seeing the massive crowds at the parade, he still felt disappointed. Not to do with his gayness. Nate was comfortable knowing he liked guys, and no one gave him shit over it.


But Nate did have his demons. Aside from the crippling shyness that made being at the parade nearly unbearable, ha was also having trouble at university. The Dean had said if Nate didn’t pick up his performance soon, he would have to be placed on probation. And he just couldn’t bear having that on his conscience. The depression was taking his mind further and further down a dark path. He wasn’t suicidal, but he was worried that may be where he ended up if nothing changed.


So, in an effort to bring himself out of his shell, and make some form of human contact, Nate decided to make the trip to see what all the fuss was about.


Evidently, so had the rest of Australia.


Nate tried to see over the tops of everyone’s heads to see the parade proper. Normally, for the 6’3 lanky youth, this would be easy. Unfortunately, nearly everyone at the front had brought plastic stools, or were standing on the railing, completely obstructing the view of the floats as they went by. Dejected, he decided to go see if the line wrapping around the ice cream truck had shortened any. Maybe he could get something to eat within the next hour.


Nate turned to the left, took a step, and landed face first into what felt like a giant rock wrapped in cotton.


Startled, Nate looked up to see what he’d bumped into.


What greeted his gaze was one of the largest and most overdeveloped chests he had ever seen. Nate was gobsmacked. He couldn’t stop looking at the heaving mass of muscle that was in front of him.


“Whoa! Sorry for that, man!” came a booming voice from above the colossal chest.


Nate looked up at a face about a head higher than his own was. And it was gorgeous! The man looked to be in his mid-20’s. He had short, spiky black hair, and a stubbly bit of beard brushed his face. He had beautiful, warm brown eyes, and his skin was slightly tanned and absolutely free of any imperfections. He honestly looked like some had photoshopped a fashion model’s face onto an insanely huge bodybuilder. The effect was mesmerizing.


Nate must have looked dumbstruck for a while, as the giant man smirked, and held out his meaty paw, almost shoving it into his own bony chest.


“Name’s Brian!” He said, somehow drowning out all the white noise of the crowd around the two of them. Nate detected an accent, but it was kind of hard to place. Definitely North America, though.


“N-Nate” He replied and gripped the monster appendage in front of him. God, even his hand felt so hot and so hard! Yet, strangely, it didn’t feel like it was calloused or rough, as you would expect from a guy in his physical condition. It weirdly felt almost baby smooth. But whatever was underneath was the real deal.


“So, how’re you enjoying things? See anything worthwhile?”


“Actually, I can’t see much of anything” said Nate, gesturing to the mound of spectators overshadowing the parade route.


“Oh yeah. That sucks, man” Brian shrugged, shifting the beachball sized muscles under his flimsy shirt.


Then, he lit up. “Maybe I can help with that!”


“What do you mean? Hey hey he- WHOA!”


And with that, he bent down and swept Nate up into his powerful arms with barely any effort at all. Then, he was deftly manoeuvred and ended up sitting on Brian’s powerful traps and shoulders, like an oversized child on an equally oversized man.


“So, how’s the view? See any better?”


Nate had to admit, it was nice being able to see over the throngs of humanity down below. He could see all the colourful floats and marchers as they streamed by. He truly started to feel like he was a kid at a carnival again. He wasn’t pressed in by everyone around him. Instead, he could feel the party atmosphere, and could sense the gaiety of everyone there, in both senses of the word.


Yet, despite the wonder of the evening, all his mind could come back to was the inhuman specimen he was sitting on. He shifted his ass, trying to get better balanced, while also getting a real feel of the stony flesh beneath him. It honestly did feel like he was sitting on a stony statue, only it was warm and moving. Then something else became noticeable. It was s smell. It seemed to be coming off of Brian. It was… indescribable. Seriously. He couldn’t think of anything to compare it to. It was rank and spicy and sexy and… it seemed to really awaken some primal, lizard part of his brain. Suddenly all he could think of was sex. Despite the cool-ish evening air, Nate felt hot, and started to feel smothered again. But this time, it felt good. Like he wasn’t being pushed aside, but rather some… thing was holding him close, and it felt really, really good.


“Hey, I can feel you’re enjoying yourself up there! What’s got you going?”


And that’s when Nate noticed his modest dick was raging hard, and pressed up against the back of Brian’s monster neck.


“Oh shit, man I am so sorry about-”


“Don’t worry about it, man! Frankly, if there’s any time and place for feeling a little freaky, it’s here! Besides…” Brian continued as he gently lowered Nate to the ground, “I take it as a compliment.”


“Oh…Okay then.”


“By the way, I’m going to head to the train station. Gotta catch my ride to the hotel. What’re you going to do?”


Nate thought about it for a moment. He really really liked this guy. The logical part of his brain kept insisting he had only known this guy for all of ten minutes. But for some reason, that didn’t seem important right there and then.


“Actually, I was going to do the same. I’ve got a long trip ahead of me, and I think I can say I’ve at least tried being out here.”


So, the mismatched couple moved away from the moshpit on the main street, and headed for the train station a couple of blocks away. And on the way, the two formally introduced themselves.


“I’m from the States. Not sure how obvious that is, but there you go. I got here yesterday. I’m pretty much only here for a few days. I’m supposed to be visiting my Aunt and Uncle, but I took a little detour to see how Sydney was.”


“Does it meet your expectations?”


“Oh yeah! Much nicer than my home town!” Brian scratched his head, allowing his monstrous arms to bunch up and nearly tear his poor shirt at the sleeves. “It’s a shame I have to back and finish school soon.”


“Wait, you’re still in school?” Nate was surprised. “How old are you?”


Brian puffed up his chest a little more, as if that were possible!


“Just turned 18 last month! I graduate in the middle of the year.”


“Seriously? Fucking hell! Give me a complex, why don’t you?”


“Ah, sorry man. Keep forgetting my story is a bit… unusual.”


Nate brushed it off, but kept walking. He could still smell Brian, and feel… whatever the hell that was back at the parade. He picked up his pace slightly, to keep up with Brian and his monstrous strides.


“So anyway, tell me about yourself, Nate. I imagine a guy like you has an interesting story to tell.”


Nate gave a little chortle. He really didn’t think he was particularly interesting himself.


“Alright then,” Nate started “My last name is Blainey. I’m 22, I live and study in Newcastle, and I am pretty much the nerdiest nerd who ever nerded. I guarantee, whatever exciting thing you can think of, I’ve decided to sit at home and play Skyrim instead of

doing that.”


This got a chuckle out of Brian. “Man, I seriously doubt you mean that! You’re looking pretty awesome in my book!”


“Oh please, coming from the Incredible Hunk, that sounds a bit patronising”


“No, man, seriously! Don’t let all this fool you, I think guys of any size are amazing! Honestly doesn’t make a difference to me!”

He said, gesturing to his near impossible physique.


“You’ll forgive me if I don’t take that at face value. I’ve always been under the impression that the ‘Skeleton’ look has been out of date for a while.”


“Oh well, suit yourself. But I seriously mean it, you are fucking hot as is.”


There was a small silence then, as Nate worked up the courage to tackle the 150kg elephant in the room.


“So… how did you get that big anyway? It can’t just be good breeding, can it?”


Brian, for the second time that night, gave a small smirk, like he had been expecting Nate to ask all night.


“Back home, I’m from a group called Muscle Club. It’s quite new, actually. But, as you can see, membership really does have its perks”


With this, he flexed his left arm, which happened to be right in front of Nate’s face. This time, the steely muscle actually made the shirt rip a bit at the sleeves. Nate couldn’t help but stare at the mound of flesh in front of him. It took nearly all his self-control to stop himself grabbing it and just licking it all over. He had never felt this way before. About anyone.


“What… what do you do in Muscle Club that’s so special?”


Brian just flashed a brilliant, toothy smile.


“Well, if you want, we can go to my place and I can show you in more detail. I read the train map, and it looks like you wouldn’t get back to Newcastle until at least 2 a.m. You can crash at mine, if you want.”


Nate should have had a proper think about what was being proposed here. He was a grown man, but the ‘Don’t go home with strangers’ rule existed for a reason. But still, there was that amazing feeling he had when around Brian. And spending the night didn’t seem so bad, especially considering how late it was.


“Yeah, I think we can do that. But, if you don’t mind, can you go a little easy on me. It’s my… first time.”


Brian let out a hearty chuckle, and draped one massive arm around Nate’s bony frame.


“Trust me, I guarantee you’ll enjoy every minute of it.”


Part One


Nate ‘The Snake’ Blainey was a big man.

Well, big may not exactly do him justice. He was massive. He was gorgeous. He was… everything. Standing at an even two meters tall, he stood a head almost everyone else on the train station. His hair made him stand out even more. His face grew stubble at a rate that was ridiculous. Nate didn’t even bother shaving any more than once a month, giving him a massive full brown beard reaching down to his clavicle. Combined with his long hair dangling down to his broad shoulders, he looked like some sort of freaky Viking warrior. He weighed a solid 140 kilograms, more or less, but none of it was fat. He was all lean, thick muscle. As he waited for his stop to approach, he adjusted his constantly throbbing, yearning crotch. Sometimes, people wore revealing pants that showed off a bit too much. They were called budgie smugglers. Not Nate. Nate was trying to keep a cockatoo stuffed in his poor pants!
If someone had seen him in the few days since he last got rid of all his hair, they would have no other words for the face below other than perfection. His luscious lips, his sparkling blue eyes, even his teeth were brilliant to the point of ridiculous.

Well, one of them. Truth be told, there were many like him. He belonged to a group known as the ‘Muscle Club’. Each one with the same level of physical attributes. Though, most of them were on the other side of the Pacific at this point. One of these Adonis lookalikes, Brian Chan, had come down to Sydney about a year ago to go see Mardi Gras. While he was there, he found Nate – then a rail thin, but tall guy – and ‘initiated’ him into the club.

Since then, Nate was living a totally changed life. Ever since the transformation, nearly everything was going spectacular for him. He had a modest flat in the heart of the city. Where once was insecurity and mental hopeless, there was now a clarity of mind and general happiness. And he had no troubles picking up anyone for a little ‘R&R.’ The only real ‘downside’ was his constant, never-ending hunger for sex with other men. It didn’t matter whether they were short, tall, thin, fat or whatever. So long as they had something dangling between their legs, he wanted it, in every possible way. The hunger was never ending. Though he could satisfy himself quite well on his own, he only felt truly satisfied when with another of his ilk – and even that satisfaction was fleeting. His body and mind constantly craved the next hit. It was like he was a pack a day smoker gone cold turkey, and there were walking packs of ciggies everywhere. He preferred to be a gentleman about these sort of things with new guys, but it was times like now that really tested his personal resolve.


It took everything he had from propositioning anyone on this cramped, little train. The hot, sweaty carriage, the smells of all the late night commuters… why did the toilet have to be out of order? Ah well, he was nearly at the station, and within walking distance of his flat. Then, hopefully he could find another initiate of the club who wanted to spend the night, or at least have a wank to relieve this colossal pressure. All things considered, he was leading a good, if interesting life.

But, he still remembered where he had come from. Who he had been. The neurotic shut-in. The messy slob. The underachiever. The constant mental breakdowns. He wouldn’t wish that kind of mental suffering on anyone.

“Doors opening. Please stand clear.” The tinny, recorded voice announced that they had stopped at his station. As he walked off and rounded the narrow, curved platform, a small figure dashed around and bumped into his muscled side, before mumbling a “sorry” and continued. As soon as there was contact, Nate got a blast of the figure’s noticeable, pungent scent. It smelled of day old sweat, tobacco smoke, marijuana, and something else. Tears? Mucus? Was this guy crying? Nate turned around and went around to see where the figure had gone. As he got around the notoriously steep curve, he saw what looked like a young man standing on the edge of the platform. He looked about 19, according to Nate’s keen eye. He was wearing a dirty, dishevelled jacket and some ratty jeans. He had short, black hair and had light brown skin. Maybe he was Maori?


Nate was right though. The poor thing looked like he had cried his eyes out earlier that evening. Those same bloodshot eyes kept darting from the arrivals board hanging from the wall, the bend in the tracks, and back again. The board said ‘Next Train: 2 Minutes. Train will not stop at this station.’ This really worried Nate. This was an area noted for the amount of suicides that happened right where they were standing.

Nate walked up and put his meaty hand on the poor boy’s shoulder.

“Hey there, I’m Nate. Are you alright?”

The young man just shuddered under Nate’s touch. “I-I’m having a rough time right now. Can you leave me alone, mate? Please?”

“Well, if you’re not doing alright, sometimes its best of you talk to someone about it.”
Nate heard a distant rumbling. He knew the train would barely slow down as it passed through. There was no doubt what would happen if the troubled guy decided to take a single step. Nate had to think of something fast.

“Look, I know there’s probably a whole lot going wrong in your life right now. But if you do what I think you’re going to do, that’s the end of the story. Finito. Nothing gets resolved. But, that doesn’t have to be the end. No matter what you’ve done, or who’s hurt you, I know you can always make it better.”

Just then, the train thundered around the bend. For a split second, it looked like the boy was seriously considering jumping. But, at that moment, his emotions overwhelmed him, and he fell to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

Nate dropped down beside him and pulled him in for a big bear hug. As the boy cried into his stony forearm, Nate rocked him back and forth, and comforted him like an infant. After a while, when he had calmed down, Nate spoke up.

“Did you want to go grab something to eat? There’s a Maccas around the corner, if you want. I reckon a bit of greasy food might do you some good right now.”

“O-okay. Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it. I was looking for a reason to eat out. Can you get up?”

The boy cleared his throat, and tried to regain his footing. With a little support from Nate, he was soon on his own feet again. Using Nate as a support, the two made their way across the street to the golden arches.

“T-thanks, man. I’m sorry for… for all this happening to you”


“Nah, it’s all right. I’m always butting in on others’ business. How are you feeling?”


“A bit better, I think. It’s Mick, by the way.”

“Well, Mick, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”


Part 2


Mick launched into the large meal placed in front of him like it was the only meal he had that week. His eyes were still watering, but the food seemed to be helping his mood. Nate was sitting opposite him, watching him intently with his piercing blue eyes. Nate wanted to make sure Mick wasn’t just going to go back to the train tracks. He was genuinely concerned about Mick’s mental state, though he hadn’t any experience talking down the suicidal. So, he figured he’d just strike up a conversation, and try to take Mick’s mind away from it.


“Jeez, you keep eating like that, and I’ll run out of cash by the end of the night!”


Mick finished his mouthful, and reached for the soft drink beside him.“ Sorry, I’m just so hungry. Did you want some? You’ve barely had any.”


“Nah, mate, don’t worry. I was just having a laugh.” Nate had, indeed, not eaten anything, save a couple of chips fallen loose on the table. “So how are you feeling now?”


“Hungry. Maybe it’s that tainted stuff Paul gave me. I’ve felt like shit ever since I took it.”


Nate could still smell the potent odour of the weed on Mick. It almost smothered his natural, nice scent.



“Oh really? What did he give you?”


“Some of his weed stash. He said it helped him mellow out and have a good time. But everything just felt so… wrong after I smoked it.”


“Ah. So that’s why you…?”


“I just felt like everything was hopeless. Living felt like pain. I just couldn’t take anything anymore. I guess I sound like a complete fuckhead, don’t I?”


“Not at all. Sounds like you just had a bad reaction to some weed. I’ve heard it doesn’t work the same way for everyone.”


With this, Mick just nodded. He continued to eat in silence for a few minutes more. He had a deep yawn, and finished cleaning his tray just as the manager came up to them.


“We’re closing in about ten minutes, guys. Just giving you a heads up.”


Nate replied without looking away from Mick. “Sweet, thanks for that.”


As the manager turned and walked away, Mick stifled another yawn.


“So,” Nate said “Are you feeling better?”


Mick nodded. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m not sure how to say this, but thank you. For everything.”


Perhaps as a gesture of thanks, Mick grasped Nate’s right hand with his own, and let his face show the smallest of smiles.


At this point, Nate became aware of his own feelings. The feeling of sexual pressure that had been building in him all the way home. He had put it out of his mind out of worry for Mick, but now it was back and stronger than ever. He needed to back home, right now, or he would explode right there and then.


“I, uh… yeah. Anytime. Say, we should probably head out now. Are you alright getting home?”


With the mention of home, Mick suddenly froze up, and his look started to darken again.


“I don’t want to go home. I can’t. Please.”


Nate was surprised. “Why not?”


“I just can’t. Can I stay with you for the night? Just to make sure the weed is out of my system?”


Nate was torn. He had seen what this guy was about to do to himself. He knew he could be dangerous to himself. But he also needed some release desperately. And he didn’t want to risk doing anything in front of Mick, in case he…


“Well, can I?” Mick ventured again.


Nate let out a sigh of desperation. “Okay, okay. Fine. My place is just up the street there. I need to get back quick, so try to keep up.”


True to his word, Nate sped off in a barely controlled brisk pace. Mick had to jog quite fast just to keep up. He was still thinking on the fly, but he hoped to unload in his own bathroom before something… awkward happened.


They got to Nate’s building, where Nate hastily opened the door, walked across the entrance to the lift, and jabbed the button for his floor. On the slow ride up the cramped elevator, Mick could tell something was going on with Nate. Nate was starting to sweat badly, and his massive chest rose in and out as he took deep, calming breaths. In fact, Mick swore he could see Nate’s chest grow outward slightly with each exhale.


“Dude, are you okay? You’re not having a panic attack or anything, are you?”


“Huh? Uh, I, I’m fine. Just need the toilet quite badly.”




Nate was out of the doors before they finished opening. A feat, considering his muscular figure and tall profile.

As he slammed open the door and raced to his bathroom, Mick was left a little stunned in the doorway. The first thing he noticed was the puff of plaster knocked out of the wall by the flying door. The second was the massive king sized mattress lying right in the middle of the lounge room, where the lounge should rightly have been.


Then, Mick heard a noise coming from the other side of the far wall. It sounded like almost nothing he had heard before. Almost like a massive animal was next door, and it was giving birth. Mich walked over, tentatively, and thumped on the wall a few times.


“Nate, is that you? Are you okay in there?!”


“Un… unhhh… yeah, I’m f-fine. It’s all good. Really”


It almost didn’t sound like Nate. It was if Nate had suddenly dropped another octave, and was speaking in a booming drawl.


More so than before. Mick was starting to get worried.


“Are you sure? Maybe I should come in…”


“No! Don’t! Everything is peachy keen in hereeaaAAARGGHHH!”


With that, what felt like a small car thumped the wall from Nate’s side. The wall held, but there was still cracks everywhere along the side and on the ceiling from where the whole thing had shifted outwards. Then, there was a sound as though something… thick was spilling out. Like someone had upended a vat of thickened cream somewhere. That was surprisingly close to the reality of the situation.


Mick was paralysed with shock. What had he just heard? What was going on here? He could have simply ran for it, but some part of him wanted to know just what the hell he had witnessed.


Mick sat on the edge of the mattress, trying to guess what could have caused such damage. Was Nate responsible? Where was he, anyway?


At that though, a rank stench entered his nostrils. If Mick had to describe it, it would be jizz, by about a factor of twenty. It was

pungent and pervading and… sort of nice. He couldn’y explain why it was nice, it just was.


As he sat there drinking deep of the scent. A door opened in the hallway. Out of it came a behemoth that looked like it had Nate’s face on it, only it was prettier. At least, the bits Mick could see through the beard. The huge figure was still wearing the cotton shirt Nate had when they first met, but it was damp, and it had torn pretty much everywhere. Mick could see the incredible muscular cleavage of his chest, and the unreal abs underneath a huge gap right in the front.


“Oh hey, you’re still here.” Boomed the golem-with-Nate’s-face. “I hope I didn’t freak you out too much.”

Mick just stood there, gobsmacked. A raging stiffie fought hard with his pants, almost ready to explode itself.


Just who the hell was this guy?


Part 3


Mick couldn’t think straight. It was as if all notions of reality had packed their bags and left for a holiday. All he could think of was the raging force that had caused a whole wall to bulge and crack. That overpowering, rank sweetness. The sight of a body that would put any ‘brah’ in the world to shame. It was all swirling in his head, overwhelming him. Like his brain was trying to understand how such things were possible, but it had no frame of reference for any of it.


Over and over, the senses, the memories played on repeat. He dreamt he was being held by the colossus. In those massive, steely arms. Against the heat of that impossibly hard body. And there was nothing else he wanted as much in his life.


“Oy, you’re not dead, are you?”


The deep, rumbling sound penetrated Mick’s internal musings. Like a tuning fork, it delivered clarity to his mind, made him immediately aware of his surroundings. He realised he must have been dreaming, and opened his eyes.


The first thing Mick’s brain registered was the soft warmth of whatever was surrounding him. He rolled his head over, and noticed he was lying in the makeshift bed he had first seen on the way in. He was tucked in to the sheets neatly, like his mum used to do. He couldn’t remember how or why this had happened.


“Oh good, I didn’t kill you. Happy days!”


Mick turned over to find the source of the baritone. There was Nate, leaning against the door. Aside from a change of shirt, he was just the same as when they first met, still as overwhelmingly powerful. But it wasn’t the same as the beautiful beast that was the last thing he remembered before… before…


“Wha-What happened?” Asked Mick, trying to get a handle on the situation.

Nate flashed a flicker of a smile, then buried it again. “Looks like you fainted as we came in. I’ve seen this happen before. So, I just made sure you were comfortable until you decided to wake up.”


Mick made an effort to sit himself up out from under the sheets. As he did so, he felt something unusual. When he checked his waist, he saw he wasn’t wearing his favourite jeans anymore. In their place, was a set of sweatpants that looked comically oversized on his small frame. They must have belonged to Nate. Looking underneath, he saw he wasn’t even wearing his undies anymore. He was going commando at the moment.


“Hey, uh, what happened to my pants? This isn’t what I came in with, was it?”


Nate had a good hearty chuckle at that.


“Nah! Not at all! You kind of had a… little accident when you fainted. You’re pants are in the wash right now.”

“Wait, so… you stripped me?” Mick was taken aback that this guy had just decided it was perfectly okay to just expose him like that.


“Uh… yeah. Look, I’m really sorry if I acted hastily. I tend to forget that that most guys aren’t as open about nudity as we are.”




“Well, me and my mates. We usually don’t care about being naked in front of each other. I shouldn’t have assumed you didn’t either.”


Mick nodded, accepting Nate’s apology. For a little while, neither one of them knew what to talk about. Until a passing flash of light went by the window, drawing Mick’s attention to the otherwise pitch blackness outside.


“Oh shit, what time is it?”


Nate reached down beside him and pulled a phone from out of his pocket. As he fiddled around trying to turn it on, Mick couldn’t help how like a toy it looked in Nate’s massive paws.


“It’s about quarter past two. You were out of it for a while.”

“Oh shit, how am I gonna get home? What will I do until morning?”


“You mean, you don’t remember what you wanted to do?”


“What? Oh, yeah, I asked to stay the night, didn’t I?” For some reason Mick had forgotten that detail of the night. His mind was wandering elsewhere. But now he remembered why he didn’t want to go home that night, and needed another place to stay.


“So,” Said Nate, clapping his hands, as if settling the matter. “What did you want to do now? If you want, I can leave you alone to go back to sleep. Or, we could watch a movie or something. I dunno.”


Mick thought about that for a second. “Actually, a movie doesn’t sound too bad. I could fall asleep to some brain dead action anyway.”


“Alright then! I downloaded the last Taken movie the other day. Want to watch that?” said Nate as he deftly moved to the TV at the far end of the room.

“Yeah, I guess. Haven’t seen any of them myself. Any good?”

Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders. “I’ve heard it’s alright. They all follow the same plot anyway, so you’re not missing much.”


So, while Nate got busy setting up the movie, Mick settled down into the sheets ready to end that miserable night. Though, he reasoned, there were worse places to find himself that night. This guy Nate really seemed to be concerned about his wellbeing. It had been a long time since Mick had felt anything like that. And, on top of that, he was practically oozing sexuality out of every pore. That face, that body… his back alone was like a concrete wall, only it was constantly moving and shifting under that thin piece of cotton! It was like someone had reached into his most secret carnal desires and remade them in flesh! But he could never admit that. People already gave him shit because of his family, and his small stature. He couldn’t let his dick cause him yet more grief. He loathed it and himself.


Suddenly, Nate boomed “Alright, all done here!” and headed to the makeshift bed facing the TV.


As he hopped onto the mattress opposite Mick, Mick himself launched slightly in response to Nate thudding beside him.

As the two of them settled in for the beginning of the film, Mick could feel the energy radiating from his bed partner. It felt wonderful, but he didn’t dare get closer. He didn’t know how Nate would react. Would he be uncomfortable? Offended? Creeped out? Mick couldn’t get those thoughts out of his head. In the end, he decided to make a bit of small talk to suss it out.


“So, why do you have a bed out here anyway? Wouldn’t a lounge be better for company?”


“Ah” said Nate. “I did have a lounge at one point. But it kind of… broke.”


“Oh, what happened?”


“There was sort of a party going on, and a couple of my mates… broke it. They tend to not watch what they’re doing sometimes.”


“Okay, that still doesn’t explain the bed.”


“Well, after that happened, I decided a couple of mattresses wouldn’t break as easily, and they were better for the type of entertaining I usually do anyway."


“Oh yeah” said Mick “Your ‘mates,’ right?”


“Yeah, those ones. They can be a bit of a handful, alright.”


“These guys sound interesting. They all like you?”


“What, you mean…” Nate gestured to his still obscenely think torso, laying on top of the sheets. In the glow of the TV, Mick could easily make out the outline of his massive chest, and his deeply cut abs under the thin white cotton of his shirt


“Well, I meant more personality-wise. But that too, I guess.”


“Okay then” Nate scratched his chin, reaching under his copious beard to do so “I’ve been told I can be a bit of a wet blanket compared to them sometimes. But, yeah, we’re all about the same size.”


“Wow, I wouldn’t mind being that big myself.”


Nate paused to consider what Mick had said. Mick could almost make out the cogs turning behind his magnificent brow.


“Mick, can I ask a serious question? It may help me answer whatever questions you have.”


Mick, puzzled, said yes.


“Are you gay?”


“I… wha-er…what?!”


“I’m sorry if I put you on the spot. It’s just, it’s actually heaps relevant to what we’re talking about.”


Mick was at a loss for words. Even though he was hoping the talk would eventually reach that point, he didn’t know it would come so bluntly. He still hadn’t told anybody about who he was attracted to. But, he felt safer here than he ever did talking to anyone else about this sort of thing. Whatever Nate was, he certainly didn’t seem judgmental at all.


“Well, I’ve had sex with a girl before. I like them plenty.  But… I think I like men as well. I’m not sure.”


“Not sure?”


“Well, I’ve never acted on it, or told anyone before, or anything. But, when I see yo-guys I like, I mean, My heart leaps up and I feel nervous and… is this weird?”


At that point, Nate just wrapped his colossal arm around Mick’s narrow shoulder and pulled him into a sidehug. Mick was, again, stunned. The flesh of Nate’s muscled chest, pressed up against his face. It felt so hard, like it was stone wrapped with silk. And it was so warm as to almost be hot. And yet, he felt it was alive, and he could feel it shift with each of Nate’s movements.

“Mick” Nate rumbled, his chest echoing with the power in his lungs and chest “There is nothing wrong with the way you feel. It’s a part of who you are, but it doesn’t have to define you. It’s just a piece, like any other, of the immaculate construct that is you.”


“But I always thought… I mean my friends…”


“If your friends are going to be put off by the fact you like men as well as women, the problem lies with them, not you. Someone who cares about you shouldn’t let it matter either way. You’ll still be the same old Mick to them.”


“How can you be so sure? How can you know what it’s like?” Mick was starting to let his emotions get the better of him at this point. He was struggling to keep the tears in check.


“I think being gay myself helps to put me in your shoes a little bit” replied Nate. “Sure, some people acted weird when I came out. But most of them came around after a while. And the rest? Well, frankly, it wasn’t a big loss.”


So Mick finally got his answer. And while the admitting himself to Nate was painful, it was still a good feeling. Like a large burden sitting on his chest was being lifted away, slowly but surely.


“Wow. I mean, I had no idea. I’m so-“


“You know, you’ve said sorry at least three times since this afternoon. Still, I am glad I was helpful.”


“Mmm” Mike agreed.


As the movie played softly in the background, Mick started to doze off with his head against Nate as a pillow. Nate’s breathing caused his surprisingly comfy chest to rise and fall dramatically. And, as he lay there, with his ear against Nate’s sternum, he could hear Nate’s heart beat in a slow, powerful rhythm.











This was the sound that Mick last remembered being conscious for, as he drifted away into a deep sleep, the happiest he had been in a long time. Because someone had accepted him, as flawed and scared as he was, unconditionally.



Part 4


The sun peeking through the window of Nate’s flat was what it took to pierce Mick’s dreamless sleep, and bring him back to the waking world.


For a few seconds as he stirred, he fumbled around in his brain, trying to remember the events of yesterday. He soon remembered meeting some dealer in the park. The weed he took, and the freakout it caused him came back. Then, he remembered Nate. That massive, sweet man who saved his life and took him in to his house to recover. He was still wearing his oversized sweatpants. Sitting in his bed in the lounge room. Everything seemed to blissful.


But, then Mick recalled what had happened earlier that day. Why he was looking for an outlet in the first place. Feeling like his stomach had fallen through, Mick then realised he had to go back.


His train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a flushing toilet, and the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall.

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty!” boomed a sensual voice as its owner rounded the corner into the room. Around he came, lik a truck going around a bend. He was definitely casual today, dressed only in a thin singlet, a pair of pants identical to the ones Mick was wearing, and a pair of thongs on his immense feet. It looked like Nate was going for a different look that day. Instead of the wild, flowing locks of chestnut hair and rugged beard he had yesterday, it looked like Nate had taken a shearer, and gotten rid of it all! What was left was a strikingly handsome face. Without the hair in the way, Mick could see that Nate could damn well get a job as a model, if he wanted to. Combined with his clean shaved scalp and his overly muscled torso, the effect was almost… ethereal. Like some sort of fairy or elf had turned into the Hulk or something. Nonetheless, Mick recognized him as still the same amazing, caring man-mountain that had taken him in.


“I should really say the same to you!” replied Mick. “What’s with the new look, anyway?”


“Ah, my hair was getting a bit too long for my liking. So I figured I may as well get rid of it now. Christ, it’s only been a month since I did it

last. Sometimes it just gets unmanageable.”


“Seriously? I took you a month to grow that Viking ensemble? That is incredible!”


“Yeah, it’s interesting to keep track of. Last time I just let it go, it grew down to about past my ass! Now that was a weird look!”


“Wow. I can imagine. Oh man, I’m starving.”


Nate poked a thick finger at the kitchen area. “Go nuts. There’s some cereal in the top cupboard, and milk in the fridge. You do that, and I’ll go grab your clothes out of the laundry.”


With that, Nate turned on his heel and bounded out the door. As he got himself a bowl of corn flakes, Mick’s mind returned to what was facing him back home. He wrangled with the idea of just running away and never looking back, but he couldn’t really do that. He knew personally how much it hurt for the ones left behind. But he was still scared of what was waiting for him. He needed help.


Again, Mick could hear Nate coming long before he entered the room, bearing his freshly washed clothes. He was like a one man stampede.


“Sir, I have collected your clothing for today. Sir will find his personal effects in the front left pocket. Does Sir require anything else today?” Nate said all this in a joking English accent.


“Ha. Ha. Nah, I think I’m all set, Jeeves. Thanks again!” Mick paused for a brief moment, before adding “Actually can I ask one tiny favour? If it’s not too much trouble…”


At this Nate just held up is massive paw, stopping Mick in his tracks. “Dude, it’s a Saturday morning. I’ve got nothing else pressing to do until tonight. Until then, I’m all yours. What do you need?”


Something about the way Nate said “I’m all yours” made the hair on Mick’s neck stand on end. Before he could get his mind too dirty, he refocused on what he needed right then.


“Could you possibly escort me to my place? My… mum’s gonna be pissed I disappeared overnight without a word. I think I need some backup.”


It was subtle, but Mick could make out a raised eyebrow on Nate’s immaculate mug. There was a brief silence, like Nate was figuring out the real reason for the request. Mick just sat there, idly stirring his cereal with baited breath.


“Oh yeah, I’ve been there. Sure, I can take some of the heat for you, no prob.”

Mick just let out a brief sigh. “Thanks, man. This’ll be the last thing I ask you, I promise.”


“I keep telling you, it’s not ever about putting me out. So long as you’re safe and sound, I’m willing to do… whatever. Well, whenever you’re ready, we can head out. I’m gonna go relieve myself before we do.”


It was a long train ride to Mick’s house. As they were headed east, the ornate and large towers of inner Melbourne faded away, to be gradually replaced by the small houses and run down shops of the outer suburbs. Stop after stop, they kept going forward.

Mick and Nate were an odd couple that day. Mick was hunched over in the corner, hoodie draped over his head, like he was trying to avoid being noticed. But to no avail, as he was sitting next to a man that stretched the limits of human size and strength.  Nate was sitting straight up, dwarfing everything around him. Even without consciously doing anything, he oozed masculinity. His natural odour, undaunted by the shower he had that morning, permeated the musty carriage. Together, the two of them looked like a knock off of the My Neighbour Totoro cover.


Slowly but surely, the train emptied out its passengers. Soon enough, they were on their own, still going east.


*Next stop: Hurstbridge. This train terminates here. Please alight at the next station*


“This is us” said Mick. As he tried to get out, he found he couldn’t get past Nate’s mammoth chest. He gave Nate, who was napping at this point, a shove in his dense shoulder. Mick could barely move Nate, but he certainly got a response.


“Mmm… Nice…”


It sounded like a kitten was purring. Well, a purring tiger, maybe. Still, the shove brought Nate back to consciousness, apparently unaware of what had just issued from his lips.


“Hunh. Wha… What is it?”


“Um… This is my stop. We need to get off…”


“Oh yeah, right. I’ll just…”


Nate shifted his massive bulk out of his chair with a surprising grace. Mick was almost hypnotised by the tight ass flexing and flowing in front of him, through the thin layer of sweatpants. It was like he was doing a dance routine, or deliberately showing off. Then, the brief show was over, and it was Mick’s turn to move.


Mick knew the path to his home like the back of his hand. He crossed through parks, went through holes in the bush, ducked down side alleys, all to get home as fast as possible, and get things over with. For lithe little Mick, ducking under obstacles and siding through narrow passages was no problem at all. But Nate was another story entirely. Every so often, Mick heard a crash behind him, and saw the poor two legged steer fumbling with some pile of boxes he’d just knocked over, or gingerly trying to move aside some old piece of machinery. But, Mick knew this was the quickest way. And, he didn’t mind watching his new behemoth friend flex and move heavy things

\out of his way. Hell, he even shifted a car chassis! Mick could get used to this!


Eventually, the two of them came to a run-down commission house at the end of a long street. Mick paused, took a deep breath, and pounded on the door.


There were loud sounds coming from inside. It sounded like a TV was blaring, and there was definitely some sort of squabble happening.

“WILL YOU TWO BE QUIET!” shrieked a voice from inside. Mick flinched at the sound, but Nate just stood there, placed a meaty paw on his shoulder, and together they waited for the door to open.


Suddenly, the door flew open, and in the doorway was a short, squat woman. She had a look of exhaustion on her face, and in her hand

was a lit cigarette. She spotted Mick, and her image immediately changed to a worried and furious mother.


“Mickey Stevens Paeahi! Where the hell have you been!? Do you have any idea how much I… I…” her voice trailed off when she noticed the golem in a singlet standing behind Mick.


Nate sensed an opening, and immediately turned on the charm, beaming like there wasn’t a care in the world.


“Hey there! Sorry for bothering you. You must be little Mick’s mum, right?”


She stood there dumbstruck for a second before finding her voice again.


“I- um. We… Yes. I’m Julia”


“It’s a pleasure, honestly. Mind if we come in?”


She looked back and forth between her familiar son, and this giant stranger, then sighed and motioned for them to come in and sit down.


“So… Ivan isn’t here?” Mick was the first to speak.


His mum took a deep drag from her ciggie, exhaled, and answered “No. He left last night. After you did.”


There was an awkward silence for what seemed like an eternity. That is, before a crashed came from a room down the hall, and two screaming little kids came out.


“Muuum! Lucy stole my DS she won’t give it back!”


“You weren’t playing with it! Mum, Chris is lying…”


When they came to the lounge room, all arguments stopped as they saw the massive person sitting in their old, protesting armchair.

Mick’s mum just sighed, and turned to face the two.


“What have I told you two about sharing! Chris, if you weren’t using it, then Lucy can, alright? You can have it after lunch.”


“But I…” started Chris, but a swift glare quickly stopped whatever protest was forming.


Lucy, triumphant, gave a smug look and skipped back to their room. Chris, defeated, followed soon after.


Mick picked up a bit of courage, and continued talking.


“I’m sorry I didn’t call, mum. I was just… too mad at the time.”


“I don’t care! I was out of my mind with worry! Anything could’ve happened to you, and the last thing you said to me would have been ‘Screw you!’”


Remembering what had actually happened, Mick silently agreed, and was so embarrassed he wished he could just sink into the lounge he was sitting on.


Nate made his presence felt by clearing his throat. He turned to face Mick’s mum, and tried to sound as reassuring as he could.


“Um, Mrs… Paeahi, was it? For what it’s worth, Mick was fine last night. I mean, he was obviously upset, but I talked to him, and I found him a place where he could cool off safely.” Mick noticed he failed to mention the weed that caused them to meet in the first place.


“If it helps, I’m a bouncer by trade. I know how to keep things safe, especially when there isn’t much room for logical thinking. Once Mick calmed down, he was really sorry about what happened. He just didn’t know how to talk to you about it. Isn’t that right Mick?”

Mick looked up at his name, and realised Nate had given him help in clearing things up. Even if was a white lie.


“Yeah, I guess.”


“See! No harm done! We all do stupid things from time to time. I think Mick has learnt something from all this, at least.”


Mick just nodded. Nate stood up, stretching back to his intimidating height.


“Alright, I’d better get going. I’ve got a shift tonight to get ready for.”


The three of them headed to the door. Nate ducked slightly to get under the frame, then turned and faced a relieved Mick, and his somewhat pacified mother.


“It’s been fun, you two!” He said, beaming again. He reached out his massive hand to Mick. The two shook hands, Mick revelling in the physical contact between them.


“Stay safe, Mick!” boomed Nate. “Let’s see if next time doesn’t go a bit smoother, eh?”


As he closed the door, Mick noticed that Nate had slipped something to him. Looking in his hand, he saw it was a little slip of paper. Turning it over, he saw that Nate had written him something. It looked like a mobile number, and a little message. It read:


“If you ever need to talk about anything, or want some company, don’t hesitate to give me a ring, or just turn up at my place.



Mick then realised he had learned something from this experience. He suddenly realised what he wanted most.


He wanted to be like Nate.



Part 5


Mick spent all that night, and the next day in a haze.


While he was still conscious and responsive to things around him, his mind was always someplace else. Specifically, that miracle of a man known as Nate. To Mick, he was so… perfect. His modest confidence. His unbelievably hard and bulging body. His beautiful features. But most of all, his massive heart, and how he was so kind and caring towards some weird little shrimp that turned up on his doorstep. There was no other word for it, Mick was entranced by him. He wanted nothing more than to go back to Nate’s place and just stay by his side forever.


But still, there was so much doubt in his mind that he couldn’t shake away. He knew Nate was gay, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be with a little guy, so obviously beneath him. He was probably seeing someone anyway. No man with his looks could be single in this city. It was hopeless. There was nothing Mick could bring to the table anyway. He was doomed to be alone, too scared to ever make a move. Then he remembered the way Nate had looked out for him. He felt honestly, truly cared for. Like Mick actually mattered. Even if Nate wasn’t available, Mick still wanted to be with him, as a friend if nothing else.


So, that Friday night, Mick found himself taking the train back to Nate’s place after work. To figure out where they stood together.


Mick waited silently at the door for what seemed like an eternity. There was music playing from beyond the door, and he could swear Nate’s beautiful scent was wafting into the hallway. Eventually, his desires overpowered the fears in his mind, and he rapped on the door.


“Door’s open, hot stuff!” Nate’s voice was as deep and powerful as ever before.


Mick gingerly opened the door, and stepped into the lounge room. There was Nate, standing in the kitchen. He had his back turned, focusing on something on the stovetop.

Mick was still amazed by how big he was. His back was just a sheer cliff of ridged, hard muscle.Only it was a alive, and shifting with each subtle movement. His legs deftly keeping that massive torso upright, themselves gnarled oaks of power. He was beautiful. And was he… bigger? He couldn’t be sure. Maybe it was because he was just in a pair of undies. His muscular ass just ballooned out. For a second, all Mick could do was stare at it. Then, the edifice turned, as Nate looked at who came in to his flat.

Mick had to catch his breath. Nate was... overwhelming from the front. The way his chest thrust forward, forcing his nipples downwards. The way his perfectly arranged abs shifted as he breathed. And the front of his undies, oh God, his dick resembled a wrapped salami! And perched on top of that, was the same angelic face, noticeably hairier that it had been a few days ago.


“Oh. Um, hey Mick. I wasn’t expecting you…”


“Oh shit, am I in the way or something? Should I leave, or…?”


“Nah nah, it’s cool.” Nate walked around the kitchen bench to Mick.  “Was just having someone over for a bit of a get-together later, is all. So how’ve you been? Everything… alright at home?”


“I guess so. I mean, no more ‘accidents’ at the train station. So that’s a plus, right?”


“It is in my book. Glad to hear it! Oh shit…”


Nate turned around again to a pot on the stovetop, which was noticeably overflowing. Mick, a little unsure of himself, dropped his bag at the door, and sat on a stool facing into the kitchen.

“So anyway,” Nate started as he put the bot on the backburner “What brings you here then? Did... you want to talk or something?”


“…huh?” Mick was spaced out, his attention on Nate’s perfect form. Specifically his abs. He liked those abs very much. “Well, I guess… I mean, I’ve been thinking… God this is so hard to say!”


“Mate, don’t fret too much. Just take a deep breath, and just blurt it out. It won’t sound stupid to me, I guarantee you.”


Mick did as he was told, and sucked in a big lungful of air through his nostrils. He could almost taste the scent coming off Nate, and it was driving him nuts. Slowly, grudgingly, he released it. And began to speak.


“Nate, I like you. A lot. Is there any way… you and I…”


At that moment, the door burst open with a bang. When Mick turned around to see what had caused the commotion, what greeted his eyes was almost beyond his comprehension.


Firstly, the figure was huge. And muscled. If there was a comparison between Nate and the newcomer, Nate was the taller and (relatively) slender one, compared to the other’s squat bulk, though they both still absolutely dwarfed Mick.


But what threw Mick was what the person was wearing. It was a black, sequin gown. It looked like it belonged on a red carpet somewhere, and here it was stretched tightly over the contours of a massively built man. And there was no mistaking the fact he was a guy. Aside from the tight fitting dress leaving no doubt as to the form of his body, his face was adorned with a smart, trim goatee. His features looked almost certainly Greek, or at least Mediterranean.  And he was smiling broadly, as he waltzed through the threshold, voice slightly higher than Nate’s.

“Sorry I’m late, man! Had a bigger bitch of a time fitting in to this thing than I… oh hey there.”

Mick was still trying to wrap his head around the guy standing in front of him. It took him a few seconds to realise he was talking to him.


“Um… h-hey there. Uh… I’m sorry, but…”


At this point, Nate strode over and planted a firm kiss on the newcomer’s cheek.


“Mick, this is Alex. This is one of my mates I talking about earlier. Alex, this is Mick. We met a couple of days ago.”


“Pleasure to meet you, man.” Alex offered his massive, manicured hand out to Mick. Mick, still feeling wildly uncomfortable, tentatively reached out and shook it.


“Uh, yeah. Likewise. So, erm… what’s the occasion?” He said, gesturing to the skin tight dress. “Is it a fancy dress sort of… thing?”


“Oh, this old thing? Nah, just a little rendezvous with the girls. Just stopping by for a light meal and a bit of a fool around before I head out proper.”


“Oh, ok. That’s… nice. I think.” Mick was starting to feel wildly out of place at the moment. There he was, in the company of two giants. One, who he had a massive crush on, and the other challenging is idea of what a man is. He was tempted to just run out the door and leave then and there.


Then Nate, possibly sensing the mood of the room at the moment, spoke up. “So anyway, Alex. Go freshen up before I serve dinner.” He said, patting Alex on the back. “If you’re good, I’ve got something special planned for dessert.”


“Oh, you tease! Alright then, I’ll go take care of a few things in the bathroom. You two don’t start without me!”


“Wouldn’t dream of it, man!”


As Alex rounded the corner and disappeared down the hall, Nate went to sit down beside Mick. As he sat down, causing the stool to noticeably groan under his immense weight, he turned and focused his attention on the frightened little guy doing some serious thinking.

“So, what do you think of Alex?”

“He’s… nice. Certainly knows how to make an impression…”

Nate let out a low chuckle. “Yeah, that he does. You weren’t scared or anything, were you? He can come off a bit… strong.”

“N-no. At least, I don’t think so.” Mick took another breath, and aired his concern. “Is he, I mean, I assume it’s a he… I mean… oh shit. Is he… normal?”

Nate thought about the question a little bit. “Is this about the dress thing? It usually raises questions. Anyway, I’m not sure there is such a thing as normal, really. Do you mean, is he really a guy or something?”


“I wasn’t gonna say it like that, but… maybe? I dunno.”

Again, Nate just sat there, thinking how to answer. Mick was afraid he’d just asked a truly thoughtless question, and was instantly regretting it.

“As far as I know, Alex is all man, all the time. He drinks, he swears, he fucks other men. The works. The only difference is, he likes putting on a dress now and again. That’s about it. Fairly sure he isn’t transgender or anything.”

“Oh. Ok. Do… do you…?”

“Do I wear women’s clothing? Nah! None of it ever seems to look good on me, ha!”


“Cool. I mean- That’s fine. I- er… oh fuck…”


“Don’t worry, Mick. I think I know what this is about.” He said, gingerly placing his massive paw over Mick’s relatively small, clenched hand. “Remember what I said before, that night? Being bi or gay or whatever is only a fraction of what makes you, you. If you want to be out there, and glamorous like Priscilla in there,” Sticking his thump in the direction of the back hall “Then you go for it. Don’t let anyone stop you. But if that’s not what you want to do, then don’t. It’s that simple. I mean, look at me. I’ve got a steady job, I don’t like going out much. I study law in my spare time. And, I play Medic in competitive TF2! You wouldn’t think so, but I’m a massive nerd! Well, in more ways than one, anyway.”


Mick let out a smirk. It felt good knowing his feelings didn’t define him. But they were still there. He still wanted to be with Nate. As he was about to blurt all his stupid affection and desires into the air, Alex sauntered back into the room.


“Are you two still harping on? Christ, you are such a stick in the mud, man!”


“Um… what?” Mick was confused. What else were they supposed to be doing other than talk? Nate just had a look in his eyes, like he was silently begging Alex to shut his mouth.


“Seriously, Nate, just Transform him and let’s have some fun! It’s been ages since I’ve been on the ground floor for one!”


“I’m sorry, what do you mean, Transform?”


“You mean he hasn’t told you?” Alex let out a mock gasp, and shook his head slightly. “We can turn you into one of us. All sex, all the time! Change your life forever, man!”


Again, Mick didn’t quite know what to say. He turned to Nate, who just sat there, resigned.


“You can do that? Make me… big and strong, like you?”


Nate just sighed, and took his hand away from Mick’s.


“I could. But I won’t”


Part 6


Wait, what do you mean you won’t? I’d love to be as big, as strong as you. What’s the problem?”


Nate just sighed, and leaned back in his groaning chair.


“Alex, you talk too much. You know that, right?”


Alex just stood there, a look of dumbfounded worry on his face, like he just realised he stepped in some dog shit and tracked it through the house.


“Oh shit, man. I thought he already knew everything already. Were you going to explain…?”


“Ah… I’ve been putting it off. I should have been honest from the start.” Nate leaned forward and again focused his attention on Mick. He folded his arms, causing the muscles on his arms to bulge to near inhuman levels. Mick could only sit there, staring at them.


“Mate, I think we should keep talking about this in the back room. I think we’re going to want the privacy.”


“Privacy? What, you mean without me?”


“Yes, Alex. Without you. We don’t want to ruin that lovely dress, do we? Besides, I just finished up your dinner.” Nate jerked his head in the direction of the kitchen, where the pot was slowly simmering away on the stovetop.


“Oh, sweet! I always love your cooking! You did put your…?”


“Yeah, I added my ‘special ingredient’. It’s ready to go.”


With that, Alex spun on his heels, and headed to the kitchen. As he was dishing himself up a big bowlful of that strangely smelling pasta, Nate gave Mick a tap on the shoulder, and then headed down the hall. Mick dutifully followed, mesmerised by the writhing mass of muscle that was Nate’s ass contained in those flimsy briefs.

“So.” Nate sat down on the bed in the middle of the room, and motioned for Mick to take a seat next to him. “That first night we met. What do you remember?”


“What do you mean? I remember the station, and the meal, and…”


“No, no, I mean after that. Do you remember when you first walked in here? What you saw… me do?”


“I… don’t know what you mean. But it’s odd. My memory… It’s like it was a dream. We walked in. You went down the hall… then there was this smell. And then, nothing until I woke up without my pants on the mattress.”


Again, Nate took a look at Mick, shrugged his mountainous shoulders and stood up.


“I was worried about this. It looks like you blacked out after you saw me… lose control.”


“Lose control? What do you mean? What are you talking about?”


“…I think it’s time I showed you a bit of what I actually am.” With this, he bent over, and worked his underpants away from his crotch and down his mammoth legs.


Mick recoiled at this. “Dude, the fuck are you doing?!”


“I need to for what I’m about to show you. Well, I don’t strictly need to, but I go through these things so much anyway, I don’t want to ruin them needlessly.”


As he straightened up, Mick couldn’t help but marvel at the size of the meat hanging in front of his face, despite his natural squeamishness. It was... beautiful. About a foot long, if not bigger. And as wide as his own forearm. It wasn’t cut, but he could still see the prominent bell end clearly through the skin. There was a small bush of brown pubes on top, as well a large vein that snaked its way across the top of the shaft. Mick was mesmerised.


“Still there, mate?”


Mick was suddenly aware he had been staring at Nate’s dick for a few seconds.


“Yeah, yeah. Is… that what you wanted to show me?”


“No. Not quite. I just want you to know, what you see may be a bit hard to believe. Just… prepare yourself, okay?”


“Prepare myself? What are you talking… about… Christ…”


Mick didn’t know what he was seeing. It looked like Nate was being magnified. As he watched, Nate’s muscles seemed to shift and pulse under his thin skin. And as they did, they grew. His arms grew thicker, and were shifting away from his center due a similarly engorging upper body. Then, there were deep cracking sounds emanating from within his body. It was Nate’s bones. They were shifting as well. Becoming thicker, harder and longer. They forced his head up towards the ceiling, while his muscles continued to expand in all directions.  It honestly looked like Nate was turning into the Hulk, like from the movies.


Only this wasn’t CGI. This was real flesh, pulsing and growing and causing the floor underneath to creak and groan as this new mass piled on from seemingly nowhere.


And his face. It was always handsome before. But it was changing shape as well. His cheeks were becoming more prominent. His green eyes grew ever more intense. His face was becoming a thing of beauty. That scent was back. That rank, intoxicating aroma overwhelmed any other odour that may have been in the room. And it was pouring off Nate. For Mick, who was so close to all this change and primal sexuality, it was all too much. He was dimly aware that he had grown a massive stiffy, and now it had exploded in his pants, without any input from him. All just from experiencing what was happening right in front of his face.


Then, it all seemed to slow. The writhing orgy of activity under Nate’s skin stilled, and the body parts rising above Mick’s head slowed as well. When Nate finally stopped shifting, Mick was at still sitting on the bed, looking straight at Nate’s knees. And the tip of that absolute monster of a dick.


“I… holy shit, man… What the fuck…”


“That isn’t all, mate. Not by a long shot.” Nate’s voice was so deep and powerful, Mick felt it like a sub-woofer more than he heard it.


Then, some movement on Nate’s crotch drew Mick’s gaze back there. Something was moving around under the skin, forcing his dick to one side. And whatever it was, it was growing. It swelled, growing larger and larger, dangling lower and lower. It wasn’t until the skin broke on it, did Mick realise just what it was.


It was a dick. Nate had just grown a second dick right in front of his eyes. This was insane.


“You see, Mick? I’m more than just well built. I’m more than… human.”


Mick was speechless. What he had just witnessed was not possible. Nate was well and truly beyond human dimensions now. He stood stooped, his head brushing the roof 3 metres off the ground. He had to weigh at least a ton. Everything about him was so extreme. It was like a dream.


“Okay, I think you get it now. We should probably talk about things, and I don’t think we can do it properly when I’m like this.”


Just like it started, the changes started to reverse themselves. Slowly but surely, the muscles seemed to fold into themselves. They shrunk down, and allowed his arms and legs to move closer to his torso. His bones grew smaller, and his head moved further away from the ceiling. In a matter of seconds, Nate was standing in front of Mick, the same large, though not impossible, size he was before.


“Wha… what the fuck are you?”


Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders, and sat down on the bed next to Mick.


“If I ever do find out, you’ll be the first to know. All I know is one day, after a little help from a big guy, this happened.”


Mick was suddenly aware of the damp patch growing cold in his pants, realising what his body had done without his input. Humiliated, he turned his sodden front to the side, keeping his head down and trying in vain to hide what had happened.


He felt Nate’s hand caress his shoulder. “It’s okay. You did nothing wrong. That tends to happen around guys like us. There’s no shame in it, you know.”


Mick just sat there, trying desperately to just fade away into the background. His mind was consumed by embarrassment; by the feeling he had just ruined everything. Then, a slight but firm shaking, as Nate tried to rouse his attention. “Can you turn and face me, please?”




“Don’t worry. Honestly, I’m not put off by this. Frankly, it’s sort of a relief for me that you did react that way.




What you saw was way weird shit. You could have run out of the room, and never looked back. But you sat there, and withstood all that I showed you. And you stayed conscious this time too! So please, turn around. I want to look at those beautiful eyes of yours.”


Slowly, Mick turned around. The dark patch on his jeans and lower shirt was very visible, despite Mick’s hands trying to cover it. Nick gently guided his face upwards with a single powerful index finger, until they were looking at each other, eye-to-eye.


“There we go. You did great. You’re doing great. I mean it. What I did to you, that was no small thing.”






“Do you do… all that?” Mick gestured, splaying his arms apart like the expanding body he witnessed.


“Honestly, I don’t know how it happens. All that biological stuff? Haven’t a clue how it happens. That’s not to say there’s no control. There’s plenty of that. I don’t want to sound too bragging, but I do know what I’m doing when I’m with a guy. No danger of any… accidents.”


“Then… why not?” He grasped Nate’s hand, almost revelling in his touch. “Is it me? Don’t you want to be with me?”


At this, Nate just had a deep chuckle, making the bed and his body shaking like there was an earth tremor.


“It’s not a question of me wanting you, mate. The instant we met, I wanted to change you, to initiate you into all this. It’s like, an instinct or something, like you’re always starving or massively horny, or both at the same time. Believe me, if it were just a matter of me wanting it, you couldn’t stop me, literally.


“What, you mean like holding me down and… raping me?”


“Huh? No, not tha-… okay, that too. But there’s something else. Something… unusual I can do, to force myself on you.”


“Wait, what else can you do? How can you force… me to… what is…”


Mick was at a loss for words at what he was feeling. Everything felt good. Amazing! It felt like something was… rubbing him? Stroking him? His skin felt a million supple, sensuous hands massage and stimulate every part of his body it was possible to feel pleasure in! His shoulders, his back, his ass, everywhere. His head felt blissful, full of endorphins, full of… sex! Were he capable of conscious thought, he would have likened it to a wet dream, multiplied by ten, or more.


Everything was building, getting more intense. And it seemed to be travelling down, towards his sodden crotch. His dick, having spent it’s load only minutes before, was raging hard again. He could feel it. He was going to explode this time! He was hanging on by a razor’s edge…


Then, it suddenly stopped. The magic hands ceased. The euphoria subsided, and Mick was slowly floating back down to earth.


“Jesus, man…” Mick said, panting slightly “What was that?”


“That was me. Again. That was a mental trick we can do. It’s hard to explain what it is, so I thought I’d give you a demonstration. It’s what we call ‘tugging.’”




“Yeah. It’s another part of the package deal, as it were. We can turn it off and on, easy as a tap. And that’s related to why I didn’t want to change you… tonight.”


“I don’t get it.”


Nate just shook his head. “Everything I’ve shown you, all that crazy growing, the extra dick, the tugging? It’s only a fraction of what I’m capable of. If I’m not careful, I could damn near literally fuck your brains out. Overdose you on sex, so you can’t conceive of anything else. Render all rational thought useless around me. I can take away your free will, Mick. That is the danger here.


“You… can do that?”


“I can. And it has happened before. I’ve gone online and spoken with some of the guys who originally started this back in the States. Some of the ways they describe how they were changed, or how they changed others, it would be the literal definition of rape, if the law knew about what we could do. There was no consent. Only unwilling coercion. I refuse to let that happen.


“So, you won’t change me, because…”


“Because this is a permanent, life changing action. There is no undo button on all this. But don’t think that means I won’t ever, though. I want you to think about it first. Properly. Go home, and talk to your family about how you feel. If, after all that, you still want to join me and Alex and everyone else, I will happily show you the ropes.”


“You will?”


“I will.” Nate just sat there, naked and stroking Mick’s hair. “Again, if you have any questions or anything, you have my number. Call me at any time, seriously.”


“I think I will. Thank you. For everything.”


Mick leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around the gentle giant, though his arms couldn’t reach all the way around. Nate returned the gesture, encasing Mick in a loving embrace. They could have stayed in that position forever, but a blade of twilight sun breaking through the bottom of the blinds made Mick aware of how long he had stayed.


“Ah shit, I’m gonna be an hour late home! I’ve got to run, man.”


“No problem. Did you need any with your, erm…” He pointed to still prominent mark on his pant fronts.


“Oh. Wait, it’s okay. I’ve got my work pants in my bag. I’ll be ok.”


The two of them got up, and made their way to the front door. In a matter of seconds, Mick had changed pants, and was ready to go.


“So, you gonna be alright getting home alone? It’s kinda late…”


“I’ll be fine. We’re not exactly in Detroit, you know. I’ve done this before.”


“Alright, just offering. Give me a ring if you need anything. Anything at all.”


“Well, before I leave, I do have one… little request.”


“Oh? What is it?”


Mick grabbed hold of Nate’s massive traps, and pulled himself up to face level. After planting one small kiss on his cheek, he dropped down, and ran out the door.


“Well, goodbye to you too, sweetie.” He said softly down the corridor, and gently closed the door.


“Well that was fucking anticlimactic!”


Nate spun around, and saw Alex, sitting in the middle of the mattress pile, rhythmically tapping his shoes on the hard floor.


“Ah fuck, I did kind of ignore you, didn’t I?”


“Kinda. But still, at least you gave me a meal. I do love your cooking.”


“Ha! You don’t come for the cooking, you come for the ‘ingredients!’” As he said this, he waved his imposing cockfrom side to side, emphasising where he got the ‘cream’ for his pasta from.


“To-may-to, to-mah-to, man, seriously. Besides, I do love it when you get all protective and caring over a small guy. I can be patient.”


“I care about him, but I don’t think I’m protecting him. I want Mick to get all the facts, and make up his own mind. It’s the only right way to go about it.”


“I dunno, his mind seemed pretty made up just then. You really think a couple of days, or a week will change it?”


“If he does, cool. If he doesn’t, also cool. So long as he makes the decision.”


“Whatever floats your boat, I guess.” Alex fiddled with his dress, trying to get it to sit more comfortably on his own bulk. “I should be off too, anyway. Rehearsal is in half an hour. The Cabaret calls to me!”


“Some days I wonder why you even bother getting dressed up. You know what I think you look best in anyway.”


“Unfortunately, my sweet, my passion for the arts trumps my more base desires.” As he got up and sauntered out the door, he planted his own lips on Nate’s, and shared a deep kiss. “Though, that’s not to say there isn’t room for fun afterwards. Don’t wait up!”


As the Hulk in Drag waltzed out the door and down toward the lobby, Nate just stood there. As he shut the door, he smirked a little as he thought to himself:


“My life has gotten so weird!”


Part 6.5


It had been a few days since Nate and Mick had their talk. For a while, everything went back to normal for Nate. Well, as normal as it could get for a massive, hyper-sexual superman. He pulled some good money working the door at some inner city club through the week, and was kicking back and getting ready for the next round in the online tournament in about an hour.

“Okay. Game set up, got the address... what to do, what to do?” he was mumbling to himself. Everything was all set up, and he was early. He was already naked, and his bulging body and twin snakes were shining softly in the glow of the monitor. So, he decided to have a 'little' wank to pass the time.

Getting it up wasn't hard. Hell, he was practically designed to be ready, willing and able for sex at any time. As he let his mind wander and his body inflate towards his true dimensions, he thought of Mick. He seemed to be on Nate's mind a lot.

He wondered how Mick was going. Was he thinking his offer over like he asked? What was he doing right now?

Then, his mind turned to more carnal thoughts. He thought about holding him. Wrapping his hot, heavy muscles around Mick's small, supple form. Of plunging his tongue in his throat, and pushing himself in to his small, pert ass. And releasing... everything.

He dreamed of Mick's soft body going hard as steel. Harder, even. Then, forcing his own hugging arms apart as his body grew powerful and enormous. Feeling Mick's sexual appetite erupt, and hungrily fling Nate onto his back and fucking him in turn. Feel his dick grow bigger and harder than ever before inside him, and then be joined by a second, equal appendage as the transformation grew towards its' climax...

Stroking himself with both hands, Nate delivered himself into heaven. With one final gasp, he exploded out of both cannons, and coated himself in his own seed. In the afterglow, he slowly picked at some of the larger splotches on his skin, and relished as he put handfuls of it in his mouth. He loved the taste of it. More, he needed it. He craved it. This was what truly satisfied his body now. It was all he wanted.

As he slowly licked himself clean, Nate realised that it was almost time to turn on his microphone, and link up with the rest of his TF2 team. He was playing the Medic tonight, as he had always done. Nate liked the play style, being the support for his team, giving them the boost needed to help them take the point and overwhelm all obstacles in their way. Helping a team-mate was something Nate was drawn to inexplicably. And he liked it.

<Medic>: Testing, testing. One two three. Can you hear me, Major Tom?
<Soldier>: Yeah, you're loud and clear, Barry White. Ready to go?

A woman's voice came from the computer. Nate always got a smirk from being called that. Simply being a voice in a feed was a nice change of pace from the physical world. No one was gob-smacked by his huge form, or his striking looks. He was just another faceless player online. Albeit, one with an absurdly deep, resonating voice.

<Medic>: Ready as I'll ever be! Are we the only ones on at the moment?
<Soldier>: Looks like. Give it some time though. We still have half an hour before the match starts.
<Medic>: Yeah, I know. I just thought we should talk strategy beforehand. This is kind of an important match, remember?

<Soldier>: Yeah, no kidding. I swear, that medal will look so good on my avatar when we get it. Gonna get so much e-peen!
<Medic>: Haha! Fight for those dreams, girl! Oh hey, looks like our Pyro joined...

One by one, all the team filtered into the chat room. As preparations were made, and character classes were chosen, the big moment got closer and closer. It wasn't long until everything was ready to go! Well, almost everything...

<Heavy>: Hey guys! So sorry I'm late! I swear, Uni gets out later and later for me!
<Demoman>: Well, look who decided to join us tonight!
<Scout>: Oh good, so you DIDN'T die! Well, no worry, it's not like this is important or anything...
<Medic>: Come off it, you two. Some of us do things other than stay at home and play video games. Ready to go, mate?
<Heavy>: Yeah, I'm good. Are you gonna stick with me, medic?
<Medic>: Looks like. Get ready, ladies and gentlemen. This is it!

It was a tough battle. The way the organiser structured the tournament, it was to be expected that the enemy team would be as skilled as Nate and his group. But still, the competition was fierce, and they were neck and neck all the way through to the tiebreaker.

<Soldier>: Point capped! Move up! Move up!
<Sniper>: Coming. Demo, trap those doors! Stop them from flanking us!
<Demoman>: On it!
<Engineer>: Ah shit, Spy backstabbed me! Watch out, Medic! Coming up behind you!

Nate turned his dainty character around, and narrowly avoided being instantly killed by a sneak attack. He was still low on health, and unlikely to survive long against even this compromised opponent. Still, he took out his melee weapon, and tried to get some damage against them, even if he died because of it.
But then, a great lumbering brute wearing Nate's team colours rounded a corner, and fired it's minigun at the confused Spy. In a matter of seconds, the lithe enemy was reduced to minced meat.

<Medic>: Cheers mate. Ready to push forward?
<Heavy> Yep! What's the Uber status?
<Medic>: 60 percent. Should be ready by the last point.
<Heavy>: Alright! Oh, here's a health pack. You look like you need it.

Together, the two made their way to the last control point. If they managed to secure this point, they would win the round, the match AND the finals! Everyone was focused. Nate was pouring all his concentration on healing and strengthening his team-mates, while also building up his special powerup, which would turn allow him and a team member to go invincible, allowing them to jump in and clear out all enemies that were no doubt fortifying themselves, hoping for a stalemate to occur.

<Scout>: Uber status?
<Medic> 78. Anyone need healing?
<Pyro>: Yo
<Spy>: Guys, they're building tons of sentries in here. We need to get in soon!
<Soldier>: It's alright, we have them trapped in there. They can't do anything but wait for us. But we need that Uber to get in! Where are we on that?
<Medic>: 85. Almost there. You ready Heavy?
<Heavy> Almost, just reloading.
<Spy>: Fuck! They're charging their own Medic! They could break out!
<Soldier>: Okay. Kamikaze them, Spy. Die if you have to, just kill that Medic first!
<Spy>: On it.

Things were getting tense. One slip up either way could decide things here and now. Nate was pouring all his concentration into getting ready for the last push. He and the Heavy had to go, now!

<Medic>: 98 percent! Heavy, jump in now! When you land, I'll deploy the Uber!
<Heavy> Alright! Bring on the pain!

Together, Nate and his team blew through the door to the objective. The Heavy jumped down off the railing to the bottom floor, where everyone, and all their guns, were waiting.

<Heavy>: Medic, do it! Do it-URRrrrgggghhhh...

At that moment, a few strange things happened. As Nate hit the button to power up himself and the Heavy, he felt something strange. There was a strange sound, like something was being tossed around, or fabric was being torn. It was like he had released something, or the concentration he was using... slipped? It was unlike anything he had felt before.

Another thing that happened was that the Heavy completely stopped moving. He just stood there, a great big harmless glowing target being shot by all the automatic turrets lining the base. Then, as the charge wore off, both he and Nate were promptly reduced to smears on the wall.

Since Mate's team lost nearly everyone in the doomed offensive, the enemy team had no trouble pushing out themselves and undoing all the progress they had made. The game was over. Nate and his team had lost.

A few minutes later, the rest of the team had gone offline, bitter about their change of fortunes, and angry at their Heavy for dropping out at such a crucial time. Nate was still online, trying to get back in contact. The way he sounded just before the microphone cut out, he was sure something bad had happened. He wanted to make sure.

<Medic>: Dude, are you still there?
<Heavy>: …
<Medic>: You're not hurt or anything, are you? Say something, please!
<Heavy>: Yeah... I'm here.

Something was off. The voice coming from the other end was deep. A lot deeper than the timid squeak Nate normally associated with that username.

<Medic>: Dude, are you alright? We heard crashing sounds and shit! What happened?
<Heavy>: I'm... not sure. I was playing the game, getting hyped up for the big push, but then my body...
<Medic>: Your body...?
<Heavy> It... grew. I'm all bulked up now. Oh God, I ripped my clothes!

Reality hit Nate like an anvil. He must have done... something to the poor guy. He had never heard of this happening before. He recalled they guys who started their group got it from a video or something, but this...

<Heavy>: H-how did this happen?! How am I gonna explain this? My family will freak!
<Medic>: Alright, look. Just don't... don't panic, alright? You live in Melbourne, right? Come and see me. I think I can explain this. Can you do that?
<Heavy>: I... yes, I can do that.
<Medic>: Okay. I want you to meet me at this address...

It was another anxious hour before Nate heard a knock at the door. He opened it to an Asian guy who had indeed worn an outfit that looked three or four sizes too small. The lower half of his shirt was stretched loose, and hung off his already pronounced pecs and shoulders. While he may have been overweight at some point, all that fat must have melted away to be replaced by something much harder.

His collar was being pulled apart by his bulging neck. The thin sleeves of his shirt were splitting at the seams due to the presence of thick, bulging upper arms, and his jeans were fairing little better with some truly mammoth legs. He must have gotten taller too, as his shirt bottom was dangling well above his navel, showing off an impressive lower set of cobblestone abs.

“Oh shit, you're as big as you sound online...” Came the unusually meek tones from the heavily muscled model in the doorway.”

“So do you.” Nate replied. “I'm Nate, by the way. I wanted to apologise for all this... um...?”

“Vinh. My name is Vinh. What happened to me?”

Nate sighed, and moved out of the way to invite his new guest in to his flat.

“It's really hard to explain. But basically, you had a sort of partial transformation. Into something like me.”

“You mean... this happened to you?” Vinh was struggling to pay attention, when he had an amazing new body and libido that demanded his attention. He was subconsciously feeling himself up, and he had a really obvious chubby that was stretching the front of his pants.

“Yeah, but it usually only happens when you get some of my... jizz inside you. I have no idea how it happened over a video game...”

Suddenly, Vinh's eyes lit up. “Wait, this wasn't the whole dose? If I... suck you off, I'll get bigger? I'm down for that. I love this new me!”

“Well, yeah. But there's other stuff as well. There's a whole lot things to think about before you-UNF!”

Nate was practically rugby tackled onto the makeshift bed behind him. For someone of Nate's size, this was exceptionally hard. Vinh was already a lot stronger than he looked!

As he started working Nate's one showing dick, It became apparent that Vinh had simply made up his mind. Nate, recognising this, agreed to get hard. And as he started to swell and grow towards a climax, he muttered:

“Welcome to the club, man.”


Part 7


It was a few more days before Mick went back to Nate's flat, one clear evening


“Oh hey there!” Boomed Nate as he opened the door to his meek guest.


“Hey... Nate.” Came the quiet reply. Looking at Mick, Nate could tell instantly that something was up. He was subdued, quieter than usual. His face was mostly red, and it looked like he had been crying not too long ago. But the biggest thing was the massive, weeping bruise around Mick's left eye socket. He was hurt.


“Jesus, man. Are you alright? What happened to you?”


“...I don't want to talk about it.”


“Dude, this is serious. How bad does it hurt? Do you want to go to the hospital or...”


“Look, just... drop it, okay? Nothing's broken. Can we not talk about it? Please?”


Nate opened his mouth to start up again, but stopped himself just as quick. It was clear that, whatever had hurt Mick was still causing him pain, and not only physically. Had Nate been in that situation, and his old un-augmented self, all he would want is a distraction from all the hurt.


“Yeah. That's... I can do that.”




Nate was just about to shift his massive bulk out of the doorway to let Mick inside his small flat. But, a bolt of inspiration hit him. He wanted to help make what was left of his day better.


“Hey, how do you feel about a little sightseeing? I know a great spot where we can shoot the breeze and kick back. That sound alright?”


“Sounds... good. Though, if we're going out in public, you way want to get a little more dressed up.”


“Huh? Oh yeah! Shit, this could cause a scene!” Only at that moment, did Nate realise he was completely naked. Having his massive body and awe inspiring junk out in the open was so normal for him, he sometimes forgot that it wasn't usually the same for others. He quickly ducked inside to look for whatever clothes were on hand.


A few minutes later, Nate reappeared in an outfit that could charitably be considered acceptable for public display. He had some brightly coloured board shorts on that fit snugly around his massive thighs, and which utterly failed to hide the obscene bulge in the front of his crotch. He also had a camo green t-shirt on, which was several sizes too small, and straining at every seam. His cobblestone abs and prominent nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric. Combined with the shaggy brown hair on his head and face, he looked like a dude who belonged up in Surfer's Paradise. Well, that crossed with Hercules, or Adonis.


And with that, Nate walked past Mick and made his way to the elevator. Mick, like a dutiful puppy, followed. Though, instead of reaching for the G button, Nate pushed the button at the top of the panel. They were going up.


When they got to the top, the door dinged and slid open for the two. The sight that greeted Mick took his breath away. This building certainly was tall. Here, on the roof, the view was uninterrupted for miles around. The sun was setting behind him, and threw the sky into a deep purple. In front, a small distance away, was the city centre. Skyscrapers reaching up to the heavens, starting to light up in preparation of the night, an earthly mirror to the stars twinkling into life above. It was like a a goddamn postcard.


“Wow...” Mick was at a loss for words. “I had no idea your building had this place.”


“Yeah, it's a surprisingly well kept secret here.” replied Nate. “Come to think of it, that could describe a lot of things about life these days, right?”


“Yeah, I guess...” Mick was still gazing out to the city. He slowly made his way to an old wicker lounge sitting by the balcony, and sat down. Nate followed suit, gingerly letting his mass down on the shrieking, protesting furniture.


For the longest while, they just sat there. As they observed the great exodus at the end of the day shift along the roads out to the suburbs, Nate and Mick just basked in the sight, and themselves. Mick slowly let himself droop down, until his head was resting gently on Nate's lap. Nate moved his hands up and soothingly stroked his small friend up and down his side, and gently moved his massive fingers through Mick's hair. While he could keep himself from going hard and throwing Mick of his perch, the urge to just pick him up and start fucking was front and centre in his mind.


It was about fifteen minutes before the silence was finally broken.


“What's it like?” It was Mick.


“What's what like?” came the reply.


“Joining your club. Becoming all big and strong and... tough.”


“Well,” Nate paused, trying to find the right words to describe his transformation. “Imagine a boner, right? You're dick gets so hard and it swells, and it feels so good, even to the point where it hurts a little. You with me so far?”




“Okay then. Now, imagine your dick going beyond that. It grows harder. The feeling gets more intense. Then, it spreads to the rest of you body. There is a colossal pressure, a power, building inside you. But there's no way for it to release. So it – you - keep swelling. Bigger and bigger until it feels like you're about to explode.”


“Sounds... painful.”


“That's the thing. The power, the pressure, it should by all rights be excruciating. But instead, all the pain turns into pleasure. You still feel it, and it's intense. But it's a good feeling. Feels like your whole body is one giant cock, and it's all getting ready to blow all at once.”




“And then, you do blow. You cum and it feels so good in a way that words can never express. It's... heaven. And with that, you're one of us.”


“...Just like that?”


“Just like that.”


Just the way Nate described the process, made Mick go quite hard there and then. Though, that may have been the soft, warm salami his head was resting on, and the strong, enticing aroma that was coming from it. But, now he was genuinely curious about something...


“Who changed you, then?”


“Me?” Nate had too think for an instant. It had been so long since he had seen...


“Brian. His name was Brian Chan.”


“So, what's the story? How did the two of you meet?”


Nate absent-mindedly stroked Mick's hair as he remembered his second birth.


“It was at Mardi Gras, up in Sydney last year. The place was packed, and I had real trouble with panic attacks back then. But then I ran into Brian. And let me tell you, if you think I'm a big guy, you should have seen the size of Brian. Dude was a fucking monster. And a fucking monster as well. How he got himself into clothes or indoors I will never know. Anyway, he helped me out, helped me to calm down and actually enjoy things around me. He was a right proper gentleman, which was something when considering he was only just eighteen at the time.”


Seriously? Eighteen?”


You know, that's exactly my thoughts when I first found out. But you wouldn't know from looking at him. Anyway, he convinced me to come up to his room, along with a few other guys, and... he initiated all of us into Muscle Club, as he called it.”


Huh.” Mick was surprised by how matter-of-factly Nate described things. He could tell it was for Mick's benefit, but it still felt good not to be talked down to about things.


Yeah. So we stayed together for a couple of days. He showed me the tricks we can do to pass for normal, and how we can reach out with our minds, and a few other titbits to help in daily life. Then, it was over. Brian was on a flight back to the States, and the only evidence he had been was my new body, and a few other new mates.”


So, do you... regret it?”


Regret? I think that's a strong word. I enjoy my life, and my body. The benefits are definitely more noticeable than the costs. I guess... I would have preferred it if I had thought things through beforehand. One night of impulse left me in a body that wasn't the one I was born with, and I didn't get so much as a 'see you soon!' from the guy who did it. I think that's why I'm going about things with you the way I am. So that what happened to me goes off much smoother for you, if you choose to go through with it.”


I... thanks. Seriously, I appreciate it.”


For what it's worth, I know how annoying it can be to have to think when you feel you want something. But sometimes thinking twice, especially about something like this, is best.”


But why do you want me to reconsider? You said you liked it.”


I did, and I do. But that's how things have been until now. There are still so many questions. What happens in the future? Are we immortal? Are you okay with outliving your friends and family? Or is the opposite true? Will our hearts give out or something after 10 years? Just how much will we change over time?”


Mick was stunned. He hadn't thought of that before. “Wow. I forgot this is so new. I mean, how long have those Truman guys been around? Like, a few years?”


Exactly. There's no telling how this all ends. Just keep that in mind, alright?”


Yeah, I guess. I... didn't realise.”


Nate rubbed his massive paw over Mick's bony chest. Mick felt so calm. It reminded him of some primal memory of scraping his knee playing as a child, and being with his mum as she kissed his wounds better. A distant, better time. A time before... Ivan.


Um... Nate...”


Yeah mate, what is it?”


If I... say there was something – people - I wanted to protect. Something that meant the whole world to me. And they were in massive trouble, and couldn't make it to safety by themselves.”




I... can't help them the way I am now. I'm too small. I'm too weak. I need to be stronger. I need to be able to fight back.”


Again, Nate sat silent. The rumbles of the twinkling city in the distance were the only sound for over a minute.


Suddenly, Mick felt Nate shift his massive bulk. In one deft movement, Nate grabbed Mick's bony shoulders and hoisted his body up off his lap. Twisting him around, he placed Mick on his ass, straddling Nate's oak tree legs. He gazed intently at Mick's sullen, purple and blotchy face.


Mick,” Nate's deep, resonating voice was drilling into his body and soul. “You are strong. I understand why you think so, but you're not weak. Far from it. You think that muscles make the man. But honestly, all this,” he thumped his massive chest to emphasise his own bulk “Is just on the outside. I've found that appearances only ever frame and support what's in here,” He rested a palm over Mick's quivering heart – and the rest of his chest at the same time “Never the other way around.”


Mick let out a small sob. “That doesn't help at all! I... I'm always picked on for being the sissy. All I ever do is look after people. My job is at a preschool! I'm supposed to protect and guide kids I care about into the world. And knowing I can't... I can't even protect my own family makes me feel like such a fucking failure!”


Nate responded by simply wrapping his bulging arms around Mick's shuddering form, and drew him into a deep, reassuring hug.


Strength takes many forms, man. Anyone can act tough, and hide their feelings from others. But your strength isn't like that at all. Not many guys I know are strong enough to bare their soul to another like you did. Not many would stand up for whoever needed it most.”




Your compassion is your strength. Your integrity and empathy. That is what makes you a beautiful man in my eyes.” Nate grinned, and drew Mick's head in and planted a soft kiss in Mick's forehead.


For about half an hour, they just sat there. Nate and Mick basked in each other's touch, as Mick wept silently. Eventually, he calmed down. Nate, thinking Mick had fallen asleep, gently scooped him up, and made his way to the stairwell. Just before he opened the door, Mick turned his head upwards, and looked into Nate's eyes sparkling against the clear night sky.


Thank you. Seriously, I had a lot to get off my chest tonight.”


Not a prob, mate. We all need a shoulder to lean on now and again.”


Yeah...” Mick went silent again as he descended the stairs in Nate's arms. As they got to Nate's front door, Mick piped up again.


I've thought about what you said. All of it.”




Yeah. And, I understand what you said about the future, and how I don't need muscles to be strong and all that.”




But this isn't just about me. The people I care about need help, and I need to be able to give it to them.”


Does this mean...?”


I've considered your offer, Nate, and I'm taking you up on it. I want you to transform me. I want to be in Muscle Club.”


Nate allowed himself a happy smile at these words.


Alright then, let's get started.”


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  • 3 weeks later...

Next part is coming along, slower than I'd like, admittedly.

I'm staying with my nan right now. I've found it hard to write this sort of stuff with her in the next room watching antiques roadshow. Still, next part is coming!

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