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This is an old story that I haven't quite yet finished.


It's a different style to my usual stuff and is a bit clinical intentionally to help build a scene.


What do you think should I carry on with it...?



It's a slow burner so be patient











28 DAYS BEFORE part 1 and 2

by Tattcub


I never know where to start when people ask for my story. To be honest there are some days when I don't know what a keyboard is let alone type on one.
There are some days when IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MUSCLE.
That's it. Plain and simple. 
Here's my story, learn something from it while you still can and while I am still with you.

We all know about the virus. It took the world by storm, turning everyone who became infected by it into slavering beasts of muscle. They were satisfied only by sex and seemed to become stronger and stronger the more they got.

It is now know where the virus came from, well it wasn't a secret. It was me. I did it. I was it's inventor and the father of this brave new world HA.HA. I didn't realise what I was about to unleash would change everything.

Please note the D designations are over a period of six months. They are just 28 moments I remember that brought all of this crashing down around our ears.


My name is Damien Clements and I am a biochemist specialising in the field of sports medicine and nutrition. I have always been fascinated by the human body and its ability to overcome stress and adversity. I have studied every type of body dysmorphia there is and am something of and expert in the field. I have several colleagues whose skills and knowledge range from basic nutrition to psychophysiology. We are all involved in a secret government think tank known as the Proteus Group. Our job within the think tank is to come up with new ways man can adapt to the harsh environmental conditions on the planet in places that are still left to explore. The Arctic, deep deserts and the sea etc. As a group some of our experiments range from cross breeding crops to deal with tough conditions to gene splicing and manipulation. 

Okay before you start judging bear in mind I said we were secret not ethical. We are or rather we were a group of scientists given a carte blanche for our research and a blank cheque to go with it. If you were in my position you would have done the same given that sort of opportunity. 
We had been together for three years and were beginning to show some results on a particularly difficult problem. The main problem with spreading genetic information is how to transmit that information from and outside source into a host body. You can't just inject it as the hosts own immune system would recognise it as alien and destroy it. We had some disasters with that method I can tell you. Although now looking back at the notes and videos of the tests one or two are strangely arousing. All that growth...

D-27 Damien Clements reporting on test no #112

We'd already decided to forget testing on lower forms I.E bacteria to molluscs and suchlike. Over the last 6 months we had made massive strides in our testing and had determined that a viral delivery system was the best way to transmit the genetic data we had isolated on the Alexander test. (please note that is under separate filing in data section 277 beta)
Viral delivery was clean and fast and could be injected directly into a host subject. Our initial problem was which virus could contain that much genetic information without a) destroying itself B) destroying the information and c) Infecting the host with it's actual malady. To be honest it was the last point that the group had had problems with the most. Trying to toughen a cats skin to make it burn resistant isn't nice to see when the specimen breaks out in bloody sores all over your notes. It's also a wasteful use of the specimen. I have lost count over the number we've had to destroy in the last 6 months alone. We at least have an unlimited line of credit in getting more.
Trying the various de-activated viral agents was time consuming until one of the others, David Simmons came up the idea of actually using a bacteria and a virus together. We infected the virus with the gene data and the bacteria with the virus. It was a particularly aggressive strain of Ebola (De-activated) Very contagious and spread by body fluids so we already had a good method of introduction into a hosts system. The body would fight and destroy the bacteria but would be too late to kill the virus as it would have had time to proliferate while the host destroyed the bacterial carrier. Sort of a message in a bottle in a bottle.
The next test with a cat was a success. The skin toughened to such a degree that it was hard to scratch with surgical needles. Not impervious but a great start. The cat also exhibited slight increase in aggressive tendencies and put on about half a kilo. It was also very hard to get back into it's the one time it escaped.


Clements report no: #223

We've now done several days testing with the delivery system and it works. Everyone is elated here. We're still collating the data but if things pan out as we have predicted we're going to start manipulation of the gene structures for more complicated changes to the test subjects physiology. We've decided to change from cats to something less aggressive. A few of our techs have been scratched or bitten by their charges so we've opted for guinea pigs. Clichéd I know but they really don't bite so much.
The one thing we can't explain on the skin tests are the slight changes to muscle size and density. Nothing major but small increases on almost every subject. Reminds me of Alexander. We're not ready to start on muscle work yet. There are a lot of other considerations first, skeleton and other organs first I think. We decided to go slow and steady and not allow our success to cloud our judgement. David Simmons is ecstatic as the delivery system was his idea. I tried to suggest we continue to strengthen the system but Simmons insists on more testing first just in case there's any degradation or mutation in the genetic structures.


Clements report no: # 245

It's been a week since we upgraded the delivery system and made the bacteria far more aggressive a delivery system. Simmons complained as usual but the stronger package means we can put more complex genetic instructions into the viral messenger. We've even Christened the project we're calling the viral system Project Nuncio. It's derived from a Latin term that means envoy. Nuncios were messengers from the Pope who had the powers to cross most boarders on Papal missions. Quite apt really. 
I have decided that we are ready to take the next steps and begin the inner physical augmentation sequences within the next week. We've seen some great progress with the skin and epidermal experiments. Next it's muscle and bones. The only downside so far that has been noted is the over stimulation of various of the guinea pigs hormone production glands more so in the males than in the females.


Clements report no: #257

Okay now we're cooking with gas, to coin a phrase. We've had near enough a 100% success rate with the new Nuncio delivery system. It's performed better than any of us dared hope. The type of genetic information transmitted this way seems to be unrestricted in size or complexity. We've managed to augment the skeletal structures on numerous guinea pigs. They're structure and strength have improved by about 500 % in some cases. A prime example is when one of the specimens was being removed from a test gantry and was dropped about 20 ft into a ventilation duct that was opened for a maintenance inspection. The creature barely even noticed and started grooming itself. We are also noticing heightened sexual activity in some of the offspring of the test subjects. Even though these animals are naturally highly sexed. Onwards and upwards. I have scheduled the musculature enhancement series to start from tomorrow. 


Simmons report no #221

I am adding this to the record as my protest to the enhancement test being accelerated. Clements' judgement is clouded by our recent amazing success. I know that my delivery system made this happen faster but it doesn't make me any less uneasy about the speed with which we're progressing or the corners that some of my colleagues are cutting. We're scientists and we know full well the penalty for going against the natural order without due care. I will be making an official complaint after the first tests tomorrow morning.


Clements report no #259

We had the first successful delivery of the musculature genome sequences this morning. We used one of the guinea pigs that had already had the bone restructuring sequence. So far no side effects or adverse reactions from the animal. I can't say the same for Simmons, somehow the restraining tape used on the animal broke after the test and Simmons went to recover the animal. It turned aggressive and managed to bite him on the palm of his right hand. Simmons received medical treatment for the small cut and as the animals are screened of any other infections he was cleared for duty even though he was given a broad spectrum anti-biotic just to be sure. I'll file all of the relevant data on the animal once the gene sequences have had a chance to work.


Simmons report #225

We started the muscle augmentation tests yesterday. We'd injected the agent into the guinea pig and all was well. It was about half an hour into the test that the creature somehow managed to free itself from it's restraint and get out. I managed to corner and retrieve it but not before it bit me. I received treatment for the small bite and a shot of "just in case."
That was yesterday. Anyway it was a small bite and doesn't even hurt any more. It healed very quickly. I also want to add that I made my complaint to the higher ups yesterday. We shall see what happens next.

D-20 Clements report #262

Simmons has really stirred up the hornets nest. Apparently he reported myself and several colleagues for cutting corners and unscientific practices. Doesn't he realise we're on the cusp of something truly amazing. If things work as we have planned for so long we've got the keys to cure so many of the worlds ills. He's being a fool. I must try and reason with him. I can't at the moment as he called in this morning sick. He'd been checked after his bite but there was no bacteria infection from the guinea pig bite he had last week.

D-19 Simmons personal. 17.

I was contacted today. Top brass is concerned about my recent report and want me to take a deeper look into my colleagues activities. Thing is I know what they've been doing I just want them to slow it down.
My bite from the other day has healed fully which is a little odd considering how deep the wound seemed to be. Ah well. I guess I was lucky. I am feeling slightly fluey though. Feverish and antsy even. Maybe even a little horny. I can't seem to settle. I feel as if my skin is moving. Must be the anti-biotics,

D-18 Simmons Personal. 18.

Has been a few days since I last made an entry and I am happy to report that I think I got over the little bug I had and to be honest I feel great! The anti-biotics worked a treat. I even think they sorted out the little bit of acne I had. I must admit I am feeling quite horny too. As if some-thing's been switched on somewhere. After the last couple of days feeling under the weather it seems as if all my senses have gone into overdrive. Everything appears a little sharper and in focus. Everything feels great, even sensual and I walked past Clements this morning and even though he's an egotistical prick he smelled great. I still feel a little sore though. I also think I've put on a few pounds over the last few days mainly because I've been eating like a horse. Whatever bug I had did nothing to suppress my appetite. I am back to work tomorrow. I am going to take up the investigation into Clements activities then.

D-17 Clements report #271

After several days off sick Dr Simmons will be returning to duty tomorrow morning. It is good to have him back at this important stage. We are ramping up the test series because of the amazing results we've had so far. I am going to set up a full bone and muscle augmentation series on some of our smaller primates. I know Dr Simmons will have something to say about this but this is my operation and this will go ahead. The results have been too encouraging to stop now.

D17-Clements personal. (file number unknown)

So Simmons is back. Sanctimonious little shit. I cannot believe he would jeopardise the entire project by going behind my back and whining to the top brass. We have worked to hard to get to this point. Guinea pigs were to much for him. If he thought that wait till he sees the monkey. That will blow his mind and maybe he will see sense. If not then I may have to continue to distract the nosy bastard a little longer. 

D-16 Simmons personal 19

Was met at reception by the great man himself as I came back to work. Doctor Clements smiled and shook my hand and told me how happy he was that I was feeling better. He even commented how good I looked considering I had been ill. I smiled and nodded and even thanked him. He informed me that he'd taken the project to the next level and had started the series that morning on the primates. Several different species including a chimpanzee called Byron that I had brought in as a control. He was never meant to be tested. Clements continues to cut corners and rules the roost here as if he's a little tin pot god. His arrogance is breathtaking. If he wasn't so god-damned hot...
Don't know where that last comment came from but he is a good looking man. Just because he's a prick doesn't mean I don't notice. I need to go to supply to get a new coat. This one seems to have shrunk in the wash.

D-15 Simmons Personal 20

I can't seem to concentrate. I have been back at work for two days and even though Clements has started on the next phase of trials against my advice I can't seem to get motivated to do anything about it. Even though I was declared fit for duty I still feel strange. I feel fluey and sore all over but on top of it I feel stimulated, sexually almost all of the time. My clothes feel tight and I have found myself looking in the mirror a lot. Do I look different ? I don't know, can't seem to focus. I need to speak to Clements. He will want to hear these symptoms. I saw Byron this morning and I will admit the results were impressive. His mass has increased by about 15% making him bigger and stronger and more dominant than any of the other Chimpanzees. The thing is rather than become aggressive his dominance is different when he sees me. He just comes to me and wants cuddles or at least that's what he signs to me. We make it a habit of teaching our Chimps a version of ASL to help communication within the lab environs. Damn I think I just ripped my trousers...

D-14 Clements report #281

The new range of tests have been an outstanding success. Even Doctor Simmons seems to have taken on a new enthusiasm for the series with the experiments on his favourite Chimpanzee adding another 15% of muscle mass. It does make the animal rather difficult to control and Simmons seems to have a connection with the beast so I let him deal with it.
On a side note Doctor Simmons himself is putting on weight. He has requested several new items of clothing from stores in the last week. I will have to ask him to report to the gym more often.

D-13 Clements report #292

We had to destroy the Chimpanzee. For some reason along with it's musculature and physiology it's libido was also heightened. Dramatically. Unfortunately to a point where the beast was unmanageable and was trying to copulate with almost anyone who came into the lab. It is very difficult trying to stop and incredibly strong and heavy primate in a sexual frenzy. It got so bad that none of the techs would go into the lab and nobody could approach. The creature seemed to be in a state of perpetual masturbation. The only member of the team who seemed able to approach with "interference" was Doctor Simmons. Interesting. I ordered him to enter the lab and destroy the beast so we could autopsy it and find out the cause of it's aberrant behaviour. He was not pleased and I thought he would get emotional as he does, but he seemed to see sense and went ahead and followed my orders on the condition that he did the autopsy. I agreed. I'll be interested in those results myself. If we have inadvertently triggered a gene that heightened sexual drives or stimulation that could be worth a considerable sum.

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I hope that you will be writing more of this one. >;3 It's quite the arousing begin so far.

Though I wonder: Is the strain that Simmons is infected with perhaps a dominant strain? One that makes him sort off like the father of the next ones and that partly because of that the other infect creatures/persons will be more submissive and needing of his approval and such? =3

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I hope that you will be writing more of this one. >;3 It's quite the arousing begin so far.

Though I wonder: Is the strain that Simmons is infected with perhaps a dominant strain? One that makes him sort off like the father of the next ones and that partly because of that the other infect creatures/persons will be more submissive and needing of his approval and such? =3


Won't say much but remember the chimp that just wanted "cuddles" ?


Glad you like it.

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Be nice to get some more comments here. Motivation is very low but want to write something....


Brain's not helping to much though x

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Awwwr, I'm very sorry to hear that your brain isn't working with you <=( And wish I could help you get motivated. Cause those story is a beauty so far and really deserves more parts. <='3 <3 <3 <3 Younare a great writer ='3 <3 <3 <3

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