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Please give me feedback! It will mean a lot! This growing superbeing thing is really different from my usual type of story (I still found this kind of hot when writing it) :wacko:



Part 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1556-my-dad-is-a-big-boy-re-post/

Part 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1560-my-dads-boy-is-a-big-boy/

Part 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1569-my-dads-boy-is-a-man/

Part 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1595-my-dad-is-a-secret-holder/

Part 5: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1596-my-dad-is-a-cum-fountain/

Part 6: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1606-my-dad-is-a-room-wrecker/

Part 7: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5895-my-dad-is-a-psychic/


My Dad is a Genius







I scratched my brain as I tried to collect the proper formula on the Chemistry homework he’d been given as work over spring break. I couldn’t decide which was the more confusing equation. The ones I’d been asked to form and solve both on paper and in a physical model or the fact that I’d been given homework on Spring Break in the first place. Of course, it was a pretty simple calculation when the homework was coming from Professor Halt. He’d been a hard ass all semester, giving a barrage of tests and project assessments as if he was never really sure how many knew the material. I was typically on the upper side of the class but not because I was really a brilliant mind or anything. Years of having to studying without help from my parent got me god studying skills to pass tests even when I didn’t understand something. Most people would call it abusing the American educational system but I called it survival. That rang just as true when against Professor Halt.


Still, it was a | | night with me on the massive couch in the large mansion, my ears stuffed with loud music that was making it tough to really make many coherent thoughts. I was the kind who needed peace and quiet to really collect my thoughts. Some asshole on the internet had convinced me Mozart was good for stimulating the brain but what I was beginning to realize was the article didn’t indicate what volume you were supposed to listen at. My ears were blaring with violins and brass that blurred my numbers together like a Sudoku puzzle. No one would put themselves through torture like that unless it was to block out something. For some, its loud family members. For others, loud neighbors or sex noises. For me, it was all of the above tenfold. What does “tenfold” mean? Well, after dad discovered he was gaining powers, he and Jeff began playing around and trying to figure out what dad was able to do. His growing pains persisted but they began to show new things in exchange for size. When it began, Dad was able to hold almost as much weight as he could with his own hands and hover over the ground for a rough 3-5 minutes before he had a head ache each. But after only three days, he’d gained the power to lift tons of weight for more than 2 hours and fly several feet without using his telekinesis for another 4 hours! Thing is, after gaining powers like that, dad started getting inventive with his….. sexual desires. I’d generally come to accept that he and Jeff were growing men with desires I couldn’t fathom being bu a fraction of either of their sizes. But in exchange for that understanding, they took it as a sign that I’d be ok with whatever they did. At first, when dad was starting to get hungry for sex, he’d give Jeff a subtle look warning him and then they’d try to play it off.  After dad’s powers grew, though, they started to get more feral and beastial with their mind blowing sex. Dad would do things at the dinner table like stuff one of his massive turkey legs into his mouth and tear at it like a beast while eyeing Jeff, who was receiving it approvingly. Since I was the shortest now among the three of us, it was very impossible for them to hide their horniness since I could see that, though they were across from each other on the far ends of the dinner table, they were rubbing at enormous crotch balloons that only pumped bigger as the dinner went on before they finally excused themselves. Their kind gestures began to loosen and leak out their true intentions as time went on as Dad grew.  Jeff, having not purchased new clothes in a while, had begin to really strain the fabric and was bulging every which way.


Just last night, we were eating dinner and Dad was carving into more food like the bottomless pit he was becoming when a loud RIP reached over the table and grabbed his attention. Jeff grinned as dad would pay attention and notice his pectoral had finally burst from the polo he’d worn to the dinner table. His beefy chest muscle filled the gap and more as it continued to tear when he grinned and flexed it. “Guess I’m going to have to order some clothes again” he said as he flexed a bicep and popped a sleeve. Dad was staring mid chew with focused, dilated eyes. It wasn’t hard to figure what happened next when the two suddenly stood up and abruptly ran out of the room. That entire night, I could hear screams and cries of sexual pleasure across the house that made it nearly impossible to fall into my dreams. I was hard but frustrated as I tried to block out the shouts that shook the walls thanks to dad’s stronger and heavier voice. Can’t get much worse right? Just raise the volume on a soft song, right? Problem solved? Yeah, it would be if you subtract dad’s powers. I wasn’t listening to Mozart on a blaring volume for kicks. The walls were shaking around me as I sat on the tall couch with its tall table. Dad and Jeff were at it again, this time harder than ever. Since last night, Jeff had told me how Dad was starting to get even more powerful and he wasn’t kidding. The walls were shaking as though a continuous earthquake were moving through the house. Walls creaked as dad was most certainly pounding Jeff like a jack hammer against the wall of their apartment….. in midair. Jef’s story telling about his escapades with dad were very detailed. It was still pretty weird hearing my brother talk about how dad was ripping him a new one with his supernatural flying, strength, and sexuality but I got by. I shuffled my body on the couch as best I could to try and stop my hard cock from pressing into my zipper but it was tough. I was my father’s son after all. My 11 inches of cock bounced in their confines thinking of what those two were doing and I hated every minute of it. I’m not fucking turned on by my dad, I tried to say as I pushed my hard on down to continue studying. The chemistry book I had bounced and fell off the living room table unnoticed as I focused solely on the papers before me. I was putting all my efforts into ignoring my dad and brother as they continued breaking in the wall.


“Those two shouldn’t get a fucking room, they should get a fucking hotel” I grumbled as I adjusted my headphones and continued trying to solve this same equation after 20 minutes of staring at it. I was so absorbed in my own little world that I didn’t notice the shaking stop and the pictures on the wall stop shivering and hanging onto their nails as best as they could. Ten minutes later of mind numbing number cruching that got me nowhere with a boner stabbing my pants again, I wasn’t prepared for the giant shadow made by the large being in front of one of the living room lamps.


“Whatcha workin’ on, Squirt?” came a deep baritone filled voice over me. I jumped in my seat and nearly fell the 5 feet distance from the seat of the couch to the floor but caught myself. I was so shocked from my own movement, I had to take a second to take in Dad’s form. His pecs were getting so perky and powerful looking that they were going to block our view on each other on this angle pretty soon. His body was covered in sweat that trickled down the grooves in his muscles like rivers of perspiration. I had to appreciate how lean dad was now, his muscles starting to show veins even when he wasn’t pumped. His short hair was matted on his forehead and looked as if he had been through a thunder storm. His powerful brow showed thick eyebrows that gave his face more masculinity than even Jeff or I expected of him. Dad’s face had a 5 o’clock shadow even though Jeff had shaved him in the massive bathroom after their…. morning escapades. Wearing nothing but a straining pair of tailored briefs that we’d customed ordered but were already straining, his muscles bulged with might.


“Uh, nothing dad..” I mumbled. Dad grinned at me as if thinking about something. “Can I help you with nothing?” he asked with a fatherly grin.


I raised an eyebrow as he asked that. Dad had tried helping us in high school because he’d met my highschool friends’ parents and how they had introduced themselves as the best parents ever, helping their kinds with their homework thanks to their knowledge from doctorate degrees. Dad had tried this and me, being the guilt ridden son that I was, tried to let him. Dad’s learning abilities were pretty shot after high school (or pretty much during for that matter). So helping wasn’t all that great.


“Um…. Sure, dad. I’m working on my chemistry homework.”


“Chemistry?! Ha! Lemme see!” he said as he came at me for the paper playfully. A 17 foot giant coming at you playfully was almost scary as I feared I’d get crushed by an avalanche of dad muscle. I shielded myself pathetically with my arms preparing to be crushed when I felt the paper leave my hand and my hair get ruffled, I opened my eyes just to see a big chin eclipse my vision before dad backed.


“I haven’ seen you cringe like tha’ in years, squirt! Yar abou’ as teeny tiny to me as ya were back when you and ya brother were just toddlers. I swear I have to be careful or I could break that little shape!”


I looked away frustrated as he looked at my homework. I didn’t realize it till he said it now but I really was shrinking in his eyes. I was a puny little thing to him that he called his son but in reality, besides the hair and eyes, I could have been anyone else’s child. And Jeff was just following his footsteps. I was shrinking and becoming a speck of human man like everyone else. Would Jeff get this big? Would I get this turned on by him? Would he gain powers?


I was so in my own mind that I wasn’t watching as dad picked up my chemistry book in a puzzled fashion. He looked back and forth from the paper for a few minutes before setting down the paper and looking at the book, flipping pages. I grabbed my composure and grew a cocky grin.


“Yeah, it’s pretty tough. It took me a day or so to figure out the formula and calculate it. You want to crack at it later?” I said in the most innocent way that I could. I was just happy that dad still needed me this much. He and Jeff were the big and super powerful ones but I’d get to be the smart one. I looked over at dad, his mouth unmoving but his eyes darting over the pages

“Where’s Jeff?” I wondered as he read. “He’s on his bad. Poor kid is laying on his stomach and snoring hard. Tried to get him to stand but he just wasn’t able. He’ll have trouble walking for a bit”

I was grinning to try and ease him out of the homework like I used to as I barely registered the information but something was different. The pages….. they were zipping by. Dad was flipping the pages practically every 5 seconds, giving them a rapid look and then moving to the next one like he’d memorized the pages. My eyes widened as I discovered what dad was doing. Dad suddenly hit the last page of the 300 page book with a thud and looked back at me.


“Sorry, squirt. You waitin’ on me to solve the problem?” he said. I only looked shocked and handed him the paper. “Dad….?” I tried to say but Dad wasn’t listening. Dad took the paper and grabbed my pencil, snapping it. “Fuck” he said before taking one of my pens and confidently writing in the blank for the equation.


His fingers zipped over the page, numbers, equal signs, and other things chasing his hand rapidly. I couldn’t decide if dad was destroying my paper or if he was……


Dad handed the paper back to me after 20 seconds and grinned. “How’s that?” he asked with raised brows as though his concern was more to be helpful than to be correct. I grabbed the paper with shaking hands and scanned it with wide eyes. Everything was…


“Right” I said aloud. Dad grinned as he heard the word and his perfect white teeth shone. I looked at him shocked and almost horrified.


“Dad…. You just read that book fast”


“Whatcha mean? I read for about 2 hours like usual, right?”


“No…..it was probably about 4 or 5 minutes…”


It was Dad’s turn to widen his eyes as he realized what I was saying. He looked at the book confused.


“It just came so easy. The book just made sense.”


Dad looked at me with an excited grin and saw my open bookbag carrying several other books.


“Hand me those books!” he said with an outstretched hand. I looked at the books as though they were gold I didn’t want to hand over. Dad had just proved his powers were still growing, and fast! I knew if I gave him the books I had, he couldn’t go back to being dumb old lovable dad. I didn’t want him to change anymore than he already did but I didn’t want to hold him back for something so petty. I grabbed the books in my hands and raised them over dad’s big hand. His hands were now wide enough to reach the ends of the covers from the end of his middle finger to his palm.


I watched shocked as he read the 7 books I gave him, his eyes flashing over the pages at 10 seconds per page. First he passed through my statistics book, then my calculus book I’d bought ahead of next year. Then he passed over U.S. History and even my art History book, all thick 400-700 page books that he’d finished in roughly 30 minutes. By the end of it, there was a huge grin on his face and his eyes seemed to look at something far away.


“Dad?” I said worriedly as he looked at the papers on my table and quickly grabbed the pen by him. My jaw dropped as I watched dad cut through any homework or projects I had like they were coloring book pages before he neatly stacked them onto the table again.


“Shit” he said as he looked at the papers and then at his hands. I could see the gears move through his head as he tried to understand what had happened. “I….helped you with your homework. All of it….”


I looked at the papers on the table and felt my stomach sink and my jaw go along with it as I was coming to an agreement on his statement. Everything was right and correct and showed work where it was needed. Each page was the equivalent to a perfect 100. Even when he crossed into high level calculus!


I didn’t have time to sulk as dad suddenly stood up. When something as big as him stood up, you noticed it pretty easily. “Dad? Are you ok? You just solved all of my college level homework and finished it after reading all my books in under an hour!”


Dad didn’t seem to totally hear me as he focused in on something as though he were looking through the wall.


“Son” he said. I sat up as though he’d just given me a command as his deep voice sounded dumbfoundingly serious. He was like a large ferocious beast suddenly. Was it his actual size or was it his presence? Something had changed completely.


“Warn your brother. We’re gonna be in trouble soon.”





To Be Continued…….

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I really like this! What's particulary interesting to me, is that instead of exasperating any sort of over-inflated ego, it seems to be pushing it in a more positive direction. For example, the telekinesis lets him hold and manipulate objects too small for him now, in theory, and his mind reading means he won't forget anytime soon what it means to feel afraid, depending on how much of a "mental shield" he's developed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's turning into a pansy, just that he seems to be holding onto his perspective and his confidence seems justified. I feel like instead of going from cocky to cruel, he'd stay cocky or maybe even become protective. But maybe I'm just projecting.


What I would like more of is a bit more of the man-on-man action, or at least a more direct "view". I feel like you are just giving us a small taste, but now I want the full spread more than ever. Great physical descriptions by the way.


Oh, and before I forget, thanks for the great story, and please do keep writing!!


Also, if you are ever totally, and completely strapped for ideas, I'd like to point to a specific part of the original story that I, personally at least, would like to see built upon. I don't remember the exact details, but either the father or son were getting pretty huge, and it started to have an effect on the nearby local men. Unfortunately, we never really got to see what happened. Personally, I'd like to see that idea explored more in one of your stories someday, but I realize beggars can't be choosers, so I'm not exactly holding my breath; I figured I'd just throw it out there just in case you literally had no idea what to write and were willing to work with any idea, even though I realize that will probably never happen.


Let me know it there is some sort of specific feedback you'd like, since it's the least I can do. Once again, thanks for the great stories, including this one, and I hope to see another chapter! 

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I love me some enhanced mental capabilities for the big guys, can't wait to find out what the new threat is, and how easy it will be for dad to deal with it :D

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I really like this! What's particulary interesting to me, is that instead of exasperating any sort of over-inflated ego, it seems to be pushing it in a more positive direction. For example, the telekinesis lets him hold and manipulate objects too small for him now, in theory, and his mind reading means he won't forget anytime soon what it means to feel afraid, depending on how much of a "mental shield" he's developed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's turning into a pansy, just that he seems to be holding onto his perspective and his confidence seems justified. I feel like instead of going from cocky to cruel, he'd stay cocky or maybe even become protective. But maybe I'm just projecting.


What I would like more of is a bit more of the man-on-man action, or at least a more direct "view". I feel like you are just giving us a small taste, but now I want the full spread more than ever. Great physical descriptions by the way.


Oh, and before I forget, thanks for the great story, and please do keep writing!!


Also, if you are ever totally, and completely strapped for ideas, I'd like to point to a specific part of the original story that I, personally at least, would like to see built upon. I don't remember the exact details, but either the father or son were getting pretty huge, and it started to have an effect on the nearby local men. Unfortunately, we never really got to see what happened. Personally, I'd like to see that idea explored more in one of your stories someday, but I realize beggars can't be choosers, so I'm not exactly holding my breath; I figured I'd just throw it out there just in case you literally had no idea what to write and were willing to work with any idea, even though I realize that will probably never happen.


Let me know it there is some sort of specific feedback you'd like, since it's the least I can do. Once again, thanks for the great stories, including this one, and I hope to see another chapter! 

If it makes you feel any more confortable, the next few chapters are going to definitely spark up the intensity on strength and super masculinity


I love me some enhanced mental capabilities for the big guys, can't wait to find out what the new threat is, and how easy it will be for dad to deal with it :D

I'll try not to make you wait for too much longer :D

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