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Myostatin Treatment


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Part 13


Paul did know that the treatment was still working for him. His workout pump felt solid and he was ravenously hungry. He went back to the buffet place and lost track of how many plates of food he had eaten before the manager came up to his table.
"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave," he quietly demanded.
As Paul ate, he could feel himself get heavier and thicker and stronger and his shirt was beginning to rip at the seams. The continuing sense of power building in his body nearly turned to rage at the manager's rudeness, but Paul took a deep breath and asked, "Why?"
"We can't have people stealing food," the manager replied.
"I'm not stealing food. I'm eating it."
The manager took a step back as he said, "I don't want to have to get the authorities involved."
"What!?" Paul exclaimed and he noticed the staff watching their interaction from across the room.
"Can I finish this plate before you throw me out?" Paul asked and began eating again. The manager just watched him as he finished.
Paul was halfway down the block when one of the staff caught up to him with a couple unmarked containers. "Steak tips and chicken fingers," she explained. "You liked them both times you came in." And Paul then recognized that it was the same girl that called him 'ripped' the first time he went there.
"Thanks, that'll help," Paul replied.
"I could get you more. We throw out a lot of it," she offered.
Paul was about to decline, but between him, Sasha and Robert, they might as well not let food go to waste.
She took Paul's hesitance as agreement and held out a piece of paper. "Just text me and either me or my brother can run it out to you. I'm Berty."
"Why?" Paul asked.
"Huh?" Berty replied as it took her a second to understand Paul's question. "Oh, my boss is a dick, and you're pretty amazing to look at," she confessed with a giggle.
"You don't see guys as big as me?" Paul teased.
"Not up close."
There were people walking around, but Paul offered, "Wanna feel my arm?"
"Oh my god, yes!" Berty replied as she even hopped up and down in anticipation.
Paul pulled up his sleeve and flexed his arm and Berty gasped and touched it quickly like it was gonna burn her.
"You can grab it," Paul coaxed.
"Oh my god, I have to get back," Berty exclaimed and she shoved the containers into Paul's hands and ran back to the restaurant.
Between the manager pissing him off and Berty nearly worshipping him, Paul was flush with adrenaline and confidence. He couldn't just head home, so he decided to workout again. He hoped not to run into Marc again. He'd just be a distraction from the strong drive Paul had to go heavier than the last workout and then get back to eating. His shirt wasn't going to last through the pump, so he bought a 6XL shirt. It was definitely big on him, but not as ridiculous as it would have been just a week ago. "On that smaller trainer Don, it'd look like a dress," Paul thought.
Since Paul's pants were already the biggest available and no longer baggy and more leg growth might get uncomfortable, he decided to follow something like the doctor's upper body workout.
"Hey, Paul. Back for more so soon?" said Marc jokingly, because he at first thought Paul had just forgotten something in the locker room.
"Yeah, I can't help myself," Paul replied as he headed to the gym floor.
Marc was about to comment on the dangers of overtraining or joke how Paul went from having baggy pants to a baggy shirt, but he saw the intensity in Paul's eyes and knew to back off. "Let me know if you need anything," he called out.
Paul started with a simple chest press, working up to four large plates, which he now noticed were 45 pounds each, on each side of the bar. He thought Marc had loaded up to three plates on each side, and this time he felt like he had to focus more on pushing and flexing the muscle, especially when he got to the ninth rep.
He moved over to a row machine, and soon had six plates on each side of that. Chin ups were next. In a video online, he had seen a bodybuilder chain weight around his waist for that exercise, but Paul didn't know how to do that, so he went up to 25 reps in each set to really feel his arms and back working and pumping thick with blood.
Next, at the squat cage, he loaded up two 45s on each side for overhead presses, then added 25s for each of the next two sets and a 10 for the last. Finally, he worked up to the whole stack for triceps push-downs. He knew his form wasn't great, but it felt good to max out the machine. Usually he didn't feel the growth kick in while he worked out, but he knew he was already more than pumped and a second circuit of the workout would need heavier weight. "I could go round again," he thought, "but I'll save my energy for some playtime with Sasha tonight." As he was heading to the locker room, he passed Marc and Don who stopped talking to stare at him.
"Hey, Paul," Marc said as he followed Paul, "you mind if I see what your weight is?"
Marc had Paul step on the scale in the locker room. "Damn, you're almost 280 pounds!" Marc exclaimed. Then he lowered his voice to ask, "Am I gonna grow like that?"
"It was designed for me, so you'll probably grow a little slower, and I've been eating lots and resting this week before today."
"Hey, a little slower is fine. This is insane!" Marc's excitement reminded Paul of Berty.
"Actually, it might take a few days to kick in, so you could take it tonight," Paul realized.
"Ok, no problem. Are you working out here again?"
"Probably," Paul replied. "I'll be interested in seeing how you grow."
Marc said, "I can't wait!" and nearly skipped out of the locker room. Paul started eating through the container of steak tips as he left the gym and looked forward to seeing Sasha.
Marc went back to his cubicle and grabbed the dosed water bottle as Don entered behind him.
"What did that guy give you?" Don demanded to know.
"What? Nothing!" Marc replied as he clenched the water bottle in both hands.
Don loved being in great shape, but he could never pack on the muscle. He never got the volume of clients that the more muscled trainers got, and never as much "tips". Don had thought it was odd that Marc got excited about that guy Paul's obviously amazing growth. Marc was too self-centered to be happy for someone else without it meaning something for him, Don thought. His suspicions led him to eavesdrop when Marc followed Paul to the locker room. Don wondered if they were going to have sex or something, because Marc was so uncharacteristically giddy. What he overheard was a bigger surprise.
Don asked, "Did he give you that bottle? He said something about you taking something and growing."
"Dude, don't tell anyone!" Marc retorted.
"I'll keep your secret if you share. Besides, I booked him for you and you owe me a favor."
Marc sometimes flirted too much and got clients too interested in him, and Don usually bailed him out and smoothed things over if the clients or the owner got upset. Marc always put off "paying back" Don, but that did not seem an option this time.
"At least it's Don," Marc thought to himself. "He has no hope of out-growing me."
After some complaining, Marc poured half the bottle into a cup and they drank their share down.
Paul finished the last of the chicken as he returned home, but was still a little hungry. He texted Berty about getting more food the next day and included that his schedule was pretty open. She asked how much time it would take him to get there. Since he was close, she offered to have her "little brother" bring the food to him after their breakfast closed. Paul gave her his address and then ordered some 5XL clothes for next day delivery.
Sasha came home as Paul came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, obviously still damp from a shower. "Oh, god, it feels good to be home." They hugged tight and kissed and neither of them could hide their growing passion.
"I think I get it," Sasha admitted. "Even if you were an asshole like Robert, your body is incredibly irresistible."
"Are you saying you'd do Robert?" Paul said with mock anger.
"I'm apologizing," Sasha explained.
"I can think of a few better ways to make it up to me," Paul said before they shared another kiss.
Paul's towel fell to the floor, so Sasha gave a rushed strip tease to join him in the buff. They continued kissing and tried to feel every inch of the other's hard, bulging body for a few minutes before Sasha stopped to ask, "Are you hungry?"
"Starving," Paul replied, so they made dinner, still naked, and after they ate Paul carried Sasha back to his bedroom. They spent the night making love. They both knew that the physical activity would trigger growth for both of them, but unlike before, that took a back seat to the closeness and pleasure and joy they found together.
Paul woke up with Sasha straddling him, looking impressively big. He was dangling the tape measure for Paul to see. "Shall we see where we are now?" Sasha asked.
As Paul got up and flexed for Sasha to measure him, he realized he felt sore for the first time in a long while. He still felt energized like he wanted to get another workout or two in that day, but that sore ache told him he'd be better off resting and eating, and would probably continue to grow even without the workout. Besides, he probably didn't have anything that now fit him except the large shirt he got yesterday.
Sasha reported Paul's measurements amid various expletives: 22" arms, 18" forearms, 59" chest, 29.5" waist, 32" quads, 18" calves, 20" neck.
Then Paul took his turn measuring Sasha, impressed with his gains: 20" arms, 16.5" forearms, 55.5" chest, 31" quads and a 31" waist, 17" calves, and 18" neck.
"You gotta work on your legs," Sasha advised Paul.
"That'll be tomorrow's workout," Paul promised.
They soaped each other up in the shower and held hands through breakfast, and felt the ache of being disconnected as Sasha left for work.
Paul did some house work and then had a second breakfast. He found some drawstring shorts that barely fit, and was working through his inbox when Berty texted that her brother Rense was on his way.
A few minutes later, Paul opened the door to see a tall kid struggling with a large box of the familiar generic containers. Paul grabbed the box from him and was surprised that it felt to him like it was just filled with styrofoam. He brought it inside and could feel Rense staring at his back. "Woah," Rense said, still standing in the doorway. "My sister said you were big, but you're freakin' huge!"
"Thanks. Do you want to come in? Should I give you a tip?" Paul asked.
"Well, it is snowing a bit out there, and my sister will just think of some other errand to keep me busy, so I could hang out here a bit," Rense answered. "Actually, I'd love some advice on putting on some muscle."
"Oh, yeah? Well," Paul began from the little knowledge that he had picked up, "the most important thing for a skinny guy is to eat." But then Paul froze as he realized he used the "skinny" word which he remembered hating.
Rense simply nodded and then looked over at the box of food, "Looks like it's important for big guys, too."
Paul laughed. "Yeah, do you want have some with me?"
"No, I already ate breakfast," Rense replied.
"So did I," Paul said as he opened up a few containers.
"I guess I could have a couple silver-dollar pancakes," Rense admitted as Paul got two plates and silverware.
"How about some eggs, too? Protein's important for building muscle."
"Okay," Rense agreed as he watched Paul eating the food as he was also serving it. Rense had figured he brought enough food for a week, but he quickly realized that it might not last the day.
Between bites, Paul asked Rense about himself and shared a bit of his own life story. Rense reminded Paul of himself, except with darker skin. He was tall and skinny and friendly and seemed a bit directionless. He was taking classes at a community college, but his dream was to be an actor. He auditioned, but usually felt like the ugly duckling. Paul thought he was cute, but he did have a fade-into-the-background, average body look. He did occasional workouts at home, but he hadn't noticed any improvement.
When Rense refused more food, Paul offered him some water. The kitchen was open to the eating area, but Paul's back was wide enough that even if the kid was watching, he wouldn't have seen Paul carefully slice a bit into his finger and place a drop of blood into the glass of water he gave to Rense. Paul was still unsure what effect just a drop of his blood would have, but he figured it might be a fitting payment for the growth that Rense's delivery provided to him.
To Paul's disappointment, Rense drank only half the glass before he said he should get back to his sister. Paul encouraged him to finish the glass, but Rense politely declined and left.
Next, Paul called Robert, who was hobbling around his apartment and wearing a bed sheet as a toga. He had just ordered lunch and his neighbor was going to cook a very big dinner for him.
"That's pretty generous of her," Paul commented.
"Well, I gave her my credit card for the food, so I'm feeling pretty generous, too," Robert replied.
Paul told Robert he'd call to check-in the next day, and then did some work while snacking on some more food containers. Later, his clothing delivery arrived and he was happy that everything fit a bit roomy, but then decided to place another order for 6XL clothes at regular shipping.
Sasha came home late to find Paul sleeping on the couch. Well, like Robert, Paul now fit mostly on the couch.
"Hello, Sleeping Beauty," Sasha cooed as he kissed Paul awake.
"Hello, Prince Charming," Paul replied.
Sasha eyed all the empty containers. "I see the dwarves have been busy."
"Well, the gold doesn't mine itself," Paul quipped.
Sasha looked Paul's even bigger body over. "You could have fooled me."
Sasha felt his pulse quicken from the sight of Paul standing up and stretching and he reached for the glass of water on the table.
"Woah, don't drink that," Paul warned.
Sasha looked at the water and asked, "Why not?" as he began to suspect the reason. "Who's it for?"
"It was for the brother who brought me all that food," Paul replied, indicating the empty containers.
"But he only drank half of it?" Sasha guessed. Paul nodded.
"Well, since this is something we're doing now, can I bring it to work for someone?" Sasha asked. "He used to be a good friend, but now I think he's too scared to talk to me. Getting big does have some downsides, I guess, but maybe we'd be friends again if he wasn't so small."
"Are you doing this for him or for you?" Paul asked.
"Both? Ok, I kinda assume that anyone would want to grow their muscles if it was easy, but I'll ask him before I give it to him."
"Ok, and tell him something so he won't go tanning. We don't need another Robert."
Sasha smiled and agreed, "No to Roberts. Maybe I'll tell him he's more at risk of cancer."
"From the tanning," Paul prompted.
"Yeah, from tanning, not in general. I don't think he tans, anyway. What did you tell the brother guy?"
"Oh, I didn't really tell him anything," Paul realized, "but he's kinda dorky and he's black. Do they go tanning?"
"Another built dork? You're not worried about the competition?" Sasha teased. "And, I think everyone can go tanning if they want to."
"What competition? Besides, if you find someone better than me, he's mine," Paul joked back.
Sasha couldn't resist joking about breakfast for dinner, but they reheated and split the remaining food from the buffet place and a couple protein shakes before spooning in bed and falling asleep.
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I love how Sasha & Paul's are around each other. So cute and perfect for each other. <3 <3

Though wish Paul and Sasha would grow to Robert's size sooner and without any of the consequences in terms of skin splitting and that kind of stuffm >.< More realistic growth is so slow. Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 14


The next morning, Paul noticed Sasha's work clothes fit comfortably over his massive muscles.
"Where'd you get those clothes?" Paul asked. "I might need to go to an interview or on-site meeting at some point."
"I went to a tailor and told him to give me lots of room to grow. He did a good job, and he's not far. He's not cheap, either. I'll send you his info," Sasha promised as he left for work.
Paul realized Robert would also need clothes and decided to bring the clothing catalog over to him and see how he was doing before the weekend when he hoped to spend all his time with Sasha. He also got ready to hit the gym on his way back and his new pants gave him room to grow his legs today.
Paul was just outside of Robert's place when he got a text from Berty saying she was about to head over with breakfast leftovers. Paul sent her Robert's address, which was maybe a bit closer to the buffet restaurant, so he didn't think Berty would mind the change. He waited for her while he made an appointment with Sasha's tailor and left a message for Marc that he'd be back in the gym later today and told Robert that he'd up in a few minutes.
"Damn," Berty exclaimed as she rolled a hand truck stacked with boxes over to Paul, "I just can't get over how big you are. I could spot you like two blocks away!"
Paul moved to take the cart, but Berty shooed him away. "I got it. I'm no delicate flower. Just hold the door open like a gentleman."
Lucky for both of them, Robert's building had an elevator. Sure, Paul could have lifted the boxes easily, but it would still mean navigating the stairs with a box in his face. And it gave Berty a reason to stand right next to Paul's huge arm, which she gently petted. Paul flexed the arm and Berty froze, giving a bug-eyed stare to Paul, who chuckled. The elevator door opened and Paul rolled the cart out to Robert's door and knocked. Berty followed him and started poking at Paul's ass appraisingly.
"That's not natural," she decided as Robert opened the door. He was wearing a towel around his waist, and likely nothing else.
"Oh my Lord!" she exclaimed. "Am I on camera? Did I win something? That has got to be mirrors!" And she walked around Robert like she actually expected Robert to be some sort of hologram. Robert looked slightly annoyed at Paul. Paul might have gotten bigger than Sasha and Marc, and he felt like a big guy around them, but Robert was awesome and humbling. He was maybe slightly bigger than the last time, Paul thought, but then he realized Robert wasn't just bigger, he was taller. He was slightly taller than Paul now.
"Can you explain?" Robert asked Paul, breaking his reverie.
"She brought food," Paul explained weakly.
Robert yelped as Berty grabbed his ass. "That is real!" she decided. "I'm sorry, but I thought he... well, but you... and I... Oh, can I get something to drink?" And she began to swoon.
Robert caught her in his arms and Berty with a grin and a wink said, "Thank you." It was her turn to yelp as Robert picked her up off her feet and carried/tossed her onto the couch. "I'm fine here," she said calmly as she started intently at Robert's exposed upper body.
Paul had started unpacking the food and Robert sat and helped himself to a container as Paul explained his arrangement with Berty. Paul noticed that Robert seemed all healed up except for a few fading bruises. "Do you knees still hurt?" Paul asked.
"Yeah, but every day it's less. Nice job on the food delivery score, that will definitely help us grow more."
"Promise me you'll wait to do any kind of physical exercise until after I see the doctor on Monday."
"What, and disappoint our ravishing orchid over here?" Robert feighed shock and turned to Berty. "Don't you want to see me work these muscles?" he asked with a bounce of his pecs.
"I want you to work 'em so hard!" Berty raved.
Paul asked Berty, "Don't you have to get back to work?"
She never took her eyes of Robert as she replied, "My dick boss is married to my aunt, and he wouldn't dare fire me, but I am off the clock until I get back." She asked Robert, "Can you make them do that dance again?" He flexed his pecs again like dribbling basketballs and then hit an incredible double bicep pose. This morning Paul noticed that his own arms were as big as his head, but just Robert's biceps alone were almost the size of his head.
"Can you come back tonight with more food?" Robert asked with a leer as he held the pose.
"Tonight and every night," Berty replied seductively from the edge of her seat.
Paul showed Robert the catalog for ordering clothes and they talked for a bit more as they ate. Berty continued to watch Robert like a blockbuster movie. Finally, Paul got up, grabbed a couple containers into a bag and saw Robert mouth two words, "Take her."
"C'mon, Berty," Paul called to her. "Let's get you back to work so you can bring Robert's food later."
"Ok," she responded dreamily before telling Robert, "I'll be over around 10pm. No need to call. Is that okay?"
"Okay, I'll be here," Robert replied.
In the elevator, Paul counseled Berty, "You don't have to bring him food. He's just teasing and using you."
Berty looked at Paul angrily, "You don't think I know that? I've been used for worse than free food, and I'm eventually gonna tell my grandkids about this one! I'm sorry, you're pretty amazing, too. I can still have Rense bring you some food when I get my hands on him. It's your own fault for telling him to workout. He can't afford a membership, so he's looking for a job at a couple gyms right now." Berty grunted to express what she thought of that.
"Maybe he'll get as big as me someday," Paul offered.
"There ain't enough God for that miracle," Berty countered.
When Paul got to the gym, Marc was at the front desk waiting for him. And Rense was there, too.
"Hey, Paul. We're going to have to get a bigger door for you soon," Marc joked, but Paul had noticed that getting through some doors gracefully required a bit more thought than usual. Paul noticed Rense looking bashful and turning red.
"Hi, Rense," Paul said as he wondered if he was embarrassing him in some way.
Marc interrupted, "Oh, you know Terrence?"
"He's a friend of a friend," Paul answered, using the line he hadn't used in a long time for when he ran into someone he had hooked up with.
"My sister," Rense barked.
"Yeah, I know his sister," Paul clarified.
"Well," Marc said to Paul, "I'll meet you by the water fountain in a couple minutes, okay?"
As Paul continued to the locker room, he heard Marc say to Rense, "Actually, young man, we might have a position for you. Why don't you leave your number ..."
Paul changed into a tank top and couldn't help flexing for himself. His biceps and forearms were thick and veined and then he copied Robert's pec dance, even though he had smaller bowling balls to Robert's larger basketballs. As Paul waited for Marc, he caught a double reflection of his back in the mirror across the room and marveled at its width.
"Sorry, I had to deal with, um, I mean, speak with that friend of yours about working here," Marc said awkwardly.
"I'm working legs today, so I'm thinking squats," Paul stated, anxious to get working and then get eating.
"Ok, great. Lunges are good, too, and we can mix in some deadlifts and calf work, too," Marc offered.
Paul started with two plates on each side as a warm-up at the squat rack. Marc added another plate on one side for the next set, but Paul added two more to the other side and ordered Marc to do the same with a single word, "More." Marc obeyed.
When Paul added another two plates for the following set, Marc did the same without questioning, but with a concerned look.
"Do you want to spot me?" Paul asked even though he wasn't worried about the weight. His legs felt like nuclear reactors that had just begun to power up.
"Well, do you mind if I adjust your form?" Marc asked. He demonstrated and coached Paul using an empty bar from a bench, and either from that lesson or the extra recovery time, Paul felt like the five plates on each side was just as light as the three plates. Paul added two more plates and Marc reluctantly did, as well.
"I'll spot on this one," Marc said and he got behind Paul. Paul felt Marc's arms on his lats and he wished it was Sasha spotting him. His dick stirred at the thought and his legs felt anxious to work against the heavy weight and give Sasha a set of legs even more worthy of worship. Each rep was a bit slower and tougher, and on the sixth, he felt Marc bracing his sides. He grunted through one more before he racked the weight. Paul's legs burned and he sat down on a nearby bench to recover.
"That was amazing," commented Marc. Paul saw Don applauding and Paul grabbed his water bottle and raised it in thanks. After chugging it, he stood and added a plate to the bar.
"Are you serious?" Marc asked. Paul returned an unhappy stare. "Ok, but I don't want to risk you falling on me," Marc said as he waived Don over and they stood at either side of the loaded bar.
"Think about driving up by pushing down," Marc coached before Paul executed a smooth rep. Marc and Don moved to rack the bar, but Paul yelled, "No!" before he did a second rep. The third rep was a little shaky, the fourth a bit wobbly, and Marc and Don held their breath as Paul slowly struggled with the fifth and then racked the bar. Paul hobbled towards the locker room as he rhetorically asked the trainers, "Deadlift next?"
He wasn't sure if he was going to vomit at first, but eating one of the containers of food actually seemed to settle his stomach. As he walked back to the weight room a bit more easily, he felt his flexing quads fill his pants, almost stretching the material. His impressive squat workout was not much more impressive than the rest, and after the deadlift, lunges and different calf exercises, his pants were annoyingly bunching up around his thickened thighs and bulging calves. His back and shoulders also felt pumped and he even looked a little wider when he checked himself out in the mirror again.
"That was amazing!" Marc repeated as he and Paul walked to the locker room. In a lower voice, Marc shared, "My workout yesterday didn't feel any different. Could it not be working on me?" he asked.
"Give it some time," Paul replied. "It took a week for it to really kick in for me." But Paul admitted to himself that hadn't worked out until the end of that week.
"Oh, okay," Marc replied, still frustrated, then he smiled at Paul. "Great workout, by the way, and you're lookin' huge and hard in that tank." Marc grabbed Paul's arm with a squeeze.
Paul wasn't sure if Marc was hitting on him, or if flirting was part of his job, but he thanked Marc, got his shirt back on, and started on the second container of food.
Before he left the gym, Paul told Marc he'd probably be back Monday afternoon.
"Okay, I'll be here," Marc replied.
Paul walked down the street knowing he was another step closer to reaching Robert's size and beyond. He enjoyed the bright afternoon sun that lit his way down the street.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got caught up, and this story is still incredible.  I do hope Paul grows some more.  It's not fair for the person who started all this to be outgrown by someone else.  Maybe he needs to get to a tanning booth! However, he does it, I hope he can overtake Robert again.

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