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A one off I found buried deep in my documents folder, did a little rewriting and clean up. But its more of less one of my first stories from when I was 16.






Jamie hate Chris with a vengeance, they were polar opposites. Jamie a smart, hardworking student, and Chris a lazy,arrogant football star. They’d only been forced together because neither could afford to live alone. But Chris was taking liberties every day, Jamie would return home from either college or his job at a local restaurant to find the apartment a mess.
Chris would usually be snoozing on the sofa, in just his briefs, teasing his unfortunate roommate with his chiseled tanned body. Jamie was getting tired of it, Chris was nearly always late with the rent and Jamie couldn’t handle school, work and cleaning an apartment every day.
So he got Chris a job at the restaurant, they were now both waiters. Jamie regretted it the first day. Chris in all his 6ft5 brick shit house glory attracted every customer to his section. Within a week Chris was racking in 3 times his wage in tips every day, Jamie was barely making half.

“Some guys just have it kid” Mr Cliff the manager would grunt when ever Jamie complained

And he was the only one to complain, the other workers, all girls, loved Chris and he loved them if the moaning from his room every night was anything to go by.
Chris knew how Jamie felt and rubbed it in his face at every opportunity. He’d flash his cash when ever he could, and even got Jamie to agree to being the only cleaner of the apartment when Jamie fell short of the rent one month.

It was all because of Chris’ looks, Jamie was sure of it. When people came into the restaurant their eyes were instantly attracted to the broad shouldered jock and his killer smile. He brought a uniform a size too small to show off his pecs and abs, he’ll roll the sleeves up so his biceps really bulged.
The customers loved it, the girl fawned over him and the guys admired his body and would question him about workouts and sport. Jamie would only get a thanks and a minuscule tip.

One day a package arrived for Jamie, there was no return address. He opened it and found a book, an old leather book. A letter attached read.

Try the spell on page 23

A Friend

A spell book, Jamie thought, it couldn’t be real. He flicked the book open to page 23.

Transfer Spell, even the playing field with this handy curse.


Jamie decided to give the spell a go, after a couple days of getting ready he chanted out the curse in the staff toilet at work and felt the power of it surge inside him, then very anti climatically it dissipated.
When he returned to his section of the restaurant he spotted hulking Chris taking another handful of tip money, and it made Jamie smirk.
The curse had needed something to set the transfer off, and Chris’ catalyst would be tips. Every tip he got for the next couple hours would ‘even the playing field’. Even if only a couple inches were gifted to Jamie it could make the world to the 5ft7 waiter.
Jamie had chosen a Thursday to place the curse on Chris, it was their slowest day of the week, so not that much would be taken from Chris, Jamie wasn’t a nasty person, he just wanted the world to be fair. But Jamie hadn’t accounted for the local stadium hosting a music concert that Thursday.


“Thanks ladies” Chris grinned at the twenty the giggling group of girls has left him at their table

He stuffed it into his apron, and then pulled the apron’s knot tighter around his waist, it felt a little loose. Chris quickly loaded the girls plates up and carried them back balanced expertly on his thick forearm. His other arm swung at his side and he’d flex his bicep a little for the tables he passed. The ladies eyes would light up and most of the men would either submit to Chris’ obvious dominance or would have a flash of confusion cross their face as odd thoughts entered their heads.

An elderly man stopped Chris and gave him a friendly shake of his free hand “For you kid, I saw your game last week you deserve it”

The man left for the door, Chris tucked the folded up 50 into his apron. There was always one or two people who felt the football star needed to be congratulated and he never complained.
Chris wobbled on his feet and the plates slid off his arm, he stood dumb as they crashed to the floor. It had never happened before, he had perfect balance, his arms where long and thick enough for a full tale of plates to rest on.

“I’ll get it honey, just go back to your table” one of the waitresses offered

Chris left the shattered pile and quickly moved away from the stares to the other side of his section. He felt uneasy on his feet, like his shoes had gotten bigger. He pulled his apron tight again, the knot must of gotten loose.

“Was everything good” he asked a family while pushing his sleeves over his biceps again

The table nodded and Chris took the cheque from them, the dad handing him a bundle of ones and fives. Chris tucked them into his apron with the other bills and pushed his sleeves up again, he then rolled them up, the fabric getting caught in the nook between this shoulder and bicep. It looked like a larger fold then usual, but Chris moved on from that thought, me must just be having an off day.


Jamie was shaking with nerves, the restaurant was crowed, and it really shouldn’t be. He spotted Chris a couple times, the jock still had his stupid grin. Jamie knew his plan for a couple inches would be way off now, a few feet may be on the table.
Jamie cleared a table and tried to catch a glimpse of Chris in the crowd, Jamie’s section was tucked in the corner and he really didn’t have a good view of much, only a couple booths and a pillar.
He flexed his feet in his shoes, they were tight, the curse was working. He dumped the plates in the kitchen and knelt down to loosen his shoes. His shirt was pulled taunt of his widening back, a small tear appearing at the seams on the his growing shoulders.
Jamie jumped up, his chest heaving. Which it had never done before, there had been nothing to heave. Now there was the beginning of pecs pulling his small shirt tight under his apron.

“Hey Jamie” Mr Cliff called from the far side of the kitchen “You been working out”

“Yea…..” Jamie replied, his voice a little deeper then before

“Good for you, Chris must be rubbing off on you” Mr Cliff nodded approvingly

“Something like that” Jamie shrugged and scratched the back of his head nervously

A rip spread out from his armpit, the shirt splitting as he stretched. Jamie quickly ducked out of the kitchen and returned to his section. He moved almost roboticly, trying not to make any dangerous shirt bursting movements.
He stood like a statue at a table taking down an order, but he could feel air on his waist just below his bellybutton, and the bottom of his pants leg was hanging about his ankles now. Jamie was taller, at least two or three inches. His quota for a couple of stolen inches had been met with hours left to go.
Jamie almost felt sorry for Chris.

Chris tripped over his shoes as he rushed to the staff toilet. His feet slipped out and he fell to his knees, he crawled the last couple feet and kicked the door closed, no one should see him like this. He stood up, his shrinking shoulders slid through the apron’s neck hole and it landed onto the floor, a few bills toppled out of the full pocket.

Chris stared at himself in the mirror over the sink, his smaller hands gripping the porcelain. He was shorter, barely taller then his nerdy roommate Jamie. His heavily built body long gone, he looked like he’d just started hitting the gym. His shirt hung loose on him, not highlighting his muscles like it used to. The black uniform pants sat around his skinny ankles.

He could feel the tears welling up. He looked like a kid, now of his hunky jock self remained. His lantern jaw was soft and devoid of stubble. His styled blond hair had lengthened and curled slightly. Chris whimpered, his voice almost musical in its softness.

He then heard someone moving towards the door, someone big.


A fist rocked the door, and the light under it was blocked out by who ever was knocking.

“Hey Chris, I saw you come in, thought I’ll gather up your tips” a deep voice he didn’t recognize called through the thin wooden door

“Go away” Chris moaned trying to make almost childish voice should older

“Nah, I think I’ll come in” the deep voiced mocked

There was a crunch and the doors lock popped open. A man as tall as the door stood shirtless in the doorway, his black pants were near bursting over his thick thighs. Tattered remains of shoes clung to his long wide feet.
The man’s stubbled jaw grinned and he bounced his furry pecs and rolled his huge shoulders.He thrust a plate full of dollars into Chris’ arms.

“These are yours” He announced before folding his thick arms over his slab like chest muscles

Chris looked at the full plate in his hands. It looked like it was growing, his hands struggling to keep a grip on the widening disk. But the plate wasn’t growing, he was shrinking. He dropped the plate. As it fell so did Chris’ height, his head span as he descended closer and closer to the tiles.
He dropped into a ball and sobbed as the world grew around him, the man grew faster then everything and Chris watched as his dark haired head grazed the ceiling, hair sprouting on his chest and arms. The man moaned and flexed his arms out in front of him, and they both watched as a patchwork of veins flickered over the skin.
The man’s zipper snapped and a swollen brief clad bulge sprung out. The man palmed its underside and felt the weight of his meat.


Jamie finished buttoning up Chris shirt over his newly grown pecs, the buttons could pop at any moment, but it should be able to handle the walk home. The pants were another story, he’d had to leave them undone, his cock and balls were a little big for Chris’ clothes now. His thighs kept them up though, and the hems of the pants were half way up his calves.
Chris’ shoes were the main problems were painfully tight and after Jamie flexed his feet the toes burst out of the shoes tip, but they too should be able to handle the walk home.

Chris himself was another story, the now tiny jock was sobbing in the corner of the bathroom. Jamie had draped his old shirt over the crying boy, even if it wasn’t in tatters it would still be too big.

“When you decide to stop crying and go home the place is gonna need a clean” Jamie ordered as he checked out his jawline in the sink’s mirror

Chris was sobbing a little louder, Jamie suddenly felt a little guilty. He’d only wanted to take a couple inches, cut Chris down from 6ft5 to 6ft2, but now Chris was probably 5ft2. Jamie was at least 6ft8, probably closer to 6ft10 now. He’d taken way to much, but that couldn’t be helped. Maybe he should give the little guy something to be happy about.

As he ducked through the doorway and started to swagger home he called back to Chris.


“I’ll let you keep your tips, you earned them"

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