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Packmates Part 2


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Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3688-packmates-werewolf-muscle-growth-part-1/

Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3691-packmates-part-3/

Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4032-packmates-part-4/

Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4526-packmates-part-5/





"Morning" I said chirpily as Ragnar and I entered the kitchen an hour later. Everyone in there was either naked, wearing a towel or a tank-top and shorts - as it was forecast to be very hot today.

They all looked at each other and then to the mess they had created, then back to me. "Morning..." said Danny in a tone as nervous as that of someone diffusing a bomb.

"Don't worry about the mess, you can clean up later" I replied, smiling sweetly. They all let out their held breaths, glad that I hadn't gone loopy. 'Like I would let them get away with trashing our kitchen'.

"You're certainly in a good mood this morning, I'm guessing this big lug had something to do with it?" teased Craig as he came up behind me and put his hands on my waist.

Still a little pissed off with the way he had treated me I grabbed his wrists and forced his hands away "Yes, he knows how to treat me right" I replied snidely.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean it" he grovelled, nuzzling me a little.

I squeezed his hands and thought about his apology. I placed his hands back on me and leant back against him a little "Do it again and I swear to God I'll rip your balls off" I threatened, making him grin nervously.

"There's the Layton I know" said Danny as he chuckled at Craig's discomfort and gulped down his coffee.

"That goes for you too, lover boy" I warned before going to make myself some breakfast.

I sat down between Ragnar and our Omega - Ollie. He had arrived this morning as he lived in London and could easily get the train to us. He was rather small, with very little muscle or fat and he had dyed-blue hair. He was wearing a purple tank top and tight black shorts; his feet were bare. "Layton!" he said happily as he threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly "I missed you"

I hugged him back and echoed his words. As Omega, Ollie was in charge of keeping everyone in our Pack happy and content, as he was the most submissive. He was always able to cheer people up, as it was impossible not to want to be happy around him - the only person he couldn't help was Ragnar, which is where I came in.

DING-DONG. The doorbell announced a new Packmate entering the house. Asad - the only werelion in Ragnar's main pack and the old Alpha of the werelions - glided out of the kitchen with a feline slink to his step. He was a very tall man, with powerful legs and arms but a long and flexible chest. His skin was jet black and his hair was tied back in dreads with real animal teeth interwoven into them. He, like Ollie, lived in London with his brother Ike and the rest of his Pack. But his fierce loyalty to Ragnar and their close friendship meant that he would help us out whenever and wherever.

"It's the Scotts" his low and heavily African accented voice was clear and positive as it reverberated through the house.

We heard him open the door (which I had fixed whilst I waited for Ragnar to return after my run in with the sword wielding maniac) and greet the 'Scotts' before they strolled into the kitchen. First came Angus, the largest of their group. He stooped under doorways sideways in order to fit his bulk through them. He was a purebred bull of a man and one of the strongest members of our Pack. He enjoyed challenging Ragnar to any form of contest, or so I'm told as I had never met the man before today. The last time Ragnar had gone to visit him (the first chance I had to meet him) my mum had fallen ill and I'd spent the week with her instead.

"Ahhh, you must be the famous Human-Alpha I've heard about. Layton is it?" said Angus as he put his hands on my shoulders and grinned down at me.

I touched his hand and smiled back before zapping him with electricity "You must be Angus, I hear you're a secondary Alpha" I replied, as he jolted away.

"Heh, you certainly know how to pick 'em Ragnar. Small, feisty and cute. Just my type" he growled almost flirtatiously.

Ragnar grabbed him in a headlock and grinned "Why thank you, but if you talk him down again I may have to find a new secondary Alpha" he threatened half heartedly as Angus began to wrestle with him a little.

"Gotcha. Now where's the feast I was promised?" he said happily as Ragnar let go.

"It'll be ready soon, I just need to go get the food. Fancy coming with me Ollie?" I asked, pulling him away from the rest of the Scotts who had surrounded him.

"Yeah, of course" he replied as one grabbed his ass. Angus then did the same to him, making him turn to him and grin playfully.

"I'll go get dressed then" I replied happily as I got up and then left the now rather crowded kitchen. I had to brush past Angus on my way out and I could tell that he was trying to impress me a little by flexing and grinning with a set of perfect teeth.

I threw on a new pair of boxers and then searched for some shorts I didn't mind being seen in public in. Rag bounded up the stairs and came into my room as I buttoned up a white linen shirt. "Hey boy, they arguing again?"

He just smiled and nuzzled against me. He only ventured upstairs when people were being aggressive so I sighed and kissed his forehead before going downstairs.

As I walked into the kitchen the sudden tension I created could've been cut with a knife. Everyone's eyes went to mine; apart from Ragnar's - his were closed. "Have I interrupted something?" I asked innocently, holding myself a little awkwardly now.

"Nah, we were just chatting. C'mon lets go" said Ollie with a visage of cheeriness. I let myself be pulled away, suddenly feeling slightly upset. I heard Ragnar punch one of the kitchen walls as Ollie closed the door behind me.

He lead me over to his car and opened the door for me. He started speaking as soon as we were out of earshot "Some of the Pack members weren't happy to find out that they were being 'ruled' by a human Mage, they said it was too much like the old days. Ragnar silenced them but he can't cover for you too much else the Alphas won't respect him... Neither will Hircine" explained Ollie, his knuckles had gone white from his grip on the steering wheel.

"I knew I wasn't going to
be popular, I guess I just didn't expect it to happen this quickly..." I muttered, looking up at the road.

"It's Bane. One of the old Lycans, he used his friendship with Hircine to convince Ragnar that you need to be bitten." he said before trying to act cheerily again. "Being a werewolf isn't too bad you know, you just have to put up with the shaving."

"Yeah... The only problem is, I've already been bitten. I'm immune" I replied slightly shamefully "I'd have to have half my chest bitten off and a wolf spirit forced into my body and sealed there by Hircine himself."

"That sounds... Painful" said Ollie quietly as we drove past an empty park, one that was usually full of kids at every hour of the day.

"Yeah... I'm not really that eager to go through with it" I replied, sighing a little as we pulled into the supermarket parking lot.

"I'm sure thing'll sort themselves out. Don't worry" Ollie encouraged once more, not really knowing how to respond. I smiled back at him and put on a brave face for the rest of our trip.

When we got back to the house things seemed a little calmer and there was a new powerful presence in the front room. As Ollie and I entered we heard booming footsteps and watched the ceiling shake slightly as a hulking 8ft 5" behemoth of a man came to greet us.

We could see every fibre of his dense, bulging muscles. His legs were as thicks as pillars and his thighs rubbed against one another as he walked, the three bulbous heads pushing his workout shorts to the max. His waist was thick and just as muscular, still managing to give his torso a V shape due to his wide, mountainous back. His abs jutted out of his frame by at least an inch, each one of them as large as a steel bar and just as strong. Above them his enormous pecs cast a shadow as they hung away from his body enough to shelter both myself and Ollie like an umbrella. He was shirtless so we could see his huge nipples staring down at the floor as his rolling pecs bounced about as he walked towards us. His bull-like neck tensed as he grinned happily at us, his thickly bearded face and reddish cheeks warming my heart. "Bear" I said happily as I moved towards him and felt his powerful embrace as he lifted me into the air and cradled me slightly.

"Hey there, little cub. I've missed you" he said joyously as I was forced into his cleavage; which I could easily fit my arm into.

"I've missed you too, where the hell have you been?" I asked as his chest hair tickled my face.

"Travelling, visiting my pups, hibernating. I've been a very busy man. But don't worry I'm here now" he replied reassuringly as he tussled Ollie's hair and lead us into the living room.

Two of his Pack members, Tank and Buck were sitting on the couch. Asad was sat in one of the armchairs by our fireplace and Bane was in the one opposite, facing away from us.

"Who's the new guy?" asked Tank, referring to me as we hadn't met - but of course Ragnar spoke of his Pack a lot so I had picked up everyone's names.

"Ragnar's little Alpha, Layton" replied Bear as Buck gave up his seat for him. At the sound of my name Bane snorted and laughed.

"Oh please, he's not an Alpha" he cackled, glaring at me "he's human"

"Well I can't really deny that he's human. But if Ragnar's chosen him to be Alpha then he's an Alpha. I don't mind it one bit" defended Bear, holding Bane's glare and daring him to challenge it. The room became tense afterwards as Bear looked for anyone else who seemed to have a problem with me.

Bane stifled a whimper and looked away - no-one opposed Bear. He was Alpha of werebears and therefore just as powerful as Ragnar, as his kind had grown since the ancient times; unlike Asad's who now needed the help of the werewolves and werebears in order to survive.

Hating the tension and conflict I created I tried to get up, however Bear's arm was locked around me and there was no way in a million years I'd be able to move it. "I'd better start cooking, everyone looks famished" I urged, smiling up at Bear. He kissed me on the cheek and then let go of me.

I rushed into the kitchen, the usual Pack members and the Scott's were all there. The topic of discussion was Rugby and food - as per usual. They all got up and greeted me, mainly because they knew I was going to start cooking.

I told them that I needed space and then ordered then to leave, though it was really only because I didn't want them to see me cry. Tears rolled down my cheeks like waterfalls as I unpacked the shopping onto the counter but I made no noise as I knew it would give Bane satisfaction to know he had upset me.

Just as I began to cook the bacon we had bought I felt two massive arms hug me tightly "Please don't Cub" said Ragnar quietly as he buried his head in my shoulder. "It's all gonna turn out OK"

"I-I don't k-know if I'm r-r-ready for this, Ragnar" I choked, trying my hardest not to sob and breakdown.

Ragnar just cradled me in his arms and stroked my hair smiling down at me "I won't make you do anything you don't want to do Cub. I promise." I nodded and asked to be put down.

"Thank you, Big guy"

An hour later the food was ready and I was curled up in bed with Ollie and Rag. We had taken our own food upstairs as I didn't fancy being downstairs and Ollie wouldn't get any food if he stayed so we had shared a plate.

I assumed the shouting we heard was about food or Rugby or Football or who had the nicest ass: Ollie or Ragnar. Until I heard a banging at the door "Layton! I challen-"

"Don't you dare..." snarled Ragnar as I heard him get closer to the door.

"I challenge you to the Alpha's trial" Bane called, I could hear his malevolent grin spread across his face.

"W-what's that?" I whispered, looking over at Ollie but before he could answer Bane shouted.

"A fight to the death-"

"STOP!" bellowed Ragnar, causing everyone to flee from him and shut up. His voice was terrifying and harsh like a typhoon. He glared at Bane, he let the silence linger a little before breaking it. "Our Pack is in danger, that's why I've gathered us together. Our way of life is at risk of being exposed. Everyone is in danger. I don't need your petty little arguments right now. If I say Layton is an Alpha he's an Alpha. If I tell you to stop, you stop" Ragnar stalked towards Bane and lifted him into the air by his throat "and if you dare disobey me again, I will kill you" Ragnar then threw Bane along the corridor "Go down to the Den. Now." Needless to say Bane did as he was told. "All of you, get back downstairs and wait for me to return." The rest of the Pack scurried away, apart from Bear who stood next to Ragnar. "Go and get Bane prepared, he is to suffer"

Bear nodded and strode down the corridor, his heavy footfalls hiding Ragnar's, who suddenly appeared next to me. "Ollie, could you leave us please" said Ragnar softly, though Ollie still sprinted out of the room.

I knelt on the bed and stroked Ragnar's face "That was amazing" I complimented.

"It was nothing. That wasn't even me fully pissed off" he replied as he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. I knew he needed to calm down and relax so I began to massage him, glad of the distraction and the intimacy.

At around 1:30 Ragnar and I descended the stairs. The house was a lot more packed now as our welsh chapter had arrived, along with our contacts within the police and forensics. "Ragnar!" boomed a heavily accented welsh-man as he charged over to us and grabbed Ragnar by the shoulders. "Good to see you, what's occurring then?"

"Someone's after our Pack, Gareth" Ragnar replied before the two of them embraced in a back breaking bear hug.

"Anyone we know?" asked Gareth as Ragnar put his arm over him and lead him into the living room to where Asad, Bear, Angus and our police contact 'Copper' were waiting.

"I think that the Fallen are striking back against us" said Ragnar gravely as he took his seat in the comfortable high-backed throne-like armchair by the fire. "If this is the case, we need to move to Wolf House. Else we may risk losing some of our members"

"The fallen?" I questioned, hovering nervously by the door. Bear indicated for me to sit on his lap so I obeyed and Ragnar began to explain.

"Centuries ago when I was starting the Pack my friends Miranda and Fenrir conceived a child together. They named him Lupus. The boy was remarkable, he was walking after a few weeks and his first words were when he was six months old. As he grew we all knew the boy was something special so we gave him the Bite prematurely; assuming it would help him to develop. Instead of helping him the Bite took over his body turning him into a wolf permanently... Or so we thought" Ragnar paused and lay back in the chair "The boy mutated, his body unable to handle the Bite but his brain forcing it to work and obey him. Fenrir tried to help him and Miranda used every remedy and spell she knew to try and help him but it was to no avail. The boy had become a freak of nature. A beast. We decided to put him down - knowing that he was in pain, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the cravings started. However, the boy anticipated our move and ran away, fleeing without a trace; leaving no scent to follow."

"Over the years we heard stories about our son. Rumours that he was creating his own Pack - his mind shattered and twisted into thinking that he was a new breed. An evolution, the Apex of our kind" All heads turned to the doorway as it was blocked out by the largest man I had ever seen and a dazzlingly beautiful woman by his side. "And now he wants revenge" the man finished gruffly as he broke through the doorway and stood up fully. He was at least ten ft tall and as broad as a truck, his body was covered in scars and tattoos. His neck was thick and corded with muscle, bulging out as wide as my back on either side. His lats lead down to shoulders as large as beer kegs and pecs that jutted out from his frame like enormous bumpers, you could see every fibre of muscle underneath them as he flexed them slightly, causing them to roll and crash back down like a tsunami. Needless to say his humongous arms were pushed away from his body by them. His biceps, even un-flexed were larger than Ragnar's head and his forearms were no joke either. Each one of his eight abs were swollen and pushed to the maximum, each of them coming a foot away from his body and leading down to a sizeable bulge which hung away from his body. If you could force your eyes away you could see his enormous thighs, which were as thick as wheely bins and grinded together as he walked, forcing his manhood forwards.

Ragnar stood up, dwarfed by the giant - which I hadn't thought was possible. "Thank you for coming, Fenrir. I've missed you" Ragnar said humbly.

Fenrir looked like he was going to punch Ragnar - which'd probably break even Ragnar's indestructible bones - but then his rugged face cracked into a wolfish grin "Hmmph, I've missed you too. Little guy" he teased before the two of them hugged. Fenrir's incredible frame completely enveloping Ragnar's.

"Fenrir, you're suffocating him" scalded the woman as he let go of Ragnar.

"Pfft. I'm fine Miranda, it'll take more than an overgrown pup to put me down" said Ragnar as he then grabbed Miranda in a hug. Fenrir raised and eyebrow at him before looking around at all of us.

"Human, Werebear, Werelion... Welshman. All we need now is a vampire and a God and it'll be just like old times" said Fenrir before letting out a hearty laugh which shook the ceiling and floor - which groaned under the behemoth's weight.

"Oi what's that supposed to mean?" asked Gareth bravely as he stood up.

Fenrir just laughed even more and patted him on the back, and ass (He had very big paws). Gareth fell forwards into Ragnar and Fenrir grinned "I was only teasing, I love your accent by the way" he almost flirted.

"Alright Fen, stop antagonising your brothers. Why don't we go down to the den and get you caught up on who's who? You can meet the little shit who's been pissing me off recently, I think you remember him?"

"Bane? Can't wait to see him again, still owes me a fight" Fenrir said happily as he followed Ragnar out of the room, taking a lot of the doorway with him "ohh, oops, sorry about that"

As soon as he left the room seemed to breathe and take in the strong smell of alpha musk that had been left. "By the gods, I thought Bear was big. But that guy? He's fucking huge!" exclaimed Gareth.

"That's 'cause he walks around without his Chain. If I weren't wearing mine I'd beat him" defended Bear as he pulled out a chain necklace from under his shirt. Every member of our Pack who was too big to function in everyday life was required to wear one as it made you smaller. Bear didn't shrink too much because he could afford to live as a giant.

I smiled up at Bear, finding it cute that he felt inadequate around Fenrir "I hate to break it to you but... He was wearing a Chain" I muttered. I knew because I was the one who helped Ragnar to make everyone's chains, I could spot them from a mile away. "He's also older than Ragnar, with Miranda being much, much older than that so I think you can be excused for not being the biggest guy around" I stroked his bulbous biceps and nuzzled against his pecs "You're still big in my books"

"Thanks Pup, you doing okay by the way?" he asked kindly as he began to wrap his arms around me.

"Yeah I'm fine. Ragnar's got everything sorted" I replied truthfully. I had gotten over everything that had happened because Ragnar had a new plan for me.

Bear's stomach churned and grumbled and so did Angus' "You got anymore food Pup? There's a lot of big guys here to feed now, no-one's very full even after your amazing meal"

"Our local diner does large orders for us, I'll give you the number" I said helpfully as I felt his istomach vibrate once more. "You know what I'll just do it myself." I stood up and pulled out my phone before going to my speed dial... Yes we did have take-out that often. "But you're paying"

"Fine with me, just make sure it gets here soon" grumbled Bear as he scratched his stomach.

"Just leave it to me" I replied as I left the room. Tank and Buck walked past me, grinning.

"Hey, Layton... Fancy hanging out with us later?" offered Buck as he turned around.

A little shocked by their proposal I took a few seconds to reply "Um, sure. Why not, it should be fun" I said positively. I wanted to make a good impression on all the new Pack members.

"Think you can bring along that big guy too? He looks like a lot of fun" said Buck as Tank put his arm over him and began to kiss his ear.

"He's married, they've had a kid together... He'd probably rip you in half" I replied, a little surprised with their request.

They looked at each other then down to me "So?" Flabbergasted I turned and went into the kitchen to find the menu.

A few hours later I was sat in the garden with Ollie and Danny. "Have you two ever been to this, 'Wolf house'?" I asked as we began to swing on our garden chair. Our garden was quite big, as it had to accommodate Rag when we were out.

"I stayed there for a weekend with some of the rugby lads. It's certainly well equipped for anything you had planned: Parties, sports, orgies, S&M, hunting"


"Hunting. Got a lot of space too and a pool" said Danny happily. "That was a great weekend"

"It sounds like a holiday, though I doubt it'll be as fun if we're at war with the Fallen" I replied, looking up at the sky now. Rag was sleeping under us, with his head in the flower beds.

Suddenly I jolted forwards "Shit... My Uni course, I totally forgot" I groaned. "I'd better go finish up the work" Before Danny could convince me otherwise I had darted off and upstairs into my room.


Tank and I were prowling the house now, looking for fresh meat. We were used to having lots of potential partners available but here everyone liked to act like a 'total top' - apart from Ollie and Layton - so it was hard to find someone suitable.

I was a pretty big guy so I didn't think it'd be too hard to find someone who would submit. It'd be even easier for Tank as he was only half a foot under Bear's height and about as broad. Eventually we found someone, a cute guy called Craig. He swaggered up to me and began flirting but I'd soon turned the tables and started kissing him as he was forced to back up into Tank, who began grinding on him.

"Woah, you guys are certainly eager" he groaned as I dragged him into the downstairs bathroom. As I felt his dick grow against my own I began to pull off his shirt as Tank started to kiss his neck and bite his ear - tasting his prey.

"Do you want the front or the back?" he asked me, grinning before he grabbed Craig's sweet plump ass. "I fancy the back"

"Go right ahead Tank, I ain't stopping ya" I replied as Craig began to grin nervously.

"I guess I'll take your ass then, Buck" he said, trying to sound confident.

I just laughed and pulled down my shorts "You crack me up, Pup. Now lets get those pants off ya before Tank rips them off" I replied, stroking his face as he chuckled nervously again. We locked eyes and I challenged him to try and take control again, he back down pretty quickly and I smiled triumphantly "That's a good boy, you deserve a treat after that. Tank lets double up"

"What?" asked Craig worried now. I kissed him on the lips as I began to pull off my boxers, grinding against him as I did so.

"Don't worry I'm sure you can handle it." I assured as Tank began to rub his throbbing member between Craig's plump bubble butt "Just relax and it won't hurt a bit"

Tank was grinning like a madman at this point, his dick was at least fifthteen inches and about as thick as a wine bottle. "You look pretty tight, Pup" noted Tank as he pulled a bottle of lube out of one of the bathroom cupboards and began to drench his dick with it before applying it to Craig's clenched hole with his thick fingers before one of them slipped inside. "Hmmph, not as tight as I thought. Ragnar's been in here, ain't he?"

"Yeah, maybe you're not as big as you thought" growled Craig, pissing Tank off.

"Ooooh wrong move, boy" I laughed as Tank rammed into Craig an entire foot of his meaty, muscular, throbbing cock. Craig grunted in pain and pleasure before he felt another hand on his ass, mine. "C'mon Tank make room, I ain't that small" I grumbled as I lubed up my own dick. It was about half a foot smaller than Tank but I certainly knew how to use my dick better than him.

Tank growled at me then threw an arm around me and pulled me into his armpit. His arm then went lower as I forced my dick into Craig; who cried out in painful ecstasy as his hole was stretched beyond it's limits. Tanks fingers then crawled into my ass, making me convulse and impale Craig further "Right now lets get the real fun started" grunted Tank as he forced in the last three inches of his dick - the thickest part.

"Please, oh god. Too much, just..." Craig panted and I was afraid he'd force us to stop "go slow"

I grinned down at Craig before slapping his cute little ass "Aye aye captain"

Tank began to thrust into Craig in unison with me, slow at first but then as his hole forced itself to accommodate our powerful erections we moved faster and faster. Craig was cumming all over the floor within the first minute but Tank and I were only just getting started "That better not be all of it" Tank grumbled as he grabbed Craig's dick and began to rub it. "We've barely started. Pup"

After half an hour of thrusting Craig was reaching his limit so we released our first orgasm into him "That's the problem with werewolves, no stamina" grumbled Tank as he pulled out and stroked the back of my head "fancy cleaning me off?"

"Oh god... I feel so full" groaned Craig as he looked back at me "you both?"

I nodded happily and Tank chuckled and helped Craig stand up "We gave you a full tank don't worry" he joked as I cleaned off his dick; I couldn't get enough of his cum.

"I hope you use our little boost wisely" I said looking him up and down "I mean you still look like a normal guy"

"What do you mean, boost?" asked Craig confused. I rolled my eyes and lead him out of the bathroom, explaining to him that werewolves could absorb protein from any source - including cum - and turn it straight into muscle and that werebear cum was extra potent.

"C'mon we'll take you to Bear, he's a pro. He can teach you how to do it" Tank said happily.

As we dragged Craig over to Bear I saw Ollie and Danny sitting close together outside, Ollie was tucked against him. But their position wasn't what caught my attention, it was the bird on top of the swing seat that I was really looking at. It was a raven, a rare sight; especially since it's eyes were a toxic green colour. It also had a message wrapped around it's foot...

I left Tank to carry Craig and told him I would be back. He gave me a serious glance, knowing I never gave up an opportunity to watch our prey grow. He didn't try to stop me but I felt his eyes on me as I moved towards the patio doors.

As I approached them Danny and Ollie looked up, probably wondering why I was naked. When they pulled their 'oh yeah' faces and remembered that I had just come out of a house full of horny werewolves with nowhere to go, I was removing the message from the bird - which studied me with it's piercing green eye and attempted to pec-

"Ow!" I snarled as the bird drew blood. Ollie and Danny rushed up when they saw me unravel the letter.

"Give it to Ragnar" urged Ollie, but I had already started reading.

Dear Father,

I hear you've joined forces with the Fake Alpha and his gullible friends. I hope you know what you're in for then, I'm wiping out their pitiful Pack. This world isn't big enough for the both of us, my new breed will tear you all apart. If you don't believe that I can do it then try contacting your French Pack members.


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