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On 2020/8/28 at AM12點21分, Bigger4Me said:





“後來?!” 凱爾小聲說:“我等不及了!看我有多小!” 凱爾低頭向身體示意,現在穿著舊衣服。以前是合身的,現在從他身上流下來。


“沒關係,凱爾。” 我說:“您只是這樣呆了幾個小時,請嘗試這樣呆幾天。我遇到了教授,他似乎可以提供真正的幫助。因此,放鬆一下,專注於學校。無論如何,您都可以在健身房休息一下。” 我只是無法阻止自己發表快速評論。老實說,我很高興比別人大。即使只是暫時的。 




“嘿,” Shawn用男子氣的深沉的聲音迴盪在我的脊椎上,“我發現了一些有趣的東西,它在我的房間裡,你想看嗎?”


“當然,”我說;抬頭看著他,凝視著我。我的視線可能與他的乳頭齊平,乳頭正從他的小背心側面露出。過去幾天,他像雜草一樣生長,如果他堅持下去的話,我知道他很快就會需要更多衣服。事實上; 我什至不知道他現在穿的衣服。他一定已經去購物了。






“是的,我一直在收縮。我現在只有5分6秒。這些是凱爾斯的舊衣服。” 我打手勢 






“哦……”肖恩說,“好吧,我只想告訴你,如果你不滿意的話。” 這樣,肖恩試圖將他的背心拉到他滿身是汗的身體上,但是它被卡住了,他最終意外地將它撕掉了。“他媽的!這是最後一個適合我的人,我得晚點去商店。”


我驚嘆於我面前成長的上帝,只穿著緊身的短褲,看上去像他的樹幹腿上的拳擊手內褲。汗水使他的金發無處不在。我凝視著他的腹肌,緊緊地8住了八包,幾乎沒有脂肪。他快樂的足跡覆蓋了那些鵝卵石,並連接到他濃密的胸毛,覆蓋了他的球莖佩奇。他長毛,但金發卻不至於使人壓倒,他看上去很漂亮。當我凝視他的身體時,他一次彈起一拳。“就像你看到的一樣嗎?” 他笑了。我無法相信那美麗的笑容。 


“是的,我願意。” 我說。 






“你看起來那麼小又性感。” 他說。


“你這麼認為嗎?” 我臉紅了。 




肖恩讓我坐下,坐在他太小的宿舍椅子上,他在裸體下nude吟著。“吸。” 他命令。我跪下,用兩隻手抓住他巨大的傢伙,慢慢地上下移動,看我是否可以接受。我要這樣做,首先讓蘑菇頭滑過我的嘴唇。他mo吟著,他的味道很棒。我被那一刻的忙碌所困擾,盡我所能地吞下了咽喉,即使我驚訝地缺乏嘔吐反射,也只是他的一半。他mo吟著,抓住我的後腦,他的手包裹了我的整個頭。我吮吸,嘗起來很咸,咸,碰到了我的喉嚨。我吞嚥。我會為這個美麗的男人做任何事情。他拉開我的頭,拉開我以更加親我,我坐在他的大腿上。我們的硬傢伙們緊緊地擠壓在一起,當我們and吟著彼此時,他幾乎伸到了我的胸口。他到達我身後,開始指責我。他那碩大的手指比我以前曾坐過的要大得多,但感覺令人難以置信。隨著他對我的工作越來越多,他從附近的抽屜中抽出潤滑油和一個大號XXXL避孕套。 




“我要暨!” 我抱怨,我感到自己開始抽搐。他也開始了,我們一起努力,他的熾熱種子使我的內心溫暖起來,使避孕套充滿了邊緣。當他cums時,我覺得他正在膨脹,我認為這不僅僅是避孕套的填充。我迅速把自己從他身上拉開,然後轉身。我看著他的胸部擴大,甚至在跪著的狀態下他也進一步向上成長。他扭曲了自己的乳頭並彎曲了手臂,“操我真大!!!” 當他這樣做時,他的雞巴膨脹得更大,爆裂了避孕套,他的精液倒在了我的肚子上。他的成長結束了,他躺在地上,對剛剛發生的一切精疲力盡。 


“那太精彩了。” 我說,幾分鐘後。“看著你成長真是太性感了。”




“我喜歡。” 我說。 




thank you,sean really reach 7 foot tall,looking forward his growth!

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Part 10!


“Seven feet tall?!” Shawn gasps. “I knew I had gotten big, but I didn’t know I was a seven foot tall GIANT.” With that, Shawn flexes his bicep, feeling up the rest of his body with his other hand. I watch from atop my chair, looking down and seeing his dick getting hard even now, right after he came. I watch as that too flexes the hardest it has ever been. I take the tape measure, wordlessly down, measuring his cock. He’s huge here too, measuring past a foot long, all the way to 13 inches. 13 inches… He would put a Subway sandwich to shame. Length wise. Girth wise, he’s maybe… Half of a subway sandwich. How did I even take that…..


“Wait,” Shawn says, looking around. “Are these the shorts you were wearing?” He picks up my, well, Kyle’s shorts, easily palming them. He holds them open with his fingers, peering through them into my eyes. “How did you even wear these? They’re so tiny!” He drops them to the ground, bending down to try to put them on. He gets one big foot in, stretching it through one of the leg holes, and pulls it over his meaty calf, already straining the fabric. However, it gets stuck at his knee, not able to make it over his gargantuan quads. He tries pulling them up to stretch them over, but stops before he breaks my shorts. He ends up putting his dick through the leg hole, his head coming through the end of the leg, almost bigger than my own thighs. This sheer display of size is so hot, I feel like I’m ready for us to fuck again, but I don’t know if I can take his newly grown dick.


“Don’t ruin my shorts!” I say to him, grabbing the shorts off his hard dick. “We should go get you some more clothes so you have something to wear. As much as I like seeing you like this…”


“Yeah yeah! I know you can’t keep your eyes off me. I mean, who could? If I’m in front of you, you have no choice. You can’t look around me! I’m too massive!” He flexes his lats out, expanding outward, like the sexiest, most muscular kite you have ever seen. “But yeah, I could use some clothes, but let’s not get too much. I have a feeling that I will be growing outta those pretty quickly too.” 


I watch as Shawn rummages through his drawers, bending way over to look in the lower half of his dresser. His huge hands shuffle the articles of clothing around. Finally he pulls out a large, raggedy pair of sweatshorts. I had only seen him wear them a few times before, lounging around in the dorms last year. They were humongous on him, he always had to draw the drawstrings extremely tight to keep them from just slipping off his body, and were past his knees, almost like a pair of capris-style sweatpants. But now… that Shawn is a distant memory from the foot-taller giant I see before me now. One of his legs now is basically the size of the Shawn of a week ago’s thin chest. He unties the draw strings, and steps one leg into the shorts. Success. He steps his other leg in, so far so good. He gets the shorts up and over his knees, but has to focus on one leg at a time to stuff his thighs into their new cloth prison. He gets one through, stretching the fabric to its limit, and barely squeezes his other leg through the other side. I am amazed that these shorts, which once swallowed Shawn up, are being swallowed up by Shawn now. They look like a second skin on him. At least, on his legs. But the waist is slack, falling under his pubes, being held up by his still semi-hard dick and his globular ass on the other end. He pulls the waist up, as much as he can, and pulls the drawstring to cinch the shorts to his still small waist. However, I’m not knowing his own strength, he rips the string apart, holding the two halves in each of his hands. “Fuck!” He says. 


“Hold on, I think I have a solution.” I walk over to one of his old, outgrown pairs of shoes, unlacing them. I tie the ends of the strings together, and walk over to Shawn. I barely have to bend over to reach his waistband, and I start looping the makeshift string through the shorts, using the aglet for grip. I walk around, copping a feel when I want, and tie the shorts up. Now, at least, they don’t show shaft. I mean, they do, but just the clear outline of everything he’s working with, and not out in the open. 


“Thanks little guy. I don’t know my own strength! I don’t even know if these mitts would have been nimble enough to unlace those shoes!” He picks up one of his old shoes, drawing it closer to his foot, which now dwarfs the old pair. He must be at least 6 foot sizes bigger than his size 11 shoes. Where do you even buy size 17 shoes now anyways? “I mean I could tie shoes still, I just can’t pull too tight!” He spins around one half of the former drawstring in the air to demonstrate.

“Yeah, I get it, big guy, you’re strong! Way stronger than me! I can see that, clearly. Lucky I was here, otherwise how would we get you decent-ish to go to the store! Put on a shirt and we’ll head out!” Shawn grunts, agreeing, as he looks through his closet. He pulls out one of his bigger tank tops, he used to wear during the particularly hot summers. It looks like a fully grown man putting on child’s clothing, it doesn’t even reach down to his belly button, and his spectacular shoulders fill up the arm-holes all the way, with the straps almost audibly straining to contain all that man. “Well, you look crazy.” I say, “But it’s enough to get us into a store… I think…” I look at his chiseled abs, unclothed, and irresistible to look at from any angle. I don’t think anyone, straight or gay, would be upset at the spectacle walking in front of them. “I can drive us, I don’t have anything going on this afternoon.”


“Thanks little buddy!” Shawn says, “I worry these big feet would accidentally press both pedals. I’m not used to this big body, and I don’t plan to get used to it either!” He laughs, as he starts preparing yet another blender bottle of that shake.

“Hey!” I say, “Best hold off on another serving until we get you some clothes that you have some wiggle room in. If you grow any bigger…. I won’t be able to take you anywhere.”

“You have a point... “ Shawn says, “But as soon as I get some clothes, I’m loading myself up and heading back to the gym to finish my session.” 


“Fine!” I say, “I wouldn’t complain at you dwarfing me even more… So long as I can still take you.”

“Even if you can’t take this thing… We can figure it out.” Shawn winks at me, and starts heading out the door. 

I follow behind him, and we pass by my room, James and Kyle still sitting on the bed playing games. I tell them we’re heading to DXL, and they wave at us, Kyle looking twice, a confused look on his face, wondering if Shawn has grown even bigger, no doubt. We don’t stick around long enough for him to verify, and we start heading down the stairs to get to my car. Shawn has to duck down to get through the doorframes and turn slightly sideways, his hulking body too wide and too tall for the doors us normal people don’t think twice about.


We walk outside, other students on campus gawking at him, one girl even coming up to ask if she can feel his bicep. He smiles, getting down on one knee and flexing, so she can reach and feel the mountain in front of her. She coos, the man walking with her seethes with jealousy, and we continue forward, hearing their whispered arguments with each other as we walk away.

I unlock my car, sitting in the driver’s side, pulling the seat as far forward as it can go, adjusting the mirrors too, the car formerly set up for someone half a foot taller. I reach forward with my legs, relieved that I can still easily access the pedals. No worries there, 5’6 people drive cars all the time, I remind myself.


As I prep the car, I feel the car groan and lean, as Shawn brings his hefty weight into the passenger seat. He pushes the seat far back, and folds himself in, ducking down, and folding his knees up against the dashboard. A Honda Civic isn’t a car built for giants, especially a giant with the muscles of Mr. Olympia. “Good thing DXL is just down the street from campus, I don’t think I could bend my neck like this for longer than 15 minutes without getting a migraine!” Shawn says, grinning over at me, his head pressed against the roof of the car.


I laugh, nervous to drive with this behemoth in the car, worried that my car will be scraping the ground. Luckily, as I put it in reverse, the car still runs, no sparks from metal on pavement. I drive over to DXL, careful, as I can’t see out my right rearview mirror. 


We make it to the store, which is pretty empty at 3 PM on a Thursday, with only a few other cars in the parking lot. Shawn unfolds himself from the car, stretching his arms up, relieved to be free from the metal prison that was my car. I look over at him, noticing that his waist is well above the top of my car, while my chest comes to the top of the car. How did he even fit in this thing?! We walk into the store, and the employees gawk at the large, muscular man in front of them. I’m sure this is different to the clientele they usually serve, who typically are only of the wide variety or, rarely, extremely tall. The rare specimen in front of them is not only tall, but wide. One sales employee approaches us, about my height, her nametag reading ‘Sarah’, “Hey! How can I help y’all? I assume you are here to meet with your friend? He’s trying on stuff in the back, you might be able to use some of the stuff we have set aside already, but you’re a lot bigger than him still…. I can see what I can pull. Let me take your shoe size, and you can head back there.” 


“My friend?” Shawn says.


“We have another bodybuilder type here. Tall too. I just assumed you might know him.. Maybe not! Sorry about that. Put your foot here..” She takes Shawn’s bare foot onto her scale, larger than the reader she has available, “Thought this might happen, I can just measure your feet and go from there.” She pulls out a tape measure, noting that he needs size 18 shoes.


“Can you pull some shoes up to size 23 too? I have a feeling I might need them.” Shawn laughs.

“That’s what the other guest said too! We have all our biggest pairs already pulled from the back.” Sarah says, unusually familiar with the requests of a giant.


As we walk to the back, where the changing rooms are, I whisper to Shawn, “Do you think someone else is using the supplements?”


“Maybe,” Shawn says back, “Could just be a muscle enthusiast. Try not to get too jealous if he fawns over me!” Shawn winks, and I roll my eyes. 

As we get to the back of the store, I notice one stall is closed, the door extending to the ceiling, so I can’t make out the occupant. I see the clothing set aside on a rack for him, all tremendously gargantuan, something that I would never be able to even try on, I would just slip through the neckline. 


“How does this look?” Booms the voice from inside, stepping out to ask the attendant what she thinks of the athletic tank top plastered onto his tall, 6’8 body. I admire the tight workout clothes on him, looking up to meet his eyes.

“Professor Barnes?!” 


To be continued!

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I love me  agood plot twist.

The proffesir used the formula himself but did he do the propper reseatch and work throgh it slowly to keep teh gain or like Kyle he injested alot at once?

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