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My Roommate's a Were-Hulk (Updated 10/31/2023)


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Feeling the hulk musk surrounding and engorging my own being. Thanks for this story of fulfilling an empowering dream state of living more fully.


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Hi guys. I decided to turn this into an anthology mini-series. Each group of roommates will enjoy separate part per person in their story. I don't plan for the stories to become a single cohesive story, but there definitely will be some connections here and there. This will also be the last first-person story in the series. It was supposed to be a bit of an experiment but I’m more comfortable with third person writing. Depending on how this does, I might try another first-person installment at some point. Without further ado… 

My Roommate is a Were-Hulk 
Chase & Jakob, Pt 2

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It’s been a few months since I found out my roommate Chase was a were-Hulk.

Or is. He definitely still is.

There haven’t been any obscene incidents, like the one the night I found out, but I’ve helped him track and moderate his Hulk outs. In fact the night we came back from winter break (we both went to our hometown for the holidays), we had to deal with a full moon. Turns out he usually went out to the lake a bit north of campus, where he Hulked out in private or with Bryce from ATO. Yeah, the guy who gave him the condition.

That night we’d just finished hanging out with some friends. I was driving us home when a look up showed the moon starting to peak out from the clouds. Immediately I realized that Chase was in my car, so I hit the gas to take our asses to the lake. Chase was clearly starting to begin to transform in the back, so I may or may not have ran a red light or two.

I stayed in the car as Chase stumbled out and ran closer to the shore of the lake. This time, I heeded his warnings to stay away. And even though it wasn’t my first time seeing his Hulk transformation, I was still in awe (and again strangely aroused) by the sight of my friend becoming this powerful being. 

Even from a distance I saw his brown eyes go green, his skin and hair follow suit, and his body grow and swell with muscle, bursting through his shirt and shoes. His shorts miraculously stayed on (I think he started investing in super stretchy shorts), and my Hulked out friend roared into the night, wreaking some damage on some trees and abandoned boats. Eventually he shrunk back down like he always did, and I had to help his exhausted self back to the car.

We started looking for ways to cure his condition. I don’t know who to talk to, to be honest. It’s not like we can just talk to Bryce from ΑΤΩ — he seems to be keeping that on the down low and seems to be enjoying himself. The one professor I could think of that could know anything about this referred me to his TA, who didn’t seem interested in helping. At this point all I know is that I won’t stop searching, especially since Chase told me he didn’t want to have to suffer through this thing forever. 

Lately, though, Chase has been acting off. His vibes are weird. Instead of treating it as something to be ashamed of (something I understood, even if it was also pretty nice), his attitude to his condition has progressively gotten more apathetic. It’s like he was starting to accept it or simply not care about it, which was fine since he seemed to be able to manage it much more easily. Actually his whole attitude about everything started to shift. From his more douchey behavior to his sudden interest in joining a fraternity, Chase was becoming more and more unrecognizable. I knew that somehow the Chase I knew was still there on the inside, but on the outside it was like a new personality was taking over. Speaking of that new personality… 

“What’s up, bitch!” Chase’s voice filled the whole unit as he walked through the front door. Not long after, he popped his head into my room and flashed his eyebrows. “You got any plans tonight, bro?”

I suppressed the urge to very obviously roll my eyes at Chase’s demeanor. “No, actually. I specifically made sure I wasn’t doing anything tonight because tonight’s a full moon.”

“Ah shit, that’s tonight?” Chase was acting annoyingly dumb, but I couldn’t tell if he was faking it. “That kinda sucks, not gonna lie. I had something planned with the boys—”

“The boys?” The phrasing caught me off-guard. I had no problem with Chase having his own friends, separate from mine and our shared friends, but saying ‘the boys’ really wasn’t like him. It’s not how he talks, and I’ve never heard him say that about any group before. In fact, I wonder: “Who are the boys?”

“Woah, chill out,” he said, stepping fully into my room. He raised his hands up, as if to concede. “They’re just some guys I’ve been hanging out with lately. I’ll just tell them I can’t come.”

I replied quickly. “You do that. I’m gonna try to finish some homework before we head out.” I turned back to my computer, where unfinished documents were open on my screen.

Chase reacted by scoffing then leaving my room. “Damn, alright, alright. I’ll leave you alone till then, Mr. I’m-pissed-for-no-reason.”

He had a point. I don’t know why, but all day I’ve just been so… irritable. Just about everything was ticking me off, and I can’t help it. It didn’t help that I was having quite the headache all day. I even popped an Advil earlier, but it never went away. So yes, I was having a bad day and I had my own attitude issues. I guess Chase wasn’t the only one acting weird.

By the time I finished the sky was almost all dark. And strangely my headache was starting to get worse. I chalked it up to me staring at my computer for a while, but it made my irritability worse. On our way out, I grabbed the bottle of Advil sitting on the kitchen counter.

“You good, bro?” Chase asked as he saw me take another pill.

I ignored him calling me ‘bro’ before I responded. “I had a headache all day.” I held up the bottle of Advil before continuing. “I took some earlier, but it didn’t really work. Hopefully this time it does.” 

When I glanced at Chase after I said that, I could’ve sworn he grinned when he heard that, but my headache was too distracting for me to care. Maybe I just imagined it.

As we drove to the lake, with the moon beginning to come into view in the night sky, Chase asked me a bit more. “Wait, you’ve had a headache all day?”

“Yeah. Not sure why. It’s distracting and I’ve been getting pissed off all day.” I slowed down as we got to our usual spot. The clearing was as pretty as always.

“So you’re getting pissed at random things?” Chase pushed on. It felt like he was trying to prod at my brain. And it was making my head hurt.

“Yeah. Why does it matter?” I wasn’t in the mood to be interrogated right now.

Chase’s head gestured to the lake. “Why don’t you get out the car tonight? You never do. I promise tonight won’t be boring.” There was something in Chase’s voice that made me question why the invitation. It was a strange suggestion but there was no reason why I couldn’t.

“Fine.” I stepped out of my door and locked my car as soon as I saw Chase start walking.

I caught up to him, but kept my eyes to the ground. “Sorry about earlier. Just had a shitty day,” I began saying.

“It’s fine. I understand. You were bound to have one,” Chase said. He didn’t have any bitterness in his voice.

I kept quiet at first, again bothered by my worsening headache. “These nights usually suck for me to be honest. Just watching from the car, sitting in the dark. Hopefully we figure out a way to fix all of this soon.”

“Eh, I’m not really worried about a cure right now.”

“What?” My eyes were instantly locked onto his. There’s no way he went from trying so hard to find a cure to suddenly not wanting one at all. “Why?”

“I’m in college and wanna have fun. Being a Hulk is pretty fun. I’ve realized that it’s also just really fucking awesome, bro. I now have basically a fucking superpower. Plus —” Chase lifted up an arm and flexed his bicep — “I get fucking huge. And ripped.” He brought his arm down with a slight smirk on his face. He closed his eyes and shuddered, something I noticed is usually a precursor to his transformation. “Trust me bro. I’m starting to accept it.”

Could he really be enjoying this now? “How?” I turned away, toward the lake, and paused. 

“I’ve just been talking to some of my bros and kinda just realized all of this.” Chase also paused, positioned behind me.

That felt like a really shitty answer. I turned around and just started dumping how I felt.  “Chase, you’ve been changing a lot in these past few months. Like seriously changing into a different person. I don’t know if it’s because you’re able to freaking Hulk out now, or if it’s because of your new ‘bros,’ but it’s like I don’t even know you! You’re not the person I thought I was friends with, and this whole thing is seriously pissing me off. So I really need to know, how?” My headache was getting even worse, but my anger was about to go through the roof. It was like something inside me had lit a fire.

“I can’t explain it bro,” Chase said, stepping closer. “I think it’s just how I’m headed and who I am right now. But I think you’ll be able to understand, bro.”


Chase evaded my question. He stood there and thought for a while before there was a certain look on his face, one that made it seem like something popped into his head. There was just a moment of hesitation before he spoke. “Look at the moon, dude.”

I huffed and decided to turn to stare at the moon, which was just past Chase’s shoulders. I started to become very aware of my own heart rate, feeling conscious of the rhythm. For some reason, staring at the moon seemed to soothe my headache, but I began to feel even more strange. “Why aren’t you changing yet? It’s pretty high up…”

“I’m fighting the urge to change, but there’ll be a point where I can’t,” he said as he moved to stand by me. Then he abruptly changed the topic. “Now I was talking to Bryce and learned something really interesting.”

“What’d he say?” I asked. My headache continued to subside, but there was a mental fog that began to settle on my brain. I could still… think, but everything started to feel jumbled. And there was a tingling in my fingers. Despite that, I tried hard to listen to what Chase had to say.

“When I Hulk out or turn back normal, my body starts to give off gamma radiation.” Chase pulled his shirt off, just like he always did before a transformation, before continuing. “A good bit. Not enough to cause radiation poisoning or anything, but enough to affect other people. It goes on for a while after I settle but eventually I stop. Turns out, out of everything I can learn to control, that’s not one of them. But if a person is exposed to a were-Hulk in those states repeatedly, over an extended period of time… Well, let’s just say they’ll be going through some changes too.”

“What are you trying to tell me?” My eyes widened, suddenly realizing what he was insinuating. All the sensations I was feeling became more and more intense as my heartbeat became faster and harder.

“Jakob… Welcome to the club, bro.” I noticed a mischievous smirk on Chase’s face before he gave me a hard pat on the back.

Out of nowhere, every nerve in my body felt a shock, as adrenaline and testosterone began pumping into my bloodstream. The sharp pain cleared up my mind for only a moment. I shut my eyes, surprised, feeling disoriented by the sudden shift in gears within my brain and the rest of my body. I gasped then opened my eyes. The sound of a camera goes off. I looked down to see Chase handing me his phone, open to a picture of me, grimacing in the moonlight.

But my eyes… They weren’t blue like they should be. I have blue eyes. But no… in the picture they were an unmistakable bright, vivid, almost lime green. And they looked a lot like Chase’s do when he transforms. “I’m… I’m…”

“Hulking out, bro. Hell yeah.” Chase set his phone down before he stepped away from me, his eyes locked on me as they also turn green.

Before I could respond, a pang of power and pleasure shot through my body, and I couldn’t help but groan deeply, overwhelmed by the intense and raw feeling. I began to try to ground myself, breathing heavily, mentally fighting any urge and feelings to change, and physically bracing every muscle in my body. But there was a small part of me that didn’t want me to resist. And that voice started getting louder.

“Bro… Just let it happen.” Chase said. His voice was starting to get deeper.

“N-no!” The sound of my voice was also deeper as my body still proceeded with its changes, despite my internal protests. I wrapped my arms around the front of my torso and lurched forward. Although I didn’t feel pain, my whole body felt like it was going through an intense and physically grueling process. For my mind, a mentally grueling process. Another pang of pure power and pleasure shook me, and I finally let go.

The feeling of everything transformative flooding in and everything internalized flooding out was beyond overwhelming. I moaned as I felt every muscle tense, tighten, then relax; they pulsed as veins pumping green blood bulged against my increasingly green skin. My arms began to feel like it was on fire, the same kind you get from a good workout from the gym, as it packed on muscle mass and hardened. The same around my neck, shoulders, and chest as traps rose and became more pronounced around my neck, and my thin body began growing large and hard pectoral muscles.

The rapid growth happening all over my body, along with the new weight of that growth, brought me to my knees, with my knees hitting the sand of the shore. I began to feel very warm, my body beginning to sweat from the sheer force of the transformation. My body continued to grow, my legs lengthening and making me taller than I am. “Fuck,” I let out. I didn’t expect the mix of the burning pain and the overwhelming orgasmic feeling. 

My thighs and calves became heavier and thicker, growing with muscle, bulging against my shorts. As I tried to stand back up, my feet, which felt so restrained, tore through my shoes. I wasn’t focused on that though. I was too immersed in the feeling of Hulking out that I just started to feel good and free. My feet were free from restraint, settling into the sand. Why not the rest of my body?

“Hell yeah.” I didn’t realize I had muttered that out until I heard Chase echo my words before moaning in the midst of his own transformation. I grunted as I widened my stance, accommodating my growing legs and package between them. I subconsciously flexed my arms, wanting to feel my shirt tighten around them. At that moment, I looked down just in time to watch my short, gray sleeves burst open, unveiling my arms, which were bigger and more muscular than they’ve ever been, and revealing my skin, which were taking on a deeper, emerald green in comparison to my normal, pale human skin. 

It was amazing. I felt powerful. While some rational part of myself was still there, like I’m speaking right now, trying to preserve itself and realize how this went against everything I thought I wanted, I conceded more and more to this new, more primal part of myself. I suddenly craved this power and the strength that I was beginning to feel. I could feel a smirk come onto my face as I felt the rest of my shirt tighten around my torso. I flex. A sudden rip from the collar of my shirt down to the lower hem, a sudden destruction of that flimsy, useless fabric on my body. I tore it off my body, exposing more of my skin as my lats and shoulders widened and my well-defined and cut abdominal muscles. My shirt now rested on the ground, in shredded pieces. 

It was done! I was Hulked out! And I didn’t care about it. I gave into that new, angry, savage alpha me. But I realized that it wasn’t someone completely different. What Chase said earlier clicked — this was just the person I had wanted to be for so long on the inside. I had wanted the strength and the muscle, but never admitted it.

The cocky smirk on my face remained as I stood tall, just like Chase did, and flexed. As if by reflex, Chase’s phone on the ground took a picture of me again. Curious how I looked, I grabbed his phone. And I felt unashamed when I saw my new, daunting look. Just like Chase, I’d grown by at least half a foot. My blond hair had turned into a corresponding shade of green, a bit lighter than Chase’s when he transforms. Finally, my huge musculature was unlike anything I’d ever had before — that is to say, I went from a skinny, pale photography nerd into an epic college Hulk. And I fucking loved the feeling of it.

I flexed my arms, which sent pulsating pleasure throughout my body. I felt amazing. I ran into the line of trees that lined the beach, using my new strength to punch a couple down with some effort. Chase was right: like this, I’m a god.

The orgasmic transformation dumbed me down a bit, I’ll admit. But I didn’t care. My cock, now huger than I ever would thought it could be, was straining against my shorts. I absentmindedly started rubbing myself through them; the outline of it was visible despite the limited lighting. 

By the lake, I stroked and stroked, flexing my body as I did, moaning as every self-touch at my own hands sent pleasure through my body. And my groans and moans became deeper and louder as Chase, also Hulked-out, grabbed ahold of me. As he stroked me, the only thing that was making me feel any kind of weak, I stroked him. It was pure euphoria and power, feeling my muscles and his, each stroke and touch was overwhelming.

And with a groan from the both of us, we both came onto each other. Our Hulk cum splashed onto each other and into the lake. And eventually we were brought back down to a more normal size.

Or as ‘normal’ as normal could be. I shrunk, but I wasn’t as scrawny as I was before. Honestly I’m glad. Now that I hit the gym a bunch, it’s hard for me to imagine ever being that skinny.

Chase and I bonded a lot that night. Nothing too close, but we definitely became bros. I’ve never been better friends with anyone else, but I met up with some of his bros too. They’re super chill and I can’t imagine having a better friend group.

The only thing now is… Well, considering now I know how fucking awesome it is to Hulk out, and how much I wanna “spread the joy,” I can see how this became a campus-wide problem. 

Let’s just say it’s not going away any time soon.

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