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Great story! I just read it and really enjoyed it!  I love unwitting muscle growth, where the recipient doesn't realize how he's getting bigger and more muscular, and then SUDDENLY!! he sees!

The shock and awe reaction is great!
His wife is going to kill her brothers when she gets home! 140 pound runner husband transformed into a 300 + pound muscle mountain!  His movements will be more like an earthquake than running! 

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Well I finally completed it! I do feel like I maybe rushed the ending just a bit, but overall I am satisfied with the outcome. Also I really bashed this one out quick so I apologize for any typos. 🙈  I really appreciate all the love I've gotten on this. I definitely do not consider myself up-to-par with the rest of the writers on this forum so the kindness and support is seriously so appreciated. Anyways, without further ado, enjoy the finale!


Part 4


It wasn’t until the next morning that I made my way back home. I’d spent the night wandering aimlessly through the streets. My mind was racing. I was so disoriented. Nothing made sense. I’d lost almost two full days and I was clearly bigger than I had been on Tuesday. I’d been purposely avoiding mirrors, not wanting to accept how much bigger I’d gotten. I knew, even without getting a good look, that I was much bigger. I just felt like I took up more space, and every movement felt awkward and clunky. I was fully exhausted by the time I walked through the front door, noting, to my dismay, that it was now a struggle to fit through the doorway. Tyler and Seth immediately ran to the door, looking relieved to finally see me.


“Bro we were so worried about you after you ran out of the gym. And then when you didn’t come home last night…are you ok?”, Tyler said, looking very concerned.


“Ok? Of course I’m not fucking ok! I look like a fucking freak man!”, I blurted out in anguish. It was then that I realized that, yes I was now a freak, but I was the same size as my brothers now. Even though I didn’t know exactly how big that was, visually, I could tell I matched each of them pound for pound now. I decided that I could no longer delay the inevitable, so I made my way over to the bathroom scale. I jabbed both of my shoulders against the doorframe, forgetting the immense amount of space I now took up. Turning sideways, I forced my way through the doorway and onto the scale. I blinked in pure shock when I saw the 300 flash on the screen. I suddenly felt like I knew this already, like this wasn’t new information but I didn’t give it much extra thought.


I turned my attention to the mirror and was once again, shocked. The face that stared back at me was barely recognizable as my own. You could tell it was me, but a version of me that looked more masculine, more rugged. But the body attached to that face was completely unrecognizable. Each muscle on my body was absolutely engorged with muscle. No wonder I felt like I took up more space. I fucking did, that’s why. I was almost obscenely huge. And hairy. Fuck, I was hairy. My flat six pack of abs were long gone, replaced by a bulging muscle gut. My thighs flared out, writhing with muscle. Each one looked to be easily the size that my waist used to be.


I found myself getting slightly aroused at the sight of my massive body, and it frightened me. Where were these feelings coming from? I hated this size that I’d put on. Where was this all coming from? It isn’t possible for someone to gain this much mass, even when they are trying to! The more I shifted my weight, and moved my body around, I began to grow more accustomed to, and even kind of fond of my new body. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad…wait, what? Fuck. What the hell is going on with my head!


I gave myself one final look over and exited the bathroom. I was starving after wandering the streets all night long so I went and made myself an enormous breakfast, noticing that the pantry was completely empty. Confused, I turned to grab my keys and just go grab something quick. I was met by Tyler. He smirked at me and made some sort of comment about me devouring everything in the house yesterday, but of course I had no idea what he was talking about. I brushed off his comment and got in my car. Driving was going to be a difficult task, as well, it seemed. Even with the seat pushed all the way back, between my massive thighs, muscle gut, and beefy chest fighting for space, there was almost no space left to breathe. I needed a bigger car.


I drove down the street to Taco Bell and basically ordered the entire menu. The drive thru lady handed me my bags of food, staring at me in shock. I guess I really was a sight to behold at this point. I didn’t even make it home to eat my food. I just parked in the parking lot and wolfed down all of it. I was so fucking hungry. Satisfied, I returned home and fell asleep on the couch for a few hours.


I awoke, seemingly that afternoon, as Seth was gathering his things. It looked like he was getting ready to go to the gym.


“Hey man, you headed to the gym?” I asked.


Seth jumped in surprise, not realizing I had awoken. “Yeah, dude. Ty’s coming too. You wanna come?”


A part of me didn’t want to, but there was another part of me that was aching to see what kind of heavy weight this body could move around now. My stomach growled in hunger. Again? Really?


“Sure man. I think I will actually. Kinda interested to see what this body can do, ya know?”, I said while flexing my thick bowling ball biceps. “I’m fucking starving though. You got some protein powder or something I can chug on the way?”


Seth smiled, knowing. “I have just the thing.”, he said.




I knew that Tyler and I had agreed not to give him any more of the powder for at least another week, but c’mon. The man was practically asking me to give it to him at this point. I went ahead and gave him a regular dose. I figured with his new mass, he would need the extra protein to fuel those huge muscles of his. I handed him the shake and he chugged it down without a second thought. I waited patiently, hoping Will was going to make an appearance. Right on cue, his demeanor changed to that of a dude he knew he was a fucking muscle monster and loved it. Will shot up, threw on some gym shorts that hugged his lower body perfectly and a tank that did absolutely nothing to hide his current mass.


As if on cue, Tyler appeared in the doorway, shocked that Will was coming to the gym with us to lift, by choice. We arrived at the gym and had what can only be described as the most grueling workout I had ever experienced. I had never lifted as hard and as much weight as I did that day and holy hell did it feel incredible. Getting Will bulked up was the best decision we had made, just for our sake. He brought a whole new level of energy to our workouts now. And maybe it was just the pump, but Will looked like he was about to explode out of his skin. His clothes were plastered to his enormous body, almost bursting at the seams.


“Fuck that was a great workout, my dudes.” bellowed Will.


“Hell yeah it was. Fuck I’m not going to be able to move tomorrow…” Tyler said, laughing. “You can really throw the weight around now, man. You fit right in with us now, dude. Too bad you and Kenz don’t live in Chicago…then we could all lift together all the time….”


“Hey man you never know. If the right opportunity comes along, it could happen someday.”, Will said with a smirk. Then, to all of our surprise, he turned back to the mirror and flexed a most muscular pose. His already strained tank just wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of muscle that surged forth and it literally disintegrated immediately. His body just exploded with bloated muscle. Even his shorts were starting to show tears in the seams where they were losing the battle against his titanic quads. He was definitely bigger now. This wasn’t just a pump. Before he lost any more clothing, we decided it was best to head home.


We grabbed a few pizzas on the way home for dinner. Will finished off two of them all by himself. He patted his massive belly in satisfaction and decided to turn in for the night. We both watched as he struggled up the stairs, noting that he did, in fact, fill the stairwell with his mass now. God damn he was a big dude now. Each step groaned in protest as he thudded up the stairs and to his bedroom. We looked at each other, unsure of what the next day would bring.




The sun streaming through the window is what initially woke me up the next morning. I vaguely recalled the intense workout I’d had with Seth and Tyler the day before and groaned, not noting the depth that my voice now had, almost gravelly. I raised a hand to shield my eyes from the blinding sun and was shocked when I saw my hand and forearm. Both were enormous. My fingers were each thick and meaty, the size of sausages. My hand was large enough to easily palm a basketball. Attached to it was the largest forearm I had ever seen. Period. It rivaled the size of a Christmas ham. I turned over and was shocked to find that both my shoulders were clearing both sides of my bed. This was a fucking queen size bed. What the hell? My vision was completely eclipsed by the two enormous mounds of muscle protruding from my chest, so, with difficulty, I sat up and got out of bed. I swear that poor bed sighed with relief as I got up.


Even without a mirror I could tell I was huge. I thought I was huge yesterday but that was nothing compared to now. It’s difficult to describe what I was feeling in that moment. Powerful just didn’t seem to do it justice. I needed to see what kind of freak of nature I looked like now. My first step to the door was intoxicating. The feeling of so much power being set into motion is indescribable. Approaching the doorway began to really put in to perspective what my true size was now. Literally only my pecs fit through the doorway, and even they were a tight fit. Apparently I had grown in height, because my head was several inches past the doorframe and there was no way in hell my shoulders were fitting through the doorway.


It took me several awkward minutes to maneuver my way through the doorway. It took a combination of crouching, turning sideways, sucking in and eventually just forcing my way through. The sight that met me in the mirror was absolutely breathtaking - or at least the parts I could see. I had to crouch to see my face, which had become even more masculine and handsome, if that were even possible. I had a full on blonde beard covering my face now adding to that effect. Attached to my head was a neck that had to be thicker than a telephone pole. That led down to a set of traps that almost swallowed even that, rising like twin peaks on either side of my head.


My eyes continued downward (and outward) to the enormous caps of shoulder muscle that stretched a yard in either direction. Each shoulder was the size of a bowling ball. Attached to those shoulders was the largest pair of biceps I had ever seen. I brought my arms up to flex and gawked as they exploded to the size of beach balls. Rock hard, muscular beach balls, easily bigger than my head. And there were those massive forearms I had first seen this morning, covered in a thick dusting of blonde hair and veins. I brought my arms back down to rest, noting that my arms, at rest, would not drop below a 45 degree angle. My back was just too damn thick.


My pecs were bulging and swollen with muscle, also covered in a thick swirl of blonde hair, disappearing into the canyon between the two muscles. My eyes continued down and rested on the enormous gut that now bulged proudly where once upon a time, a flat six pack had been. I patted it proudly, feeling It’s solidness. My waist had to be at least 50 inches now and yet it was still thin compared to the breadth of my wide back and shoulders. I also noted with glee that even my dick had enjoyed some well deserved growth. Rock hard, it looked to be at least two feet long and as thick as a two liter bottle. My massive hands cradled it proudly, reveling in It’s thickness.


My legs were truly a work of art. Each leg was easily bigger in size than my entire body had been previously. I don’t think that a pair of pants existed that would be able to contain these monoliths of muscle. No matter how wide I spread my feet, nothing would ever come between the mass of those legs. My calves also bulged with power, the size of a prize turkey. I continued to stare at my massive body, still not fully processing that this was actually me. I thought back to when I’d first arrived here and how obnoxiously opposed I had been to having muscle. Now that I had it, I couldn’t understand why anyone could not want this. I was desperate to know my current weight now, but I knew my bathroom scale had maxed out yesterday at my old weight of 300lbs and there was no way I’d be able to read the screen past my enormous pecs and gut anyways. So I attempted to make my way downstairs and awaken my brothers.




I awoke to what I initially thought was the sound of an earthquake. I bolted out my bed and ran into the living room. What I found instead was this unbelievably massive behemoth squeezing down the stairwell. Even turned sideways, it was a tight squeeze. As the beast made it to the bottom of the steps and turned to face me, I was shocked to see the face of my brother, William grinning down at me. He had definitely gotten bigger. MUUUUCH bigger. He most likely eclipsed even our dad in size now, and he was pushing 400lbs. Jesus Christ. I hadn’t ever intended on him getting this huge.


“Bro. Look how big I got.” Will’s voice boomed. His voice had dropped from a tenor to a deep bass. It vibrated the whole room with It’s depth. He proceeded to flex his biceps and they just kept rising and rising, larger and larger. I didn’t think it was possible for a human to be this huge. He looked like an off season bodybuilder that ate another off season bodybuilder. Each thunderous step across the room seemed to shake the house. His awkward gait only added to the thudding of his enormous body traversing the room.


“I need to get to the packing scale in the laundry room. It’s the only scale heavy enough to measure my weight now. I’ll need you to read the weight off for me. Not gonna be able to see much past these babies.” he said, palming each of his enormous pecs in his hands.


I nodded, wordlessly, still trying to recover from the shock of it all. I followed him, making note of how large his back was, even compared to the massive gut he had bulging from his midsection now. He seemed to be nearly as wide across as he was tall, if that is even possible. I watched his thick globular ass bounce and contract with each step. Before I knew it, Will was waiting impatiently on the scale waiting for me to snap out of my stupor.


“Helloooo? C’mon dude. Hurry it up.” His impossibly deep voice brought me back to reality. I peered over at the scale and gawked at the number on the screen. 487lbs. This mother fucker almost weighed 500lbs. Overnight, he literally gained what he used to weigh in muscle - and then some. He had to be the most massively muscular man on the planet now. When I told him, he just laughed. And I laughed. It was the only logical reaction to such a ridiculous thing. It was Will’s deep, bellowing laugh that finally woke up Seth. In the middle of our fit of laughter, Seth came barreling around the corner, looking freaked out, like he had no idea what the hell could be making such a low noise.


Upon seeing Will he immediately blurted out “What the fuck! Who the hell are you?” This just caused us to laugh even more, realizing that Seth had no idea that the giant mass of muscle standing before him was his own brother in law, Will.


“Don’t you recognize your own brother, Seth?” Will said, coyly, while popping his meaty pecs.


Seth gawked. There it is. That must’ve been what I looked like just a few minutes ago. I could see his thoughts processing across his face. Denial, realization, acceptance…he was processing it all. He couldn’t even get out the words to express what he was thinking. He just kept stuttering and saying nonsense.


I grinned at him and told him “The big man weighs 487lbs now. I guess Dad isn’t the big man of the family anymore is he?”


Seth just continued to stare in shock, still unable to form actual words. He just couldn’t believe it. The tight little runner’s body that Will had sported just a few weeks ago was LONG gone. It was ancient history, never to be seen or heard of again. Nobody would ever believe that the two guys were one and the same.


“So….who’s hungry? I feel like I could eat a whole house.” Will said, grinning.




It was just a few weeks from that day that Mckenzie returned from London after the once-in-a-lifetime experience that she had had. By then, Will had continued to grow, though not nearly as dramatically as he had in the past. He really wanted to hit 500lbs by the time his wife returned home. That would put him at an even 360lbs larger than he had been last time she’d seen him. And he had achieved that goal - and then some. The day Mckenzie was set to return, he clocked in at a massive 512lbs of off season beef. None of that cut and shredded shit. He was all muscle and fat and he loved it.


Mckenzie arrived at her brother’s house in Chicago to meet up with her husband and, upon opening the door, was met with the most massive man she had ever seen. He was sitting on the couch, watching tv and he took up the entire thing all by himself. His shoulders spanned the length of the entire couch. He noticed her in the corner of his eye and looked over and smiled. “Babe! You’re home!”


She knew that voice. It was a morphed, lower version of it, but she knew it to be her Will’s voice, but that was impossible. Her William was a taut, lean swimmer, not this enormous slab of beef. He saw the confusion in her face and immediately arose to approach her.


“Babe. It’s me! Will. Seth and Tyler got me on a new work out regime and I kind of piled on the weight while you were gone.” he said, grinning mischievously, popping his juicy pecs.


“Will? What….what? H-h-how? You’re…you’re HUGE!!”


“I know! Isn’t it amazing! There’s just more of me for you to love now.” he said, again popping his pecs.


He slowly approached her and put his massive paws around her waist, eclipsing her with his massive body. He embraced her, careful not to squeeze too tightly and hurt her. She just melted into his mass and starting sobbing. Concerned, he pulled away and kneeled down eye to eye with her and placed his hands on her shoulders.


“Babe are you ok?” he asked, worriedly.


She nodded, silently then managed to get out “I just…I’m just overwhelmed that’s all. I’m happy that you finally decided to put on some muscle. You fit right in with the rest of my family now. I’ve secretly wanted you to get big for a while but I didn’t want you to feel pressured. I love you no matter what size you want to be!”


He looked relieved. He knew that she would be accepting of his new size, but he was worried for a second when she had started crying. They proceeded upstairs to the bedroom he had been staying in all summer and he gave her the best sex either of them had ever had.




Will and Mckenzie ended up moving to Chicago. It just made sense. She could continue to further her career in musical theatre in the big city and Will had his two brother to work out with every day now.


Due to Will’s large advantage in his weight, Seth and Tyler decided that they needed to take some of the protein powder in order to catch up to Will. He did need some muscle monsters that matched his size if he wanted to get a good work out in, right? So after a few weeks of careful dosings of the protein powder, the brothers had blown up to 485lbs apiece. Not quite as big as Will. They still wanted him to be the big man. But they were still the largest around, Will excluded.


Thanksgiving would definitely be an interesting one this year, to say the least.



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Great ending! Glad to hear that the wife was cool with the muscle growth!

Typical "I secretly want you to do this, but I won't tell you, since I want you to read my mind" behavior = very believable!

Love the description: "He looked like an off season bodybuilder that ate another off season bodybuilder."

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That was an incredible ending to the story! I too was afraid it would be too rushed feeling, going from William being reluctant to accepting his growth all in one chapter, but it wasn't at all. The pace was actually very good. I'm glad too that the wife like the change. I thought it could go one of two ways, either she could like it, or she could have wanted her man to be the opposite of her dad and brothers. So, I'm glad she was happy. Of course, if Will had decided he liked fellow big muscle men, that would have been cool too. :) 

I really hope you write again as soon as you are possibly ready!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don’t know why, but the part 4 post is almost completely whited out — like very pale gray (almost white) font on a white background. All other posts on this thread are readable but not the one with the final part. Help! This is such a hot story, I want to read the final part but can’t figure out how to make it readable. 

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On 2/23/2020 at 2:10 PM, Musclenyc said:

I don’t know why, but the part 4 post is almost completely whited out — like very pale gray (almost white) font on a white background. All other posts on this thread are readable but not the one with the final part. Help! This is such a hot story, I want to read the final part but can’t figure out how to make it readable. 

Try now. They changed back to the non-dark version so the lettering got whited out. 

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  • 6 months later...

Great story! I just read it and really enjoyed it!  Are you gaining weight when you're trying to lose (or at least maintain) it?  It's really disappointing.  I also experienced this problem. Check this site  if you want to learn more about weight loss tips. Gaining weight solely in your stomach may be the result of specific lifestyle choices.

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