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I feel like this is going to take an interesting twist if Eric finds out Joey and Seth are lifting together! Well done Shaun...very well done! Can't wait to read the next chapter! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's the most recent chapter of my story. I hope you all enjoy it! 
Chapter 18
"Dad has to be, ok." Eric said, wiping at a few tears that were falling down his face. "He has to be."
"Eric, sweetie, don't jump to conclusions." Amy said, as she drove. "You haven't talked to your mom, yet, so you don't really know what's going on."
Eric looked over, at Amy, from where he was sitting.
"I can't help it, Amy." Eric said to her. "Mom wouldn't tell me where Dad was or if he was ok. How am I supposed to react to that?"
"All I'm saying is don't upset yourself for no reason." Amy told him. "Find out from your mom what's going on, when you see her, and then once you hear what she has to say, then you can start dealing with it, whatever it is."
Eric sighed, sitting back, in his seat.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said, then asked. "So, tell me how your talk with Rudy went. Did you find out anything more about how he reacted, back in the barn, at Seth's?"
Amy looked over at Eric and smiled at him, then turned her eyes back to the road.
"My talk, with Rudy, went pretty well, actually. As for his reaction to you, being gay, he doesn't have a problem with it. It's just the idea of you and Seth, being a couple, that bothers him, because he still believes that Seth is straight and not into men."
Eric frowned, hearing that revelation from Amy, which made him wonder about what Rudy's opinion of him, was.
"So, he believes that I'm taking advantage of Seth?" Eric asked her. "Is that what he's saying?"
"No, he didn't say that." Amy replied. "Rudy just said that the idea of Seth being gay doesn't fit with the history that he's always known of Seth to have. Rudy said in all the years he's known Seth, he's only ever heard Seth talk about women. He's never once heard Seth express interest in another man, before."
Eric raised his eyebrows and let out a huge sigh. He still wasn't sure how to process what Amy was telling him about Rudy's reaction to Eric's admission of being gay, so he wasn't yet sure how he was going to have to deal with Rudy from this point forward. All he knew was that he didn't need any more drama in his life, right now. Not after things in his life were going so great. He was doing well, in college, he'd met a man that he was now crazy about, in only a few days time, and he was finally at the point, in his life where he finally felt secure and safe. Especially, after everything that he'd gone through, the last 5 years of his life.
"Well, I guess Rudy hasn't considered the fact that sexuality is fluid, and can change at any given time in your life." Eric said. "So, once Seth is finally ready to tell people that he and I are officially dating, Rudy's just going to have to deal with it."
Amy nodded, keeping her eyes on the road.
"I hear you." Amy said. "I told Rudy that no matters what Seth's sexuality may be that if he truly cares about Seth, then he needs to continue to be there, for Seth, no matter what. That's when Rudy told me that even though he loves Seth, like a brother, he also revealed that sometimes he couldn't love Seth, any more than if he was his own son."
Hearing that, Eric's eyebrows raised, once again, his face taking on a very surprised look.
"Wow." Eric said, softly. "That is deep."
"I thought so, too." Amy told him. "But, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, considering Rudy was around 20 years old when he first started working for Seth's father, on the farm. I'm sure he was like a big brother, to Seth, as their friendship grew. But, I can also see how Rudy's more paternal side could have come out during these past 15 years."
"Really?" Eric asked her. "How so?"
Amy hesitated, for a moment, as she thought it over. Then, she made her opinion known.
"Well, Seth, being about 10 years old, at the time, Rudy was 20, I'm sure Rudy got some experience, being around kids, so I'm sure that he had to have developed some fatherly instincts. He's very protective of Seth. I can sort of see how Rudy could think of Seth, like a son, considering Rudy doesn't have any children of his own."
"He doesn't?" Eric asked her. "How old is Rudy?"
"35." Amy revealed to him. "I was surprised, too, that he didn't already have children, given the fact that he used to be married before."
"Why didn't he?" Eric wanted to know.
"His wife told him that she didn't want to have children. Rudy stayed married to her, another year, hoping she would charge her mind, but she didn't. Then, later, he found out that his wife had been cheating on him, with another man for the past six months, so they ended up getting a divorce after 5 years of marriage."
"Wow!" Eric said, feeling sorry for Rudy. "That sucks for Rudy."
"Yeah, it does." Amy said, to him. "But, at least I have the chance to try to make him happy now. And I think I'm succeeding at that."
Eric smiled as he looked over at her.
"I think you are, too " Eric said, to her. "You should have seen his face when I called you, this morning,. at breakfast. He lit up like a kid in a candy shop. He's definitely smitten with you."
Amy smiled when she heard that. As if she didn't already know that.
"I know." She said. "And I also told him that of he hurts you, physically or mentally, in any way, he'll have to answer to me."
Eric's face took on a look of total surprise, hearing that from her.
"How did Rudy react to that? He asked.
"He assured me that he would never lay a hand on you." Amy said, to him. "He says he's not that kind of guy. But, even if he did...."
Amy turned to Eric as she cut off, giving him a knowing look.
"...You and I, both, know that you can defend yourself."
Eric knew what she was referring to. After becoming a victim to Tom Anderson, Eric had sworn that no other man, gay, straight, or bisexual would ever physically or sexually hurt him, again. So Eric, aside from working out, at the gym, to become stronger and more muscular, had also decided to take up self defense classes as well, so that he would be able to protect himself, if he would ever have to. He'd never been in a situation, like with Tom, since he'd been raped, and he hoped that he would never have to, again. But that didn't stop Eric from wanting to learn all he could so he'd be prepared in case, anything like that, would happen, again. But then, if he did, he would be ready.
"Oh, you bet I can." Eric told her. "So, I'll give Rudy the benefit of the doubt, for now. But if he's lying to you, and he tries anything with me, He won't know what hit him."
"Oh, I doubt he would ever try anything." Amy said, with conviction. "I'm usually a pretty good judge of character, and I think Rudy is completely genuine. And even if there's a chance I could be wrong, Seth would never let Rudy hurt you. Rudy has too much to lose. His job, his relationships with Seth and Deborah, and now, more than anyone, he risks losing me. I already told him that he and I can never be together if he has a problem with you being gay."
"I hear you." Eric said to her. "But he did say he has a problem with me and Seth being together."
"Well, I think that's because he doesn't know for sure what Seth's sexuality really is." Amy pointed out. "But, I think when Seth is ready to tell him and Deb about the two of you, then I am sure Rudy will support the relationship. Rudy loves Seth, like a brother, so I can't see him doing anything to put his close friendship with Seth, at risk."
"Yeah, maybe you're right." Eric said. "I guess we'll just have to sit back and see how everything plays out."
Eric turned his head towards Amy, his expression all serious.
"But, I will be keeping a close eye, on Rudy." Eric told him. "Until, I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Rudy is not the homophobic type, I refuse to let my guard down, for a minute."
"Oh, make no mistake, I will be watching Rudy, very closely, too." Amy said, with a seriousness in her tone. "So, by all means, keep your guard up, until we all know, for sure."
Now, back into the city, Amy turned the car, into the parking lot of the University, and parked in Eric's designated spot, and turned towards him.
"I have to get back to my classes." She said to him. "Will you call me, later, and let me know what's going on, with your Mom and Dad?"
"Absolutely." Eric said, as he got out of the car.
Amy got out of the car, but left the engine running, since Eric was going to be leaving again, anyway. She turned towards Eric, just as he came around to the driver's side of the car. She stepped aside, as he got into the car. When he did, he looked back up at her.
"Do you need me to pick you back up after your classes are over?" Eric asked her.
Amy shook her head.
"No." She said. "You can take all the time you need, with your family. If I need someone to pick me up, I can always call Rudy to come into town and get me."
"Ok." Eric said. "I'll text you, later."
"Alright." Amy said, leaning in and giving him a kiss, on the cheek. "Good-bye Babe."
"Bye." Eric said, grinning, as she walked back towards the entrance to the University.
Remembering that he had to get to his parents' house, Eric put the car in reverse and back out of his parking space. Then, putting the car in gear, drove onto the city streets and started driving towards his parents' house.
Seth, meanwhile, had finished up, mucking out the horses' stalls and was now preparing to wheelbarrow the smelly horse manure, out to dump in the manure pile. As he was wheeling the wheelbarrow out of the barn, Deborah came out of the house.
"Hi Honey." Deborah said to him, then looked around. "Where's Eric?"
Seth set the wheelbarrow down, and stood up.
"He had to leave." He told her. "He got a call from his mother, earlier. Something has happened to his father, and Eric was all freaked out, wondering what happened. His mom wouldn't tell him, anything. Just to go to see her and she'd fill him in."
Deborah's face took on a very concerned, very understanding look. She put her hand on Seth's arm.
"I'm so sorry to hear that, Sweetie." Deborah said, in a soft tone of voice. "I'm sure, hearing that, must have made you think about your father, right now."
"Yeah, I can't deny that." Seth said, sadly. "It's not the same here, without him."
Deborah brought her hand up to Seth's face, caressing his cheek with her thumb.
"I know, Sweetie." She said sympathetically. "And it never will be, again."
Seth nodded, as Deborah removed her hand from his face. Then he looked down at the ground, as he prepared to ask his mother a very hard question.
"Mom, there's something that I need to ask you, and I really need you to be honest with me." Seth asked, as he clenched his jaw, feeling like he was going to lose his composure.
Deborah frowned, in concern, noticing Seth's upset expression.
"Yes, of course, Sweetie." She said, looking up at him.
In a moment, Seth looked up, into his mother's eyes. Deborah could see the tears, shining, in Seth's eyes.
"Mom, do you ever blame me for Dad's death?"  
Deborah's expression turned from concern to complete and utter shock. She hadn't expected Seth to ask something like that.
"What?! No!" Deborah asked, completely shocked by his question. Seth, honey, why would you ask me that?!"
Seth clenched his jaw harder, trying to stop the emotions that were threatening to overwhelm him.
"Because, even after a year of grieving for Dad, I can't get past it!" Seth said, as the tears that were shining, in his eyes, started falling down his face. "I still feel like it's my fault! I should have tried harder to keep Dad from getting on that plower to plow the corn fields. He looked so pale and sick that I tried to convince him to let me do it. But he wouldn't hear any of it! He insisted that he was fine and that I needed to get back to the house to get ready for dinner."
"Seth, honey, stop it!" Deborah said, cupping Seth's face in her hands. "We both know how stubborn your father could be!"
"Yeah, I know, Mom." Seth said, as tears started rolling down his face. 'We got into an argument, about him being stubborn! And not only that, He'd told me to go milk the cows before I came to join you, for dinner, and I refused. Dad gave me that warning tone, like he always did when I was a kid, and told me to get in that dairy barn and milk those cows. And again, I told him, no, and that he should go and milk them, himself, after plowing the fields, if he felt so great! And then I stormed off and came back towards the house. I kept hearing Dad yelling at me, ordering me to come back, but I still didn't listen!"
By now, Deborah also had tears in her eyes, listening to Seth pour out his heart to her, over all the guilt he still felt over his father's death.
"The point is, Mom that words were said!" Seth said, as he started to sob. "Words that I can never take back! And my father died before I could ever apologize to him, for disobeying him, and disrespecting him! So, this is what I'm left with! The painful reality that I'm responsible for killing my own father!"
"NO, SETH!" Deborah shouted, grabbing her son's face, in her hands, firmly. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN, DO YOU HEAR ME?!"
By now, Seth couldn't hold in his anguish, any longer and he crumpled into his mother's arms. Deborah wrapped her arms around Seth, and held him, tight, as he sobbed into her chest.
"Seth," Deborah said, in a calmer tone of voice. "You know your father well enough to know that when he had his mind set on something, there's no talking him out of it. He was going to plow those corn fields, no matter what you said. And yes, I agree that you shouldn't have argued with your father and disrespected him, but even if you hadn't, this could have happened to your father, at any time, and anywhere. Your father wasn't in the best of health, that year. He had high blood pressure and he wasn't taking his medication, regularly."
Seth, still slightly sobbing, lifted his head from Deborah's chest. His face was wet with tears, as he looked back up, at her.
"So, I don't want to hear you blame yourself for your father's death, any longer." Deborah told him. "Frank, just made some very bad decisions. All people do that, Seth. It is not your fault."
Seth nodded.
"Still, I can't help but feel like I failed him, as a Son."
Deborah shook her head. She couldn't stand to see her son put himself down, like this.
"Seth, you didn't, Honey." Deborah said, softly, rubbing his muscular arms, comforting him. "Please stop saying that. Your father would be very proud of you, right now, if he were here. You have taken everything your father has taught you, and you've run this farm, flawlessly, since his death. And I could not be more proud of you, than I am, right now."
Seth smiled, as he wiped at his eyes, again to clear them of the remaining tears.
"Thank you, Mom." Seth said, gratefully. "Although, I wouldn't have gotten through the grieving process if it hadn't been for Rudy. He really stepped up when we needed him."
"Yes, he did." Deborah and agreed. "The two of you really bonded during that time. Rudy loves you, like a brother."
"Yeah." Seth said, nodding. "He's like the brother I never had. I love him, too."
Deborah sighed and looked into Seth's eyes.
"Honey, I'm glad you told me about what happened, between you and your father before he died. I had no idea you were carrying all of that guilt around, after so long." She said, to Seth. "Why didn't you talk to me, about this, sooner?"
Seth shrugged.
"I guess I didn't want to bother you, with while the grief was still so fresh." Seth said. "I didn't want to lose you."
Deborah smiled at him.
"Seth, you could never lose me, Son." Deborah said, lovingly. "You can talk to me, about anything that is bothering you. I never want that to change."
Seth listened to her words and hoped that she truly meant them. Seth knew that he was going to have to tell her about his feelings for Eric and that they were dating. But, just not right now. He still had too much work to get done.
"I'll remember that." Seth told her, then looked down at the wheelbarrow, filled with manure.
"Well, I need to go and dump this, in the manure pile, out back." Seth told her. "Do you need any more fruit, picked, from the orchard before I drive down to the dairy barn to assist Rudy with milking the cows?"
"Yes, Honey." Deborah replied. "Some peaches would be great. I'm going to make peach cobbler for dessert, to go with tonight's dinner, so come in and wash your hands after you dump the manure, and I'll give you two fruit baskets."
Seth frowned.
"Two?" He asked.
"Yes." Deborah. "I also want you to check the apple tree and pick the ripest apples from the branches that you can reach, before they become rotten."
"You got it, Mom." Seth said. "I'll be right back."
"Ok, Honey." Deborah. "I'll see you, back in the house."
And with those last words, Deborah turned and walked back to the house. Seth started wheeling the wheelbarrow in the direction of the manure pile.
As Seth pushed the wheelbarrow, he thought back to Eric, wondering how he was doing.
"I hope things are ok with your father, Eric" Seth said, out loud. "I've already lost my dad. I pray that you won't have to go through the same thing."
Eric pulled into the driveway, of his parents house. He got out of the car and ran up to the door of the house. He still had his key to the house, so he unlocked the door and went in.
"Mom?! Eric called out. "Are you here?!"
Just then, he heard his mother's voice.
"I'm in the kitchen, Eric!" She called out.
Eric quickly walked in the direction of the kitchen. When he appeared in the doorway, he saw his mother, sitting at the kitchen table with a stack of mail in her hands. When she saw Eric, she stood up and outstretched her arms. Eric walked into them, and she hugged him, tight.
"Thank you, for coming, Baby." Mrs. Shaw said, softly.
Eric pulled back from her embrace, eager to learn about where his father was.
"Mom, can you please tell me where Dad is?" He asked her. "Ever since your phone call, I've been going out of my mind with worry."
"I'm sorry, Sweetheart." Mrs. Shaw said, sitting back down. "I shouldn't have let you worry, like that. Your father's upstairs, in the bedroom, resting."
Eric frowned, then looked down at his watch.
"Mom, why is Dad still, in bed?" He asked her. "It's almost 11:00a.m."
Eric noticed that his mother looked very sad. He was starting to have a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Because I just brought him home from the hospital, about an hour ago." She revealed. "We just recently got back your father's latest medical report from the doctor."
Eric looked at his mother's face and knew that the news wasn't going to be good.
"Dad's sick, isn't he?" Eric asked, starting to worry again.
"Yes." Mrs. Shaw replied, sadly. "He's been diagnosed with colon cancer."
"Oh God! No!" Eric said, turning away, from his mother. "This can't be happening!"
"I know." Mrs. Shaw replied. "Your father and I couldn't believe it, either, when we got the news. Your father has always been very healthy and has no medical history of cancer in his family."
Eric's eyes filled with tears, upon hearing this knews. His father had always been his hero, growing up. He looked up to his father and respected him, greatly. 
"Mom, Dad is only 40 years old." Eric pointed out. "He's just as physically fit, as I am, if not better. He doesn't eat an unhealthy diet, and he works out, regularly, or at least he does when he's not doing carpentry work."
"That doesn't matter when it comes to cancer, Sweetheart." His mother said. "Cancer can show up, even in the healthiest of people."
Eric gritted his teeth, in anger.
"But why does it have to show up, in our family?" Eric asked, in frustration. "And why in my father?!"
Eric turned his head and looked at his mother.
"I have to see him, Mom." Eric said, suddenly. "I promise I won't wake him up, if he's sleeping. I just need to be near him."
"Sure, Honey." Mrs. Shaw said. "But before you go upstairs, please help me sort through this mail. You might as well get all yours while you're here."
"Ok." Eric said, sitting down next to her, at the table.
He picked up a bunch of mail and started going through it, separating his mail from his parents' mail. 
As he was sorting through the mail, a particular envelope caught his eye. The letter was addressed to him, but when he saw the return address, he suddenly started to feel sick to his stomach. It read:
"Department of Corrections"
Eric looked over at his mother and saw that she still preoccupied with the mail that she was reading, so she hadn't seen his reaction to the particular piece of mail that he'd picked up.
Eric picked up another envelope, with his name on it and hid the Department of Corrections one underneath it, and gathered all of his mail, into his hands.
"Mom, I'm going to take all of this mail, out, to the car." Eric said, to her. "I'll be right back."
"Ok, Sweetie." Mrs. Shaw said, still reading on of her pieces of mail. "Go ahead."
Eric picked up his mail and got up and quickly walked to the door of the house, opened it, and went outside. Once outside, he ran to the car. When he got to it, he started, panting.
"Oh, God!" Eric said, trying to keep himself from having another panic attack. "That letter can't be what I think it is! Please!"
Eric opened his car door and got into the car. He sat his mail down, on the passenger seat, beside him, and picked up the envelope with "Department of Corrections" in his hands. He stared at the envelope, for a long time. When he went to open it, he found that he couldn't. He was afraid to do it, alone. He needed some backup.
"I'm not doing this, alone." Eric said. "And I know the perfect person to help me, with this."
Eric pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number.
"Hello?" He heard his mother's voice say.
"Mom, it's me." Eric said, to her. "Something's come up, so I have to go. Will you tell Dad that I love him and that I'll see him, later?"
"Sure, Sweetie." Mrs. Shaw said. "Be safe. I love you."
"I love you, too, Mom." Eric said, to her. "I'll see you, later."
Eric started the car and pulled out of the driveway. He started driving back, towards San Diego University.
Seth pulled into the visitor parking lot of the campus. He had wrapped up things, at the farm, momentarily. After picking the fruit his mother needed, from the orchard, He'd driven his truck, into town, and went to the hardware store to get his farm supplies for the fence that needed repaired, which were all sitting in the back of the truck bed.
Seth shut off the engine and got out of the truck. He turned and grabbing his duffle bag, off of the passenger seat, he turned and started walking towards the entrance to the University. He had packed the Jersey and blue shorts that Eric had given him, into the duffle bag so he had something comfortable to work out in. He also had a combination lock for the gym locker he would use, in the duffle bag as well.
As Seth walked towards the entrance, he spotted Joey, who was standing at the entrance, waiting for him. When Joey saw him, he smiled and walked down the stairs to greet him.
"Hey, man! You made it!" Joey said, extending out his hand to Seth.
Seth took Joey's hand and the two of them shook hands, then engaged in a brief shoulder hug.
"I told you I would be here." Seth said, smiling at him. "You ready to do this, man?"
"Ready when you are, dude." Joey said, eagerly.
"Alright!" Seth said, slapping Joey, on the shoulder. "Let's do this!"
Seth and Joey turned and walked towards the entrance to the building. Since there were still classes going on there weren't many people around, so getting into the building and walking through the halls to the exercise room was easy.
"Well, here it is!" Joey said, as he and Seth entered the room. It had a weight bench, a butterfly press machine, a dumbbell rack, which had dumbbells ranging from 5 lbs to 150 lbs, a rowing machine, and the leg extension machine.
Seth looked around the room. He was impressed, because even though the room was small, it had everything needed for the basics of working out. That was good enough for him 
"This is nice!" Seth said, genuinely. "Small, but loaded with the basics needed for working out. I like it."
"Awesome!" Joey said, clapping his palms together. "So, what muscle groups do you want to work out, first?"
Since Seth was the guest of the day, he decided to let Joey pick the muscle group to start with.
"You pick, buddy." Seth suggested. "I'm your guest."
Joey squinted as he decided on what should be the muscle group to work out.
"How about biceps?" He suggested to Seth. Seth grinned.
"Perfect!" He said. "My favorite."
"Really?" Joey asked. "That's mine, too."
"Well, that's another thing we have in common." Seth said. "Besides being state wrestling champions."
Seth then looked down at his duffle bag.
"Will you excuse me while I go and
get changed into my workout clothes?"
"Sure." Joey said, then pointed to the door. "If you go back out the door, the men's changing room is to your left."
"Alright, thanks man." Seth said to him. "I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Ok." Joey said, turning to the dumbbell rack and grabbing the weights.
Seth left the room, and entered the locker room and put his duffle bag on a bench and sat down. He opened it up and got out the blue tank top and shorts, his Nike sneakers, and his combination lock. He started stripping out of his clothes. He took off his shirt and jeans and put them in his duffle bag. Standing there, stripped to his CK boxerbriefs, Seth got out his combination lock and put his duffle bag into the locker he had chosen to use. Then, he removed his cowboy hat and hung it on one of the hooks inside his locker. After shutting the locker, and securing it, with his lock, Seth grabbed the Jersey and shorts and put them on. After doing that, he turned and admired himself, in the mirror, nearby. He had dressed down from Seth, The Farmer, to Seth, The Muscle Stud. He admired his reflection in the mirror.
"Looking good, big man!" Seth said, to his reflection. "Now, let's go pump you up!"
Seth grinned as he turned and headed back to the exercise room. When he entered the room, he noticed that Joey was still at the dumbbell rack, taking a rest between his sets of bicep curls. When Joey saw Seth, he did a double take of him.
"Whoa!" He said, as he stared at Seth
An amused frown appeared on Seth's face.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
Joey grinned, shaking his head, a little bit embarrassed at how he'd reacted.
"I'm sorry, man." Joey said, looking Seth in the eyes. "I keep forgetting how different you look without all the farmer attire and the cowboy hat."
Seth laughed, and nodded at him.
"Yeah, I know." He said, to Joey. "It's kind of become the norm for me to go everywhere in my cowboy hat and farmer clothes. The only time I look like this is at night, after my farm work is done. I rarely ever come into town, not dressed in my farm clothes, because In either picking up supplies for the farm, such as lumber for the fences, feed for the animals, and any other tools I need, for the job."
"I understand." Joey said, as Seth grabbed a pair of 50 lb dumbbells. "It sounds to me like hard work."
"Oh it is." Seth said, as he started curling the weights. "I've been running the farm, since I was 6 years old. It was grueling work for me, at that young of an age."
Joey frowned, as he was curling his weights.
"I'll bet." He said, seriously. "With all due respect, Seth, may I ask: Why did your father want you to start running a farm, that young?"
Seth wasn't offended at all, by that question. It was definitely a fair one.
"He wanted me to learn the basics of running the farm early, so I would be prepared to take over, one day, if something would ever happen to him." Seth explained.
Seth cut off, still saddened by the fact that his father was no longer around, but since his earlier breakdown, in his mother's arms, he'd found that his father's death was easier to talk about, now that he had been alleviated of all the guilt that he'd been feeling, since then.
"I just never thought that I would lose him, this soon." Seth said, sadly. He'd stopped curling his weights and was just holding them, now.
Joey, feeling sympathetic towards Seth, had put his dumbbells down, on the rack. He put his hand on Seth's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Seth." He said, to him. "The last thing I wanted to do was upset you."
Seth looked over at Joey and saw the concerned look on his face.
"It's ok. You didn't." Seth reassured him. "It still makes me sad to talk about my father, but it's easier for me, now."
"Cool." Joey replied. "The only reason I brought it up was because I was worried that with you running a farm, that young, that you wouldn't have had a normal childhood, growing up. Did you?"
"Oh, I didn't have the kind of "normal" childhood that you're thinking. But, I still had a happy one." Seth said, sincerely.
Seth started curling the dumbbells, again, grunting with each bicep curl. Joey watched, in awe, as Seth biceps began to swell and get bigger with each rep that Seth pumped out. His veins got bigger and stood out more. Joey couldn't take his eyes off of them. He looked at Seth, taking in his All American good looks, his golden blonde hair, his ocean blue eyes, and his huge muscular body. Even Joey himself couldn't deny the fact that Seth was a stud! 
"Damn!" Joey said, out loud. "The more you pump your bicep, the bigger and harder it looks like they get."
Seth chuckled at that comment.
"Yeah, my muscles get pretty freaky when they get pumped." Seth said, finishing his set and putting the dumbbells back on the rack.
Seth then turned back to Joey and said:
"Here, check it out."
Seth then flexed a bicep for Joey. Seth looked at his bicep, then over at Joey.
"You want to feel it?" Seth asked him.
In response, Joey reached out and gripped Seth's bicep, in his hand. He took in just how hard and huge it really was. And pumped, no less!
"Fuck!" Joey cursed, in amazement. "Seth, I can't even get my fingers all the way around it! How big are these fuckers, man?!"
"20 inches, my man." Seth said, grinning, in satisfaction.
Joey kept feeling and squeezing Seth's bicep. From the look on his face, Seth could tell that he was clearly enjoying it.
"Are you ready to do chest, now?" Seth suddenly asked.
"Sure." Joey said, then moved his hands to Seth's pecs and started feeling them, not even looking at Seth.
When, Seth felt Joey's hands on his pecs, he flexed them, but also started laughing afterwards. Joey looked up at him, and frowned.
"What's so funny?" He asked, confused.
Seth smiled at Joey, showing off his gorgeous teeth.
"That wasn't exactly what I meant when I asked you if you wanted to do chest." Seth said, trying not to chuckle. "I was talking about doing chest exercises, not having you feel mine up."
In response to that, Joey turned beet red, from embarrassment, and removed his hands from Seth's chest.
"Shit, man!" Joey said, loudly. "I'm sorry!"
Seth saw that it looked like Joey was getting mad, and knew he had to diffuse the situation before anything got worse.
"Joey, it's ok." Seth tried to assure him. "I'm not offended by you feeling my pecs, at all. I was just surprised, that's all. I guess I should have been more specific when I asked you about working pecs. My bad, bro."
Joey's expression softened. It actually wasn't Seth he was mad at. It was something entirely different.
"It's ok, Seth." Joey said, to him. "I may have overreacted a bit. I'm sorry."
"Don't be." Seth told him. "I'm the one that needs to be forgiven, for not being specific."
"Seth, it's cool, bro." Joey replied. "I can forgive you, If you'll forgive me."
Seth agreed and nodded.
"Consider it done." He said, with a small smile.
"Good." Joey said, smiling again, too. "Now come on, let's get this training session done. I know you have to get back to the farm soon and I have an afternoon class to catch around 1:00p.m."
"Sounds good to me, brother." Seth said, to Joey. "Let's do it."
Seth and Joey headed towards the butterfly press to start their chest workouts.
Eric pulled into the driveway and shut off the engine to his car. He got out of the car and locked the doors. As he walked to the door of the house, Deborah appeared in the doorway.
"Eric, you're back!" She said, as he walked up to her. "Seth told me about your father. How is he?"
"He's alright." Eric said, still looking glum. "At least, for now."
Deborah noticed that Eric still looked distraught about something and decided to call him out, on it.
"Honey, is there something else bothering you?" She asked him. "Anything I can help you with?"
Eric looked at her and managed a small smile, for her.
"No, not at the moment. But, thanks for asking." Eric replied, then asked. "Is Seth around?"
"No, he's not here, right now." Deborah said. "He went into town to pick up lumber and other supplies that are needed to repair one of our fences. But he should be back, soon, if you'd like to wait here. Have you eaten lunch yet?"
Eric shook his head.
"Not yet." He said. "I don't think I have much of an appetite, right now, anyway, so I don't want any of your delicious food to go to waste."
"Honey, don't worry about that." Deborah said, to him. "Why don't you at least try to eat something, anyway? Whatever you don't finish, I'll wrap your plate with some plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for you to finish eating, later, if you get hungry."
Eric decided that maybe it would be best if he did try to eat something after all. It was going to be a long time before dinner and he didn't yet know if he'd be expected to still train for the job.
"Well in that case, I'd be happy to join you, for lunch." Eric said to to her. "What did you make today?"
"I made Seth's favorite: Country fried steak with mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and corn on the cob." Deborah said.
"That sounds like dinner for lunch." Eric said, smiling. "What do you have planned for dinner, later?"
"Spare ribs and sauerkraut." Deborah said, smiling.
"It sounds delicious." Eric said, smiling at her.
"It will be." Deborah told him. "Come on in, and have a seat at the table and I'll make a plate for you."
"Ok." Eric said, walking into the house.
He took a seat at the kitchen table and waited for Deborah to bring him his food.
Seth and Joey both entered the locker room, both of them, drenched in sweat, from their workout.
"That was awesome, man!" Joey said, breathing heavily. "That was the most intense workout I've ever had! Thanks for agreeing to meet with me."
"No problem, brother." Seth replied, as he grabbed some paper towels from the sinks, nearby and wiped his sweaty face. "Thanks for inviting me out here, for a workout. I enjoyed working out with someone new. I normally work out, alone, in the barn, on the farm, or with my co-worker and best friend, Rudy."
"I've never heard you mention him before." Joey said. "Are you and he, tight?"
"Oh yeah!" Seth said. "I've known Rudy since I was 10 years old when he first came to work for my father, on the farm. He was 20 years old when he started working for us, so he's been with us for 15 years. He's become the big brother I never had, growing up."
"You were an only child?" Joey asked him.
"Yeah." Seth said, then asked Joey. "What about you, man? You have any siblings?"
Joey nodded.
"I have an older brother." He said, "He's 4 years older than me."
"You're lucky." Seth told him, as he sat down on one of the benches. "I used to wish I had a brother, growing up that would be there for me and vice versa."
Joey sighed, as he sat down, next to Seth, on the bench. He looked over at him.
"Well, I can't really say the same for me, and my brother." Joey said, the tone in his voice sounding sad.
"Why do you say that, man?" Seth asked him.
Joey stared straight ahead, his expression full of sadness, as he confided in Seth.
"Because my brother and I, barely, even get along. We're not close."
Seth's expression changed to pity. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I'm sorry to hear that, man." He said, putting his hand on Joey's shoulder. "Why not?"
Joey swallowed, not liking to talk about his brother, but he liked Seth and wanted to help him understand him, a lot better.
"Jake, that's my brother's name, was always the favorite, in my family. He's always got the best of everything. We're very competitive with each other. I remember when I bought myself my first car, he'd bought a better one. Or if I bought myself a big flat screen TV, he bought a bigger one. He always had to outdo me. To my parents, he could do no wrong, while I was always the troublemaker. The screw up."
Seth listened, intrigued by Joey's story, yet saddened at the same time. Joey continued talking.
"Well, it became apparent to me, earlier in my life, that my parents cared more about him then they did about me."
"Joey, I'm sure that's not true, man." Seth said, hoping to cheer Joey up. "I'm sure your parents loved you, just as much."
Joey looked down, at the floor.
"I know my parents love me, but it's not the same." Joey said, in a lower tone of voice. "You should have seen my parents at Jake's high school graduation ceremony. There was so much pride in their eyes. I've never seen them look at me, like that, ever."
"Joey..." Seth started saying, but Joey kept talking.
"The only time I felt anything close to that, was when I won my title of state college wrestling champion. And then, it wasn't just my parents, it was like the whole world applauded to me. For the first time, in my life, I felt like that was my moment to shine, for a change."
Here, Joey looked at Seth and Seth could no doubt see a new determination in Joey's eyes.
"I want it, Seth." Joey said to him. "That's why I want you to train me to become stronger, so I can become a better wrestler and go up against the best out there, and beat them. Because I want the name Joey Sloane to mean something to people when they hear it. And when they do, they can say that they remember a match I played well in, and how good I am at what I do. That I'm not a screw up."
Seth was ,no doubt, moved by everything that Joey had told him, about his relationship with his brother and his parents. He definitely felt sorry for Joey, but he was also proud of him for all he'd accomplished, so far.
"Joey, you're no screw up." Seth said, standing up from the bench and turning to face Joey, again. "And I'm sorry for what you had to endure with your family, feeling like it's a popularity contest. But that's not the Joey Sloane I see when I look at you."
Joey stood up from the bench and stepped over towards Seth, stopping mere inches away from him.
"What do you see, Seth?" Joey asked him. "I'd really like to know."
Seth looked into Joey's eyes and gave him his answer.
"I see a man who has been fighting very hard to make something of his life." Seth revealed. "A man who has overcome adversity, taken the title of state college wrestling champion, and who still wants to better himself by training to be better. Plus you're getting a college education to further your career, whatever that may be. All of those facts already make you a real winner, Joey. You've accomplished more things in your life than I can only dream about getting to do, myself."
Joey blinked, as he was incredibly moved by Seth's opinion of him. He'd never been given this level of praise and appreciation from anyone before.
"At the end of the day, Joey, you're already going places, man!" Seth told him. "I may be a more skilled, better wrestler than you are, right now, but when it comes to the things that really count, you're already better than me. And for that, I envy you. Because I'd give anything to have been given even half of the opportunities that you have been given, to get a college education."
Joey stared at Seth for a moment. Then, he nodded his head. There were tears shining, in his eyes, but he was too proud to let them fall.
"Thank you, Seth." Joey said, softly. "Everything that you just said to me, right now, means more to me than you'll ever know."
Seth nodded.
"You're welcome."
Joey then looked at his watch.
"Well, I gotta go back to my dorm and shower and change, for class." He said. "Message me on Instagram when you can work out with me, again."
"You got it." Seth said, sincerely.
"See ya." Joey said, as he started walking away.
"Bye." Seth said, to him.
Joey walked out of the locker room, leaving Seth alone, by himself. Seth sighed, as he sat down to start getting dressed back into his farm clothes.
Seth opened his locker, after taking the combination lock off of it, and pulled his duffle bag out of it. He pulled out his clothes and started stripping out of the blue tank top and shorts. He threw them in the duffle bag and proceeded to put his clothes back on. In a few minutes, he was back to looking like Seth, the cowboy farmer again.
"Well, it's time to get home and back to work." Seth said, out loud.
He picked up his stuff and headed out to the hallway, walking towards the exit.
As he walked outside, he was shocked when he saw Amy coming up the steps to the university doors.
Amy?" Seth asked, in shock.
Amy looked up and saw Seth in front of her. She was just as shocked to see him there.
"Seth?!" Amy asked. "What are you doing here?!
"Well, I stopped by to work out with Joey Sloane. I just finished up, a bit ago and am now on my way back to the farm."
"I didn't know you and Joey were friends." She said, curiously.
"Yeah, Joey invited me to workout with him, this morning." Seth replied. "I'm surprised to see you here, though. I thought you'd have gone with Eric to see his parents."
"I couldn't." Amy told him. "I had a class to attend, so Eric had to go alone."
"I see." Seth said to her. "Well, are you done for the day?"
"Yes." Amy said. "I was just going to call Eric and see if he could come and get me, and we could go have lunch, together."
"Well I'm here, now." Seth replied. "And it's about lunchtime at the farm, so why don't you just ride back to the farm, with me? You can call Eric, on the way."
"That sounds good to me." Amy said. "Let's go."
Amy followed Seth, to his truck and Seth opened her door for her. Amy got in and he shut it. He walked around the driver's side and got in. Starting the engine, Seth headed in the direction of The Lombardo Farm.
Edited by Shawn1978
Story flaws and corrections
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Well I've done pictures of hot guys that are close to how I visualize Eric and Seth, so far, so now I'm going to do Joey Sloane.

Here's a hottie who I think would be a great Joey Sloane.


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Location: Lombardo farm, in Seth's bedroom.

(Eric picks up Seth's phone and sees a message from Joey on Instagram.)

WrestlerJoey: "Yesterday with you, was fun! We should do it again soon!"

Eric: (frowning) What the hell?!"

Seth: (walks out of the bathroom shirtless and wearing only a towel) "What's going on?"

Eric: (holds Seth's phone up to him, his eyes narrowed) " You tell me."

(Seth' stops, in his tracks, ad he sees his phone in Eric's hands)

Announcer: Eric's life is in turmoil!

Eric: (To Seth) "I'm going through the worst time of my life, right now, and you're hanging out with Joey Sloane, behind my back, Seth?"

(Seth stands there, frowning, at Eric)

Eric: "What the fuck is up with that?!"

Announcer: "Meanwhile, Seth has problems of his own!"

Location: San Diego University Work Out Room:

Joey: (To Seth) "I prefer women, sexually, Seth, but for you, I'd make an exception."

Seth: (frowning, in confusion) "What are you saying, Joey?!"

Joey: "I'm saying that I want to be more than friends with you, Seth. What do you say?"

(Seth drops his eyes to the floor, not sure how to answer that.)

Announcer: "Now, Eric must pull out all the stops........"

"Eric" (to Joey, in a fierce tone of voice) "I'm warning you, Joey, you back the fuck away from my man! Do you hear me?!"

(,Joey advances on Eric and gets right in his face)

Joey: ( In a low , angry voice) "And what are you going to do if I refuse?"

Eric: (staring daggers at Joey) "You don't want to find out!"

Joey: (with squinted eyes) "Grow up, Eric! The way you're acting right now is totally childish! It's no wonder Seth's looking for someone better!"

(Eric punches Joey, in the face, knocking him to the floor)

Eric: Bastard!!"

Anouncer: ".....to prove that he's one man who will not be crossed!"

(,Seth runs into the exercise room to get between Joey and Eric, who are beginning to fight each other)

Seth': ( gets between Eric and Joey)"Knock it off, you two! That's enough!"

Announcer" Eric and Seth"  Weekdays!"

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2 hours ago, Lefty said:

Love the teaser.  Just needs dramatic music!

Thanks, Lefty. I had fun thinking up a scenario like this, but I created this scenario, out of fun.

Although the scenarios mentioned in this scene will come up, in the story, Hopefully, It will be written much better.

The scene with Eric and Seth in the bedroom will definitely be coming in the story. As will Seth and Joey's scene, once they've worked out and hung out more, together.

That doesn't always work, though. As for Eric and Joey's confrontational scene, I don't think their first scene will be like this, but it's fun to think up. Intend to think their first confrontation will be more of a verbal sparring than anything. But depending on what happens between Seth and Joey, if anything, that will determine how volatile things may get between Eric and Joey. Either way, this is going to be a fun journey!

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Sounds good, the teaser is great 

Can't wait to see more chapters, seth and joey working out and "hanging out" more, who knows the worship preview of joey touching up seths biceps and pecs last chapter could grow into a full blown worship session!! 

And then Eric confronting seth about the text message from joey!! Can't wait for more of this 😉😊❤️

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10 hours ago, Shawn1978 said:

Thanks, Lefty. I had fun thinking up a scenario like this, but I created this scenario, out of fun.

Although the scenarios mentioned in this scene will come up, in the story, Hopefully, It will be written much better.

The scene with Eric and Seth in the bedroom will definitely be coming in the story. As will Seth and Joey's scene, once they've worked out and hung out more, together.

That doesn't always work, though. As for Eric and Joey's confrontational scene, I don't think their first scene will be like this, but it's fun to think up. Intend to think their first confrontation will be more of a verbal sparring than anything. But depending on what happens between Seth and Joey, if anything, that will determine how volatile things may get between Eric and Joey. Either way, this is going to be a fun journey!

Sounds great and I know you will make it can’t put this down reading!  I just hope Eric finds the text message AFTER they have a hot worship session. Or there’s a hot worship session between Joey and Seth (although I will be yelling to myself “No, Seth! What are you doing?) I just want another hot worship session!  Lol. 

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