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Colin's Determination, Part 7


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My heart seemed to stop, but was really racing as I watched Colin in front of the scale. Without hesitation, he dropped his cargo shorts on the floor. Now I knew all along how strong his calves were. And in the light of the Coach's office, they looked massively powerful. But seeing his glutes in full view for the first time really drove home for me how much power he had gained. They were quite massive, and now I knew why he moved with such ease on the field. The briefs could barely contain all the solid muscle. Thick ropes of muscle snaked down his legs, and watching them twitch gave me chills. He turned slowly and I got a full view of his diamond shaped quads. They were perfectly symmetrical, and it became apparent to me that they had to be strong, to carry that dense upper body muscle. Even before he shed the hoody, I was amazed at how massively wide his shoulders were.


Looking directly at me, Colin tugged down the zipper of his hoody. I could see underneath the collar of a flimsy tank top. It was one of my old tank tops...that I never wore because it was too loose on me. Without hesitating he pulled off the hoody. 


The first thing I noticed in the reveal was his delts. They truly were softball sized, and perfectly rounded. The size and thickness really added to his broad, imposing frame. And they needed to be big, to support he newly thick neck. 


My eyes instinctively drifted down to his biceps. Even relaxed, I could see the peaks and cuts in them, and I naturally compared them to mine. Looking at my arms, and back at his, which were clearly much bigger, Colin caught my eye. He must have sensed how my train of though came to a complete halt. He grinned, turned and let me see his thick triceps. I was still speechless as he said "python...is the word you are looking for Greg...python." He didn't even have to flex them for me to know he was right.


He was now standing in front of me, in just briefs, and my too-big tank top. Needless to say, it appeared to be painted on his jacked up frame. His chest was as thick as the rest of him - defined and clearly quite powerful. Just from the size of his pecs, the tank top rode up on his torso, and there was about a 4 inch gap between the tank and his briefs. I could see the outline of a solid 8-pack cobblestone of abs. In a flash, he grabbed the hem of the shirt, pulled it up over his head, and I got a flash of the back of his powerful triceps. He tossed the shirt, turned, and stepped on the scale.


The weights of the scale were still set at my weight, 150 + 44. As soon as Colin stepped on it, I heard the balancing bar clunk UP.


He outweighed me.


I was surprised, but he didn't seem to be. Coach Conway approached, his face as stunned as mine must have been.


He started to move the lower weight from 44 up to 50. Colin just laughed, and I could see the power in his lats from behind. I was taking in the entirety of his massive Y physique, and was startled by Colin's voice. Very quietly, he said, "You need to start at 200 Coach." Coach Conway adjusted the weight to 200, and then slowly started to move up the smaller counterweight.


201. 202. 203. 204. The bar was still not in balance. Colin seemed to be relishing my and the coach's response. 






Finally, the bar settled at 207. 207lbs. Colin had gained eighty-three pounds in just seven weeks, and now outweighed me by 13lbs. He turned and looked at the coach, and without the least bit of irony, he just said "big enough for the team now?" Without waiting for a response, he stepped off the scale. He just stood there, crossed his arms, which made them seem even more imposing. His very presence seemed to suck all the oxygen out of the room.


Coach Conway tried to gather his thoughts. He just said "That is a remarkable gain Colin, you have worked very hard."


Colin studied him, and me. Then he just said "Now you can watch me work out on the field with the other players." Again, more of a statement then a question.


Coach nodded, and told Colin to go change into his workout gear. As he turned to go to the locker room, I offered him his hoody. He just smiled and said "I won't be needing that anymore Greg." I watched as his powerful frame walked down the hall.

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Colin, the ULTIMATE Alpha Male!  Wow, I sooo love this story.  He's a freaking force of nature. Awesomely hot.

cropsey, you GOTTA post more of these.  You have a gift.

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