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It's Cinco de Mayo time, so I'm re-posting a story I posted on this Forum several years ago.  All of the participants are 18 years of age or older, and no sex is depicted.  Enjoy!







(AUTHOR’S NOTE: In order to keep this story to a manageable length, I have kept the details about the history of Cinco de Mayo and its significance to the United States to the barest minimum. For more information on this subject, I invite the reader to consult Wikipedia, which has an excellent article giving full details. Enjoy!)


It was Wednesday, May 3rd. 18-year-old Billy Masterson was busy at one of the terminals in the high school library, gathering information for a presentation he had been assigned to give to his speech class on Friday. He had just finished gathering the data he needed, and was working on the outline of his up-coming speech when he felt a massive but gentle hand on his shoulder. He paused and stretched for a moment, then looked up into the grinning, handsome face of his longtime best friend, Juan Ramirez.


Juan and Billy had known each other since kindergarten. Their families owned neighboring horse ranches in a small town on the outskirts of Orange County, California. Juan’s sister, Rosita, who was now attending a private school, had been Billy’s girlfriend ever since the two had entered puberty. The two of them often double-dated with Juan and his long-time love, Ruby Johnson. Both youths were honor students, and champion cowboys besides. In addition, Juan had been into bodybuilding and powerlifting for a number of years, and he had a massive physique to prove it. Billy had tried going a similar route, but his body had utterly refused to respond. An examination by a sports medicine clinic had disclosed a high level of myostatin in Billy’s genetic makeup—so high, in fact, as to prevent his body from muscling up to any significant degree. As a result, despite the protests of the other cowboys, the rodeo team coach had arrogantly dismissed Billy from the team. The other cowboys had promptly withdrawn from the team in protest, and the coach had thereupon disbanded the rodeo program altogether. His arrogant remarks about Billy, his fellow cowhands, and the rodeo program had so incensed the parents involved that the coach had been transferred to another school, and had been fired soon afterward. The rodeo program had thereupon been reactivated at the parents’ insistence.


Billy, however, had not been able to rejoin the team. An auto accident involving both of his parents, whose car had been rammed head-on by a drunk driver, followed by months of rehabilitation and therapy, had forced Billy to give up all after-school activities of any kind. Billy had taken on the role of the “man of the house,” taking care of his parents, and running the ranch as best he could. While his parents were now finally up and about again, Billy had been unable to avoid having to sell off most of the horses simply to keep the family afloat financially. One reason for this had been a continuing battle with the family’s insurance agent on a variety of issues regarding what was and was not covered under the family’s policy. As a result, his parents’ hospital bills had continued to mount, and the hospital’s collection agency was putting increasing pressure on the family despite their best efforts. As a result, although Billy had not mentioned it to anyone, he knew that, barring a miracle, his parents might well have to sell the ranch altogether, and even then, they might still be facing involuntary bankruptcy with-in a matter of months.


So whassup, amigo?” Juan inquired, as Billy rose and went over to retrieve a hard copy of the outline he had just completed. “Just working on my speech for this Friday,” Billy answered. “It’s a short history of Cinco de Mayo.” “Oh, kewl!” Juan gushed, his face lighting up even brighter. “That reminds me—my family and I will be having a HUGE Cinco de Mayo celebration at our place after school lets out on Friday. You’ll be there, won’t you? Rosie especially would love to see you!”


Billy sighed sadly. Normally, he would not have hesitated to join in the festivities, especially since the Ramirez family had striven repeatedly to help the Mastersons in any way they could while Billy’s parents recovered from their injuries. Given their current financial situation, however, Billy simply did not feel as though he had any right or reason to celebrate much of anything these days.


At that moment, the bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the day. Juan and Billy went to their lockers, put up their books, and retrieved their cowboy hats as they prepared to head home. Juan was quick to notice Billy’s depressed demeanor. His face showed his concern as the two youths headed for the parking lot, where they would get into Juan’s luxury pickup truck and ride home together. Then, suddenly, Billy sat down at one of the school’s picnic tables adjacent to the parking lot, laid his head on his arms, and simply broke down and wept, unable to hold back his frustration a minute longer.


Juan, astonished and horrified at his friend’s emotional paroxysm, instantly sat down beside his best bud, putting a hugely-muscled arm around Billy’s slender shoulders. Wisely, he made no attempt to question his best friend for the moment, realizing that it would be better to let Billy ventilate his emotion first. Instead, he pulled Billy close and gently rubbed his back and shoulders, “It’s okay, Billy-bro’,” he murmured, referring to Billy by an old pet name, “it’s okay! Go ahead and cry, babe—don’t be ashamed of it! Let it out, Billy-bro’--let it all out!” The young Latino giant then kissed his best friend on the cheek. Billy responded by actually climbing into his best friend’s lap and continued to weep. Juan kissed him again, and tenderly rocked his best friend from side to side, unashamedly cuddling him, as he continued to gently rub Billy’s back.


When at last it appeared that Billy was beginning to regain his composure, Juan gently inquired, “What is it, Billy? What’s wrong?” “It’s nothing you can do anything about, I'm afraid,” Billy replied in an almost croaking voice as he wiped his eyes. “How can you be sure of that if you don’t tell me?” Juan gently pleaded. “Please, mi amigo—we’ve been best friends for a dozen years now! You know my family and I will do anything we can to help you and your family out! If I can’t help you, then maybe someone else in my family can! So, come on, Billy-bro’--tell me all about it, please!”


Reluctantly at first, Billy finally managed to choke out an explanation of his family’s plight. Juan’s mouth fell open, and his brown face actually went white with shock as he processed what his best bud was telling him. Then the young Latino’s expression turned stern and hard, his black eyes flashing with volcanic fury, and even more so when Billy concluded his tale of woe by telling of how the hospital collection agent had boasted that he was going to ruin Billy’s parents before it was all over. “We’ll just see about that!” Juan cried angrily. “Come on, Billy-bro—we’re gonna talk to my folks about this!”


So saying, the two teens got into Juan’s pickup truck, and drove straight to his parents’ offices. The two elder Ramirezes were attorneys by profession, and were both well-respected in the community. They were just getting ready to leave the office and head home for the day when the two youths arrived. At Juan's urgent request, however, they promptly went back inside. They were both stunned to learn of their next-door neighbors’ financial difficulties.


Alejandro Ramirez was a handsome, well-built man of 40, who seldom indulged in profanity. On hearing of the hospital collection agent’s arrogant boast that he intended to ruin the Mastersons, however, he angrily slammed his fist on his desk and erupted like the famous Paricutin volcano in some of the vilest language either of the boys had ever heard. “If that meshugginah cucaracha thinks he’s going to get away with that,” he concluded, “he’s plumb loco!”


For her part, Maria Ramirez, a still-curvaceous woman of 35, had an expression on her face that was ominous in the extreme. While her language was by no means as profane as her husband’s, it was nevertheless quite deadly as she expressed her opinion of those who had so arrogantly threatened her family's neighbors and best friends. So much so, in fact, that Billy actually found himself shrinking back in terror. Seeing this, however, both Maria and Alejandro went to great lengths to comfort and reassure Billy. As the foursome headed out the office door together, Alejandro assured him that they would take up the family’s case immediately, and would do all they could to help correct the situation.


At Juan’s suggestion, they all stopped off at the Mastersons’ ranch. Billy’s parents were understandably reluctant to accept the legal assistance the Ramirezes offered, but after tearful pleas from both Juan and Billy, they finally accepted. The two families thereupon discussed the Mastersons’ situation in more de-tail, providing the elder Ramirezes the information they needed to investigate whatever legal remedies might be available. To formally empower Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez to represent them, Mr. and Mrs. Masterson paid the Ramirezes a token retainer fee of $1.00.


As the Ramirezes prepared to take their leave of their newest clients, Juan put his brawny hands firmly on his best bud’s slender shoulders. “Now, no excuses!” he told Billy firmly. “I want you over at our place for our Cinco de Mayo party after school lets out on Friday! Okay?” “Okay!” Billy replied, as the two youths exchanged a warm hug, kissing each other on the cheek as well. For the first time since his parents’ accident, Billy truly felt able to relax. He slept like a log that night, and awoke the next morning filled with more energy and optimism than he had felt in a long, long time.


When Juan picked Billy up to go to school, Billy was astonished to see that his best friend was dressed in a full charro outfit, including a huge, lavishly-embroidered sombrero. “Aren’t you jumping the gun a little bit?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at Juan. “Not really,” his best bud replied with a wicked grin. “It’s the day before Cinco de Mayo, so a lot of my Latino compadres will be dressed up in anticipation. And by the way,” he added, his grin becoming even more wicked, “I brought along an extra charro out-fit for you to wear today—everything from hat to boots—and I will NOT take no for an answer! You savvy?”


Billy had been friends with Juan far too long to even think of arguing with him. Holding up his hands in surrender, he said, “Okay, mi amigo, okay!” He chuckled and shook his head. Juan knew that secretly Billy had always admired the flash and extravagance of the charro or “gentleman cowboy” look. Now, with his best bud preparing to give a speech on the history of Cinco de Mayo, Juan was determined to have Billy looking the part—to the very uttermost!


The two youths arrived at school early enough to be able to use one of the dressing rooms next to the school auditorium for Billy to try on his new outfit. He stared in awe at the suit, which was in a deep, rich, royal purple blend of wool and polyester, heavily embroidered in gold and silver thread, with gold and silver buttons, known as galas or botonaduras, down the outseams of the legs. A white shirt in heavy silk satin, a purple satin bow tie, also embroidered in gold and silver, a pair of black patent leather ankle boots with 2-inch heels, a 2-inch wide, custom-made, embroidered pita belt, and a huge, heavily-embroidered sombrero with an incredible 24-inch brim, completed the ensemble.


At Juan’s insistence, Billy, who had learned to apply and wear makeup in his speech and drama classes, stripped down to his underwear, then applied just enough eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and lipstick to achieve a smoky, sultry, yet regal effect, complete with touches of silver and gold to match the embroidery colors in the suit. Then, in accordance with the tradition that a real cowboy always dresses from the top down, he put on the sombrero, the shirt and bow tie, the pants and belt, the boots, and finally the vest and jacket. He then preened himself before the 3-way mirror that stood next to the dres-sing table.


From the moment he began putting on his makeup, Billy began to experience a feeling of growing strength, power, confidence, and well-being such as he had never known before. By the time he had finished dressing, Billy actually felt as pumped up as though he had just completed a major workout. He was grinning from ear to ear as he turned around and looked himself over. The carefully-applied makeup had enhanced and improved his already handsome appearance to the point where some would have referred to him as “a glam-rock charro pretty boy.”


Juan whistled in amazement as he beheld his best friend's transformed appearance. Ai carramba!” he exclaimed in admiration. “Dude, you look like a super-charro—like Mexican royalty!” “I feel like it in this outfit!” Billy replied with a deep, rich, throaty laugh filled with excitement and exultation. He then actually did a most muscular pose. As if in direct response, his body seemed to fill out the suit, as it al-so radiated strength, power and confidence. Before either youth could comment any further, however, the bell rang to signal the start of classes for the day. Billy then transferred his other clothes to a small laundry bag, which he then put in his locker after getting out his schoolbooks. His face was radiant with exuberance as he and Juan went to their first-period homeroom.


From the moment they stepped out into the hallway from the dressing room, Billy and Juan were both showered with compliments and appreciative wolf whistles. Even the school’s most hard-core cowboys and rednecks complimented the two youths on their outfits and appearance. As they moved from one class to another, both boys were repeatedly kissed by their female classmates in the hallways. Not sur-prisingly, Billy and Juan were both on the verge of an orgasm by the time they got to their P.E. class. In addition, Billy’s muscles seemed to be filling out and expanding constantly throughout the day.


When the two young charros finally changed into their gym clothes, they and their classmates were all stunned. Both boys’ physiques had in fact grown significantly larger, but Billy’s muscles appeared to have literally doubled in size. Despite this, both their charro suits and their gym clothes accommodated their expanding musculature with ease. The two youths shook their heads in amazement as they headed for the weight room.


As he moved from one station in the weight room to another, Billy felt as though every muscle in his body was being pumped and stretched virtually to the bursting point. Even his gonads felt as though they were steadily growing bigger, more powerful, more potent, and more virile. Billy’s hair was grow-ing as well—longer, thicker, richer, fuller, softer, and shinier. In fact, by the time Billy finished his workout, his chocolate brown tresses had actually morphed into a huge mass of the biggest, brawniest-looking curls he had ever set his eyes on—and he loved it!


Juan was agog at his best bud’s progress as he went through his own workout. By the time both boys had finished their workouts, Juan was pumped up bigger than he had ever been before, while Billy’s muscles had grown beyond their previous size by a full 25%! Furthermore, Juan’s own straight, jet-black hair had also grown considerably longer. In fact, from being at the top of his collar at the start of the day, it was now fully down to the bottom of his massive young shoulders, which had increased in size and width beyond anything even he had ever dreamed of—and when he flexed his biceps, their peaks actually came up to the tops of his earlobes!


As might be expected, Billy, Juan, and all of their classmates—especially the ones from the rodeo team—were going wild with delight as the two young charros headed for the showers. Even as they washed themselves, Billy and Juan simply could not keep from flexing and pumping in front of each other, let-ting out screams of delight, as every pose seemed to make them both grow bigger—and BIGGER—AND B-I-G-G-E-R! In fact, by the time the two youths managed to dry themselves off, Billy was actually as big and massive and full of power as Juan himself!


Billy was actually hesitant as he prepared to open up his locker and change back into his charro suit. “As—as big as I am now,” he told Juan, “I’m actually wondering if my outfit will even come close to fitting me!” Juan chuckled and answered, “Same here, Billy-bro’! The way this day’s been going, though, I’ll bet you that our charro suits will not only fit us, but they’ll both be richer and flashier and more glam-rocking gorgeous than they were before!”


Juan’s prediction turned out to be squarely on target. As the two young giants changed back into their charro suits, they found that the suits fit them with ease, flattering their newly enlarged physiques to the uttermost, yet with room for further growth. Furthermore, both suits were significantly more lavish and extravagant than before, sparkling in the afternoon sunlight with reflections from numerous sequins in every color of the rainbow. The other students went wild over the appearance of the two teen super-charros, who received even more kisses from the girls than before—and were more than happy to return them!


Once again, Billy went to the library for study hall, where he completed work on his presentation for the next day. Then, with permission from the study hall teacher, the two youths went to the school’s music library, which was located between the choir and band classrooms. Billy spent several minutes searching in the file cabinets containing band and orchestral music, until at last, with a cry of “Eure-ka!”, he pulled out a conductor’s score for a work entitled, “Night in Mexico,” by an American com-poser named Paul Creston.


Billy then had a quick discussion with the school’s band and orchestra teacher, who gladly allowed him to borrow the score. As they headed for the school’s executive offices, Juan inquired, “So what have you got in mind, Maestro?” Billy then reminded his best friend that their school was one of the few public schools in California that was equipped with a concert organ. Like his father, Billy was a trained organist. “I’m going to see if our speech teacher will allow me to do my presentation on Cinco de May-o in the auditorium, and wind it up by playing this piece on the organ,” he concluded. “Oh, kewl!” the young Latino gushed.  The speech teacher, however, referred the two youths to their school's Executive Principal, as required by their local School Board.


The Executive Principal was more than happy to grant permission for Billy to perform on the organ for the occasion. Although it had not been used in more than a year, it was still in good condition, and had just been cleaned and tuned in preparation for the school’s graduation exercises, which were just over a month away. “In fact,” the Principal suggested, “since we’re going to hold a school assembly about Cinco de Mayo tomorrow, why not check with your speech teacher about incorporating your presentation into the program? A performance of a piece like ‘Night in Mexico’ would be a perfect way to wind up the assembly!”


Billy and Juan’s speech teacher was more than happy to agree to Billy’s proposal. As the two youths headed for the school auditorium, the final bell sounded, signaling the end of classes for the day. This was a welcome development, since it would allow Billy to practice the piece without being disturbed, and would allow his performance the following day to be a complete surprise to the other students—hopefully, a welcome one!


Billy’s teenaged heart was pounding with excitement as the big organ console was brought out from under the stage and moved into playing position. For his part, Juan was only too happy to act as Billy’s console assistant, turning pages for him and helping his best friend to set the organ’s controls for the upcoming performance. Even as they did so, both boys’ muscles were swelling with even greater power and strength, while their hair and their costumes became even more beautiful, more lavish, and more glamorous.


It was after 5:00 that afternoon when, having completed their preparations, the two teen charros re-turned the organ console to its storage bay under the stage, retrieved Billy’s street clothes, and headed home. As they drove, Juan, who had been waiting for just such an opportunity, spoke up. “First of all, Babe, in case you haven’t already guessed, that outfit is yours to keep—in fact, I had it custom-made just for you as a graduation present.” He paused for a minute, then continued, “When it was first delivered to me, I asked our family priest to ask a special blessing on it, especially after all you and your family have been through these past few months.” He took a deep breath, swelling his already huge chest still further, then concluded with a grin, “I think you’ll agree that my family’s prayers have been answered—and with compound interest!”


“I’ll say they have!” Billy gushed, as they turned into the Mastersons’ driveway. As Juan brought his pickup truck to a stop in front of the ranch house, the two youths were surprised to see the car belong-ing to Juan’s parents was once more parked in front as well. “Could they have gotten some results al-ready?” Billy wondered aloud, as they exited the truck. “My parents never waste time, dude—and all the more so in a case like this!” Juan replied, a wicked grin lighting up his now super-handsome face.


Before going in, however, Billy threw his now-gigantic arms around his best friend and literally covered his face with kisses. Then, his brown eyes looking deep into Juan’s black ones, Billy simply said, “I love you, Juan!” His own eyes aglow, Juan replied, “I love you, too, Billy! Please don’t ever doubt that!” “Never, Babe,” Billy gushed, as the two young giants cuddled each other, “never, EVER!”


It was several moments before the two of them regained their composure and went inside, where they found their parents deep in conversation. The elder Mastersons and Ramirezes were all astounded at the incredible enhancements in their sons' appearance—Billy’s especially! The four parents shook their heads in wonder as the two youths explained the day's events. They were greatly excited at the news of Billy’s impending performance the next day.


Now let us give you some news!” Alejandro Ramirez said. He jubilantly reported that the problems with the Mastersons’ insurance company had been completely resolved, and so had the problems with the hospital’s collection agency. An investigation of the agents involved had revealed that the two of them were in cahoots, and had forged or altered many of the documents involved in the case, in a plot to steal the Mastersons’ property. The motive for their actions lay in the fact that the hospital collections agent was a former suitor of Billy’s mother, and had long wanted revenge on her for rejecting him in favor of Billy’s father. His brother-in-law was the insurance adjuster who had been assigned the Masterson file by the insurance company, and had immediately joined in the plot to ruin the family.


On discovering these facts, the Ramirezes had promptly notified both the hospital and the insurance company, as well as the local District Attorney. The two conspirators had promptly been arrested, and were now being held without bond on a variety of state and Federal charges, including forgery, embezzlement, and misappropriation of contract payments. The Mastersons’ accounts with both the hospital and the insurance company were now being audited, but both the hospital and the insurance company officials had given assurances that all of the disputed expenses would be taken care of, and that no fur-ther collection efforts would be made. In addition, the Ramirezes had filed suit against the collection agency for its unethical business practices. In turn, the agency’s contract with the hospital had been summarily terminated; the agency was itself now under investigation, and would most likely be perma-nently shut down as a result.


It will take a little while,” Maria smilingly concluded, “but in all probability, you folks will come out of all of this in better financial shape than you have ever been!” “And in addition,” Alejandro put in, “we’ve also found out that the people who bought your horses were in cahoots with these two jokers. They’ve also been arrested, and their purchases have been declared null and void by the courts. Your horses should be returned to you in the next few days!” “Will we have to return the money they paid us?” Billy asked. Alejandro shook his head. “As I said, the purchases were declared null and void by the courts. The judge presiding over the case specifically stated that you folks were under no obligation to pay back a single penny, because the purchases were part of a criminal conspiracy. So you folks are out from under your debts completely!”


Billy and Juan whooped with joy and hugged each other hard. Now Billy would have all the more reason to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with his Mexican friends the next day. With that, the Ramirezes took their leave for the evening. As he was getting ready to go out the front door, however, Juan whispered in his best bud’s ear, “You be sure and wear that charro suit again tomorrow—you got that?” “Got it!” Billy whispered back with a radiant grin, as the two young giants kissed each other on the cheek before parting for the night.


The Fifth of May dawned brighter and clearer than any previous Cinco de Mayo Billy could remember. After showering, shaving, and putting on his makeup, Billy stood in front of the three-way mirror in his bedroom and went into a series of muscle poses. Sure enough, Billy realized, he was even bigger and brawnier than he had been the night before. His hair was also bigger—in fact, it just barely fit inside his sombrero as he began to dress!


When he had finally completed donning his outfit, the young charro preened himself in front of the mirror for a few moments. Sure enough, just as it had the day before, his charro suit had somehow grown to accommodate his still-growing physique, and was even more lavish than it had been the night before. In place of the sequins, the entire suit was now festooned with crystals in every color of the rainbow, sending out a shower of multi-colored sparks in the bright morning sunlight. The coat and pants were now lined with rich, heavy gold satin, while the shirt had transformed into the richest white satin brocade he had ever seen. Juan had been right, he decided—the suit really did make him look like charro royalty.


Billy had just barely finished eating a huge breakfast when he heard a car horn tooting outside. Hastily kissing his parents goodbye, he ran to the front door—only to stop dead in his tracks at the sight of the most extravagant mega-stretch limousine he had ever seen anywhere! Juan was laughing hysterically as his best bud slowly made his way out the door and over to the limo. “This is a Cinco de Mayo present!” he explained, kissing his best bud on the cheek for good measure. Needless to say, Billy promptly kissed Juan on the cheek and gave him a huge hug. They then boarded the limo for the 30-minute drive to school.


The school day that followed was a triumph for both boys in every respect. As in Billy’s case, Juan was noticeably bigger and brawnier than he had been the night before, and his charro suit was even larger, richer, and more extravagant. It was no wonder, then, that the two teen super-charros were both mobbed like rock stars when they entered the building, and at every change of classes as well. Nor was it any wonder that both boys received and returned so many kisses that they were in a testosterone haze throughout the entire school day! Finally—you guessed it—both Juan and Billy, as well as their outfits, continued to grow larger, richer, and more extravagantly glamorous all the day long.


Because of the special presentation he was scheduled to give, Billy (and Juan, at Billy’s request) were both excused from both speech and P.E. classes that day. Instead, with the assistance of the school's music teachers, the two boys brought the organ console up from its storage area and onto the stage. They were relieved to find that the controls they had set so carefully the previous day had not been disturbed. This gave Billy the opportunity to set the organ up for one additional composition—the “Variations on America” by American composer Charles Ives. Billy explained to Juan that Ives had been only 16 when he had first performed the piece on July 4, 1891, and its humorous character was therefore amply suited to a high school audience, who might otherwise become bored during the assembly. Juan had heard a recording of the piece before, and he grinned wickedly as he remembered its hilarious sounds. He could see what his best bud had in mind, and he therefore looked forward all the more eagerly to the upcoming assembly.


The assembly was everything either Billy or Juan could have wished for. After some opening remarks by the Executive Principal, Billy gave his history of Cinco de Mayo, and explained why it is in fact significant to the history of the United States as well as Mexico. In addition, he successfully answered several questions from members of the audience. The school's history teacher then rounded out the speaking part of the presentation, warmly commending Billy for his efforts as he did so. The students warmly applauded in appreciation.


At this point, the Executive Principal returned to the podium. The audience was both surprised and intrigued to hear of the impending musical portion of the program. They warmly applauded Billy as he now took command of the program. As he seated himself at the big four-manual-and-pedal console, the young super-charro pointed out that Cinco de Mayo was and is a celebration of freedom and liberty for both Mexico and the United States. Such being the case, Billy explained, it was only fitting and proper to include an appropriate musical selection from each country to round out the assembly. The audience enthusiastically murmured its agreement.


His first selection was the Ives “Variations on America.” When Billy pointed out that Ives had been only 16 when he first performed and then wrote down the piece, there was scattered but enthusiastic applause. As his performance of the piece got under the way, the audience chuckled at the appropriate moments. Their chuckles progressed to outright laughter and guffaws as the piece progressed, and all the more so as Billy concluded the work by including a loud, raucous “AH-OO-OO-OO-OO-GAH” from the organ’s built-in Klaxon horn, then played the final chords on maximum full organ. Most of the students had never heard the school’s organ before, and they were clearly enchanted with its wide variety of sounds and musical effects. They jumped to their feet and roared their appreciation of the first selection. As he stood and bowed in response, a wicked twinkle came into Billy’s dark brown eyes. He then held up his hands for silence. Then, looking his best bud directly in the eye, he said, “That number should be retitled, ‘Juan Ramirez Rides Again!'” Juan instantly doubled over as the audience joined him in a bellow of hysterical laughter, followed by a roar of applause.


The excitement in the room now rose to fever pitch as Billy announced his second and final selection, Paul Creston’s “Night in Mexico.” He briefly explained the unusual history behind the piece, then resumed his seat at the console and began to play. Numerous heads in the audience nodded in direct response to the music’s infectious rhythm as the piece proceeded. When Billy performed the fiery arpeggio that concluded the work on maximum full organ, the audience went simply wild with delight. They rightly gave Billy a standing ovation as he bowed before them. With that, the Executive Principal dismissed the assembly. As he did so, the final bell sounded to signal the end of the school day.


Billy and Juan were both riding the proverbial Cloud Nine as they made their way through the crowd of students and headed for the side exit, where their limousine was waiting for them. Again, any number of their fellow students showered them with compliments and congratulations. Billy especially gave and received so many kisses (although Juan got his fair share as well!) that by the time the two young giants got into the limo he was again on the verge of an orgasm! Somehow, he successfully managed to channel the extra sexual energy into his outfit and his muscles. Juan did likewise, as they both grew to a height of well over seven feet. Their pectoral muscles came up to within a few inches of their chins, while their trapezius muscles swelled up to the tops of their ears! Even the muscles in their faces grew noticeably larger and more powerful, yet in a way that caused them both to become even more glamor-ous and gorgeous! Their already over-the-top, “super-charro” suits became even more so, as the multi-colored crystals became actual diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and other precious and semi-precious stones in every color of the rainbow! As if that weren’t enough, the fabric of the two suits transformed from its original wool-polyester blend into cloth-of-gold, while that of the shirts changed from an already lavish silk satin brocade into cloth-of-silver! Even their sombreros got into the act, as they grew from 24-inch to 36-inch brims to match the new size of their owners, and, like the suits, were covered with precious and semi-precious stones!


The Cinco de Mayo party was already in full swing by the time the two now “mega-charros” pulled up to the Ramirezes’ front door. Billy was overjoyed to see Rosita, who had come home from her private school specifically for the occasion. Both he and Juan were pleasantly shocked to see that Rosita, a long-time “femuscle” girl, was now every bit as huge as they were! The kiss that Billy exchanged with his long-time love was overwhelming for both of them. It was at that moment that Billy made up his mind to ask Rosita to marry him, knowing full well that she would instantly say “yes.” Only a few feet away, Juan was exchanging a similar kiss with Ruby, who had also grown into a “mega-femuscle” girl.


The party itself was everything that either Juan or Billy could have wished for, with food and drink and dancing lasting far into the night. When at last the party began to wind down, but before they parted for the night, Billy, Juan, Rosita and Ruby got down on their knees together, then joined hands and gave thanks for the miracles they had recently experienced. Recognizing the responsibility that came with such blessings, they prayed for God’s continuing help and guidance as they prepared to enter the adult world and spend the rest of their lives together.


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