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Buenas noches! Dejo por aquí el inicio de una historia que venía pensando desde hace un tiempo. La verdad es que es mi primer trabajo escrito, así que espero que sea muy chapuza y os guste. Muchas gracias, un saludo. 




Otra vez el mismo sueño.

Miré abajo y ahí estaba de nuevo el bulto en mi entrepierna como de costumbre, como si comprendiera mejor que yo mismo lo que estaba pasando. Me limpié el sudor de la frente y me levanté a por un café. No podía estar pensando en otras cosas hoy, era un día importante.

Creo que yo nunca me había sentido un tío atractivo. Siempre encontraba carencias en mi cuerpo, ponerme delante del espejo era empezar una batalla que seguro no iba a ganar. Cualquiera diría que me sobraban un par de kilos y eso solo para empezar. Supongo que nunca me consideré un hombre feo, pero desde luego podía enumerar todas las cosas en mi cuerpo que me hubiera gustado mejorar. Mi cara siempre me pareció muy ancha, yo me sentía atraído por todos esos hombres con mandíbulas cuadradas y mentones perfectos. Y yo simplemente no era así. Para continuar, mis hombros eran muy estrechos. Nunca me pude quejar de ser demasiado delgado, pero mi silueta no estaba proporcionada sin unos hombros anchos, de los que yo carecía.

Podría haber seguido enumerando cada punto que me incomodaba de mi cuerpo, pero ese día era de verdad importante. A pesar de haberme sentido atraído durante toda mi vida por los físicos mucho más privilegiados que el mío, jamás había tenido el valor de cambiarlo. Acercarme a un gimnasio me daba sencillamente pánico. Pero aquello cambiaba ese día, iba pensando mientras metía la toalla en mi nueva mochila de gimnasio.

Al caminar por la calle nunca podía evitar fijarme en el físico de otras personas. Me atraían los tíos muy musculosos y cada vez que uno de ellos pasaba por la calle tenía que utilizar todas mis fuerzas para evitar quedarme babeando delante de él. Me fijaba en pequeños detalles, como la definición de los gemelos descubiertos al correr o el tamaño de los bíceps cuando se me cruzaba una camisa de manga corta. De ahí que la entrada en el gimnasio por primera vez produjera una enorme explosión en mi mente. Francamente, el hedor era apestoso. Pero ese olor a sudor, a duro trabajo, era extrañamente atractivo. De repente todas las barreras se habían roto: los hombres andaban con ropa ajustada, algunos de ellos sin mangas o con pantalones cortos. Tuve que contenerme para no mostrar demasiado mi encanto, por otro lado los nervios aún seguían a flor de piel.

Con las instrucciones de un monitor bastante atractivo, al que no pude evitar escanear minuciosamente tras recaer en sus definidos bíceps, empecé mi entrenamiento. Siempre había querido tener un pecho grande y encontrarme en la quinta repetición de mi press de pecho era una verdadera mezcla de emociones. Fui consciente nada más empezar de lo mucho que me iba a costar, pero no podía esperar a crecer tanto como algunos de los tíos que veía pasar. Justo en frente un muchacho de unos treinta años se sentó en la máquina de extensión de cuádriceps. Una manga larga no dejaba ver sus brazos, pero los pantalones a mitad de rodilla me dejaban ver unos gemelos bastante decentes, lo que no era lo usual. Algo después de sentarse y colocar las piernas en los tornos se levantó algo los pantalones, mientras se preparaba para empezar con el ejercicio. Anonadado, observé como unos enormes cuádriceps explotaban delante de mí, definiéndose con cada dura extensión. Mi pecho se puso de repente a tensión con la última repetición y algo un poco más abajo, también. Me recuperé como pude y continué con mis series.

Tras dos horas de duro trabajo me sentía completamente derrotado. Tras la larga jornada de trabajo de mañana y tarde había llegado tarde al gimnasio, y cuando acabé apenas quedaba gente. Chorreando sudor entré al vestuario a abrir mi taquilla, mientras un par de chicos salían comentando algo sobre un partido. Parecía que me había quedado solo. Me senté en el banco y me limpié el sudor de la cara. Estaba derrotado, pero había merecido la pena. Aunque todavía venían imágenes a mi cabeza de esos músculos aumentando de tamaño con cada repetición, las fibras contrayéndose…

-¿Te pasa algo, tío?- escuché y abrí los ojos sobresaltado. Me había quedado apoyado contra la pared con las piernas extendidas en ese trance sin darme cuenta. Y ahí estaba el contenido del mismo justo delante de mí. Una figura triangular tapaba la luz en la esquina en la que me encontraba. Ese chico que había visto no se parecía nada al hombre que tenía delante de mí. Sus fuertes hombros dibujaban las aristas de ese enorme marco, que contenía unos fuertes pectorales y terminaba, tras una ristra de incontables músculos abdominales, en una fina cintura que tapaba una toalla. No pude evitar sentirme intimidado por ese gigante que se postraba ante mí y tras demasiados segundos de silencio pude contestar torpemente. – No, no, nada, perdona…-

- Eres nuevo aquí, ¿no?. No te había visto antes.- preguntó mientras se ajustaba la toalla, haciendo que su tríceps izquierdo se definiera sobre su ya enorme brazo, lo que solo empeoró las cosas. –Vale, ya veo que sí. Te vi mirándome antes en las máquinas. No puedes apartar los ojos de estos, ¿no?.- dijo mientras flexionaba su brazo derecho, haciendo que su bíceps se inflara cada vez más hasta chocar con su antebrazo, plagado de venas que lo surcaban hasta llegar a esa montaña de músculo, donde se partían definiéndolo aún más.

Intentando apartar la vista de esa irresistible visión pude ver la sonrisa en su cara. Lo estaba disfrutando. Era ese tipo de tío que independientemente de su orientación sexual, raza o religión, disfrutaba con un par de ojos que no podían apartar la vista de su cuerpo. Y yo había caído de lleno. Ríos de sudor corrían por mi nuca ahora, el entrenamiento anterior no era nada comparable. Mi paquete temblaba alarmantemente, incluso mis propios músculos parecían reaccionar a esa visión. Ese cuerpo, esa actitud… eran mi perdición.

- Te gusta esto, ¿no?- y ahora era el otro brazo el que subía y se flexionaba al otro lado, dejando una visión simétrica y voluminosa que aún le hacía parecer más grande. Sus dorsales asomaban debajo de los brazos haciendo cada vez más exagerada la diferencia de anchura con su cintura, y podía ver como sus músculos cada vez estaban más y más plagados de venas. Él mismo estaba sudando, pero veía como la satisfacción crecía en su cara conforme aumentaba mi desesperación. Le ponía lo mucho que yo lo deseaba.

- Venga, tócalo, lo estás deseando- dijo flexionando solo su brazo derecho, marcando más aún su bíceps, que parecía explotar con una enorme vena que lo surcaba de extremo a extremo. Yo me quedé paralizado, no podía creer lo que estaba pasando. –Vamos, házlo- acercó aún más ese enorme brazo hasta que estaba justo delante de mi cara.

No recuerdo muy bien de que forma pasó esto. Cuando toqué ese cuerpo muscular sentí algo extraño que no podía explicar. Jamás me había imaginado ese tacto. Esa gigante masa dura debajo de mi mano. Podía notar como las fibras se flexionaban debajo de las yemas de mis dedos. Pasé los dedos por esas venas, notaba como fluía la sangre. Sin pensarlo dos veces, acerqué mis labios a ese brazo, lo besé y lo palpé con mis labios. Entré en un trance en el que solo existía ese enorme músculo y yo. Sentí como esa energía corría por todo mi cuerpo, dios mío, se sentía tan bien… Pero algo cambiaba entre mis manos, algo no iba bien.

- ¿Qué haces?¡Aparta!- dijo ese tío, mientras me empujaba contra la pared. De repente ya no parecía tan atractivo. -¿Qué coño has hecho?- me gritaba mientras se ponía apresurado un pantalón y camiseta que estaban en el banco de al lado y cogía una bolsa. – Eres un puto friki- fue lo último que dijo cuando salía disparado por la puerta del vestuario.

Me quedé parado unos segundos asimilando lo que acababa de pasar. Me había sentido tan bien y tan rápido… Empecé a notar unas náuseas incontrolables y corrí hacia el baño. Casi automáticamente vomité en el retrete. Tenía el estómago revuelto y poco después empezó un extraño dolor en mi estómago. En un momento todo mi cuerpo parecía doler. ¿Qué se supone que era eso?. Era como si estuvieran estirando cada parte de mi cuerpo, el dolor aumentaba y aumentaba, no podía controlarlo. Tras un rato de interminable espera sentado en la pared del baño, el dolor parecía calmarse.

¿Qué me había pasado? Mi estómago todavía estaba extraño, mi tripa… Al llevarme la mano al abdomen noté una superficie demasiado lisa. ¿Qué había pasado con mi tripa?. Me levanté la camiseta y observé anonadado como mi antigua barriga había desaparecido para dejar un abdomen liso en el que se empezaban a intuir las líneas de los músculos abdominales. Rápidamente corrí al espejo y mi respiración se paró al ver la imagen. Mis hombros parecían haberse rellenado, haciendo que la camiseta se ajustara en la cintura superior, para marcar debajo unos pectorales que yo jamás había tenido. La camiseta luego quedaba suelta en la cintura haciéndome parecer mucho más grande. Fui consciente entonces de cómo me apretaban las mangas en los brazos. Giré mi brazo izquierdo para observar como brotaban venas que lo surcaban en toda su longitud, observé por primera vez en mi vida como mi bíceps se mostraba definido y respondía inflándose cuando flexionaba con fuerza, notaba como se rellenaba de sangre.

No podía creerlo, me encantaba lo que veía en el espejo. Hasta mi cara parecía haber cambiado un poco. Mi barba ahora parecía delimitar más claramente mi mandíbula. Vi como mis pectorales botaban con solo pensar en que se movieran. Mi cuerpo respondía a mis deseos, parecía haber estado entrenado toda una vida.

Yo no podía apartar la vista del espejo. Me gustaba lo que veía. Y quería más, mucho más. 

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Linda historia y narración. Si no fuera por el "1"  creeria que finalizó.

Lo unico que me falto, aunque no quita lo bueno de la historia, es algun numero (ya sea tamaño de biceps, peso, o algo) como para darme una idea mas clara del tamaño y el cambio. A menos que la idea sea que cada uno lo imagine tan grande como quiera jejej

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nada mal, me alegra ver que hay usuarios que hablan español. y la historia me gusto mucho el detalle que das, no solo gritos de lujuria y ganas de dar duro. sino que vas lento, disfrutando cada palabra al ver como construyes un magnifico cuerpo con cada descripción, verso a verso, calienta con solo imaginarse un tipo así de grande. me gusta que no describas como es con datos cerrados sino que el publico intente adivinar las tallas de su grandeza.


sigue así. espero que haya más historias así en el futuro.

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Hopefully the original author will not mind me posting a Google-translated version of this story for those that do not speak or read Spanish.

If the original author does not like this, I will delete.

Again the same dream.

I looked down and there was the bulge again in my crotch as usual, as if I understood better than I was what was happening. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and got up for coffee. I could not be thinking about other things today, it was an important day.

I do not think I've ever felt like an attractive guy. I always found deficiencies in my body, to put myself in front of the mirror was to start a battle that I sure was not going to win. Anyone would say that I had a couple of kilos left over and that just to start with. I guess I never considered myself an ugly man, but I could certainly list all the things in my body that I would have liked to improve. My face always seemed very wide, I was attracted to all those men with square jaws and perfect chins. And I just was not like that. To continue, my shoulders were very narrow. I could never complain about being too thin, but my silhouette was not provided without broad shoulders, of which I lacked.

I could have kept listing every point that bothered me about my body, but that day was really important. Despite having been attracted throughout my life by physicists far more privileged than mine, I had never had the courage to change it. Approaching a gym gave me simply panic. But that changed that day, I was thinking as I put the towel in my new gym backpack.

When walking down the street I could never help but focus on other people's physiques. I was attracted to very muscular guys and every time one of them walked down the street I had to use all my strength to avoid drooling in front of him. I looked at small details, like the definition of twins discovered when running or the size of the biceps when a short-sleeved shirt crossed my neck. Hence, the entry into the gym for the first time produced a huge explosion in my mind. Frankly, the stench was stinking. But that smell of sweat, hard work, was strangely attractive. Suddenly all the barriers had been broken: the men were walking in tight clothes, some of them without sleeves or with shorts. I had to restrain myself to not show too much my charm, on the other hand the nerves were still on the surface.

With the instructions of a pretty attractive monitor, which I could not avoid scanning thoroughly after falling back on his defined biceps, I started my training. I had always wanted to have a big chest and finding myself in the fifth repetition of my chest press was a true mix of emotions. I was conscious at the start of how much it was going to cost me, but I could not wait to grow as much as some of the uncles I saw. Just in front a boy in his thirties sat on the quadriceps extension machine. A long sleeve did not show his arms, but the pants mid-knee let me see some pretty decent twins, which was not usual. Something after sitting down and placing his legs on the lathes his pants got up a little, as he prepared to start the exercise. Stunned, I watched as enormous quadriceps exploded in front of me, defining itself with each hard extension. My chest suddenly tensed with the last repetition and something a little lower, too. I recovered as best I could and continued with my series.

After two hours of hard work I felt completely defeated. After the long day of work in the morning and afternoon I had arrived late at the gym, and when I finished there were hardly any people left. Dripping sweat I entered the locker room to open my locker, while a couple of guys came out commenting on a game. It seemed like I was alone. I sat on the bench and wiped the sweat from my face. He was defeated, but it had been worth it. Although images still came to my head of those muscles increasing in size with each repetition, the fibers contracting ...

- Something wrong, uncle? - I listened and opened my eyes startled. I had been leaning against the wall with my legs extended in that trance without realizing it. And there was the content of it right in front of me. A triangular figure covered the light in the corner where I was. That boy I had seen looked nothing like the man in front of me. His strong shoulders drew the edges of that huge frame, which contained strong pectorals and ended, after a string of countless abdominal muscles, in a thin waist that covered a towel. I could not help feeling intimidated by that giant who prostrated before me and after too many seconds of silence I could answer awkwardly. - No, no, nothing, sorry ...

- You're new here, right? I had not seen you before. "He asked as he adjusted the towel, making his left triceps define his already huge arm, which only made things worse. -Well, I see that yes. I saw you looking at me before in the machines. You can not take your eyes off these, right? .- He said while flexing his right arm, causing his biceps to inflate more and more until hitting his forearm, plagued by veins that furrowed him to reach that mountain of muscle, where they were split defining it even more.

Trying to look away from that irresistible vision I could see the smile on his face. I was enjoying it. He was that kind of guy who, regardless of his sexual orientation, race or religion, enjoyed a pair of eyes that could not take his eyes off his body. And I had fallen squarely. Rivers of sweat ran down my neck now, the previous training was nothing comparable. My pack trembled alarmingly, even my own muscles seemed to react to that vision. That body, that attitude ... they were my undoing.

- You like this, do not you? - And now it was the other arm that went up and flexed to the other side, leaving a symmetrical and voluminous vision that still made him look bigger. His dorsals showed under the arms making the difference in width with his waist more and more exaggerated, and he could see how his muscles were becoming more and more plagued with veins. He himself was sweating, but I saw the satisfaction grow on his face as my desperation increased. I put as much as I wanted.

- Come on, touch him, you're wishing him- he said flexing only his right arm, marking even more his biceps, which seemed to explode with a huge vein that ran from end to end. I was paralyzed, I could not believe what was happening. "Come on, do it." He pulled that huge arm closer until it was right in front of my face.

I do not remember very well in what way this happened. When I touched that muscle body I felt something strange that I could not explain. I had never imagined that touch. That giant mass lasts under my hand. I could feel the fibers flex under the tips of my fingers. I ran my fingers through those veins, I noticed how the blood flowed. Without thinking twice, I put my lips to that arm, kissed it and felt it with my lips. I entered a trance in which there was only that huge muscle and me. I felt like that energy ran through my body, my God, it felt so good ... But something changed between my hands, something was not right.

- What are you doing? Get out! - said that uncle, as he pushed me against the wall. Suddenly it did not seem so attractive anymore. -What the fuck have you done? - he shouted at me as he hurriedly put on a pair of trousers and T-shirt that were in the next bench and picked up a bag. - You're a fucking friki- it was the last thing he said when he shot out the door of the locker room.

I stood for a few seconds assimilating what had just happened. I had felt so good and so fast ... I started to notice uncontrollable nausea and ran to the bathroom. Almost automatically I vomited in the toilet. My stomach was upset and soon after that a strange pain began in my stomach. At one moment my whole body seemed to hurt. What was that supposed to be? It was as if they were stretching every part of my body, the pain increased and increased, I could not control it. After a while of endless waiting seated on the bathroom wall, the pain seemed to subside.

What had happened to me? My stomach was still strange, my gut ... When I put my hand to my abdomen I noticed a surface that was too smooth. What had happened to my gut? I lifted my shirt and watched in astonishment as my old belly had disappeared to leave a smooth abdomen in which they began to sense the lines of the abdominal muscles. I quickly ran to the mirror and my breathing stopped when I saw the image. My shoulders seemed to have been filled, making the shirt fit in the upper waist, to mark under some pectorals that I had never had. The shirt was then loose at the waist making me look much bigger. I was then aware of how my sleeves tightened on my arms. I turned my left arm to see how veins flowed across its length, I observed for the first time in my life how my biceps was defined and responded by inflating when I flexed strongly, I noticed how it was filled with blood.

I could not believe it, I loved what I saw in the mirror. Even my face seemed to have changed a little. My beard now seemed to delimit my jaw more clearly. I saw how my pectorals bounced just thinking about moving. My body responded to my wishes, it seemed to have been trained a lifetime.

I could not look away from the mirror. I liked what I saw. And I wanted more, much more.



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12 hours ago, ryamkajr said:

Hopefully the original author will not mind me posting a Google-translated version of this story for those that do not speak or read Spanish.

If the original author does not like this, I will delete.

Again the same dream.

I looked down and there was the bulge again in my crotch as usual, as if I understood better than I was what was happening. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and got up for coffee. I could not be thinking about other things today, it was an important day.

I do not think I've ever felt like an attractive guy. I always found deficiencies in my body, to put myself in front of the mirror was to start a battle that I sure was not going to win. Anyone would say that I had a couple of kilos left over and that just to start with. I guess I never considered myself an ugly man, but I could certainly list all the things in my body that I would have liked to improve. My face always seemed very wide, I was attracted to all those men with square jaws and perfect chins. And I just was not like that. To continue, my shoulders were very narrow. I could never complain about being too thin, but my silhouette was not provided without broad shoulders, of which I lacked.

I could have kept listing every point that bothered me about my body, but that day was really important. Despite having been attracted throughout my life by physicists far more privileged than mine, I had never had the courage to change it. Approaching a gym gave me simply panic. But that changed that day, I was thinking as I put the towel in my new gym backpack.

When walking down the street I could never help but focus on other people's physiques. I was attracted to very muscular guys and every time one of them walked down the street I had to use all my strength to avoid drooling in front of him. I looked at small details, like the definition of twins discovered when running or the size of the biceps when a short-sleeved shirt crossed my neck. Hence, the entry into the gym for the first time produced a huge explosion in my mind. Frankly, the stench was stinking. But that smell of sweat, hard work, was strangely attractive. Suddenly all the barriers had been broken: the men were walking in tight clothes, some of them without sleeves or with shorts. I had to restrain myself to not show too much my charm, on the other hand the nerves were still on the surface.

With the instructions of a pretty attractive monitor, which I could not avoid scanning thoroughly after falling back on his defined biceps, I started my training. I had always wanted to have a big chest and finding myself in the fifth repetition of my chest press was a true mix of emotions. I was conscious at the start of how much it was going to cost me, but I could not wait to grow as much as some of the uncles I saw. Just in front a boy in his thirties sat on the quadriceps extension machine. A long sleeve did not show his arms, but the pants mid-knee let me see some pretty decent twins, which was not usual. Something after sitting down and placing his legs on the lathes his pants got up a little, as he prepared to start the exercise. Stunned, I watched as enormous quadriceps exploded in front of me, defining itself with each hard extension. My chest suddenly tensed with the last repetition and something a little lower, too. I recovered as best I could and continued with my series.

After two hours of hard work I felt completely defeated. After the long day of work in the morning and afternoon I had arrived late at the gym, and when I finished there were hardly any people left. Dripping sweat I entered the locker room to open my locker, while a couple of guys came out commenting on a game. It seemed like I was alone. I sat on the bench and wiped the sweat from my face. He was defeated, but it had been worth it. Although images still came to my head of those muscles increasing in size with each repetition, the fibers contracting ...

- Something wrong, uncle? - I listened and opened my eyes startled. I had been leaning against the wall with my legs extended in that trance without realizing it. And there was the content of it right in front of me. A triangular figure covered the light in the corner where I was. That boy I had seen looked nothing like the man in front of me. His strong shoulders drew the edges of that huge frame, which contained strong pectorals and ended, after a string of countless abdominal muscles, in a thin waist that covered a towel. I could not help feeling intimidated by that giant who prostrated before me and after too many seconds of silence I could answer awkwardly. - No, no, nothing, sorry ...

- You're new here, right? I had not seen you before. "He asked as he adjusted the towel, making his left triceps define his already huge arm, which only made things worse. -Well, I see that yes. I saw you looking at me before in the machines. You can not take your eyes off these, right? .- He said while flexing his right arm, causing his biceps to inflate more and more until hitting his forearm, plagued by veins that furrowed him to reach that mountain of muscle, where they were split defining it even more.

Trying to look away from that irresistible vision I could see the smile on his face. I was enjoying it. He was that kind of guy who, regardless of his sexual orientation, race or religion, enjoyed a pair of eyes that could not take his eyes off his body. And I had fallen squarely. Rivers of sweat ran down my neck now, the previous training was nothing comparable. My pack trembled alarmingly, even my own muscles seemed to react to that vision. That body, that attitude ... they were my undoing.

- You like this, do not you? - And now it was the other arm that went up and flexed to the other side, leaving a symmetrical and voluminous vision that still made him look bigger. His dorsals showed under the arms making the difference in width with his waist more and more exaggerated, and he could see how his muscles were becoming more and more plagued with veins. He himself was sweating, but I saw the satisfaction grow on his face as my desperation increased. I put as much as I wanted.

- Come on, touch him, you're wishing him- he said flexing only his right arm, marking even more his biceps, which seemed to explode with a huge vein that ran from end to end. I was paralyzed, I could not believe what was happening. "Come on, do it." He pulled that huge arm closer until it was right in front of my face.

I do not remember very well in what way this happened. When I touched that muscle body I felt something strange that I could not explain. I had never imagined that touch. That giant mass lasts under my hand. I could feel the fibers flex under the tips of my fingers. I ran my fingers through those veins, I noticed how the blood flowed. Without thinking twice, I put my lips to that arm, kissed it and felt it with my lips. I entered a trance in which there was only that huge muscle and me. I felt like that energy ran through my body, my God, it felt so good ... But something changed between my hands, something was not right.

- What are you doing? Get out! - said that uncle, as he pushed me against the wall. Suddenly it did not seem so attractive anymore. -What the fuck have you done? - he shouted at me as he hurriedly put on a pair of trousers and T-shirt that were in the next bench and picked up a bag. - You're a fucking friki- it was the last thing he said when he shot out the door of the locker room.

I stood for a few seconds assimilating what had just happened. I had felt so good and so fast ... I started to notice uncontrollable nausea and ran to the bathroom. Almost automatically I vomited in the toilet. My stomach was upset and soon after that a strange pain began in my stomach. At one moment my whole body seemed to hurt. What was that supposed to be? It was as if they were stretching every part of my body, the pain increased and increased, I could not control it. After a while of endless waiting seated on the bathroom wall, the pain seemed to subside.

What had happened to me? My stomach was still strange, my gut ... When I put my hand to my abdomen I noticed a surface that was too smooth. What had happened to my gut? I lifted my shirt and watched in astonishment as my old belly had disappeared to leave a smooth abdomen in which they began to sense the lines of the abdominal muscles. I quickly ran to the mirror and my breathing stopped when I saw the image. My shoulders seemed to have been filled, making the shirt fit in the upper waist, to mark under some pectorals that I had never had. The shirt was then loose at the waist making me look much bigger. I was then aware of how my sleeves tightened on my arms. I turned my left arm to see how veins flowed across its length, I observed for the first time in my life how my biceps was defined and responded by inflating when I flexed strongly, I noticed how it was filled with blood.

I could not believe it, I loved what I saw in the mirror. Even my face seemed to have changed a little. My beard now seemed to delimit my jaw more clearly. I saw how my pectorals bounced just thinking about moving. My body responded to my wishes, it seemed to have been trained a lifetime.

I could not look away from the mirror. I liked what I saw. And I wanted more, much more.



Thanks man! I see a few translation mistakes there though. I'll try making an English version when I have some time!

Muchas gracias a todos por los comentarios :)

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Yeah, I just did a raw Google Spanish-to-English translation with no corrections. I can even read Spanish, so could have taken the time to do so, but I will admit to being lazy. But I figured since a large part of this site are likely English only, I would try to let them enjoy your work, translation aside.

That said that you for your contribution to the forum,.


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Ahh me encantó! Es un buen protagonista, espero que subas mas capitulos pronto, ya me hacía falta una buena historia en español, aunque me gustaría mas especificidad jeje :3

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