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The Tale of the Muscular Manservant


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Chapter Twenty Six

“Save the woman?” replied the Brigadier, unable to believe what he had heard, “but, Mr. Fogg, if she were not killed, you cannot conceive what treatment she would be obliged to submit to from her relatives. They would shave off her hair, feed her on a scant allowance of rice, treat her with contempt; she would be looked upon as an unclean creature, and would die in some corner, like a scurvy dog”

“In that case” replied the gentleman, twirling his cane and starting to walk in the direction of the procession, “I propose that we prevent her from being killed, take her out of India and place her in a location where she can live in safety for the rest of her life!”

As Phileas walked off, the Brigadier looked at Jean with disbelief and as he followed Phileas, followed by the guide and elephant, Jean wondered the worst. Had his master turned again and was now no longer inverted? Following at the back of the new procession, Jean wondered if his one night of passion with his master had been his last and if so, was their relationship now doomed to failure just like the Channel Tunnel that had been proposed between England and France and yet never completed due to one side accusing the other of using it for military means.

As the travelers made their way through the jungle following the procession at a safe distance, the guide, who knew the jungles like the back of his hand, gave an account of the poor, unfortunate woman. She was a celebrated beauty of the Parsee race, and the daughter of a wealthy Bombay merchant. She had received a thoroughly English education in that city, and, from her manners and intelligence, would be thought European. Her name was Aouda. Left an orphan, she was married against her will to the old rajah of Bundelcund; and, knowing the fate that awaited her, she escaped, was retaken, and devoted by the rajah’s relatives, who had an interest in her death, to the sacrifice from which it seemed she could not escape. This information seemed to spur Phileas as his pace increased and as it did, Jean knew that he has lost the love of his master, but he was a manservant first and a manservant’s place was next to his master.

They reached the venue for the terrible events just as the sun started to set and as they peered through the growths, they all shuddered. The pagoda where the suttee was to take place was seven floors high and stood like a monolith to the god that would shortly have its bloodlust sated. The guide was told to stand with the elephant incase a fast escape was needed and with that Jean, Phileas and the Brigadier stealthily approached the building. As they did, they could hear the high priestess invoking their god calling on the deity to ensure the passage of the late rajah and his wife to the paradise of fire that they should shortly start. Leaving Jean as a guard to give them warning of any actions on the part of the followers, Phileas asked his manservant for a trowel and digging around in the bag he found one before his master and the Brigadier went to the rear of the pyramid where the Brigadier asked the only question he could in the circumstances.

“Are you usually in the habit of having a trowel on your person, Mr. Fogg?”

“Oh, absolutely” came the reply as Phileas started to chip away at the cement, “never leave home without one!”

Phileas attacked the cement like an expert and with a nod to the Brigadier, he removed the first brick and was able to peer inside the temple. In the gloaming, he could make out the form of the victim and reported back.

“Mmm” mused the Brigadier, “sounds like she’s been infused with hang. It’s a combination of things that induce a deep sleep”

Just then, there was a howl and the Brigadier peered around the corner to see Jean howling like a wolf before diving into some nearby undergrowth just as two guards appeared around the other corner. The work stopped instantly and they hid, but the gods were not on their side as the guards now appeared at the rear of the temple, and there installed themselves, in readiness to prevent a surprise. The disappointment on Phileas’s face was more than apparent and as the party regathered themselves at the elephant, Jean could see how much rescuing this woman meant to his master and so leaving him and the Brigadier for a moment, he walked towards the elephant and told the guide that he would look after it if he wanted a rest. The guide thanked him and was soon dozing at the foot of a tree. Leaning against the elephant, Jean’s mind whirled. If his master had fallen in love with the woman who was about to be killed, then if he was half the man he knew him to be, he would rescue her, and yet at the same time, their relationship would no longer be. As he pondered the circumstances, an idea popped into his head. He had no idea where it came from and when he first thought about it he declared “What folly!” and then he repeated, “Why not, after all? It’s a chance perhaps the only one; and with such sots!” and with that considered the idea long and hard eventually coming to the conclusion that he would. Reaching into the bag that he carried with him always, he pulled out a small mirror, his master’s notebook and a pen. First he wrote a message in the notebook and then replaced the notebook and pen in the bag, then he unwound the elephant’s trunk a little before securing the mirror in the hole made and wrapped the trunk so that it was held firm. Taking a deep breath, he crouched down so that he could see his face in the mirror and with a sad “Farewell, master” he stared at his reflection saying “Look into my eyes, your eyelids are getting heavy”


The hours passed, and the lighter shades now announced the approach of day, though it was not yet light. This was the moment. The slumbering multitude became animated, the tambourines sounded, songs and cries arose; the hour of the sacrifice had come. The doors of the pagoda swung open, and a bright light escaped from its interior, in the midst of which Phileas and the Brigadier espied the victim. She seemed, having shaken off the stupor of intoxication, to be striving to escape from her executioner. Just at this moment the crowd began to move. The young woman had again fallen into a stupor caused by the fumes of hemp, and passed among the fakirs, who escorted her with their wild, religious cries.

Phileas and his companions, mingling in the rear ranks of the crowd, followed; and in two minutes they reached the banks of the stream, and stopped fifty paces from the pyre, upon which still lay the rajah’s corpse. In the semi-obscurity they saw the victim, quite senseless, stretched out beside her husband’s body. Then a torch was brought, and the wood, heavily soaked with oil, instantly took fire. At this moment Sir Francis and the guide seized Phileas Fogg, who, in an instant of mad generosity, was about to rush upon the pyre when there was a loud declaration.

“FOR THE HONOUR OF FRANCE” it shouted, “I SAY NAY!” as from the nearby trees swung a figure that looked like someone Phileas knew and as he declared “Jean?” the hero was lining up to knock the high priestess senseless and rescue the woman. Suddenly there was a loud snap, and the figure’s forward motion stopped instantly so instead of hitting the high priestess the figure barreled into the heart of the pyre knocking it to the ground.

“JEAN!” screamed Phileas and without waiting a moment longer turned to the rest of the party and said “Gentlemen, we charge!”

As the priestess smiled at the sight of the collapsing pyre, she turned to her followers and declared “Kali has another soul to savour on this day!” but no sooner has she said this than the figure stood tall amidst the flames holding the prone body of the woman over his head and declared with a powerful voice “No one shall be harmed, the Victorian Hero declares it!” and with that jumped down the pyre and started to run away from the scene.

As he did, the elephant with Phileas, the Brigadier and the guide appeared on the scene causing chaos to ensue but amidst the chaos, the hero leapt into the air where Phileas grabbed hold of the woman and as the hero landed on the ground he turned and started running through the gathered worshippers knocking them senseless around him. He was just about to give the high priestess what for when a loud “PARIS” seemed to knock the hero out and as the elephant rounded the temple, the now unconscious hero was hauled aboard and with that left the scene.

A moment after all four of the party had disappeared in the woods, and the elephant was bearing them away at a rapid pace. But the cries and noise, and an arrow which whizzed through Phileas’s hat, apprised them that the trick had been discovered to which he stated, quite matter of factly to the guide, “Sir, I believe we are being asked to leave rather pointedly” and so they hastened into the forest, followed by the soldiers, who fired a volley after the fugitives; but the latter rapidly increased the distance between them, and ere long found themselves beyond the reach of the bullets and arrows.

As the escape continued, Phileas gently patted the face of his manservant and as he started to come around, he was met with a smiling face and a gentle whisper of “Well done, my lover, I read your note” and with that the hero smiled but exhausted from his efforts settled down in the bottom of the howdah. And what was in that note that the hero had written?

“To my devoted master and lover. Monsieur, your safety is paramount. It is you who is being challenged to travel around the world in eighty days, not me. Therefore, I take my leave of you. I am going to hypnotise myself to become the most powerful man in the world with strength that would put Hercules to shame and rescue that woman for you. This means that you will be assured that she is safe as I promise you I will stay by her side and with the help of the Brigadier make sure that she can stay in India forever, whilst you continue your journey. Sadly, it means that I will be unable to break the trance that I am in, but know this, my lover, in the depths of my mind the memory of our night of passion will live on in my dreams. Perhaps one day we shall meet again and you can break the trance by declaring my home town, until then, my lover, Adieu! P.S Tell the Brigadier that I will be willing to show off my strength to his men as a form of inspiration, and that he is to excuse me if I ever show off my naked powers!”

The elephant, thanks to the skillful guidance of the Parsee, was advancing rapidly through the still darksome forest, and, an hour after leaving the pagoda, had crossed a vast plain. They made a halt at seven o’clock, the young woman being still in a state of complete prostration. The guide made her drink a little brandy and water, but the drowsiness which stupefied her could not yet be shaken off. Sir Francis, who was familiar with the effects of the intoxication produced by the fumes of hemp, reassured his companions on her account and reassured, the party resumed their trek to Allahabad.

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Chapter Twenty Seven

Allahabad was, as most Indian towns were, a hive of activity. In fact, there was so much activity that the arrival of an elephant in the town barely registered on the locals. This was the elephant which on board was the heroic party that now had an extra passenger in the form of the Princess and although he was starting to blush about it, Jean lapped up the descriptions of the brave and powerful man who had saved her noting that the Brigadier seemed to be adding certain elements that could never be proven and wondered if this was where the tradition of the British army came from?

As Phileas paid the Parsee the agreed amount, Jean felt a little sad. All the time travelling on the elephant had reminded him of his circus days and so as the Parsee commanded the elephant to rise, having allowed the passengers to disembark, Jean patted the elephant’s trunk and whispered “Never forget me, mon amis!” to which the elephant wrapped his trunk around the manservant and gently raising him in the air nuzzled him for a moment as if to say “Elephants never forget, especially friends” and after placing him back on the ground, the Parsee gave the command and the elephant strode off.

Consulting his watch, Phileas smiled to himself. It was now ten o’clock in the morning on October 24th, the twenty second day of his journey and despite their detour they would arrive in Calcutta in plenty of time to catch the boat to Hong Kong the following day and so placing the young lady in one of the waiting rooms in the station with Phileas and the Brigadier keeping an eye on her, Jean was charged with purchasing for her various articles of toilet, a dress, shawl, and some furs; for which his master gave him unlimited credit. This he did with aplomb, after all what citizen of Paris doesn’t know how to dress a person, and when he arrived back at the station his face began to beam as the person he had saved was starting to recover.

He wasn’t the only one the Princess was influencing as the Brigadier, started to recite some poetry that although describing the charms of a local queen could have been about the Princess just as easily.

“Her shining tresses, divided in two parts, encircle the harmonious contour of her white and delicate cheeks, brilliant in their glow and freshness. Her ebony brows have the form and charm of the bow of Kama, the god of love, and beneath her long silken lashes the purest reflections and a celestial light swim, as in the sacred lakes of Himalaya, in the black pupils of her great clear eyes. Her teeth, fine, equal, and white, glitter between her smiling lips like dewdrops in a passion-flower’s half-enveloped breast. Her delicately formed ears, her vermilion hands, her little feet, curved and tender as the lotus-bud, glitter with the brilliancy of the loveliest pearls of Ceylon, the most dazzling diamonds of Golconda. Her narrow and supple waist, which a hand may clasp around, sets forth the outline of her rounded figure and the beauty of her bosom, where youth in its flower displays the wealth of its treasures; and beneath the silken folds of her tunic she seems to have been modelled in pure silver by the godlike hand of Vicvarcarma, the immortal sculptor”

“What a charming young lady!” said Phileas, almost in a dream

“Delightful” replied the Brigadier, sharing the same dream.

As Jean helped the Princess buy some new clothes, he had to shake his head every so often to remind himself that he was inverted. His dreams of wrestling men like Hercules, making mad passionate love to men like Porthos, even kissing his master on the lips were being replaced by daydreams of presenting this woman with a rose and being thanked for his kindness, begging her to be his wife, and on the most recent occasion kissing him announcing that she was going to have his babies who would grow up into men stronger than he was. No, this couldn't be happening, but it was, but how? But he was a manservant and therefore did his duties as best he could and thankful for when the princess went into a room to change into the clothes they had bought. As the Princess placed the old clothes into his arms, he closed his eyes and concentrated hard on Hercules, naked as the day he was born, flexing his arms, but that image was replaced by the Princess calling him gently, next he tried to focus on Porthos, lifting a bull over his head, the pain etched on his face but that too turned into the Princess coming to kiss him and even trying to focus on his master wrapping him in his powerful arms, was replaced by the Princess holding forth a carnation. However, after a few moments, the Princess tapped Jean on the shoulder and he knew that she was ready.

Jean opened the door as he did so. he found his master and the Brigadier them both looking into the distance. So he politely coughed and announced “Presenting, Her Highness, dressed in the autumn collection from the House of Passepartout” and with that stepped to one side to allow the Princess to exit the room. As she did, both men stared in amazement. She was now dressed in a white dress covered by a pink sari with an almost transparent silk covering that covered her head, shoulders and went almost to the ground. As she turned around to show off her new clothes, she said “Do they meet with your approval, sir?”

Phileas just stood there transfixed and replied, “Delightful, your Highness, delightful” and even the Brigadier seemed lost for words. As the Princess thanked Phileas for his part in the rescue, Jean couldn’t help but feel a bit sad. It was perfectly clear that Phileas had fallen head over heels in love with this woman, who had managed to even make him ponder his invertedness,  and thus their relationship built on a mutual love of strength and power was now over. He would still serve Phileas as manservant, of course, but the days he had imagined of the two of them, wrestling naked in the chill of the night before climbing into bed together and appreciating the warm glow of a hard exercise session was now nothing more than a pipe dream.

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Over four mugs of iced tea, bought from a local vendor, the Princess answered the traveler’s questions. Her name was indeed Princess Aouda, a title that she admitted that she had never got used to, as she confirmed everything that the Parsee had told the travelling party. She also added that during her education in Europe, she became an orphan and so when she completed it, she stayed with her aunt and uncle in Hong Kong until she became of age. That’s when the marriage to the Rajah happened, but only to allow her to remain secure in her future. The fact that the Rajah was a follower of Kali was kept from all until moments after his death. As the three men nodded in sympathy, the Princess started to weep again and sensing that she needed support Phileas gently held her hand and said “Madam, it is clear to me that you cannot stay in India, therefore I wish to propose that you join myself and my manservant and allow us to escort you to Hong Kong to be reunited with your aunt and uncle!”

“A capital idea!” beamed the Brigadier, “I couldn’t have thought of a better idea myself!”

Soon after, Phileas, the Brigadier and Jean were installed in a carriage with Aouda, who had the best seat, and were whirling at full speed towards Benares. It was a run of eighty miles, and was accomplished in two hours and so at half-past twelve the train stopped at Benares. The Brahmin legends assert that this city is built on the site of the ancient Casi, which, like Mahomet’s tomb, was once suspended between heaven and earth; though the Benares of to-day, which the Orientalists call the Athens of India, stands quite unpoetically on the solid earth, Passepartout caught glimpses of its brick houses and clay huts, giving an aspect of desolation to the place, as the train entered it. Benares was Sir Francis Cromarty’s destination, the troops he was re-joining being encamped some miles northward of the city. He bade adieu to Phileas Fogg, wishing him all success, and expressing the hope that he would come that way again in a less original but more profitable fashion. As the two gentlemen shook each other’s hands firmly, Jean was convinced that his master was desperately upset at the parting. This was confirmed when as the Brigadier stood on the platform and waved the train off, Phileas said “Goodbye” in a loud voice and then under his breath added “my friend!” but whether this was a true reflection of Phileas could not be said as just thirty minutes later he was reading his Bradshaw’s as if nothing had happened.

The railway, on leaving Benares, passed for a while along the valley of the Ganges. Through the windows of their carriage the travellers had glimpses of the diversified landscape of Behar, with its mountains clothed in verdure, its fields of barley, wheat, and corn, its jungles peopled with green alligators, its neat villages, and the still thickly-leaved forests. Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, and groups of Indians, despite the advanced season and chilly air, were performing solemnly their pious ablutions. As Jean watched through the window, he was pleased to see the Princess having a sleep to recover from her ordeal and as he felt tiredness cross his eyes, he too settled down and was soon dreaming...

As Jean held his sword high over the Titan's heaving chest, he whispered "Forgive me, my love" at which point he closed his eyes and heard Porthos whisper "Completely, my love" and with that slammed the sword into Porthos. However, the sudden scream of agony that he expected never appeared and so gingerly opening an eye, he went rock hard. The sword, one of the hardest ever crafted by man, was now mangled with the hilt just touching the Titan's heaving chest. As Jean moaned at the feat of strength he had witnessed, Porthos moaned "Forgive me, my love, a test to see if you were willing. You are now than willing and therefore your reward. Remove your loincloth, then remove mine and then my love, I will show you the power of the Titan".

As Jean followed his instruction, his eleven inch long cock was dwarfed by Porthos's sixteen inch semi hard cock.

"Now, my love" moaned Porthos, "lie on top of me, lie so that our manhood touch, then turn yourself around and swallow me, my love!"

Jean gulped at the thought of swallowing such a monster, but knew that Porthos would never ask him to do something unless he knew what he was doing and so, taking a deep breath, he swallowed the semi hard cock and as he did so he felt his own cock being swallowed by the Titan. The thoughts that started to run through his head were so fast that he could barely begin to understand him. He was sucking Porthos, his love, the man nicknamed Titan by all who knew and feared him, and he was being sucked by the same. As he felt his balls churn and his cock harden, he could feel Porthos's cock harden and threaten to block his mouth completely, but then something happened that he couldn't explain, for as he tasted the first drops of pre-cum, his eyes opened wide. Power, raw, undiluted, power. He could feel his heart starting to pound, he felt as he was being exposed to the hottest part of the sun's rays on the hottest day of the year. He felt stronger than he had ever done before, more powerful, more like a man than never before and unable to resist the sensation anymore came. As he did, Porthos's own cock came as well and within moments both men were stretching themselves, Porthos battling against the rack and Jean struggling to accommodate the power within him. Suddenly, there was a mighty roar and Porthos, pulled his arms from the restraints and flexed them hard. This caused him to cum again and as he did so, Jean followed suit. As the Titan broke free of the rack completely he stood up and lifting Jean's cock out of his mouth spoke, almost like a god, "Our love has defeated the Cardinal's plans my love, now we shall defeat the Cardinal" and with that replaced Jean's cock in his mouth and started sucking like a baby. As he did, Jean spat out Porthos's might cock and as he felt himself being drained by the Titan, using his strength to defeat the Cardinal he could only moan one word.

"Master, Master, Master!"

"Master, Master, Master" moaned Jean as he felt himself being roused. As he did, his eyes opened to find his master gently shaking him and whispering "Not in public my love" before announcing "Calcutta, everybody out!"

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Chapter Twenty Nine

The train entered the station, and as Jean jumped out first, he filled his lungs with air and then shot off up the platform. As he passed Phileas who was assisted the Princess to the ground, he gave him a large smile. He was at last having a chance to exercise properly, to feel his heart pounding, his lungs filling with air and knowing that at the end of it he would know what it meant to be a man. He had just completed his first circuit of running up and down the platform, when he suddenly registered a man dressed in a military uniform just feet in front of him. He screeched to a halt and ended up in the soldier’s chest and was wondering what he would say when he addressed him with a friendly tone of voice.

“Ah, you must be Jean then” and with that he extricated the manservant from his chest and said “On a good day I can run the length of this platform in fifteen seconds!”

Jean smiled, blushing slightly, and thanked the soldier for his complement and asked how he knew who he was.

“A man running up and down the platform” replied the solider, “clearly looking to expend a little energy after being cooped up in a train carriage since Allahabad, who else could it be?” and with that he shook Jean’s hand and making sure that no one saw him gave Jean's arm a firm squeeze, nodding his approval before introducing himself as a Colonel Armstrong of Her Majesty’s garrison of Calcutta and asked to speak to his master. Jean introduced the two and after saluting the gentleman the Colonel added “In the capacity of the Brigadier’s representative in this city” and handed over a five-pound note saying “For payment to the winner of that game of shuffleboard on the Mongolia!”

Phileas accepted the money with a smile and asked how the Brigadier was keeping.

“Very well indeed” came the reply, “and asking about the Princess as well?”

“I am honoured” came the humble reply

“Aside from reporting to an old friend” asked Phileas, “is there a reason for your company?”

The Colonel took off his hat and bowed his head and said, almost in a whisper, “Sir, we fear for your safety!”

“Just let them try!” announced Jean and instantly adopted a boxing stance, “I’ll clobber them all into the middle of next year!”

“I am afraid” replied the Colonel, “that the intelligence we have received suggests that will not work…” and with that looked around and suddenly became aware of a commotion at the far end of the platform and turning to the party said “Sir, I believe we have been discovered” and with that ran in the opposite direction with the party close behind.

“STOP THOSE MEN!” shouted Inspector Fix as he headed a contingent of Calcutta police officers with Drummond at the rear “They are wanted for questioning” however the chase for the Inspector concluded soon after it started as he charged into a woman carrying a basket of apples on her head. As the local police officers charged past, Drummond helped the Inspector up with a “Inspector, they’re getting away!”

“HALT” screamed Fix at the top of his voice, “HALT IN THE NAME OF THE EMPIRE!” but the Colonel had led the travelers to safety.

“This way” panted the Colonel as they arrived at a quayside and as they did, he pointed to a ship on the far side of harbour adding “There you are, Mr. Fogg, The Rangoon, and here’s some transport for us” and uncovered a small rowing boat. As the travelers clambered in, the Colonel smiled “Oxford or Cambridge, Mr. Fogg?”

“Eton!” came the reply and with that the two Englishman, each with an oar, were soon a long way from the quayside much to the disgust of Fix and Drummond, the former of whom was in a hopping rage. As the local police officers continued the hunt for the travelers, Fix took out his frustrations on Drummond and roared at him “GET ME A DINGHY!”

“What’s a dinghy?” asked the Constable

“WHAT’S A DINGHY?” exclaimed the Inspector, unable to believe what he had heard and bellowed “IT’S A BOAT, YOU IDIOT!” with such volume that it startled the Constable and despite his best efforts, he fell into the harbour. As he struggled and screamed for help, the Inspector put his hands over his eyes and sighed. How did he manage to get such a nincompoop for a constable? As he shook his head he calmly said “Drummond, you’re standing on the steps leading into the harbour!” and as the constable stood up with a sheepish grin on his face, the Inspector turned his ire on the escaping travellers.

Through the combined efforts of those great English universities and added to by the best school in the whole of Berkshire, the travelling party was making excellent progress and Phileas took a moment to remember those days, rowing up and down Dorney Lake in the grounds of the school. Closing his eyes, he could soon hear the cox encouraging the eights that he was a member of to keep going, the wind rushing through his hair, even the occasional drop of water that got into the boat and made his feet wet. As he opened them again, he suddenly realised that his feet were wet and looking down was stunned to see the bottom of the boat starting to fill with water. He was about to remark to the Colonel this fact, when the Colonel suddenly jumped up and stood at the stern of the boat holding a cork in his hand.

“As good as we Oxbridge types are at rowing” he said, almost with a wicked grin, “I think it’s a wonderful day for a swim, no?” and with that dived into the harbour with a cheery “Don’t catch a chill, now!” and was soon below the surface. As the travelers looked on in shock, a mask rose to the surface and Phileas growled his anger. Perhaps fueled by the anger, he wrapped his handkerchief to the end of his cane and with a mighty grunt, plugged the hole with it and pushed down with every ounce of strength he had. Once he was sure that the hole was plugged, he issued orders.

“Jean” he commanded, “row, row as if your life depended on it, Princess, take my hat and bail!”

As the party repositioned themselves and acted on their orders, Phileas looked in both directions. Were they closer to the Mongolia than the quayside? Was he strong enough to keep that plug in place? Coming to a conclusion he announced, “To the quayside, Jean!” and as Jean started to row he whispered “On my own head be it!”

Despite both men pushing themselves to their physical limits, Jean rowing faster than he had ever done so before and Phileas pushing with every ounce of strength in his body, the boat started to get lower and lower into the water. As they arrived back at the quayside, the boat’s bow was the only thing above the surface of the water and leaping out Jean helped the Princess and then went to his master’s aid but was shooed away by a determined growl. Phileas focused on his cane, he knew he would only have a second at most to pull the cane out, using the strength in his arms, and then transfer all that strength into his legs to leap out of the boat. Taking a few deep breaths, he gritted his teeth and pulled. The cane came out with a loud POP and instantly Phileas jumped. His leap was as powerful as it was effective as the boat sank just as he landed on the bottom step of the harbour. As the party watched the boat sink to the bottom, Jean and Phileas took off their hats and mourned the loss of a noble vessel.

“Mr. Phileas Fogg?” said a voice behind them.

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Chapter Thirty

As they turned, they were confronted by a group of policemen, all armed with truncheons. At their lead was a policeman wearing the badges of office who asked the question again.

“I am he.”

“Is this man your servant?” added the policeman, pointing to Jean.


“Be so good, both of you, as to follow me.”

Mr. Fogg betrayed no surprise whatever. The policeman was a representative of the law, and law is sacred to an Englishman. Jean tried to reason about the matter, but the policeman tapped him with his stick, and Mr. Fogg made him a signal to obey.

“May this young lady go with us?” asked he.

“She may,” replied the policeman.

Phileas, Jean and the Princess were conducted to a palkigahri, a sort of four-wheeled carriage, drawn by two horses, in which they took their places and were driven away. No one spoke during the twenty minutes which elapsed before they reached their destination. They first passed through the “black town,” with its narrow streets, its miserable, dirty huts, and squalid population; then through the “European town,” which presented a relief in its bright brick mansions, shaded by coconut-trees and bristling with masts, where, although it was early morning, elegantly dressed horsemen and handsome equipages were passing back and forth. The carriage stopped before a modest-looking house, which, however, did not have the appearance of a private mansion. The policeman having requested his prisoners named “Phileas Fogg and Jean Passepartout” conducted them into a room with barred windows, and said: “You will appear before Judge Obadiah at half-past eight.”. He then retired, and closed the door and instructed the Princess, “It would be desirable, madam, if you followed me to the courtroom!” and through the bars of the cell, they were imprisoned in, Jean watched as the Princess followed the instruction without complaint.


The case before the Honourable Justice Obadiah was one of great interest and as Phileas and Jean were shown to their seats in front of the bench, little did they know that as well as the gathered population of Calcutta Inspector Fix and Constable Drummond were also present as was Timothy, watching and waiting to see if his services would be needed again or whether he could return to London safe in the knowledge that Phileas had failed and that he was due a reward of five thousand pounds.

“All rise for the honourable Justice” called the usher as the judge entered. As he did Jean was of the opinion that he was exceptionally fat but wisely kept that opinion to himself. The judge sat down and was about to bring the court to order when he felt something wasn’t right. He took of the wig he had been wearing an examined it closely before declaring “I cannot pass judgement on this case, I am wearing the wrong wig!”

“That is correct, your Honour” replied the clerk as he left the room the judge had just left, “you have mine on!”

“My dear Mr. Oysterpuff, how can a judge give a wise sentence in a clerk’s wig?”

Once the wigs were duly exchanged, the judge brought the court to order and asked whether the defendants were present. Phileas stood up and confirmed that he and Jean were present. As he did the judge looked at him and said “You have been looked for, prisoners, for two days on the trains from Bombay”

“But of what are we accused?” blurted out Jean which Phileas, masterfully covered with “May I ask what the prosecution alleges your honour?”

“You shall be told shortly” came the reply.

“You Honour” said Phileas, “As a British citizen, I believe I have the right to…”

“Are you alleging ill treatment?” interrupted the judge to which Phileas shook his head

“In that case, present the plaintiffs!”

A door was swung open by order of the judge, and three Indian priests entered and as they did, Phileas nudged Jean. Jean looked at his master and could see his eyes shining like never before. It was clear that he had a plan and from then on, Jean sat up like a good schoolboy. The priests took their places in front of the judge, and the clerk proceeded to read in a loud voice a complaint of sacrilege against Phileas Fogg and his servant, who were accused of having violated a place held consecrated by the Brahmin religion. The judge asked if the defendants understood the charge, which they did, and was about to ask for evidence when Phileas announced “Your Honour, we plead guilty!”

The judge was slightly surprised at this and pushing his glasses up his nose asked “You admit everything?”

Phileas nodded and asked for permission to approach the bench. Permission was granted and as he started to pace in front of the judge he flashed a wink to Jean and started on his first ever legal speech.

“Your Honour” he said, “As you have heard I have accepted that we are guilty of the charges that we are accused of. As a usual upstanding member of Britain, this is most unusual for me to admit. However, there are circumstances that I believe the court needs to hear to understand why I have admitted our guilt. I therefore indulge the court to hear those reasons!” and with that stopped pacing and faced the judge. The judge thought for a moment and nodded.

“Thank you Your Honour” replied Phileas and resumed his pacing “The charges of sacrilege are indeed very serious and if I was back in Britain and hearing that a foreign national had defiled my local church I would call for the harshest sentence possible. However, the reason for our sacrilege was a basic understanding of the rights of the person. Rights which I believe these priests were threatening” and with that he stopped, turned on a penny until he was facing the priests and raising an impervious finger pointed at them and demanded “Do you deny that on the day in question, you were about to commit the act of suttee, an act that has been deemed illegal in British India for a good number of years, on that woman there?” and pointed to the Princess who had her head bowed, “and may I remind you that although you have not taken an oath, you are in a court of law!”

The crowd in the courtroom were lapping up every second. What had started out as a standard case was now in the realms of international intrigue and even the court reporter, who had dozed off, was now wide awake and scribbling notes like mad. Even the Inspector couldn’t believe what he was hearing and wondered if this was some ploy to try and get the case thrown out.

Still pointing at the priests who were just as perplexed as everyone else, Phileas lowered the finger and turned to the judge and said “I am willing to wait for a translation!”

The clerk got up and translated the allegation. The priests looked at each other and after a few moments of muttering, the clerk came back with “They know of no such act!”

“What do you mean they know of no such act?” shouted Jean which earned him a rebuke from the judge.

“What my fellow defendant means, your Honour” replied Phileas, without any hint of nerves in his voice, “is that we believe that these priests tried to commit an illegal act upon that woman over there and are now trying to wangle their way out of this courtroom! If they have any evidence that proves without any shadow of a doubt that I am incorrect in my assessment of the situation then please, I ask them, to present it to the court!” and with that Phileas sat down and looked at his manservant and whispered “They’re in a spot now!” as the statement was translated. However, the reply that came was not the one Phileas was expecting.

“I find it very hard to believe” replied the judge, “that anyone would seek to commit the act of suttee in the heart of Bombay…” but was interrupted by Jean who screamed “Bombay? We’re talking about Kholby!”

“We” said the judge, emphasizing the word, “are talking about the pagoda at Malabir Hill in Bombay!”

“And” added the clerk, “the plaintiffs have produced a piece of evidence that connects the defendants to the scene of the crime!” and with that placed a pair of shoes on the desk which prompted Jean to exclaim “My shoes!”

As Fix watched, he rubbed his hands together with glee. He’d got them good and proper. They would be forced to stay in Calcutta for at least a week, possibly even a fortnight, by which time that warrant which still had not arrived, would have and after they had served their sentence he could arrest them and take them back to England to be tried for the crime of robbing the Bank of England, at last things were going his way and as the judge asked if Phileas still wanted to plead guilty to the crime he was actually charged with, which he did, passed a sentence of fifteen days and a fine of three hundred pounds.

“Fifteen days!” exclaimed the Inspector grabbing his partner and squeezing him half to death, “It’s about time things went my way!”

“Er, Sir?” asked the constable, “what about bail?”

“Drummond!” chuckled the Inspector, enjoying this moment to gloat, “what makes you think that he can simply buy his way out of this. He’s only got twenty thousand pounds in that bag of his. Remember when we got this complaint in Bombay, I asked permission from the commissioner to access Phileas’s bank details. He has a personal fortune of forty thousand pounds and according to the records half of that is in a cheque being held at the Reform Club and half in his safe at home. When one of the local policemen passed his home a few days ago, he noticed that the safe was exposed, that means it had been opened by Phileas himself and the only reason it would be exposed is if it was empty. He’s not going to spend money now that he might need later. You mark my words, Drummond, he’ll…”

“With permission, your Honour” announced Phileas stopping the Inspector in his tracks, “I wish to offer bail!”

“You do indeed have that right” said the judge and added “Bail is set at a thousand pounds each!”

“And I shall pay it now, your Honour!” came the reply causing Fix to moan despairingly and as he sank to the floor he said, “Two thousand pounds sacrificed! He’s as prodigal as a thief! I’ll follow him to the end of the world if necessary; but, at the rate he is going on, the stolen money will soon be exhausted” and with that got to his feet and trudged out of the court a broken man not waiting to hear Phileas forfeit the bail that was given to the monks of the pagoda in Bombay. But as the defendants, now free men again, left the courtroom, Timothy rubbed his chin. It was clear that Phileas was absolutely determined to go around the world and only something completely catastrophic would stop him, something that he could easily rustle up, given time and he still had fifty-seven days in which to do so.

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Chapter Thirty One

 “What’s the meaning of this outrage?”

“Yeah, we bet our hard-earned money on your Mr. Fogg, and now you report he’s on trial in India?”

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, sir!”

The crowd gathered at the bottom of the platform where Mr. Ralph gave his daily updates was getting exceptionally restless and as Mr. Ralph appeared on the platform he gulped. When news arrived in London of Mr. Fogg being accused of sacrilege at an Indian temple, it was almost as if Britain exploded. Questions were asked in Parliament about whether Mr. Fogg was a good ambassador for the country, letters had appeared in the Times, and even the Prime Minister had been summoned by Her Majesty to explain what was going on.

“Gentlemen” announced Mr. Ralph, trying to make himself heard above the ruckus, “we have just received information this morning that states Mr. Fogg has indeed been in an Indian court, and whilst admitting the charges, has paid bail and been declared free and is now on the Rangoon heading towards Singapore as per the schedule!”

This statement seemed to put the public’s mind at rest and as Mr. Ralph climbed back through the window into the building that housed the printing presses of the newspaper he heaved a sigh of relief and hoped that Phileas was having a better time than he was.


"Mmmm" moaned Jean as he took in deep breaths of the sea air on board the Rangoon, and then thumped his chest hard. He had just completed fifty laps around the deck and felt like a god. His heart was pounding, his chest was heaving, indeed there was only one more thing that would make the moment complete and as he leant against the side of the ship, still breathing hard he started to daydream.

"You sent for me, master?"

"No" came the reply, "I wanted you to see me!"

As Jean raised his head, having bowed as custom dictated for a manservant entering a room, he instantly went rock hard. There was his master, completely naked, his chest heaving and a definite shine coming off him.

"Thou art pumped!" moaned Jean as Phileas flexed his biceps

"Pumped?" asked Phileas and then bounced his pecs and said musingly "Yes, I suppose I am pumped" and with that looked Jean straight in the eye and raising his arms like the statue of David and announced "Worship!"

As the manservant started to worship the mass of muscle that was his master, his breathing became more ragged as his cock continued to harden, and as he started to rub his master’s cock in his mind, he could feel his pulse quickening and he moaned in his mind, “Monsieur, may I…?” to which his master replied “Yes, my acolyte!”

Anyone looking at Jean would imagine that he was looking over the side of the ship lost in wonder at the splendour of the Indian Ocean as the Rangoon made its way to Singapore, in reality he was thrusting his imaginary ten inch by six-inch monster of a cock into his master making him moan in ecstasy and urging his manservant to “take us to the limits of human endurance”. In fact, the only clue that this was what Jean was thinking was a small stain on the front of his trousers and knowing that he was close to cumming in both dream and reality, he managed to fumble open his trousers and stuck his cock out into the sea air which seemed to make his dream even more real as seconds later he actually felt his master’s hand on his shoulder and a whispered “Wondrous, is it not?” in his ear.

Jean gritted his teeth and in his dream screamed as both men came with such force that Jean was propelled backwards into the wall and as he sank to the floor with a half weary smile on his face, he came in real life and moaned “Par excellence, monsieur” as a small trail of cum followed in the wake of the ship.

“Excellent” came the reply as Jean started to come around from his dream, “then you won’t mind if you fetch the princess a parasol!”

Jean instantly came to and found that his master really was behind him and as he turned his head, there was the princess sitting on a bench. “At once, Monsieur” he replied quickly, and pretended to yawn as he fumbled his cock back into his trousers and then turned around and apologised saying “Forgive me, monsieur, but I was underneath a seagull!” and looked down to his trousers.

“Happens to the best of us!” smiled his master and recommended that he change his trousers as soon as he had found a parasol for the Princess. Ten minutes later, he was back to his usual self and serving his master some water when he noticed something strange and asked his master why the sea was so still this morning.

“Yes” replied his master, “I’d noticed that as well!” and with that stuck his finger into his mouth and then held it up in the air, “No wind!” he replied and then added “and no smoke from the chimneys, either. Well, my man, you’d better investigate!” to which Jean saluted and made his way to the engine room where he found, to his amazement, the engines not turning. This was very strange and so sliding down the ladder to the floor he started to look for someone to ask but found no-one and so could only start his way up, but as he placed his foot on the first rung, he was struck from behind and collapsed unconscious to the floor. As he did, Timothy, holding a wrench, chuckled wickedly and started to rifle through the manservant's pockets. As he did so, he came across the sun clock and thinking it nothing more than a ring placed it back in his pocket, but then he came across the picture of Donald Dinnie and as he turned it around Timothy smiled wickedly as there on the back was what he was looking for. It was a message that now in the wrong hands could be used for any number of plots against Jean. Placing the card back, Timothy tiptoed away and when far enough away threw a bucket of cold water over Jean that caused him to wake with a start. As he cursed himself for slipping on the first rung, he made his way back up to report to his master, little knowing that Timothy was already planning his next move.

"So, you like strong men, eh?" he chuckled, "I know a very strong man indeed" and with that tiptoed into the depths of the ship the image of the back of the card burned into his mind. It was the signature of Phileas Fogg, with the signature of Donald Dinnie underneath and then underneath that Jean's signature with the word "Strongman" underneath.

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Chapter Thirty Two

“Think, Drummond, Think, what are we missing?”

As the Inspector paced in his cabin, the constable tried his best but could only come up with “My home, sir, sitting in the garden watching the flowers grow, a game of darts down the pub!”

“Enough self-pitying, Drummond” warned the inspector, “there can be no whiners in Scotland Yard!”

Drummond nodded, still missing his favourite meal of pie and mash.

“We are currently headed towards Singapore” said the Inspector, “and from there to Hong Kong. Whilst Singapore is a member of the British Empire, it is only a governate therefore we can’t do anything without upsetting the local parliament, and if they are anything like our Parliament they can get very irate over small things. Therefore, we must stop Phileas in Hong Kong, if we don’t then he’s scot free!”

“There’s always Canada, sir!” came the less than helpful reply

“He’s not going to Canada, Drummond” roared the Inspector and turned his back on his companion

“Sir” asked Drummond cautiously, “What if he’s not the man we are looking for?”

The Inspector sighed as he turned around and kneeling to be level with his constable, looked him in the face.

“Drummond, I know that you’re not that bright, but try and understand. There is a warrant for the arrest of Phileas, hopefully, making its way to Hong Kong. That warrant has been signed by Commissioner Rowan. Now, tell me, why would the Commissioner issue a warrant to arrest an innocent man, eh?”

“Perhaps the butler, did it?” asked Drummond.

As the Inspector was about to scream at the constable, he stopped.

“What did you say?” he asked slowly

“Perhaps the butler, did it?” Drummond repeated, wondering what fresh agony he was about to experience.

“Drummond” exclaimed the inspector, picking him up to his feet and flinging his arms around him, “You’re cleverer than the entire Royal Society, put together!”

“I am?” asked the constable, slightly bemused

“By miles” smiled the inspector and resumed his pacing, “Phileas has a manservant travelling with him, Jean somebody, and if there’s anything I have learned from my years at Scotland Yard it’s if you want to get to a crook, you get to him via his manservant. It’s the classic tactic of divide and conquer, Drummond, and that’s what we are precisely going to do. Divide Phileas and his manservant and conquer Phileas Fogg!”


“Well, this is a pleasant scene, isn’t it? A man fishing in the evening of the day! Anything biting?”

“Goodness, monsieur” exclaimed Jean as the Inspector stood beside him, “what a surprise. I thought that you were going to Bombay only?”

“So did I!” smiled the Inspector and leaned into the manservant and whispered “Because I’m the new regional manager for the Polar and Oriental company in Asia!” and with that he stood upright and said “So I’m heading to my new office in Hong Kong!”

“Hong Kong?” asked Jean, instantly becoming suspicious

“I know!” smiled the Inspector, “we seem to be following each other don’t we?” and gave Jean a playful nudge but as he did, the line the manservant was holding started to twitch.

“I say” said the Inspector, “I think you’ve got a bite!”

As the line pulled out to sea, Jean grunted “Oh no, you don’t!” and pulled with every ounce of strength he had and growled “Monsieur, help me!” and with that the Inspector wrapped his arms around the manservant and as Jean pulled, the Inspector gasped in his mind. He could feel Jean’s arms bulging as he pulled and immediately started asking a whole new set of questions. “How strong was this manservant?” “Did Phileas dose him with some kind of medical treatment to make him this strong?” and more importantly “Were the two accomplices?”

Despite the combined weight of Jean and the Inspector, the fish was too strong and as the line snapped, it sent both men to the deck with a thud raising the attention of Phileas who was sat on the bench a little way away. As he stood up and asked “Everything alright, Jean?”, the Inspector decided to make tracks and so as Phileas approached his manservant, it was only he who replied “Monsieur, I have the tale of the one that got away!” which prompted his master to chuckle and explain to the Princess who had followed him what had happened.

Just then, the wind started to get up and filled the sails of the Rangoon and as it started to move the great ship, Phileas showing that his mind was just as powerful as his body estimated that with the wind now moving the ship as well as the engines, they would make up for the time lost when they were stationary earlier in the day.

As they did, the Inspector was outlining his latest observations to the Constable and as he explained Jean's bulging muscles, the constable gasped in amazement. As the inspector finished he said "Now, Drummond, now do you see what we are up against? We are up against a genius of a man, a man who can take an ordinary manservant and turn him into the strongest man in the world. Yes, yes, it's all making sense now. To do that requires a lot of materials and they can be very pricey too, so he promises this man that he will make him stronger than any man alive and so gives him a sample, that sample gives him the strength he needs to rob the Bank of England and then they prepare a new batch, that batch is then ingested by the manservant and now, now he's unstoppable. But mark my words, Drummond, Scotland Yard never gives up. Phileas Fogg and his manservant, even if he has to be wrestled by every man in the tug of war team, will be arrested, charged and jailed or my name isn't Inspector Fix of the Yard!"

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Chapter Thirty Three

It was October 31st, twenty-nine days since Phileas had left London, and as the Rangoon sailed into the harbour in Singapore, Phileas had spent almost a week in the company of the Princess, always standing by her side and making sure that if she wanted something, Jean was the person who brought it for her. The more time he had spent with her, the more he felt he wanted to know her, and the more he wanted to know her, the more he wanted to be with her. It was the reason that Phileas that on the bow of the Rangoon as the sun rose on that day as he had been having several poor nights of sleep unable to reconcile his love for his manservant, a man who was as strong or indeed stronger than him, and the feelings he was developing of the Princess, but as both manservant and Princess appeared on deck, he took a deep breath and became the perfect English gentleman again asking the Princess if she was willing to come with him to the main town that gave the island its name and speak to the Governor which whom he had been granted an audience with. She consented with a simple nod and as they disembarked, Phileas gave Jean a large number of notes and told him “to buy whatever you can!”, an instruction received with a friendly smile and with that the travelers departed for their destinations.

The Governor’s mansion just outside the town was an imposing building, yet the Governor was quite the opposite and as he greeted Phileas with a warm handshake he remarked “The Princess Aouda Jeehee, well this is a most unexpected pleasure I must say!”

“You know my family, sir?” she asked

“Know them!” exclaimed the Governor, “I’m your godparent!” and with that took out a small drawing of the Princess as a tiny baby being held in the arms of the Governor as a young man, “Amazing to think that was twenty years ago, so how are you keeping?”

As the Princess related her recent history, the Governor nodded in sympathy.

“My condolences on you becoming a widow” he said, “but I can offer some help. You were never abandoned, my dear, your family spent years looking for you when they learned that you were to be married to the Rajah. It’s just, well, India is a big place you know. In the end they gave up, but came to me the day before they left to go back to Hong Kong and said that, if by some miracle, you ever came back here, I was to give you this” and with that he reached into his pocket and pulled out a letter addressed “To our dear Aouda” and as the Princess opened it, she burst into tears of joy and handed the letter to Phileas who read it and then looked at the Governor in amazement who nodded in reply.

“Madam” said Phileas, standing up, “as you know I have promised to ensure your safe journey until you meet your relatives again. I continue to hold that promise!”

“You mean?” asked the Princess

“I cordially invite you to travel with me to Hong Kong” replied Phileas and before he knew what had happened the Princess had flung her arms around him professing her thanks prompting the Governor to chuckle “Invite to the wedding, eh?”

Phileas blushed at this statement, if he wanted to marry anyone it would be his manservant, he was simply upholding a promise that he had made in Calcutta but had to admit the Princess hugging him did feel very special indeed.

“I know that you don’t have much time to spend here” said the Governor, “but I hope that you will not find offence if I allow you to travel across this fair island in my personal coach. I consider it the least I can do!”

Both Phileas and the Princess looked at each other in surprise and meekly replied “Thank you”

“May I strongly recommend a visit to our orchid gardens” he continued and as all three made their way outside he nudged Phileas and whispered “And you have my permission to pick a few as well!” before laughing heartily. Phileas thanked the Governor for his wishes and as they climbed into the coach and wishing them a happy journey, the Governor gave the driver his instructions and they rode out of the governor’s mansion, past the two guards who greeted them with a friendly “Good day, sir” and travelled through the myriad landscapes that made up the island.

Although the island of Singapore was not imposing in aspect, due to the lack of mountains, its appearance is not without attractions. There was a park checkered by pleasant highways and avenues, rows of palms with brilliant foliage, and of clove-trees, whereof the cloves form the heart of a half-open flower. Pepper plants replaced the prickly hedges of European fields; sago-bushes, large ferns with gorgeous branches, varied the aspect of this tropical clime; while nutmeg-trees in full foliage filled the air with a penetrating perfume. Agile and grinning bands of monkeys skipped about in the trees, nor were tigers wanting in the jungles with met with the traveler’s approval. After about half an hour, they arrived at the orchid gardens and as Phileas helped the Princess down, they were both amazed by the sheer number of orchids growing in abundance.

As the Princess expressed her desire to see one, Phileas carefully pinched the top of an orchid and presented the bloom to the Princess. As she sniffed it, a sense of delight seemed to overcome her and as she danced amongst the flowers, something appeared on her face that Phileas hadn’t seen for a week, a smile, and as she did, Phileas started having a discussion with his inner self.

“How beautiful she is!” he said to himself, “If ever I gave my heart to another I think it would be to her” and then countered by “But you have given your heart to another, your manservant, the man who wrestled you in bed and caused you both to experience ecstasy like never before” before pleading “But, her story, oh sir, please, let me help her” because he argued, “But you are inverted, you’ve never liked women before!” however before he could answer himself, the Princess came up with two orchids and placed one in his buttonhole and with that offered her hand so they could walk around the gardens.

“I have never seen a garden as lovely as this” she said, “it simply takes my breath away” and then exclaimed, “Oh, look, Mr. Fogg” and still with their arms entwined she dragged him towards a collection of red orchids and as they spent time looking at them Phileas could feel himself changing before himself and accepting the change willingly.

As they travelled back towards the Rangoon, they both did so in silence. The Princess’s silence was due to her smelling the flowers that she had picked, Phileas’s silence was down to the inner turmoil he was experiencing. He had decided and it was a decision that had the potential to either destroy his friendship with Jean or allow it to continue so as he saw him waiting by the boat, holding several mangoes in his big powerful arms, Phileas gulped and as they disembarked from the carriage, Phileas paid the driver a few coins for “a lovely afternoon with my compliments to the governor”, Jean noticed the orchid in his buttonhole.

“Jean” said Phileas, “I have two important pieces of information to relay. First, we have established that the Princess’s family are to be found in Hong Kong!”

Jean smiled and shook the Princess’s hand saying “Soon you will be back with your family, Madame”

“The second piece of information I will tell you when you meet me in my cabin in an hour’s time!” added Phileas and with that took hold of the Princess and helped her on board with Jean close behind wondering what his master had to say to him, but followed his master’s instruction and an hour later knocked at the door of his cabin.

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Chapter Thirty Four

As Jean knocked, he was greeted by a firm yet polite "Enter" and as he did so, turned to close the door behind him, but as he turned around and was about to say "You wished to see me?" then he was struck dumb by the sight in front of him. It was his master, standing in the doorway to the bedroom, completely naked with his cock twitching. As Jean gulped, he wondered if he was daydreaming again, but when his master spoke it was clear that this was all real.

“As a member of the Reform Club” he announced, slowly, “I am privy to tales from around the world and from storytellers of the highest repute. My friend, Edgar Alan Poe, told me several of his stories and suggested that I came up with my own. It is that which I wish to perform for you to prove that once we leave the Princess with her relatives in Hong Kong, we shall become lovers again” and with that he entered the bedroom and announced “Come”.

Jean followed wondering what his master meant and as he lay on the bed, his arms and legs stretched out, Jean started to moan gently.

“You will find in the bag the following items. Take them out as I call them and follow my instructions” Phileas said and as he did so he took several deep and slow breaths as if preparing for something. “First, take out the colander and place it on my head, next take out the wires with the orange cable and attach them to opposite sides of the colander. Now, find the wires with the blue cable and place them to one side, finally take out the four manacles and restrain my ankles and wrists to the bed frame”

Jean did as he was instructed and as he did so, he couldn't help but notice his master's cock get longer, thicker and harder as well as his master's breathing start to become more noticeable.

“Now” said Phileas, still breathing deeply, “attach the other end of the orange cable wires to my chest, then attach the blue cabled wires to my manhood so that it looks as if you travel from the top of my manhood to the testes and then back to the bottom of my manhood”

Jean did so and stood back to examine his handiwork. This was a scene straight out of one of his fantasies, his master, restrained by his wrists and ankles, naked, his chest heaving, his cock bobbing in time with his pulse and his muscular body restrained. Half of Jean wanted to rip his clothes off, leap onto his master and made mad, passionate love, but the more sensible part remained static.

"Edgar told me a tale that he wrote about a man, condemned to die, and forced to face death by a pendulum slowly lowering towards him. This, he told me, was an example of showing the emotions that a man can experience and afterwards he told me that a good story needs to emote with people. That was four years ago and the following year I came up with such a story, but only today can I tell it. Jean, your role in this story is that of a man of science, who, after countless experiments believes that he has found a way of enabling people to live the lives of their dreams" and as Phileas's breathing became more ragged and his cock was almost at full length he concluded "This is the story of how a man can become...Porthos!"

"Issac de Porthau?" gasped Jean and instantly went rock hard. The famed Titan of a Musketeer was his hero and Issac de Porthau was his distant relative, despite telling the story to his master of his most famous deeds Jean had disguised it as a general man, but what he had told his master was true and so kneeling besides the bed he whispered "What do you want me to do, master?" to which Phileas replied "Act my lover!" and with that took a deep breath and announced "Sir, I have read your research and I believe it, I have submitted to your tests and been found not wanting, I am now ready, so please sir, tell me, have you managed it?"

"Yes, I have" replied Jean, an answer that made Phileas pre cum

"Then, sir" Phileas moaned, "I beg you, do it, send the power of the skies into me, push me beyond my physical, mental and sexual limits, suck every piece of information out of my brain and transfer it to the Titan yonder!"

"It will be painful..." began Jean to which Phileas replied "Which is why I must experience this. I am the strongest man, the cleverest man and the man who was able to endure all your agonising tests. My heart, my lungs, my constitution, they are all able to withstand the agony. Please sir, I beg you, look, my body can not bear to wait a moment longer. Send the lighting bolt stored in your batteries into the two of us, make us roar in agony and make me the Titan of old!"

"By your command, sir" replied Jean and with that stood up and held the bell by the bed that would normally summon him and then whispered "Resist, my lover, resist with every ounce of your strength" and with that pulled the rope. As soon as he did Phileas closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and pulled against the restraints, every muscle in his arms and legs bulging as he did so. As he did, he gestured to the bag again and as Jean rummaged around he found a stethoscope and placing it on his master's chest moaned in ecstasy as he heard his master's heart pounding twice a second. Then Phileas took a deep breath and held it, forcing his heart to work even harder and as Jean counted three beats a second, he moaned "Oh, master, describe the pain, describe the agony, so that I may feel it!"

Phileas breathed out and turned to his lover and asked a question that prompted Jean to leap for joy.

"Then be your relative Jean, for I guessed that you and Issac were related by the way you talked about him in Paris!"

Within moments, Jean had stripped naked, was lying on top his master the wires connecting the two loves by their nipples, cocks and balls and as the two lovers kissed Phileas moaned "Accept my memories, Titan, so that I can feel the power that resides inside you!" to which Jean nodded and moaned "Monsieur, start the process" and with that both men instantly flexed

“I can feel it” moaned Phileas, his hips bucking, “I can feel my mind being pulled out of my brain, my memories being transferred out of my body” and with that he moaned as Jean moaned in kind “The body of Porthos is able to withstand most tortures, including this one, but your body is one that the Titan wishes to explore, therefore, mortal, I give you my memories. Now listen to my heart as I submit to you” and with that Jean placed the ends of the stethoscope into his master’s ears, took a deep breath and placed the disc onto his own chest as he held his breath. For the next ten minutes Phileas grunted, groaned and moaned as they imagined their minds being transferred between their bodies and as Jean’s heart beat faster and faster and faster, it made both men unable to withstand the torture anymore and with Phileas moaning “Please, Porthos, become me!” they both came so hard that as they pretended to examine their new bodies, the cum was acting like a glue between them.

“Oh, Porthos” moaned Phileas, “this body is the work of the great artists. Please, I beg of you, rub the nipples that could be chiseled from marble!”

Jean smiled as he squeezed his own nipples and then turned his attention to his master saying “But the gods have nothing on you, for not even Porthos has a torso like this” and with that Jean rubbed his hand along his master’s abdominal muscles now covered in a combination of cum and sweat. As both men explored their new bodies, they were about to passionately kiss when there was a knock at the door.

“Mr. Fogg?” called the Inspector, “I’m sorry to bother you, but I have been asked by the Captain to summon you on a matter of some import”

Placing his finger on his manservant’s lips, Phileas replied in his usual upstanding voice, “Thank you sir. Please tell the Captain I shall be with him momentarily. My manservant is just helping me with my appearance!” and with that he kissed his manservant and said “Playtime is over for the moment, my lover, it will resume once we leave Hong Kong, on that you have my word as your master and my lover!”

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