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Unit 246: Interlude


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First chapter is found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13112-unit-246/

Former chapter is found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13150-unit-246-chapter-five/


Unit 246: Interlude

”Is there any Mr. or Mrs. Czythia in your life?”

Unit 246 was sitting in a space harbour with Sister Czythia, though the title Sister was just an archaic convention. There were male human nurses called Sister, and the extra-terrestrial physiology of Sister Czythia made it even more of a non-gendered word.

”No, I live for my work as a nurse, in this phase of my life. Death will come soon enough.”

”It sounds lonely. Even some of us Units have someone dear in a harbour or two.”

Nurse stared at him, and expressed vapours of surprise and disbelief.

”You don’t read about Bleronia in school, do you?”

”My memories of school are fragmentary. It feels like I have aways been a Unit. The only knowledge kept, is the one reinforced by the Programming. We read about the First Encounter, the Peace Treaty and the emergence of the Galactic Empire, but not much about details, unless you are Blero-geek or a Blerotarian."

”A Blerotarian? Oh, forgive me. I had forgotten about the First Blerotarian Galactic Church of Intermediate Days’ Benevolents. Now, when you mention them – yes, I am aware of their existence.”

”Have you ever wondered why we Bleronians find it so hard to translate the words for… let me see… ’sex’, ’children’, ’death’ and ’suicide’?”

”Sorry, wasn’t aware.”

Sister Czythia had changed their way of speaking, like they were talking to a young child:

”You see, when three Bleronians love each other very, very much…”


”Don’t interrupt me. When three Bleronians love each other very, very much, they merge, and then they divide into three offspring. What you humans call ’sex’ is in every practical sense the same as what you call ’suicide’. That’s why the Bleronian-French expression suicide passionnel has entered several human languages.”

”Don’t the children remember their past life?”

”Not the life of their three parents, no. Some do remember the past lives of their middle souls.”

”Middle souls?”

”We believe Bleronians have three souls. The upper soul comes from The Great Spirit, and returns to The Great Spirit at final cell division. The middle soul transmigrates – sometimes as another Bleronian, sometimes as other life forms, even on other planets, other realities or as a being in Purgatory. Perhaps my middle soul has been a human in the past? After final cell division the lower souls of the three parents are honoured by the three resulting children and their descendants, and it might sometimes return to haunt the living. That’s what the memorial household-shrines are for.”

”So you simultaneously believe in salvation, reincarnation and ghosts?”

”We don’t use these words. They do not entirely convey the meaning of the Bleronian words about the matter, and it would be impolite and insensitive to project telepathic communication about that subject matter. Human Blerotarians are considered mistaken by most Bleronians.”

”Why? On Earth, religious adherents try to spread their religions. Don’t Bleronians like, when human Blerotarians take up the Bleronian way?”

”That’s not true. I have read about the Human paths of customs you call Confucianism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Shinto and Zoroastrianism. They do not hunt new adherents like the human Blerotarians do. Bleronians do not recruit humans to the Bleronian way of doing things, and on that point Blerotarianism is a self-contradiction. Knocking on doors? Public revival meetings? Very strange. Very non-Bleronian, but rather Human, though, as I said, not typical for all humankind.”

”Do Humans have three souls?”

”How could we know? You’d better ask yourself that question. What if you have four? Or seven? Even if you have three souls, you don’t need to behave in a Bleronian way to cultivate them. One or several of your existing Human paths of customs might be what Humans need, but how would I know? I’ve understood that three ancestor-spirits are of particular importance to your species: Buddha, Jesus and Mohammad.”

”Uh. It’s complicated, and I’m not an expert, but I’m sure, that it is more complicated than what you say. Let’s talk about something else, eh?”

”As you wish.”

Unit 246 inhaled to begin another topic, but abruptly arched in what seemed like a sense of pain. His eyes were tightly closed, and the metal table they shared was bended out of proportion by his powerful legs. Their glasses fell to the floor, and Sister Czythia asked in their usual calm and empathic voice:

”Unit 246, are you all right? What’s happening?”

”My name is William! Yes, Max, yes, Sarge, I’m coming! I know who I am!”

* * *

To be continued.

Edited by Hialmar
finished unfinished sentence, grammar
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Finally got around to reading through the series so far including the prelude and was kinda on the fence about it. The muscle growth was awesome and I liked the general concept, but the loss of personality wasn't my thing BUT NOW! Now I am excited and intrigued for a continuation! Biggest most powerful enhanced marines ever have got their personalities back! Love it!

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50 minutes ago, JackofBlades said:

Finally got around to reading through the series so far including the prelude and was kinda on the fence about it. The muscle growth was awesome and I liked the general concept, but the loss of personality wasn't my thing BUT NOW! Now I am excited and intrigued for a continuation! Biggest most powerful enhanced marines ever have got their personalities back! Love it!

I'm glad that you like the story. Losing one's personality make me excited, since it's frightening. Dumbing-down is exhilarating in a similar manner, and I love stories in which mild-mannered, thin-limbed middle-class intellectuals turn into brawny sub-cultural blue-collar heroes. My own life-journey has gone from a more inhibited personality to a more uninhibited personality, and nowadays I enjoy to be an intellectual thug, not least when I am able to defy peoples' preconceived notions. I'm unusually brainy for my gym, but I am unusually subcultural for my academical environment. Writing not particularly serious muscle-kink is leisure-time from more serious intellectual pursuits: MG stories are not high literature, but they are amusing. I like to mix the MG theme with humour and gravity, with references to popular culture and to highbrow culture. Writing in a foreign language is an interesting exercise.

I explored the brainwash theme in the very dark and brutal The Security Squad -- no Hollywood-ending there!* -- but I have both reasons as an author and in-world coherent reasons to allow the main protagonists to have their personalities back in this story.

It will take some time to write it, but I hope to write faster than George R.R. Martin (no comparison in any other way). I have found, that I produce more text, if I have several stories running side by side, than if I focus on just one story at a time, and any user will find fragmentary unfinished tales of mine in the Unfinished subsection. I also wanted to spend some energy on world-building this time, and the presence of the Bleronian species in the Empire allow me to hypothesize about existential matters among non-humans, dissolve a binary world-view and try to describe less Star-Trekky humanoids. It's life, but not as we know it! It takes slightly more than a few knobs on the forehead to make a convincing space alien.

* One user wrote to me, and jokingly described the genre of The Security Squad as "the fascism fetish", but I hope, that the satirical nature of The Security Squad is entirely clear for every reader. I wouldn't like to live in The Lord Protector's society. It is there as a tale of caution. Societies have descended into totalitarianism before. Let us hope, that it doesn't happen again. What is happening around us as we speak?

Edited by Hialmar
about English
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