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Worship session, Accident part 2


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Next Chapter - sorry, no sex in this one. all narrative to move the story forward,  Enjoy - please send me feedback


With Cam and Ming missing since yesterday late morning, and Kenny since late yesterday afternoon, we’ve all gathered at the twin’s place.  Nobody has gone to work.  The gym is closed.  Davey, Jay, and I all took a few days off.  In my case, my broken arm is the reason I’m still out.  Jay received a call from Shawn asking how we liked the pizza he bought for us right before we had our accident.  Jay’s face was beet red when he finished laying into Shawn.  He let loose quite a few four and seven letter words I’d never heard him utter.  I guess Shawn was just laughing at him because Jay hung up and almost crushed his phone in his hand.  Instead, he put his fist thru the living room wall. 

The apartment is not spacious.  There are only two small bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, oh and one bathroom.  Cramped doesn’t begin to describe it.  Nerves are on edge and not just because of the missing guys.  Eddie feels crowded and has been prowling around like a caged animal, just wanting to get out of the apartment to be away from us.  He says the apartment now smells like a locker room after 10 guys have been working out all day. He’s right.  The twins will need to air the place out for a week after we leave.

Today he decided to take the twins and get food.  He insisted no one else come along.  He didn’t want a huge group of musclemen wandering around the store staring at everyone with suspicion and ready to rip an arm off if someone touched one of them.  I got a laugh out of it, but he did not seem amused, so I quieted down.  They’ve been gone about an hour.

Ty, Stu, and Jay are still talking to the police in the living room.  Davey and I are in the kitchen. I’m sitting on the counter watching Davey pace around.  He is dejected and not his normal self.  He moves around as if he’s in a trance.  He continually apologizes for what’s happening, even though no one is blaming him.  He’s sunk back into a depression.  Ty has tried to keep his spirits up, but his efforts do not seem to have any effect and Ty is just wearing himself out.  Davey’s depression pills are on the table and he said he’s taken his dose for the day.  We all wish he could take another dose, but we know it probably would not help.

I hear the cops say, “If you hear anything else Ty, or if they call you again, please let us know.  We have officers driving around town looking for the vehicles based on the descriptions you provided.”

Ty answers, “Thanks Tommy, we’ll be in touch.”  The front door opens and shuts. 

We walk back into the living room.  Jay looks at me and gives me the slightest nod no.  I arch my eyebrow in response.  Stu looks pretty bad.  Face is pale, eyes sunken, and red.  He has not eaten since Kenny was taken.

Ty says, “Tommy says, there are no leads, but they are searching and have put out an APB with photos of Ron, Shawn, Bull, and Ash.  Hopefully someone will remember seeing them or their cars.”

Stu sits on the sofa, “I was gone for twenty minutes to get some groceries, twenty minutes….How could they just take him like that?  Why?” 

Jay sits next to him, wraps an arm around his shoulders and squeezes.  “Because they’re a bunch of assholes, that’s why. I know it doesn’t help or help us find them, but that’s the reason.”

Davey sits on the other side and says, “It’s all my fault.  If I hadn’t left Ron, none of this would be happening.  Please forgive me Stu.  I’m so sorry.”  I glance from Jay to Ty.  Ty has a stony expression that I cannot read.  I’m not sure if he’s upset everyone is missing or that Davey is spiraling out of control. 

Stu responds, “Davey, I do not blame you for this.  It’s just scary not knowing where they are or what’s happening to them.”

We had spent all night thinking of ways to find Cam, Ming, and Kenny, but always came up empty.  We tried calling Cam and Ming’s phones and found they had left them in their car, which was parked outside their place.  Stu tried to call Kenny’s phone and it went straight to voicemail.  We tracked the phone using the GPS locator, but when we found it, it was on the side of the road, crushed into little pieces.  We had given the pieces to the cops and they pulled Bull’s fingerprints off them.  That at least confirms Bull is in town as well. Not what we wanted to hear, but a good piece of info to have.

We continue to talk and brain storm for another half hour trying to figure ways to find our friends.  Nothing that would pan out comes of it.  I go back into the kitchen to make some lunch when I hear Jay’s phone ring.  He picks up and I walk back into the living room.  He’s listening to someone and he says, “Hold on Colin, let me put you on speaker phone, everyone is here.” He pushes the speaker button and says, “Start over and go slow.”

“Ok, we were in the store, getting shit and Eddie was with us the whole time, wouldn’t let us out of his sight.  We got it, shit happening, and do as he asks.  They got Ian.”  He starts to sound panicked.”  Jay looks to Ty and mouths ‘fuck’.  Ty nods back.  Both men immediately tense up.  Chest and arms start to flex and roll.  I can tell they are in pain, but holding it in. 

Ty urgently says, “Colin, where are you right now?  Can you get someplace safe? Where’s Eddie?”

“I ran back into the store. I figured they wouldn’t try to get me in here.  I don’t know where Eddie is.  Last I saw, he was trying to chase the car down.”

Jay says, “Good man.  We’ll be there in 5 minutes.  Try to stay calm.  We’re going to call the cops and they will be there soon.”  Ty has already picked up his phone and dialed his buddy.  “I’m going to hang up, but Ty will call you back so you can stay on the line in case they come back for you.”  Ty nods ok.

Colin says, “Ok, but hurry.”

“We’re leaving now.”  Jay hangs up.  Ty finishes with the cops and immediately dial Colin and he picks up.

Ty says, “The cops are on their way.  You know my buddy Tommy?  Good, look for him to come into the store for you, if they beat us there.”

We are all walking out of the condo and piling into our SUV. 

Except for Ty talking to Colin, the car is eerily silent the whole way over.  No one wants to speak of what just happened.  There are no words.  Davey is staring out the window, eyes blank and shoulders slumped.  Not an ounce of strength left in him.  This may have pushed him over the edge. 

Jay is speeding down the street.  He runs two stop signs. Gratefully there were no cars on the side streets.  We pull into the store parking lot, see Eddie’s truck, but no cop cars, no Eddie. 

The passenger side door has been ripped off the truck and is lying next to it.  There are some customers taking photos and getting close to the truck, looking into it.  Jay says, “I’ll drop Ty and Max off at the door, go find Colin.  The rest of us will go to Eddie’s truck and wait for the cops.”

He pulls up to the door, slams on the brakes and Ty and I jump put.  He speeds away.  We hustle into the store, Ty puts the phone on speaker and asks Colin where he is. “I’m in the manager’s office.  I see you guys.  I’ll be right out.”  The line goes dead.  A few seconds later, Colin rounds a corner and comes over to us.  Ty gives him a big hug and I pat him on the back. 

Ty asks, “How did it happen?”

Colin begins, “We had checked out and were walking to the truck.  Eddie had been scanning the store and parking lot the whole time.  We all knew what Bull, Ash, Ron, and Shawn looked like. We didn’t think anyone would be able to sneak up on us, but apparently they recruited a new guy.  He came out of nowhere.  Ian was unloading the cart into the backseat and Eddie was rounding the back of the truck to the driver’s side.  I was already in the truck.  The guy just appeared and decked Eddie.  He didn’t go down, but he was dazed.  A sedan then pulled up and doors opened.  I called to Ian to get into the truck, and he did, but Bull jump out of the car and grabbed the passenger door as Ian tried to shut it.  Bull just pulled it off its hinges.  God he was strong and he had a maniacal look in his eyes.  He grabbed Ian’s leg and hauled him out of the car.  Ian yelled to me to run, which I did.  Eddie and the new guy were going at it.  Eddie took a hit and went down to one knee. I saw him getting up again and the new guy took another swing at him.  Eddie fell onto both knees and I saw blood pouring from his nose.  I ran into the store and right to the manager’s office.  Then I called Jay.”

Ty goes to the manager office and talks to him for a few minutes.  He makes us come with him and be in the office.  Ty asks the manager to run the video of the parking lot.  We clearly see Bull rip the door off the truck.  Granted the door was rusted through, but Bull was running on adrenaline when he pulled at it.  The guy who hits Eddie is huge.  A bit larger than Bull, probably 6’4”, around 300lbs, black hair, not overly muscular, but enough bulk to knock Eddie down.  Once they have Ian in the car, the guy runs across the street into an SUV and drives off in a different direction.  We watch as Eddie staggers up and starts off after the sedan with Ian in it.  Ty looks at me and I say, “Never seen him before.  That’s one big dude if he can knock Eddie off his feet.”

Ty responds, “We need to find Eddie and get him checked out.”  His phone chirps and he says the cops are outside.  We thank the manager and go outside.  Jay has cleared away the onlookers as best as possible, and the cops are now scouring the site.  We see Tommy and Ty walks directly to him.  They walk off.  Colin and I go to Jay, Davey, and Stu.  I pull Jay aside so we are out of Davey’s earshot.

“The guy who took down Eddie is big, Jay.  He’s got you by an inch or two and at least 50 lbs.  I don’t recognize him and neither did Ty or Colin.  Looks like they have a new friend.”  He nods back.  “Eddie ran off in that direction, after the car with Ian in.” I point to where Eddie was running.  “The guy who took swings at him went in the opposite direction.” 

Jay is staring off into space.  He jaw is tight, muscles tensed up.  He looks like a statue, but I can tell he wants to hit something and do some damage.  I put my right hand on his left forearm and can feel his coiled muscles writhing under the skin as he flexes his fingers.  I pull close to him and lean my head on his bicep.  It is rock hard.  He looks over to me.  I look into his beautiful blue eyes and they are dark and brooding.  He’s not in a good place right now, none of us are.  He puts right hand on my head and gently pulls me closer.  He leans down and kisses me on the top of my head.  “I love you curly.  You know that right?” I run my hands over his forearm in response. “I will not let anything happen to you.”

“I know.”  And he kisses my head again and squeezes me just a bit tighter.

“They did that to you.” He says indicating to my left arm and the cast.  “When we find the fuckers, there will be hell to pay.”

Now I’m worried, “Jay, you need to be smart about this.”  I look up into his eyes again. “We all want to find and rescue everyone, but we can’t take chances anymore.  They have four of us.  If we do something stupid, they could really hurt one of them.”  I put my right hand on his chest and feel it is as hard as granite and his heartbeat is quick.

“What if they already have?” He asks flatly.  I hadn’t thought about that.   I lean against his chest and he wraps his arms around me.

Colin walks over.  We separate.  Jay pulls him in for a hug and says, “We’ll find Ian.  He is going to be ok.” Colin nods.  “First, we need to find Eddie.  We cannot use the truck due to the police investigation, and not everyone will fit into the car.”

Colin says, “What if Ty asks Tommy to take a few of us in his patrol car.”

I respond, “Good idea.”  We walk back to Ty and Tommy and relay the idea.  Tommy nods.  Stu and Davey climb in his car and head off after the car that had the big guy in it.  A few other cars follow.  We pile back into the SUV and head off in Eddie’s direction, with a few other cop cars. 

Colin glances around and says, “I have a way to find Ian.  I wanted to run it past you guys first, before we tell the cops.” 

Jay looks in the rearview mirror. “What do you mean?”  Ty turns around and I look at him as well.

“Long story short, we have chips in us.”

My eyes go wide. Jay nearly hits the car in front of us, and Ty says, “What the fuck you talking about? Chips, like what they put in pets?”

“Yeah, something like that.  I can explain after we find Eddie, but I can track where they’ve taken Ian by GPS.”  Ty keeps eyeing Colin up.  “I’m not lying Ty.  Max, check the back of my neck and you will see a half inch scar.” I check, see it, and nod. “Ian has one in the exact same spot.”

Jay shouts, “There’s Eddie.”  We see him sitting on a bench.  He looks awful.  Black eye, blood on his shirt and shorts, knees scraped up from where he fell to the pavement. We pull in and park as close to him as we can.  Colin is the first one out and is over to Eddie in a flash.  Eddie looks up, sees him and staggers up.  Colin gives him a big hug and kiss.  Eddie hugs him back and almost collapses on top of him.  Ty gets there just in time and hooks Eddie’s left arm over his shoulder.  He helps him back to the SUV.  Once he’s in Jay asks, “You need to go to the ER?”

Eddie nods no and says, “Fucker caught me unprepared.  I’ll be fine with some aspirin and ice.  Take us home.”  Jay nods and starts to drive off.  Ty calls Tommy and says we found Eddie and are heading back the apartment. 

“Tommy will meet us there.  He’s got some questions for you, Eddie.”

“Figures.”  Eddie looks at Colin and pulls their heads together.  “We will find G1, I promise you that.”

“I know.” Colin responds, then goes on, “As I was telling these guys before we found you, I can locate Ian without the police.”

Eddie stares at him, grunts and says, “Is this one of the twin tricks?”  It sounds silly, but I was thinking the same thing before he explained.

“No big guy.  We both have GPS chips in our necks.”

“Why the fuck do you have chips?  You kids are weirder than I thought.”

“Fine, yes, we’re weird.  When we were younger, we lived in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania.  Lots of woods and creeks and hills.  We’d always be wandering off, exploring.  One time we were gone into the late evening.  We had gotten lost and decided to stay put and hoped someone would eventually find us.  Four hours later, they did. Our parents were scared shitless and furious with us. Needless to say, 4 red ass cheeks later, our parents decided to chip us.  We could wander around and they’d know exactly where we were by using their phones.” 

Eddie leans into him and gives him a sloppy wet kiss.  “I love you guys, you know that?”

Ty takes over and says, “Jay pull over for a minute.”  He does and Ty continues, “How do we want to play this?  Let the cops find them or do it ourselves?  I know I’m usually the sane and straight arrow on stuff like this, and would say turn it over to the cops, but I have a feeling Ron and Shawn won’t play nice if they see a bunch of cop cars pull up to where ever they’re holed up.”

Jay says, “I agree.  We need to move fast and quick.”

They both turn to Eddie who grunts and says, “Like I said before, get me some aspirin and ice and I’m ready to kick some ass.  I told you earlier Jay, those fuckers better hide if they touch my boys.  They have.  There is hell to pay and I ain’t standing on the sidelines.”

Ty asks Colin, “What do you need to locate Ian.  Will any phone do, or does it have to be yours or his?”

“One of ours.  We have the app loaded.”  Colin pulls his phone out and pulls up the app.  He stares at it for a minute and reports, “They are still moving.  They’re outside of town on Hickory Hill Rd.”

I chime in with some news nobody probably wants to hear, after the good news we just had, “Um, how are we going to get everyone away?  The SUV is crowded now with the 5 of us.  I don’t think we can squeeze 4 more guys into it.”

Eddie stares at me and grunts, “My truck?”

“It’s missing the passenger side door, and the police are still crawling all over it.” Ty says.  “Let’s circle back to the apartment, get my SUV and head out.” Jay nods, but Eddie is not happy. “Eddie, Max is right, we need another vehicle.  Plus once we get it, hopefully they will have gotten to where ever it is they have everyone and we can finalize our plan.”

“Fine.” Eddie spits out. “Jay, get this piece of shit back to the apartment now.  And don’t drive like my 98 year old grandmother either.”

“Yes sir.”  Jay cracks a smile and gets back on the road.

On the way back to the apartment, we decide not to tell Davey or Stu about our plan.  Davey is on the edge as it is and Stu isn’t much better.  We also figure Colin and I should stay back too.  No use having two smaller guys in the way and easy targets for them.  I ask if they should get another buddy from the gym.  There has to be someone else they can trust who would be willing to help out. 

Ty nods, picks up his phone and makes a call.  “Hey. Yeah, it’s shitty, but looking up.  We’ve got something to work with and are looking for some extra manpower.  You free?  The twins apartment, you know where it is? Ok, cool, be there as soon as you can.  We’re about 5 out and leaving as soon as we can.  Thanks buddy, we all owe you one.”  He hangs up, glances over to Jay and says, “Paulo.”

“You don’t fuck around do you?”

“No, I don’t. Let’s find the fuckers, get our guys out and mess them up a bit, Ok with you Eddie?”

“Yeah, Good choice with Paulie.”  Eddie sounds almost pleased.  He and Paulo, or Paulie as he likes to call him, have a mutual understanding to stay out of each-others way at the gym.  Not that they don’t get along, it’s just, they both think ‘They’re the man’, which has led to some ‘meetings’ as Eddie would call them with Ty over damaged gym property. 

Paulo is your standard gym rat.  My age, 25, but all attitude and muscle.  He stands at 6’1”, weighs around 230, and loves to push Eddie’s buttons when it comes to seeing who can lift more.  My guess is Eddie would kick his ass, but Paulo would give him a good run for it.  I’ve seen the guy squat close to 495 and dead lift 675.  He’s also agile as a cat and did some MMA stuff a few years back. If you need to move something immovable, he’d be one of the guys I’d call.

We continue the ride back to the apartment discussing details.

We get there and Paulo is waiting by his Chevy, in a skin tight tank top and gym shorts that are a size too small.  Muscles everywhere, chest bulging, 23 inch arms pumped, thighs like tree trunks, abs are well defined, and his soft dick pressed up towards his navel.  He must be wearing posers.  Chiseled face, brown hair, brown eyes, 2 day stubble going on.  You’d think he was posing for a magazine or something.  We get out and Eddie walks over, shakes his hand and says, “Paulie, how they hanging.”

“Low and loose Eddie, low and loose.  Almost went commando, but didn’t want you to get excited seeing my bulge, so I threw a pair of posers on.”  Bingo I think to myself. Jay roars with laughter.  Eddie glares at Paulo, but he doesn’t care. “So how we doing this?  Just go get the guys and fuck the others over.  Bash some heads, break some limbs?” 

Eddie cracks a smile and laughs, “Something like that. I’m beginning to like how you think.”

Paulo looks over to Colin and then back to Eddie, “Sorry to hear they got Ian.  We’ll get him back.”  He slaps Eddie on the back and walks over to Colin and gives him a hug.

Ty resumes command and lays out the plan. “Colin, check your GPS.  Have they stopped yet?”  Colin looks at the app and nods yes.  He reads off the address.  Everyone pulls their phones and types it in.  “Ok, pull the house up on satellite.  It’s in a community, houses are not too close together, driveway average length.  It’s about 20 minutes away.  We take two trucks. We park here and here. Jay and Eddie, backdoor, me and Paulo front door.” Ty has some military training, so it makes sense he would take over and lay out the plan.  None of the other guys even think to interrupt him.  He knows his shit. “It looks like a rancher type house, so they probably have the guys in a bedroom or two.”

I ask, “What if there’s a basement?  We can’t tell from the satellite view.”

“Good point Max.  When we get close to the house, Paulo and I circle the block.  They probably don’t know about Paulo, so his truck won’t draw attention.”  Everyone nods. “Eddie, go get your aspirin and ice, we roll in 5.  Max, you and Colin, keep in touch.  If you see Ian’s position move, call us immediately.  Also, if Davey and Stu come home, try to keep quiet about this.  I hate lying to Davey, but the less he has to worry about, the better.”  We nod.

The guys get ready. Paulo changes into street clothes.  Eddie is back and has taken the aspirin and has a bag of ice for his knuckles and knees.  We move to the SUVs. 

I pull Jay aside.  I look into his beautiful blue eyes.  I reach my right hand up and around his neck.  I massage the back of his head and pull him down so our lips meet.  We tenderly kiss each other.  I put my left hand on his chest and can feel his heartbeat.  It is strong and steady.  We break our kiss.  He runs his hands thru my hair. “Be safe Jay.” I say, feeling 4 years of memories welling up inside of me.  I want to hug him tight and tell him not to go, but he must, as do Ty, Eddie, and now Paulo.  

I look over at Eddie and Colin.  Eddie has him in a bear hug and has lifted him a good 8 inches off the ground.  They are head to head and I see Eddie is whispering something into Colin’s ear.  Colin shakes his head up and down in acknowledgement.  He leans back, looks into Eddie’s eyes, and leans in for a kiss.  Eddie eventually puts him down, wipes a tear away and shouts, “Let’s go fuck some people up.”  Ty, Jay, and Paulo nod and head to the trucks.

They pile in, start them up, and head off.  I am standing in the parking lot with Colin.  He walks over, wraps his arm around my shoulder and says, “They’ll be fine, Eddie promised me.”  I still have doubts running thru my body. 

Colin has his phone out to make sure Ian’s position does not change.

I nod ok and we walk back into the apartment and begin the wait. 


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