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Welshy, Guardian of Earth (Chapter 1)


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I contacted Welshy because I love writing stories for folks that in my mind, look like superheroes. I hope you all enjoy my attempt at fun, and creating the first chapter in a possible series on the stories of Welshy, earth’s newest guardian. Please note his youtube page listed below, and enjoy the first chapter. Thanks!


Welshy’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcrbXKpPGI7GVmRFLszRflw


Chapter 1

            It was just after midnight when Anthony swung through the glass doors of his gym. He’d spent the past few hours working tirelessly, as he did every evening, perfecting his body. The past few years had seen phenomenal progress for a man just shy of twenty-five. Standing at five feet nine, and well over two hundred pounds, the young bodybuilder was already admired for his physique in his local gym, though he craved to be bigger and better than anyone. He helped train others and spent hours perfecting their form, as he loved the feeling of helping them create the best versions of themselves.

            On that warm August evening, he turned the ignition to his car, a small white sedan, and made his way onto the highway. Just outside of Cardiff and ambling along, he did his best to find something to listen to on the radio. After a few songs played, a weird static buzz sounded, followed by an emergency signal. He’d never quite heard anything like it, and the sound made him move to pull over along the side of the road. It was a high-pitched beep that mixed with the static. He glanced out each window. The road was dark, trees on either side, with a cloudy sky obscuring part of the moon above.

            Just as he moved to turn off the radio, a green flash of light streaked across the sky. There was a great burst of green and red flame above him—but strangely, no sound—and he watched as a disc shaped object plummeted. His heart raced watching the object tumble downward. He covered his eyes as the object crashed not five hundred yards from where he sat. Smashing through trees and hurtling across the ground, another burst of color filled the air, and he held onto the steering wheel to brace for impact from the explosion that followed.

            But the shockwave didn’t rattle his car or burst his windows; in fact, upon opening his eyes he saw only that the world around him was bathed in a strange green light.

            The object was clearer now, a spherical ship with an outer disc, no bigger than a small plane in size. Perhaps fifty feet across, the outer skin of the sphere was a metallic shine not unlike chrome, though the center held a rectangular opening. From here shone the green light, one that streamed out across the side of the road and into the forest.

            Anthony pondered staying in his car and leaving the mysterious object to be found by the proper authorities. Surely there would be fire engines and police making their way to the scene, followed shortly by the military. Could it have been a wayward experimental craft? But somehow, he was drawn to this strange thing.

            He couldn’t explain the feeling that coursed across his skin. He felt a warmth across his chest and down to his toes, one that lingered and raised the hair atop the back of his neck. He watched the green light pulse, and without thinking, opened the door to his car. He didn’t remember walking toward the smoldering object, just that he was standing right in front of the door shaped opening. He should’ve resisted, or turned away. Who knew what lay in wait for him inside the strange object. Yet it was as though the thing was calling to him, forcing him to enter into the unknown.

            Symbols in a language unknown to him traced the black walls of the corridor. Anthony watched them glow in the same color green, his pale face watching the patterns change. His blue eyes gleamed green in the light. He took step after step into the hall, until he emerged into a circular room with a single metallic chair. The walls were black as well, though here there were no symbols, only a pale green light blinking above the chair. He continued forward, and paused for a moment in front of the chair.

            A part of him wanted to turn and run. This is crazy. What am I doing? His brain was screaming for him to cut and run. He’d seen more than he was supposed to, and who knew what would happen to him if the military did catch him? Or worse, they would take him away forever for discovering something that wasn’t his to find.

            His heart won the war; he turned and slowly took a seat.

            Immediately, two metal pieces sprung from the railing of the chair and locked onto his wrists, holding him in place. The silver metal sealed around his skin, and he couldn’t move an inch. His biceps flexed as he scrambled to break free, only to feel a strange warmth flood through his body.

            Anthony Stingl. Twenty-five. Humanoid. Five feet nine. Two hundred twenty-three pounds. Peak physical condition. Passable guardian.

            “What?” Anthony heard the sounds from the chamber around him that echoed. The wall in front of him flushed green with every word. “What is this?”

            This ship has been sent by the guardians to prepare the people of earth for what they are to face. We have failed to contain the sector surrounding your solar system from the Imperials. They have broken through the western defense perimeter—approach of rogue Imperials is imminent.

            “Rogue what now? Guardians? What are you going on about?” He shrunk back in the chair, his mind spinning. His heart raced at the thought of—outer space? “Is this—are you an alien?”

            I am not a human. I am an advance pod sent to distribute knowledge and training to a selected lifeform to defend their planet form extraterrestrial attacks. The Guardian Forces work diligently to keep rogue aliens from entering into pre-interstellar spaceflight territory. Unfortunately, our guardians in the outer sectors closest to this solar system were unsuccessful in a recent security breach.

            “Sounds like someone wasn’t very good at their job.” Anthony smirked.

            The Imperials are a collective that seeks to sow discord and chaos across the galaxy. Additionally, they harvest energy from selected planets to increase their power. An ambush by Caldar left several of our best warrior’s dead. He has detected the nearest habitable planet and has set a course.


            In advance of this, we have selected the first available appropriate specimen to train to defend the planet. You have precious little time to be prepared for—

            “Pod? I can call you pod? They sent you to find me to… train me? To defeat some monster that’s going to destroy earth? And I’m just supposed to say yes and get on with it, no big deal?” Anthony made a face.

            You may refuse your duty. However, you may wish to see what powers you have been granted.

            “Powers?” As he spoke, the wristlets detached from the chair. He looked at the glowing green screen and stood.

            Each guardian is gifted with the power bracers—these that allow you to take in energy to reformat your own body, to give you strength, dexterity, agility, flight. You will learn the tools—


            Simply think of strength—imagine yourself, stronger, bigger, larger—hold the energy within yourself. Your bracers will fill you with the power of the guardians.

            All of it seemed insane, and perhaps a dream. Had he died in the ensuing explosion, or been injured, only to imagine the conversation that was happening with him now? Still, he did feel very much alive, and he wanted to know just what was real from what was fake. He closed his eyes and began to think of his time in the gym. Of getting stronger, straining, of getting bigger, lifting, of all the energy flowing into his body.

            The hair on the back of his neck stood, and he could feel the energy tingling through his veins. The green glow washed over him, and soon his arms began to thicken, his biceps growing and swelling. His chest pushed outward, becoming more striated and veins popping up across his skin. His quads pushed apart, each tree trunk leg growing, including his calves. His tank top began to strain from the grown of his muscles, his shorts tearing away at the size of his quads. Soon his clothing shredded, littering the floor, leaving a straining pair of briefs in their wake. “Fuck…” He muttered as he felt the energy grown within him. “Fuck yes, give me more!”

            He threw his head back and could feel he mass swell across his muscles, his back filling out as his body grew. Each ab grew more defined, his oblique’s coming into view underneath his six pack. He wanted nothing more than to see the size fill him, to tap into the energy. It slowed at last when he paused, dizzy from all the growing, his body nearly a hundred fifty pounds heavier.

            That was an impressive first attempt. You have a natural affinity for connecting with the energy. However, without an agreement as guardian, you will never be able to tap into the true power of the bracers.

            “Agreement.” Anthony opened his eyes and stared forward. His life was simple; he knew little of what the task ahead entailed, if only that a strange group had asked for his help. He needed to stop Caldar, or whoever it was Pod had mentioned, and perhaps the world. It was all mad and bonkers to him. But—the way his muscles had grown, the size, the power, he only wanted more. He wanted to be the hero, to not only have the superhero’s build, but the title to go with it. “I’ll be a guardian. I swear it. Now—what do I have to do?”

            It will be painful. You will choose a name for your guardianship. Something reflective of you, your desires, and truths. The energy will fill you to your limit, and then a part of you will be lifted—taken to be saved by the guardians. It will be contained here should you ever need to be reborn.

            “What about this place? Won’t someone find it if—”

            As far as anyone knows, this place is just a patch of trees. All the damage that was done is hidden, and cannot be found. A man could come within an inch of the ship and not see a thing.

            “Welshy. I want to be called Welshy. For my home, my nickname.”

            So be it. From now on you will be Welshy, defender and guardian of earth. Your energy will be a part of the guardians. I will train you so that you may stop Caldar from destroying your planet and your people. Now. Breathe deeply. This will not be entirely pleasant.

            Heat fanned out across his body as Anthony stood, bathed in the green light. All of it seemed to be happening so fast. This strange ship was filling him with energy. He could feel it tingle across his chest, then his legs, then arms, even across his back and glutes. He could feel each muscle begin to flex on its own. He grunted, feeling the heat grow in intensity. His pecs striated and he felt his abs becoming larger, thicker, and more cut. His waist seemed to be getting smaller as he grew somewhat taller, thicker. Before long he cast a thick and long shadow, muscles hulking across his frame. He felt an intensity of heat cross his chest, and yelled out as the energy filled him. A ‘W’ emblazoned in blue across his chest as veins crisscrossed over his body. He flexed harder and harder still, until at last, the energy seemed to subside.

            This is the final trial; your power is nearly at its peak. I will extract a single percent of your ethos to save, in case your powers are overwhelmed.


            You may burn through your strength—it is not unlimited. And should you need to ever be recovered, I can use this energy to bring you back and bind to you. It is a precaution. Especially in one so unexperienced.

            “If you say so.”

            He felt his muscles begin to twitch as the light flooded over him. He began to grunt and growl as his muscles seemed constricted. He tried to flex but couldn’t feel anything but the heat, the impossible amount of energy flowing through him and over him all at once. An immense pressure that made it hard for him even to breathe. He lifted off the ground, hovering as the light took over him. He stared, eyes wide and open mouthed as a pale gold energy fled from his mouth and gathered in a ball in front of him. After another minute, it formed—muscular and manly, shaping into a version of himself, though less muscled, the same shape as he’d been prior to being flooded into energy.

            As he faced himself, looking into a golden form of energy with his eyes, nose and mouth, he could scarcely breathe. The colors swirled. He lost consciousness then, the world blackened, and he saw nothing else.


            Anthony awoke in his bed, eyes fluttering open. Had It all been a dream? But as he stripped away his bedsheets, he saw the two bracers atop his wrists. Stranger still was the small metallic disc upon the small of his back. He placed his left index finger atop it.

            This piece allows us to be one and communicated though you are not in the ship, Welshy. We can be everywhere together, to train you for what is to come.

            “I’m having a hard time even processing it.” Anthony rubbed his temples. Being the world’s hero seemed an awful lot for someone that just yesterday was happy just to lift weights and teach others to do the same.

            We will spend the next few weeks learning to control your power, and to be one with the energy. First, you should stand and call upon your power.

            He stood from his bed. A mirror on the wall showed his bulky figure. Powerful chest, thick legs, strong arms.

            You need just say your name, and the power will start to flow through you.


            His skin tingled as the energy pulsed through his limbs. He marveled at the sight of his stomach growing more taught, abs appearing and becoming chiseled. His shoulders broadened and thickened, his bicep peaks rising and growing. His legs pushed apart yet again, his glutes tightened. His muscles expanded and swelled outward, dwarfing the man that he had been. Before long he was over three hundred pounds and rivaled any man, who crossed the Olympia stage. He flexed a bicep and then another, smiling at himself in the mirror. A blue ‘W’ emblazoned across his chest, as well as a blue pair of briefs and boots. He supposed they came with the power.

            Now, we learn to fly.

            It was his favorite part. Out of his backyard and into the sky, he soared above the cul-de-sac of homes. He wasn’t sure if the neighbors could see—after all, who could mistake the shape of a muscular hero soaring through the air—but part of him hoped they could. He struggled some to get his bearings. The way the wind whipped across his body and the way he needed to angle himself for one. Another was paying attention to pesky pieces of human interference, whether they were powerlines, buildings, or even aircraft from a distance. They spent two afternoons to make sure he could take off and land at full speed. They ended one session with him crashing into an empty lot outside of town, covered in dirt because he hadn’t slowed his massive form quickly enough.

            “How long did you say we had to train?” He’d said, rubbing the dirt off of his chest.

            Current projections put Caldar at least seven days away from earth, though no more than ten. There has been no further communication.

            He relished the ability to grow his strength. They focused first on growing his muscles on command, and maxing out his size. He would start in his normal form, a little past two hundred pounds, and bring his arms above his head in a double bicep pose. He would mutter his new name—Welshy—and at once the power would flood through him. As the ‘W’ began to form across his chest, he would grunt and strain, filling out his back and broadening his shoulders. Muscle would snake across his form, biceps growing from grapefruits to near bowling balls in size, his abs now impossibly cut. His back forming a perfect ‘v’ down to his wait, and legs exploding back outward again with muscle. The sigh of himself in the mirror had him thinking only of the incredible hulk, glistening muscles covered in definition and veins.

            He could lift thousands of pounds with ease. Heavy steel beams at construction sites were what he lifted now, cars, too. One of his first acts as a hero was to fix a tilting bridge. The media only caught sight of him for a second, but by the morning plenty were questioning who the man with the ‘w’ on his chest was. He made sure the next day to be on the lookout for more trouble, this time finding a set of cars precipitously close to tumbling off the edge of an overpass. He lifted a tractor trailer off onto the road, smile across his face. The local news station got a first-hand interview with the local hero—Welshy—and from then on, they knew they could be safe with such a man flying through the skies.

            His first brush with evil per say was just a few days later, when a classic hero conundrum occurred: a bank robbery in progress. They had guns of course, but weren’t expecting a shirtless muscular hero to pounce on them. Three masked men held up a set of tellers at gunpoint, only to have Welshy come crashing through the window. They fired their weapons, but here another one of his powers became clear: his muscles were so dense, the bullets that struck him simply clattered to the floor. He took their punches too, each trying their hand to knock against his steel body with their fists. With a laugh, he need just one punch for each to have them on the ground.

            Anthony sat in the chair of Pod’s ship as the two planned for their next lesson. They had spent the weeks preparing for his battle, though he felt as though there was still so much to learn. He listened to Pod explain that most guardians had years before their first encounter with such a powerful being.

            You’ve taken well to your lessons, but Caldar is not a basic humanoid. He will seek to destroy you and claim the earth and its power for himself.

            “You’ve said it yourself, I’m a natural. And with you helping me, I shouldn’t have much to worry about. Your knowledge will help me take him down, my strength will have him on the ropes, and then we’ll do what the other guardians weren’t able to do.”

            He won’t just be here to conquer the earth. Caldar is on a mission to tap into the energy underneath earth’s core. Several guardians have fallen trying to protect him from sapping planets of their power.

            “Oh.” Welshy blinked. “What do you mean, ‘sapped?’”

            Caldar was granted a power by the imperials to manipulate and use energy; he has determined a way of taking that energy from planets and other beings alike. You will see that he has his trophies on his wrists—evidence of the guardians that have failed. He takes their power when they have been defeated.

            It all had seemed much less real up until the mention of the defeated guardians. Welshy stared down at his wrists and wondered just how much power he had been given.

            If you are to fail, he will attempt to take your power from you, and then your wristlets. They can only be taken when all of your life force is extinguished. The bracers will unlock and he’ll be able to take them to use as his own. However—once you have completed your training, you will be able to grow your power beyond what he has… through another item not given to most guardians.

            “What? What are you…” A small cube sprung up from the floor. The box opened to reveal a ring large enough to fit around his forehead. “Why don’t I just use it now?”

            Those that are unable to tap into its true power may be overwhelmed. It is highly dangerous for an unskilled guardian. The power contained my cause you to burst into flames.

            “Yikes. Well—I suppose we have a few more lessons before…”

            The room suddenly glowed green, and Welshy closed his eyes.

            There is a disturbance in the sky, northward. It appears that Caldar may have entered into the atmosphere. I am putting a visual for you.

            Streaking across the sky was a creature that appeared humanoid: a similar face with black hair, and black eyes. His body was gargantuan in musculature, rivaling even Welshy’s. But where a normal man had one arm, this creature had four. He wore a black set of briefs and boots, and a determined look upon his face. Welshy felt a chill run through his body.

            “Right. What do we do now?”

            We should engage him prior to him finding our location now. He is seeking the strongest signal of energy on earth at the moment—which would be coming from your bracers. When he has found you, he will be ruthless in attempting to wear down your power to destroy you. You have to weaken him until I can be certain your bracers can be used to blast him with their energy. A concentrated blast at his weakest point will eliminate him and his power.

            “Let’s get this show on the road then.” Welshy flexed his pecs and grinned. He took off running toward the door, and leapt into the sky. He could feel himself straighten in the air, half guided by his training, half by his connection with Pod. He felt a quiet reassurance with the alien android making sure to correct any of his movements.

            The power grid has been deactivated. His presence is detected at the power plant not far from the northwest corner of town.

            He was hard to miss, even in the darkness. Caldar’s massive frame was an alabaster shade in the moonlight, his figure hunched over a set of generators he seemed to be feasting on. Welshy could see through the glimmer of sparks and electricity that there was a set of bracers on each of his four wrists; fallen guardians that had failed to take on this creature. He marveled at his massive back and the way his muscles seemed to twitch and grow with every ounce of power he took.

            “Excuse me, but you’re going to have to pay for some of that.” Welshy said, hovering just a few feet above. He crossed his arms across his chest.

            Caldar turned slowly, and locked eyes with the hero. “A guardian. How delicious. Have you come to stop me before I lay waste to your pathetic planet?” He grinned. “I was just getting ready to begin charging up to burrow down to your planet’s core—what is it called, earth? Not quite the same amount of energy as some of the other places I’ve been, but I’m sure it will be just as sweet.”

            “You won’t be getting much further here. I’ve come to put a stop to you.”

            “Yes—the guardians have granted earthlings their first guard. I heard of this. Unorthodox, with as backward as this planet appears. But no matter. It will not exist for much longer. I suggest you agree to join me now or face the same fate as your colleagues.”

            Welshy shook his head. “You leave me no choice, Caldar—in the name of the guardians, and me, Welshy,” He grinned. “I’m going to make sure you’re finished.”

            With this he grunted, and called into his power. Ballooning in strength again, his muscles expanded, pushing past the size of Caldar and adding thickness to his legs and chest. He sneered as he hovered, his bodying bathed in a pale green light as his muscles expanded and the power filled him. With a final double bicep flex he stood, power coursing through him.

            Caldar wasted no time moving in on him, leaping into the air. He swung one fist at Welshy, then another, and then another. Each time the hero dodge and weaved, then held up his fists to block a blow. He could feel the subtle corrections by Pod, and stayed in rhythm with him. The villain swung hard and knocked his arms apart, only to lay a hard blow on his waiting stomach. Startled, Welshy grunted, but his abs held. This only had Caldar grow angrier—he grunted and threw his own head back, pulling more power into himself and growing in size. Three hundred plus pounds and ripped with muscle, he surged forward and looked to lay more blows on the hero. He knocked his left pec then right, and another blow hit his stomach.

            But Welshy swung back this time, connecting across the villain’s face. He worked to jab at the alien’s chest, though his four arms made it difficult to land a blow. Instead of focusing on hand to hand, when he saw an opening, he swept his leg across, only to connect with the villain’s exposed abs. He sent Caldar spiraling backward, smacking him into a waiting transformer with a shower of sparks. Welshy hovered above him in the air and flexed a bicep in a taunt.

            “How is such a pathetically novice recruit daring to take me on?” Caldar wiped a hand across his face and shook his head. “You are not a great warrior. You are a child. One that has barely learned to fight and now uses my own strength against me?” His voice grew louder and he stood, flexing his muscles yet again. Welshy dropped his arms to his sides, curious.

            “Well perhaps earthlings are more surprising that you thought, Caldar?” He grinned.

            Enraged, the villain was bathed in a red glow. He launched himself off the ground and moved to wrap two of his arms around the hero. He easily wrapped around his waist, and used the other two arms to lay blows across Welshy’s face. He scrambled, not expecting the sudden burst of power.

            Welshy. You must retreat—his power is far greater than we could have feared. You should return so that we—

            Welshy grunted, ignoring pod’s voice in his head. It seemed to fade as he drew in more power, this time flexing his biceps to break free of Caldar’s hold. His arms swelled again, and he could feel the villain straining, until at last he burst free from his hold. Caldar was forced backward, while Welshy flexed in a most muscular pose, triumphant.

            Caldar grinned. In his fingers, he held the small silver disc that had been atop Welshy’s back, giving him connection to Pod. Welshy moved to grasped it, but the villain vaporized the disc in his hands.

            “Your guide will not be assisting you, hero. Now we will battle man to man, and see who is superior. Unless you are afraid.”

            Welshy tried to listen, to see if Pod could still communicate. He wasn’t sure if he should retreat—would he just be leading Caldar back to the ship, so that he could finish off Welshy and gain power over the guardians? Was he truly as strong as they thought? He seemed to be taking Welshy’s blows but he did not seem invincible. He gritted his teeth and shook his head.

            “I’m not afraid of you, Caldar. I am the guardian of Earth, and this is the end of the line for you!”

            He moved to swing a fist and lurched forward, but was to slow. His next blow missed as well, and then an uppercut sailed through air. Caldar was easily dodging him, and went so far as to laugh at his attempts. The villain struck back with a blow to his stomach, and then another to his chest, and then both fists to his back. He knocked Welshy this way and that way, his fists hitting his body and striking right through his muscle armor. Welshy coughed as he struggled to regain his composure, but each time he brought up his fists to block, Caldar seemed two steps ahead, laying blows where he couldn’t anticipate them. He lay three successive blows to his face, and sent Welshy spiraling backward.

            “Is this all you have, hero? Just a pathetic creature that thought he could play hero because of what he’d been given…” Caldar put two of his hands on his waist. “Give in now and you won’t be destroyed.”

            Welshy shook his head. He knew he had to dig deep, to overwhelm Caldar with his strength. If he could knock him out, or overpower him, at the least he could get away. He closed his eyes and focused.

            Energy flooded him, his bracers glowing green. His chest grew thicker still, his quads now gigantic and glutes tight as ever. His form swelled outward, and he dwarfed Caldar in size. His muscles were nothing but sinew and strength, the ‘W’ thick upon his chest. He stared down the villain with a new fire in his eyes. “I am the guardian of earth, and I surrender to no one!”

            He flew forward, arm pulled back behind his head, and he swung a powerful blow.

            Caldar danced around him, causing the massive form of the hero to slide forward. He was powerful, but too big to be agile. He was slow to correct his turn. By the time he faced Caldar, the villain lay three blows across his stomach, and another across his chest. He peppered him with his fists, sending his massive form this way and that way, until at last two of his arms wrapped the hero’s in a hold to pull his arms back, while the others wrapped around his neck. Welshy gasped, struggling. He tried to call on more power, but to his shock, felt nothing from his bracers. He had tapped into everything he’d had.

            “Ah—yes. The limit of a guardian’s power. Your precious guide did not tell you what happens to the heroes that don’t submit to us imperials. You see, first I defeat you. Then, I take the power of the guardian for my own… and once I have all of it, and your essence, I can connect with the planet to sap it of its energy. You see, defeating you was the first thing I needed. And now… I’ll show you what happens for your pathetic display…”

            Welshy’s eyes grew wide as he felt the villain hold him closer. His muscular back pressed closer to Caldar’s front, and he could feel the villain’s bracers on each arm closer to his own. Suddenly he felt tired—unable to even so much as moved. Then he felt something worse—the pull of energy from him into Caldar.

            He did his best to struggle, to flex his muscles and keep them filled with power, but as their two bodies hovered close to one another, energy jumped from Welshy to the villain. He grunted as he felt the drain sap his power, and stared down at his bracers, watching as the pale green energy flooded into those on Caldar’s wrists. He cried out, attempting to fight it, but the villain’s hold was too strong, even as muscular as he was. The minutes passed and he felt the heat rushing through his body, all of his muscles flexing in a pulse of energy from him to Caldar. The villain laughed as the energy slowed to a crackle. He released Welshy from his hold and let his body tumble down to the earth.

            Landing with a heavy thud against pavement and cracking it, Welshy moaned. He struggled to stand, his body feeling too heavy for even his legs. He was still a massive form, though Welshy wondered just what he had left. The villain landed in a blink of an eye right in front of him.

            “Go ahead. Call on the last of your power, Welshy. Fight the good fight. You could simply kneel to me and you could become a part of the imperials. Or—you will fail…”

            Welshy’s felt the sweat dripping down his forehead and down his chest. He took a deep breath, then another. He had no doubt about the evil he was facing. Perhaps there was still hope—perhaps if he could just tap into whatever limited potential remained, he’d find a way to defeat Caldar.

            With a final grunt, then a roar, Welshy moved to throw his arms above his head in a double bicep pose. He felt the energy flood him again, his massive body growing green.

            Caldar mirrored him with a sneer, and let out his own roar. Their energies seemed to connect, red with green. Welshy struggled and fought, pushing back at first, until he could bear it no longer. The red pushed past and flooded over him. He gasped as he felt the air leave his lungs. His arms dropped down to his sides, and he dropped to his knees. Eyes wide, he felt the energy being pulled from deep inside of him, up and out of his form. He watched as a copy of himself formed in the air above him, muscular and powerful, thicker and thicker, until at last—the form threw its hands up in front of his face. A blinding green light filled the area.

            As the light faded, Caldar stood, still flexing. The energy receded into him like smoke through the air, and he let out a sigh as it filled his chest. He stepped forward slowly.

            At his feet, open mouthed and eyes wide, Anthony’s body was on its back, his defeated form was nearly unrecognizable. Even the muscle he’d had prior to becoming a guardian seemed gone—he was thin, undefined. His arms lay outward, and Caldar moved to place hands over each wristlet. As he moved to do so, each bracer snapped open at his touch. Caldar smirked as he moved to place one of Welshy’s bracers on one wrist, then another. Within a moment, he took to the sky, leaving only the defeated form of earth’s guardian behind.


To Be Continued.

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