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Professor Schnackenburg's mistake Chapter Seven


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Chapter six is found here:



Professor Schnackenburg's mistake

Chapter Seven

It was an hour later. Despite the fight with the police officers, his Master had found the information he needed, and The Master had given an order. Jack left the university building, hesitated for a moment, but he knew what to do. 

Dazed, his powerful mass walked through the nocturnal, desterted streets stained by drizzling, glistening rain, and he returned to The Steel Factory. The door was unlocked, but the illumination by the entrance was out of order. The dim light from a vendor machine and the tanning department drove away the darkness of the night, and it seemed like some of the LED lamps upstairs had recovered from Kortoth-Gnaah’s powerblast, since a mild golden light streamed down the staircase. The titanic warrior, which had once been Jack, ascended the stairs.

* * *

It wasn’t fair. He was the most muscular bro at campus, and it wasn’t fair. Was the most muscular bro. Was. Wasn’t anymore. Hot water was streaming down Cody’s back, where he sat in the locker-room shower. Cody wallowed in self-pity, and he hated himself for doing it. He was supposed to be self-confident, and his best mate Jack had jokingly rebuked him now and then for being ’too cocky’. Like he treated Tiny Tim in the past. Tiny Tim, who wasn’t tiny anymore. The war-god had chosen Tim, not Cody. Cody’s guts felt cold and something twisted inside. He wasn’t used to feel like this, like some sense of safety and security had been robbed from him. Taken away from him. By Tim. Big Tim, now. By the war-god. His dick twitched. By seeing his best mate Jack become godlike. Hot water streamed down his back, and splashed on his slowly engorging cock. The sight of the other young men in the gym becoming beings from a barbarian-movie… Cody shivered. He felt devastated. Hot water drizzling on his naked, tanned and smooth skin. Icy vulnerability inside. His dick shrunk and became limp again. Vulnerability. He heard the door to the locker-room. He didn’t want to be seen like this. Usually, he was the king of the locker-room, playing silly pranks, slapping other guys with his towel. Even gave someone a wedgie once, in the beginning, but never repeated it, since Jack called it ’immature’. Steps in the locker-room. Cody wanted to disappear. Not to be seen. He arose from the floor tiles, fumbling for something to grasp, and burned himself lightly on a hot-water pipe. The shower steamed, streamed and drizzled. When he looked up from his burned palm, he saw Jack.

The new improved Jack. Like standing before Conan. Or He-Man. But not drawn. But in the flesh. Steel-hard, bulging flesh. Jack. Best mate, Jack. Jack still had the same, friendly eyes as usual. As before. But his gaze looked strangely off, like he was hypnotised. The shower wettened Jack’s fur-cape. He throw it out from the shower area, into the space for the lockers.

”Hello Cody.”

The fully dressed Jack stood in front of the entirely naked Cody. Vulnerability. Cody fumbled, and turned the shower off.

”Are you… Are you yourself, Jack?”

”i am still myself, Cody, but I am also something more. I have tasted the power of Kortoth-Gnaah. The Master knows my thoughts and my feelings, and The Masters commands are resounding in my mind.”

”You look awesome, bro.”

Jack flexed his exposed arms. Veins crawled. Jack’s mountainous bicepses grew. Jack’s powerful tricepses perfected the impression of muscular strength. Friendship, envy and some sort of unutterable lust competed for Cody’s attention. His dick awakened again, and embarrassment was added to his emotional turmoil: No homo!

”I wish I could have joined you.”

”I am sorry, Cody, but you have always been an individualist. The men of Anghra-Lemur are parts of a tribe. You have to be loyal to the tribe.”

”So that is what is all about: Loyalty to the tribe?”

”Do you want to fight the enemies of the The Master together with all members of the tribe?”

Cody’s face expressed several feelings: Yes! Loyalty to a tribe! Belonging! One in the team! But not together with Tim. And definitely not together with his rival, Magnussen.

Jack watched him. Cody watched Jack. In the steamy shower area, Jack was beginning to emit scents: Furs wet from rainwater and hot steam. Bronze chainmail slowly turning into verdigris. The leather clothes of a barbarian. Male sweat. His best friend was so close now. He tried to think on something to let that boner disappear, but he couldn’t concentrate.

”You are who you are, Cody, but when The Master gave me an order, I got an idea. Forget what I said about the tribe, but would you fight the enemies together with me? Do you wish to join me?”

”Hell, yeah, bro! Why do you ask? You know what I want and what I wish. You are my best mate, ever.”

A brief hesitation shadowed Jack’s brow for a second, then he changed posture.

”Then, trust me. Dont be afraid. I’m sorry for how this must be done. Goodbye, Cody. You had your quirks, but they were your quirks. The quirks of a very good friend. I’m so sorry I will no more see you face to face.”

”What do you mean, no more see me? What do…”

Jack took a step forward. Cody could feel the big, warm paw of the barbarian of Anghra-Lemur on his shoulder, and he felt close to his friend. Then, the other big hand surrounded Cody’s throbbing cock, and Cody’s eyes widened.

”Wait, bro. No homo. I’m…”

He could feel it. Something strange was happening. He felt weaker. He couldn’t protest against Jack’s unheard of behaviour. He couldn’t understand what was happening. He looked up in Jack’s worrying, warm, friendly eyes. Seconds went by. Then, it slowly dawned what was happening. He was shrinking. His once so beefy chest was imploding, and his usually brawny arms were becoming the arms of a pipsqueak. His abs became more visible, but his legs were becoming chicken-legs. He wavered, and Jack’s grip around his dick disappeared, now steadying Cody from falling.

”Wait! Jack! What’s happening? What are you doing? Don’t do this to me! My gains! You are robbing me of my gains!”

Gently, Jack lowered Cody to the floor, and sat on Cody’s knees. He loosened the leather straps, that kept the chainmail together around his neck, and he took the chainmail off, shovering it outside into the locker area. Then his leather-trimmed linen vest, exposing his powerful naked chest, and his steel-hard abs. Jack’s entire torso throbbed by power, and sweat was trickling from his temples.

Cody felt entirely powerless. The icon of masculinity, which was his best friend, had him subdued, and the grip around his shoulder and dick returned. There was nothing he could do to stop it. The barbarian robbed him of his gains and drained him of muscular strength. One part of his mind screamed in utmost fear, but another part of him saw the visage of what he had once dreamed of becoming, his best friend, now growing even more massive and powerful. His cock became harder in the grip of his best friend, the steel titan.

”No, Jack! I don’t want to… Jack! Listen to me! I want to keep my gains! My muscles… They are disappearing… No! Jack, this feel… So weak now… Don’t… My…”

Still the feeling of care and consideration in Jack’s eyes, despite this brutal subjection of his best friend. Jack’s face expressed concern, but the loving gaze was increasingly mixed with the facial expressions of an intoxicating power-craze.

”I am sorry, Cody. I’m sorry, but this was the only way. I have to obey The Master. I must obey him. I must assimilate you! We will be together for ever. Can’t believe how this feel! Your strength!”

The barbarian of Anghra-Lemur sat on the heap of skin and bones, that once had been Cody. Cody’s dick was still throbbing in the firm grip of the barbarian, and Cody’s fear had turned into insane rambling.

”Yes! Look at you! You are more powerful than ever. That strength! Those arms! These pecs! My muscle mass added to your’s. Assimilate me, Master! Let me feed your muscular brawn! Let me…”

Cody’s complexion turned from his usual handsome tan into the greyish hue of someone close to death. The once powerful dudebro was a haggard skeleton, with sunken eyes peeking out from deep sockets. A mist of lucent green sparks had began to arise from Cody’s corpse-like shape, and the barbarian thrived of this life-force. Jack’s entire torso throbbed of strength and vitality, his bronzed complexion glistening of sweat. The lucent green sparks grew in number and intensity. With a weak yelp, the last life-force left Cody:

”Best mate.”

In the next second, Jack could feel Cody’s cock ejaculating in his fist, and he could feel all remaining traces of Cody becoming lucent green sparks. He inhaled, and the sparks enterd into his system, becoming one with him. Jack shivered. Cody. Best mate. He could feel his body engorge, as the orgasm of his muscle-drained friend transmuted into testosterone-crazed muscle-ecstacy. He buzzed and brimmed of life-force and muscular strength. It was even more intense, than his initial transformation into one of the men of Anghra-Lemur. He opened his eyes. No traces of Cody. He sighed in relief. He hadn’t been sure of how this would work.

He arose, but left his clothes in the locker-room. He wanted to see the result. He went into the weight room, turned towards the mirrors and took the sight of himself in.

Whooah! He looked bigger, indeed! He hadn’t known what to expect of the merge of two muscular men into one. He felt a weird urge to feel the weights, and went to the leg press: 

200 kilo grammes. No it wasn’t enough. 250, 300, no – 425 kilo grammes! He repeated the reps. Again. Again. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Eleven reps. 425 kilo grammes. Oh. The pump. The pump in his legs!

And his chest. His pecs. They screamed for the weights. For the steel. One hundred isn’t enough. Two hundred. Two hundred and seventyfive: 275 kilo grammes! Again. And again. Eight. Nine. Another one! Yes! Ten! Ten reps at 275 kilo grammes. Tearing his pecs apart, letting the blood flood his pecs, infusing them with pump and power.

He approached the stand, and picked a pair of dumbbells up. Sixty kilogrammes. Nope, too light-weight. ONE HUNDRED kilogrammes each! Yeah! That felt better. He began his biceps curls. Yes! Another curl! Tearing his muscle fibres apart, preparing for more growth. Another one! Five, six, seven reps. More! Blood began to stream to his newly trained legs and chest. And to his biceps, as he pumped the iron, causing his biceps to become more filled with blood. Another set. Yes! It felt amazing. A feeling of pump different from any time before. His quads and hamstrings were becoming steel-hard, and his chest felt like the bow of a massive ice breaker, ready to crush icebergs as his mighty hulk (in the original sense of the word) unstoppably moved forward. A third set. A fourth. ONE HUNDRED kilo grammes! … Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, uh, to failure! Eleven! He dropped the heavy dumbbells at the rubber-coated floor, and stared at himself in the mirror-coated wall, and he felt fresh blood stream into his biceps, and his entire musculature: A pump of delight. A peaceful mood spreading in his mind and his entire body. He stared. He liked what he saw. He took the sight of himself in.

A brutally built warrior from Anghra-Lemur stared back at him in the mirror. The LED lights shone down at his body, enhancing the shapes and contrasts of his muscles, including the shadow under his two bulging hemispheric pecs. Jack still kept his usual boyishly charming looks, but already at his first transformation, a few hours ago, something more mature and fierce had emerged in his visage. Now, merged with Cody, something of Cody’s arrogant smirk could be hinted at in the corners of his mouth, and something had happened to his cheek and chin: The dimple Cody used to have in his chin was his now, and the dimples that used to become visible when Cody laughed, was his also, but his eyes were still his own: The eyes of gentleness. Whooah! He would never had described himself pretentiously like that… That was the expression Cody used once, when he was drunk, and let his tough-guy persona drop for a minute. Thinking about it, Jack usually didn’t spend much time in front of the gym mirrors. Unlike Cody. Perhaps he guessed right when he decided to assimilate Cody: Cody could have his wishes, after all? Perhaps he had assimilated more than Cody’s muscle mass? Perhaps…

”Bro. I’m here. Look at us!”

Jack felt relief. It had worked. He felt the urge – Cody’s urge, which he now shared – to show off and watch himself. He took the sight of himself in, and shivered.

A brutally built warrior from Anghra-Lemur stared back at him in the mirror. Yes, look at us! He swallowed. A being out of a cartoon for cheerfully adventure-loving boys; a being out of a fast-paced action film for young men with newly awakened testosterone; a being out of the never-gauged dark undersea trenches of the adult masculine mind looked back: Clad in furs and leather intentionally aimed, in the dreams of unknown older gods, to reveal the strength and prowess of the wearer, the brutally built warrior looked like something far beyond the imagined heroes of the silver screen and the telly. His bodily shape went beyond the impossibly built physiques of carefree cartoon heroes and toys from his childhood. 

His confident personal charisma went far beyond any action filmstar, and he had seen a similar unspoken threatening promise of potential brute force ready to spring into action among men with a past in the armed forces, but in his own case it was now heightened and multiplied beyond anything he had seen before, with one particular exception – Kortoth-Gnaah, The Master, the war-god of the Sunken Hundred.

Since he had left his chainmail and his fur mantle in the locker room, his sun tanned torso was naked and exposed, his blood-filled muscles throbbing of muscular power beyond anything he had seen or felt before. He moved his palm to his left pec and squeezed. It was hard as steel. He let his pecs dance and jump, and stared in disbelief and delight. Fragments and remnants of Cody’s mind roared inside Jack’s soul, in ecstacy at their shared strength, and Jack allowed himself to be captured by Cody’s ecstatic roar. YES! ROOOAARR! Look at this! His palm and fingers explored the ravines between his abs, and he could feel his manhood awake inside his leather pouch. He flexed his right biceps and stared at it, then explored it with his lips, leaving it wet as he stared at it, mesmerised by his own might and size. Pleasure flowed slowly and delightfully through his veins as golden honey, and the unburning flames of raw, primal and undiluted masculine power flickered in his engorged muscles, from his monumental legs and power stoking loins, to his uncrushable abs, well-defined obliques, pumped pecs, mountainous traps and bulging arms. ROOOAARR! Look at this! A barbarian warrior who would take Conan or He-Man down, if they had existed. Maculinity incarnate. He wasn’t strong: He was Strength itself! He wasn’t muscular: He was Muscle itself. He wasn’t powerful: He was Power itself! The pump! Incredible! His muscles recovering impossibly fast from his sets with the steel! The pleasure flowing inside him! His mind bathing in pure testosterone… PURE TESTOSTERONE, bro! Do you feel, it Jack! Do you feel the same I feel? Do we share it? Engorged. Throbbing. The sound of his pulse in his ears. In his temples. Yes, Cody, I feel it. He swallowed. THEY swallowed. Together. Jack with Cody. Cody with Jack. Sharing. This. This strength. This power. Fuck! Do you feel that, bro? Our strength. Our power. Our brawn. Their dick a steel rod now. Steel rod throbbing inside leather. Rubbing against the leather pouch. All these muscles. All this brawn. The veins. The testo. Our. Together. Look at that chest! Fuck! All this pump! Can’t believe it! More than… Oh! Oh, better than anything he could have… Look at this! Look at me! Look at this brutal fukker, no one will mess with… 

He took the sight of himself in, and touched his forearms. His veins crawled, more blood-filled and visible than ever. His muscles looked like they grew at a visible rate, bronzed, bulbous, steel-hard and shiny of sweat. The golden honey of pleasure turned into a stream of brutal empowerment, and he was afire with indomitable might.

Uh. Indomitable might! Pure… un-di-lu-ted… mas-cu-line… in-do-mi-ta-ble… might… He was entranced by the sight of the being in the mirror that was himself. The rugged, stalwart, invulnearable, confident, leather-clad, martial brawn-beast built by bulging steel-brawn and pure… un-di-lu-ted… mas-cu-line… in-do-mi-ta-ble… might… Uhnnn! Brawn-beast! Took the sight of himself... in... Invulnerable! Bulging steel-brawn! Me! Us! That! Together! Best mate! Pure… un-di-lu-ted… Oh fuck! Can’t believe! Mas-cu-line… in-do-mi-ta-ble…
Spasms of bliss exploded in their shared mind and in their shared body, and their steel-rod exploded inside the leather pouch. It took minutes for them to regain awareness of their surroundings.

* * *

Next chapter is found here:


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Thank you, xboy, for your kind words, and thank you, Ro20316, for your concern for Cody.

Cody might be less endearing than Jack, but I wanted to invent characters with realistic faults, and – in the case of Chad – the ability to improve. I suppose, that many of us have met persons like Jack, Cody, Tim, Lucien and Chad in real life – before transformation, that is. 

Talking about unexpected: I suppose there will be more twists and turns. 

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