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The Void - Johnny's First (and Last) Megavillain


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This is a one shot continuation.  I hope you like it.  Comments welcome.  And yes, this one was rushed too.   If anyone would like to re-write it, they are welcome to.

==== Someone had just pointed out that I had forgotten to cite the original story.  I apologize to Omiganda.  I have commited a  literary sin.  Please forgive me.  ====

The original story is Basically a God - by Omiganda



“That” I said over to the doctor, fully aware that he was on his knees, his hand rapidly going up and down. He was another victim to Johnny, another worshipper wiping away tears who just wanted to be acknowledged by the ultimate power above him. Johnny’s influence was too much for those who’d never seen him when he was smaller. I was used to people meeting him and wetting themselves, bursting into tears as they looked up at his mighty pecs. That smug face of total domination was usually too much by itself, the same one looking down from above the clouds and over those enormous, stadium sized pecs. I looked up and wondered if he could instantly tell which measly human was me, looking up and up and up, craning my neck to glimpse his power. I was a single speck, probably nearly indiscernible to him even with his super vision. One fist tightened as the other fist wiped away tears.

I needed to escape.




The Void - The World's First Megavillain

I only knew of one way to do it.   Johnny could hear my thoughts now, so I just thought it.  
"Kill me."  I thought.  The voice inside my head weak and feeble.  Drained of any power left.  
"Kill me."  I thought it again...   and again... and again.  Those two words.  Over and over.   My body curled up into a fetal position as the mere knowledge that Johnny existed overwhelmed my mind.  My mind went blank.  Those were the only two words that echoed, from then on.  Nothing was left.  Just those two words.  Maybe I thought for a brief moment, Johnny would be merciful and grant me this final wish.  Instead I felt my body skyrocket up into the sky.  It was so fast I could feel the air friction heat the top of my head.  With in a minute I was face to eye with Johnny Poundstone the Muscle God.  His eyes flickered multiple colors as he scanned me over.  I could feel the heat from those eyes begin to bake my body.  Baked or not, Johnny seemed to be granting my wish without knowing it.  That was until his will held me in the sky away from his eyes.  I had to be miles away and yet my vision was filled with Johnny's godlike form.  He must have known what affect his eye was having on me.  I only escaped with a sunburn.  I cursed him and my luck.
"I am not going to let you die."  Johnny said in my mind.  He was now in my mind.  He could read my thoughts and speak to me there.  I knew now there was no where to hide.  He was probably powerful enough to read everyone's mind all at once.  
"You are going to continue to live.  You are going to continue to suffer at my will."  Johnny added.  It was his punishment to me.  For no reason why it seemed other than for telling him "no."  
I began to cry.  I couldn't live like this.  But Johnny's will be done.  Soon my body was rocketed back to the tower that once housed Johnny.  Now it housed his growing disciples.  I felt myself slow down before I crashed through a window and was hurled into a wall opposite it.  I thought I heard something crack as I crashed to the ground.  I couldn't move.  Almost in an instant I felt a presence hovering over me.  
"Welcome back runt."  It was Benton's voice but much deeper and richer than before.  It made my cock hard in an instant.  All of a sudden, I felt myself shoot off of the ground and hit the ceiling before floating back down towards an even bigger Benton.  Now at 9 feet tall and very close to the ceiling, he looked like a mini version of Johnny proportionwise.  His eyes flashed very much like Johnny's as he scanned me up and down.  
"Huh, still small and puny pipsqueak.  What a disappointment.  I bet I could break you without even lifting a finger."  With that I felt my whole body jerk out of alignment.  My bones snapped and a sharp needle of pain shot up my back before my whole body felt numb.  In the next instant my body was snapped again in another odd position but I felt every pain receptor in my body flare up.  It was torture.  Again and again, Benton with the power of his mind cracked and realigned my body in various positions snapping and popping bones out and back into their positions.  My whole body was broken, repaired and broken again.  All the while a sadistic smile crept up on Benton's face.  He was clearly enjoying it.  
"I didn't know he was that flexible, let me try."  It was Penny and now her turn to see what kind of shape she could form my body into.  Penny did it with less gusto but was having fun with me too.  Then Benton started again, only this time tearing limbs from my body, watching them squirt blood only to reattach them again completely like new.  Then ripped apart again and over and over.  Tear, fix, break, fix, crack, fix...  It went on for over an hour before they finally let my body drop to the floor left broken but healed enough to live and move around a little.  I couldn't speak though.  They left my jaw broken.  I wasn't sure but I think I was able to get my body into a fetal position...  I know I felt tears stream down my face at least for a little while.  Knowing now that Johnny and his disciples could heal, especially themselves, they would live forever.  I was doomed to an eternity of being their plaything.  I think I muttered something before all my feelings went dead.  
"Forgive me Johnny for I have sinned."  The last of my tears dripped to the floor as I stared blankly at some wall.  I wasn't sure which wall, it was just a wall.  It didn't matter.  Everything went black.  
I woke up later in a dark room.  I wasn't exactly sure where I was.  It was all pitch black.  I could hear voices.  I felt some things poking at me like some kind of metal creatures were attacking my limbs.  Their bites stung a bit at first but then I was washed over with an overwheming sense of peace.  I was able to pick out a voice very specifically.  It was the voice of Trent.  What was he doing?  I thought to myself before I was washed over with another wave of peaceful bliss.  The darkened void that I was in seemed to calm me instead of scare me.  More voices, they seemed panicked now.  I was curious as to what was going on out there but I just loved this peaceful place I was in.  Another wave of peace, much more intense washed over me with a loud buzz.  The buzz should have scared me, but I was too much into the calmness that I barely registered it.   Another buzz added another intense wave of pleasure.  But what surprised me was the buzz after that.  It was so loud it echoed everywhere and seemed to keep intensifying.  When that happened the entire void lit up into brilliant colors.  Deep beautiful blues, dazzling yellows, brilliant reds... so many colors lit up in front of and danced before me.   My mind tingled as I witnessed this beautiful display much like an aurora.  As I thought that, all the colors organized themselves and I found myself in a pristine winter setting at nighttime.  Beautiful evergreens and soft white snow.  And looking up were the intense colors of the aurora.  
I woke up in a hospital.  It was very strange to me that I would actually wake up at all.  I didn't want to wake up.  Why would someone do that to me?  I was disturbed from my peace.  Lights were shined in my eyes and voices entered my head but I refused to acknowledge them.  They were very rude to wake me up from my peace.  I was moved. I was pushed. I was prodded. I heard beeping and other stuff I didn't care about.  All I wanted was to get back to my peaceful spot.  I wanted to be away from all of the lights and the noise and most of all...  Johnny.  Johnny created everything... right?  Damn that Johnny.  
I laid there for several days.  I had no visitors except for the pesky nurses and doctors that would come by and tend to my body.  I couldn't get to my peaceful spot.  It was always within reach but I would be taken away with another disturbance.  
However, one day about a week in, my attention was peaked when I heard sounds of approval coming from the group.  
"He's doing better than we thought...  He might be released soon if we could get him to talk... I wish we knew who to contact to get John Doe back home."  I heard.  
I didn't want to go home.  I wanted to go to my peaceful spot.  At this point I would do anything to get out of this place where I got constantly disturbed.  
I tried to move my limbs.  They moved easily.  I turned to the group and spoke.  
"I'd like to leave now."  I said.  They all looked at me in astonishment.  
"You can't leave now.  We have to determine that you are fit to go home."  A nurse said.  I didn't care for her tone.  I simply got up out of the bed and tried to walk.  I took two steps and I discovered some beeping machines tied to my body and poking into my skin.  I simply pulled them off and continued to walk.  
"Sir!  You can't leave yet."  A doctor tried to say.  I suddenly felt a rage build up in me.  It was a warm feeling that filled me up in a way.  I liked it, but I know I couldn't handle it for too much longer as I really wanted my peaceful spot.  I just wanted them to go away.  I wanted them to leave me alone.
I slowly turned my body to them.  When I was face to face with them their faces grew white with fear.  "Fear?"  I thought as I saw them start to tremble, the nurse turned and ran from me screaming.  
"I am leaving now."  I said to them...  I noticed my voice had changed.  It was a low gravelly booming voice that reflected off the walls.  I turned back around and walked out of the building.  No one moved or chased after me.  As a matter of fact, people were moving as if they had no recollection of me.  That made me happy.  I didn't want any attention.  I just wanted to be at peace again.  But I had to find a place to do that.  As I did, I heard noise around me.  It was so loud.  The sound was deafening and painful, my head was pounding I saw lights and flashes in my eyes.  Through all of it I saw things move.  Metal was bent and ripped apart, glass and concrete flying and then the sight that I dread seeing.  Oddly, some of those things flying around me just vanished.  It was like I had a cone around me that would absorb anything that was thrown at it.  Making all this mess was Johnny Poundstone doing anything he could to make my day miserable.  Everyday making sure that my life was filled with pain and suffering.  He made sure that I would never be at peace.  I hated him.   But something was off, he seemed to be looking for something using his gigantic form to dig through the remains of the hospital I was once in.  How could Johnny be so careless?  Didn't he know people worked in that building.  They were all just doing their jobs peacefully until Johnny had to go and turn everything into chaos.  How many people were killed in what he did?  Did anyone care?  Was everyone just so much in awe of Johnny that nothing he could do would be a crime.  Is Johnny getting away with murder?   All the questions floating through my head faster and faster.  I had finally figured out my goal.  I knew what my duty was.  I would have to be Johnny's nemesis.  It would only be when Johnny was destroyed would I find my peace and so would everyone else.   And since Johnny was a "so called" hero, then I would be his worst villain.  I looked up and stared at a bloated muscular Johnny Poundstone.  His muscles bulged and exploded exponentially with the smallest movement.  All of the memories I had of Johnny and his acolytes, all of the ordeals I had to deal with...  I hated him.   I wanted him to know it.  It was time I introduced myself to him so he could see what he  created.  I felt a wave of energy build in me...  It felt cold and hot at the same time.  I felt myself lift off the ground as the air beneath me darkened and warped under me.  I knew what I was doing already.  I was manipulating the space under me to levitate me closer to Johnny.  I slowly rose to his height, dodging his efforts with the highest agility.  It took Johnny a long time to master his powers... I seem to have mastered mine already.  I was at the height of his eyesight.  I floated there and waited for him to turn toward me.   Something was really bothering him, I could feel his frustration.     
"SAM!  I know you're here somewhere!"  Johnny boomed his voice causing cars and people to go flying backwards and away from the shockwave he produced.  
I could only ask myself at this point why he was so concerned about me?  Why was he looking for me?  Didn't he know where I was at all times?  
"Here I am."  I said plainly.  It took a few moments but Johnny finally saw me floating off the ground.  He jumped back a bit.  
"Sam?"  Johnny asked not really believing what he was seeing.   
I paused a moment contemplating how I would fuck with Johnny's brain.  He was a superhero with a super intelligent mind, but he was still that awkward nobody emotionally.  
I flashed some of the most goriest images of what he and his acolytes did to me, I could feel the power of what I could only describe as "the void" radiate these things to him.  I also amplified the feelings I felt.  I could tell immediately that he felt them.  I knew that Johnny hadn't felt pain like this in a long time.  It was time for him to revisit what it's like to be human again.  
Johnny's body spasmed as he was wracked with the pain of the recent break fix proceedure that his acolytes put me through.  It only took a few seconds, but when I was finished it seemed Johnny got the impression he was now dealing with something more.  
"Sam?"  Johnny tried to confirm.  I paused again... for effect.   I tilted my head oddly. I wanted it to look like something out of one of those japanese horror movies.  I waited a beat more and then I spoke.  The voice that came out of me even scared me.  
I couldn't explain the range of emotions I felt from the both of us.  The primary vibe I got from Johnny was fear.  I on the other hand was feeling that plus joy, plus envy, plus liberation and vindication.  I loved all of those feelings and I was going to milk them for all they were worth.  I felt alive, I had a purpose again.  I also had a goal, and it was the same goal for everyone, to be left alone in peace.  The power that I now suddenly gained was much much more powerful than Johnny could ever imagine.  But I wasn't going to let on how much, at least to him.  I decided to call that power "The Void."  It was an odd thing.  The void usually means an absence of anything, but this felt like a bag.  It was like endless bag I can put goodies in and can get what I need back in whatever form I wanted it.  It was a bag of energy and non-energy at the same time.  I had a storage bin the size of eternity at my fingertips and all I had to do was put stuff in it.  Right now, I was powering my flight on the energy of the debris I had subconsciously packed away during the chaos.  I was now going to show Johnny the new me.  I changed my body into what I thought the void would look like in human form.  I made myself all black and my body radiated an aura that looked like it was warping the air around me.  I had no real descernable facial features except a very strong jaw line.  I made myself look like a very muscular human shaped hole in space time but I made sure that my muscularity showed just enough to intimidate.  I was no where near Johnny's bulk, but I could put Mr. Olympia to shame.
Johnny wasted no time and sent a laser beam from his eyes right at me.  I flinched at first but my body took it.  I just absorbed the vast amount of energy that Johnny posessed within that one laser blast.  It was hot and powerful enough to drill holes through planets, yet I absorbed it with no injuries.  It was then that I realized where my power came from.  Johnny let out another more powerful blast from his eyes.  The energy setting nearby buildings a blaze, melting steel and incinerating wood.  I watched as my surroundings went from a bright blue and green to a sudden white then a dark red, orange and black.  Johnny was destroying the place.   Johnny was outright killing people without even the hint of remorse.  All he wanted to do was to "save the day" by beating me, his new nemesis.  I knew this.  I could read him.  He thought that the people who died were collateral damage.  When he defeated me he would not only get a free pass on outright murder, but would probably be congratulated, given a key to the city, money, women and men, fame...  I watched with horror as a woman ran frantically fully engulfed in flames.  It was horror to watch.  It was even more horrible to see the fact that Johnny didn't even really notice.  I knew what I needed to do.  I knew that Johnny was most likely invincible as I knew I was as well.   
"Try and catch me douchebag!"  I mocked him.  And before he could react, I bolted skyward.  I was in space within 10 seconds.  Past the solar system in another 10 seconds.  Johnny was hot on my heels as I looked back.  I slowed down a bit, but as I did, I began to realize that Johnny wasn't following me.  He was growing to catch up to me.  He had to have been light years away but his body looked like it was only 100 feet away.  His body grew and bulged, his muscles leaped and pulsed.  Veins the size of galaxies throbbed with who knows how much volume of blood that went through them.  Johnny was becoming a universe sized behemoth of muscle man.  I had a stroke of genius right then.   The moment I thought of it Johnny got close enough to grab me with a titanic intergalactic sized finger. There was a flash and everything was the same.  I bolted outward again, I was headded toward the edge of the universe.  The end of time.  Jonny kept blowing up like a muscle balloon.  Pushing countless galaxies aside to accomodate his massiveness.  Within a minute, I reached the end.  I looked behind me and saw nothing but Johnny.  His whole body had just filled the entire universe.  For all I knew, life in this universe had been completely snuffed out in Johnny's quest to catch me.  Upon reaching the end of the universe, I tucked myself right behind the boundary.  Johnny's hand hit the edge and suddenly it disappeared into darkness.  Johnny screamed in pain and retracted his hand.  I couldn't tell what really happened but it looked like his hand was smaller.  I knew right then, I had already defeated him.  The moment he touched me, I knew I would win.  It didn't take much effort, Johnny did most of the work.  I just played a little "catch me if you can."  
"COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN!"  Johnny shouted loud enough the sound of his voice warped it.  Johnny tried to blow himself up even more, but pain was beginning to show itself on his face.   
"Johnny, you know it's a losing battle."  I said calmly, in my regular voice.  
"And what?  Treat him like a toy?  Throw him to your acolytes so they have something to play with?  You've seen what they've done.  I made sure you felt it too.  But that is nothing compared to all of the death and destruction your power madness has just done."  I said matter of factly.  
"WHAT?"  Johnny pondered.  
"What do you mean 'what?'  Look at you!  You are big enough to fill the universe.  You have pushed and squashed billions upon billions of planets and galaxies into the edge of the universe to their destruction.  The same amount of countless life forms snuffed out in an instant.  The same thing that happened in your quest to defeat me at that hospital.  You caused destruction and DEATH!  YES DEATH!  If anyone is the evil villain here, it's you!  And I have yet to see a single shred of remorse."  I replied.  
"I..."  Johnny seemed to be at a loss for words as he spoke.  
"I was going to give you a second chance...  But I'm not sure now."  I thought out loud.  
"What can you do to me?  I am Johnny Poundstone, the most powerful being in the universe!"  Johnny touted.  
"Not in the real universe."  I muttered.
"WHAT?"  Johnny questioned with a growing rage.
"Johnny, you should realize what one of my powers is.  You do know what it is, don't you?"  
Johnny looked at me quizzically.  I could only roll my eyes.  All that power has made him stupid apparently.  
"Entropy."  I answered plainly.  "Oh that, and I can also create little pocket universes to put whatever I want in them and keep them there for as long as I like."  I smirked at that last answer.   
It took a moment but Johnny finally got it when I saw the color in his face drain.  
"Yes Johnny!  You are in one of my pocket universes!"  I said with uncontrollable glee.  "It's a good thing too.  I mean, whooo!  All that death and destruction that you just did?  Thank goodness this was all fake."  
Johnny flew into an all out raging attack.  I had never really seen so much energy, but Johnny's body exploded in a bright ball of light.  The heat had to have been hotter than the billions of billions of snuffed out stars all together.  All of that energy was blasted at me.  I took it all with no effort.  When the light faded Johnny looked for me.   I was still right in front of him.  
"Oh yes!  Big man with big power!"  I mocked.  "I'll show you some real power."  
I snapped my fingers and the edge of the universe wobbled.  Johnny screamed in pain.  
"Time to put the genie in the bottle."  I growled and I made the edge of the universe contract more.  The void beyond taking energy away from Johnny.  I waved my hand and the universe I made contracted at a break neck pace.  If Johnny knew what was good for him he would contract faster.  Light years of distance faded in seconds as the space kept shrinking more and more.  Finally I was beginning to see the entire shape of Johnny.  He was smart after all.  In a matter of minutes we were back to the coordinates of where Earth used to be.  In all of Johnny's rage.  It had been completely snuffed out of existence.  It was just him and I, all alone in my pocket universe.  
Johnny looked in horror at... nothing.  It was then when he finally realized what he had done.  There was no home for him to go back to.  Everything was gone.  Johnny began to cry.  And believe it or not.  I felt sorry for him.   At that moment I decided to throw him a bone.  In an instant I made a new earth from the near infinite amount of energy Johnny gave me.  Instead of a sun, I made a ball of energy that burned much like the sun.  It gave off enough heat an light to give the planet a natural feel.  The planet was green and blue and full of vegetation.  I made the pocket universe like a blue sky.  There were no other stars or planets.  And later Johnny would find out... no other life forms.  Just him, all alone.  On a planet that looked like it once had millions of people.  This would be his prison for as long as I sentenced him.  When my work was done, I turned to him.  
"I am not completely evil like you are Johnny.  This is your prison.  Enjoy it."  I told him and quickly warped myself back into the real universe.  I could already hear Johnny screaming "YOU CAN'T KEEP ME HERE!  WHEN I GET OUT I WILL KILL YOU!"  
It was music to my ears.  
In the days that followed, I realized that I could replicate the powers that Johnny had on Earth plus manipulate the Void.  I took all of Johnny's acolytes and placed them in prison pocket universes on their own.   Maybe one day I will be kind enough to put them together, but for now, they had to pay for their crimes.  I didn't outright fix everything like Johnny would have.  I simply helped things right themselves.  I made destroyed vegetation regrow faster.  I made workers have more energy, stamina  and strength to clear away any destruction that Johnny had made.  I gave some people just enough power to be a force of good in the world.  I chose those people, and I was very picky.  I didn't want another Johnny being born.  When all was finished and things felt more normal, I went into hiding.  I manipulated enough finances and resources to make a modest home and a modest life.  I looked out from my porch at a beautiful sunset.  This would be my peaceful spot.  


Edited by ploder4
citation added
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This is my favorite kind of retribution on all powerful beings, put them in a situation that they can't brute force their way out of and make them experience the bonds of mortality once more or for the first time. I like how this ended.

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