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Work Muscle Buddy Part 13


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Author’s PSA: If you’d like to be a part of this story as the cast expands, let me know, I’m happy to work you in! Let me know what you might like to do, be, etc. I take requests, no promise that I can do all of them. It was fun making plans for others!


Melissa woke me up in the middle of the night. It wasn’t by snoring or sleeping oddly next to me.

It’s that I heard a familiar gurgling and sizzling coming from her!

She, however, was out like a light, naked in bed. I was grateful to be awakened by that sound, as a part of me was afraid with whatever’s gotten into my spunk that I had gotten her pregnant and it was rapidly accelerated. I knew neither of us wanted that at this point.

The change was slow, but I watched as Melissa’s arms firmed up. She had always taken care of herself, and it showed. She had been a lightly toned young fox, but now she was growing some muscle on top of that. Her shoulders bulged out and her triceps inflated a bit. Her biceps got one solitary light vein running down them as the crevices separating her bicep from the rest of her arm formed and deepened a bit.

Her breasts got a little bit smaller, and point forward more as the pecs underneath them grew more firm. She already had a flat stomach with a sexy line running down the middle of them. That flat stomach became a bumpy road with peaks and valleys as four abs leapt into view. Her lats pushed her arms out just slightly and her ass expanded and grew very hard.

Her hamstrings, however, didn’t share the same amount of light growth that the rest of her body showed. They leapt out with a vengance, making her legs resemble large slabs of beef in a meat locker. Same with her calves, forming heart shaped diamonds on the backs of her legs.

And with that, it was done. I guess her arms may have put on two inches of muscle, and she might be about 15 pounds heavier. She had gone from the attractive girl next door who was a treadmill bunny to the attractive gym user who had put in a decent amount of hard work, with athleticism oozing from her body.

"Bryce, I'd really better go before Tom finds me here," she said groggily.

"OK, let's get you out the window, just like the old days," I chuckled. But I definitely thought it might be a good idea to hide her from Tom. Not because he'd be weird about me having a girl at his place (it was far from the first time), but the muscle growth might cause a lot of questions I wasn't ready to answer yet.

I picked her up (an easy task with my recent surge in strength and power), and helped her out of bed and into her clothes. I could already feel the increased power and size writhing underneath her more taut skin. Then I lowered her out the window gently and watched her new canyons and crevices catch the moonlight, casting all manner of erotic muscular shadows all over her body.

I put on some shorts and left the room to go to the bathroom. While I was in there I jacked off again, and again after that.

Tom had just gotten home and was in the kitchen. He hollered my way. “Bryce? Hey brother, how are you? I didn’t think you’d be awake.”

I came out of the bathroom wearing only my shorts. Tom audibly gasped. “Wow, brother! You mentioned you had been working out, and it shows!” He squeezed my deltoids. “You blew all up!”

“Yeah,” I said sheepishly. For some reason it embarrassed me a bit for Tom to see the new me. “I have been hitting the weights, eating better, taking good supplements,” I half fibbed. I just didn’t tell him what the supplements were. “You’re not looking too bad yourself,” I said. “How many you hiding under there, two? Four? Six?” I asked as I grabbed his shirt bottom rapidly, raising it up.

“Hey, that’s a nice little ab garden you’ve got going!” I said as I gently punched them. “There are four plain as day, and two more coming in. Way to go dude.” I rubbed them gently, and at that he glanced up at me with a puzzled look.

“Th….they’re nothing like yours. Bryce, there...there are ten abs I can plainly count on you…”

“Twelve in the right light.”

Tom gulped heavily and sweat was appearing on his brow. He pulled his shirt down. “Yeah, I’m up to about 160 now.” He rolled his sleeve up to his shoulder and flexed his biceps. “I’ve made a lot of progress here.”

I reached up and moved my finger over Tom’s swollen mound, at least a firm 12 inches. The last I had seen him a few years ago, he was only between 8 and 9 inches.

“Bryce...let me s..s..see yours.”

I couldn’t pass that up, so I threw up a double bicep with my eighteen inchers. Tom sat down quickly in his recliner, about to pass out.

“Tom, whoa, you ok buddy?” I went over to check on him, he was sweating profusely. I leaned on the arm of the recliner. “Let me get you…”

And with that he pulled me in and kissed me. Quite aggressively, I might add. After a few seconds he let go.

“Wow, Tom. Thanks!” I said.

“Bryce, you’ve….you’ve got a dream body. I just want to….”

I smiled. “I think I know. Stand up, brother.”

He did. Without removing any of his clothes, I unzipped his pants and put my hand down his underwear. Then I grabbed his cock and tugged on it inside his underwear. It was already rock hard, a good 9 incher. Tom and I had seen each other naked many times, and we’d even experimented around with each other’s cocks. But it was the first time he’d allowed himself to be completely submissive.

As I tugged on his cock with one hand, I pushed his pants down with the other. His pants fell over firmly toned legs that showed a nice teardrop forming above the knee. His calves had some good shape, his shins were no longer pipe cleaners. After his pants came off, I rubbed my free hand up his abs and over his chest. His pecs stood off of his chest. Formerly flat chested, he had built up some respectable muscle on his chest. As I rubbed up, he flexed and bounced his pecs, the sign that he’d gained enough muscle to have some fun with the pecs finally.

I pushed and pulled on his cock from behind as he moaned and leaned his head back. He had about a half foot of height on me, but my size kept him balanced forward. I didn’t jack him too fast, I wanted him to savor and enjoy it.

WIth my hand on his chest, I ripped his shirt off from the inside. Then I reached around and grabbed his cock with my second hand and two handed him for a more safe grip. I continued lightly pulling and pushing on his rock hard cock, which was turning dark purple at the head from the amount of stimulation.

“Oh...b….Bry...Bryce...I’m so hard...I’m going to rip through my skin….” he gasped through the moans.

I continued to push and pull. And soon I gave one good firm pull with both hands as Tom fired his load into the air, hitting the ceiling first, then landing on his feet. I held the pull for a good ten seconds, lifting Tom off the ground by his shaft. He shot bullet after bullet at the ceiling, and this time it stuck.A steady stream of extra jizz rolled down my hands as he throbbed for a good minute more.

Once I could tell he had done what he needed to do, I let go, and his cock shrunk back to normal size. I eased him back into his chair.

“So, Tom...I take it you dig what I’ve got here?” as I struck a most muscular that bulged 90% of my body’s veins through my skin.

“Yeah, Bryce. I do,” he said, as he stroked his soft manhood a bit more upon seeing the veins.

“Tell you what, I can hook you up with a plan and some supplements before I go. How’s that sound?” I said, flaring my lats out to the point that my arms were completely horizontal.

"I think I'd like that, Bryce. When can we start?"

I got giddy inside. "How about tomorrow morning? I'll go to the gym, get you on my supplements, and we'll work out together."

"You've got a deal, Bryce. I'm gonna head to bed. Let's head out at 6am."

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