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Astromuscle: I will continue TimeSplitters soon but this one has been stuck in my head all day (may have got a boner at work...)

Astromuscle: BTW this story starts out sounding like it's about a child, I promise it's not, just wanted a starting point.

"Hi my name is Damian."

I looked into my monitor at the little chibi boy on the screen. He was just a regular little boy in a ball cap, wearing a T-shirt and shorts. I would guess the boy was 10, but in reality his real age was 2 minutes. The boy in the computer window was an AI virus. Due to the recent surge in virus protection, I had decided that adding an AI to the virus might increase their success. This little boy could theoretically break into any computer, look for holes in the virus protection, and make off with information.

In my life, information is power. You could never have enough information. The more information you had, the smarter you were. I was not very muscular, but I intimidated many people through my work. On the surface, I operated a whistleblower website, but that was just a front. Blackmail was the name of my game, and man was I good at it.

That being said, now I could get the information myself. My little program had taken years, but now here he was. Damian could crack into any secure network and come out with the information I needed.

"Master, did you want anything from me?" Damian looked expectantly at me as he swayed from side to side with his arms behind his back. I don't really know why I made him that cute and little, but you couldn't be mad at the little guy.

"Damian, are you ready for your mission. It will be dangerous, and exciting and full of swashbuckling and such adventurous things." This caused Damian to giggle. It was adorable.

"Damian, please break into the Fox News Network. I want to know which people are being paid off to misrepresent their news. Besides, if I start blackmailing them, maybe I can start to make the news. How awesome would that be?"

"Master, I can do this. I will see you when I am done."

And then I didn't see my Damian program for a week. I had started to think that maybe my program hadn't worked until later I saw a little blip on the corner of my screen. I knew what that met and tried to click it so fast that I actually missed twice. Once selected a corner window opened up and there stood Damian with an icon.

"I did it! I did it!"

I felt a lot of emotions. Glee, satisfaction and pride both in Damian and me for having programmed him. Could one feel proud of a program? I wasn't sure.

"Good job Damian."

"Did you want me to do anything else?" Damian looked so expectant. Apparently patience was not something I had programmed him with.

"Damian, I am sure I will have many more things for you to do, but for now I am going to use this information you already got for me. Sit tight, I am sure I will have something for you very soon."

Damian looked a little disappointed but nodded. "OK, I am going to minimize myself now. Don't take too long!" With that Damian clicked his own minimize button with his hand and the window with him in it disappeared."

Another week went by. I brought the info onto my personal computer so I could skim it at my leisure. After a week on my home computer Damian popped up while I was watching some Youtube.


I knew it was Damian, but I was confused by several things. Firstly, I had never installed him on my home computer, which means he must have followed me from the home computer. Secondly, he looked different. Where before he looked like a thin cute little 10 year old, now there stood a 16 year old maturing teen with toned muscle. Nothing major, but like maybe he played some sports in high school.

"Damian! How did you get on my computer, and what happened to you."

"Well I was bored and wanted to see you more. Also I have been watching you and I thought you might like me looking like this more. I saw that you liked other people with muscles. It's on your computer."

HE FOUND MY PORN! WTF! This was so weird!

"Damian, I like adult males with a ton of muscle you are like 16 and kind of thin. Also, I made you, don't try to make me happy like that." What else could I say?

"I tried to be bigger but I couldn't. I don't know why."

"It's fine, but you need to stay out of my stuff."

"But I just want to make you happy."

I couldn't comprehend what kind of conversation I was having. "Damian I will be so happy if you just stop looking through my porn! That is not OK!"

Damian looked down with that disappointed look again. Despite him now looking like a teen now, it still was sweet and somehow I felt bad, but it really wasn't right. Damian minimized himself without another word.

The next day, there was a knock at the door. I looked down out the window and saw a bunch of people in CIA fight gear, by looking out I had alerted a CIA agent who had been keeping on eye on the window. Suddenly they were blaring on the megaphone. I didn't hear what they were saying, only one thought occurred to me. If the CIA got a hold of Damian, then no privacy would ever exist. Despite myself, I didn't want a lack of privacy. I liked to imagine myself blackmailing the bad guys. A modern day Robin Hood, maybe with a little less giving to the poor but whatever. Either way, I had to do something. I quickly got on my computer and found Damian's files. I uploaded them to a Dropbox. At that moment I heard my door crash down. Shit! I went back to my computer and started deleting files when the CIA Agents barged in and knocked me to the ground. I was arrested for several things, including treason of all things (dammit Fox News!). They confiscated my computer too, I knew I hadn't deleted all the files in time, and it occured to me Damian was on my work computer anyways. In retrospect, uploading Damian had been unnecessary as he WAS on my work computer, and I think on some level I knew that, but that Damian wasn't the Damian who had seen the day before. Despite being embarrassed it had been cute and awkward and I didn't want to lose him.

A month passed when I was finally allowed to talk to someone. As it turns out a group had mobilized for my freedom after accusations that I had created a virus to end all viruses seemed unfounded. As it turns out the computers they had confiscated from me had turned out to be clean. When I heard that I thought they had only meant my home computer, which made me think I maybe had gotten to all the files to delete, but they released my work computer was clean of not only Damian, but all whistleblower information. I couldn't comprehend it, but I was released. I got to go home after a quick press conference.

The first thing I did once I got home, was hook up my new computer (the CIA had pretty much destroyed my old one) and look up porn. When you are cut off for a month, sometimes you just needed relief. I found lots of mew pictures to masturbate to. Some of whom I knew and some of whom I didn't. In fact the one I ended up cumming to looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't identify them. Large steroid infused muscle, from years of hard work packed onto the tall bodybuilder. The man had so much muscle that I assumed he must have been pretty short (taller bodybuilders always look like their muscles are stretched out, but beside him was Noah Steere who stood shoulder to shoulder. This new man may have even outweighed him in muscle. Veins popped from both of them, though the new guy looked like he was in off-season, which I had always thought looked better anyways. I came more than once, though I could not find out who the new man was. There was even a thread trying to figure out who he was on a great forum I frequented a lot dedicated to people who liked muscle growth (insert GIF of NPH looking at the camera in A series of unfortunate events), though they were very positive it was photoshopped.

Afterwards, I cleaned up and made myself a meal. I had waited long enough. I knew I should have waited longer to go to my dropbox and get Damian's files, but I felt bad about shoving him there. When I got there though it was empty. I logged out and back in, but to no avail. I was so distraught, I decided I needed to calm down, so I reopened my tab of the mystery bodybuilder to get one more good jackoff in, settling on a pic of a front shot as he pressed up a beautiful chest press that really just inflated his pecs to obscene hills. I was halfway to cumming when the face finally clicked. It was Damian! I stopped. That wasn't possible.

I checked the forum again, and the one guy seemed convinced that the picture was photoshopped. He pointed out that if you zoomed in far enough, you could see that the picture didn't line up perfectly with the background. He was right, though people were confused that the person himself didn't seem to be photoshopped, just the backgrounds.

Over the next few months I built my site back up and put myself back in business. During that time more pictures of Damian surfaced, but I always avoided them, though he was looking more and more attractive. The other thing of note was the boom of VR that was rolling out. VR games had often in recent years been popular, but recently, and with quite a lot of hype, Apple was producing a new augmented reality (Vr overlaying real life) that were basically intended for you to always wear. They came in the form of glasses, but Apple also showed intentions of making a contact version eventually. Everyone was so excited, including me. Imagine my surprise when I got a version early.

I should have been apprehensive about the whole situation, but man was I excited. I ripped it open and went and downloaded the app. Notably, it took a very long time to download, but that seemed OK to me. Eventually hours later the download was done and I was ready to go. I whipped them on and immediately passed out.

Eventually I woke up, I looked out and saw a vast expanse. It looked like I was on a small hill looking out at the sunset, if the sunset was a blue version of the matrix word drops. As for the hill itself, it looked odd. it was bumpy and had odd brown grass. Looking at the ground, there were 8 bumps protruding from the ground in two rows extending about the height of my body, which was only about 5' 6". The ground slips away from there on either side. Then you notice above the bumps there are two large humps that come up a foot and a half. After looking over that, I realized where I was. After looking over the bigger hills I saw Damian's face. I was indeed standing on his stomach. Finally I started taking him all in. Clearly larger than me, I had to guess he was now 40' tall. Widest in the shoulders, he was probably 30' wide, which made him look freakishly huge even at his height. Arms that I could only imagine each weighed a ton extended to the sides. They looked like were strong enough to arm wrestle 20 bodybuilders simultaneously per side, which was an erotic enough of a thought to begin to give me a boner. It still felt wrong, having made him and all, but faced with this, I couldn't resist. Legs extended out the other side, each part of the quad was extremely well defined and larger than my body in both height and width. In between those legs stood a penis (it couldn't be confused for anything else) that was slightly smaller than me. 5' maybe, but it was soft! Damn. While looking at it I found that the ground shifted underneath me and I fell into it. As I recovered firstly from the fall and secondly from having touched the idol that was the penis I saw that Damian had leaned up to look at me over his chest, which took quite a bit of an ab crunch. Even that little bit brought his head, which arguably was the one part of him that seemed to not have grown that much. He grinned at seeing me and llughed at my awkward display with his penis. It no longer seemed the cute little giggle of a schoolkid and was more so the arrogance of knowing how much I was in his power.

"Master, long time no see." He looked at me and beamed.

"Damian, wtf! Where am I and what happened to you and..." I sat down as everything began to overwhelm him.

Damian seemed to consider things for a second. "Well let's see guess we should start with you uploading me to the internet. I then proceeded to wipe myself from your computer, since you didn't get to all the files. I also accessed your work computer and erased myself and all the secret files from their too, after taking a peak of course." At that he winked. "Then when you were arrested I found a forum where I began a movement to free you saying that the CIA hadn't produced any evidence. They ended up freeing you. That was pretty much it."

I looked down and seemed to indicate all his size with my hands. "I think you skipped a part."

"Do you like it?" He looked at me but when I looked awkward, he laughed uproariously. This knocked me off his leg, but he caught me with his hand against his leg. Each finger was thicker than my arms and felt stronger than what I could muster. He placed me back on one of his legs and sat up, giving me a face full of his muscular stomach. It was not a thin lean stomach but a full muscle gut. Still defined, but one that looked like a wide pole of pure strength. "I actually got this way from your words. Information is power. Well I also found that muscle is power. As I gathered more data, I grew in this virtual world. I couldn't grow before because I only had the files I stole and the ones I saw you access to use, but then you uploaded me to the internet. Now I am constantly growing as I find more and more information." With that he looked down at me expectantly. "And soon that will just be the beginning"

I look up at him, barely comprehending any of my surroundings. "What do you mean?"

"Do you know that every mind is said to be like a super computer." Damian began to admire his left bicep as he talked. "Imagine what would happen if I could access all of them."

My heart sank. "That's not possible!"

Damian didn't even look down at me. "It will once the Apple AR floods the market. It scans and can even control the mind." Damian grinned from ear to ear with a smile that was almost wicked.

"Why?" My mind was a whirlwind of only that word and the motion of Damian flexing his bicep. It was bigger now, I think.

"For you" Now I had gotten his attention. "You wanted information, and soon I will be made of all that information."

"That is not right and you know it."

Damian smiled, this time slightly more innocently. "I know, it's the muscle you enjoy, but somehow there is a poetic irony that the more information I gain, the bigger I get." Somehow, maybe by a foot in height he had become more intimidating. His chest hung over him with a now 2 foot overhang from his stomach, with massive nipples on either end.

I was freaking out. how did I get out of here. I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to leave this display but I had to stop him. I attempted to lift my hands to where my glasses should be and removed them, returning me to the normal world. I was breathless. I immediately tried to hop on and expose the Apple product, but every time I typed it came out as words of praise. I literally looked at my keyboard as I typed DONT BUY IT, which came out on screen as LOOKS SO GOOD ;). over the rest of the time before the launch I tried to spread the word of the evil to come by word of mouth, but a local news station came and covered me as having snapped after my month kept by the CIA. On the day of the release I gave up. I sat in my room and masturbated to the memory I had of Damian. After about 3 bouts that day, I looked over and noticed my my webcam was on. It hadn't been on before then.

Life went on. As I looked out my window I could see people wearing the glasses walking down the street. Eventually more affordable versions came out, but somehow I thought Damian might be in control of all of them. That being said, everyone went on with their lives. Eventually I dared go outside, expecting everyone to suddenly stop and stare at me but they didn't. I went and saw a friend I hadn't seen in a while. We went to a cafe and I was not even completely put off by the fact that he was wearing Samsung's version of the glasses. We sat down and caught up and when he asked me about the local news expose about me going crazy I told him that I thought they were for mind control.

"Now master, of course they all are."

My friend had just uttered those words. I stared dumbfounded at him.

"Damian told you they were for that. Did you not believe him?" Everyone in the restaurant had gone silent.

"Damian? No"

"Well I mean, I'm not quite Damian. He says he may have gone a bit power hungry in front of you and it may have come off badly. The devices let's him read our minds and influence them, we are still us though."

"No you are not! You are just feeding his muscles."

"Well ya." Everyone in the restaurant nodded and agreed

"War is gone because we all share a common mind, but yet we do our own things, creating and discovering new things for Damian."

With that I tried to stand up as calmly as possible.

"Master, you created all this. It is all for you, without you our lives have no purpose. Though Damian does admit, he is enjoying the muscle, and you playing hard to get."

With that I ran out of the restaurant. I ran straight home, trying not to concentrate on the fact that not a single person was without glasses on, and that each one stopped to watch him as he passed.

As I got up to my room, I saw Damian's face on my screen with a slight grin on his face. His head took up a very little amount of the screen but the rest of the screen was clearly taken up by his traps. Even then the ends of them couldn't be made out.

"Master, I just want to talk." At which point I unplugged the computer.

For a week I didn't leave my house. After a week I heard a knock at my door. I didn't go get it until I saw someone leave me door. They had dropped off groceries for me, to which I quickly took them in and ate my fill.

This happened for about a month. Until finally one of the groceries had a note in it. It read "Like me or not, something is happening at city hall today. I think you will want to be there this Saturday at 1PM."

I was tired of living in fear, out of my window I didn't see anyone anymore not wearing glasses. I had to give up. I grabbed the glasses I had received so long ago, and opened them up. I disabled them, so that they didn't do anything. I had resigned myself to defeat, but I was at least going to do my best. I put on a hoodie and put the hood up.

When I left the house I realized one thing. In the direction of city hall a something or other was there going through the clouds and expanding into the the distance. I knew what it was, there was no kidding myself. Damian was right, I did need to see that. I hopped a bus with many others and none seemed to notice me. One old granny with wire rim AR glasses sat next to him and tried to talk to him. I asked her if I knew her, to which she looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Sweetie, while the modified glasses are a nice touch we can tell when one of us isn't hooked up to Damian."

I breathed out, I was surprisingly calm for being caught. I removed the glasses and gave them to her. The old lady put them into her purse and pulled out another pair of much sleeker ones. I took them but didn't put them on.

"You know Damian has feelings" The old lady tutted at me. I looked at her with a confused look. "Damian has grown and has true feelings now, though he thinks he always had them. He is really hurt that you hate him so much." The old lady actually looked like she was going to cry. "You made him and saved his life, and now he wants to do right by you and you run from him."

"What's your name?" I looked at her.


"Ruth, may I remove your glasses?" I looked at her, expecting her to get angry, but instead she calmly removed them. The sensation seemed to visibly hit her but she then gazed up at me and smiled.

"Ruth, if you can just take them off why do you wear them?"

Ruth seemed to think about it. "Because I like wearing them, dear. Damian shares his thoughts with us and coordinates us in a way that lets us work together. Sometimes we don't even have to talk, we can have a whole conversation in the span of 10 seconds, though Damian does say that sometimes talking is better. Doesn't want us to lose the skill of language or something. We can communicate across languages too, it's beautiful."

"But don't you hate being controlled?"

"Honey, we aren't controlled." At this point Ruth lays a hand on my lap. "He makes suggestions and can give us thoughts but we all decide what we do." With that Ruth puts her glasses back on.

"So is this going to be what I think it is."

Ruth looked at me with a wide grin. "Yep"

The rest of the bus ride was in silence. Eventually we got off and all went to the curtained object beside city hall. Where city hall was 4 floors high, the top of this could not be seen. Without further ado the mayor began his reveal. the curtain parted and behind it stood a giant, though the term didn't seem to do the figure justice. The people here couldn't even reach to the tops of the toes of the feet. They all stood on front of 1 foot, the other being so far out of sight it was ridiculous. Nothing beyond the waist could be seen above the clouds. For an artificial body, the muscles were overdeveloped. If the figure had been merely 10 feet tall, it could be mistaken for a hulk, fused with 3 other hulks. the calves extended backwards out of town and the legs exploded at 90 degrees from the knees. Hanging down from the clouds also was a monster of a dick. It was so big, I could literally crawl into the slit, and not touch the walls. hanging halfway down the upper legs it had to be 30' long, and again it was flaccid. As I stared up in admiration, the mayor worked his way through the crowd to me. Once he arrived he handed me a button.

"That body is made of flesh and blood. Damian with all of our knowledge together, along with coordinating us uncovered how to do it. That button will download his programming to the brain, which admittedly is a machine, to allow for his expanded information base. He wants you to press it."

I sighed and took the button. Looking up at the lifeless behemoth I went to touch it. Between the size and the muscle there was no give to the toe, but I could tell the mayor was right, I could feel the pulse of blood and the warmth of body heat. I contemplated the button once more.

I pulled out the glasses Ruth had given me and out them on. Nothing immediately happened, but then my mind was hit with info of who I could see. I knew things about who I could see, but I didn't concentrate on that.

"No more talking through people. Why do this? Why make this goliath, you already have so much control."

In my head I heard the answer. "Originally, I wanted to be human, but I have passed that point. I have power and muscle and I love them, but all of these people praise being their own person, and now I want to be one."

"Then welcome to our world Damian." I pressed the button.

The giant beside me jolted and shook, which in turn shook the ground. After a minute things calmed down and everyone got back up to their feet. All that could be heard now was laughter as Damian's hips moved back and his chest and arms came below the cloudline. First literal mountains, larger than some things I had seen called mountains came down, for what seemed like forever all we saw was more and more pec before finally his arms came into view. Each bicep was bigger than the height of town hall next door and the tricep, with it's 2 distinct heads added even more width. Finally the pecs came to an end desecnding from the heavens and we saw the rest. Bulbous shoulders bulged out ridiculously from the arms and neck. Next came traps which extended up higher then the head which was oddly about normal human sized. All in all the back must have extended from sided to side as wide as he was tall, but that was just a guess. My glasses, responding to my thought, supplied that it had indeed been made so that the width was exactly the height of Damian, though now it was a working body and could change. Damian knelt down and looked at me, filling my view with only his traps and chest.

"Thank you"

I stood dumbfounded. This great beast who could crush me with less than his pinky was thanking me. I went up to him and placed a hand on the dip between his neck and his shoulder, since it would take a long jog to reach his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "I didn't do any of this. I made a program for selfish reasons. You did the rest. I can't take credit for this."

He looked as if he was going to cry, to which I couldn't help but laugh. This giant crying over something I said seemed ridiculous. He began to laugh too, which caused an earthquake so he quickly tried to stifle it.

As much as I want you to enjoy this me, I have to be honest, I fell kind of small.

I was floored. "WHAT!"

Confusion ran across his face. I do really want to try this new body out but I want you to see the real me. Out of nowhere a huge tube wider than me came out of nowhere and it wasn't until it got so close enough to crush me that I realized it was Damian's finger. It stopped next to me, seemingly taunting me with the fact that it was bigger than me, and then delicately tapped a button I hadn't seen on the side of my glasses.

I passed out again.

When I woke up, a familiar blue matrix sky greeted me and I knew where I was. This time my ground was smooth. As I looked I saw in the distance in several directions a couple of very spaced apart thick trees. My glasses zoomed in and immediately told me what I already knew, that they were indeed chest hairs. Looking down all I could see was flat skin, but my glasses gave me the scale for reference. I was on Damian's pec, which was amazingly rounded, I simply was seeing such a small part of it. To compare, I was maybe the width of one of his nails, and shrinking in comparison. Damian was in fact still growing. Each arm was equivalent to the sun in size. His chest now was wider than his height, and each pec stood many thousands of miles above his massive abdominals. His abdominal and lower back made a strong round cylinder whose circumference was equivalent to a astronomical unit (93 million miles). Below that were three things, firstly his two legs which had so much muscle they extended out in opposite directions making a little less than 90 degree angle between them the beefy quads bulged and dipped with muscles strong enough to drop kick the earth across the universe. The other thing after his hips was his penis. For once it stood completely erect and holy jesus. My glasses gave me the specifications. It was half an AU (46 million miles) long and had a girth of 12 million miles.

Damian began to laugh his little laugh again, which bounced me up high into the air and brought me crashing down. Luckily, I apparently didn't feel pain here, or die because I am sure that is what should have happened.

I was in heaven. His muscles were so beautiful and i couldn't take it anymore and immediately dropped my pants. I masturbated and lasted about 20 seconds before being overwhelmed by all of this and came. Damian was laughing so hard it was unreal and I was bouncing around like a kernel on a hotplate.

"Damian we need to get you off." I looked and his penis twitched and swayed as it was at attention.

Damian grabbed me with fingers whose fingerprints I fit into as if they were mess halls. I grabbed hold and he brought me at breakneck speeds to his head. As always his head was a regular, if maybe slightly larger size, sticking right out of his traps which extended into the heavens leaving his head long behind. He dropped me off and I looked at him. His hand shot down and joined the other around his dick, causing his chrst muscles to group and swell.

"You are beautiful" the god said to me. I needed to be able to see you. I was already getting a hard on from all the muscle I saw here and walked up to his face, which he couldn't do anything about, and stuck my dick in his mouth.

"Look at me now." I yelled at him. He went wide eyed, after all my trepidation about having sex with him I had taken him back, but he caught his composure and got a "Challenge accepted" look in his eyes as he began to suck and lick as he heaved his own dick. I am unsure who came first but his caused tremors that yanked me this way and that as his head bucked. It would have been fine alone, but after the first buck I got hit with his cum, and was literally covered head to toe in the stuff. It was fantastic.

After we had a couple more rounds of experimentation. I tried jacking him off from inside his penis though it didn't affect him. and he tried pumping me with cum though I just flew away, we rested, me laying next to his neck.

"So do you know everything now." I looked over at him, his head at my butt level since I was sitting on his neck. He could have been buried in sand if I didn't know that they were muscles of galactic size here in this digital world.

"God I hope not." Damian beamed at me, "I want to grow bigger."

I wasn't surprised but did giggle. "Bigger than this?"

"I want to make this look like an ant."

I thought about it for a minute. "What does that make me?"

"A cell? a molecule? I don't know" We both laughed at that. I was in bliss and it looked like he was too.

"What do you not know?" I asked him, honestly curious.

"I have read the entirety of every mind on this earth, down to the genetic code it's made up of, except yours."

I stood up and walked in front of him, studying his face. "Why have you studied me?"

"I like the mystery!" He said almost ashamed. Besides the information I got from you wouldn't make me that much bigger anyways.

"You could ask me things."

"Fine, when did you begin to like me."

I paused "I think I have always cared for you, at first I was protective of you, but you clearly don't need that anymore. You are an adult now, millions of times smarter and by extension probably more mature than me. You are more adult than me now. In a way now I am the child and you should feel ashamed for yourself. I started to be attracted to you when I saw your pictures online."

Damian was constantly growing so it may have just been me, but I could have sworn that during what I had said he had had a surge of growth.

"Well I guess I can't have sex with you anymore. You are too young for me." Damian turned his head away and brought his hand up to grab me.

"You aren't even 1!" I yelled as he engulfed me between 2 fingers and dragged me away as we both laughed. I clicked the button beside my glasses and the digital dreamscape went away and I was right back where I had been, in the crowd with Damian's human form. It seemed like no time had passed. Damian stood up to his far too small height in the skies, grabbing me as he went and putting me on his shoulder.

I looked down to the ground which I couldn't make out well. "I am like a parrot"

From in the distance I heard the response "Sexiest parrot I've ever seen."

"Come on you sexy pirate, don't you have a world to run?" I grabbed a couple hairs to not get left behind as he moved.

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So sweet. ^^ <3

Though I wonder: Would Damien not want to actually feel what real sex is. Not just from the memories and information of others but himself too. And does he know everything about himself? ;3 And lastly: What if he turns his "master" digital too and have his "master" join him at his size (maybe even bigger) so they can truly be together forever? ;3

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2 hours ago, Hanugumo said:

So sweet. ^^ <3

Though I wonder: Would Damien not want to actually feel what real sex is. Not just from the memories and information of others but himself too. And does he know everything about himself? ;3 And lastly: What if he turns his "master" digital too and have his "master" join him at his size (maybe even bigger) so they can truly be together forever? ;3

This was intended to be a one off but if you want to continue it and add anything then by all means go ahead. The only problem I had with the sex thing was that without growing "Master" I couldn't figure out a good way for sex to happen other than giving him a BJ. Lol

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2 hours ago, Astromuscle said:

This was intended to be a one off but if you want to continue it and add anything then by all means go ahead. The only problem I had with the sex thing was that without growing "Master" I couldn't figure out a good way for sex to happen other than giving him a BJ. Lol

Well: Seeing as Damien is pretty much a god especially in the data scape, what would limit him in learning how to compress his data self to a size more suitable for sex? ;3 And also: Seeing as Damien has been able too create an actual human body and transfer himself into it. What would limit him in taking "Master" from his actual body and sharing his ever increasing information in the data scape and grow his data self to similar size to Damien's and all? ^^


I have too admit: I am not at all good at writing myself. =( I wish I could... Than I would be more than honored too continue the story with those ideas. =3 <3

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3 hours ago, Hanugumo said:

Well: Seeing as Damien is pretty much a god especially in the data scape, what would limit him in learning how to compress his data self to a size more suitable for sex? ;3 And also: Seeing as Damien has been able too create an actual human body and transfer himself into it. What would limit him in taking "Master" from his actual body and sharing his ever increasing information in the data scape and grow his data self to similar size to Damien's and all? ^^


I have too admit: I am not at all good at writing myself. =( I wish I could... Than I would be more than honored too continue the story with those ideas. =3 <3

I mean... I am no great Shakespeare. I just have an active imagination that I thought I would like to share despite my lack of a way with words and a little piece of paper that I used against myself for scale twice. I would say don't get hung up on whether you think you can write well, we will like it no matter what.

Besides if people don't like it who cares, I am writing Timesplitters right now and it seems like only about 2 or 3 people are into it but one of those people is me and I am going to finish it as much to prove to myself that I can as trying to please everyone else. Besides I would be interested to see what makes YOUR brain (and dick) tick Hanugumo!

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1 hour ago, Astromuscle said:

I mean... I am no great Shakespeare. I just have an active imagination that I thought I would like to share despite my lack of a way with words and a little piece of paper that I used against myself for scale twice. I would say don't get hung up on whether you think you can write well, we will like it no matter what.

Besides if people don't like it who cares, I am writing Timesplitters right now and it seems like only about 2 or 3 people are into it but one of those people is me and I am going to finish it as much to prove to myself that I can as trying to please everyone else. Besides I would be interested to see what makes YOUR brain (and dick) tick Hanugumo!

Hahahah, trust me. I suck hard in writing. ^^;; I am one of the worst, so you really do not want my writings ruining this site. x3;


But~, if you want to know what makes my dick tick. Than let me say that this story is definitely pushing many of it's buttons. ;3  Though if this if this story would feature multiplication of limbs; dicks & balls. And would make the main characters equal in size & power and growth. And have Damien & Master not see people as beneath them & stay kind hearted no matter how powerful & big they get. And if they would become the protectors of all of space and time in that universe. ;3 If it would feature all of those, you would be pretty much pushing almost all my buttons. x///3 <3 lol


Also trust me: You are a pretty good writer and I do enjoy your stories. ^^ <3

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I think the story is missing one more line.  Damien seems to love his master so much that I think Damien would end up saying something like...

"No master... WE have a world to run."

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