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Changing my Life - Part 3


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Before you guys dig in to the next part, I wanted to thank you for all the positive comments an reputations that you are giving me. It really motivates me and keeps me going. I wish you all a good weekend and I'll see you all next week. :)

Part I
Part II


Changing my Life

Part III

“Wh.. What d.. do you mean I found someone?” I said in disbelief. “Well I ended up on the weird corner of the web and found a forum that was dedicated to people who would like to start their experiment and are seeking for guinea pigs. As I was scrolling down, I found someone who created pills which stimulate your growth hormones. He lives just 90 minutes from here and I already made my appointment for next weekend.”

I watched in disbelieve and picked up the documents which were lying next to his laptop. “So what is this supposed to be?” I asked. “The guy who created the pills told me that they had some minor side effects and send me the list of the ones his animals got.”

Reading the list, I noticed some weird ones but also some worrying ones. “Have you actually read this list?!” I said looking dazed at him. “Of course and you shouldn’t worry. He said that he’d check my body first before making the pills for me.”

“Max I’m just reading the first ones and it’s disturbing; Anger issues, dried skin, loss of sight, kidney failing, death, … I mean do you really suspect me to believe that you will come back home alive?”

Max noticed my voice changing from worried to anger. He put the pan with eggs back down and slowly approached me. “Hey don’t worry. I have a feeling that this is going to work.” He said kissing my cheek. “I’m not saying that it won’t work. I just don’t want to lose you because of a stupid pill.”

“If it makes you feel better, why don’t you just join me on my trip to this guy’s laboratory?” he said smiling at me. “I’d love to but if anything goes wrong or if you don’t feel like continuing, please say so.” I said tapping him on his back as I was serious about all this.

“I will. Now, what would you like?” “WHAT?” I asked. “Would you like sausages or bacon with your eggs?”

After that morning, the rest of the weekend passed quickly and found myself sitting back at my office. I couldn’t get my head around the fact that my boyfriend, my short baby-faced heart-warming boyfriend, soon would possibly become a muscle head. Don’t get me wrong I loved the idea, but I was afraid of losing the Max I fell for.

Ring, Ring

I got out of my daydream as I heard the phone ring. “Wilson Realtors, how can I help you?”

“Yes this is Thomas Jones speaking from the real estate business RealPoint Property.”

“Ah good morning sir. What can I do for you?”

“I heard the news about you being the new owner of the business and I was wondering if you’d like to celebrate. After all, our companies are both very close.”

“Of course sir. I’d love to.”

“Excellent I’ll be hosting our celebration on our new addition to the company. So I was wondering if you’d like to come join us for a drink.”

“That sounds wonderful. When is this party supposed to take place?”

“Friday, next week around 8:00 PM. Oh and of course, don’t forget to bring the lucky guy eh.”

Mr. Jones started laughing as I knew what he meant by the lucky guy. He knew about Max and me and was totally okay with us being together. After all, he was an elderly Christian man so it was nice to hear a positive remark about us for a change. Plus Mr. Jones was a very well-known and wealthy man, so it was an honour to be invited to such an event.

“Don’t worry sir, I’ll ask Max if he likes to join me. I’m pretty sure he likes to come.”

“Excellent, I’ll see you next week then.” And he hang up. Next week. Maybe I won’t have Max by then.

The week went by until the day arrived that Max would be going to the laboratory to find a cure that could possibly grow him. The night before, we talked about it and he became aware of what could possibly go wrong. But at the same time, I became aware of how much he liked to continue this process.

That morning we packed our stuff and got into the car on our way to Mr. Petrov. That being the only name given to us.

As we arrived at our destination, we saw no sign of life whatsoever. There was a forest at Max’s side and an open field at mine. “Did we miss something?” Max asked looking back at the papers which included the address.

“Uhm… I don’t think so.” I said pointing at a mad scientist approaching our car. As the man knocked on my window, I looked at Max not knowing what to do as the man seemed pretty odd. Max didn’t hesitate and gave me a sign letting me know it would be safe to scroll down my window.

“You must be Jake and Max, right?” the man asked scanning us both from head to toe. “Yeah!” Max replied excited. “This is Jake and I’m Max. Nice to meet ya.” Max stuck out his hand to give the man a handshake. “Nice to meet you Max I’m Mr. Petrov but you can just call me doc.” The man said shaking Max’s hand. “You can park your car here and follow me to my home. I’ll give you all the information and answer all your questions about the pills.” Mr. Petrov said.

As we locked the car and followed the mysterious man back to his place, I took my chance to inspect his house. It wasn’t big but it definitely caught my attention. It was an old brick house with all kinds of different windows. Some big and square, others small and round. All in a variety of different colours. Then there was this big wooden box build beside the house. It was equipped with satellites, solar panels, cables and wires …

“Sorry for the house. I don’t have much money and time to renovate it.” The doc said unlocking the door and inviting us in. He sat Max and me down and asked if we would like something to drink.

“No thanks I’d like to learn a bit more about this pill.” I said cutting to the chase.

“Ah yes my newest invention. Well it all started with an idea to develop muscles quicker. As you both may know it is pretty hard to achieve the body of your dreams if you don’t know how to train and diet properly.”

Max and I looked at each other and knobbed as we both knew that what the old man said, was true.

“So I found out that when you’re younger, your body starts to develop. This is called puberty. I started to do some calculations and testing on a variety of different animals and found out that if your body keeps thinking it’s still young and needs to develop, it will.”

“But, if I may ask, what does this have to do with the pills?” I asked.

“Well you see on its own, your body won’t change. So that is where the pills come in. You see they are all made with ingredients that give your body more proteins and growth hormones.”

“So why haven’t you tested it on other people?” Max asked curious.

“Usually when I give them the list of side effects, that my testing animals got, they freak out and end the program. But not you. You’re special.” He told Max. I noticed that he was getting excited about all of it as he got his big smile out.

“So do you have any more questions?” the doc asked.

“What will this procedure cost us?” I asked scared it might be too expensive.

“It’s free as the pill is just in a developing phase and I need it to be properly tested first.”

I was a bit more calm and started to think that it might not be so bad after all.

"Any more questions that need answering?" 

Max raised himself off the chair and replied "When can we start?!"

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You know what would be funny? If not just Max but Jake would also be given those pills. Or at least be tricked in thinking he would get the pills too and it all being placebo's and Jake would grow on oar with Max for some weird reason that ends up being somekind of metaphysical link between Max & Jake. xP 


But oh well: Happy ending addicts like me can only dream right? xP lol

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