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Alchemist - Part 1


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    The Internet is arguably the greatest invention of mankind to date.  Think about it: Almost every piece of information that is known in this world can be found online.  Any fact or figure that you have even a slight glimmer of interest can be found with a few keystrokes.  If anything could have improved this wonderful piece of technology it would have to be, in my opinion, the web cam.  With a web cam, you can not only visually communicate with people who are on the other side of the world as though they were in the same room as you, but it has allowed for many other…private interests to be shared discreetly among people.  This is where my story begins.

    My name is Josh and I’m what you could accurately describe as the “average” American male except for one minor aspect.  I am what you might call a connoisseur or aficionado of muscle.  Something beyond fan, and even past fanatic is close to where you might classify me.  Obsessed would be the most accurate term, but not in a crazy sort of way.  I love muscle in all forms.  From a swimmers tight and toned body, to a gymnast, wrestler, powerlifter, or my personal favorite: bodybuilder.  While I appreciate all fit bodies, the male bodybuilder has always captured my attention first, foremost, and unequivocally.  Some guys love football, or basketball, but for me, bodybuilding is the top sport.  Yeah… that’s the other thing: I’m gay but you probably guessed that by this point in the story.  Not exactly a majority group in the world and while homosexuals have become more and more accepted in today’s society, very few of us will wear it like a badge of honor and yell it for the entire world to hear.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m ashamed or anything, just that I feel my sexuality is only one part of a multifaceted me that I will acknowledge, but not go out of my way to let people know.

    Anyway, where was I?  Oh right, the wonderful creation that is the web cam.  This tiny device allows for near instant video (and in most cases audio) communication between two people.  Everything from parents who are miles away to say good night to their children, to high school friends in the same town wanting help with homework.  A most wondrous add-on to any computer that makes the entire world feel a little bit smaller.  Of course, while I do use my web cam to chat with friends both old and new, the most use my cam gets is having other people watch me either jack off, or when I’m really lucky, having a bodybuilder who has/is posing for me on cam see the look of lust and desire to worship them in person.  The expression of shock and wonder when I see their biceps rise up like mountains under the skin, or when a thigh is rocked back and forth letting the muscle “jiggle” then flexed hard into bold relief, or one of my personal favorites, when the huge slabs of muscle they call pecs get bounced over and over again showing complete and utter control over the power they possess.  Fortunately, I’ve been able to find one or two guys who will provide a few minutes of free entertainment for me which I always thoroughly enjoy and usually spend the next hour or two lost in fantasy of being there live.  Far too many guys are arrogant and believe that they are God’s gift to the rest of us mere mortals and will only talk to you if you pay them first.  While I understand that bodybuilding is a very expensive lifestyle, most of the time I’m not looking for a free show (though it would be nice!).  I want to be able to make bodybuilding friends who can help me become one of them.  I’m no bodybuilder, though I’d give everything I own to be one.  It’s very depressing when most guys only treat you as a living ATM and will only talk to you as long as your cash supply is large enough to see them on cam to help “support their lifestyle”.  Okay, now I’m no bodybuilder, but when these guys are charging enough for 15 minutes to buy them enough supplements for the month, I think people are doing more then just supporting their bodybuilding… more like their car and/or insurance payments, clothes, parties, etc. when you factor in that there are hundreds of guys who are not only willing to pay these prices, but do it several times a week!  I’ve been tempted MANY times to save up a few bucks (well several bucks actually) to see one of these guys on cam., just to see if all the hype (not to mention the price) is worth it.  You see, I’m not exactly “well off” when it comes to money due to the normal expenses of everyday life and my other “hobby”.

    That’s the other key point I should probably bring up now.  While this obsession with muscle is strong, it had a secondary effect in me that spawned an almost equal obsession with magic.  No, not prestidigitation, card tricks or slight of hand magic, but real, bending the laws of man and nature magic.  Incantations, potions, the whole nine yards.  I know what you’re thinking “This guy is a total whack job”... well not TOTAL, but I will admit I’ve got a few screws loose like everyone else.  See, the thing with magic is that it can actually be explained with science... kinda.  Magic is simply the act of obtaining what you want by manipulating the world around you.  Okay... maybe “simple” isn’t the right word, but it’s not complete fantasy.  Magic is using one form of energy to change matter into a different shape.  Alchemy is the most accurate term I guess.  I am what would be considered a true alchemist as I combine both magic and technology to obtain my goals.  So you’re probably thinking “Okay, if you can do ‘magic’ why don’t you have everything you want?”  Good question.  Simple reason?  I can’t.  Everything in the universe has to be balanced.  In order for me to have what I want, I would need to take it from others and while that doesn’t bother most people, it does bother me.  I don’t view magic as a shortcut to get what I want, but a tool to help me achieve it.  Sure I’ve been tempted to just say “to hell with it” and use it to become the richest, handsomest, most powerful man on Earth, but the magic community is filled with stories of people who tried that very thing only to have it end in disaster.  Love spells backfiring into obsessive stalkers that ended up killing the caster when rejected; people wishing harm to their enemies only to have something equally bad happen to them as well; Spells to gain money or worldly possessions only to have them come from a relative passing away and inheriting it.  Like I said, the universe wants balance in everything and trying to tip the scales too fast only results in an equal yet opposite force trying to balance it out again.  Newton got it more right then even he knew with his Third Law.

    So what’s an alchemist who has the power to obtain anything he wants, but not the moral fortitude to just take it do with his free time?  Research a way to obtain everything I want without having the universe kick my ass for it and I think I may have finally found a way to do just that.  My main focus has been a way to find a way to augment or modify the human body in any way I choose.  While it’s true that it is considered taboo and mortally dangerous to attempt to bring someone back from the dead, modification to the human body is easier, and let hazardous to both the caster and the subject.  To be able to morph both body and mind into any form and not have it result in dire consequences has been the driving force in my life for the past several years.  After months of research and spending more money then I wanted to, I finally got my hands on a very ancient tome from a dig in Greece.  You see, the gods and goddesses of Olympus weren’t deities, but witches, warlocks and alchemists like me who managed to obtain immense power with very little repercussions.  Several demi-gods and monsters throughout mythology are also people who tried to manipulate nature to suit their own ends and were cursed because of it.  However, a select few managed to do it with only minor ill-effects if any at all.  These “gods” lived for centuries to millennia amassing power and knowledge until finally their own greed was their undoing.  They became arrogant, careless and eventually the universe created an opposite to oppose them.  No one knows what this force was, but most believe it was the real reason for the disappearance of the city of Atlantis.  The reason the Pantheon of Greece was no longer worshipped was because they simply vanished from the Earth.  When they no longer exerted their influence on the “mortals” of Greece, people slowly stopped putting their faith in them.  Then, with the spread of Christianity, the faith all but died out.  However before they disappeared, one of them left behind this tome of all their secrets, spells and knowledge.  The only downside, I have PARTS of this tome, but not all of it.  Most of the pages and other volumes had been scattered and hidden throughout the world, however the pages that I wanted most were still within the bindings of Atlas’ Arcanum.

    After several weeks of translation, I was finally able to decipher the series of spells that I had so long sought: Human Transmutation.  As I said, this book belonged to the famed Titan Atlas.  Quite possibly one of the most famous icons throughout mythology and the most adept at the art of Human Transmutation on living subjects.  He had found ways to modify just about any aspect of the human body without causing an imbalance.  Strength, size, height, charisma, the list goes on.  While most of the spells and incantations were way out of my skill level, there were a few minor ones that I felt I could pull off.  Little things like changing hair or eye color, adding or subtracting a few inches/pounds, stuff on that order aren’t major enough to cause a problem.  I tried a few out quick just to make sure that my powers were strong enough.  For my first test, I changed my hair from a light brown to an almost platinum white while adding several inches.  The effect was dramatic, and enough to prove that I had at least enough power to never need to pay for a hair cut or styling again.  I said a quick reversal spell to change it back to normal before proceeding with another spell.  I had always wanted to be taller, so I looked for the spell to increase my height allowing me to become a strapping 6’4”. I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I slowly stretched taller.  The only way these spells work is if you maintain eye contact with the object you wish to change.  As I’m changing myself, this requires a reflective surface.  My shirt started creeping up on my stomach while my pants also rose up higher and higher revealing more and more of my socks and soon my legs.  After about 2 minutes, I noticed that I wasn’t growing any more.   Not bad, I thought.  A little noticeable, but that can be changed.  Now for the final test.  The main reason I had spent so much time and energy (not to mention considerable amounts of money!) to obtain this tome.  I located the spell for muscle growth and with trembling hands, began to recite it.

    At first nothing happened as I focused with all my might at my reflection.  Maybe I wasn’t advanced enough for this spell.  I was just about to give up when I felt a slight burning in my muscles.  I was so excited that I stopped the spell and the sensation died away.  I was breathing so fast and hard you’d have thought I just ran a mile.  Tentatively I started to flex various muscles.  Surprisingly I felt a slight cramping very similar to when you work out, though this was different.  This wasn’t an ache or regular cramp; it was more... what was it... bloated I guess.  Since I had never worked out extremely hard in my life I could only assume this feeling was comparable to a “pump” that hardcore lifters get.  I’ve heard them say that it is a great feeling and if it is anything like this, I now know why!  After a few more minutes of mindless flexing, I snapped out of my reverie and decided to try it again.  This time I would be ready for the sensation and not stop the chanting.  This spell was different from the height growth, as I had to constantly say the spell for greater results.  Once again I focused on my image in the mirror and began to say the magic words.

    Again nothing happened at first, but then the burning sensation returned.  I kept focused on the mirror and tried to not notice the feeling of tightness that was washing over my body.  The longer I kept reciting the spell, the stronger the feeling got, and the better I felt.  I looked down at my torso in the mirror and started to see the bulges swell under my shirt.  It was hard to look at just one but irrevocably my eyes settled on my pecs.  I saw them start to swell up and push my shirt further and further from me.  I used my spare bit of concentration to try and flex them.  They responded, and they responded well!  I momentarily stopped the spell but only for a split second, as I could not help but gasp at the sight of MY pecs leaping to attention under my shirt.  They were probably only an inch or two bigger, but you could clearly see the difference!  I tore my gaze from my pecs and they wandered to my shoulders.  I now looked like I had football pads under my shirt as they grew higher and higher while also stretching wider.  While looking at my expanding shoulders, I was drawn to my lats as well.  These two groups were working together in perfect unison to give me that sexy “V” taper that is a sign of a true lifter.  I flared my lats out and again broke the chant as I could not help but gasp and then moan in pure lust at my growing body.  I knew I would have to stop soon as it would get to be impossible to not notice my growth, but as soon as I thought this, I remembered that I could just as easily reverse the effects.  However right now, I could not even fathom reversing my new found body to the way it was a few moments before, especially after I caught sight of my arms... well guns would now apply to these appendages protruding from my expanding shoulders and traps.  I again groaned as I brought them up to a double bicep flex.  I moved slowly doing my best to not only avoid breaking my concentration, but to revel in the feeling of how the muscle bunched and flexed under my skin.  The growth sensation was now incredibly intense and was almost bordering on painful.  My muscles were not used to being worked so hard and they were essentially going through several years worth of workouts at the same time.  Slowly I brought my arms up so they were parallel to the floor.  God they were huge!  Well not huge, but they were at least a few inches bigger then they had been.  I’d say they were probably around 15 or 16 inches when flexed but I couldn’t be sure without actually flexing and measuring.  I took a deep breath feeling my chest expand even more against my now skin tight shirt and flexed my arms as hard as I could.  I was rocketed with both pain and pleasure as I saw and felt my arms complete the pose.  At the apex of the pose, I stopped chanting and the growth sensation began to die away again.  I stood there, chest heaving as I tried to take huge gulps of air.  After a minute or two the growth had stopped, but I still had my arms flexed as hard as possible trying to squeeze every last millimeter of growth out of them.  Finally I could take no more and whipped my arms down into a most muscular pose and flexed everything as hard as possible.  I was rewarded with sounds of ripping fabric as I saw my shoulders and arms break through my shirt as well as a huge blast of cum erupt from my raging hard cock.  I moaned loud and long at the multiple sensations of pleasure.  The feeling of all this muscle in my body, the feeling of it bursting through my shirt, and the best and most powerful orgasm of my life.  How could life get any better then this?  I was about to find out.

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