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  1. Hallo zusammen! Die Idee kam mir heute morgen im Bett und musste niedergeschrieben werden. Eine relativ kurze Story, aber ich hoffe, sie gefällt. Zusammenfassung: Wenn du eine App installierst und die Realität damit änderst, solltest du vielleicht die Einstellungen so wählen, dass du weißt, was du getan hast... ___ Eingabe bestätigen? Ja/Nein Änderungen global übernehmen? Ja/Nein Settings als Voreinstellung speichern? Ja/Nein Speicher und fortfahren? Ja/Nein ___ Als Ben aufwachte, fühlte er sich nicht so, als ob er wirklich geschlafen hätte. Er wirkte matt und für einen moment auch desorientiert, unsicher wo er war und wer er überhaupt war. Vielleicht lag es an diesem seltsamen Traum… Ein Alptraum. Er war in diesem Traum zwar auch 18, aber fett mit 130kg und gigantischer Wampe. Einem Micro-Penis von gerade mal 3 cm. Keinen Freunden und nur Essen um sich herum. Alleine und unglücklich. Ein Seufzer kam Ben über die Lippen und ein Blick auf den Wecker verriet, dass es 6:45 war. Tatsächlich eine Viertelstunde zu früh wach geworden wegen dieses blöden Traums. Er schloss noch einmal kurz die Augen, stand dann aber auf und ging erstmal ins Bad hinein. Wie jeden Morgen ging der erste Gang auf die Waage. Das moderne Teil, das sein Vater gekauft hatte, zeigte alles an und auf Grund der eingespeicherten Daten, waren auch Körperfett und Muskelmasse Messungen möglich. 93 kg bei 11% Körperfett verteilt auf 1,88m. Also wie immer. Kurz zögerte er und das Gefühl in diesem Traum war wieder da… Wie immer merkte er, dass sein bestes Stück die Zahlen liebte und sich langsam aufpumpte, womit er schnell unter die Dusche hüpfte. Nachdem die 18cm bearbeitete worden waren und der Körper gereinigt, ging es ans Anziehen. Er war auf einer Fitness-Schule für Jungs. Das Konzept gab es schon immer. Die Absolventen dieser Schule gingen direkt zu großen Model-Agenturen, Bodybuilder Weiterbildungen oder der Porno-Industrie. Sein Vater unterstützte ihn im seinen Vorhaben, einer der führenden Only-Fans-Accounts zu bekommen. Wie jede dieser Schulen trug er auch hier eine Schuluniform. Eine Trainings-Kompressionshose und das passende Oberteil dazu mit dem Logo der Schule. Er ärgerte sich ein wenig darüber, da er gerne seinen Waschbrettbauch zeigte. Aber man konnte nicht alles haben. Auf dem Weg nach unten begrüßte ihn sein Dad: „Morgen Champ!“, kommentierte der 44-jährige Bär. Sein Vater war selbst früher mal Bodybuilder gewesen und ließ sein Wissen über Ernährung jetzt seinem Sohn zu gute kommen. Ein eiweißreiches Frühstück wartete auf den Schüler. „Alles ok. Du wirkst irgendwie… neben der Spur.“, kommentierte Viktor, sein Vater. „Ich… alles gut. Hatte einen doofen Traum… Ich war fett…“ Was zu einem herzhaften Lachen seines Erzeugers führte. „Fett… Das ist doch seit 30 Jahre kein Thema mehr.“ Und tatsächlich dämmerte es Ben jetzt. Fast so, als ob die Information für ihn komplett neu war - aber bekannt. Ein seltsames Gefühl. Es gab keine dicken Leute mehr. Die beiden unterhielten sich noch über die kommenden Routinen, die sie am Nachmittag ausprobieren wollten und was sonst noch in der Schule anstatt. Bald war „Posing-Prüfung“ und Ben natürlich ein wenig aufgeregt. Eine Stunde später stieg Ben dann an seiner Schule aus. „Fitness-Schule für junge Männer im Bezirk Nord.“ Der alltägliche Anblick der vielen, trainierten Jungs in enger Sportkleidung war absolut nichts besonderes und auch die Tatsache, dass sich ein paar Schüler mit heftigen Zungenküssen begrüßten. So kam auch Marc auf Ben zu und küsste ihn leidenschaftlich. Sein bester Freund seit der Grundschule wollte immer mehr in Richtung Bodybuilder gehen und das zeigte sich auch. Mit 18 Jahre bereits 110kg auf die Waage zu bringen, war beachtlich und die enge Spandex-Kleidung überließ nichts der Fantasie. Sie waren in der Tat nicht zusammen, aber irgendwann hatte es sich in der Welt durchgesetzt, dass man beste Freunde so begrüßte. Auf einmal war das wieder dieses Gefühl… Das Gefühl von einem Traum. Marc kommentierte auch den etwas müden Eindruck seines Freundes, dann läutete aber schon die Glocke zum Schulbeginn. Der Tag bestand aus Ökotrophologie im sportlichen Sektor, Posing-Analyse, Social-Media-Training und einem 4 Stunden Sportprogramm. Verschwitzt kam Ben nach Hause, sein Vater schon wieder am Kochen. „Hey Champ! Wie war Schule?“, wollte er direkt wissen und beim Essen erzählte Ben von den neusten Trends und was in der Schule los war. Hauptsächlich, wer mit wem. „Wollen wir dann direkt das neue Training testen?“, wollte Viktor wissen, doch Ben schüttelte den Kopf. „Ich muss noch 4 Selfies machen, bearbeiten und auf YouTube drei Videos aufholen. Sorry, aber Hausaufgaben gehen vor.“, womit er sich auf sein Zimmer verabschiedete. Dort angekommen wunderte sich das Fitness-Model, dass sein Tablet eine ihm unbekannte App offen hatte. Kein Name, kein Brand und ein etwas seltsames Interface waren darauf zu sehen. Individual Gewicht Globaler Durchschnitt Penis Größe Globaler Durchschnitt … Und sehr viel mehr seltsame Reiter - doch überall waren Werte eingetragen und tatsächlich konnte er oben seinen Namen sehen. Ben Neumann. Die sonst so glatte Stirn legte sich in Falten und er merkte, wie sein Schwanz leicht hart wurde. Vielleicht eine App wie für Sims oder eine andere Simulation. Er klickte sich also ein bisschen durch und spielte damit rum. ___ Eingabe bestätigen? Ja/Nein Änderungen global übernehmen? Ja/Nein Settings als Voreinstellung speichern? Ja/Nein Speicher und fortfahren? Ja/Nein ___ Als Ben aufwachte, fühlte er sich nicht so, als ob er wirklich geschlafen hätte. Er wirkte matt und für einen moment auch desorientiert, unsicher wo er war und wer er überhaupt war. Vielleicht lag es an diesem seltsamen Traum… Ein Alptraum. Er war in diesem Traum zwar auch 18, aber ein richtiger Lauch mit 93kg . Einem Mini-Penis von gerade mal 18cm. Nichts, worauf man irgendwie stolz sein konnte. Nicht in dieser Welt. Ein Seufzer kam Ben über die Lippen und ein Blick auf den Wecker verriet, dass es 6:45 war. Tatsächlich eine Viertelstunde zu früh wach geworden wegen dieses blöden Traums. Er schloss noch einmal kurz die Augen, wuchtete sich dann erstmal nach oben. Wie immer rollte er sich auf die Seite und dann die Beine aus dem Bett. Kurz gab er seinem Kreislauf die Möglichkeit, sich an die veränderte Lage anzupassen. Dann stand er auf und stampfte ins Bad. Dort angekommen ging sein erster Gang, wie jeden Morgen, zur Waage. Das moderne Teil, das sein Vater gekauft hatte, zeigte alles an und auf Grund der eingespeicherten Daten, waren auch Körperfett und Muskelmasse Messungen möglich. 145 kg bei 9% Körperfett verteilt auf 1,95m. Also wie immer. Kurz zögerte er und das Gefühl in diesem Traum war wieder da. Aber ein Blick in den Spiegel half. Er war zwar nicht der Größte Teen-Bodybuilder auf der Welt, aber zufrieden mit seinem Blick. All das Training hatte sein Gesicht markanter gemacht und die 18 Jahre kaufte man ihm nicht ab. Hohe Wangenknochen und ein breites Kinn. Blaue Augen, geziert von buschigen Augenbrauen. Ein breiter Hals, der in einen breiten Nacken und noch breitere Schultern mündete. Der Bizeps, egal ob angespannt oder nicht, wurde immer von Adern durchzogen. Sein Taille war gerade mal 32cm breit und verziert von 8 harten Muskeln. Seine Beine, breit wie Baumstümpfe berührten sich schon seit langer Zeit und sorgten dafür, dass seine Zitronen-großen Hoden nach vorne gedrückt wurden und seine 24, schlaffen Zentimeter darüber lagen. Wobei sich sein Schwanz beim Anblick seines Körpers langsam für die Morgen-Routine bereit machte. Ben drehte sich seitwärts und betrat die Dusche. Halbwegs abgetrocknet - denn er erreichte seit Neustem nicht mehr alle Stellen - ging es ans Anziehen. Er war auf einer Bodybuilder-Schule für Jungs. Das Konzept gab es schon immer. Die Absolventen wurden zu gigantischen Männern mit unfassbarer Muskelmasse. Sein Vater unterstützte ihn im seinen Vorhaben, einer der nächsten Mr. Univers zu werden. Wie jede dieser Elite-Schulen trug er auch hier eine Schuluniform und ärgerte sich maßlos darüber. Das Crop Top verdeckte seine Brustmuskeln und nur sein 8-pack war sichtbar. Er liebte aber seine Pecs, konnte gegen die Schulordnung aber nichts tun. Das andere Problem war die Hose. Vielleicht passte die mal kleinen Männern vor 50 Jahren. Aber die Schwänze der Jugend waren einfach fetter, länger und größer. Nur mit Mühe stopfte er alles in diese Mini-Shorts. Ein kurzer Blick in den Spiegel beurteilte den Sitz seiner Hose und kurz hatte er wieder das Gefühl des seltsamen Traums… „Morgen Monster.“, begrüßte ihn sein Vater Viktor. Er war selbst Absolvent der Schule und einer der Jahrgangs-Schwersten. 188kg brachte er auch heute noch auf die Waage und nur mit Poser bekleidet, machte er ein Essen für 10 normale Leute. Oder einen, wachsenden, angehenden Star am Bodybuilder Himmel. Ein eiweißreiches Frühstück wartete auf den Schüler. „Alles ok. Du wirkst irgendwie… neben der Spur.“, kommentierte Viktor. „Ich… alles gut. Hatte einen doofen Traum… Ich war… gerade mal 93kg schwer…“ Was zu einem herzhaften Lachen seines Erzeugers führte. „Ja, dann wurdest du aber eingeschult. Hast du Angst vor der Posing-Prüfung?“, woraufhin er als Antwort ein Kopfnicken bekam. Die beiden unterhielten sich noch beim Frühstück und sein Vater versuchte ihm die Nervosität zu nehmen. Eine Stunde später stieg Ben dann an seiner Schule aus. „Bodybuilder-Schule für junge Männer im Bezirk Nord.“ Der Vorhof der Schule sah aus wie bei einer Convention. Alle Männer in Crop-Tops, engen Hosen, der ein oder andere vom Morgen-Training aufgepumpt und ein paar der oberen Klassen wackelten auf Grund ihrer Masse schon jetzt in Richtung Gebäude, um rechtzeitig im Unterricht zu sein. Sein bester Freund, Marc, seit der Grundschule kam auf ihn zu und kniff ihm erst scherzhaft in den linken Nippel, bevor er ihm einen Zungenkuss gab. Marc kommentierte auch den etwas müden Eindruck seines Freundes, dann läutete aber schon die Glocke zum Schulbeginn. Der Tag bestand aus Ökotrophologie im Muskel-aufbau-Sektor, Posing-Analyse, Posing-Routine und einem 4 Stunden Lifting. Verschwitzt kam Ben nach Hause, sein Vater schon wieder am Kochen. „Hey Monster! Wie war Schule?“, wollte er direkt wissen und beim Essen erzählte Ben von den neusten Trends und was in der Schule los war. Hauptsächlich, wer mit wem. „Wollen wir dann direkt dein Nachmittagstraining beginnen?“, wollte Viktor wissen, doch Ben schüttelte den Kopf. „Ich habe heute beim Posing noch ein paar Defizite bei mir entdeckt. Ich muss das noch aufholen. Sorry, aber Hausaufgaben gehen vor.“, womit er sich auf sein Zimmer verabschiedete. Dort angekommen wunderte sich der Bodybuilder, dass sein Tablet eine ihm unbekannte App offen hatte. Kein Name, kein Brand und ein etwas seltsames Interface waren darauf zu sehen. Individual Gewicht Globaler Durchschnitt Penis Größe Globaler Durchschnitt … Und sehr viel mehr seltsame Reiter - doch überall waren Werte eingetragen und tatsächlich konnte er oben seinen Namen sehen. Ben Neumann. Die sonst so glatte Stirn legte sich in Falten und er merkte, wie sein Schwanz leicht hart wurde. Vielleicht eine App wie für Sims oder eine andere Simulation. Er klickte sich also ein bisschen durch und spielte damit rum. ___ Eingabe bestätigen? Ja/Nein Änderungen global übernehmen? Ja/Nein Settings als Voreinstellung speichern? Ja/Nein Speicher und fortfahren? Ja/Nein ___ Als Ben aufwachte, fühlte er sich nicht so, als ob er wirklich geschlafen hätte. Er wirkte matt und für einen moment auch desorientiert, unsicher wo er war und wer er überhaupt war. Vielleicht lag es an diesem seltsamen Traum… Ein Alptraum. Er war in diesem Traum zwar auch 18, aber nur 145kg schwer und sein Schwanz war nicht der Rede wert. Ein Seufzer kam Ben über die Lippen und er rief laut: „Bin wach…“, Er hatte keine Ahnung, wie spät es war, den Kopf zu drehen, konnte er schon lange nicht mehr. „Morgen Titan!“, begrüßte ihn sein Vater. „Morgen Kleiner.“, meinte Thomas, der Freund seines Vaters und „Pfleger“ von Ben. Die beiden Schwer-Gewichts-Bodybuilder mit zusammen knapp 420kg, keuchten schwer und wuchteten Viktors Sohn aus dem Bett heraus. „Na? Da sind nochmal ein paar Pfund dazugekommen.“, kommentierte Thomas und klopfte auf eine der stahlharten Brust. „Dann wollen wir doch mal schauen.“, schlug sein Vater vor und Ben wackelte in Richtung Bad. Die Schwerlast-Waage protestierte leicht, sagte dann aber alle Daten laut auf: „Ben Neumann - 18 Jahre - 210 m - Wiegevorgang - Bitte warten - Prüfe - Verarbeite - 492 kg - 7% Körperfett.“ Beide Väter applaudierten und Viktor meinte: „Bis zum Ende des Schuljahres schaffen wir die halbe Tonne doch noch! Aber jetzt los. Duschen und Abspritzen.“ So betraten alle drei Männer nackt das große Areal, was als Dusche genutzt wurde. 10 qm gekachelt mit diversen Duschdüsen. Anders konnte sie ihren Sohn nicht mehr sauber bekommen. Während sich der eine darum kümmerte, dass jede Körperstelle eingeseift und sauber gemacht wurde, versorgte der andere die pochende 42 cm Schwanz. Die Handball-großen Eier sorgten für genug Sperma, als das der Abfluss von Zeit zu Zeit dem nicht gerecht wurde. Das Abtrocknen des Kolosses dauerte ebenfalls nochmal lange und während dessen konnte sich Ben ein Bild seines monumentalen Körpers machen. Seine Wangenknochen und Kinn waren von unfassbarer Symmetrie und sehr kantig. 18 Jahre und eine Männlichkeit ausstrahlend. Sein Hals war fast doppelt so breit wie sein Kopf und verschwand zwischen seinen Trapezmuskeln. Seit knapp 50kg war es fast unmöglich, den Kopf zu drehen. Seine Schultern erreichten nun endlich eine Breite von 2,50m und nicht zuletzt wirkte er noch breiter, durch die abstehenden Arme. Sein Latissimus sorgte dafür, dass der Melonengroße Bizeps ruhig darauf abgelegt war. Fast lächerlich schmal dagegen wirkte seine 40cm Taille mit 10-pack. Darunter gespiegelt, rein von der Breite, waren seine Beine. So groß und breit, dass sein Laufen ein Wackeln war und selbst das „an einander vorbei rollen“ der Oberschenkel problematisch wurde. Fast keinen Platz schien sein gigantischer Schwanz samt Hoden zu haben, die nun von Thomas in seine Schuluniform gepresst wurden. Nachdem sein Paket verstaut war, legten Viktor und Thomas die Hosenträger-artigen Riemen über die Schultern. Das Gewicht von knapp 5kg konnte von dem Material nicht gehalten werden und benötigte zusätzliche Hilfe. Eine Spezialanfertigung für den Jahrgangsbesten in der Bodybuilder-School. Das kleine Logo auf dem Poser war durch die Menge an Männlichkeit komplett verzerrt und kaum erkennbar. „Dann hol du den Truck, ich werfe die Maschine an.“ Ben wackelte nun in Richtung Ausgang des ebenerdigen Hauses. Vor langer Zeit mussten sie umziehen, da das Monster keine Treppen mehr steigen konnte. Die fast halbe Tonne an Muskeln wuchtete sich dann die Rampe hoch und der GMC ging tief in die Federn. Viktor kam mit einem Schlauch und steckte ihm seinen Sohn in den Mund. „10.000 kcal auf dem Weg. Guten Hunger!“ Er wollte schon gehen, stoppte dann aber und klemmte das iPad in die Vorrichtung bei Ben. „Hab dein Pad mitgebracht für die Fahrt.“ Ben bedankte sich dann noch und versuchte mit seinen gigantischen Finger das Pad zu bedienen und stockte kurz. Dort war eine ihm unbekannte App offen. Kein Name, kein Brand und ein etwas seltsames Interface waren darauf zu sehen. Individual Gewicht Globaler Durchschnitt Penis Größe Globaler Durchschnitt … Und sehr viel mehr seltsame Reiter - doch überall waren Werte eingetragen und tatsächlich konnte er oben seinen Namen sehen. Ben Neumann. Die sonst so glatte Stirn legte sich in Falten und er merkte, wie sein Schwanz leicht hart wurde. Vielleicht eine App wie für Sims oder eine andere Simulation. Er klickte sich also ein bisschen durch und spielte damit rum.
  2. So I've translated my original german story. Please be kind - not my native tounge! Hope u like anyways! ___ Confirm input? Yes/No Apply changes globally? Yes/No Save settings as default? Yes/No Save and continue? Yes/No ___ When Ben woke up, he did not feel as if he had really slept. He seemed dull and for a moment also disoriented, unsure where he was and who he was at all. Maybe it was because of this strange dream... A nightmare. In this dream he was also 18, but fat with 280 pounds of pure blubber and a gigantic belly. A micro penis of just 1 angry inch. No friends and only food around him. Alone and unhappy. A sigh came over Ben's lips and a glance at the alarm clock revealed that it was 6:45. In fact, he had woken up fifteen minutes too early because of that stupid dream. He closed his eyes for a moment, but then got up and went into the bathroom. Like every morning, the first thing he did was to go to the scale. The modern part that his father had bought showed everything and due to the stored data, body fat and muscle mass measurements were also possible. 205 lbs with 11% body fat distributed on 6’1. So as always. Shortly he hesitated and the feeling in this dream was there again... As always, he noticed that his best piece loved the numbers and slowly pumped up, with which he quickly hopped into the shower. After the 7 inches had been worked on and the body cleaned, it was time to get dressed. He was at a fitness school for boys. The concept had always been there. The graduates of this school went directly to big modeling agencies, bodybuilder training or the porn industry. His father supported him in his plans to get one of the leading Only Fans accounts. Like each of these schools, he wore a school uniform. A pair of workout compression shorts and a matching top with the school's logo. He was a little annoyed by this, as he liked to show off his washboard abs. But you couldn't have everything. On his way downstairs, his dad greeted him: "Morning champ!" the 44-year-old bear commented. His father had once been a bodybuilder himself and was now putting his knowledge of nutrition to good use for his son. A high-protein breakfast awaited the student. "You're okay. You seem kind of... off." commented Victor, his father. "I'm... all good. Had a stupid dream... I was fat..." Which led to a hearty laugh from his dad. "Fat... That hasn't been an issue for 30 years." And sure enough, it dawned on Ben now. Almost as if the information was completely new to him - but familiar. It was a strange feeling. There were no more fat people. The two were still talking about the upcoming routines they were going to try in the afternoon and what else was going on at school instead of. Soon it was "posing exam" and Ben of course a little excited. Then, an hour later, Ben got off at his school. "Fitness School for Young Men in the North District." The everyday sight of the many, trained boys in tight sportswear was absolutely nothing special and also the fact that a few students greeted each other with fierce French kisses. So Marc also came up to Ben and kissed him passionately. His best friend since elementary school always wanted to go more in the direction of bodybuilders and it showed. At 18 years already 245lbs on was considerable and the tight spandex clothing left nothing to the imagination. They were indeed not together, but at some point it had become accepted in the world that you greeted best friends so. Suddenly it was that feeling again... The feeling of a dream. Marc also commented on the somewhat tired impression of his friend, but then the bell rang for the start of school. The day consisted of ecotrophology in the sports sector, posing analysis, social media training and a 4-hour sports program. Sweaty Ben came home, his father already cooking again. "Hey champ! How was school?", he wanted to know directly and while eating Ben told about the latest trends and what was going on in school. Mainly, who was with whom. "Shall we test the new workout right away then?", Victor wanted to know, but Ben shook his head. "I still have four selfies to take, edit, and three videos to catch up on YouTube. Sorry, but homework comes first," with which he left for his room. Once there, the fitness model wondered why his tablet had an app open that was unfamiliar to him. No name, no brand, and a somewhat strange interface were on it. Individual Weight Global average Penis Size Global average ... And a lot more strange tabs - but values were entered everywhere and in fact he could see his name at the top. Ben Neumann. The usually smooth forehead wrinkled and he noticed how his dick got slightly hard. Maybe an app like for Sims or some other simulation. So he clicked through a bit and played around with it. ___ Confirm input? Yes/No Apply changes globally? Yes/No Save settings as default? Yes/No Save and continue? Yes/No ___ When Ben woke up, he did not feel as if he had really slept. He seemed dull and for a moment also disoriented, unsure where he was and who he was at all. Maybe it was because of this strange dream... A nightmare. In this dream he was also 18 years old and a real Twink with only 200-something-pounds. A mini penis of just 7 inches. Nothing to be proud of somehow. Not in this world. A sigh came over Ben's lips and a glance at the alarm clock revealed that it was 6:45. In fact, he had woken up fifteen minutes too early because of that stupid dream. He closed his eyes for a moment, then he heaved himself upstairs. As usual, he rolled onto his side and then his legs out of bed. Briefly he gave his circulation a chance to adjust to the changed position. Then he got up and stomped into the bathroom. Once there, his first walk, as he did every morning, was to the scale. The modern piece that his father had bought showed everything and, based on the data stored in it, body fat and muscle mass measurements were also possible. 320 lbs with 9% body fat distributed on 6’4. So as always. Shortly he hesitated and the feeling in the dream was back. But a look in the mirror helped. He wasn't the biggest teen bodybuilder in the world, but he was satisfied with his look. All that training had made his face more prominent and he wasn't buying the 18 years. High cheekbones and a broad chin. Blue eyes, graced by bushy eyebrows. A broad neck that flowed into a wide nape and even broader shoulders. The biceps, strained or not, were always crisscrossed with veins. His waist was tight and adorned by 8 hard muscles. His legs, as wide as tree stumps had been touching for a long time, ensuring that his lemon-sized testicles were pushed forward and his 10 flaccid inches lay above them. Whereas his cock was slowly getting ready for the morning routine at the sight of his body. Ben turned sideways and entered the shower. Halfway dried - because he did not reach all places since lately - it went to dressing. He was at a bodybuilder school for boys. The concept had always existed. The graduates became gigantic men with incredible muscle mass. His father supported him in his quest to become one of the next Mr. Univers. Like any of these elite schools, he wore a school uniform and was annoyed beyond measure. The crop top hid his pecs and only his 8-pack was visible. He loved his pecs though, but couldn't do anything about the school rules. The other problem was the pants. Maybe they used to fit little men 50 years ago. But the cocks of the youth were simply fatter, longer and bigger. Only with effort he stuffed everything into these mini shorts. A quick look in the mirror judged the fit of his pants and briefly he had again the feeling of the strange dream... "Morning Monster.", his father Victor greeted him. He himself was a graduate of the school and one of the year's heaviest. 414 pounds he weighed even today and dressed only in poser, he made a meal for 18 normal people. Or one, growing, budding star in the bodybuilder sky. A high-protein breakfast awaited the student. "You're okay. You seem kind of... off.", Victor commented. "I'm... all good. Had a stupid dream... I was... just 200lbs..." Which led to a hearty laugh from his producer. "Yeah, but then you were enrolled in school. Are you scared of the posing exam?" to which he got a nod of his head in response. The two were still talking over breakfast and his father was trying to ease his nervousness. Then, an hour later, Ben got off the bus at his school. "Bodybuilder School for Young Men in the North District." The front yard of the school looked like it was at a convention. All the men in crop tops, tight pants, one or the other pumped up from the morning workout, and a few of the upper classes were already waddling towards the building due to their mass, in order to be in class on time. His best friend, Marc, since elementary school came up to him and first jokingly pinched his left nipple before French kissing him. Marc also commented on the somewhat tired impression of his friend, but then the bell already rang for the start of school. The day consisted of ecotrophology in the muscle-building sector, posing analysis, posing routine and a 4-hour lifting. Sweaty Ben came home, his father already cooking again. "Hey Monster! How was school?", he wanted to know directly and while eating Ben told about the latest trends and what was going on in school. Mainly, who was with whom. "Shall we start your afternoon training right then?", Viktor wanted to know, but Ben shook his head. "I discovered a few deficits in my posing today. I still have to catch up on that. Sorry, but homework comes first," with which he took his leave for his room. Once there, the bodybuilder was surprised to see that his tablet had an unfamiliar app open. No name, no brand and a somewhat strange interface were visible on it. Individual Weight Global average Penis Size Global average ... And a lot more strange tabs - but values were entered everywhere and in fact he could see his name at the top. Ben Neumann. The usually smooth forehead wrinkled and he noticed how his dick got slightly hard. Maybe an app like for Sims or some other simulation. So he clicked through a bit and played around with it. ___ Confirm input? Yes/No Apply changes globally? Yes/No Save settings as default? Yes/No Save and continue? Yes/No ___ When Ben woke up, he did not feel as if he had really slept. He seemed dull and for a moment also disoriented, unsure where he was and who he was at all. Maybe it was because of this strange dream... A nightmare. He was also 18 in this dream, but only 320 pounds and his dick was not worth mentioning. A sigh came over Ben's lips and he called out loud: „I’m up...", He had no idea what time it was, to turn his head, he could not for a long time. "Morning Titan!", his father greeted him. "Morning kid.", Thomas, his father's friend and "keeper" of Ben said. The two heavy-weight bodybuilders with a combined weight of almost 770 lbs, panted heavily and heaved Victor's son out of bed. "Well, there's a few more pounds on there," Thomas commented, tapping one of the steel-hard pecs. "Let's take a look then, shall we?" his father suggested, and Ben wobbled toward the bathroom. The heavy-duty scale protested slightly, but then recited all the data aloud: "Ben Neumann - 18 years - 6'9 - Cradle - Please wait - Check - Process - 1053,81 lbs - 7% body fat." Both fathers applauded and Viktor said, "We'll make the half-ton by the end of the school year after all! But let's go now. Shower and jerk." So all three men entered naked the large area, which was used as a shower. 5 square meters tiled with various shower nozzles. Otherwise they could not get their son clean. While one took care that every part of the body was soaped and made clean, the other took care of the throbbing 17 inches cock. The handball-sized balls provided enough sperm than the drain couldn't handle from time to time. Drying the colossus also took another long time and during that Ben could get a picture of his monumental body. His cheekbones and chin were of incredible symmetry and very angular. 18 years and radiating a masculinity. His neck was almost twice as wide as his head and disappeared between his trapezius muscles. Since 100 lbs ago, it was almost impossible to turn his head. His shoulders finally reached a width of 8 feet and last but not least he looked even broader, due to his protruding arms. His latissimus ensured that the melon-sized biceps were resting quietly on it. Almost ridiculously narrow in contrast, his 40cm waist with 10-pack looked. Played below that, purely in terms of width, were his legs. So big and wide that his walking was a wobble and even "rolling past each other" his thighs became problematic. There seemed to be almost no room for his gigantic cock including testicles, which were now pressed into his school uniform by Thomas. After his package was stowed, Viktor and Thomas put the braces-like straps over his shoulders. The weight of nearly 10 pounds could not be held by the material and needed extra help. A custom made for the year's best in bodybuilder school. The small logo on the poser was completely distorted by the amount of masculinity and barely recognizable. "You get the truck then, I'll fire up the machine." Ben now wobbled toward the exit of the ground-level house. A long time ago they had to move because the monster could no longer climb stairs. The almost half ton of muscle then heaved itself up the ramp and the GMC went into the springs. Victor came up with a hose and stuck his son in his mouth. "Ten thousand kcal on the way. Good hunger!" He was about to leave, but then stopped and jammed the iPad into the device near Ben. "Brought your pad for the ride." Ben then thanked him and tried to operate the pad with his gigantic fingers and faltered briefly. There was an app open there that was unfamiliar to him. No name, no brand and a somewhat strange interface were on it. Individual Weight Global average Penis Size Global average ... And a lot more strange tabs - but values were entered everywhere and in fact he could see his name at the top. Ben Neumann. The usually smooth forehead wrinkled and he noticed how his dick got slightly hard. Maybe an app like for Sims or some other simulation. So he clicked through a bit and played around with it.
  3. This is a story that I wrote around 10 years ago on the old forum and it randomly came to mind today, so I thought it would be good to repost it over here and doctor it up a little bit. Enjoy Finally. Right in front of his eyes sat one of the books of histories. To someone with no knowledge of these books, they looked like a book with blank pages, no writings. But Tyler knew the secret. These books had the power to change past, present, and future by scrawling on the blank pages. He had the power to do anything he wanted. He could write himself a doctorate and skip college, or even write himself as president. The possibilities were endless! Tyler had one thing on his mind, though. He wanted to be bigger. Tyler had always been the super skinny kid throughout the years. Up until his junior year of high school, he was short (about 5'6") and skinny. Then he hit his growth spurt. He shot up to about 6'2" but never bulked up, leaving him as a tall, lanky guy weighing at about 135 lbs. He was so embarrassed by his frame that he rarely swam with a shirt off and wore sleeved shirts that covered most of his stick-like arms. But, as he looked at the blank pages of this book, he knew his skinny days were over. He was slightly pessimistic about how the book worked so he thought he'd just test it out. He picked up the pen and scrawled on the page "Tyler Smith gained 40 lbs of muscle instantly." He completed the sentence and waited. Nothing happened. He was so disappointed. He actually thought this book would work, but it was all just a fable apparently. He had to get up for classes the next day, though, so he crawled into bed and fell asleep. He awoke the next morning, took his morning shower, got in the car and drove to class. He was still bummed about the book not working as he drove down the road. He arrived on campus and walked to class. Normally, his bookbag seemed a little heavy-not too bad but noticeably. When he grabbed his bag out of the car, though, it seemed lighter. He checked the bag to see if anything was missing and everything was there. It was then that he noticed his arm. It took a bit since he always wore the longer-sleeved tees. His arm was noticeably bigger-not bulging huge, but definately a lot more definition than he remembered. He lifted up his shirt and saw the faint outline of a 6 pack instead of the bottom of his ribcage. He ran his hands over his chest and felt two bumps that were his more defined pecs. The book worked!, he thought. Excitedly, he ran to his one class of the day. He couldn't wait to get home and utilize the powers of this book even more. But, his growth wasn't completely finished. As he was sitting in his Algebra class, his waistline seemed a lot tighter. He normally had to wear a belt because he couldn't find pants that were long enough for his lanky body that still fit his waist. He tried loosening the belt a few notches, but they still felt too tight. He removed the belt completely and felt better. As he did, though, his shirt came up enough to get a glimpse at a new set of chiseled abs. His shirt felt a little tighter as well and a faint outline of his pecs was now visible. Tyler got slightly aroused by this and couldn't wait any longer. Class would be over in 15 minutes. It would be ok. He gathered his books and rushed out the door. He sped home and ran to his room. He shut the door and took his shirt off. What he saw in the mirror was remarkable. He had the physique of a model now. His pecs were bigger along with his biceps. Just to further test how accurate the book was, he found a scale and stood on it. The readout said "175". He had gained exactly 40 lbs! He realized, then, that the book really did work and that he could make himself even bigger if he wanted. He smiled to himself, sat down at the table and began writing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The book sat in front of Tyler and he merely sat there thinking of the possibilities. He picked up his pen and began writing, "Tyler Smith gains 100 lbs of muscle over the next week." He didn't want to draw too much suspicion to his sudden burst of growth, although 100 lbs in one week was still unheard of. He shut the book and sat back, imagining how he would look with that extra bulk added to his tall frame. Just the thought of it gave him a hard-on. He thought about it a few extra minutes and drifted off to sleep... Tyler awoke the next morning extremely groggy and disoriented. He reached for his glasses but couldn't find them, so he just went straight to the bathroom to put his contacts in. He looked at his blurred reflection and he thought his frame looked slightly broader. He quickly put in his contacts and observed. His pecs were quite a bit more defined than the night before as were his abs. His biceps flexed was firm but still not all that large, but it was a start. He got dressed, enjoying the feeling of his shirt being slightly tighter around his pecs, and went to his one class of the day. He came home later and began thinking about other things he could do with the book. He always hated that his eyesight was bad, so he took the book and wrote, "Tyler Smith's eyesight is 20/20 vision and has never needed any optical corrections." Instantly his eyes got blurry with the contacts in them. He grabbed the tiny discs of plastic and threw them away. His eyesight was perfect! He then corrected a few extra things that he didn't like, such as his natural hair color (which he made dark brown instead of blonde) and his complexion. He had always hated how pale he was and he always burned when he attempted to tan. Now his skin was a sexy, tanned skin tone. He began to feel woozy so he went to bed. A few days passed with minimal results each morning. His muscles became slightly more defined, but not much. By saturday, the scale read "193". He began to worry that the book wouldn't do exactly what he wanted anymore. Of course, he was happy with the total extra 58 lbs of muscle, but he wanted more! He finished his day and went to bed and dreamed of his extra muscle. Tyler woke up the next morning feeling strange. He felt dizzy again. He stumbled out of bed to his bathroom, like any other morning, but what he saw in the mirror almost caused him to pass out. He saw a different person in the mirror. His chest jutted out in front of him and his former 6 pack was now a clearly defined 8 pack. He flexed his bicep as it exploded with power. It was the size of a softball and as firm as a rock. His once long, spindly fingers were now thick and meaty. His forearms were unbelievable in size and vascularity. The veins running up and down his arm looked like a road map. His legs had grown immensely as well and he realized that he wouldn't be able to wear his normal pair of jeans if he wanted to go anywhere. He dug through his drawers and found a pair of super baggy sweatpants. He squeezed them over his thick thighs, basking in the feeling of fabric stretched over his now muscular legs. He tried to put on one of his shirts, but he couldn't get the shirt past the two slabs of rocks that were his pecs. He went to his parents' room and grabbed one of his dad's shirts. It fit snuggly, accentuating his billowing biceps and pecs. While he was in there he grabbed their scale just to see how much weight he had put on overnight. The scale's readout said "225". He still had 50 more lbs that he knew he would gain before the day ended. He called his friend, Todd and told him that he had to show him something. They met at the mall and Todd didn't believe his story about the book and being able to change anything that came to mind. He marveled at Tyler's gorgeous body. Todd was straight and was engaged to a gorgeous girl, but he couldn't hide his growing member in his pants from Tyler. He could tell that Todd was extremely jealous, because he had always talked about getting a gym membership and getting "buff" but he was always too lazy to start on it, so he stayed thin. His frame was probably 10 pounds heavier that what Tyler's previous size was, but 4 inches shorter. Now Todd was also a lot lighter than Tyler and he felt insignificant. Tyler told him that to prove to him that it was the book, he would make Todd just as much of a gorgeous hunk as he was now. They continued wandering the mall, laughing at all the looks that Tyler was now getting from everyone. Throughout the day, he felt his clothes getting tighter and tighter. Finally on his way home, his shirt had finally reached it's limits. His big, juicy chest was literally busting out of the front of his shirt. He rushed into the house, threads popping in his obscenely tight sweatpants with each step. He checked the scale and he had gained the whole 50 lbs now weighing in at 275 lbs. He marveled at his mass in the mirror. He was the size of some of the largest bodybuilders out there now. He pulled a most muscular, causing the t shirt to disintegrate instantly. After spending about an hour posing in his bathroom mirror, he grabbed the book and wrote about Todd so he wouldn't feel left out. Todd weighed about 140 lbs so he wrote that "Todd would gain 250 lbs overnight and grow a monster dick." and went to sleep, loving every minute of his new, sexy body. He fell asleep dreaming of how much bigger he could make himself using that book... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Todd woke up the next morning feeling very funny. Everything ached and he felt constricted. Everything felt smaller, even his bed. He sat up and realized he was ALOT bigger. His tshirt was in shreds on the floor around him. He looked around, realizing that his shoulder blades both stretched past each side of the headboard of his bed now. He stared in shock at the size of himself, or what he could see anyways. His massive pecs blocked any view of what loomed below them. He stared at his massive hands, now the size of dinner plates, with the thickest, meatiest fingers attached to them. He was so shocked and excited he immediately went for his mirror, which is where he saw the rest of his body. Getting to the mirror was interesting to say the least. Doorways were too small for him now and he couldn't see them, but apparently his thighs were large enough to make walking more complicated as well. It took some adjustment but he finally made it to his bathroom. His size was mind boggling. Todd was already shorter than Tyler, so you can imagine what 390lbs of beef packed onto a 5'9" frame would look like. Where he hadn't grown any taller, he had to be triple the width of what he used to be. His sweatpants looked like they were painted on to his body now because of his tree trunk sized quads. The fact that they were still intact was a miracle in itself. He could see the fabric billowed out where his massive calves were hidden beneath. His waist now bulged out like a roid gut, making him look even more massive and tank-like. Todd simply stood there marveling at his new, massive body. He was like a real life hulk. He was starting to get turned on by his body. As he felt his rod pulsating and enorging, his eyes widened at the impressive bulge protruding from his crotch now. He stared in awe as it continued to grow and grow, until his sweatpants could not take it anymore. They shredded right down the middle and the most massive dick Todd had ever seen came erupting outwards. Hard, it had to be at least two feet long and as thick as a telephone pole. It extended out and then upwards as it slammed in between the deep valley of his enormous chest. The head rose higher still, until Todd was nearly face to face with the tip of his enormous dick. He grabbed his thick cock, having to use both of his massive hands to handle the beast and began jacking off like a mad man. The orgasm that followed was world-shattering. The first thing after he recovered he did was call Tyler to tell him to come over so he could see his new body. A couple of minutes later Tyler showed up at his door and was freaking out! Seeing his best pal raided out beyond belief was amazing! They decided to go to the mall to show off their new bodies. Todd ended up having to wear some old baggy sweatpants and an extremely tight t-shirt that accentuated every muscle in his upper body. The sweatpants hugged his taught bubble butt and tree trunk legs. They loved all the looks they were getting from everyone at the mall. While they were there, they got some new clothes to wear that would fit their new, huge bodies. Later, Tyler returned home, content with his life now, and got ready for bed. The book was still sitting on the table where he left it. He saw it and began to think of more things he could change about himself. He sat down and began to write all of his fantasies of what his body should look like. He ended the long description with the most specific date and time that it would happen so he wouldn't have to wait. He wanted it all right now. He wrote in the book that it would alter reality so noone would notice that he had changed so much over the course of a couple of days except Todd. He wanted to see his reaction at the changes. He knew he would accept him however he looked. He sat there waiting, in his baggy pajama pants and shirt he had bought at the store that day (He still liked to be comfortable when he slept right?). In a couple of minutes he felt it beginning. It was the most intense pleasure that he had ever felt. Everything felt hot, and began vibrating. The first thing to hit was his biceps. They exploded with power. He felt the fabric slowly getting tighter and tighter around his arms. They went from baseballs, to softballs, to bowling balls, finally to basketballs. Next his chest began to expand tremendously. He had always wanted the most round, perfect, gigantic pecs ever known to man. They just kept expanding, until finally, he could easily rest his chin on his gigantic pec shelf. It seemed to stick out at least a foot in front of him. Next his back and shoulders widened out. He was now about 5 feet wide from shoulder to shoulder. His shirt was holding on for dear life at this point. He decided to just make it easier for himself and flex out his shirt. In doing so, the shirt exploded, along with his muscles. They all expanded out a couple of more inches, making him even more massive. He could feel his bubble butt expanding underneath him, lifting him further up off his seat. He'd always wanted a nice, firm bubble butt. Well, he was getting one now. He stood up and saw the most, round, perfect bubble butt sticking out. It almost seemed to defy gravity. His legs were next. His sweatpants were filled out with new gigantic thighs within seconds. His calves exploded with power stretching out the fabric even more. This time, in his writing, he had mentioned his cock. He'd had an average-sized cock before but all that was changing now. He could feel it growing in his boxers, creating a bulge in the front of his sweatpants. Before long, his sweatpants just ripped and fell off from the increasing pressure being placed on them. His cock exploded out of his boxers at full mast. It was about 2 feet long and about a foot around. He stood there for a minute, marveling at himself in the mirror. He was a true god now. In the process he grew about 10 inches taller, putting him at 7 feet tall now. Even at 7 feet, all the muscle packed onto his body made him look like a monster of a man. And then it hit him. He forgot about the rest of the things he had written. He had always wanted more facial hair and body hair to begin with. He was virtually hairless except on his head, and his crotch. He got really itchy suddenly, and dark hair began sprouting out everywhere. Within a couple of seconds he had a nice dusting of stubble on his face. He had a nice coating of hair on his chest, with a treasure trail cutting between his thick cut abs. He had also wanted his face to be matured more. He watched in the mirror as his jawline began to sharpen and define itself, and age just slightly. With the stubble, he now looked like he came straight out of a GQ magazine, minus the unreal proportions of his muscles. The final stages of growth hit, making his body expand out even more by a couple of inches, as well as his stomach. Tyler had always secretly wanted a huge muscle gut. He observed as his stomach bulged out slowly, bulging out past his insanely huge chest. He now had a huge muscle gut resting below his pecs. The faint outline of abdominals could still be seen. The last bout of growth happened on his neck. His neck expanded outward giving him a bullneck. He groaned, hearing his voice drop several octaves in the process, leaving him with a deep, sexy voice. He immediately went to the scale to see how much weight he'd accumulated. The scale went well past 300. To get an accurate weight, Tyler just went to the basement where his parents happened to have a scale for shipping packages. He stepped onto it and the numbers topped off at around 489. 489lbs! As he stood there marveling at the number before him, he felt that same pleasure come back. He had been so caught up in his growth, he forgot the he had written a sort of 'aftershock' in, if you will. As he stood there, he felt his frame stretch even higher and even wider all at once. The pounds were packing onto his frame at an insane rate now. He stared at the scale as it seemed to get further away, watching as the numbers climbed higher and higher, until finally, he couldn't see over his enormous pecs anymore. His head had just started to brush the ceiling when the growth stopped. If the book did what he told it to do, he was now a literal giant of muscle. His body now stretched 9 feet into the air. He now weighed upwards of 800lbs. His wingspan was easily 6 feet from one massive shoulder to the other. His already enormous cock had stretched another foot in length to keep up with the rest of him, putting him at 3 feet of man meat. His massive cock head was oozing pre cum, ready for the slightest sign of arousal. He felt amazing. He decided to go put some clothes on and go see Todd. He'd added to the book so that the house had adjusted to accommodate his new size and he now had clothes available for his new size. The clothes still barely fit over his gargantuan body. He wore a tanktop that billowed out from his chest and muscle gut and a custom pair of jeans that really accentuated his massive thighs and bubble butt. The new size of his cock created a prominent bulge at the front of his jeans as well. Each step around the house literally caused the whole building to quake at his might. He showed up at Todd's door, and Todd almost passed out. Todd didn't recognize the hulking figure before him. Of course all he could see when he opened the door was a pair of the most massive thighs to ever walk the planet and a massive bulge protruding from between. He wanted all of that size and more. It just so happened that one of Todd and Tyler's close friends, Marcus, was over at the time as well. He saw Tyler and immediately started going on and on about how Tyler was so lucky to have the genetics to be that huge and how he wished that he could be a fraction of that size. Tyler got an idea. He went back to his house and began writing in the book... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Marcus's dad was a bodybuilder in his younger days so Marcus already had some great genetics going for him. He was half filipino and half black. He was around 6' and a solid 160 lbs with a little bit of pudginess gained since his 2 years of college but he had some muscle underneath all that. He wanted to be bigger, but never could find the time to buckle down and do it the right way. All he had been thinking about that day is how huge Tyler was! He longed for that size and even more than that. Little did he know that Tyler had gone back home and written in the book some very special things that would change Marcus's life. As Marcus was brushing his teeth that night, he began to feel really light-headed and he felt really tight and tense all over. He usually wore a white undershirt to bed that accentuated the nicely muscled back he had. He stared at himself in the mirror as he saw his shoulders begin to broaden into massive boulders of muscle. His traps grew and practically swallowed his now bull-sized neck. His back broadened even more, stretching the white shirt well past it's limits causing it to rip down the middle. His back and shoulders continued to broaden until he was as wide as he was tall. His facial features broadened and sharpened to accommodate his massive neck. He felt his chest pumping up, and each time he would flex his pecs, they would contract, and stay that same size, growing bigger and bigger with each flex. It was as if someone took two of the largest watermelons and placed them under his skin. The impressive globes of flesh continued to grow until his chin could rest comfortably on them. His biceps writhed and contracted, as they too began to expand to unimaginable sizes. They grew well past the size of bowling balls, unflexed, and veins began to snake down his vascular arms as his triceps joined in the fun. His forearms grew as well causing those huge veins to bulge out. His forearms were the size of any bodybuilder's monster biceps. His shirt had long since lost the battle with his growing body and his pudgy belly began to bulge and grow even more, giving Marcus a nice, solid roid gut. The faint outline of his 8 pack abs could be faintly seen. His butt firmed up and bulged out, making them two huge slabs of prime cut beef. His legs swelled up to the size of tree trunks and his calves bulged out so much that Erik Fankhouser would dream of having biceps that size-much less calves. His cock began to swell in his boxer briefs, which was the only thing still clinging to life on his body. It swelled past twelve inches, creating a massive bulge in his front. It continued to swell, past a foot in a half in length where it finally stopped. His milk chocolate toned body began to sprout up with hair everywhere. A light dusting on his chest, with a treasure trail leading down to his crotch. His forearms sprouted thick tufts of hair along with a nice amount of stubble on his masculine face. To top off the growth, he sprouted up a couple of more inches, putting him at around 6'5". He gaped at his reflection in the mirror as he saw the monster that was him staring back. He had to weigh at least 600 lbs now, just judging how big Todd was. He easily surpassed Todd's size, at least in muscle and weight. He couldn't even take in the fullness of his size because he couldn't even see all of himself in the mirror now. He went to the living room where there was a massive mirror his parents had used as a decoration. His massive penis instantly sprung to life and obliterated his boxer briefs at the sight of himself. He had to be at least 6 feel wide with the widest, sexiest back he had ever seen. His arms jutted out to the side because of how wide his back was. His back was wide enough that even with his muscle gut, it still gave the illusion of a V-Taper. Speaking of his muscle gut, it jutted out proudly in front of him, just enough for him to see it over his immense pectorals. He raised his arms and flexed his biceps. They exploded with power, bulging way past the size of his head-at least the size of watermelons. He rubbed his hands all over his powerful body, feeling the firmness of his beautiful muscle gut, flexing his pecs as they bounced proudly in front of him, his big, dark nips pointing straight to the ground. Marcus wanted to call Tyler and tell him all about what had happened, still clueless that Tyler knew exactly what had happened. Tyler picked up immediately and Marcus began telling him in detail what had happened. He had to get used to his new sexy, deep voice that emanated from his huge bull neck. He had trouble concentrating because of how amazing he sounded now when he spoke. His voice practically rumbled the house. It made him feel powerful. What he didn't know, is that as he was talking to Tyler, he was writing more in the book, causing Marcus to increase in height and weight even more. His voice dropped even lower as his neck grew even bigger. He hung up the phone before he realized that he was now around 14 feet tall, head almost brushing the ceiling of his now larger house. His muscles had remained the same proportion to his height so they grew as well. He was so massive now that a simple shrug practically swallowed his head. His head disappeared between his enormous shoulders when he lifted his gargantuan arms to flex. He didn't know it was possible to get this incredibly huge but he wasn't questioning any of it. He was loving every minute. His already massive cock was now even larger. At 5 feet long and god knows how many feet around, it looked larger than a telephone pole. He thundered his way back to his room and found that all his clothes had mysteriously grown with him. He put on a pair of board shorts that fit, barely. They stretched obscenely over his redwood size legs and his planet sized ass. He then put on a nice t shirt that seemed custom-fit to hug every enormous crevice of his body. His back looked absolutely breath-taking in the shirt. He felt incredible. Powerful. Like he could conquer the world.
  4. HenryCavanaugh

    Pretty Boys / Alpha Men

    Brad and John had never really struggled with anything in life. Genetically blessed, they cruised by on their good looks and boyish charms, winning hearts wherever they went. They were even Instagram celebrities, earning thousands of likes on every carefully-filtered selfie. Brad wasn’t the type to dwell on how he’d become so popular but John let it get to his head and became rather self-centered as a result. He knew that he was a “pretty boy” and he did everything he could to make sure he lived up to that image, carefully watching his weight and only doing exercises at the gym that would keep him lean rather than put on muscle. He insisted that he didn’t want to risk ruining his perfect image. It was really no surprise that the boys were popular attractions whenever they hit the gay clubs but John’s impossibly high standards meant that he often went home alone. Brad was a little more laidback and a big fan of having company in the bedroom and on one particular night, after John had abandoned him and he’d consequently had a few too many drinks, he encountered a handsome young man who only introduced himself as ‘Maguire’. “You’re too gorgeous to be here on your own,” Maguire whispered, his deep voice almost hypnotic in nature and sending shivers down Brad’s spine. There was something compelling about the mystery man’s voice and Brad couldn’t help but want him to talk more. “Do you mind if I keep you company?” “N– not at all,” the pretty boy stammered, surprised by his own lack of confidence. He never had anything to be nervous about and yet in the presence of Maguire he felt entirely inexperienced and unprepared. A drink quickly followed and as Maguire handed it over their fingers brushed together and Brad felt static that sent a shiver down his spine. Little did he know that with just a touch of the glass, Maguire had laced his drink with a magic ingredient - one that would have interesting consequences. The moment the liquid passed down Brad’s throat, his body started to heat up. Just moments later and he felt unbearably so unbearably hot that he was actively tugging at his shirt and considering removing it altogether. “You alright there, stud?” Maguire asked him, sending another shiver down Brad’s spine. “Do you want to go somewhere cooler?” Brad was quick to nod in agreement. He had no idea what had caused the hot flush but it was unlike anything he’d ever felt in his life before. He gasped for breath, embarrassed at having such a reaction in front of somebody as good looking as Maguire. He probably looked like a fool and that simply wasn’t in Brad’s character at all. He was usually the type to remain cool at all times. The rest of the evening passed by in several flashes. The next thing Brad knew he was in the middle of the dance floor with Maguire, lost in the other man’s beautiful eyes. Maguire's rough hands massaged his chest and Brad moaned in delight, loving the magical sensation of the other’s hands on him. Next he was at the bar and Maguire was handing over another drink - this time the man’s hand was on his thigh, creeping closer to where Brad had already tented out the crotch of his jeans. He was quickly being consumed by his lust and he didn’t want to control it either, not when such a hunk was currently treating him like a prince. In the mediocre privacy of a bathroom stall Maguire got down onto his knees and gave Brad the best blowjob of his life, bringing forth deep grunts and groans from the Instagram model. He grabbed hold of Maguire by the hair, quickly claiming dominance over the other in a way that only felt natural to him. In fact he was hardly surprised that the handsome stranger would want him because who wouldn’t? He was clearly the hottest guy in the club and Brad could hardly believe that he was the one lucky enough to be serving such a stud! How hadn't he been snatched up before they had even arrived? Much to his disappointment, the next thing Brad could remember was being completely alone. He was back in the luxury apartment he shared with his best friend, in his en-suite bathroom and taking selfies on his cell phone. He hardly even noticed just how much he had changed, his slender form being replaced by hulking muscle. He was a bonafide hunk - the type of guy who appeared to live at the gym, lifting far more than the original Brad’s body weight! He spent an hour in front of the mirror, popping his pecs and showing off his bulging biceps with various poses that lexed all of his new muscles. He somehow had the body of his dreams. All he knew was that he was damn horny and he needed to do something to sort that situation out. Still horned up from his encounter with Maguire in the club, Brad decided to visit the one person he knew was on hand to help him out. John didn’t even seem to think there was anything different about his best friend as the hunk made his presence known by climbing on top of him and pinning the other boy down against his sheets. “Hey hunk,” John purred, stealing kisses on the other’s pecs. Brad flexed them, putting on a show for his roommate and loving the lust that appeared in the other’s eyes. He was a sucker for people wanting to worship his muscles, it was why his Instagram account was full of selfies with him flexing or working out in the gym! He’d gotten quite the online following for it too! The fact that neither of those things had been real the day before hardly even occurred to Brad anymore as his memories shifted to fit his new reality. One sensual fuck later and John was joining Brad in the land of muscle-fueled alpha machismo. With every thrust inside the smaller man, Brad had watched John’s muscles swell and take on definition. His facial features shifted: his jawline squaring out, stubble growing in and his face fixing into a near-permanent alpha scowl, lifting him out of the realm of pretty boy and into the ‘handsome bro’ category. He would still definitely be a hit at the club but for all different reasons; the twinks would be begging for Jonny to dominate them. Hell, they were both already massively popular at their gym - the owner even gave them free memberships in return for private flexing sessions! By the time both hunks were spent and side-by-side in the bed, they were hardly recognizable from their former lives as pretty boy Instagram models. They were part of Instagram’s fitness clan and damn proud of it. After all, would a pretty boy look this impressive when he flexed? Didn’t think so! This is enough sample story from my time writing on tumblr. These days most of my focus is on my Patreon although I still release monthly stories on my site. If you're interested in reading more of my transformation fiction those are the places to go!
  5. HenryCavanaugh

    Making A Change

    High school hadn’t exactly been a good time for me. I was a certified nerd and everybody knew it which had made me the perfect victim for the jocks and preps that thought they were above me. I was nothing but a punching bag to them and it had been a long miserable four years as I waited to graduate and escape to college where I could try and start again. Chief among all those bullies had been Kieran Stock. He was captain of the football team and easily the most arrogant person imaginable. He acted like the sun moved around him and that we should all bow down to his feet simply because he’d been blessed with good genetics and the opportunity to be born into a rich family with connections to the school board that meant he was never held responsible for his bullying actions or punished. Kieran was the guy that every girl wanted to be with and every guy wanted to be, including me. How could I not? I was miserable and mostly friend-less so of course I daydreamed what it would be like to be a big bad jock like Kieran. It wasn’t as if I’d ever receive that opportunity and my only ever relationship with Kieran would be him trapping me in lockers or facing my head down a toilet bowl. I both loathed and envied him. The moment I discovered the news that my company had just hired Kieran my heart sunk. The thought of confronting my high school bully even fifteen years on filled me with dread and I was terrified that Kieran would pick up where he left off and humiliate me in front of all my work friends. No doubt he had countless stories that would emasculate me. Much to my surprise though, the Kieran Stock that now worked with me was nothing like the arrogant jerk I remembered. He still had a foul attitude, sure, but he had all but lost every physical advantage that had made him so attractive in the first place. The hard athletic muscle had faded leaving him with a hanging gut and flabby arms. His once sharp jawline had been all but hidden by a double chin and his once long flowing hair was now thin and short. I could hardly even believe they were the same person. What had happened to the jock that I had both hated and had a crush on? How had he managed to throw his perfect life away so completely that he was now nothing but a washed-up loser? One thing that hadn’t changed about Kieran was his attitude. He still acted like he was the boss of me despite the fact I had more experience and the respect of our coworkers. They all thought he was a bitter douchebag too and our situations from high school had been completely reversed with myself now being the popular one of the two. Unlike him though I didn’t take advantage of that and make his life miserable by taunting him because even though I had grown more confident over the years I still wasn’t that kind of person. Arguing in the office wasn’t exactly uncommon even if I did my best to try and diffuse the situation. Unfortunately Kieran seemed to thrive on fighting with me and considering he didn’t have the physical strength to back him up anymore he had to resort to using words. Adulthood had treated me rather well - especially in comparison to Kieran - and I was both taller and leaner than I had been in high school but I didn’t exactly make a point to do much exercise other than the occasional run around the block. I didn’t think I was doing too bad for myself but Kieran still tried to pick on me and it was infuriating. “If I’d had half as much as you did in high school I wouldn’t have thrown it all away!” I snapped, losing my patience with him once and for all. “I wouldn’t be an overweight, immature failure like you. I would have made something of my life!” I wasn’t proud of what I was saying but it needed to be said. Kieran certainly looked shocked that I had the nerve to call him out like that. At the time I was ashamed of how I had lost control of my temper but I had no idea just how prophetic would come to be. The face that greeted me in the mirror the next morning was definitely a sign that my words had indeed had more impact than I’d ever intended. That face was most certainly Kieran Stock’s but it wasn’t the bloated visage I had become used to seeing upon my arrival at work every morning. His jawline was sharp, his hair was thick and a healthy layer of stubble covered the lower half of his face. He looked every bit like the stud I remembered from high school, just ten years older. “Holy shit,” I gasped, surprising myself once more with Kieran’s recognizably deep voice. Despite his physical transformation between our high school days and him arriving at the office his deep voice was the only thing that seemed to have become more appealing. Now it was speaking my words and that was enough to cause a stirring in my crotch because it sounded so authoritative and masculine. I was a smart guy; it didn’t take me long to realize what was happening. Even a look around the bedroom confirmed that I wasn’t in my own small one-bedroom apartment and I certainly wasn’t in whatever pigsty Kieran lived in. This place was spacious and luxuriously decorated and most definitely cost more than I earned in a year. It was a level of luxury I wasn’t used to and I felt like I was intruding just by being there - not to mention in a body that was definitely not my own. Unfamiliar memories began to trickle through my mind and despite how strange it felt to remember things that I knew hadn’t really happened to me, I was ready and willing to accept them as the truth. While I didn’t feel too bad about what I had made of my own life since high school, it was clear just from looking around the bedroom and at my reflection that this body and life was far more desirable than what I had been living before. My name was Kieran Stock and my life had been pretty great. I was captain of the football team in high school and prom king, having dated and fucked most of the cheerleading team. Good memories, I thought with a smile. Those memories felt so real to me now that I didn’t even want to question them any more. After high school I had attended college on a football scholarship and from there I had been scouted by the NFL and became one of the top professional players. It was really no surprise I could afford a place this sweet! Reality had reshaped around the original Kieran and I, proving that I hadn’t been wrong when I’d declared that I would have made something of his life had I been given the same opportunities as he had. The longer I spent in this body and this new reality the more the memories became the only thing I could remember and my personality adjusted to this new life. I certainly became more confident and flirtatious, although I lost my attraction towards other men. I picked on boys in high school for being queer, I remembered. That didn’t seem quite right but it was all I could remember so it must be true. I had only ever had a thing for women - particularly cheerleaders which is why my latest squeeze is one of the girls prancing around in a short skirt with her pom-poms during my pro matches. It’s a damn fine view if you know what I mean! The former Kieran came to every single one of my games despite neither of us having any strong lasting memories of who we had been before the reality shift. If we had then I might have noticed that he had treated my old body with just as much disregard as he had his own. Instead all I saw was the fat mess that had become of one of my favorite queer punching bags from high school. I bet I could easily take advantage of how pathetic and desperate he is now by fucking his queer mouth with my thick cock once the game’s over. I’m no faggot but I love forcing men to worship me and take my cock like common whores and would there be anything more rewarding than making one of the biggest losers from high school admit just how much of a loser he still was compared to somebody like me? I’ll let you in on a little secret - it’s damn good to be me. Sadly for him there’s only one Kieran Stock and it’s sure as hell not him! This story is a sample of my work from my old tumblr account. I still regularly post new content featuring various transformations over on Cavanaugh Stories and my Patreon page if you're interested in reading more!
  6. growthfan96

    A Big Wish Goes a Long Way

    A (now late) birthday gift for Abyss123. What happens when on one birthday, a little guy is gifted with anyone he looks at swelling into a huge man. (Features renders done by Hugeadmr) **************************** “Hold the door!” A voice called out before a slim man dashed into the train cart, just making it in as the doors closed behind him with an almost silent hiss right before the train shifted and began its journey. Making his way through the rather sparse compartment, careful not to bump into the other passengers, Jordan praised whatever god there was as he spotted an empty seat before plonking himself upon it, breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath. “... Hate... huff... That alarm... clock...” The man panted out as he opened the front of his jacket slightly, the exertion of running so much having him feeling uncomfortably warm despite the cold weather today. Jordan relaxed in his seat, pulling out his phone to pass the time till he got to work, eyes widening slightly when he saw a message notification on screen despite the early hour. Praying it wasn’t work telling him he’s to go to a different location, Jordan opened the message, pleasantly surprised to see it was a birthday message from a friend. “Huh, forgot I told him about it.” He said to himself as he read the message. ‘Happy Birthday little guy, Hope you’ll have a good day. For your gift I want you to type out a wish and it’ll come true. All the Best.’ The message read, followed by some heart emoticons and a template for the ‘wish’ starting off with ‘For my birthday, I wish:_____’ “Really?” Jordan couldn’t help but scoff at his friend’s idea of a joke. But figuring he had nothing to lose and it could be a fun way to pass the time. “Could be fun.” He whispered to himself, copying the template before typing out his wish, deciding to have some fun as well as he sent the message, rereading it. ‘For my birthday, I wish: to be surrounded by big beasts.’ Smiling as he knew his friend would get a good laugh, and feeling significantly more relaxed than he was before, Jordan went to slip the phone back into his pocket before it vibrated again. “That was quick.” The slim man smiled, figuring his friend had added a steamy comment or maybe shared some risqué art of large guys. Instead Jordan was greeted with a rather cryptic message. ‘Then for today, anyone you look at shall become a massive bear of a man, be it with fat or muscle. Enjoy.’ “Huh? What joke is this?” Jordan raised an eyebrow at the weird message he was sent before groaning as his eyes suddenly ached, rubbing them before blinking rapidly to try and ease what happened. “Hey man, you okay?” Jordan turned to the voice belonging to the clean shaven man seated next to him, taking in the rather athletic build beneath the tracksuit he wore. “Y-yeah, just a headache is all.” He said, blinking a bit as he looked over at his seat neighbour, his mind confused as with each blink, the man seemed to grow... bigger. Whilst Jordan saw the changes, watching the tracksuit stretch and get tighter, muscles steadily bulging bigger before his very eyes, no one else seemed to notice the clearly growing man seated down, least of all the man himself. “So, like what you see?” The now deeper voice shook the slim man from his thoughts, lifting his gaze off the bulging pecs that strained the front of the tracksuit as if trying to force the zipper open, moving towards the handsome face that smirked at him. Jordan blushed at being caught staring at the muscular man, seeing his neck thicken out more as he seemed to inch taller. Jordan cranes his head back to try and keep his eyes on the man’s face, watching as the light 5 o’clock shadow began to darken, steadily spreading into a beard that framed his square jawline. When Jordan tried to apologize for the obvious gawking, he could only barely utter out a stutter filled mess, before being silenced when the seeming ever growing man let out a deep chuckle, earning some side glances from other passengers by its volume before they returned to their own business. “No need to panic little guy. I like it when guys look at me, makes me feel bigger. By the way, Name’s Carl.” He introduced, flexing his pecs that caused the zipper to drop down, exposing some of the hairy chest. Carl brought up his large paw of a hand in greeting, the massive hand was reaching the size of an baseball mitt as his thickening arm saw the sleeves to stretch and pull back, exposing more of the hair covered forearm. Jordan said his own name as they shook hands, the smaller man’s being completely eclipsed by Carl’s. Before Jordan could speak again, mainly about how the man was growing bigger before his very eyes, a harsh ripping sound erupted in the cart, all eyes turning to the source just below the enormous man that was Carl. Jordan looked down, trying not to focus on the prominent bulge between the thickening thighs that Carl had as he saw the training shoes he wore now ripped apart, exposing his large feet that were stretching out the sock he wore. “Man that feels good. Though I like those shoes they were getting to tight for me.” Carl said with a relaxed sigh as he sat back as much as the cramped seat would allow, wiggling his now free toes as they forced out from the remains of the now destroyed shoe-wear. Jordan watched the man swell bigger with each breath he took, trying to keep a conversation with him, only to stop when his thick biceps and forearms to rip through the sleeves off his tracksuit, his quads shredding through his pants making them tight shorts against his thick muscular thighs. When Carl’s broad shoulders and enormous pecs finally forced the the rest of the ruined tracksuit to rip off, giving Jordan a good view of the hair covered chest and sweat soaked tank top, the tannoy system sounded, announcing the arriving station. “Oh, that’s my stop.” Jordan said, standing up before glancing at Carl once more, surprised to see he was eye-level with the seated man who only chuckled deeply. “Alright little guy, nice to meet you. Hope I’ll run into you again.” He said, his deep baritone of a voice practically shaking the train cart as they pulled into the station, the gargantuan man shifting in his cramped seat as passengers had to step over his long thick legs, Jordan gave the enormous bodybuilder one last look before heading off, leaving him in the train as he noticed how people he so much as glanced at seemed to swell out a bit more with size, clothing getting tighter as no one was suddenly surprised to be taller or heavier. ‘Damn it, can’t have the place filled with big guys.’ Jordan said, trying to stay rational as the temptation to let his birthday ‘gift’ go wild had to be contained. Glancing back at the now leaving train, the slim man saw Carl, now having to crouch as he stood, swell larger that his broad shoulders pressed into the roof of the cart, thick, hairy muscles pressing against his fellow passengers, all growing larger before the train disappeared out of eye shot. Taking a deep breath, Jordan kept his eyes on the ground as he slipped into the morning rush. Seeing the people next to him swell with his eyes down, the slim man tried to figure out what do as they approached the stairs, being pressed against the swelling men as their clothing being to rip and pop. Getting closer to the stairs, Jordan glanced up, watching a few men have sudden growths that saw their suits rip open to expose their enlarged forms, before spotting a close by open elevator that none of the other other commuters seemed to be heading for. Deciding to risk it over filling the entire underground train system with huge men, Jordan shouted apologies as he made his way through the crowd, earning some choice curse words and a cacophony of shredding clothing before making it into the deserted lift compartment, quickly slamming the ground floor button as he slumped against the far wall of the elevator. As the door began to close, a voice suddenly called out. Raising his head up, Jordan watched as a slim woman slipped inside, panting as she pressed the same button to go up, leaving the two in silence as the elevator began it’s arguable slow ascend. As Jordan saw the woman, noticing his slim build and long hair, he figured his ‘gift’ wouldn’t affect her at all… only to blink and see the ‘woman’ now with more masculine traits as he leaned back against a wall. ‘Well, Drew was efficient with his gift.’ Jordan sighed, glancing away as the swelling man scratched his chest in the tight sitting suit he was wearing. Looking away, Jordan was mentally cursed himself as he realised the walls in the elevator were covered in mirrors, ever angle turning him back to the steadily growing man, his long hair receding back as he grew bigger, thickening fingers tapping on a phone as he remained unaware of his sudden gender and size shift. After a few seconds of taking in the situation, and earning a deep relaxed sigh from the swelling man as his feet burst through the tight work shoes, Jordan just shrugged and thought, ‘fuck it, might as well enjoy this.’ As he focused all his attention on the growing man, seeing his bearded face inch higher in their confined space as his shoulders grew broader, the back of his suit straining against his thickening back and bulging ass cheeks threatening to burst through the seat of his pants. Looking at one of the reflections, he watched as the front of his suit strained against the swelling pecs and round gut that were forcing the buttons apart, each popping off as he took breaths, sweat dripping down as he swelled bigger and bigger with his pants shredding apart to reveal the tight speedo he was wearing, eventually having to start to crouch down as his head started to reach the ceiling. Eventually all to soon, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Finally, getting cramped in here.” The swollen behemoth of a man said with a room shaking baritone, grunting as he bent over to fit through the tiny doorway, leaving behind the shredded clothing as he gave Jordan a good view of the swelling, speedo stretching ass. As he stumbled out, breathing in the musky odor the bear left behind, Jordan shrugged and headed for work, not minding changing the people as he walked, figuring his day at work will be plenty fun now. “Heh, sorry little fella. Didn’t see you there.” Jordan quickly waved off the immense man’s worry as he ducked beneath the imposing behemoth’s frame. Once a well built office worker stopping for some supplies, after a couple minutes of Jordan staring at his back, he had now swelled to colossal proportions. His bald head pressing against the ceiling of the store along his impossibly thick neck and broad shoulders, despite the colossus crouching. Looking up, Jordan saw his thick front, the 5 o’clock shadow that was stubble now a thick beard that trailed down and mixed with the carpet of chest hair that spread over the billboard sized pecs. His thick stomach more like a turtle shell with it bulging outwards with the outline of his abs being highlighted by the dense treasure trail. Glancing down to eye level, between the huge man’s thick legs swollen as they were bend to keep from breaking through the ceiling, Jordan stared at the impressive cock that strained the skin tight jockstrap that gargantuan beast was clad in. Taking one last look before the tell tale sound of the ceiling cracking from the growing man pushing against it, Jordan looked down before heading back to the storage room, feeling the entire store shake with the behemoth’s powerful footfalls as he left the store. Deciding to risk a glance when he heard the behemoth grunt loudly, Jordan watched him trying to squeeze his gigantic form out the double doors, his broad shoulders and thick arms halfway out before the metal began to bend as he grew against. After some struggling and more growth, to which seemed to be enjoy if the booming moans were anything, the gigantic beast managed to get out, the door almost broken off. “Sorry about the mess.” The huge man said in a deep voice, glancing back to the tiny store before standing tall and adjust his front in the now much too tiny jockstrap. His bulging ass towering out of sight of the ceiling to floor windows before the beast began to stomp off, Jordan deciding to look away now rather than make the leaving giant into a skyscraper sized beast… at least, for now. Deciding to get back to work, Jordan turned back to the store room, sparing a glance to one of the posters on the wall depicting a slender woman advertising some ‘diet water’. With a blink, the slim man couldn’t help but smile at the now massive bodybuilder of a man, flexing his thick arms over head with his back spread out across the landscape, the ad now for the new ‘Mega Bulk Beer’. Jordan had to relish this gift before heading back into the storeroom to continue the work he had to do, thankful he just had about two more hours left till his break and he didn’t have to make excuses to go to the front whenever they had a customer. Before Jordan could settle back into the store room, contemplating putting on an old tv to watch the news and make the news anchors swell out of the studio, he heard the familiar sound of his supervisor call him to his office. Entering the closed room, Jordan struggled to push down his smile as he looked at his supervisor. The once short but well built man, a marathon runner, now took up a couch for an office chair as his bulbous body swelled behind the desk, belly and moobs stretching out the sail sized shirt with his gut pressing the desk further away. On the sides, Jordan caught sight of the silo thick thighs pushing against the tight cloth, spreading out with his huge feet swelling bigger than any shoe could contain. “You know why I called you shrimp?” The huge man mumbled out through a stuffed mouth, shifting his immense body in the creaking couch, a donut in each hand. Earning a shake of Jordan’s head, the swelling man groaned, stuffing more food into his mouth and surging in size more, buttons popping off the straining shirt like bullets, showing more hair covered flesh. “The head office need someone to come in for a meeting and since they haven’t updated the place for big guys like me, I need you to go in and sit for the meeting instead of me.” The blubbery boss said, punctuating his sentence with a room shaking belch, causing his fat loaded body to wobble about before settling after a few seconds. Although more buttons rapidly popped off with the movement, revealing more of the two hills that were his heavily packed moobs. Jordan nodded at the order, watching his growing boss grumble over the latest shirt malfunction, before leaving the room, one last glance at the mountain of fat that was his boss, feeling the ground shake when the couch finally gave up holding the colossus of fat. Smiling as he stepped towards the employee locker room, Jordan smiled when he thought of all the more beasts he could make at the office… and the many on his way there too. “... And that concludes the stock market. I hope you’ve already put money in Jacob’s clothing stocks since they’ve had a good quarter in sales, especially in their jockstraps and undergarments.” The hulking bear explained to the camera, flexing his huge bulging muscles proudly with one hand reaching to snap the strap of his over stretched jockstrap he was wearing. The camera shifted back over to the main anchormen Daryl and Karl, formerly Darla and Karen. Now two massive hulks that crouched behind the tiny desk that only provided slight cover for their massive speedo clad fronts. The two caught mid flex before smiling at the camera, barely suppressing a moan as they surged with size, bumping the desk the towered over. “Thank you… Alex.” Daryl panted out as he looked down at the camera, his pecs heaving with each breath he took, swelling larger as he tried to remain composed on air. “With that we’ll take a break for weather before coming back to talk about recent property damage due to reckless individuals and how the city plans to tackle these issues.” “Next stop, Main Street Square.” “Ah, that’s my stop.” Jordan said to himself, unplugging his headphones and turning off the news livestream on his phone before shoving both back into his pocket. The slim man glanced up from his seat on two massive hulks’ legs, reaching up towards the bell before keeping his eyes down as the bus slowed to a crawl. Getting up, Jordan waved to the two men he had sat beside and then a top of, the hulking men chuckling as they swelled again, heads denting the bus roof as they surged with more height and muscle mass. With a sigh Jordan hopped out of the musk filled bus, seeing it off before he headed down the sidewalk, men and women beside him growing bigger. It wasn’t long before the scrawny man made it to the office building, glancing up before walking into a spacious lobby. With glances to the now plus sized employees, stepping towards the reception, Jordan greeted the fit man behind the desk, smirking when his swimmers build began to swell with muscle and fat. “Hi there, I’m here for a meeting on behalf of my regional store supervisor.” Jordan said, explaining to the receptionist where the store was. Waiting for confirmation, the slim man kept his eyes on the growing man, his suit stretching with the swelling man adjusting his seating. Jordan watched the man switch to using pencils to type as his fingers grew too thick, his slim stomach bulging out into a solid gut as he broadened out more. Eventually the big man swelled taller than Jordan despite staying seated on two chairs, one for each cheek. His suit straining audibly against his burly hulking form, his deep baritone voice calling down to the tiny man. “It’s confirmed, do you mind waiting in a seat?” He asked, adjusting his almost spectacle sized glasses on his nose with his slim face thickening out as a pale beard began to spread on his chin and cheeks. “Not at all, thank you… Jon.” Jordan said, getting a bashful smile when the huge man suppressed a moan when his growth saw to his suit buttons popping off, exposing his thick chest. Turning towards his seat and passing some of the growing men, Jordan thought of all the size he could share before the day was over. Glancing to his phone to see the time was only 2 o’clock, Jordan saw his wallpaper with his now hulk sized dads lifting him on the boulder sized bicep. It was then he decided to use his time to reward his friend Drew for the gift. Sitting down on a chair that a growing superchub got off before it broke under his weight, Jordan glanced at the man’s ripping purple shirt and tearing trousers before turning back to his phone. “Hope he’s not in work.” Jordan chuckled to himself, opening the gallery to find Drew’s photo, realising he should share this gift with all his online friends.
  7. elysiumfields

    Rush Hour Muscle

    iHi folks. A few members recently requested an interest in one of my old reality shift muscle growth stories. So here it once again for old times sake. RUSH HOUR MUSCLE Travelling on a bustling city subway train during a working weeks evening rush hour,can be particularly irritable at times,especially due to the fact that you've got to cram yourself onto a stuffy train carraige,overfilled with commuters who are just as irritable as you..and unwilling to yield enough space so you can squeeze in before the door slides shut. In my case..on my 25 minute journey home,i have to contend with mainly three types of commuters.: Office workers..often the most ignorant to allow me room..,dressed in their immaculate suits and shirt and ties. Construction workers..spilling in from the expansive construction sites developing the area as an upcoming business district...wearing their sand,dirt and cement stained t shirts,High Vis' vests and stained jeans and workboots..usually smelling of sweat and cigarettes.! And then there were the school boys pouring in from a 'well-to-do' All Boys public Oratory school.. 'St Dunstans' or 'St Duncans'..or something like that?. Loud,chattering boys ranging from 12 to perhaps 17, dressed in smart black blazers,white starched shirts,black and white striped ties and so on...some of these kids were small and looking dwarfed in ill fitting oversized blazers!.And then there was a mix of other commuters thrown in for good measure.. Just the normal daily evenings rush hour... but then, this Fridays rush hour was definately not going to be normal..! I just managed to slip onto a train just as the doors were closing,and work myself into a corner not far. Already,the carraige was warm and stuffy and full,but not as constricted with passengers as i had thought,although all seemed to be men,and though there was few hot mid forties Daddy types,the age range did not seem to exceed ,45,but i just shrugged it off as being coincidental that the old folks simply avoided the trains due to the warm weather and stuffiness of the subways. Unfortunately,i was'nt feeling particularly well myself,and i had been feeling unusually tired. I had an odd feeling in myself since the previous unsettled nights sleep..Odd in the fact that every time i caught sight of a buffed muscular young man,i kept on springing a boner in my pants with the slightest daydream or glimpsing fantasy, and i could feel myself dribbling pre-cum into my briefs,which made me feel all the more on edge. The train set off on its journey and i stumbled a little,gently bumping a handsome young office worker attempting to read his financial paper in the crowded carraige.."Sorry" i said,smiling weakly at him, and instantly springing another fucking boner!.He just raised an eyebrow at me and continued reading as i stole furtive glances at hints of a firm athletic physique beneath his black suit jacket and tight black suit pants that hugged a cute pert butt.His short hair was jet black and gelled into short spikes,and from what i could catch from the side,he had ice blue eyes and full lips...full kissable lips.. I shuddered as i felt my cock milk pre-cum into my moistened briefs,then tore my eyes away from him before he noticed. The train swayed again..and i glanced out the window at the darkness of the subway tunnel for a short moment. Then the headphones worn by a youth of around 16 or 17 standing beside me,rattled out what sounded like a Rap tune. I glanced at the youth. Cute. Blue eyes,snub nose,faint peach fuzz on his chin.Wearing dress code typical of modern British youth. Hooded grey jacket over a Burberry cap,white loose tee shirt,baggy black trackie pants and big white trainers. He caught me looking at him and curled his lip in a look of disgust,whispering 'batty-man'..an urban teenagers word for faggot..under his breath. The train stopped at the next station. A few passengers got off,several got on,including a trio of noisy school boys,perhaps around 14 or 15. All three were short,probably no taller than 5ft and likely awaiting puberty still to set in. One kid,a pale boy with ginger hair and freckles and dressed in as expected, a blazer that was obviously too big for him..and hefting a sports bag in front of him, gaggled loudly about his classes football game.I just peered out of the window again as the train doors slid closed and the train set off again. A few minutes passed when the train carraige jolted and this time, making the teenaged boy stumble hard against me as the light flickered briefly. The boy did not apologise like i had to the office guy.He just straightened up and glared at me with a menace that made me feel uncomfortable,even though i was in my thirties and twice as old as him. Our eyes met for a moment,before i yielded and glanced at first,absently to his chest.I had to tear my look away as i was stunned to notice his chest was firm with slender pectoral muscles lightly outlined by the tight fabric. I have a fetish about muscles,and big pecs in particular. My cock twitched into a stiff erection and i leaked pre-cum again. I could feel the youths eyes still bearing into me..and with the next sway of the train, he moved closer to me,about a foot away,as another passenger moved behind him to alight at the next station. I fought desperately not to meet his gaze but gave in. He stared into me and sneered again. I felt my mouth run dry and my heart pound in my chest as i glanced down at his torso..At the sight of his pectoral muscles seemingly thicker than before, and pulling the thin fabric tighter over them,accentuating the shapely curves even more. Thankfully,the boy was diverted by the train swaying and then pulling to a halt deep in the tunnel. But my eyes were fixated on his pecs. They were definately getting thicker and meatier,swelling perceptively under his tee,into deeply curved mounds.' How the fuck was this happening?' i thought.. The boy reached up a hand to adjust his left earphone and with astonishment,i watched as a sizeable bicep bunch and strain at his long sleeves,and the same action of raising his arm,pushed his growing pecs further out into heavier mounds of muscle,the nipples becoming clearly defined and poking out under the tightening tee. I was too slow to look away when the youth glanced at me. "You a fucking faggot?" he snapped loud enough for the office guy,the fit looking guy behind him, and the schoolboys to hear him. I went red with embarrassment. I put up my hands as if to feign innocence,and glanced around. Then i noticed the office stud..Sweet fuck,...was he beefing up too?He looked at me for a moment and returned to reading his newspaper.With his arm raised up holding the paper, i could clearly see a thick bulge of his bicep,even beneath his suit jackets sleeve.Like the boys pecs and biceps,his arm began to thicken and expand beneath the suit,and his shoulders beefed up and swelled. There was a snapping sound and i realised it was a button breaking off his blue shirt as his own pecs began to rise up and thicken like mounds to strain the filling shirt. I was in a state of disbelief at the sight of the youth, and now the office stud,growing ever more muscular by the second. I heard a grunt from someone behind the stud, and the sound of fabric stretching itself apart. The train jolted momentarily and i was drawn back to the youth..and his growing muscles,particularly a bulging chest that took up most of the space before me. The thick mounds heaved and pushed out further stretching the tee like a second skin over his mighty chest.I was sure at any moment that the fabric would rip apart as it strained for dear life,but incredibly it held, and really gave off the size of his pecs to shocking value,growing past the size of a pro bodybuilders!. The youth glared menacingly at me, and then smiled sinisterly.He raised his arms up to pull the hood off of his capped head, and i caught sight of the fat boulders of his biceps bulging obscenely in his overstuffed sleeves. What he did next,nearly made me come in my pants. He pushed his huge swollen pecs,apparently slowing down their expansion,against me, and pinned me into the corner. From out of view,i could hear one of the boys moaning as if he was in pain,followed by the sound of fabric seams ripping. Then.."Fuck,i'm growing" from one of the other boys..Not a tone of alarm,but more of delight..and i heard him swearing and yelling in glee. More grunts and groans and swear words rose from other passengers.Others were growing too. 'This is way too fucking freaky' i thought to myself,feeling a little claustrophobic,pinned in by the youths mountainous pecs.I could feel myself stiffly erect and dribbling pre-cum into my now damp underwear. 'What the fuck was happening?'. "You fucking love this,don't ya..faggot" sneered the youth,whose massive pecs were so swollen,that they pressed against his chin,his neck thickly corded with muscle. The train finally started off on its journey towards my stop. I had to get off.This was too much to comprehend.Yet a little part of me wanted to stay on the train and worship this youths huge muscles. As the train approached the station,the intercom from the driver crackled into life over the grunts and groans and obvious pleasures of this carraige full of muscle men. "Good evening..this train will terminate at ..." he broke off the announcement for a few seconds. "Fuck i'm huge..,sorry guys..i'm gonna have to terminate the train at the next stop..i'm too fucking big for the cab.." 'Shit!' i said under my breath..'Was the whole god damn train affected?' A few minutes later,attempting not to orgasm,i forced my way round the youths huge sexy pecs and towards the doors as they slid open at arrival at my stop.. There,my fears...or desires,were answered.Several huge,insanely muscular men got off from other carraiges.Their clothes,although.pitifully stretched to within an inch of life,and some torn at the seams in places..held in the huge bloated muscles..and then i saw huge obscene crotch bulges straining to keep in freaky sized cocks and balls, on each and everyone of the guys.. And the growth had'nt just affected the train.. Huge musclemen and boys waited and arrived on the platform for trains..They were everywhere i looked. 'Fuck' Was i in Muscle man Heaven or Muscle man Hell? I needed to get home fast..My cock seriously needed beating off..
  8. elysiumfields

    Rush Hour Muscle

    Hi Guys..and gals. Another years old quickie mgs from my backlog.. ...and another theme i like.. Reality shifts/many guys grow/main character unchanged. RUSH HOUR MUSCLE Travelling on a bustling city subway train during a working weeks evening rush hour,can be particularly irritable at times,especially due to the fact that you've got to cram yourself onto a stuffy train carraige,overfilled with commuters who are just as irritable as you..and unwilling to yield enough space so you can squeeze in before the door slides shut. In my case..on my 25 minute journey home,i have to contend with mainly three types of commuters.: Office workers..often the most ignorant to allow me room..,dressed in their immaculate suits and shirt and ties. Construction workers..spilling in from the expansive construction sites developing the area as an upcoming business district...wearing their sand,dirt and cement stained t shirts,High Vis' vests and stained jeans and workboots..usually smelling of sweat and cigarettes.! And then there were the school boys pouring in from a 'well-to-do' All Boys public Oratory school.. 'St Dunstans' or 'St Duncans'..or something like that?. Loud,chattering boys ranging from 12 to perhaps 17, dressed in smart black blazers,white starched shirts,black and white striped ties and so on...some of these kids were small and looking dwarfed in ill fitting oversized blazers!.And then there was a mix of other commuters thrown in for good measure..Just the normal daily evenings rush hour... but then, this Fridays rush hour was definately not going to be normal..! I just managed to slip onto a train just as the doors were closing,and work myself into a corner not far. Already,the carraige was warm and stuffy and full,but not as constricted with passengers as i had thought,although all seemed to be men of fairly young ages,teens,twenties,thirties,but i just shrugged it off as being coincidental. Unfortunately,i was'nt feeling particularly well and i had been feeling unusually tired. I had an odd feeling in myself since the previous unsettled nights sleep..Odd in the fact that every time i caught sight of a buffed muscular young man,i kept on springing a boner in my pants with the slightest daydream or glimpsing fantasy, and i could feel myself dribbling pre-cum into my briefs,which made me feel all the more on edge.The train set off on its journey and i stumbled a little,gently bumping a handsome young office worker attempting to read his financial paper in the crowded carraige.."Sorry" i said,smiling weakly at him, and instantly springing another fucking boner!.He just raised an eyebrow at me and continued reading as i stole furtive glances at hints of a firm athletic physique beneath his black suit jacket and tight black suit pants that hugged a cute pert butt.His short hair was jet black and gelled into short spikes,and from what i could catch from the side,he had ice blue eyes and full lips...full kissable lips.. I shuddered as i felt my cock milk pre-cum into my moistened briefs,then tore my eyes away from him before he noticed. The train swayed again..and i glanced out the window at the darkness of the subway tunnel for a short moment. Then the headphones worn by a youth of around 16 or 17 standing beside me,rattled out what sounded like a Rap tune. I glanced at the youth. Cute. Blue eyes,snub nose,faint peach fuzz on his chin.Wearing dress code typical of modern British youth. Hooded grey jacket over a Burberry cap,white loose tee shirt,baggy black trackie pants and big white trainers. He caught me looking at him and curled his lip in a look of disgust,whispering 'batty-man'..an urban teenagers word for faggot..under his breath. The train stopped at the next station. A few passengers got off,several got on,including a trio of noisy school boys,perhaps around 12 or 13. All three were short,probably no taller than 5ft and likely awaiting puberty still to set in. One kid,a pale boy with ginger hair and freckles and dressed in as expected, a blazer that was obviously too big for him..and hefting a sports bag in front of him, gaggled loudly about his classes football game.I just peered out of the window again as the train doors slid closed and the train set off again. A few minutes passed when the train carriage jolted and this time,making the teenaged boy stumble hard against me as the light flickered briefly. The boy didn't apologise like i had to the office guy.He just straightened up and glared at me with a menace that made me feel uncomfortable,even though i was in my thirties and twice as old as him.Our eyes met for a moment,before i yielded and glanced at first,absently to his chest.I had to tear my look away as i was stunned to notice his chest was firm with slender pectoral muscles lightly outlined by the tight fabric. I have a fetish about muscles,and big pecs in particular. My cock twitched into a stiff erection and i leaked pre-cum again.I could feel the youths eyes still bearing into me..and with the next sway of the train, he moved closer to me,about a foot away,as another passenger moved behind him to alight at the next station.I fought desperately not to meet his gaze but gave in. He stared into me and sneered again.I felt my mouth run dry and my heart pound in my chest as i glanced down at his torso..At the sight of his pectoral muscles seemingly thicker than before, and pulling the thin fabric tighter over them,accentuating the shapely curves even more. Thankfully,the boy was diverted by the train swaying and then pulling to a halt deep in the tunnel. But my eyes were fixated on his pecs.They were definitely getting thicker and meatier,swelling perceptively under his tee,into deeply curved mounds.' How the fuck was this happening?' i thought..The boy reached up a hand to adjust his left earphone and with astonishment,i watched as a sizeable bicep bunch and strain at his long sleeves,and the same action of raising his arm,pushed his growing pecs further out into heavier mounds of muscle,the nipples becoming clearly defined and poking out under the tightening tee. I was too slow to look away when the youth glanced at me."Wot U starin' at.?" he snapped loud enough for the office guy,the fit looking guy behind him, and the schoolboys to hear him. I went red with embarrassment. I put up my hands as if to feign innocence,and glanced around. Then i noticed the office stud..Sweet fuck,...was he beefing up too?He looked at me for a moment and returned to reading his newspaper.With his arm raised up holding the paper, i could clearly see a thick bulge of his bicep,even beneath his suit jackets sleeve.Like the boys pecs and biceps,his arm began to thicken and expand beneath the suit,and his shoulders beefed up and swelled. There was a snapping sound and i realised it was a button breaking off his blue shirt as his own pecs began to rise up and thicken like mounds to strain the filling shirt. I was in a state of disbelief at the sight of the youth, and now the office stud,growing ever more muscular by the second. I heard a grunt from someone behind the stud, and the sound of fabric stretching itself apart.The train jolted momentarily and i was drawn back to the youth..and his growing muscles,particularly a bulging chest that took up most of the space before me. The thick mounds heaved and pushed out further stretching the tee like a second skin over his mighty chest.I was sure at any moment that the fabric would rip apart as it strained for dear life,but incredibly it held, and really gave off the size of his pecs to shocking value,growing past the size of a pro bodybuilders!. The youth glared menacingly at me, and then smiled sinisterly.He raised his arms up to pull the hood off of his capped head, and i caught sight of the fat boulders of his biceps bulging obscenely in his overstuffed sleeves. What he did next,nearly made me come in my pants.He pushed his huge swollen pecs,apparently slowing down their expansion,against me, and pinned me into the corner. From out of view,i could hear one of the boys moaning as if he was in pain,followed by the sound of fabric seams ripping. Then.."Fuck,i'm growing" from one of the other boys..Not a tone of alarm,but more of delight..and i heard him swearing and yelling in glee.More grunts and groans and swear words rose from other passengers.Others were growing too.'This is way too fucking freaky' i thought to myself,feeling a little claustrophobic,pinned in by the youths mountainous pecs.I could feel myself stiffly erect and dribbling pre-cum into my now damp underwear. 'What the fuck was happening?'."You fucking love this,don't ya..?" sneered the youth,whose massive pecs were so swollen,that they pressed against his chin,his neck thickly corded with muscle.The train finally started off on its journey towards my stop. I had to get off.This was too much to comprehend.Yet a little part of me wanted to stay on the train and worship this youths huge muscles. As the train approached the station,the intercom from the driver crackled into life over the grunts and groans and obvious pleasures of this carriage full of muscle men."Good evening..this train will terminate at ..." he broke off the announcement for a few seconds. "Fuck i'm huge..,sorry guys..i'm gonna have to terminate the train at the next stop..i'm too fucking big for the cab.." 'Shit!' i said under my breath..'Was the whole god damn train affected?'A few minutes later,attempting not to orgasm,i forced my way round the youths huge sexy pecs and towards the doors as they slid open at arrival at my stop.. There,my fears...or desires,were answered.Several huge,insanely muscular men got off from other carriages.Their clothes,although.pitifully stretched to within an inch of life,and some torn at the seams in places..held in the huge bloated muscles..and then i saw huge obscene crotch bulges straining to keep in freaky sized cocks and balls, on each and everyone of the guys..And the growth hadn't just affected the train.. Huge musclemen and boys waited and arrived on the platform for trains..They were everywhere i looked.'Fuck' Was i in Muscle man Heaven or Muscle man Hell?I needed to get home fast..My cock seriously needed beating off.. .....END ================================================== ======== Rush Hour Muscle: Version TwoHere is a further mass muscle growth short.. This time its on the bus.Hope U like it..? I sat at the Bus stop,glancing down at my watch.It was 5.30pm. I had been sitting here for well over half an hour waiting for the bus to come,so i can get home,and gradually other commuters mingled around the bus stop building up into a small crowd. The road was heavy and bustling with slow moving rush hour traffic,and perhaps this was what was holding up the bus further down i suppose. It was a warm summers day and several hours yet until night fall,so i did not have to sit here in the winter when nights were shorter,shivering in cold weather. I could see some of the drivers in the cars and vans looking bothered and hot,some blaring their horns to try and get the traffic moving as they became more irritable. Eventually after a few more minutes waiting,the bus came around the corner of the road. It stopped with a hiss and the doors creaked open. I could see the bus was already quite full and the windows were steamed up with the heat from inside,even with most of the little slot windows opened up. I waited as the passengers before me got on..then managed to squeeze myself on before the driver refused to allow any more passengers on. I fought my way down the aisle and quickly grabbed a free seat at the back of the bus and settled down for the 15 minute journey home. The bus set off on its route,crawling slowly into the traffic. I wiped the steam off the window by my seat and peered out at the the world,trying not to oggle the cute young twenty-something guy with the backpack who had chosen the seat beside me. He was gorgeous.!! With flirting glimpses,i furtively eyed him up. He was light olive skinned, definitely a latin stud.. Fairly long messy raven black hair,a strong slim face with full thick lips,and a silver stud pierced just below his bottom lip. Lean and muscular beneath the dark green tee he wore,drawn tightly over his strongly defined chest,a hint of dark chest hair just revealing from a low neck collar. Strong muscular arms sprinkled with dark stubbly hair..thick biceps beneath the short sleeves. He had his backpack on his lap,but i could see he was wearing beige khaki shorts and the hint of powerful and hairy legs. Damn,i was getting a boner in my pants and shifted uncomfortably in my seat,but the smell of his manly sweat turned me on so much i could feel my cock dribbling pre-cum. Hell, i was so unnerved that i could suddenly smell my own sweat.! The bus moved achingly slow as i tried my best to keep my attention out of the window. Then the guy shifted in his seat,drawing me back to look at him. He raised his arm and brushed a hand through his hair. And i nearly came in my jeans.! I could not avoid the sight of his bicep flexing in his sleeve,stretching the material wafer thin, a vein seemingly pulsing across the thick curved muscle. I looked away again before i lost it completely. Then i heard a rip.. I was drawn back to the hunk. His bicep had made a tear in his sleeve. It bulged and flexed almost as if he was teasing me,but he was looking ahead. Then i saw his bicep flex again and looked as if it was swelling. I rubbed my eyes as if i was hallucinating seeing his muscle grow. No.. His bicep bulged and expanded as if being filled by air,the vein streaked across it, thickening and rippling. Then he lowered his arm,but the bicep kept growing,and the rip split wider. His hairy forearm thickened and rippled and his delts bunched up and filled out the shoulder of the sleeve.. 'Riiiip..!' The thin material of his sleeve could take no more and literally burst apart. The hunk just sat there staring ahead as if this was a natural process as his back thickened beneath his tee,rapidly filling it out with engorging lat muscles that pushed back against the seat and then burst the tee apart.. I found myself being pushed against the window,pinned by the studs growing muscles. His thick chest joining in the growth,the already meaty mounds expanding into huge heaving slabs that pushed outwards against the straining shirt. With a loud rip,the front tore open,freeing his growing bloating pecs,heavily covered in dark curly hair and capped with large juicy nipples that pointed ever downwards with the growth of his muscles. Still,he seemed unperturbed by his growing muscles filling the small gap between our seat and the one in front, as if it was perfectly normal !. My eyes shot forward as he glanced at me and smiled before looking away. My eyes settled on the back of the guy sitting in the seat in front,and i nearly fainted! He was wearing a denim jacket stretched across a wide back that was thickening and filling it out with swelling lats and beefing up shoulders. I watched in awe and shock as the seams on his shoulders ripped and his bulging delts poked out. The guy sitting next to him in a smart executive black suit was going through the same process.His perfectly ironed jacket was bulging and filling with a massive back that easily began to tear through the thin fabric in the centre and at the shoulder seams. I shuddered as i felt myself cum in my briefs,and moisten the crotch,turned on and pinned in by the now huge Latin muscle hunk that filled the seat beside me. A teenaged boy with messy blonde hair,wearing what had been his school unform stood up from the seat in front of the two hunks in front of me. He was fucking enormous,his white shirt,tie and blazer,torn and ripped to shreds over huge bloated slab like pecs smooth and glistening with sweat under the dim lights of the bus,..fat boulder like biceps rippling and streaked with chord like veins,looking perhaps 30 inches if humanly possible!. Hard brick like 8 pack abs crunching and flexing.. Oh fuck!.. i thought..shocked at the hinting sight of what could only be a huge oversized cock, the engorged base of the shaft hanging out of view behind the seat from a dense patch of sandy pubes, as thick as my forearm.!! I shot my gaze out of the window as he glanced over at me with a hungry looking grin. But looking out of the window was no good.. The bus stopped sharply at traffic lights..and a motorbike pulled up level with my window. Its rider donned in thick black and red racing leather and a black helmet with its visor down hiding his face. I nearly had heart palpitations... Even in his leather bike gear, i could see his muscles growing..! Huge biceps bulging and straining into massive boulders. Swellling pecs pushing out the front of his tightly buckled jacket,snapping the straps as they grew.. The cod piece covering his crotch bulging obscenely as his cock and balls grew visibly big,pressed up between his legs on a motorbike he seemed to be quickly outgrowing too. I even thought i heard his leather groan under the pressure. He spotted me staring at him and stuck his middle finger up before moving forward. A white transit van advertising a builders merchants slid up next,with three occupants. "This is too much!" i muttered under my breath. One young guy in a blue and white Nicholson shirt and burberry cap and smoking a cigarette,was resting a tattooed arm on the van door, unbothered by the fact that his bicep was filling out and ripping the short sleeve,growing into a huge mound.. The other two occupants were growing too,but i could not see clearly. The guy smoking his cigarette,noticed me and flexed his bloating bicep. I felt myself cum again.. The car in front..All i could see was the drivers arm sticking out the open window,thickening and ripping the shirt he wore. I had to get off this bus.! At the next stop, i squeezed past the huge latin hunk with great difficulty that made him complain, oblivious to the fact that he was the one blocking the space with his overgrown muscles. It was hell trying to keep my composure brushing past the boys huge heaving pecs and seeing his huge cock hanging low and limp over engorged balls at least 12 inches, then pushing past a shaven headed muscle man in a torn England Football shirt whose own huge hairy pecs were pressed against a creaking side window, his fat heavy cock hanging low and engorged between his meaty tree trunk thighs low past his knees. I pressed the bell urgently until the driver let me off.....and i ran home as fast as i could..to clean myself up and to take stock of the new muscle world forming around me.. ....END
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