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  1. Toda historia tiene un principio y la de mi familia empezó por mi abuelo. mi papá siempre me dijo que el abuelo AWDREY le había legado la capacidad de eyacular ingentes cantidades de semen, como si la capacidad de almacenaje de sus cojones no conociera limites. Eso explicaba porqué yo mismo sentía la necesidad constante de eyacular. Con el tiempo, yo mismo tuve mis dos hijos y ambos heredaron este superpoder familiar, aunque actualmente lo conocemos como HIPERESPERMIA. lo que para otros seria un problema, en mi familia lo tomamos como un regalo que debía ser explotado al máximo y es por eso que hace un tiempo, mis hijos y yo hace ya un tiempo que nos hemos impuesto un tratamiento de inyección de testosterona, para potenciar y ampliar nuestra potencia sexual y nuestra masculinidad. Es algo que nos gusta hacer en familia, los tres juntos pero que por motivos obvios, no siempre podemos hacer. Por un lado, mi hijo mayor Alec, se encuentra en Miami trabajando vendiendo su cuerpo y por el otro, Nathan, el pequeño, compite a nivel internacional en gimnasia artística, aparte de estar cursando dos carreras universitarias al mismo tiempo y atender las demandas de su novio, también deportista de elite en otro deporte. nathan, compitiendo Después de investigar y preguntar a amigos de la familia, nos decidimos por los servicios del doctor VICO, el urólogo de l as estrellas, con consultas en Londres, miami y singapur. Las primeras veces las realizamos los tres juntos en Londres, pero obviamente ahora Alec sigue el tratamiento en miami, aunque una de nuestras exigencias siempre ha sido que sea el propio doctor VICO en persona quien nos atienda. sin más, empiezo a explicar un día de tratamiento con mi hijo Nathan. Nathan es un muchacho muy guapo de 19años, 5,81 pies, y 160,96 libras. su pecho mide 47,24 pulgadas y su cintura 31 pulgadas con una deliciosa de 8'5 pulgadas Sí. Es un tipo corpulento y muy ardiente. esculpido en mármol y en esta ocasión me acompaña el. Nathan sabe de los pervertidos gustos del Dr. VICO. Sabe que nuestro medico se humedece solo con nuestra simple presencia y como buen AWDREY se ha vestido en consecuencia. una simple camiseta encuello de V ajustada y unos jeans actuando como una segunda piel, derretirán al Dr. V dejando ver sin usar la imaginación su impresionante y enorme pectoral marcando pezones, su abdomen como cincelado en mármol y esos dos troncos que tiene como piernas sin olvidar los fantásticos bíceps y tríceps adornados con venas como cuerdas. el look de nathan en su visita al Dr. VICO [colores del diálogo>>Nathan/ Dr. V / YO detalles del texto] Después de un vuelo privado desde el aeropuerto de gran canaria directo a Heathrow, en Londres, nos dirigimos a Kennsington, el barrio más exclusivo de la ciudad, y donde se encuentra la clinica VICO - Señor Awdrey e hijo?. pueden pasar. - Hola sr. Awdrey, Luke, hola Nathan! - Hola dr. VICO. Nathan no puede evitar mirarse el reflejo de un espejo y se pavonea - Hola doctor, todo bien?. le doy fuerte la mano flexionando el biceps para agrandar más el brazo -Para... todo bien gracias señor!. Como va la competición Nathan? llevas dos semanas sin venir! - Lo se doctor, estuve en el campeonato del mundo de Malasia ... ya sabe, liderando, como no puede ser de otro modo - mi pequeño diosito se los comió a todos..! - sobretodo despues de la competición! no imagina doctor como gritaban de placer mis oponentes (flexiona sus biceps y se frota la) - No me extraña joven, eres un portento! al doctor VICO le resulta imposible disimular la admiracion por los musculos de Nathan - Si, lo soy . Empezamos?, tengo ganas ya de recibir mi dosis jejj - por supuesto muchacho, ya sabes que hi tienes la mampara para desn... Nathan no esta por la labor de esconderse y hace caso omiso. SE quita la camiseta con esfuerzo y lentamente, pues la llena completamente por la cantidad de grandes musculos que tiene y lo hace contoneando su cintura y mirandome de manera provocativa. yo lo miro con una sonrisa picara. Me gusta que provoque así. Nathan esta muy cerca del doctor y mientras se desnuda completamente el doctor mira, el no deja de adorarse, contonearse y sobar su cuerpo invitando al doctor a tocar lo que quiera de todos modos. - antes te inyectarte, debes tener el rabo en su máxima erección nathan, no sirve que estes semi erecto, por mucho que alcances asi las 6 pulgadas . - No es problema doctor. Nathan se agarra el rabo y mientras lo masajea coge con una mano un bote de lubricante y con el otro una bomba de vacío - ¿Puedo? pregunto yo tratando de agarrar el lubricante - Por favor papi! síi!, si el doctor permite... dice Nathan con voz picara. - Por favor, eso es digno de ver! abro el bote de lubricante y aplico un buen chorro directamente en la de mi hijo. la amaso un poco y unto el agujero de la bomba de vacío par introducirlo lentamente. entra perfectamente. - mmmmmmmmmmmm, que bien lo haces viejo! - espera de 5 a 10 seg antes de apretar el ON - mmmm que rico. Me queda bien el rabaco verdad papi? - Espera que lleguemos a casa, y lo sabras me acerco a Nathan y le como la boca jugando con nuestras lenguas. deborandolo todo -jejjejeje -uau Nathan se saca la bomba de vacío y amasa rico su recien erecta. Sugs 8cm se ven delicosos. Grande, dura, venosa, completamente depilada y bien jugosa. - Me encanta mi! papi acercame el lubricante, porfa - Aqui tienes. Nathan se aplica un buen chorro de lubricante y sigue jugando con su tranca A todo esto, el Dr. V se acerca con dos frascos de un liquido morado y un par de jeringuillas. - Ya esta todo listo. dice el doctor mientras se acaba de acomodar el segundo guante. - quieres elevarte tu, o me siento yo? - médico sientese El dr. VICO se sienta en un taburete y nathan se acerca dejando de margen unos pocos centimetros entre el rabo de mi hijo y la cara del doctor. Mientras me dispongo a ponerme detras de mi hijo quiero dejar que apoye su en mi paquete y adorarlo para que ese estado de relajacion alivie un poco el dolor tan intenso que va a sentirEmpiezo sobando el torso de nathan, sus increibles abdomindales fruto de su trabajo diario como gimnasta profesional y su pectoral para luego invitarle a que apoye su nuca en mi hombro mientras le lamo en el hombro y cuello - ¿Listo? ya sabes que la inyeccion duele mucho, y la tengo que hacer dos veces, una en cada huevo -Sí doctor, no se apure, este tipo de dolor en los cojones me pone muy cachondo, contesta nathan sumido en un estado de vicio que lo deja extasiado El doctor agarra los huevos mientras nathan agarra su rabazo bien duro y erecto e inyecta el primer frasco. al momento, un grito sumerge la consulta. Nathan grita en una mezcla de dolor y placer. en cuanto el doctor saca la aguja, le amasa bien el huevo sumandose a la adoracion que le estoy haciendo yo. unos 3 minutos despues el doctor le inyecta la segunda dosis, que simpre es la mas dolorosa pero que ayuda a aque en menos de 1 min, el principio activo haga efecto. a efetos de cambio físico Nathan no siente nada pero en su interior brota una fuerza que parece sobrenatural. agarra la cabeza del doctor y le clava su rabo duro hasta la garganta. me apresuro a dominar a la bestia, con un dildazo clavandoselo por el. - Como te encuentras Nathan? - Como un toro doctor! - si quieres despues de amasarte bien los huevos para que se asiente bien la inyeccion, toma ese masturbador y metelo dentro del potro para. es importante que desgargues. y así hace. Mientras el doctor se ocupa de mi, los tres gozamos con lo que ahi sucede. Nathan extasiado con su dosis de testosterona, el doctor viendo como padre e hijo se lo gozan y yo, en manos del doctor macizo mientras veo orgulloso como mi el pequeño de mis hijos, deja bien alto el apellido AWDREY
  2. CardiMuscleman

    Arrowhead, the Last Apache

    Chapter One "The Oregon Trail was laid by fur traders and trappers from about 1811 to 1840, and was only passable on foot or by horseback. By 1836, when the first migrant wagon train was organized in Independence, Missouri, a wagon trail had been cleared to Fort Hall, Idaho" As the legendary guide Kit Carson looked up at the folks gathered around him, he added "This is the second stage of what I believe can be truly called "The Great Wagon Train" but you saw what we had to deal with just then, that is why we must carry on" and with that nodded his head to his trusted lieutenant Jim who nodded his understanding and reported back to his wife at the back of the train with the news that she had been dreading to hear. “But Jim” protested his wife as she nursed her infant son, “he needs a rest from the jolting. He needs some soup!” Jim solemnly shook his head. “Sorry, Alice” he replied, “but Kit says no. Look, he’s asleep now. You can have a sleep yourself. When you wake up we’ll be nearer to California and he’ll be still by your side!” and with that he leaned over on his horse and kissed his wife. Reassured, she settled down and her husband re-joined the front of the train. As the train rolled on, a violent jolt woke up the child and as he yawned he caught sight of his still sleeping mother. Rolling over and crawling to the back of the wagon, he sat down and smiled. “Daddy, bang, bang, nice!” he gurgled He had seen his father use the rifle latched onto the end of the wagon on a number of occasions and had always wanted to touch it, but his father always said “Daddy’s bang bang”, however with his father nowhere to be seen and his mother asleep he leant over to touch it. Just then, the wagon hit a rock and caused the son to overbalance and he fell out of the wagon and landed with a heavy bump that caused him to start crying. Whether the mother heard those cries it was impossible to tell, as soon the child became lost in the high grass. About an hour later, the small child appeared out of the brush that marked the start of the Midwestern Plains and was spied upon by Chief Grey Cloud, the most powerful of all the Native American chiefs. The little child had been taught to fear the native Americans, however as he looked at the chief whispering "Mommy and Daddy lost", the chief dismounted from his horse and looked at the child then spoke to his braves in the language of the Apache people. “Comanche smoke signals, wagon train attacked not far from here!” “Then papoose orphan!”. Grey Cloud felt a great sympathy with this orphaned child. It had been two months since his own son had been killed in a hunting accident whilst out hunting buffalo and it had shaken his confidence greatly. As he looked at the child who smiled for the first time since they had met, he raised an arm to the sky and announced “I thank the Great Spirit for sending me this child, I promise to raise him as my own!” “Grey Cloud has spoken” answered the other braves and with that Grey Cloud placed the child next to him and geed his horse to return to his tribe. The chief’s arrival with the new member of the tribe was greeted with a great deal of interest and after an inspection by the medicine man who determined that the child was indeed an orphan, he was formally adopted by Grey Cloud and given the Indian name “Blue Eyes” on account of his piercing blue eyes.
  3. TheWeremuscleForest

    Growth Hormone Meta-Evolution (Part 5 & Finale)

    Don't forget to check out the previous part: Part Five: *Back to FutureTech Research* They pull up to the front gate as a security officer stands in front of them. Oakley flashes his badge and tells the officer that it is an emergency and that the doctor needs to pick up something before they go back to the precinct. The officer buys the information since he knows about the two giants now roaming the city. The gate flies open as the cruiser drives up to the front doors. Both Oakley and Banner jump out and rush inside. They get on the elevator and go up to the second floor. When the door opens, there is mass chaos everywhere as they slowly step over top of crushed lab equipment and tons of paper. Oakley is stunned. “Did the same shit happen here as well? *thinks about cuffing Banner again* Doctor I don’t know about this, this seems really fishy to me.” David puts his hands on Oakley’s face to get his attention. “Officer, you have to trust me. This was caused by a bad serum that my assistant developed a while ago. Our work can have consequences, but there are always at least one or two successes involved as well. *takes his hands off Oakley’s face* Now…..I hope that the key I need is still in the drawer I left it in.” He finds the drawer he is talking about along one of the wall cabinets and tries to open it. It is jammed and he can’t get it to budge. He looks at Oakley who reluctantly gets the point and yanks it open. The doctor rummages through several sets of keys and finds the one he is looking for. “Eureka! *holds it up* I purposefully puts all of these other keys in here to keep other people from finding the right one.” He leads Oakley over to an area of the room which looks uninteresting. Beneath one of the tattered rugs is a small square with a lock on it. He turns the key and opens it revealing a metal briefcase which he takes out quickly. He takes it back over to the cabinets he was at before and opens it. There are three vials of a purple liquid with three syringes as well. After looking it over for a minute or two, he closes it. “It is all here, we should get moving…..” Before they can leave the area, there is a rumbling outside the facility. Oakley and Banner walk over to where his assistant and his wife jumped out earlier and look out to see both Adrian and Skylar approaching the front part of the property. There are dozens of police cruisers and a few SWAT vehicles surrounding them. Banner turns to look at Oakley. “This briefcase has three vials that can reverse this process. I am confident that it will work because I have tested it before.” The officer looks at him puzzled. “How could you have tested this before? *thinks for a moment and is shocked* You mean, on another human? You have turned someone into one of these giants before and managed to reverse the process?” “Indeed, which is why so much of the serum was made. You have already done so much for me already Oakley so I will do the rest.” The officer grabs his arm and shakes his head no. “Are you kidding doctor? I am too invested in this now and yeah you are right. I do care about the city and what these monsters do to it. You give me one of those vials and I will take care of Officer Adrian.” Banner opens the briefcase again and hands a vial and syringe to Oakley. They both rush into the elevator and go back down to the main floor and out the front doors. At this point, the two behemoths have moved past the law enforcement teams and into the parking lot. They begin smashing cars left and right that were abandoned after the debacle that occurred there earlier in the day. Oakley and Banner position themselves in front of the giants and prep their syringes. They both seem ready for what is about to transpire. Giant Adrian and Giant Skylar barely notice that the two men below them are getting ready to jab needles into their big toes. As they get just a few feet away from the behemoths, Banner motions for Adrian to aim for the nailbed of Adrian’s big toe because it is softer than the rest of it. After a couple of seconds, they both quickly race to stab the giants with the needles and move out of the way in different directions. Unaware of what just happened, the two bloated hulks continue to move towards the research facility. Banner cringes because he doesn’t know if the serum will be fast enough to avoid his place of business from being destroyed so he can’t watch. Oakley runs over beside him and grabs David by the arm to let him know that he is there. As both Adrian and Skylar approach the windows on the main floor, they bash a few of them in as the reversion serum begins to take effect. Both men start to lose a bit of height and weight as they grab their heads and fall over. The teams of law enforcement and SWAT move in and capture both offenders before putting them in cuffs and carting them off to the trucks. Massey shows up with Doctor Gibbons who approaches both Oakley and Banner. The head officer salutes his fellow brother-in-blue and then shakes his hand while Gibbons talks to David. “Well that is a freaking relief Banner. I think we have had enough excitement for one day don’t you think? Now if you don’t mind, I think we need to get to the hospital so we can check up on a few people that we know.” Banner agrees and turns to talk to Oakley one more time as he finishes his conversation with Massey. “You did incredible work today Oakley. I think a promotion is in order don’t you think?” Massey salutes him again and turns to go over to the truck which is holding Adrian. He gets in the front and they drive off into the distance. Oakley knows that he should leave to go back to the precinct, but he tells some of the other officers that he will return later because he wants to escort Banner to the hospital. They get in his cruiser and drive off to the Bloodstone Willpower General Hospital where everyone that was hurt or killed was taken to. *Bloodstone Willpower General Hospital* Banner, Gibbons, and Oakley arrive and go up to the front desk to talk with the receptionist. Gibbons tells the other two that he will go find out where Amber and Brian Hennessy are at while he goes to see about Henry Holstein and his wife Bethany Rose. Oakley stays with him as he is led down a few corridors to where Henry is at. The medical assistant is thrilled to see his research partner and gives him a big hug as he lies in bed with a huge set of bandages on his leg. “I am glad to see you David. I wasn’t sure if you were still alive or not. I have been talking with a few of our coworkers and they said the facility managed to stay intact, barring a few broken windows and a huge amount of destruction on the second floor. It should be able to reopen in a couple of months I would think.” Banner introduces Oakley to him as they shake hands. They have a little bit of chitchat before Banner tells him that he needs to go and see Bethany’s body before they take her away. Henry says that she should be down in the morgue with Brian most likely. He was shocked to hear about his death, but the way the day turned out, he wasn’t all that surprised either. Oakley tells him that they need to go down as soon as possible because he knows how quickly they can process people. They say their goodbyes to Henry and venture into a nearby elevator to go down to the basement where the morgue would be located. When they get out, Gibbons is about five feet off to the side, sitting on one of the benches outside the doors into the morgue. He is a bit surprised by what he saw in the other room. “Unfortunately I have to warn you Banner, your wife is…..uhhhh…..looking a bit mangled. I had no idea that she would look like that to be honest. Brian however looks like he is asleep, with a few holes in his abdomen and an odd-looking spot on his shoulder of course. Amber is alive by the way. They managed to resuscitate her and she is in stable condition on the third floor. I don’t think she realizes though that she has lost her husband forever.” David and Oakley walk past him and into the morgue where the medical examiner is already cleaning up Brian’s body. He recognizes both men immediately and begins talking to them. “Hello there Dr. Banner and Officer Oakley, I assume you are here to see your wife doctor? *walks over to one of the doors and opens it before sliding out a tray with a body bag on it* There wasn’t much I could do with her, she was pretty messed up so I suggest that you don’t spend too much time looking at her.” As he unzips the bag, Banner immediately tears up and leans on Oakley’s chest, as the officer wraps his arms around the doctor’s back and is holding him. He then tells the ME to close it after a few seconds and to put her back in the cabinet again so he can go sit down and contemplate what happened to her. The officer takes him out of the room and over to an empty bench to sit him down. He sits beside him and rubs Banner’s shoulders. Gibbons is no longer down there and appears to have gone back upstairs. “I didn’t even have time to think about Beth’s death at all. Now that I see what she did to herself, it just makes me angry to think that I might have caused her to do something irrational.” Oakley’s demeanor with the doctor has gradually changed as the day has progressed. He knows that Banner needs to grieve for his dead wife, but he is also developing feelings for him. He flexes his 18” guns against the side of the doctor’s face just so he can get his attention which is working. David turns to look at him and can see that Oakley is giving him a certain look. Instead of being forceful, the officer leans over and slowly kisses Banner on the lips. The sensation from this makes the doctor shiver just a bit as he wasn’t expecting to like it that much. After spending a few minutes of lightly kissing each other, both Banner and Oakley get up to go back into the morgue to find out what to do next with Bethany and Brian’s corpses. Banner has never been completely against being with a man before. He once contemplated having an affair with Henry when they were developing their serums over the past few years. His relationship with Bethany Rose gradually fell apart over that time, especially after she took control of the company’s financial assets. He still loved her though despite their difficulties. Doctor Gibbons’s position with all of the parties involved has vastly changed with Brian Hennessy out of the way now. With his wife Amber now widowed, the door is now open for him to pursue her and gain her trust to help further his own causes. With Skylar Hamilton now finally in the custody of the law enforcement agencies, it is possible that a lot of dirt may end up out in the open about nearly everyone involved in the research and development of HGHX. The Hamilton Corporation will have a hard time trying to get past what the wild teenager has done to them over the past several months. Banner’s work will depend a lot on what Skylar has to say about Brian Hennessy and Doctor Banner’s wife Bethany Rose when he will be inevitably questioned by Massey and all of the other law enforcement agencies. He knew both of them well and could make up some crazy story to get himself out of all of this insanity. It is also possible that Doctor Gibbons will put a stop to this and make Skylar look like he is a spoiled brat that only inherited the company because his parents were too naïve to know better. Everything he does though has a price and he will definitely try to maximize whatever advantage he can get out of all of this. Banner has a new ally now and his name is Justin Oakley. If his superior, who turns out to be Marcus Massey, does indeed promote him to possibly being in a higher position such as detective or captain, he can bail Banner out of whatever predicament he ends up in. Henry Holstein may end up being a casualty in all of this since he was primarily responsible for what happened to Banner’s wife. It appears that the carnage is over for now, but who knows what the future will bring for everyone that is still alive and kicking. This is the end of the story. (For now at least!)
  4. TheWeremuscleForest

    Growth Hormone Meta-Humans (Part 4)

    To catch up on the first three parts, here they are: Metamorphosis: Metabolics: Metaphysics: Part Four: *FutureTech Research* Knowing full well that he is being chased by the person that used to be Bethany, a much more muscular and nimble Henry continues to knock down the walls in front of him to escape the giant transsexual hulk. He can hear her breaking down the door from the lab and is in total pursuit of him now. He is running out of square footage and is fully aware that he is going to have to jump out of one of the windows in front of him so he braces for impact. The 230-pound muscleman flies through the glass as it cascades down his body as he drops from the second floor and lands onto the pavement beneath him. The impact is very minor as he barely tears any skin from his huge arms and legs. He does scrape a bit of his 8-inch cock as he reaches down to rub it for a few seconds to make sure that it is still intact. He quickly gets up and takes off down the facility parking lot as he glances behind him every so often to see where the monstrous 325-pound behemoth is at. She jumps down from the broken window about fifteen seconds after he does. They both are gathering an audience as various other employees with the organization leave the building and start to gather around the entrance doors. The security officers located at the end of the parking lot are blocking the way out and are aiming their guns directly at Henry. He stops once he gets approximately five feet in front of them. “Please guys, don’t shoot me. I…..uhhhh…..FUCK…..I don’t have my ID with me……uhhhh…..I’m Henry Holstein, I work with Doctor David Banner on the second floor in research and development. You guys have to believe me when I say that the person chasing me back there *points* is trying to kill me. She…..I mean…..he used to be Bethany Rose, his wife.” The four men stare at each other in disbelief before turning back around to shake their heads no. One of them walks forward and shoots a bullet into Henry’s left quad. He falls to the ground as Bethany nearly cuts the distance in half. The other three men start shooting their guns at her as the one that shot Henry attempts to get him back up off the ground and scoots him over towards the guard tower. He shuts the door quickly behind him and locks it before helping Henry up the stairs to the top. He sits Henry down by a window and takes his jacket off. He then takes his shirt off and wraps it around Henry’s leg. He looks out the window and watches as the transsexual behemoth falls to the ground as the other three officers surround her. She is completely riddled with bullets and is clearly dead. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on man, but there is some seriously bad shit being done at this place. Whoever that person was is dead now.” Henry gets up and looks out to see that the officer is indeed correct. Sirens can be heard coming from every direction as the main gates open and medical vehicles pour in. Bethany’s body is placed on a gurney as Dr. Banner is seen running down the lot towards her. Henry hops down the stairs and out the tower to approach him. David can barely recognize Henry as he falls to the ground. “David, it’s me Henry. I…..can’t explain everything that has happened, but your wife took the HGHX serum that we were developing and it completely changed the way she looks. I took the other one and it turned me into a bodybuilder.” “Henry…..*weeps uncontrollably*…..she didn’t deserve to die. She cared about the research we were doing here, that is why she was funding it for us. Why in the world would she decide to use it on herself?” Henry slowly gets down on the ground to speak with David directly. “David…..I don’t think you know everything about Beth. She was conspiring with someone else in the company, I am positive. She thought you were nothing but a stooge doing the dirty work for the organization. She was trying to make me take that serum that she ended up taking herself. It ended up turning her into a freak of nature.” David punches Henry in the gut and gets back up from the ground. He is getting quite angry with what Henry is suggesting to him. “FUCK YOU HENRY! There is no fucking way that she would betray me like that. She has rarely even gotten into a fight with me, let alone…..” Banner pauses for a few moments before looking down at Henry who is now being attended to by a medical professional. He has a revelation that Bethany has in fact been quite distracted lately by something. He is starting to calm down as Henry is helped up to his feet and led over to an ambulance. David follows him over to where he is being put on a stretcher for medical treatment. The EMT loads him into the vehicle. Dr. Banner hops in for a few moments to talk to him. “Okay Henry, I will entertain your idea that something is going on. Who is this other person that you think she is working with?” The medical personnel are trying to wave Banner out of the vehicle, but he keeps putting his arm out to tell them no. Henry leans in and whispers a name to him which surprises David. He gets out of the ambulance and the vehicle is closed. It goes barreling down the highway to the nearest hospital as Banner walks over to his dead wife as they place her body in a bag. He barely even recognizes her, but knows it is her because half of her wedding band is still attached to her enlarged ring finger. He lets the medical personnel know that he will meet them later on at the morgue, but for now he has other things to attend to. They load her up and take off down the other direction down the highway. David is now racing over to his car to get in and drive over to Hamilton Tower. *Hamilton Tower Press Conference* Amber aims the gun directly at her husband Brian and attempts to shoot him directly into his heart. The bullet leaves the chamber just as Skylar jumps down from the podium platform and escapes through a back side door. The other attendees are now running through the front doors of the conference room to escape the carnage. Brian is hit in his shoulder instead as he grimaces feeling the bullet struggle to even penetrate his body. Amber manages to get another shot off before Brian tackles her to the ground as her purse goes flying into the air and hits the floor. He is now yelling in pain as he lies on top of her bleeding from his side. His immense size is too much for her as she lies there unable to breathe. She is gasping for air as a man walks up beside the pair and pushes Brian off of her. The huge hulk is now bleeding from his gut as a huge river of blood pools beside both of them. Amber clutches her throat as the man picks her up and takes her out the conference center and into the main lobby. The police have started to enter the building from various side doors and go rushing into the conference center. The man glances back and sees several of them surround Brian as he lies on the ground motionless. It appears that Amber’s second bullet has dealt him a fatal blow as one of the officers is calling for a medical examiner to come in on his walkie. The man runs up to a receptionist and tells her that he needs a medical professional immediately. As he turns around from the desk, he is met by Dr. Banner. The doctor is in complete shock as to what is transpiring and recognizes the man and whom he is holding. Amber is no longer conscious. “Gibbons? What the fuck is going on today? I need answers right now.” The two doctors have been working on separate experiments trying to perfect the same type of gene, but both are not aware of where each other’s work has progressed. An EMT intervenes for a few moments to take Amber away from Albert and places here on a stretcher as they rush her out of the building and into an ambulance to resuscitate her. As the two men stare each other down, the medical examiner runs into the conference center and declares Brian dead as they place his lifeless body on another gurney. As he is wheeled out of the room, they both walk over to stop the medical personnel so they can look the body over. The ME is not pleased, but is met with credentials from both doctors. Banner tears Brian’s dress shirt open to look over his wounds and examines the rest of his immense frame. He is fairly sure that he recognizes the man. “I know who this is Gibbons. This is Brian Hennessy, he has a scar that stretches from below his left pec and into his abdominal wall. *notices how stretched the scar is* He obviously used a serum as well on himself or somebody supplied it to him. Does this have something to do with you?” Gibbons is shocked that this man is Brian and not someone named Mason Ducati. “David I had no idea that this man was Brian Hennessy. He first spoke to me on the phone a couple of days ago and told me that Brian was indisposed and that he was his primary donor Mason Ducati. If you don’t believe me, then check out his credentials.” They notice that his conference badge is still on him so they both look it over. It lists Brian Hennessy as his primary name, but in small letters, it has Mason Ducati directly underneath it as his sponsor. Both doctors are puzzled by this and wonder what the hell is going on. “Gibbons, I have a feeling that there is more to this story than we realize.” Albert walks back through the conference room where Brian died with Dr. Banner following closely behind. They stop and turn to look to their right as they can see a shadow in from behind the stage where the ruckus started. They both walk through the doorway that is open and turn the corner to see Skylar Hamilton breathing quite heavily with sweat pouring down his face and neck. His heaving pecs are entirely visible from within his shirt. The two doctors look at each other and are getting quite angry as David starts speaking to him. “Henry was right. You are behind this whole debacle. Congratulations Skylar, you have successfully murdered at least two people so far because you just couldn’t wait until you were in complete control of everything so you could do extreme experiments on not only yourself, but others as well.” Skylar’s breathing is labored but he manages to get a few chuckles in once in a while. He pulls a vial of the HGHX serum out of his pants and shows it to both Banner and Gibbons. “Good evening……doctors. For your……information…..Brian’s death…..was a complete…..accident. I had no…..idea that Amber…..was going to confront…..him. He was going…..to leave that bitch anyway. *pulls a syringe out and plops the plastic lid off to plunge it into the vial* I was going…..to use this on both…..of us, but I guess…..I will have to use it all myself.” David rushes over to stop Skylar from continuing to fill the syringe as they begin to tussle. Gibbons moves over beside both of them to try and kick the serum away, but Skylar is too strong for both of them as he knocks Albert out as he falls down on the ground and flips David over to hold him down. Officers come rushing around the corner and point their guns at the three men. One of them tells Skylar to get up onto his feet again and to put his hands up. The extremely muscular teenager smiles at the officer as he stands back up. He then walks toward the officer and attempts to grab his weapon. The man shoots him in his chest, but the bullet barely penetrates him as it falls to the ground. Banner scoots over to Gibbons and notices that he is unconscious so he checks his pulse. He fortunately has one, but it is weak. The two officers watching them look at David and tell him to stop moving as they walk over to apprehend them. One of them calls for an EMT to come back there to pick Albert up as David is cuffed by the other one. He is led to his feet and carted out of the area to the front of the building. Gibbons is placed on a stretcher as he is also carted out to the same area as one of the officers stays behind to deal with Skylar. Both men are pretty well-built and are more than willing to use some of their training skills if need be. The teenager is still a bit winded from earlier, but spots the syringe with the serum close by. The officer that stayed behind that isn’t dealing with Skylar directly finds it and picks it up to examine it. “Is this that stuff your company is making Mr. Hamilton?” Skylar is tempted to lunge towards the man, but he knows that the other one will probably shoot him several times just to make him stop moving so he doesn’t. “What do you think it is officer? Why don’t you inject it? It might be worth it to find out, don’t you think?” He looks at Skylar with a puzzled look and then gives the other officer a slight glance before plunging the needle into his right arm as he squeezes the solution into himself. His beefy frame is unlike any other body type that the serum has been used on, which is why Skylar is so open to seeing what it does to this man. The one aiming a gun at the thick teenager is now very concerned for his partner’s safety. “Why the fuck did you do that Adrian? Do you know what this motherfucker does for a living? *grabs Skylar by the arm and cuffs him* Come on you piece of shit, time to join the other two outside.” Skylar is slowly carted out of the area but peers behind him to see what the officer is doing. It is obvious that this man is in a bit of discomfort as he throws the syringe across the room and breaks it. He stumbles slowly behind both of them and is sweating profusely. The officer with Skylar stops midway through the conference room to turn around and look at him. Skylar chuckles a few times to himself which prompts the officer to punch him in the face. He grimaces as he falls back a bit, but remains standing. Officer Adrian is now leaning over and his back is arched as strange sounds are coming from within his body. “Adrian? Why in the hell did you think that was a good idea?” The officer is no longer in anguish as he is now back up to being level with his law enforcement partner and is pushing his chest out in front of him. His pecs are now trying to tear through his uniform as his legs begin stretching the fabric of his pants. Skylar is absolutely giddy at what is transpiring and is now taunting the other officer. “You are going to be in for quite the surprise officer. He is going to do for me what no one else would. You better get out of here because I am not about to go to prison.” The concerned officer gets the hint as he goes rushing out of the room. Skylar gets down on his knees in front of Adrian as the police officer’s pants shred revealing his sweaty jock. The excited teenager begins to massage the man’s ballsac which is expanding out the sides. His cock is about to snap the jock off as Skylar opens his mouth to catch the veiny rod in his mouth. He sucks vigorously as Adrian’s entire lower half breaks free and continues to grow. His arms and chest make quick work of his shirt and uniform as the man completely embraces the changes that are going on from within his body. The other officer makes his way outside and notices that Dr. Banner is sitting in one of the cruisers with the officer that apprehended him. Gibbons is in an adjacent vehicle as well by himself. He gets between them to tell them what is going on. “Would you two fucking tell me what the hell is going on at this place? I have an officer in there that decided to go rogue on me because he somehow got mesmerized by that man that you guys confronted earlier. *hears a LOT of destruction going on inside the building* What the fuck? *he looks around the corner inside and sees two gigantic musclemen moving towards the entrance* Oh my gawd, we have to get the hell out of here.” The officer jumps into the cruiser with Gibbons and tells the officer in the one with Banner to get to the precinct as quickly as possible. Both the giant officer and giant Skylar burst through the front entrance about thirty seconds after the two cruisers take off down the road. Banner leans in to the front to tell the officer something. “Hey, take me to FutureTech Research instead. I might know a way to stop all of this destruction if you will help me out.” The officer seems very reluctant to listen to him. “You know I can’t do that Dr. Banner. If Massey found out I did this, I would be done.” Banner interjects. “And does Massey want two musclebound giants destroying his city? I think not. Take me to FutureTech Research and get me out of these cuffs so I can go and fix this.” The officer stops the cruiser at an intersection as Massey and Gibbons drudge ahead towards the precinct. He turns to look at Banner and sighs. His soft blue eyes look into Banner’s brown ones as he shakes his head. “Alright doctor, where is this research facility? *uncuffs Banner* I hope I am doing the right thing because I am risking everything to help you.” “Trust me officer, you won’t regret it. What is your name anyway so I can remember it for when I document everything?” “It is Oakley. Justin Oakley, but we go by our last names at the precinct. Give me the coordinates to the facility doctor.” Banner gives him the directions as they go barreling down several side streets towards the facility. End of Part Four
  5. Check out Part 1 here: Part 2: “Jasper, we don’t have time for this. This is the most logical way of converting Clive into a carrier. He will have to take my cock up his anal cavity so that I can find his prostate. I am feeling incredibly horny right now and need to fuck somebody so I suggest you go get him or I will have to make you the carrier which is not the most logical plan.” Jasper agrees and goes to get Clive. He pulls him into the exam room which makes the smaller partner a bit uneasy. The red behemoth grabs Clive who is quite alarmed by the huge monster standing in front of him and puts him on the exam table before propping his legs up onto his bloated shoulders and traps. Seth rubs his thick fingers along Clive’s wet hole before turning to look at Jasper who seems quite turned on by this. Seth looks down at the lube he left on the floor and turns to speak to Jasper. “Get me the clear lube on the floor Jasper. I want to make this as comfortable as possible for him. *looks back around at Clive who seems very tense* Relax Clive, let’s see how your body will respond when I press my cock up against your hole.” The huge muscular demon rubs his shiny purple cock against his human bottom’s tense opening before slapping it a few times. After getting the lube for the doctor, Jasper hands it to the red beast and begins to run his fingers all over the red doctor’s soaked backside before maneuvering around to the amazing slabs beneath his two engorged tits. Jasper is becoming quite intoxicated by the huge monster’s amazing musk as he rubs his thick cock against Seth’s big tail. The doctor turns his torso just slightly to the side before wrapping his tail around the muscular human’s waist. He picks him up off the ground to make him moan a couple of times before putting him back down. “You feeling good right now Jasper? Just give me a few minutes with Clive and you will be amazed at what he will be doing to you. For now, feel free to let your inhibitions take over as long as you don’t interfere with my process.” The doctor squirts a big pile of lube on his fingers and reaches down to completely coat his massive shaft before slowly parting Clive’s hole. It seems quite receptive to Seth’s entry as the doctor positions himself over top of the helpless human. The thinner bottom appears to be in a bit of pain as the red hulk begins to bear down on him. “Just stay relaxed Clive and you will be fine. There is going to be an incredible amount of pressure right now. I am going to manipulate your prostate into trusting me so I can convert you.” Clive groans as the doctor continues to spread his hole wider, stretching his anal walls as it tries to accommodate the girth of his mighty pole. He can’t resist the beast either as he feels Seth’s cockhead pressing up against his prostate. The red-skinned muscle monster begins slowly fucking him as Jasper continues to worship the doctor’s body with his hands and rubbing up against Seth’s bloated ass. After toying with Clive’s prostate for a few minutes, Seth stops moving inside him as he starts to feel the bottom’s prostate swelling. The human’s cock and balls turn a deep purple as the red hulk can feel that he is getting ready to unload inside him. Clive starts yelling because the sensation is so overwhelming which prompts the doctor to put one of his massive paws over top of his patient’s mouth. “Shhh…..stay calm Clive. *feels his balls starting to throb* Mmmmm, this is going to feel good when it comes out. *breathes heavy as he turns to talk to Jasper* You might want to get back Jasper, I have to maneuver my cock into just the right spot in order for this to work properly. *holds Clive firmly as he picks him up and sits him upright onto his engorged member* Ready for it Clive? MMMMMM…..it is going to be quite the rush.” Before Clive can even get a word out, he can feel Seth’s bloated cock showering his insides. Seth continues to cover the bottom’s mouth as he screams from the sheer volume of cum wrecking him. Jasper fears that the doctor is killing him because it looks like Clive is in severe agony. The doctor continues to grip him tightly as the river starts to pour out of Clive’s anus as he passes out from the ordeal. Jasper notices that his boyfriend is unconscious and starts to beat on Seth’s back to get him to stop fucking. “Relax Jasper in order for this to be successful I have to ravage him pretty badly. His body has to be prepared to be converted. Just give it me a few more minutes and you will see what I am talking about.” Jasper still seems a bit unconvinced. “I want to trust you doctor, but seeing him like this is really driving me crazy. I love him so much and hate to see him in such distress.” As they continue to banter with each other, they don’t even notice that Clive is starting to change physically. The bottom is writhing against Seth as his cock and balls begin swelling as precum starts to roll down the huge red hulk’s abs and right quad. He groans deeply as his muscles start expanding. It is at that point that Seth can feel Clive’s hole getting wider against his thick pole. He decides to put the growing human back down on the exam table as he pulls his limp dong making it flop a few times. The stretching sounds get louder as the unconscious grower’s legs and calves expand to twice their size as Jasper looks on in awe. The growth quickly moves up into his chest and abs as each individual slab pops before forming into a perfect six-pack. Jasper can’t resist rubbing his oozing cock on each one of them as Seth picks him up. The stunned bodybuilder turns to look at him as Clive’s bloated cock arches to find his partner’s gaping hole. The doctor slides Jasper on top of it which prompts him to yell in shock. “No need to wait Jasper, he is responding the way he is supposed to with my serum. His changes will be permanent as well because he is now a carrier of the virus. Now it is your turn to coax him into filling you up so that you two can start to bear children.” Jasper reaches down to feel Clive’s pecs swelling as each muscle fiber contracts. His small biceps and forearms are growing now as well as his veins struggle to maintain their size over top of the huge boulders forming. His back and lats are pushing him up from the table as Jasper leans in to kiss him on the lips. He moans noticing a huge difference in the way Clive kisses as the growing human starts to wake up to embrace him as he starts to fuck Jasper. The intense transformation is too much for his cock as he launches massive rivers of cum up inside his partner’s body as he yells in delight. His body continues to change as his face is more chiseled than before and a light layer of stubble appears on his face. Jasper grimaces as they continue to kiss each other. Dr. Darkori rubs Jasper’s back for a couple of minutes as Clive finishes filling him with massive quantities of sperm. Some of it flows into the floor beneath them as the two muscular lovers sit and try to collect themselves as the doctor starts to move away from them and over to tower over his desk to open one of his drawers. He is still bloated with muscle himself and is trying to find an antidote to his medication before he becomes consumed with lust. He could sense it as Clive was transforming and managed to keep it under wraps. However, with the two patients now emitting quite a plethora of hormones, he is finding it more difficult to control his own. “Guys, just give me a second here. *opens a drawer and talks softly* Ohh, thank gawd. *pops a pill out of a bottle and swallows it as he looks down at his swollen cock* Whew…..down boy. *it is leaking precum like it did before* I can’t let you dictate my moves, sorry.” Clive pulls out of Jasper as he tries to stand up. The newly muscular 27-year-old stud walks over to Seth and starts to massage his shoulders. The doctor pushes him away immediately though. “Knock it off Clive, you are feeling a bit horny I know, but I won’t be doing anything else for you at this time. *walks back around the desk towards Jasper* Jasper, you need to sit back down okay? Let everything swim around inside you for a few minutes. You will be developing a bump here in just a bit.” Seth pulls some of the paper off the table and has the 28-year-old bodybuilder sit back down. The tired bodybuilder grasps his pelvic area and appears to be in some discomfort. As he stands beside Jasper, he feels Clive’s huge vascular arms surrounding him as the thick hulk tries to slide his cock inside him. The doctor reaches around and grabs him by one of his arms before escorting him into the bathroom. He closes the door quickly and punches another button located beside the other one. The door makes a swooshing sound like they heard before as a steel door slides down from above. Clive yells in anger as he punches the door. “You need to relax Clive, it will wear off shortly. Don’t break your hand okay?” Jasper looks concerned, but he seems to get it. “I don’t appreciate you doing that to my boyfriend, but I suppose I can understand why you would want to keep him from interfering with this….. *feels his pelvis starting to swell* OHH SHIT! IT HURTS SO BAD!” Jasper’s lower abs and pelvic region are starting to bulge into what appears to be in the shape of a giant volleyball. His pecs are also swelling as his nipples stretch to twice their size. They both leak a clear liquid which is rolling down his bloated torso now. The sensation of his growing belly and erect nipples makes his cock spray the doctor’s body with a jet of precum. The doctor reaches down to massage the uncomfortable man’s balls which are rapidly filling up with cum now. “Things are looking really good Jasper. The whole process is working really well. *runs his hands on Jasper’s even larger round belly* It looks to me like you may be having more than one.” Clive has now stopped banging on the bathroom door as the doctor goes over to let him out. Seth pushes the same button he pressed before as the huge hulk rushes over to look over his partner. He is in awe at what he is looking at. He gently rubs the pregnant man’s furry pecs and squeezes his engorged nipples as they shoot what appears to be milk all over his bulging stomach. He then runs his hands along his lover’s belly as he kisses and licks the top part of it. Jasper’s agony appears to be subsiding as the pregnancy appears to be in its final form. The doctor walks back over to them again. “I think you two are ready to take this out of the exam room now. You should be due in about 12 weeks Jasper I would think. The babies have to be taken care of the same way they would be if they were being carried inside of a female. Of course, when you need to deliver them though, they will be coming out of your anus. Your body will transition to being able to do that in the meantime. Clive, I hope you are enjoying your new body because it is permanent since you are now a carrier of the pregnancy gene. Now, I will get you both outfits from the closet over here by the wall so you don’t have to leave here in the nude.” After a couple of minutes of shuffling through garments, the doctor returns to where he was before and sees that Clive is now servicing Jasper’s throbbing cock. The pregnant stud is moaning quite loudly as he starts to drench his partner’s face in thick voluminous cum. The happy sucker grunts as he takes turns gulping down the thick sea of cum and letting it smack him in the face. He looks up at Seth and smiles as he finishes drinking his partner’s nectar. “As long as it is just you doing that Clive, that isn’t a problem. The seed coming out of his cock will be needed later for when the babies are ready to mature.” Both of the men get up after they compose themselves and are in need of a shower. They both go into the bathroom to clean up before emerging just a few minutes later. They are now dressed to go in the clothing Dr. Darkori provided them. He is standing by the first button he punched so he can release the lever on the exam room door. The same swoosh they heard earlier disappears into the ceiling. As they both turn back around to look at Seth as they get to the main door, they notice that he has now returned to his original size again. “In case you both didn’t know, that noise you heard at first was a steel door coming down for the exam room door. Anyway, I want to see both of you again in 4 weeks. I will be checking to see how both of you are doing in your new roles. *hands Clive a clipboard with papers on it* Give that to Armand at the front desk for me Clive. I need to clean up myself before I see my next patient. *waves goodbye to both men* Talk to you both again soon.” They both wave at him as they go down the hall into the main lobby. Dr. Darkori stands by the bathroom room door and sighs a few times. He whispers a few ‘thank gawds’ to his self before going into the shower. The experiment worked exactly the way he hoped it would. Hopefully his luck will continue. End of Part 2
  6. Case A: Clive sits awkwardly with his 28-year-old bodybuilder boyfriend in an incredibly spacious doctor’s office lobby that looks like it used to be a warehouse. A thickly muscled receptionist sits behind an immensely impressive desk with his office equipment surrounding him. Other patients waiting in the lobby can’t help but to stare at him as he sometimes bounces his huge meaty pecs and rubs his massive guns as he does his work on the computer terminals. The lovers haven’t checked in yet either because Clive is concerned that he will be laughed at when they go to talk to the receptionist. “I don’t feel comfortable with this Jasper. It just feels too…..weird, don’t you think?” The 27-year-old muscle stud hugs his partner tightly before he gets up from his seat. “We discussed this a thousand times Clive. Let’s just see what Dr. Darkori can do for us. He comes highly recommended.” His smaller boyfriend stands up with him as they both walk up to the receptionist’s desk. The huge musclebound man looks up at them and smiles. His brightly-colored green eyes are heightened by the contacts he is wearing. His gorgeous scruffy face has a noticeable dimple in the cleft of his chin. Clive is busy staring at the man’s mammoth 23” gun as he types which is barely contained inside his skin tight flannel shirt. His veins are literally as big as garden hoses. The man speaks. “What is your name dude?” Jasper elbows him in his side to snap Clive out of his zoning. The man grunts as he tenses his right arm. The huge boulder shreds the fabric as it emerges victorious from its prison. He then laughs a little bit. “Heh, sorry about that, let me look your name up for you man.” Jasper chimes in. “His name is Clive Garretty. I’m Jasper Andersson. We are here to see Dr. Darkori about an issue we discussed with our primary doctor.” The man continues to smile and then speaks again. “Yeah I found your names. You both wanted to talk to him about conceiving a man baby. I’m here to tell you, Seth is a miracle worker. I may not look it, but just a few months ago, I was a twig. I have worked here for almost a year and one day he stopped by and talked to me about trying out a new serum that he was developing. I thought why not. Well…..I had no idea it would physically change me over a matter of hours. A word of caution though when he comes out here to meet you, he is a bit different looking so don’t be alarmed when you see him at first.” The door that enters into a nearby hallway for the exam rooms opens as a patient comes walking out looking quite pleased. They are a bit sweaty and their clothes look as if they are painted on them. The receptionist takes a clipboard from the patient and waves goodbye as an extremely hunky red-skinned man follows behind them. He is wearing a white lab coat which hugs his body perfectly. He is quite fit, but not overly developed as Clive inadvertently stares at the man’s vascular forearms and his nicely shaped biceps that are hugging his short sleeves. The man smiles at them, which gets a few soft moaning sounds from both Clive and Jasper. He then says a few words to the receptionist. “Armand, he doesn’t need to come back for the time being. *turns to look at the two men standing beside him* Hello guys. *puts his hand out to shake Clive’s* How are you doing today?” He squeezes the lighter skinned man’s hand which sends shivers up and down Clive’s spine. The receptionist, Armand, hands the doctor another clipboard with his free hand as he lets go of Clive’s hand. He then turns around as the two lighter-skinned men follow him down the hallway. They end up in a fairly large room with an exam table that is halfway vertical. He points to two chairs that are in front of his desk. They both sit down as he does the same behind the table. “First off, I will tell you both that my name is Seth Darkori. I am known as a doctor of rare and unusual ailments. They don’t really have a classification for the type of treatment that I do because a lot of it is experimental. I am proud to say that I have successfully changed the lives of most if not all of my patients. Most of my patients call me the muscle doctor for good reason. I am pretty obsessed with transforming people into their true forms. *looks at their file and then looks up* So, your names are Clive and Jasper. I want both of you to give me your reasoning behind wanting to conceive another human being.” Clive begins to speak but Jasper stops him to chime in. “Well, it is something that me and my partner have talked about for a very long time. It seemed impossible until we talked to one of your former patients about the miracles that you perform. I was strongly against it because I wanted my relationship to develop with Clive for a while before we decided to take it further. Now that we have been dating for a few years, I feel like we can move forward with this big decision.” Seth gets up and walks over to the exam table. The two men turn to look at him as he slaps the loose paper on top of the table. “Let me take a look at both of you before we go any further. My assistant isn’t here today so I will do the vitals. Why don’t I check you first Jasper since you look like you have spent some time in the gym. Since this is going to be an extremely thorough exam, I will need for both of you to strip to your underwear.” The two men look at each other for a few moments, shrug their shoulders, and strip off their clothes. Jasper walks over and sits on the table. The fur on his body does little to conceal the 235 pounds of power under his skin. Seth smiles as he watches the doctor take his blood pressure and run his fingers along Jasper’s body to check for lumps under the skin. “You take amazing care of yourself Jasper. Now I am going to do something unusual. I am going to check and see which one of you is lucky enough to be the host of the conception gene and which one should be the recipient of the new child. This may stimulate you both a bit. I will do the same kind of test on you as well Clive so just hold on.” The doctor puts his hands just above the top of Jasper’s tight underwear. His thick beercan cock hugs just underneath the waistband. Seth pushes down on his pelvic area and runs his fingers along the tight muscles before tracing them all the way up along his abdominal cavity. He then moves his fingers down each huge ab and lightly punches them. Jasper gasps a couple of times as Seth winks at him. “Sorry, I just had to get that one in. Until I examine your partner Jasper, you would be an amazing candidate for birthing. Your core is astoundingly strong. Okay, let me have a go at Clive now.” Jasper gets down as Clive walks over to get on the table. The doctor performs the same criteria with him only this time he looks over at Jasper. “I am going to have to look at Clive’s cock Jasper. Is that okay with you?” Jasper nods his head yes. “Okay Clive, time to take it all off.” The thinner, but lean muscled man stands back up to strip his underwear off. His long cock dangles as he sits back down. Seth sits it on Clive’s leg as he goes to get some gloves. He comes back with some lube as well as he puts some of it on his gloves as he rubs it along each finger. He then massages along Clive’s shaft and balls. The man sighs as the doctor strokes him a few times to make his cock grow a little. “Do you produce a lot of precum Clive? I want to see if your child making ability needs any boost or not.” He strokes him a few more times and squeezes his cockhead. A few beads of precum flow out as the doctor makes a few ‘uh huhs’. Jasper is getting quite turned on by this now as his cock pushes its way out the top of his underwear. He pulls them off to let his cock bounce a few times. The doctor smiles as he swipes the precum off Clive’s cockhead. “I see this is starting to turn both of you on. Perhaps we should move on to the next phase then. I have determined that Clive here should be the carrier and you Jasper should be the host of the child. Now there are two methods for conception. The first is not as successful as the second method. I can either inject you Clive with a serum that will have about a 50% chance of working or another process that is more inside the 80-90% success bracket.” After just a few seconds, Clive says that he wants the second choice. The doctor points over to his right. “Okay, I will need both of you to go into the bathroom over there and clean your anuses out so we can proceed to the next step. There are enemas if you need them, but I think the shower should be sufficient for you both. I will prepare for the procedure while you two get ready.” As they enter the bathroom, Seth walks over to one of his cabinets and opens it to take out three vials of liquid. Each one has a different dosage and concentration of a male fertility drug that he has developed. He looks at one in particular before putting the other two back. He sighs a few times before opening a drawer and taking a syringe out. He plunges the needle into the vial and sucks up several ccs of the serum. He grabs a thick rubber band and wraps it around his left arm just above his bicep and below his big meaty red shoulder. He ties it with his teeth, which makes his huge veins swell up as they get to the surface. He takes his syringe and plunges it into the biggest vein in his arm. He then pushes the serum into the vein and grunts as he pulls it out and tosses it into the waste container along with the rubber band he just snapped off. His breathing is getting a bit labored now as he goes to walk over beside the bathroom to talk to both of them. “Okay…..I have to warn both of you. My appearance may look a bit different here in a few minutes.” The doctor’s muscles tense as he feels his cock and balls swelling in his pants. His hormones flood his body as the shirt under his lab coat shreds. His arms tear through his sleeves like paper as he bends over for a few seconds to let the serum take over his body. Numerous rips are heard as his grunts get louder. His pants are unable to contain the huge package he is holstering as it busts through the front and hangs freely as it dribbles precum all over the floor. He remembers to push a special button by one of the cabinets as a huge swooshing sound is heard from all around the room. The other two in the bathroom stop what they are doing for a few seconds to figure out what is going on. “What the hell was that?” Clive says. “I don’t know, let me go and find out.” Jasper tells him. As he leaves through doorway to go back into the exam room, he notices Dr. Darkori hunched down towards the floor and watches as each individual seam rips open exposing the red-skinned hulks ever expanding wet back muscles as they continue to grow. The doctor is practically nude now as a huge mass begins to protrude just above his massive glutes. It bursts open as a long and pointy black and red tail flaps a few times. Jasper jumps back in shock as the doctor turns to show off his enormous purplish member and his perfectly developed torso. A few more muscles are heard stretching before the doctor takes a few breaths. He tries to speak and seems to be gaining a little more control over his developing muscles. Seth’s voice is much deeper as he soaks the floor with his sweat and precum. “Uhhh…..whew!. This serum seems to be stronger than the last time I tried using it. Give me a few moments to get a handle on myself Jasper. I need Clive to get his ass out here right now though because I am beyond ready to move forward.” Jasper is in awe of just how big Seth has gotten. The gleaming red musculature mesmerizes him to the point that he wants to reach out and touch him, but he resists not knowing if the doctor is completely himself or not. “Oh my gawd Dr. Darkori, are you going to fuck both of us? I mean…..ummmm…..I think I am fine with this, but I don’t know about Clive?” The doctor seems a bit agitated but tries to stay calm. End of Part 1
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