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  1. Buenas, para los que no le conocen, ya llevo un rato en esta comunidad, trate de publicar antes pero no podía seguir con esa historia, pero quería contar más, dejaré aparte la primera historia que hice, quizás después de la retome, quizás no . Otra cosa que aclarar es que, está historia va a tomar en cuenta que quieren que pase en el siguiente capítulo, elegirán alguna de lss ideas que propongan y también pueden comentar algunas que les gustaría ver. Está historia está totalmente en español, si alguien quiere traducirla puede hacerlo. Capítulo 1 tesoros del ayer. Mi nombre es Michel, tengo 19 años, soy un estudiante universitario de intercambio del otro lado del país, vivo en un departamento con mi roomy Carl, ambos vamos a la misma universidad pero diferentes carreras, el va a medicina y yo voy a nutricionista, amo los deportes y el cuidado del cuerpo, aunque no es que haya logrado destacar del todo en alguno, más bien era de la gestión de tiempos y estrategias, así que quería llegar a ser entrenador, ¿Cuál deporte? Uno de boxeo, mi abuelo era antes un luchador, y en casa siempre había recortes de periódico y algunos trofeos de su carrera como luchador, una parte de mi quería llegar a ser como él, yo estando en el ring pero mi madre nunca me lo perdonaría, aunque eso nunca me impidió intentarlo alguna que otra vez a escondidas. Cuándo me da tiempo la universidad, voy al gimnasio de mi localidad, uno de los más viejos y reconocidos de la ciudad, Empire of steel (el imperio de acero). Muchas leyendas se forjaron ahí dentro, o eso dice su folleto de entrada, la verdad es que el lugar se siente viejo, atrapado en la década de los años 90 pero está en buenas condiciones. No llevo tanto en el gym, apenas voy para mí segundo mes aquí, así que no es que tenga la mejor condición, soy peso ligero aún, pero al menos puedo presumir que tengo el estómago marcado. Mis estadísticas hijo: Altura: 1,75 m (5,7 pies) Peso: 70 kg (154 libras) Masa corporal grasa: 10% Tez: delgada No era nada sorprendente, mi metabolismo es muy rápido así que me cuesta subir peso, aunque estoy aprendiendo a como subirlo con mis clases, quiero estar totalmente seguro en lo que estoy haciendo antes de meterme a una dieta y arruinar mi progreso sin querer. E tratado de hacer que Carl se una al gym, no para que se vea espectacular sino que se cuide, él es un genio pero con malos hábitos y lo sabe, es un poco más alto que yo y aunque no come mucha comida chatarra es muy sedentario así que tiene grasa acumulada. Pero aún así si tengo a alguien que me acompañe en el gym, es mi guía aquí desde que me uní, David, o como es conocido, el joven Hércules, un tipo bastante guapo, de buena mandíbula con barba corta, unos hermosos ojos verdes y su cabello castaño en punta, tiene mi misma edad pero es mucho más grande que yo, no solo con su altura de 1.85 m (6.1 ft) sino también de peso, él ya es semi pesado y cerca de llegar al pesado, con unos buenos 85 kilos (187 libras) de músculo, también quizás algo de grasa,no tiene los abdominales tan marcados pero no puedes discutir con sus brazos que parece que tiene una pelota debajo de su piel, venas gruesas que registran todo su brazo hasta los dedos de las manos, un gran pecho amplio el cual se nota que se depila seguido para que se aprecie las fibras musculares cuando levante la barra de 118 kilos (260 libras) su era lo más increíble que tiene, podría cargarme con facilidad si él lo quisiera, y hacer peso muerto conmigo; él también trabaja las piernas, siempre usando shorts cortos para mostrar sus piernas gruesas tan anchas y bastante bien marcadas que me recordaba a un tronco de un árbol mediano, fuerte y que solo crecerá para ser más grande e imponente, eso era lo que se esperaba de David, que llegó a ser un culturista de renombre pero él no está tan interesado,más bien lo atribuye más a algo genético para estar así que realmente esforzarse. Lo envidio y admiro en secreto. Pero basta de él, debo concentrarme en mi rutina la cuál era el pecho el día de hoy, estaba levantando unos 59 kg (130 lb) no era mucho pero era un progreso bastante bueno, antes y ni podía levantar la barra, si que estoy feliz por ello. Mientras iba terminando con algo de cardio en la máquina de correr, siempre me preguntaba, qué personas habrán recorrido estos pasillos, correr sobre estás máquinas, levantar los pesos más pesados, y llevar en alto el nombre del gimnasio que los llevaron hasta su máximo potencial ; claro que estaban colgadas las fotos de esas leyendas en el mural de la fama al entrar al gimnasio, pero a lo que me refiero es a sus historias, que tanto trabajo les tomó llegar hasta la cima. De cualquier modo estaba internet para ello y ya también era hora de irme,eran las 9 de la noche y tenía que dormir temprano para los exámenes de mañana, fui a las regaderas y estuve ahí un poco más de lo normal, tenía asuntos pendientes ahí abajo después de ver cuerpos tan trabajados casi toda la tarde, cuerpos esculpidos en mármol por Miguel Ángel, un arte viviente creciente y con lo mejor de todo, que se pueda tocar y llevar a casa. Una vez liberado de ese deseo, salí y me vestí con el cambio de mi casillero número 22, podría decir que ésto era de lo más antiguo del local, los casilleros, estaban ya bastante desgastados, les faltaban algo de pintura y algunas partes estaban oxidadas , varios clientes se quejaron y quisieron cambiarlos pero el antiguo dueño siempre tenía excusas para no mover ni un dedo por ello.tenía asuntos ahí abajo después de ver cuerpos tan trabajados casi toda la tarde cuerpos, esculpidos en mármol por Miguel Ángel, un arte viviente creciente y con lo mejor de todo, que se puede tocar y llevar a casa. Una vez liberado de ese deseo, salí y me vestí con el cambio de mi casillero número 22, podría decir que ésto era de lo más antiguo del local, los casilleros, estaban ya bastante desgastados, les faltaban algo de pintura y algunas partes estaban oxidadas , varios clientes se quejaron y quisieron cambiarlos pero el antiguo dueño siempre tenía excusas para no mover ni un dedo por ello. tenía asuntos ahí abajo después de ver cuerpos tan trabajados casi toda la tarde cuerpos, esculpidos en mármol por Miguel Ángel, un arte viviente creciente y con lo mejor de todo, que se puede tocar y llevar a casa.Una vez liberado de ese deseo, salí y me vestí con el cambio de mi casillero número 22, podría decir que ésto era de lo más antiguo del local, los casilleros, estaban ya bastante desgastados, les faltaban algo de pintura y algunas partes estaban oxidadas , varios clientes se quejaron y quisieron cambiarlos pero el antiguo dueño siempre tenía excusas para no mover ni un dedo por ello. — ¡Oye, Michel! ¿Qué haces aquí tan tarde todavía? — Dijo David semi desnudo, apenas con una toalla en la cintura y acercándose a mí, había olvidado que su casillero está cerca del mío, el número 47. — Oh… hola, David, yo sólo… quería esforzarme más este día, ya sabes, poder conocer mis límites y expandirlos, como tú siempre dices. — le contesté con algo de vergüenza en el tono aunque seguía teniendome como si no me importara. — Pero bueno, mira que tenemos aquí, ¡un futuro luchador que quiere llegar lejos! Eso campeón, da tu mejor esfuerzo. — me toma del cuello con su brazo para poder despeinar mi cabello aún mojado. Él siempre es así, bastante amigable, activo y que no conoce el espacio personal, aunque no me importaba mucho estar tan cerca de él. — ¡Oye, basta! Ya me había peinado. —me quejé aunque riendo un poco, disfrutó realmente de su compañía, como el hermano mayor que nunca tuve. — Solo me alegra que estés dando lo mejor de ti mismo. Recuerdo que cuando llegaste eras un insecto palo andante, ahora ya se puede ver carne debajo de esa piel. — Me suelta y prosigue con lo suyo, abriendo su casillero y comenzando con su desodorante de menta y romero, típico de él, casi que ya son olores característicos de David. Mientras tanto voy dando unos tacos de ojo de vez en cuando, para ver cómo es que luchar para ponerse su playera blanca intencionalmente de una talla más pequeña de la que debería de llevar. — Oye, ¿quieres que te ayude? Parece que ahora sí vas a tener que cambiar tu armario por unas tallas más grandes. — Naaa, yo puedo, quiero llegar al punto dónde se desgarre con solo hacer flexiones, quizás una semana más y no tendré cambio para salir del gimnasio decentemente. Me sonrojé con el pensamiento de solo imaginar esa escena de verlo aún más grande y notar como su ropa se va desgarrando frente a mí. Por suerte él parecía tener prisa, se vistió rápido y se despidió de mí a su manera, un choque de puños y un abrazo fuerte para presumir fuerza, aunque… solo conmigo hace eso. Ya casi terminaba con mis cosas, solo faltaba luchar con el casillero para que cerrase, de que no te iban a poder robar nada podía casi confirmar eso, algunass estaban ya oxidadas o algunas llaves perdidas, ese era el caso incluso del casillero de al lado , el casillero 23. Ese casillero no se a abierto en años, según las leyendas y rumores del gym, le pertenecía a un culturista de principios de los 2000, Amari Stone, un culturista que estuvo a punto de ganar el Mr Olympia dos veces , y en las dos quedando en segundo lugar, era un hombre con casi el doble de ancho de una persona, pesando el triple y aunque no era tan alto, definitivamente tampoco era bajo, medía 1,82 m (6 ft). Su carrera parecía que iba por gran camino, pero a sus 37 años tuvo problemas cardíacos por un soplo en el corazón no diagnosticado.Y murio a sus 38, Iba saliendo del local, pasando por el muro de la fama, de los que llegaron a llevar en grande el nombre del gym, y ahí estaba la foto del legendario Amari Stone, compitiendo en el Mr Olympia del 2002. Me acerqué para verlo mejor en la foto, aunque no sabía bien sus estadísticas, diría que fácilmente pesaba 130 kg (287 lb) estaba claramente definida, sus músculos eran grandes si, pero en buena proporción, aunque a él siempre le gustaba resaltar pecho y brazos, además de sus piernas . Muy parecido a David… en ese sentido, quizás si él se interesará llegaría tan lejos como Amari. Toque un poco la foto, recordando los dedos por el cuerpo de Amari, imaginando cómo se sentiría un cuerpo así de trabajado. Y cuando ya iba a irme, que escucho que algo se cae y se rompe, temía lo peor, me giré y ahí en el suelo estaba el marco de fotos roto. Trate de rápido recoger los fragmentos de vidrio y la foto antes de que viniera el hijo del dueño, aunque no era severo como su padre, tampoco es que me llevara muy bien con él, era un idiota que abusaba de esteroides y acosaba algunas chicas, por suerte ahora mismo quizás y está en privado con una en el baño.Así que solo iba a poner la foto en el escritorio y tirar el marco, pero entre los trozos de vidrio y la foto, estaba un pedazo de metal que no correspondía con el marco de fotos, lo tome con cuidado y al levantarlo ví que era una llave con el número 23 en ella, no lo pensé mucho, ------------------------------------- ¿Qué les gustaría que haya en el casillero número 23? -Esteroides especiales. -Algo para pedir deseos. -Algo para robar músculos. -Ropa usada. Los leo quiero que sea una historia larga y con la participación de la gente.
  2. idealmuscle

    Genie Jafar

    Some of you may have come across this story within the ideas part of the forum. Giganticbeast gave the okay for people to expand this story. I love the character. Jafars lust for power was never truly captured in the film. Let's carry on Gigantic beasts work by carryong on the growth. Why not introduce other gods? Or savor in the growth a little longer. The Genie has more Power than you'll EVER HAVE! He gave you your power and he can take it away!" Aladdin said with a sneer, the young man playing this last hail marry struggling to outthink this powerful sorcerer. The genie and half drowned Jasmine stared in terror at this suggestion! Why would he suggest this powermad monster could gain MORE power!? "You're right...the genie's power DOES exceed that of my own.." the sorceror thought aloud, his serpent form snaking around the struggling street rat. His eyes lit up "That's it! Genie I have my FINAL wish!" He said, abandoning the giant snake form, returning to his former slender self, freezing Aladdin in place with a single wave of his hand. Aladdin sighed, watching the hourglass fill with sand, the poor princess Jasmine struggling for a breath, as Aladdin prayed this mad man would make his last wish already! The Genie tried to talk him out of it "hold on sir, mister megalomaniacal psychopath if you could just stop with the wishes that'd be greaaaaat" the blue genie adjusting his tie and fixing his glasses while standing beside a suddenly conjured cubicle wall. Another wave of the magicians hand obliterated the office space, and the sorcer wished "NOW Genie I wish to become an ALL POWERFUL-" taking a breath while Aladdin smirked, his cocky grin sickening the lithe old man, clearly the street rat THOUGHT he had a plan, what a fool! "ALL POWERFUL GOD" The man bellowed at the top of his lungs! Aladdin cockily dropping from the old man's spell as a blast of magic hit Jafar square in the chest! "Aren't you forgetting something Jafar? A genie has oh...wait...god!?" The Genie struggled to complete this wish, his energy draining as he continued to blast the old man, magic wracking through Jafar's lean body as he started to moan and groan from the increase in energies! "OH YES! you FOOL you think I would want to be a GENIE!? Why be a GENIE when one can be a GOD!" He doubled, losing focus enough to let Aladdin free. The youth freed Jasmine and dashed towards Jafar, scooping up a scimitar as he leaped through the air! Closing the distance and swinging the scimitar downward the blade was halted as if it stuck a block of steel! Aladdin opened his eyes nervously and stared at the thick muscled hand that now gripped the base of that blade showing no sign of harm! "OHHH YES....I can FEEL IT! Ohh the POWER! the fucking absolute POWER" he grunted as his twig of a forearm BULGED with rippling power, both Jafar and Aladdin watched the wave of growth rush over him! Travelling up his arm as his sleeve burst off! Individual rippling fibers of muscle swelling and BULGING with power as veins snaked up and down the dark toned skin! The old man standing and rising up and UP growing taller as his robes started to fray and stretch across his thickening form! Aladdin took a swing and another and ANOTHER, but the blade just bounced off the growing gods torso, cutting the stretched robe off, showing his skin changing to a deep red hue! "GO AHEAD and SWING street rat! OHHH Swing while you can! You FOOL! You fucking OHHHH GOD! WITLESS WASTE OF LIFE!" His shoulders bulging and swelling as he doubled in height lurching taller, his growth out of control and forcing his body to jerk and flex without any sign of stopping! His arms stretching down past his knees as he watched his body swell and grow like never before! thickening as his chest and lats continued to heave with every deep intensely pleasurable gasp of breath! The youth ran to the princesses side, watching as the man grew into the world's newest god! "OH THE UNIVERSE ITSELF WILL BOW BEFORE ME! MY IMMENSE MUSCLES CAN REND THE VERY FABRIC OF REALITY!" he grunted as a single flex of his pecs caused the princesses' clothes to literally vanish! He turned and threw his arms up into a double Bi pose, as his monstrous peaks bulged, Aladdin let out a shriek of pain shrinking in size and shape until he was nothing more than a baby! The towering, still growing god's grunts were only getting louder and more powerful by the second as the genie completed the ultimate wish! His blue form literally fading out of existence as his powers were completely drained! "WELL PRINCESS LOOKS LIKE YOUR REAL MAN IS NOTHING MORE THAN A MERE CHILD! AS I WARNED YOU!" He laughed his voice dropping so deep as his shredded rags of robes finally exploded off the towering muscle man's 15ft frame! The orgasmic feeling of this growth was so intense even HE was caught off guard! Jasmine let out a gasp watching his thick legs slowly dissipate, the muscled tree trunks becoming more ethereal as the transformation was progressing just out of control! The hulking behemoths shoulders bulged once again larger, swelling up against his ears as his jaw grew more square and pecs heaved upwards pressing against the base of his chin, almost swallowing his head! A loud CRASH echoed as the red skinned GOD grew right up against the brass domed ceiling! "YOU CANNOT STOP A GOD YOU FOOLS! THIS WORLD IS MINE! ALL POWERFUL! UNSTOPPABLY HUGE! I CAN'T FUCKING STOP GROWING!" He grunted, his body from the waist down merely a swirling maelstrom of gas and cloud until the lusty ever growing beast reached downward and simply started stroking the air itself. The red clouds of aether started to swirl and grow, stretching from his waist into the form of a monstrous cock! Thickening and growing between his hands, soon bigger than his own arm and growing more massive by the second! "YES PRINCESS I BET YOU WISHED YOU MARRIED ME NOW DIDN'T YOU?!" he asked as he pushed up through the roof of the palace, his cock growing to his pecs! "YOU ARE RIGHT THOUGH I'M NOT A REAL MAN, I"M A GOD! A GROWING ALL POWERFUL GOD!" he moaned as merely GAZING upon him sent the princess into a furious orgasm crumpled up as the all powerful Jafar continued to grow! Rising up from the ruins of the palace he continued to swell and GROW into the cool night sky! his moans echoing so loudly as he watched the once great city shrink below him! "TO THINK I MERELY WANTED TO RULE THIS CITY! I NOW RULE ALL OF EXISTENCE! A TRUE GOD! AN ALL POWERFUL MUSCLEBOUND GOD!" he laughed his deep voice booming so loudly the earth quaked and the sandy ground cracked open and swallowed up entire houses in the city! People staring upwards as the night sky was FILLED with this hulking flexing monstrosity! He smiled a wicked grin as his cock bulged against his monstrous pecs "GO AHEAD YOU PITIFUL MORTALS WORSHIP ME, CUM ALL OF YOU! NOW" he barked and with a single thought drove every human on earth into a simultaneous orgasm. It's only fair given the dark terrible things he planned on doing to them all...
  3. Tranquilos, no voy a abandonar la otra historia, sino que el cuerpo me pedía una historia así para ayer xb. Está historia no va a tener encuesta aunque se agradece si dejan comentarios. Espero que les guste porque yo estaba urgente de una historia de cambio de rol más aya de músculos que si habrá (;3) solo esperen. Seguiré con esta historia cuando acabé [El resurgir de una leyenda] con poco tiempo de espera entre cada nuevo capítulo, espero ver bastantes comentarios de como se desarrollará está historia. Capitulo 1: una nueva vida Un 7 de noviembre del 2022, la pandemia se está controlando y ya muchos no se preocupan del virus, los negocios van abriendo y lss compañías vuelven a necesitar contratar mano de obra. Una de esas compañías era Dyhigh-tech una empresa que se dedica al desarrollo, diseño y construcción de nuevas tegnologias; ahí trabaja uno de nuestros protagonistas, Luis Javier García, o solo Javier para abreviar. Él era un hombre de finanzas, siempre sentado en el computador registrando las ganancias y perdida de la empresa, a dónde se dirige el dinero y así, pero no era de importancia ahora y menos en un puesto tan abajo en gestionar los sueldos de los empleados del almacén, la vida de Javier era aburrida y en decadencia, sus años de gloria como deportista acabaron cuando la futura esposa y madre de su hijo toca su puerta con un test de embarazo a sus 17 años de ambos, desde ahí hasta sus ya 35 años su vida se está yendo al desagüe, su hijo adolecente no le respeta y siempre se reviere a su padre como cerdo fracasado, aunque su esposa Nancy siempre está corrigiendo a su hijo Gabriel, ella no podía justificarlo mucho pues era verdad que a Javier lo podías disfrazar de cerdo y le quedaría el papel, siendo un hombre de pocos modales, peludo, algo descuidado y sobretodo con sobrepeso que mantenía comiendo como un cerdo. A Javier no le preocupaba mucho su futuro, estaba cómodo en un empleo que no requiere tanto esfuerzo y tener una esposa que se a conservado muy bien le sube un poco el ego, pero eso cambio con la pandemia y ahora descubrió lo alejado que estaba de si familia y que ya no se entendían como antes, antes de terminar el 2021 su esposa Nancy le dió el m documento y le pido directo sin dudar que quiere el divorcio, él extendió todo lo posible pero tenía un ultimátum para antes de la primavera del 2022. Para el colmo la compañía dónde trabaja aún siguen recortando personal y él está casi en la mira así que tiene que salir de su zona de confort y empezar a trabajar de más. Lo de su hijo ya era un caso perdido, casi que él prefería pasar el tiempo con el padre de su mejor amigo que con él. Pero las cosas iban a cambiar con la llegada de un pariente que busca una oportunidad en la ciudad, su sobrino Alexander hijo de su hermana mayor, venía a la ciudad a buscar empleo, Alexander no pudo estudiar en la universidad por falta de dinero aunque sabía que podría sacarle provecho, no aplicó para una beca por su historial académico y de mala conducta, si el chico era alguien intenso que no querías molestar, podrá parecer un alto flacucho pero sabía dar una buena pelea sin importar que le superes por varios centímetros y peso, él era rápido y no dudaba en lo que hacía. Pero ya esos tiempos de institutos quedaron atrás y el joven está dispuesto a conseguir empleo, su madre convenció a su tío Javier para que le consiga algún trabajo y también hospitalidad en la gran ciudad, Alexander no estaba cómodo con la idea, no por su tío sino por su primo Gabriel que desde niños el pequeño Gabriel era el más fastidioso e inquieto de la familia. Alexander llegó un 10 de enero a la casa de Javier quien ya lo esperaba con una habitación de huéspedes lista para él aunque demasiado cerca de la habitación de Gabriel, para suerte de Alexander el pequeño Gabriel ya se había calmado un poco y tenía videojuegos para entretenerse el mismo. Nuestro Alexander aceptó la oferta de empleo que pudo darle su tío Javier, no es que fuera realmente algo que le daría una independencia económica pero gracias al alojamiento puede ahorrar para algo más y mientras gana experiencias buscar un mejor empleo, ¿Que cuál fue el empleo? Boguedista de la misma compañía de Javier, así también se ahorra el viaje. Paso una semana y se podría decir que Alexander se está empezando a adaptar a su nueva vida en la ciudad, el trabajo era pesado si pero le daba el tiempo para al menos también intentar hacer vida, conocer sus alrededores, no era mala la experiencia fuera del trabajo y la casa de Javier, la cosa cambia dentro. Pasando una semana con la familia de su tío es imposible no enterarse de los problemas más evidentes, trató de no involucrar se pero el viaje al trabajo casi atrapado en el tráfico, dos hombres en un auto y claramente la incomodidad del silencio, era preferible hablar de algo aunque sea de los problemas en casa y del fútbol que la verdad ninguno de los dos veía pero nunca se lo dijeron al otro. Parecía que iba a ser otro viernes más en la vida de ambos pero estaban completamente equivocados, hoy tocaba unas horas extra, ambos claramente no estaban felices con ello pero ¿qué podían hacer realmente? Alexander estaba moviendo equipo de la bodega a uno de los laboratorios de las plantas bajas, algo ya parte de la rutina de mover aparatos y cosas que no entendía bien del todo, la cosa es que tuvo un pequeño descuido con una caja la cual se cayó de sus manos en un tropiezo y las piezas salieron volando por todas las direcciones, una de esas piezas llegó a impactar contra una máquina extraña la cual ahora estaba dañada por una pieza que llegó a atravesar el tablero de control de alguna manera. El joven pudo limpiar el desastre pero no sabía que hacer con esa máquina, algo apanicado por pensar que iba a perder su empleo y tener que volver al pequeño pueblo con su madre, una idea se pasó por su mente, Javier, él posiblemente sabrá que hacer tenía la esperanza que así fuera. Javier llegó con Alexander y vió claramente cuál era el problema desde que entró al laboratorio, estuvieron discutiendo que hacer unos minutos hasta que simplemente llegaron a la conclusión de que al menos no dejen ese fierro clavado ahí y que ya alguien más se de cuenta del daño. Los dos empezaron a hacer fuerza para sacar la pieza de metal que estaba más atascada ee lo que pensaban, fue en un descuido que activaron la máquina y no solo eso sino que estaban en la mira del rayo que salió antes de que lograrán quitar la pieza. Ellos solo vieron casi que un flash de luz azul que los cegó momentáneamente, la cosa es que no sabían es que esa máquina no era una cámara muy costosa, sino un cambiador de mentes y que sin querer ellos dos cambiaron de cuerpo. Alexander fue el primero en despertarse, se sentía pesado, cansado y curiosamente con hambre, estaba algo sudado y sus pies lo estaban matando, él pudo reconocer a alguien más en el suelo, fue rápido pero un escalofrío recorrió su cuerpo cuando se dió cuenta de qué era su cuerpo ahí tirado, levanto lentamente sus manos las cuales ya no eran esas manos que vieron varias peleas y con unas pocas venas marcadas, ahora eran manos grandes y gruesas pero más que nada gordas y con mucho vello que recorría desde laano hasta casi sus hombros. Corrió a un tanque metálico que funcionaba como espejo y ahí se vio mejor, tenía el pelo negro, una barba descuidada pero abundante, un casi inexistente cuello, hombros flácidos y brazos regordetes, pechos de hombre un poco colgantes, una gran barriga semi cervecera, una cadera y piernas demasiado anchas que no cabría bien en un asiento, además de llevar unos zapatos que se sentían 2 tallas más pequeños de lo que deberían, era su Tío Javier, mejor dicho él tenía el cuerpo de su tío Javier. El siguiente en despertarse fue el mismo Javier quién se extraño de verse a si mismo de espaldas, hizo caso lo mismo, miro sus manos flacas de dedos largos, venas marcadas y parecia que tenía los nudillos endurecidos, se levantó y fue al lado de su cuerpo y se vio a si mismo también, un joven alto para su anterior estatura de 1.75 m ahora tiene 1.85 m, era flaco pero no sé sentía para nada débil, su pelo ahora era castaño y no tenía mi un pelo más aya de su cabeza, podía ver si piel un poco más bronceada por dónde se asomaban de la ropa ajustada que hacía notar un poco su pecho y su cintura pequeña, unas piernas largas que terminaban en tenis sin plataforma algo grandes pero de la talla adecuada. — ¿Que fue lo que pasó? ¿Por qué estoy en tu cuerpo? — Dijo Javier a Alexander que aún estaba aturdido e incrédulo por lo que veía. — No… no lo sé. ¿Que vamos hacer ahora? ¡¿Que le diremos a tu familia?! — Expresó con preocupación y enojo Alexander. — Mira, no tengo ni la más remota idea que pasó, pero no debemos decirle a nadie, si se enteran de ésto sólo va a empeorar las cosas, ya tengo demasiadas preocupaciones como para lidiar con esto. — ¡¿Qué?! ¿Acaso quieres callarte y pretender que nada paso? — Toma de la camisa de Javier que sería su antigua camisa y lo pone contra ese mismo tanque. — ¿Se te ocurre forma de justificar ésto a alguien? Si es así te escucho, sino, no nos queda de otra que estar así y averiguar cómo volver a cambiar. Alex se queda callado un momento pensando, luego recuerda la máquina pero para su desgracia y por más que intentara, ya no encendía, al fin ese daño del fierro cobro factura y quemó los circuitos internos al usar la máquina. — No… ¡No! No puedes hacerme esto… ¡No!.... — Empieza a golpear un poco la máquina. — Hey ¡Hey! Para, no la destroces más de lo que ya está, tenemos que irnos de aquí. Aún enojado pero claramente aún cuerdo solo es un último golpe y cierra su puño con fuerza antes de sólo acentir e ir con Javier al auto. Ya en el auto se sentaron ambos adelante, solo que Javier en el cuerpo de Alex se fue al lado del conductor y Alex en el cuerpo de Javier en el del copiloto. — Mira, tanto tú cómo yo está claro que no queremos esto, ya tengo problemas en mi matrimonio, mi hijo me odia, mi empelo está en riesgo y no quiero preocuparme ahora por ésto. Pero no podemos hacer nada por ahora… — Dijo Javier apoyándose contra el respaldo y mirando al techo del coche. — Se que no se puede hacer nada… pero ¡Mierda! No quiero esta vida, lo siento pero realmente tenía planes, quería un trabajo que pagara bien pero me deje tiempo para… cosas. ¿Cómo voy a manejar tu vida? — preguntó Alexander. — Te ayudaré con éso, a manejar mi empleo y no te preocupes por mi familia, mi esposa se quiere divorciarse y mi hijo no me obedece por más que le digo que haga las cosas, por lo menos céntrate en el trabajo, porque si me corren no sé cómo podré mantenerte en casa. — más bien, que no me corran para mantenerte a ti en casa… maldición, esto va a ser un desastre. — Nos empezaremos a llamar con el nombre del otro, tú serás Javier y yo seré Alexander, trataremos de usarlos incluso cuando hablemos sobre este asunto de cambio de cuerpos, ¿Qué dices? Javier.— le extiende su mano como si se fueran a conocer por primera vez. — Pues… no hay realmente otra alternativa, Alex. — le da un apretón de manos y ambos aceptan de momento intentar vivir la vida del otro. Pero mi momento como narrador a terminado, es hora de que ellos mismos describan sus experiencias en los próximos capitulos, la nueva situación que vino a cambiar sus vidas literalmente.
  4. So, what I’m writing here is all real as best as I can tell you about it. I’m going to get some things wrong - and embellish just a little sometimes - but nothing that didn’t actually happen. Honestly, this isn’t one of those articles where it acts like “man I’m telling you the truth” and then someone is suddenly a nine foot Hercules “in real life”. However, because of the details, I think this fits best in “Stories/Fiction”. I hope you enjoy it. I sure as fuck did! SO WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS…. I was going on a business trip. I knew someone else from the muscle worship community - the MGS board & CF - who also had the same kind of muscle & macro kinks that I do who lived there. I hit him up on Instagram way ahead of my trip & he was willing to connect when I got there. He talked about getting some dinner first, getting to know each other a bit before maybe losing some clothes. I understood - hey, this guy doesn’t know me, and truthfully, same towards him. So, sure, before meeting a potential nutjob (vs for a potential nutjob) at a hotel, let’s grab a bite. By then we knew each other's pictures, some about height/weight - because you know…that could matter, right? Suffice to say we met & that went well. We had some non-kink stuff in common. Talked about our various current relationships and boundaries, and that was all cool. We had earlier established we both were into muscle worship and power cuddling. From my POV, Jim is a sexy, 40’s, built, medium furry fireplug of a man (5’5”, 220#). There was nothing to dislike at all. That is one hot fucker right there. He told me some guys are disappointed at his height - he looks taller in his pictures. For me, it was a total turn on as I got to picture being “the big guy” in getting together with him. I also loved how at his height that muscle just made him seem bigger & wider! I’m 5’10”, 260#, but just the way my life has worked out, in the few cases I’ve been in a muscle worship or just play situation I’m often the smaller guy. One of my friends is 6’5” and about 290# (but not into muscle, we just have a good time together now and then) and another was about 6’3” and low two hundreds - that one loved flexing and being worshiped. Those are the only real times I’ve had someone flexing for me, so I’m pretty small compared to them. Jim told me it was the first time he’s gotten to be the “little guy”, which from my experience surprised me! I’m just used to guys who are bigger than me - where for him, it's the reverse. As we spent time together it was great to have him enjoying me being “the big guy” for him since I really, honestly, don’t typically see myself that way. I have enough dysmorphia to forget that I’m a 260# musclebear if I haven’t done a therapeutic mirror flex in the last 20 minutes. So, giving him something he was turned on about at the same time I was having an experience I was totally turned on about was just perfect. Jim and I fooled around, lots of cuddling and touching, getting acquainted physically. We never lost any clothes below the waist - seriously, belts, pants stayed on, and nobody got their cock out. Not that I would have minded! But, respecting boundaries, you know? (I like to say you can’t tell someone you’re trustworthy, you can only demonstrate it.) The guy is hot. I wanted to prove he could trust me to keep my word…and also because keeping my word is just important to me. So after some great petting, kissing, and mutual flexing & feeling on the bed, I decided to try a scene I have been fantasizing about in one way or another. I’m happy to say we matched on this, as it turned out. I got him to stand up in front of a mirror in the hotel. I stood behind him. I had him flex his arms with me a few times. I like that, it gets me out of my dysmorphia a little. It also let me be the big guy and him the little one for a moment. Then I told him to close his eyes. Being bigger than him I started holding him across the chest, moving back and forth a little bit here and there and stroking him on the head, chest, etc, very gently. Rubbing my chest on his back, squeezing him gently. Intentionally being just a touch hypnotic & relaxing - and from our conversation at dinner I know he understood what I was doing. I lean in and start to gently talk to him. Quiet but not sexy. “I’m going to tell you a story now Jim. I want you to visualize what I tell you in your mind really clearly.” He nods. “You walk into your gym like it’s any day for your workout. You feel strong, solid. It’s going to be a good one.” “You warm up, start to train, and start using some good weight. You realize you’re feeling strong, and getting a great pump. Things are feeling tight. Flex this right arm for me here.” He does. “Good man. It feels big, the pump is real today.” Jim makes a soft noise, just a little, gently, enjoying flexing his bicep in my hand. I’m getting off on it too. Still petting him around his body as I do this. I’m rock hard in my pants, and so is he, but other than stroking a cock now and then through the jeans nothing happens there at any point in the few hours we had together. “You notice as you’re training that things are looking different, just a little. Like things are just - off somehow. After another set or two you realize that you have to sit differently on the bench, and you have to lean down to put dumbbells back. You’re growing, getting taller, a little more muscular in proportion even, and nobody has quite noticed yet. You’re about five-ten now, closing in on six foot.” Jim: “Fuck yeah….” “Fuck yeah is right…you keep getting bigger, taller, more muscular. A buddy of yours comes up to you and says ‘Jim, what’s happening?!? You’re growing!’ The guy is about six foot, but now you’re about six-five, maybe six-six.” Jim: Moans a little. “That’s right, big man, you’re a head taller than him.” I stroke the top of Jims chest with the blade of my hand. “He comes up to just here on you now. You’re way bigger than him, and wider too.” Jim: Moans more. “You’re still growing. As you get bigger everything seems like it's shrinking, becoming somehow undersized, the people being shorter than you.” Jim is still moaning some. One of my hands continues to pet him, stroke him, indicate I want him to flex one or another muscle. He understands when I prompt for this by gently tapping the muscle, and he complies. I squeeze his trap, pec, shoulder, bicep, as I prompt for a flex, appreciating him as he does it, continuing to kiss him gently on the neck, head, or muscles when I can reach them. Keeping him in the story is the important part. I draw his attention back to the hand I’m keeping flat-bladed on his chest, gesturing to the gym guy’s size. “You’re growing more. Seven feet,” my hand moves down to the middle of Jims’ chest, “eight feet”, my hand moves to the bottom of his chest just above his sternum, “nine feet, “ the middle of Jims stomach. Jim moans with each movement of my flat hand. We both love the giant thing. I know this is part of his fantasy life. “Your six foot buddy is like a child next to you. You’re more than twice his width already…your muscles have blown up bigger than your height as you’re growing.” I lean in close and whisper to him “And you’re not done growing yet, not by a long shot”. Jim moans again, more intensely now. Because of time I decided to accelerate. (I wish we had more time, but we are both working the next day.) Blade-hand moves down. “Ten feet.” And down again and again. “Eleven…twelve feet. You’re double this guy’s size now Jim. You walked into this gym a half-foot shorter and eighty pounds lighter than him…but now, he is half your height. You are a massive beast, bigger than four of him put together, and more than twice as wide.” Jim is really into it, moaning and flexing: “So big..so big….” “You’re still getting bigger…fifteen feet comes and goes…twenty feet…” I can’t move my hand down that far without breaking the body connection we have - I’m wrapped around him gently, my chest moving gently on his back, keeping contact, so I take the blade hand back to stroking and tell him what he’s seeing now. “Your buddy is staring into your bulging teardrop quads right now. Your thigh is easily wider and way thicker than his whole body. He looks up at you, and you lean forward just a little over your huge chest to look down at him.” Jim moans. “You look up above you, you still have room before the ceiling, but not much.” “Twenty five feet, your buddy is down around your knee.” “Thirty feet, He is staring into the front of your calf - it's bigger across than him, and probably has five times as much mass as he has in his whole body. Your muscles have kept growing bigger than your height - you are looking thicker and more muscular every moment.” Jim: “Fuck yeah…” “Thirty five feet - your buddy is starting to be just below your calf, and your head is getting closer to the ceiling. You’re reaching up so you can break a hole in it..because you’re not done growing yet, are you Jim.” Jim, moaningly: “Not done yet…so much bigger…” Jim is still flexing when I touch a fur-dusted muscle, and I’m squeezing it to express my gratitude for the gift of feeling his body, his fur, his flex. Knowing he is into it the same way I am. Sometimes leaning into his ear to whisper “Yes…that arm is giant now, probably over ten feet around if you could measure it…” He moans a little. “I’m so huge”. I whisper to him: “Yes, you are…you’re a growing giant…you are massive and powerful…and this city is going to shrink in front of you as you break out of the gym…” “Forty feet and you are tearing a hole in the ceiling. It is like paper, the steel support struts crumbling as you handle them, still getting bigger, the ceiling approaching your shoulders. You are tearing room open around you, making space in the roof, keeping the debris off your little buddy. You’re quickly sixty feet tall Jim. You are ten times your little friend’s size - he’s somewhere around that ankle above your giant, massive foot, taking up part of the gym.” Jim: “Fuck…fuck…fuck…bigger than the building…giant muscles….” “You look down and see he moved - he pokes out from behind your enormous, bulging calf once or twice - the massive size of your calf is keeping any debris off him like the overhang of a building….” Jim: “So big….” I kept petting him for a few more moments, but stopped storytelling. I leaned in close and said quietly - not whispering, bringing him up gently from suggestibility, “It’s getting close-ish to the time where you said we had to stop…I don’t want to, but I don’t want to keep you later than we said was OK.” (Remember that thing about trust?) He fully opened his eyes, blinked a few times, and nodded. Me: “Can I ask you back to the bed for another quick cuddle before we go? I still haven’t had you be my big guy yet. We have about ten minutes and I would love having my head on your chest…big man.” Jim: “I would love that.” The man is really a furry, broad, muscular fireplug, just sexy as fuck. We lay back down, I scooched down the bed a little, and put my head on his big furry chest. We curled up again in a few different ways for a few minutes, then got off the bed & I helped him get himself together. I asked him about the storytelling: he told me that was new for him too, and really fucking hot, would be happy to do it again sometime. I was really glad to hear it. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. (I have a few variations in mind as well.) We called it a night. We’ve kept in touch a little & I think we’re both up for doing it again sometime if it's possible. We don’t live in the same city & I don’t travel there often. But those dates are getting set for next year…and I’m reserving him for a couple of nights if I can! …AND THERE YOU HAVE IT. As I said, within the limits of my memory, that’s how it happened. Some details are definitely wrong, but all the spirit is right. I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU. So, I am left wondering, is this thing unique to me, or has anyone else done something like this in person? Not just talk roleplay, but something where you’re in the same room interacting. I’d like to know! If you have any reactions or info to share, that’s welcome in the thread. Oh...and if you might be up for something similar let me know. I'm in the Texas DFW area, but I travel occasionally. -Bear.
  5. James

    Writing Will

    This is my first attempt at writing a growth story. I hope it goes well and that you'll appreciate it! CHAPTER ONE I’m a writer. Always have been. In fact, when I was a kid, about eight years old, I wrote my first book : Diary of a Trophy. Seven hundred and twenty-four pages long. An in-depth analysis of my relationship with childhood, my parents and the burden it was to be a single child. The book was pushed by my aunt, Helen, who used to get drunk with a few of her friends at the M. House every Thursday. Helen was always supportive of my writing, even when it did border on the creepy way-too-mature-for-his-age side. So she offered a copy of the diary to one of the soccer mom friends of hers, who was married to a major publisher. And then, without any warning, I became a sensation : the Writer Kid. Won a few awards, too, and began working on the next installment, entitled Growing pains : ruminations of a successful child artist. I won’t bore you with the details, but suffice to say I managed to become the world’s youngest successful writer just as fast as I became the world’s youngest has-been. Growing pains was a painful failure. And although my parents, Helen and the publisher were trying their best to help me get through it, encouraging me to keep writing, I realized that, after all the theatrics of being a child celebrity, I was actually relieved. Relieved because I would be able to experience a normal teenager’s life when entering middle school. And in any case, it’s not like lots of ten-year old kids had read my books. No one would know who I was. And indeed they didn’t. Still don’t. Which I’ve come to see as a blessing in disguise. Sitting alone, sipping my beer in the corner of the M. House, just like my aunt Helen did, I sighed as I felt my pen drying out again. “His tears brushed against my...” was the last sentence to come out of my pen that evening. Happy birthday, me, I thought. Twenty six years of dry pens and counting. Setting it down and letting myself get lost in the serenity of the small bar I had spent so much time meditating in, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. “Excuse me ?”, the stranger’s voice asked as I looked up at them. “What ? Uh, yes ?”, I answered, coming out of my haze so suddenly. “You’re Tiny Tolstoy, right ?” The man was undoubtedly expansive. It actually took me a few seconds to work out whether or not he was a man or my living-room cupboard. He wore a very large leather vest, which barely covered his long, thick wrists. It seemed to have been picked out of a pile at Goodwill, which gave his rugged look even more of a strange attractiveness, considering the ill-fitted ripped jeans he was wearing and the hobo beard that covered most of his face. I almost got scared, hearing the nickname I got when the Diary became a best-seller, because his deep, almost uncanny voice was booming it out way louder than I was comfortable with. “Uh, excuse me, who are you ?” I struggled to say without choking. “Sorry, I’m Will. It’s just that… I’m a big fan of yours. Alex, right ? Alex Castle ?”, he let out, nervously. Which I found so strange considering how imposing he was physically. “Yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you, Will.” I held out my hand, noticing with a belated feeling of self-disgust the faint dark spots that the dozen cigarettes I’d smoked in the last half-hour had left on my fingers. He shook it, relieving me of any discomfort, since his hands were covered in dirt, replacing it with the pain of how strongly he was shaking my hand. “Same here, Mr Castle.”, he replied, filled with apparent joy. I must’ve given my pain away because he quickly relieved the pressure and smiled at me. “Sorry, I always do that. Still have a hard time managing my strength.”, he confessed. “That’s fine”, I playfully answered, mainly relieved that I had someone to talk to in this lonely bar. “And you can call me Alex. No one’s called me Mister Castle since I was ten.” He laughed and nodded along, sitting on the opposite side of the booth. My God, that guy is huge, I thought, seeing as though he seemed to be taking up the entire width of the booth. After a few seconds, I noticed that he wasn’t going to do or say anything except keep up this star-struck look he’d held since the beginning of the conversation. It was weird bumping into someone who was an actual fan of my work. “So, uh… Still, huh ?”, I asked him. “Huh ? What do you mean ?”, he replied, sincerely confused. His look of pure innocence reminded me of so many John Coffeys and Lennie Smalls, without the implied stupidity. In spite of his child-like demeanor contrasted by his giant frame, nothing about him indicated that he was dumb. Quite the contrary : he had that sparkle in his right eye that seems to hide a world of wonders. And what eyes. Brown, tinged with some light green. Big and getting deeper the more I looked into them. “I just mean… Well you said that you still have a hard time managing your strength. You’re obviously a big guy, you must’ve gotten used to it by now right ?”, I said, not really sure how else to open a conversation with this man. He suddenly turned red, which added to his shy, innocent attitude. “Not really,” he answered honestly. “This is still fairly new. But thank you for noticing… Alex. And, uh… Happy birthday.” He smiled and reached into his front pocket, taking a shiny new pen out of it and placing it in front of me. I laughed and smiled wider than ever. “You know, you’re the first person to wish me happy birthday this year, let alone give me a gift. Thanks a lot, Will, it means more to me than you think.” “Oh my God ! That’s what Henry says to Catalina in Loving Kind!”, he blurted out, more excited than I’d ever seen someone be about my work. We spent another hour and a half talking about my books, what he loved about them, how strange it was being a child writer. And for the first time is so many months (years?), I felt heard. Listened to. Will turned out to be more than a fan, he was interested in talking about my work and curious about how it came to be. He then confessed that he always kept that pen in his pocket, because he heard not long before that I used to write at the M. House. Apparently, he often wished he could give it to me and know that he contributed to my work, albeit in a small way. All in all, I couldn’t say if it was the attention he was giving me, his look of pure interest or his ironically ultra-masculine aura, but I felt myself shifting closer to the table, hoping to rub a tiny fraction of my finger against his. “Can’t believe I’m twenty-six, Will…”, I said, exaggerating a sigh. “Well you don’t look a day over twenty, Alex”, he answered, smiling. “And how old are you?”, I asked, guessing at about thirty. “I just turned nineteen.”, Will responded with all the calm in the world. It took me a few seconds to start chuckling. “No, come on, how old are you?” “I just told you.”, he said, a little upset. “But you’re not nineteen, I mean look at you. You’re like…” “A monster? A freak?”, he cut off. “Because that’s the bullshit my classmates always gave me, Alex!” I was shocked by two separate things: one, the fact that this mountain of man was nineteen years old. Second, that anyone could’ve even thought about bullying him for looking that way. “Will,”, I interjected softly, taking his giant hand into mine. “You’re…” Some tears were forming on the surface of Will’s gorgeous eyes and I couldn’t think of anything to say to express the way I saw him. Appreciated him. So I decided to kiss him across the table. His tears were now trickling down my cheek as I felt his rugged lips push against mine. His big, calloused hand reached up to my jaw, making me feel like I was kissing a senior bodybuilder, not a nineteen year old boy. I let go of him for a few seconds, looking straight into his eyes. “I’m sorry. And you’re not a freak. You’re beautiful.”, I confessed before resuming the kiss. Five minutes later, I saw myself picking up the scraps of paper that I referred to as my next book. Will was breathing heavily and didn’t stop looking at me for a second: indeed, the intensity with which he was staring at me made me feel weak in the knees. When arriving at my car, I realized with half-concealed amusement that we were going to have a problem : my new friend was, as he told me in the M. House that night, standing at 6ft and 4in high, and 250 pounds, which by all means meant that he would have a very, very hard time fitting in my tiny Kia Picanto. Nevertheless, too entranced by what we were going to do with each other once we got past that minor car-related inconvenience, we laughed it off. Although I can’t say for certain that watching Will struggle to fit on the passenger seat of my car and almost fail to close the door didn’t somehow contribute to my erection. His enormous thigh, which the ripped up holes in his jeans only allowed me to see a fraction of, was pushing against the gearbox but he did his best to contain it. We arrived at my place at around 11pm and calmly walked the length of my front-yard to the door. “This is where you live ?” he asked while he marveled at the big house’s facade. “Yeah. You like it ?” “I love it !” I locked the door behind us and before I could even process what was happening, Will pressed his entire body against mine and kissed me harder than anyone had ever kissed me before. I could feel his moans of pleasure in my mouth and his very obvious hardness against my thigh. I held on to his huge arms, feeling myself fall against the door from the intensity of the kiss. Only then did I truly realize the expansive width and general size of the young man. My fingers dug deep into the leather sleeves that seemed to struggle to contain the mass of his rock-hard biceps. His hips and legs pushed with so much force against mine that I almost felt crushed, but the pain paled in comparison to how much Will turned me on. It had been months since I’d been touched, let alone touched with so much intent and forwardness. He then shifted to start kissing my neck. I looked up at the light gray ceiling above me and got blinded by the light of the chandelier that adorned it as he forced his lips into my neck, eliciting moans of pleasure that I didn’t even know I had in me. The way he handled me was so primal and powerful that I decided to let go and gladly let him take anything he wanted from me. This was not the adoring fan I’d met a few hours ago. This was a decidedly masculine force, that I was willing to give up everything to. Will picked me up in his big, muscular arms. “Where’s your bedroom ?”, he asked in a deeper voice than he had used a couple minutes before. He put me down on the bed with more brutality than he probably intended and proceeded to take of his vest, revealing an extremely tight, black undershirt that seemed to almost give way, considering the size of his enormous chest. I sat there in silence for a few seconds, looking up at his beautiful frame with blatant amazement, which apparently made him a little nervous. “You think I’m too much.” he said, visibly embarrassed. “I think you’re perfect.” I sat up on the side of the bed, lifted up his shirt and found myself face to face with his incomparable set of eight blocky abdominal muscles. My face was drawn to them and I started to kiss every single one of them with a softness that made him breathe more heavily than he ever did before. “Fuck, Alex. Yes…”, he hissed while I made my way to his expansive chest. If I had to guess, I’d say that his pectoral muscles hung from his chest by at least four inches. He held the back of my head as I licked past the deep cleavage that formed in between his pecs, pushing the shirt upwards when I reached his hard, rosy nipples. I felt him flex his chest against my face when I sucked on the right one. “Oh my god, yes… Don’t stop!” he moaned, pulling me closer to his enlarged nipple. By then, I was almost sure that I’d burst inside my underwear before even touching myself : the combination of his deep, perfect voice with the feeling of pure power that emanate from his body, and the hard warmth against my mouth as I sucked on his chest harder and harder made me more erect than I’d probably ever been in my life. A strange calm suddenly washed over me and I felt myself compelled to do something strange. My right hand came up to his abs, slowly caressed them and soon started to circle around. The circle I traced kept getting smaller and smaller under I was barely covering a single abdominal muscle. I ceased any and all other activity, but he still held me close as my index finger traced that circle over and over and over… I have no idea what triggered this instinct, neither do I understand what compelled me to keep going, or why it seemed to elicit so much pleasure in Will, who started to moan louder and louder until all I could hear was the never-ending echo of his pleasure above me. “Keep going, Alex”, the nineteen year old titan bellowed, letting me feel the resonance of his deep voice inside his chest. My finger traced the circle until it finally decided to move upwards, then lower, to the right, another circle… It took me some time to understand that my brain was doing something for me. Out of nowhere, a powerful wind of pleasure flowed through the two of us. The world went silent. No more cars passing by, no birds singing their last song of the day. Not even a rustle in the trees. Not a single hushed hiss of October wind. Nothing, except the distinguishable sound my finger was making, rubbing against the skin of Will’s ripped stomach. “Oh my God… It’s too much. Fuck !”, Will said, tearing the silence of the room. His chest pushed against my face. Was he flexing ? It didn’t feel like it. He applied more pressure on my head, as if he never wanted me to let go of him or stop the movement of my finger. Then, after a few seconds of powerful and emotional pleasure, something else echoed through the room. A sound I knew and had heard before. The sound of Will’s undershirt ripping right down the middle of his backside. He let out a powerful moan. “What the fuck is happening to me, Alex ?”, he said in an even deeper voice, which seemed impossible. My finger kept tracing. Over the same two-inch surface. I was doing what I’d always done best. Writing against his warm skin a word I didn’t even know the implications of: BIGGER.

    Halloween In Havenville Part One

    Not my first story, but the first I've posted here. I write a lot more on my tumblr. Many thanks to MonsterMash for editing this for me and for encouraging me to write some stuff. I don't think it mentions Havenville in the story, but it's the default town I write most of my longer stories in, I'm gonna start posting the others if you guys like this one. October 25th 2014 In the Omega Beta Alpha Frat house a party was raging. All of the frat brothers had their new pledges and each of the older boys had adopted one pledge as a brother. Tonight, the first test for the pledges had started: seeing if they could handle their liquor. “Hey there, lil bro!” Drake staggered into the hall of their frat house, a little tipsy already. “Come join the party!” he said to the smaller red head that he’d been paired with. Nate, Drake’s pledge brother, was a freshmen, and a real freshman at that. He was very boyish, being a lot shorter then the other pledges. He reminded Drake a lot of himself. He’d been shy like Nate. He hadn’t wanted to get involved with the parties or even the Frat. But, like Nate, Drake was a legacy and his family had pushed him into the frat. Drake had been scared that being gay would be difficult for the frat to deal with, but surprisingly, it hadn’t been. His frat brothers had been so easy going about it that Drake had come out of his shell, quickly losing his shyness around them. He still hadn’t made his mind up about Nate yet, probably just the usual nerves. Omega Beta Alpha was a bit of a jock frat, which could be intimidating to a little guy like Nate. Hell, even Drake had been a track star in high school. Nate was definitely not an athlete. He looked like he was the token nerd for the frat that year. A hot little nerd, Drake thought, with his red hair and green eyes. If Drake had those features on his slim runner’s body, he’d rule the world. But Drake had plain dull brown hair and boring grey eyes. Nate shook his curly red head at Drake. “I’ll stay out for a bit.Just looking at all of the pictures.” One of the walls of the frat house had been decorated with pictures of frat brothers from previous decades. But Nate seemed interested in one particular photo. “You know that guy is a murderer,” Nate said, pointing to a tall dark haired boy in the center of a photo. The text “James Hawke, President, 1962” was inscribed in gold underneath the photo. “Yea, I heard it was some Alfred Hitchcock shit, how they found the dead guy. ” Drake shrugged “We’re not really meant to talk about him. I mean, he wasn’t convicted or anything, but its not a part of history the university wants remembered, you know?” “Do you know if they ever found him? I heard he took off after the murder.” Nate said, looking at Drake with wide eyes. “Not that I know of,” Drake told him. Nate suddenly looked sad. “The guy he killed isn’t on here.” “That’s cause he was gay!” Jimmy said, coming up behind them. Drake and Nate jumped a little. “The frat wasn’t nearly as accepting as we are now, back then.” He hiccuped, standing between them. He wrapped his arms around Drake and Nate’s shoulders, staring at the picture with them. He held a half full glass of beer in the hand hanging over Drake’s shoulder, a few big drops of beer sloshing out onto the floor. Jimmy was Italian and it showed in his tanned skin and pitch black hair. He wasn’t hairy and worked hard to keep his body trim and tight. Something he had to do, given how much beer he drank. He was a swimmer and Drake thought his legs and his ass were his best features. Not that he told Jimmy that. “Wasn’t James Hawke gay too?” Nate said. “Yeah, but his daddy was rich. That makes all the difference around here,” Drake said, matter-of-factly. “You're so tiny!” Jimmy said, feeling Nate’s shoulders. “Look, can you fags come back in and join the party already?” Nate’s face went red. Drake shook his head, rolling his eyes at Jimmy. “What?” Jimmy’s drunken face suddenly looked angelic and innocent. He spoke in a higher pitched voice than usual as he said, “it’s ok to call someone a fag if they’re your friend.” “It’s not ok, douche-nozzle,” Drake said, but couldn’t help but smile. He liked how his frat brothers could joke around with him about being gay. “Whatever.” Jimmy nodded at Nate. “Let’s get this boy drunk!” he said, leading them back into the party room. ——————————————————————————————————————————— October 26th 2014 It was early morning when the party ended. Nate managed to loosen up a bit and had even impressed a few of the guys with how much he drank. But it had cost the little ginger. He could barely walk and Drake had to drag his little bro back to his dorm room. Nate was practically asleep, his arms wrapped around Drake’s slim torso and gripping at his shirt. His face pressed into Drake’s shoulder and he was drooling onto his big bro’s collar. “We’re back, lil bro,” Drake announced, dumping Nate against the wall next to his door. Nate woke up abruptly as he was suddenly forced to keep himself upright. He smirked dumbly at Drake and tossed the room key at him. Drake rolled his eyes and tried to open the door. But Drake was drunk too and it took several tried for the door to open. Once the door was open, Nate fell into his room and somehow managed to land on his bed.His roommate wasn’t home so luckily there was no one to complain about the noise. Drake started to help Nate get his shoes off, but the little guy pulled Drake up by the collar and kissed him full on the lips. It only lasted a second, but Nate pushed him away, his face bright red. Guess that answers if he’s gay or not, Drake thought. “Shit, I’m sorry,” Nate slurred, burping. “I’m really drunk.” Drake shrugged and flashed a cheeky grin. “That’s…” he stopped when Nate dropped down onto his pillow, already snoring softly. Drake sighed. He was on his knees next to Nate’s bed. The door and the roommate’s bed looked miles away. He just laid back, resting his head on a pile of folded towels and tried to get some sleep. Maybe Nate wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning. Or maybe he would. Drake wasn’t sure which one would be better. During his sleep,for the first time in years Drake had a wet dream. It was intense and vivid. He felt hands caressing his body, teeth biting at his nipples, and tongues working his average cock and balls. It felt as if his clothes moved as he slept, like real hands were sculpting his body into something new. He twisted and turned, fighting against strong grasps that held down his wrists and ankles. It was extremely hot, and he eventually came, roaring when he did. Something he’d never done before. The noise was so loud, it almost shook Nate from his sleep. The smaller guys groans though were silenced by Drake’s moans. Drake woke hours later, well into the day, and he thanked god it was a Sunday. He was hungover and still very tired, but his underwear was cold and damp from the multiple loads coaxed out of his sleeping form. He sat up noticing that Nate’s bed was empty, then he thought he heard something tear and felt cold air on his back. “Sleeping beauty’s awake,” a voice chuckled from the other bed Drake turned to take in Nate’s roommate, a beefy looking boy.The corn fed Kansas type. “Nate said to say sorry for last night, he went off to the library… I think to avoid you” the roomie explained. “I’m Greg by the way” “Hey, I’m Drake, Nate’s big brother at Omega,” Drake greeted, rubbing sleep from his eyes He was just wondered whether he was coming down with a sore throat, he sounded horse, when there was another tearing sound. A rip spread up Drake’s sleeve, the fabric stretched thin by a thickly muscled arm that wasn’t his own. “What the fuck,” Drake gasped, jumping up and looking at his arms, both huge and heavy with muscle. “Yea, your bursting out of that shirt.” Greg grinned. “Big guy problems, I know the feeling. You can borrow one of mine if you like.” Drake nodded, a little shook up by his veiny arms. He looked over to Greg who appeared to be the same height as him. Greg fished out a vest from his wardrobe and Drake noticed that Greg’s arms looked a little thicker than his own bigger arms. Greg tossed the vest over and Drake pulled his shirt off. It fell apart in his hands. Drake stopped dead as he looked down at his torso. He always had some nice slender abs, but now he couldn’t see them past a pair of big, tight pecs. “Nice fucking abs man!” Greg said, lifting his own shirt to show abs that looked a lot like Drake’s had, before he woke up. “Been working on mine for months and can’t get any more cut…… What’s your secret?” “I don’t know,” Drake answered, one hand shrugging on the vest, the other tracing deeper then normal ridges on his stomach. He moved to the door, the vest tight against his torso, his massive arms painfully on display. As he opened the door he saw Greg’s nostrils flare, a little flash of light sprang up in the back of his eyes. “Hey, if you want to work out or sometime…… you know where I am.” Greg smiled, his broad shoulders folding inwards like he was suddenly shy. Drake just nodded and fled the dorms. When he got back to the frat house he sped up to his room, ignoring his brothers who’d starting to clean up from the party. He jumped out of his clothes and threw his cum sodden briefs into a pile of dirty clothes on the other side of the room. He stood at the mirror on the back of his door. His mouth open and his eyes flushed with shock. Drake was ripped, a deep solid six pac flexed on his stomach. He bounced his pecs for the first time ever and smirked arrogantly at the feel of them falling under their muscle-heavy weight. He flexed his arm and caressed the swollen bicep. He’d always had big legs, but now the rest of his body had caught up with them. The biggest surprise was his cock. When hard before, it was about 6 inches, on a good day. Now it looked to be that big soft. Also his balls felt heavy and full, even though he’d shot more into his pants then he did in a normal week of jerking off. Drake shook off the shock and with eyes still heavy with sleep, he fell into his bed. ——————————————————————————————————————————— October 27th 2014 Drake slept the whole day and night, and he had another wet dream. This time even more hands and tongues were involved. Again they milked Drake while he slept. Invisible mouths taking turns sucking down his swollen cock, hands massaging his bloated muscles. Then the tongues started. They worked over his body, washing every muscle. They cleared his skin and excited the hair follicles. He woke in a sweat the next morning, but it wasn’t cold, it was warm like bathwater. Still full of sleep, he rose out of bed and moved towards the mirror. He half wondered whether he’d dreamt the growth from the day before. Maybe he’d drank some bad vodka. But he felt heavy, and parts of his body bounced and swung when they hadn’t before. His eyes widened at the sight in the mirror. He was the same size as yesterday. Built like he’d been hitting the gym for years. His abs still cut unreasonably deep, his arm muscles still big and covered in veins. But now he was hairier. A thin forest of dark hair had sprouted over his pecs during the night. Some more spread over his thighs and a slim trail ran up his abs stopping one cobble stone muscle below his pecs. Cum was splattered over his pecs and stomach again. Drake sighed and wiped it off with a nearby shirt. It was the shirt Greg gave him. He’d have to wash that later. Drake felt a chill and what could’ve been a tongue run along his soft cock, causing it to shoot up into a instant erection. “Fuck.” Drake grinned. He should be shocked or scared, but what kind of man would react without delight to suddenly having an 8 inch cock? There a loud knocking at the door. “One second!” Drake shouted,this voice a little deeper then the day before He pulled on some boxers quickly, not realizing that they fit perfectly over his longer fatter cock. Like they’d spent their entire existence being stretched out by it. He didn’t bother with a shirt, none of the other guys did in the frat, and Drake had a much better body then most of them now. He opened the door and found his frat brother Jimmy staring back at him from the room across the hall. “Why’d you knock on my door?” Jimmy said.He looked like he’d just woken up, his eyes bleary and bloodshot. 
Like Drake, he wore only boxers. Drake did his best to keep his eyes above the neck, not looking down at Jimmy’s flat stomach or long legs. “I didn’t…. you knocked on mine,” Drake retorted. Without even being aware he was doing it, he flexed his chest and rolled his shoulders towards Jimmy menacingly. Jimmy shook his head, and backed away a step from the larger male. “No, I didn’t,” he said. They both stood quiet for a moment. Drake went back to relaxing his muscles, but noticed that it made him seem a couple inches shorter. He watched as Jimmy took one long inhale and rolled back on his feet a little. “Do you have classes today?” Jimmy said,suddenly shy Drake shrugged and scratched the back of his head, feeling, a little nervous for some reason. His bicep flexed and Jimmy’s eyes widened. “I got a few hours,” Drake answered. A wide smile appeared on Jimmy’s face “Great…. do you want to fuck?” Drake stepped back this time. “What are you….” Jimmy leaned against his door-frame and took another deep breath. Drake did the same and got a sharp smack of musk in his nose. Drake shuddered. He smelt really good. “I just really want to fuck, and you look like you know what you’re doing,” Jimmy stated. “You know you’re pretty hung and you’re gay, so I assume you can fuck guys pretty well…” Drake just nodded, even though his experience with men was surprisingly small. Jimmy took the nod as a yes to everything and pulled Drake into his room. The door swung closed under its own power and a gust of wind pushed the two frat brothers onto Jimmy’s bed. Drake clumsily tore off Jimmy’s boxers and then his own. He was unused to his larger hands and his new found strength. Drake went to roll onto his back, to let Jimmy on top, but he felt a gentle pressure on the front of his body, preventing him from turning. Like hands were holding him in place. While he tried to move forward, Jimmy laid down on his back in front of Drake, and wrapped his legs around Drake’s waist. Drake felt more pressure, this time pushing him into place and lining up his swollen cock with Jimmy’s tight looking ass. He would’ve been alarmed, but he didn’t have time. The next thing he knew, he was baring down on top of Jimmy, his cock pluning into Jimmy’s hole. The sensations were so hot, it made it hard for Drake to think. The formerly straight boy cried out once, but then buried his face into Drake’s thickly muscled chest. Drake felt himself bottom out, filling Jimmy to the hilt. Loving every second of it. For a long time, Drake fucked Jimmy, hard. He’d never fucked a guy this hard before, but it felt natural. As though something were guiding his thrusts. Pushing him in a certain way to hit Jimmy’s prostate just right. To make Jimmy’s cock bounce at just the right time. Jimmy nibbled at Drake’s traps as they both felt phantom mouths licking their nipples and cupping their balls. They got lost, joined in the sheer heat of their bodies coming together. Drake felt himself get close, over and over again, but each time, something stopped him from coming. It felt like a tongue would run between his balls as they slapped against Jimmy’s tight ass at just the right second, pulling him away from the edge. Jimmy also found himself unable to come, the feeling of a hand pinching his piss slit slightly whenever he began to feel his balls tighten up, ready for release. After an eternity, Drake felt himself ready to come. Jimmy pulled his head away from Drake’s neck and lay back on the bed. Drake felt a pressure on the back of his neck, guiding him towards Jimmy’s face. His face moved forward and he gladly kissed Jimmy, feeling as though Jimmy’s mouth had multiple tongues in it kissing him back. And that’s when he finally came, shooting thick shots of come into Jimmy’s tight ass.Jimmy came at the same time, his ass clamping down on Drake’s dick as he fired numerous shots of jizz onto his chest. Drake broke their kiss, hovering over Jimmy, his arms flexed like marble pillars on either side of Jimmy’s head. His fingers were dug in the headboard, almost denting the wood. “That was better then fucking girls,” Jimmy exclaimed, sweat glistening off his face and cum covered chest. 
“Well, you’re the one who got fucked…” Drake smirked as Jimmy breathed in the combined musk of Drake and sex. “You want to go again?” Jimmy asked, grinding his ass further down Drake’s softening cock. Drake felt tired, and started to shake his head no. But then a tongue ran up the under side of his cock and Drake went immediately solid, deep inside Jimmy’s freshly broken in ass. A light breeze blew against Drake’s balls and they bloated with more of his potent spunk. “Lets do it” Drake growled, pushing upwards and forcing Jimmy to curve against Drake’s larger body. They continued till Drake had to leave for class, hours later. He left Jimmy exhausted and covered in cum. But Drake felt powerful and full of energy. He got dressed and was already in class by the time he noticed that his clothes fit his bigger body perfectly and that no one had noticed he’d nearly doubled in size in one night. ———————————————————————————————————————————
  7. muscleson

    Muscle House - Part 2

    Part 1 Part 2 – House Tour Joey and his new muscle bros guzzled their celebratory protein shakes, or at least Joey tried to. He struggled to ingest the one-gallon shake, while Bruno, Damon, and Hunter chugged them easily. He marveled at how quickly they finished, as they slammed down their jugs, wiped their mouths, and smacked their muscle guts in delight. “C’mon Joey, you gotta drink that whole thing,” demanded Bruno. Joey blushed. “It’s too much, I don’t know how you guys do it.” Bruno chuckled. “If you wanna get big, you gotta down it. Let me show you bro.” He moved in front of Joey and held the jug to his mouth. “Open wide bro.” Joey opened his mouth while Bruno started to pour the shake into it. “Chug! Chug! Chug!” they chanted while Joey swallowed mouthful after mouthful. Joey nearly choked, but he managed to drink the whole thing. “Fuck yeah bro!” they cheered and smacked him on his newly distended belly. His stomach was bloated, but he felt amazing. “Good job bro! Now let’s give you a tour of the place,” said Bruno. “You’ve seen the living room, and this obviously is the kitchen and dining room.” Tubs of protein powder lined the counters and a vast array of supplements and packaged foods stuffed the pantry. “We spend a lot of time here eating and cooking. We do meal prep on Sundays.” He opened the gigantic fridge door to reveal a mountain of meal containers and other food jammed inside. Joey gulped at the amount of food these guys ate and that he was about to eat. “I know it looks like a lot of food bro, but you’ll get used to it after a while. You’ll even get hungry for it.” “Let’s go upstairs to the bedrooms bro.” Bruno led the way, waddling along as his massive thighs moving around each other and his huge glutes bounced up and down. Joey’s cock throbbed at the sight. When they reached the top of the stairs, Bruno opened the first door. “So, this is will be your room bro.” Joey stepped in and was hit with that same scent of testosterone from before, making his cock twitch. The room was fully furnished and the walls were covered with pictures of bodybuilders, all flexing and posing. A few dumbbells laid on the floor. Dirty jockstraps and posers were strewn about the bed. “Sorry about the mess, bro. The guy living here just turned pro and had to move out real quick to go work with his new sponsor. So, he didn’t have time to take a lot of his things. We’ll clean it up before you move in.” Joey walked around the room, his cock getting hard at the sight of it all. “That’s ok, bro. You can leave it. I’ll take care of it.” “Sure bro!” Bruno responded. “C’mon, I’ll show you the other rooms.” They made their way down the hall and peered into the next doorway. The smell of testosterone was even thicker in there. “This is Damon and Hunter’s room.” It looked almost identical to the last room, complete with bodybuilder pics, weights, and dirty posers. “I thought everyone got their own room here,” Joey inquired. “There’s only three bedrooms and they don’t mind sharing. Helps on rent and bills and stuff,” replied Bruno. Joey noticed that the room only contained one bed. But it was a California king, so it looked like they could both fit in it. Further down the hall, they passed the bathroom. “This is the upstairs bathroom. We all share it, but there’s another one downstairs if you need it.” It looked normal enough, but Joey did notice a lot of syringes and vials on the counters. Was that what he thought that was? “And over here is my room.” Bruno turned sideways to fit through the doorway and entered. Joey followed, but without having to turn. The testosterone smell was the strongest here. Joey felt weak in the knees. The room was similar to the others, but larger. A massive bed sat on one wall and a platform surrounded by full length mirrors sat on the other. “What’s that for?” asked Joey, pointing to the platform. “Oh, that’s for posing practice. You can see yourself at all angles with the mirrors. Check it out.” Bruno tore off his tank, stood on the platform and struck a front lat spread. His hands set firmly at his waist, he spread his thick lats wide, grunting as he did so. Joey’s dick pushed hard against his jeans, making a visible tent. Bruno didn’t seem to notice as he was admiring his own muscles in the mirror. “Fuck bro, that’s fuckin’ sick! Come feel how fuckin thick my wings are!” Joey couldn’t believe what he heard and froze in place. “Bro, get over here and feel how big my lats are!” Bruno ordered. Joey obeyed and hurried over. He tentatively reached out and put his fingers on Bruno’s lats. They felt hard and dense, without an ounce of fat. “Go on, really feel them!” Bruno flexed harder with a deep grunt. Joey’s cock was throbbing as he squeezed Bruno’s muscles. They felt so strong and tough. He wanted to lick them. “Yo, Bruno! It’s time to train!” shouted Damon from downstairs. “Be right down, bro!” replied Bruno. “Looks like I can show you the last part of the house, bro.” “What’s that?” Joey removed his hand from Bruno’s body and adjusted his cock in his pants. “Our basement gym.” Bruno smiled cockily as they headed downstairs. Next - House Gym
  8. muscleson

    Muscle House - Part 1

    Muscle House Part 1 – House Hunting Joey was starting his second year of college but wanted to live off-campus instead of in the dorms. While searching the want ads, he found a listing that caught his eye. “House full of muscle bros looking for a fourth roommate. Have own private room but must be willing to share in household duties and supplies. Don’t have to be huge, but must be into bodybuilding. Chill, laid-back vibe here. Open house today from 2-4.” Joey was intrigued with the idea of living with all muscle bros. He loved working out and was attracted to muscular guys. But he wasn’t very big, let alone the size of a bodybuilder. He wondered if they would even consider him. But, he decided to swing by the open house and check it out. He nervously climbed the steps and timidly knocked on the door. Heavy footsteps approached from the other side. The door swung open to reveal a huge, muscular bro wearing a sports tank, gym shorts, and a backwards baseball cap. A dopey smile crossed his square jawed face as he greeted Joey in a deep voice. “Hey bro! You here for the open house?” “Uh, yeah,” he mumbled while standing awkwardly. “All right, man! Come on in!” the bro bellowed as he flexed an arm. “Name’s Bruno!” “I’m Joey.” He anxiously entered while eyeing Bruno’s hard, dense bicep. As he moved into the entryway, the intoxicating smell of testosterone hit his nose. The hormone filled his lungs, making him feel light-headed and dizzy. He steadied himself for a second and then walked into the living room. Two other big muscled bros were lounging on enormous couches while watching a bodybuilding show on tv. They were dressed similarly to Bruno and displayed his same dopey expression. Their glazed eyes were glued to the oiled-up bodybuilders on the screen while they mindlessly flexed their pecs. “Hey bros, this little bro here is Joey,” announced Bruno. They snapped to attention and turned their thick heads to look at Joey. “That’s Damon and Hunter.” “Sup man!” they boomed while each flexing an arm. Joey stared at their swollen biceps. His cock started to twitch at the sight of all that muscle. They both turned back around and refocused on the bodybuilding show. “So, you into bodybuilding bro?” asked Bruno, looking Joey up and down. Joey never felt so small in his life. These bros were giants compared to him. “Uh, yeah. I mean, I’m obviously not a bodybuilder, but I follow it. And I like to work out. I know I’m not that big, but…” Joey trailed off. “Hey man, you look good for your size. Let’s see your guns.” Joey stood there blankly. “C’mon man, flex your bicep.” Slowly, Joey raised his arm and meekly flexed his arm. Bruno reached out and grabbed Joey’s small, but defined bicep with his big meaty hand. “Squeeze it tighter, let me really feel it bro.” Joey flexed harder, making his bicep swell up and harden. “Nice bro. You’ve got a good base. If you lived here, we could help you get bigger.” “Really?” Joey’s face lit up. “Oh yeah, bro. We could help you with training, food, and supplements. You’d be packing on some serious muscle in not time.” Joey’s dick throbbed as he imagined training with these bros and getting big with them. “But, you’d have to be willing to live like a bodybuilder. It’s a whole lifestyle bro, 24/7. That means eating a ton, training hard, and doing whatever it takes to get big. Could you do that bro?” Joey pondered for a second. He always wanted to get big, but he never thought about what it took to really get there. It all seemed so unattainable. Yet, if these muscle bros could show him how to grow big like them, then maybe… “Yeah, bro. I could do that. I could live like a bodybuilder.” “Fuck yeah, bro!” Bruno raised both his arms into a double bicep pose. “You hear that bros, Joey here is gonna become one of us!” “Fuck yeah!” echoed Damon and Hunter. They rose from the couch and lumbered over. Joey was surrounded by a wall of muscle, nearly making his dick pop out of pants. “C’mon bros, let’s celebrate our new roomie with a protein shake!” They all made their way to the kitchen while Joey smiled from ear to ear. Part 2
  9. MrMuscleJake

    One Fateful Night (Part 3 07.10)

    Hey everyone, long time lurker here. This will be my first story here but I love to write so I hope to create many parts to this. There is no growth in this first section, but there will be a bunch in future installments. It will be more of a romantic slow-burn (think in the vein of AJ & Noah). Let me know what you think, I appreciate any feedback! * PART 1 * Caleb sits on the train heading towards the city center, just like every Friday night. People are milling around him, making room for the latest passengers and shifting to let the stragglers out. Feeling a vibration from his pocket, Caleb opens up his phone to see if someone has messaged him. A couple notifications pique his interest, which is quickly dashed as he clicks on them to discover they’re nothing more than people too old for him or too horny for him. Sighing discontentedly, Caleb slips his phone back into his pocket and takes stock of the latest batch of newcomers to the train. Standing a couple meters away with his back to Caleb is a promising specimen. He looks to be about the same height as himself, he’s dressed sharply in a figure fitting jacket and dark jeans that accentuate a trim waistline, and his closely dropped blonde hair, practically white, is coiffed to the side in an effortless yes classic style. The blonde reaches for his phone in his back pocket, drawing Caleb’s attention to his beautiful ass. It wasn’t the biggest ass Caleb had ever seen, but then, neither was the gentleman. His butt was simply well shaped, whether by training or by gifted genetics was beyond telling, and accentuated by the dark jeans. Caleb quickly looks at the other passengers to avoid revealing his interest, instead letting his peripheral vision monitor the stranger. He hopes the man will turn around so he can see if the front of the stranger is as equally attractive as the back, but in such a tight space, it isn’t likely to change any time soon. As fate would have it, the subway car pulls into the next station and the doors quickly open. A number of passengers exit, but one woman taps the man on the shoulder, asking to get by. As the man turns to allow the woman through, Caleb is granted vision of his side profile, stealing Caleb’s proverbial breath away. He is wearing glasses and the subtle stubble is groomed perfectly to accentuate a square and prominent jaw. The jacket protrudes ever so slightly around the man’s chest, just enough to hint that this guy frequents the gym. A slight bulge in his jeans also betrays a hefty package, and judging by the rest of the ensemble, this guy knows exactly what he’s doing to make himself look as mouth watering as possible. Caleb notices what appears to be the tips of a tattoo sneaking out of the jacket sleeve and onto the back of the stranger’s palms. As the woman leaves, she mutters a quick thank you, which the stranger returns with a gleaming smile and rich baritone voice, perhaps that of a singer or a trained orator. As the train doors close, the hunky blonde remains facing the same direction, but shifts into a more comfortable position by placing the weight onto his left leg, resting against the back of the seat across from Caleb. Caleb again averts his eyes hoping not to betray any intention of checking the guy out, but cannot avoid moving his eyes slowly across the man, choosing things in the background to read that allow him the opportunity to continue gawking. A robotic female voice announces the next stop: downtown. Caleb prepares to stand and notices the guy in front of himself also turning around, readying himself to depart. Rising along with his hopes, Caleb shuffles out behind the couple people between him and his target. The man leads the group of passengers to the escalator and everyone follows him, stepping on and slowly ascending to the surface above. At the top of the escalator, the crowd scatters into the larger crowd that is downtown. Caleb continues to follow the man towards the club, eager to see if their destination is the same. Squeezing through the crowd, Caleb soon sees the sign for the club and the bouncers outside checking ID’s. The blonde approaches the bouncers and flashes an ID card before the bouncers allow him to pass. Caleb does the same and follows into the club, already packed nearly to capacity. Mystery guy quickly stops off at the beer to grab something, but Caleb can’t hear the guy’s voice over the deafening bass of the club. The bartender returns shortly with a small beer, which the guy immediately takes a large swig of. Caleb follows suit and approaches the bar as the blonde pushes his way deeper into the club. “I’ll have what he had,” Caleb shouts to the bartender, motioning generically in the direction of his dream guy. Like clockwork, the bartender returns with the beer and Caleb pays, turning to see if he can find the blonde. Pushing through the crowd, he eventually sees the stud taking another sip of his beer, gently swaying and bopping along with the beat. Caleb pushes close to him, but far enough away to not arouse any suspicion, not that anyone in the club was paying any attention to either of them. Caleb takes a sip of his drink and starts to dance as well. Several songs bleed together and Caleb admires his quarry from afar. The seething crowd eventually places Caleb dangerously close to the blonde twunk, but Caleb accepts it and continues to dance. The guy is gyrating his hips along with the music and pumping his fist in the air when appropriate, which Caleb also does. All Caleb can imagine is dancing closer to him and jumping alongside him. As the song crescendos, the rowdier people behind Caleb begin jumping and one of them inadvertently shoves Caleb forward, sending him into the twunk. Neither of them falls over thanks to the sheer volume of people they fall against, but Caleb’s hand is pressed directly against the guy’s pec for a solid three seconds before they stand upright again. “I’m so sorry!” Caleb shouts, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment. “Don’t worry about it!” the guy shouts back. Caleb now notices the German accent in his voice. “People in here can get pretty crazy!” “Yeah, definitely!” The guy says something to Caleb, but an electronic distortion makes it too hard to hear for Caleb. “What?” The guy leans in closer, his mouth practically against Caleb’s ear. “I’m Lukas!” “Caleb!” “Nice to meet you!” Lukas shouts, adding an extra wink. “Likewise!” Caleb says, trying to hide his shock. He can count the number of times somebody has winked at him on one hand, unless he counts his family. Lukas seems to notice Caleb’s slight discomfort and grins. He leans in close again, grazing Caleb’s ear with a stubbly lip. “Can I get you another drink?” Caleb looks down at his glass and sees it is nearly finished. “You don’t have to do that!” “No, it’s no problem!” Caleb sighs and gives in. He quickly finishes off his drink. “Ok!” Lukas pulls away and heads back to the bar. Caleb can hardly believe it. This isn’t a gay bar, is Lukas just being polite or is he actually gay? What are the odds of that happening? How many guys has he had a crush on and how many of them have turned out to be gay? Caleb’s head is spinning and his heart is pounding. This has to be some kind of cultural difference, right? Moments later, Lukas comes back bearing two fresh glasses and hands Caleb one of them. “Thank you!” Caleb shouts. “Bitte schön!” Lukas says. They smile at each other and continue to dance. Lukas dances closer and closer to Caleb as the songs come. His eyes roam up and down Caleb’s body and Caleb’s eyes glide over Lukas’. “Where are you from?” “I’m originally from America but now I live on the east side of town, kind of in the outskirts. What about you?” Caleb asks. “I am from here, my family lives in the village on the other side of the river, so I grew up here.” “That’s cool!” “Thanks! How did you decide to come to Germany?” Lukas asks, just a hint of skepticism in his voice. In Caleb’s experience, every German finds it incredibly difficult to see Germany as a desirable place to live. “What’s not to love? The culture, the language, the history, sexy European boys…” Caleb says, trailing off suggestively. Lukas grins. “You think Germans are sexy?” “What can I say? I love tall, blonde studs with foreign accents!” “Then you should go to Sweden. It is even better there than in Germany.” “Maybe, but I don’t like the snow. And besides, they don’t teach Swedish in American schools. Though to be fair, they barely teach any languages in American schools these days.” Lukas chuckles to himself. “Yes it is not common to see Americans living here.” “Guess I’m one of the special ones,” Caleb says. “Yes, I think you are,” Lukas says. Caleb blushes and Lukas flashes his award-winning smile. Caleb can’t recall the last time a smile has had such an effect on him. Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s the man the smile is attached to, or perhaps it’s the pervasive sense of loneliness and hopelessness of finding someone, or maybe a combination of everything. Whatever the exact source is, Lukas’ smile gives Caleb a sense of stillness, like it is opening up the hurricane around them to create an eye big enough just for the two of them. As the night goes on, Caleb and Lukas continue to dance and do their best to have a conversation amidst all the chaos. Caleb notices his usual nerves just melt away and words have never come easier to him. All he wants is to lean in and kiss Lukas, but he could never be so forward so quickly. Instead, as the night starts to wind down, Caleb and Lukas leave the club and walk back towards the train station. “I had a really nice time in there,” Caleb says. “Ja, I had a good time as well. I don’t often meet such cute boys in these clubs,” Lukas says. Caleb winces a little internally at being called cute. He knows certain types of people are really into his specific look, but Caleb wishes beyond anything that he could change it. He has always felt like he wasn’t enough for people. He was always one of the skinniest people around, never the tallest, never the hottest, not even among the cutest. He knows he can be kind of cute if he styles his hair and takes care of his skin, but attached to such an unremarkable body, all he would ever be is a forgettable twink. “There are guys way better looking than me there. I know because I’m looking at one right now,” Caleb says dejectedly. Lukas smiles reassuringly, melting away some of Caleb’s insecurities but adding a few new ones. The two of them enter the train and sit down next to each other. “Don’t say that, you are very cute. And thank you. But you do not need to compare yourself to me or to any other people. You are cute, it is true, but you have something else too, and that is kindness and sympathy. You are real and honest, and that is something better to have than the handsomest face or the biggest muscles.” “Yeah but some big muscles wouldn’t hurt would they?” Caleb says, softly punching Lukas’ pec and gritting his teeth awkwardly. Immediately, Caleb feels a surge of embarrassment at his brashness. Lukas chuckles and looks down at his pec. “My muscles are not that big,” Lukas says, rubbing his chest tenderly, feigning pain and insult. “Better than what I’ve got,” Caleb says. “Well, that can easily be fixed. Just hit the gym some more and you’ll be huge in no time,” Lukas says. “Ha, I wish. Too bad there isn’t some magical elixir to do it all for me.” Lukas looks like he’s about to say something, but the electronic woman’s voice comes over the speakers, announcing Lukas’ stop. “Naja, this is my stop. Would you like to text via WhatsApp?” “Sure,” Caleb says, pulling his phone out and exchanging it with Lukas. The two of them enter their numbers in each others’ phones as the train pulls into the station. Lukas and Caleb hug each other goodbye and Lukas leaves. Caleb watches Lukas walk towards the stairs through the windows as the train starts to move again. Caleb sits back down and thinks about how lucky he was to have met Lukas. Somehow fate had smiled upon him tonight. After arriving at his station, Caleb exits the train and walks up the stairs to the street. He walks along the street contemplating everything when he accidentally kicks something. Looking down, Caleb sees a glass bottle, but this one is full of some blue liquid and it hasn’t been opened. Out of curiosity, Caleb picks up the bottle and written on the label in big bubble letters are two words: MUSCLE JUICE
  10. TonnyGiant

    "Godzilla Project"

    "Project Godzilla" Day 1. The first day was considered within the normal range according to the scientists. The first test subject was Regan, a Canadian bodybuilder. The results were BIG.
  11. Hello MG Forum, it's me again! Still not sure if this is the right forum, but I'm going to risk it. A bit of background first, I've been working on a muscle growth interactive story game where the player gets to create a character of his own choosing and then adventuring through a land devoted to muscle, growth, and all other manly things. As of now it's still an early WIP so a lot of things have yet to be implemented, but I need alpha testers to sieve through the gameplay for any game breaking bugs. There will be no technical expertise required, you just have to play it and report anything obviously wrong that goes wrong. I'm going to throw this out now - this game contains many furry features, I simply have no choice since the furry growth audience surpasses the regular one and I personally do not discriminate, muscle is muscle to me and that's really all that matters. You do not have to test this game if you do not like furry characters (there are/will be humans too!), but I'd greatly appreciate it if my inbox could be spared any hatemail. I'd also greatly appreciate it if any bugs could be reported in this thread so I can address them. One thing to note is that there will be plenty of links highlighted in a light red colour, these are not bugs, simply content that I have yet to implement, so don't report these! Online Gameplay Link : http://bit.ly/1sR4XeA Offline Download Link: http://bit.ly/1rAXmAo If you are given an error message right off the bat, please download the game and play it from any browser. That is all, Waffle out.
  12. Shade

    The Alpha Male 8

    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Another Dose “It seems like such an insignificant thing,” muttered Kyle as he held the vial up to the light for inspection. The deep violet liquid under the glass glistened not only with the reflected light of the sun, but with the glow of its own source of illumination as well. It had a phosphorescent quality and looked like it was liquid amethyst. I watched, both dreading and eager, as Myles took the container from Kyle and prepared the syringe with a full dose of fluid from the vial. Something stirred within me, something I had taken to calling the dragon, since that was how I imagined this unique force of energy. The dragon scared me, but I had decided that it would be prudent not to mention all those details to Mack and Myles. Although in my gut I knew it wasn’t right to hold back such information, I felt confident from my time with bear that I could control it. At least I hoped I could. “It is anything but,” Myles told us, the tone of his voice definitive. “This protocol is highly experimental and if my sources are accurate only a limited batch was ever correctly manufactured.” “Why?” queried Mack. “Apparently they had limited access to a key ingredient. And they could not synthesize a substitute.” “So this is not Vulcan’s Fire?” This last comment was my addition to the discussion. I’d been sitting there like a lump on a log while Myles, Kyle and Mack had weighed – sometimes quite heatedly – the pros and cons of giving me another dose. It turned out we only had three vials altogether from the case I had acquired from Mr Fong, and it was unclear precisely how much of the initial supply might be left in the hands of others. “No,” Myles continued, “The Vulcan’s Fire protocol was developed in conjunction with Fong’s syndicate. Your acquaintance, Mr Nickerson, has been taking a derivative of that formula. Although what he is taking is likely to be in a much more concentrated form than what has recently become available on the street. Such as what Mr Mikkaelson is currently taking.” Myles nodded his head toward Jack, who as it turns out was the Mr Mikkaelson in question. Jack just flexed his bicep in response. A shit-eating grin plastered across his face. “Works good too!” he reminded us, as if the bicep alone wasn’t proof positive. It hadn’t been my decision to bring Jack into our group, but while I’d been AWOL Jack had tracked down Mack and insisted to know what had happened. Myles, keen to sample Jack’s blood, had reluctantly convinced Mack to give him clearance. “Indeed,” said Myles, but I noticed he gave Jack a familiar and rather knowing look. “But as we’ve seen this formula, DA300, is something else altogether. Apparently Vulcan’s Fire was developed in conjunction with the Russian Mafia from a failed experiment the Soviet military establishment had been working on.” “Yeah,” I said, feeling guilty. “Sorry about that.” As it turned out, after my fight with Billy, Mack had brought me into one of the abandoned mines where Myles had set up a makeshift medical facility. They hadn’t reckoned on my ass being whupped quite so badly as it had been. More importantly they hadn’t reckoned on what would happen when they’d administered the initial injection. It can best be described for the lay person as a massive fucking hulk out of epic proportions and Myles, Kyle and Mack had barely survived with their lives. “Are you sure you can control it this time laddie?” Mack stood there with his arms crossed. I knew that posture and that expression. He was worried, but even more concerned that this was a stupid idea. “Trust me Mack. I know I’ve got something that will help.” I picked up one of the empty kegs of the bear’s formula in my hand for emphasis. I’d managed to fuck the secrets of his formula from the bear. It was old school, but developed overtwenty years he’d spent on his own. You see the bear had originally been a biochemist. His growth had been long and slow, but the effect had supersaturated his muscle. I’d brewed some of the concoction and given it to Mack and Jack, both of whom had responded favourably to the drink. I think it basically acted as an enhancer. But I also found it was the only thing that could calm the dragon. With it I could maintain control. I hoped. Mack looked down at the three kegs I’d already consumed. My muscles were supersaturated with formula and I figured that now was as good a time as any if they were going to administer another injection. “It doesn’t matter whether he can control it or not,” sighed Myles. “You are the only one that we have who is strong enough to give us the advantage in this fight.” Myles and Mack dogmatically refused to elaborate on what fight we were in. And it wasn’t for want of asking on my part. “That is after all why we’ve come to the middle of nowhere.” Kyle gestured out to deep Nevada desert. “This way if you hulk out again, we won’t have a whole mountain coming down on us. Despite it all, he grinned at me. “What the hell,” said Mack resignedly. “In for a penny, in for a pound.” “I still say that you could give me a dose,” Jack said exasperatedly. “We’ve settled that.” Myles looked very firmly as he spoke. “I would not have used this at all if it hadn’t seemed necessary at the time to save his life. We don’t have any idea at all what it would do to you – or if you’d even have survived.” I smirked at Jack. But I actually agreed with Myles, and not just because I was worried about Jack overpowering me at some point. The truth is that first dose was so painful and so destructive that I nearly lost my mind. As it was I forgot who I even was for three weeks. Mack and Myles both stated their belief that it was my phenomenal, natural strength – which we had on good authority was probably the greatest inherent strength of anyone not juicing – that had allowed me to survive death and the effect of the formula on my system. What might it do to someone else? Of course Jack was a juicer. Maybe he would have been fine. Myles, however, was not willing to take any chances. “That dose will remain safely locked up for now.” He turned to me, syringe in hand. “Are you ready?” The dragon hissed its acquiescence and I felt that tingle in my balls, the tingle of excitement. I nodded. He slipped the titanium steel needle into my vein and depressed the plunger. I was not restrained this time, as there was likely no restraint we had at our disposal that could hold me - extra dose or not. I’d seen Kyle and Mack move back and Myles stepped away also, but this time he remained in my field of vision – as did Jack. My stomach was bloated with the other formula, the sweet nectar still on my lips and it deadened the sensation of the DA300 formula. But I could feel it. Like a creeping evil. That was when it took hold of me. Not pain. No, this time it manifested itself as pleasure. Deep. Fucking. Ecstasy. And it hit me like a whack from Thor’s hammer right between the eyes. I stood up, grabbing my head. Though I just as quickly fell to my knees. “HOLY FUCK!” I groaned like I’d just had the best orgasm of my life. I was so powerful. I was in a state beyond powerful. Jack approached me as I knelt there. I was aware of him. There was a fog between the two formulas. They were like oil and water, not quite mixing. I felt dizzy almost to the point of nausea. I put my hands on the ground, squeezing the dirt, crushing it. My arms forced downward and into the ground. I felt the dragon flapping around. It desperately sought its freedom, trying to figure out how to escape, but the other formula dampened it. Prevented the full effect from materialising. Yet I could start to feel it commencing, slowly, but with increasing pace. My muscle pumped slow…the formulas beginning to metabolise together. My mind clouded with an inner darkness, so intent. Bent on destruction, I knew then that I could do horrible, unspeakable evil. But I would hold it back. I was holding it back. Trying to. Trying so hard. I slowly, slowly rose to my feet. “Well that shot appears to have been a dud.” I turned to the voice that had spoken. “What did you say?” Jack looked back at me, an expression of regret and boredom on his face. “What a waste of time big guy. It didn’t fucking work.” As I regarded him the muscle engorged further. I felt myself broaden. The fibres toughened, bigger and denser. My whole body was changing under the assault. I’d been bare chested for days as we’d had no shirt big enough to fit my body. It was a good thing because with each breath I was increasing in size. As with my initial tussle with bear, the formulas were complimenting one another. And each had the intended effect, as I’d hoped earlier, of slowing the other down. I felt the bones of my body expand, growing and changing into something not quite human. The very experience was deeper than just juicing. "No," I grunted. "It's working." Jack's eyes widened as he became aware of the growth. My body was expanding in all directions, my shoulders growing wider, lats expanding and growing thicker as my already huge pecs expanded outwards. I felt my skin struggle to contain the sudden increase as it was pulled, stretching faster than my muscle would allow. Biceps and triceps swollen, thicker than ever. Looking pumped and feeling hard, so hard. I just had to flex them. I changed my stance as I felt my quads and hamstrings adapting also. The calves growing, their diamond heads getting wider and thicker with each passing second. Oh fuck! I could feel the onrush of size as the nutrients in bear’s formula fed the dragon. Now it was truly in my blood, in my muscle, and in my DNA. Maybe I shouldn’t have mixed those two formulas? Maybe I didn’t care. This I knew was only the beginning. Still there was Jack. I looked at him standing there and I couldn’t remember why I’d ever bothered wasting time on him before now. He was such a weak little pussy. A weak little bitch. He was just a fuck toy. But he was also a threat. Jack wanted to own me. Wanted to fuck me. He had aspirations above his predestined place in my life as my cum receptacle. I moved quickly then. In a couple short strides my powerful quads propelled me across the distance between us and I backhanded him. The force of my arm tore his body from the ground and Jack soared through the air landing meters away in the dust of the desert floor. He lay there still. Pussy. Before I could turn my attention back to the other ants, Mack leapt onto my broad back. And he held on to my neck like a rodeo cowboy as I spun round, catching sight of Myles and Kyle in the process. Why was I surrounded by these insignificant little beings? Not even men. I could crush Kyle like the germ that he was. I wouldn’t even have to exert myself to do it. And Myles. Angelic, beautiful Myles. He may be a pretty toy but what was that compared to the awesome supremacy of my muscle? Godly. Unstoppable. Needing to be worshipped. I was far beyond those little men the cartoonists drew to impress. Hulk? Thor? Superman? What were they compared to me? What could they do that I could not excel at? Outclass them in every way? I stretched up to my full height, and ROARED. This was all that there was. Pure unending strength. This was power. Reaching behind me I grabbed Mack’s arm and flung him over me and into the ground, dislocating his shoulder in the process. He slammed into the hard earth as it compacted beneath him, indented by the force with which I’d thrown him and by the density of his own muscular body. I casually stepped on him to keep him from getting up, not that I suspected he would or could. My foot pressed on his chest. “I could crush you to a pulp little man. Drive you down so hard you’d find yourself inside the Earth’s molten core.” I leaned down and put weight on his chest, but not enough to destroy him. He groaned and his ribs snapped. I smirked. The dragon’s wings beat in my ears. I knew this was wrong, but I didn’t care at all. Why should I? The boulder slammed into me then. I could feel the stone collide with the expanse of my back. My broad lats, hard and dense, formed the toughest armour on the planet, and they resisted the impact. The stone cracked and dissolved upon impact, bits and pieces of the large rock shattering and falling about me. I turned and I saw Jack standing there, a trickle of blood dripping from his mouth. A welt on his face. “You have gotten stronger,” I told him. “Did you come back for more? If I were you I would have run when I’d had the chance.” “Leave him alone!” “Maybe I should pick on someone my own size, right? Except I don’t see anyone here who is my own size. Guess you’ll just have to do.” He ran at me as I stood there, massive now, bigger than a hulk. He slammed fist after fist into my abs. It didn't even register. “Fight it man!” he screamed over and over with each ineffective punch. At least until I got bored, grabbed him by the throat, and began to squeeze his head off his shoulders. As I did I felt a strange sensation stirring in the back of my mind. “Fight it laddie…” murmured Mack from below. “Please…please….” I'd forgotten about him. I lifted my foot up prepared to crush this annoying insect once and for all when his desperate words finally penetrated the fog inside my dense skull. What the fuck? What was I doing? “Mack?” I asked coming back to myself. I turned to see Jack now a shade of deep purple and quickly set him down. He gasped for air. “F-f-fuck…man!” he choked out between great intakes of breath. “You are one mean son of a bitch!” “Do you have it under control?” asked Myles then, striding up to me. “Yeah…yes…” I said. I knew it was the truth now. The feelings of pleasure and power had abated. “Well then,” Myles said as he surveyed the scene, “Let’s get some medical treatment for our friends here, and then let’s get on with this mission.” * * * I’d stayed upon the roof to watch the sun set over the Istanbul skyline as I now listened to the last call to prayer echo through the city. It was foreign, but not unpleasant to me. I was aware that I was in a different culture, which would present new surprises. Standing there with my arms crossed I must have looked an imposing sight to anyone who chanced to see me. “I think our biggest concern should be the Volkov brothers.” Mack stood solidly beside me, despite everything that had happened, his arm still in a sling. He healed quickly, but I had been hard on him. “Mack…” I started to say for the hundredth time. “No lad. No apologies between us. You did what you had to do. This thing, it means nothing.” I lowered my head. “You can control it though, can’t you?” We had exercised my new strength in the desert after the second dose and I’d had no further ill effects, but always in the back of my mind I felt the shadow lurking. This time I’d told Mack about that. I only regretted that I hadn’t done it sooner. I nodded. “As much as I can Mack.” “So about these lads.” He flipped the subject on a dime. Mack didn’t like to get too emotional. “They’re mean fuckers, and I know you’ve had your share of that recently. These two have been guns for hire for a while. Mostly in organised crime. We think they are currently working for the lab that produced DA300.” “When was our last intel received?” “We had pictures from a Romanian facility inside a week. They look the same as ever.” “So we’re going to go to Romania?” “That’s the plan. Myles believes he knows the location of the formula. I’m going to send you in along with two other operatives. They’ll be here by tomorrow and then we can make our move.” I took a deep breath and turned to face Mack. “Okay…tell me what I need to know.” To be continued....
  13. Interview with a Bodybuilder He entered the room with a confidence only held by the biggest of bodybuilders. He's 35, 5'10" and 350lbs of muscle, power and raw sexual energy. His hair is brown, curly and falls over his massive shoulders. His eyes are a piercing blue - eyes that look through you and understand your innermost needs - the need to worship his mass, his muscle and his strength. He has a Fu Manchu mustache, which frames his perfect lips. His cheeks are unshaven and covered with dark stubble, giving him an air of sexiness. He wears his shirt open almost to his navel exposing his hairy pecs, which he is constantly tensing to impress anyone who notices. His slacks are tight showing his mammoth dick soft and to the side. When he decided to meet with me, to tell me about his exploits, it was with the agreement that he would do all the talking. I agreed and this is the transcript. "I started lifting when I was 15. My brother bought a Weider set, and only used it for a few weeks. He gave them to me and the minute I noticed the growth, I was hooked. I saw my skinny 12-inch arms start to bulge out. My chest started to expand and soon I could get a pretty good flex if I tried hard. The girls at school noticed the change, too. That really got me going. After school they'd stand around in the yard and ask me to flex for them. It was freaky. I realized that the bigger I got the more they wanted me. And I wanted to get bigger. I could see the changes every time I looked in the mirror and it turned me on. Within a year my arms were up to 15 inches and a peak had formed. I used to get naked and stand in front of the mirror pretending I was Arnold Schwarzenegger - only I knew I was going to be a lot bigger than him. I was determined to be the biggest fucking bodybuilder in the world! On the weekends, I'd work out for hours, rarely going out and obsessed with getting HUGE! I'd pump my guns and measure them. Sixteen years old and I already had 15inch arms. I knew there was no limit to the size I could attain. I'll admit, when I'd pose in front of the mirror, I'd get a fucking hardon - 16 and my dick was like iron, and fucking 10"! I was as turned on by my muscle as the girls at school. By 17, I had grown so big, I had to buy large size clothes. My neck was 19 inches and my arms were almost 19". I'd go to school and the girls would flock to me. I had so many chicks after me that I hardly had time to keep up. They'd watch me flexing and want to feel my muscles. I'd take my shirt off to give them a treat. They'd run their hands over my pecs and just to surprise them I'd start flexing them. They'd shriek with delight at that and then I'd raise my big arms in a double biceps, or spread my lats like fucking wings. I took a lot of them home, and screwed them good. That's another thing they liked. I had a huge eleven incher that stayed rock hard for hours, always loved screwing their tight pussies and showing them what a real man feels like. After I left high school, I really started getting into growing. At 18, I entered a local contest and took 2nd in my weight class. I laugh about it now. I was a puny little shit, with 19" arms and a 45" chest. The more I worked out the bigger I wanted to be. I was a member at the local Gold's Gym and used to freak the guys out. I'd be in there at 9am and not leave till 6pm working every muscle harder and harder. I took tips from power lifters and found it easy to bench 400, 500lbs. Soon my arms were so fucking big I had to get Extra large shirts and I pretty much wore sweat pants all the time. Chicks liked that - it showed off my huge dick and I'd get hard working out, which really turned them on. A couple times I'd take 2 or 3 of them back to my apartment and fuck them all night. I have incredible staying power, especially when I have a room full of admirers. Me flexing and posing while they fingered their cunts, till I was rock hard from their worship and then one by one I'd fuck their brains out till they begged me to stop. None of this ever kept me from my goal of being the biggest fucking muscle monster in the world. I worked out all the time, getting so freaky I scared myself sometimes when I saw how big I was getting. My first bi experience was when I was 23, with this older couple I met in a local bar. He came up and told me his wife really wanted to fuck me. I thought, 'great. I'll fuck this bitch while her husband watches. A real fucking man screwing the ass off his wife.' We went back to their place and I stripped for her. She played with her pussy while I posed for her. The more I flexed the more she groaned. "How big are your arms?" she'd ask. "Maybe you should measure them," I smiled. She grabbed a tape measure and put it around my arm. She just about fainted when she read, "21 inches!" I picked her up in one arm and sat her down on my throbbing hard dick. Her husband watched, and started jerking himself off. I was jerking her off on my dick when I felt a hot tongue start probing my asshole. At first I told the guy to back off. He said "relax, guy." and I started to get into it. It felt great - fucking this hot cunt and feeling this hot tongue in my asshole. Fuck they both worshipped me! I pulled her off my dick and hit a few more poses. The husband started licking my arms and chest, pumping my big cock while I posed. She was licking my hairy calves and thighs and I was so fucking hot! She said, "fuck him like you fucked me". I said, "Can he take a REAL MAN up his ass?" He nodded and pulled out a condom, placing it on my dick with his mouth. Fuck, I was hot! I picked him up like a rag doll and sat him down on my rock hard dick. I pumped his wimpy little body up and down on my dick, and I tell you - there's nothing like a man's hot ass wrapped around my pole. 'YOU LIKE THIS MAN'S POLE IN YOUR PUSSY, HUH?!' I'd ask, and he'd nod while his mouth was planted on my biceps. 'YOU FUCKING NEED THIS BIG MUSCLE COCK, HUH?!' I shot the hottest load into him, man - I couldn't believe it. We did that all night long - They worshipping my body and me their own personal fuck stud. I'd fuck her then him, I'd line them up and fuck them both. By the time I was 25, I weighed about 280lbs, my arms were about 25" and I was the freakiest looking man at the gym. I entered a few contests and won with little effort. It was then that I realized I'd stop with the contest thing and just focus on getting more and more massive and ripped. I knew I would be so big that contests would be pointless. And I hated shaving, man. I liked the hair on my body. It turned me on having some hot chick or some guy run their fingers through it while I flexed for them. I got into performing strength feats for my sex partners - I'd tear a phone book in half then grab the halves and tear them in half! I'd wrap steel bars around my fucking huge neck. I'd pump my arms for a hour solid, curling with 200lbs and have the chick measure them. Once I actually pumped up to 29"! I fucking loved it, man! And my partners loved it too. The bigger and freakier I got the hotter the sex was. I'd sit back on the couch and have some chick fucking blow me, or ridemy 11" monster muscle till I shot a load on the ceiling! I'd stand up and start taunting them - flexing my arms and pecs saying stuff like, "YOU WANT THIS FUCKING STUD MUSCLE, DON'T YOU? YOU NEED A REAL FUCKING MAN TO DO YOU RIGHT, BABY!" Then I'd pick them up in one hand and carry them into the bedroom, have them oil me and put on a personal pose down - my eleven inch pole rock hard with the worshipping I was getting." At this point he unbuttons his shirt and casually tosses it aside. He stands up and crosses to a mirror and begins to talk to himself, or an imagined partner. He flexes as he talks. "Big fucking stud. You need this big stud, don't you? Look at this fucking bicep! Lick it, boy! Lick these huge fucking pig pecs, boy! YEAH! You like this fucking huge freaky body, DON'T YOU?!" He rubs the growing erection, straining his pants and returns to his seat. "Everybody wants me. I know it. And if they're into my muscle I'll do them good. Now, at 35 I think my arms must be about 29" no pump and my chest is about 65". I pumped my cock up to 13" and rock hard! I can't wear anything but XXX large clothes, and I fucking love it. Look at me! You ever seen anything this fucking freaky. LOOK AT THIS FUCKING MASS, MAN! I'm so fucking incredible! Flexed all day, all night – I don't give a shit!. And staying power! I know this guy, Chuck. He's pretty puny - only 250lbs - his arms are about 21". He said he could fuck a dozen chicks all night and never lose his hardon. I told him a dozen was nothing, and why just chicks? I told him I'd fuck easy 20 chicks and a handful of fags standing up and doing arm curls at the same time, for a night and a morning. He wanted to try me on that, so we went out and found ourselves a harem. He had his 20 chicks and I found the same number chicks and a dozen guys from the local bar. It's so fucking easy picking up anyone when you look like me. I just walked over and said, 'you wanna get done like you've never been done before?' Then I'd flash a pec and start getting hard for them and they'd follow me anywhere. That night at 11pm, we were at Chuck's place - he's got a huge split level living room. First Chuck stripped and the crowd loved it. He stood there buck naked and started posing - most muscular, abs, lat spread, double biceps. Some of his chicks were crawling over him, licking his muscle. The thought of what I was going to be doing started getting me hard and I said, 'Move over wussy boy and let a REAL FUCKING FREAK get started! I unbuttoned my shirt and opened it slowly, showing off my hairy pecs and ripped abs. People went quiet, as I stripped the shirt off and stood there relaxed, letting my size and mass overwhelm them. I rolled my pecs a few times and could see my men getting hard in their pants and my women getting wet. I raised my guns in a double biceps pose and pushed a freaky peak up on my massive veined arms! They fucking loved it! Then I slowly undid my pants and pulled them down. I wanted everyone to see this real man's dick properly unveiled. As the pants came down, some of my women came closer, wanting to touch it. But I wouldn't let them. I just stood there naked and smiled as I got my huge 13" pole hard without touching it! Even Chuck was impressed. His cock started throbbing as he realized he was in the presence of a fucking god! Then we started in. I grabbed a couple of 200lbs dumbells and started curling while the first chick straddled my prick. My cock was rock hard, while I fucked woman after woman, pulsing cunts clamped on my man's dick. Chuck was busy trying to keep up, but couldn't. I'll give him credit - he's never taken on a god before. After a couple of hours his arms tired with the weights and he started losing his hard-on. Not me. I fucked men, women and kept pumping those weights. Chicks and guys all licking my freaky huge biceps, veins popping and my huge dick plunging into their tights holes. It was 11am before we quit. I'd been pumping my arms for 12 straight hours, and my hairy nuts were so tight it felt like I was going to shoot a gallon of cum! I told Chuck to get his hot ass over and let me fuck him. He didn't want to at first, but then the thought that he'd be fucked my such a monster was enough to send him over. I pounded his bubble butt with my 13 inches and his puny 9 inch cock came almost immediately. Then I pulled him off me and stood there, among all these exhausted people lying on the floor. "YOU WANT MY CUM?!" I shouted. "TELL ME WHO'S THE BIGGEST FUCKING MUSCLE STUD IN THE FUCKING WORLD!" "You!" They all shouted back. "Spray us with your cum!" I throbbed my red hot cock a few times, flexed my arms, pumped to an unbelievable 32" and shot a load that sprayed over all of them. Then to end it, I had 20 of them pile on the couch. I went behind and easily lifted about 1000lbs of couch and bodies over my head, doing a few presses for one final pump and a night they'd never forget." He put his shirt on, flexing his hairy massive pecs as he did. When he went to leave he told me he'd be back. He had more stories to tell and needed to tell them.
  14. Ziel


    Russel had never felt more out of place. He was a shrimp in a hall of ripped muscle gods. It seemed like everyone at this gym had been going regularly for years, and here he was entering a gym for the first time since P.E. class in middle school. It didn’t help that his work out shirt was comically huge on him. Russel was half tempted to go home and change… or maybe just go home altogether, but he had promised his pal he would at least try to start a gym regimen. In many ways it was only because of Russel’s friend that he was even here today. Russel had long said he was going to start working out. He had always dreamed of having a big, buff body like he saw in the magazines, but he just never seemed to put on any muscle when he tried lifting weights at home. He doubted even having access to professional lifting equipment would help his case at all either, but Russel’s pal, Kurt, was insistent he at least try. Kurt even went so far as to give Russel a new set of workout clothes, a shirt and jockstrap, for Christmas to help him kick off his fitness journey, and it was that outfit that Russel was wearing to the gym this very afternoon. The shirt was a seemingly standard muscle shirt with the caption “Loading Muscles…” on the front as well as a comical loading bar underneath the text. The loading bar was actually completely empty which seemed almost like a cruel joke to the poor, puny Russel. To make matters worse, the shirt was so huge that it hung loosely off of Russel’s wimpy frame. Russel still wasn’t sure if he was wearing it because it was a gift from a cherishes friend, or because he was just too cheap to buy something for himself, or even if he was just motivated by sheer spite, but that hardly seemed to matter at this point. His oversized shirt just made him feel even punier than ever, and his shirt wasn’t the only spacious part of his attire. His jockstrap was a little extra roomy around the Netherlands as well. Russel’s painfully average cock just wasn’t up to the task of filling the ample pouch of the “Enhance” brand strap. Fortunately, he had an old pair of jogging short on over top of the strap so nobody else had to know about his shortcomings in that department. Figuring that even the longest journey begins with a few steps, Russel made his way over to the treadmill. He might not know much about lifting weights, but he did at least know how to jog so the treadmill seemed as good a place as any to get the ball rolling. Russel quickly settled into a routine of jogging along at a reasonable pace while scrolling through a beginner’s guide to working out on his phone. It was strange. He expected to get winded pretty easily since he had never been the most athletic dude, but the more he jogged, the more energized he felt. He felt like he could run nonstop for days! But before he even realized the timer on the treadmill dinged to alert him that he had done a respectable warm-up. Russel hopped off the treadmill and decided to put the newbie guide to weightlifting he had been perusing to good use and made his way towards the weight room. The weight room had tons of mirrored walls all around the place. Try as he might, Russel couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of his own reflection. When he saw himself, he did a double take. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something seemed different. He wasn’t what he would call fit by any stretch of the imagination, but he was looking healthier than when he had walked in. He chalked it up to the rush of endorphins from the jog and the slight sheen of sweat which had settled onto his skin, but there was something else afoot that he had not yet begun to realize. Russel quickly adjusted his oversized shirt and went back to focusing on his next workout, completely missing the fact that the loading bar on his shirt now had an almost imperceptibly small bit of blue filling the otherwise empty loading bar. The first exercise on his to-do list was a few simple bicep curls. Russel figured he’s be ahead to start light and grabbed one of the smallest set of dumbbells he could find, but after a few experimental curls he quickly realized that five pounds was far, far too light. He quickly moved up to ten and then fifteen pounds and found that those were too light as well. He was surprised to say the least. The guide he was reading didn’t suggest going above fifteen pounds for a lightweight beginner like himself, but here he was hefting a thirty pounder like it was nothing. Perhaps even more surprising was the bulge of a bicep the poked out when he reached the highest point of his curls. Russel was amazed by what he saw. It was a muscle! He had an actual muscle! It was small, sure, but everyone had to start somewhere, and the fact that he actually had some sort of muscle definition to show off on his first day at the gym was beyond a miracle. Perhaps he had not given himself enough credit. He tended to carry a few heavy books around campus. Maybe his nerdery was good for something after all. Russel was not about to rest on his laurels just yet though. If anything, this newfound discovery spurred him on to work out even more. If just a few bicep curls could bring out his latent muscles, just imagine what a regular routine could do! He could be buffed like those babes on the cover of Men’s Health in no time! After what he assumed to be a suitable amount of reps, Russel put up his barbells and made his way towards the bench press station, completely unaware that his loading bar had gained a few more pixels in the past few minutes. Russel loaded the bar on the weight rack with what he thought would be a safe and easy starter weight, and laid down to do a few reps. To his surprise, the bar was incredibly light! He wasted no time in adding more weight to it and trying another few reps. Again, the bar was too light. Before he knew it, he had doubled and then tripled the starting weight before he began to feel even a little strain from lifting. He was so amazed by the amount of weight he was benching that he almost didn’t notice the bulges forming in front of him… almost… Russel’s jaw dropped when he caught sight of the mounds in front of him. From where he was lying he had a front row view of his own chest and could see two very clearly defined pectoral muscles. He had pecs! Sure, they weren’t he hugest pecs he had ever seen. They would even be classified as fairly small by most of the muscleheads at the gym, but they were there, and they were his! He couldn’t believe his eyes. He quickly got up from the bench and turned to check himself out in one of the mirrors on the wall. There was no denying what he was seeing. He was cut! He wasn’t bulky by any stretch of the imagination, but he had some honest-to-god muscles on his body. He had a lean, lithe, swimmer’s build. Russel could barely fathom what he was seeing. He had gained a noticeable amount of muscle since he had arrived, but how!? As if to answer his question something caught his eye. A slight movement down below… Russel glanced down at the reflection of his shirt, and for the first time he noticed the additional blue on the loading bar. “Loading Muscles…” indeed, and from the look of things, he had a long way left to go! The loading bar had barely even begun to fill in. If he was this cut with just a little bit of bulking, he could hardly imagine how huge he’d be when he was done! The sheer thought of it sent a shiver of excitement up his spine and surge of excitement down his groin. Russel quickly adjusted himself down there. His chubby was feeling particularly cramped in the confines of his running shorts, but he paid it no mind. He was far too enthralled by his muscles to worry about a little thing like that. Russel couldn’t wait for more muscles to stack on. His mind was racing with ideas of just how huge he’d grow and how to speed up the process. Was there some sort of catalyst besides the shirt? Did pumping the old irons cause him to bulk up faster? He didn’t know for sure, but he knew there was no harm in trying. If nothing else the rush of endorphins and the pump that came with a good rep was starting to go to his head. He couldn’t wait to really test the limits of what his body was capable of. Russel glanced around the gym for the next station he would try out. There were so many options. He was like a kid in a candy store. Eventually his eyes fell upon the simple, unassuming bar attached to the far wall. A pull up bar. Such a simple device, and yet so full of promise. Russel had never in his life successfully performed a pull up. He was shaking with anticipation as he placed his hands on the bar, and then with the greatest of ease he pulled himself up so that his chin was over the bar. It felt so effortless that he might as well have been picking up a tissue. He could scarcely believe that the pull up bar had been the bane of his middle school existence. He remembered struggling and straining for half an hour to accomplish even a single chin up, but now he was effortlessly doing a chin up and beyond. He could pull himself all the way up until the bar hit his chest. Russel was so caught up in the rush that he did another pull up and another and another. He was a well-oiled pull up machine. He kept going up and down like a pistol, completely unaware of how his body was changing. His muscles were thickening all around him, and weight was packing on elsewhere as well. By the time the rush finally died down and he dropped down from the push up bar, he was feeling something very strange indeed. It was tough for him to put his finger on it at first. It was a strange pressure around his legs and groin, but all it took was a look in the mirror to put two and two together. His shorts were getting incredibly tight on his bulking frame! Russel was amazed at what he saw. During his brief stint on the pull up bar he had gone from twink to twunk! He went from a lean, cut, swimmer’s build to having a thick body that would grace the cover of a fitness magazine. He had quads that would amaze a quarterback! His formerly airy running shorts now dug into his thick thighs, but it wasn’t just his muscles that were filling his briefs to the brim. It was plain to see that his dick had grown as well. Russel could only stand and stare in awe at the outline of his own cock and balls that now pressed so hard against the front of his shorts that he could see the very shape and size of them. He could scarcely believe that thick set of sausage and eggs was his! He had a schlong that had to be closing in on a foot long and every bit as thick as his wrist and a pair of softball sized stones to match! It was hard to believe that just mere moments ago he had had trouble filling out his jock strap. Now he looked like he’d be spilling out in the very near future. Russel couldn’t wait to work out more and grow even larger. He already had the body of his dreams, but still, he wanted to be even bigger, and if the loading bar was any indication he had a ways to go yet. Russel didn’t want to waste any time moving onto the next exercise and getting any bigger. He turned and set up shop at the very next station his eyes fell upon – the pull downs. Russel sat down on the seat and glanced up at the bar above his head. Despite how swole he was looking, he was still pretty much a newbie when it came to working out so he was glad to see that there were guide marks on the bar telling him where to place his hands for ideal results. Russel wasted no time getting to work. He placed his hands where the marks said to and began to pull down on the bar until his hands were even with his thick pecs. He was amazed how easily the bar came down. He hadn’t even bothered changing the weights on it before he began working out, and the guy who had been using this station before him was one of the biggest bros at the gym! Russel could now hit the weights with the best of them and then some! And at the rate things were going he was soon going to dwarf even the biggest musclehead the gym had ever seen. Just imagining what it would be like to be so huge got his huge cock to stir to life in his undersized shorts. His semi was straining hard against the fabric of his too-tiny running shorts. He could already tell that one way or the other something was going to have to give. His shorts were reaching their breaking point in more ways than one, and as he pulled down on the bar over and over again he could actually feel himself getting bigger and thicker by the moment. He could actually hear the sound of his shorts straining against his thickening brawn. The sound of straining fabric just spurred him on to work even harder and reach new amazing sizes. He couldn’t wait to see what he would look like when he finally filled the loading bar. Russel was so fixated on his pull downs and his shorts that he hadn’t even noticed what was going on with his shirt. By the time he finished his reps on the pull-down station and returned once more to the mirrors to check his progress he was in for quite a shock. His once far-too-huge shirt was now looking a few sizes too small. The fabric of his muscle shirt strained across his thick pecs and his sculpted abs. The straps of the shirt now rested firmly in the groove between the thick mounds of his delts around his neck and the bulging mass of his traps around his shoulders, but perhaps what was even more amazing was how much his thick lats spilled out the sides of his open-sided muscle shirt. His wings had grown so thick that they would have shredded clean through the sides of his shirt had his shirt not already been open on the sides to accommodate it, but as amazing as his torso had become, it was hard for him to keep his eyes off the improvements below the belt. Russel’s cock was beyond huge at this point. He put even the most ridiculously hung porn star to shame. His dick was looking more like a third leg which each passing moment. His junk was so massive that it didn’t even fit in his shorts anymore. His package rested on the fabric of his shorts as if using them as a hammock instead of actually fitting inside his shorts. Only the tip of his melon-sized cock head actually fit inside his shorts, and his basketball sized stones were even less contained. With how huge his dick had become it was a miracle that any of it could fit in his shorts, and that was saying nothing of his jock strap. His strap had been a bit roomier than his shorts to begin with, but it was still a miracle that it held his bait and tackle in place as well as they did. The red fabric of the front pouch of his jock strap was so strained that it had taken on a sheer, pink texture. The color of his cock and ball flesh was starting to show through. Russel didn’t waste too much time ogling his new size in the mirror. If the loading bar on his shirt was any indication, he still had plenty more growing to do. He was already larger than the biggest bodybuilder in the gym, and he was still just shy of the 50% mark on his loading bar. Russel next made his way over to the squat rack to do some squats. He loaded the bar down with every weighted plate he could get his hands on. The bar was so heavily loaded by the time that he was done that the metal bar actually started to bend and warp under the sheer weight of the plates. Russel figured that that would be a good enough starting point and proceeded to load the bar onto his shoulders and squat down low. He made it halfway through the first squat when a loud, rending sound split the air. His over-stuffed pants had reached their limit and then some. His body was already too big for his britches, but bending down was the final nail in the coffin. His shorts split open clean down the back leaving his big, beefy ass exposed to ass to see. Russel quickly stood back up and set the weight bar back on the rack. The sheer weight of the bar caused the entire gym to rumble. Russel glanced at his reflection once again in the mirror and realized that his shorts were beyond ruined. They were doing more harm than good at this point, and it’s not like he was ever going to fit into them again, so he reached down and unceremoniously ripped them clean off. The waistband snapped with ease leaving him clad in just his shirt, his strap, and his sneakers. With his shorts no longer interfering, Russel once again set to work on his squats. He once again shouldered the weighted bar and squatted down low. He was amazed at how light the bar felt. He had apparently packed on even more muscles during even just the short interlude. The lightness didn’t bother him though. If anything, it spurred him on to work out even harder to grow even larger. He squatted down low and stood back up over and over again while eyeing his reflection in the mirror. He was enamored with how his muscles flexed and rippled with each rep, but there was something else that caught his eye too. With each squat, his hefty nuts came ever closer to touching the floor, and it wasn’t because he was squatting lower. He could actually see his cock and balls getting bigger with each rep! He soon reached the point where he squatted down low and his nuts touched the floor, but he didn’t stop there. He went again and again, squatting down and standing up, and each time he watched as his nuts reached the floor sooner and sooner in each rep. He soon reached a point where his beachball sized nuts were so massive that they reached the floor halfway through his squats and sat there as he finished his motion. Russel was amazed that his strap had held on so long. The fabric was so strained that it had become nearly see-through. Rips and tears had spread through the fabric giving large, uninhibited glimpses as the bare cock and ball flesh tucked away beneath. By the time Russel had finally had his fill of the squat rack, his jockstrap had more than had its fill of his cock and balls! The fabric of the front pouch split wide open, causing his cock and balls to spill out. Russel stared in awe as his dangly bits spilled forth. He had known his junk was huge, but the pouch had hidden just how huge they really were! His beachball sized nuts dangled down to his shins, and the head of his cock rested solidly on the ground at his feet. He had more than a third leg! His cock was not only longer but thicker than his impressively thick thighs as well. His dick nearly rivaled his thick, sculpted midriff for sheer girth! Russel placed the bar back on the rack one final time and took another moment to admire how huge he had become. His torso was sur burly that his muscle shirt was having trouble adjusting. The front of the shirt had become nearly completely swallowed by the dense chasm between his massive, meaty pecs. Only the loading bar, which was now stretched taut across his top row of abs, could be seen. Russel smirked at his progress. He was already so massive, and yet he was barely 60% done? He couldn’t wait to see how much larger he would become. Russel grabbed a pair of the largest dumbbells he could find and took a seat at one of the benches near the free weights. The bench groaned under his massive, muscular bulk, but held its ground. Russel glanced down and smirked at his bare cock and balls which now rested solidly on the ground at his feet before he hoisted the pair of dumbbells up over his shoulders and began to lift them above his head. He quickly settled into a routine of lifting the dumbbells up over his head and then bringing them back down to around his shoulders, but there was something slightly offer. He was getting so massive now that his muscles were getting in the way! The bulge of his traps around his shoulders made it hard for him to raise his arms straight up, and the bulge of his delts around his neck was so thick that the dumbbell kept bumping into it when he returned his arms to the low position. Eventually his traps got so huge that the his could only lift his arm to a 45-degree angle. He figured by that point that it was time to move onto a new exercise. When Russel stood up to move onto the next exercise he was in for a shock… two shocks, actually. First of all, his lats had grown so much during his brief stint doing shoulder presses that he couldn’t even lower his arms all the way! He lowered his arms as low as they would go, and he looked like he should be saying “Welcome to Chili’s”, but the lack of mobility didn’t bother him. If anything, it got him even more worked up. His already semi-boned cock got even harder than before which brought his attention to the second thing which shocked him. His cock had grown even more! He had sort of assumed that once he had lost the pouch of his jockstrap the growth would stop. After all, his jock strap was now less of a strap and more of a belt that barely wrapped around his swelling hips, but the Enhance brand strap hadn’t stopped enhancing his junk! Even now that he was standing straight up, his nuts rested heavily on the floor at his feet, and his semi-boned cock jutted a few feet out in front of him. He could scarcely believe his eyes. His semi was as thick as his midriff, bulging obliques and all! Even as awed by his own body as he was, Russel couldn’t help but notice how eerily quiet the gym had become. For the first time since he had started growing he looked around the room at the others who occupied the gym with him. All eyes were glued to him and his massive muscles and cock. There were a wide range of emotions displayed in those eyes. Jealousy. Wonder… Lust. Just seeing how hot and bothered the other gym-goers were got Russel even more worked up than before. His semi soon reached rock hard status and then some. His massive cock was so hard it was dribbling pre onto the rubberized floor of the gym weight room. Russel was already so massive that it was getting tough to move, but he couldn’t quit now – not when he was so close to maxing out his download bar, and definitely not when he had such an eager audience to please. The question was, what to do next? He had already gone through every exercise on his list, and he doubted he could even fit on most of the gym stations. That was when an idea popped into his head. At his size, he didn’t need gym stations. He was his own station. All he needed was himself and the two barbells he still had in his hands. All eyes were on him as he moved his massive, nearly-nude form into position. He leaned forward so that his enormous cock was resting on the ground in front of him and then laid down directly on top of it. His dick was so massive that while straddling it as he currently was, his feet could barely reach the ground below him and the tip of his dick reached so far forward that his chin rested comfortably on the puffy glans. Once he was happily in position, Russel set to work on his next exercise. He dropped his hands as low as they could go until he was nearly hugging his fat cock and then raised his arms back up until his arms were spread wide by his sides. The murmur of approval from the crowd made it clear they were enjoying the show. Russel could only imagine what they must be seeing though. With his body as exposed as it currently was, there was no doubt his enormous muscles were rippling with each motion, but that wasn’t all. Russel could feel his cock getting thicker between his legs. He could feel the head of his dick poking further and further forward with each fly he completed, and that was saying nothing of his nuts and muscles. He couldn’t see his nuts to check on them, and he had no way of checking his loading bar either. He just had to trust the invigorating rush that was flowing through him to prove that he was still getting larger and larger. Soon Russel reached a point where his chin no longer rested on the spongy head of his cock. His dick had grown so massive that the tip of it poked out past his own head by several inches, and yet it was still growing. As Russel continued his reps he became aware of something interesting. It was getting tougher and tougher to complete a fly. His arms just wouldn’t go all the way back down. At first, he chalked it up to just his cock getting too fat for him to wrap his arms around, but he eventually began to realize that there was something else at work. Part of him wanted to continue his reps, but the curiosity was getting the better of him. He had to see with his own eyes and verify his suspicions. He awkwardly propped himself up and hopped off of his own cock and turned to stare into his own reflection. Sure enough, it was just as he had suspected. His pecs were now so massive that they impeded his ability to bring his arms together. Russel couldn’t believe how massive he had become. He couldn’t believe that he had been a stick when he had walked into the gym this afternoon. Now he was easily five times wider than he had been before. His broad shoulders were so wide he wouldn’t be able to get through a normal doorway without shifting his weight around, and that was saying nothing of his cock which was every bit as thick as his broad, barrel chest, and then there were his nuts which were each about as large as a Lay-Z-Boy recliner. His pecs were the size of mattresses. His individual abs were so huge that each one bulged out like basketballs. His biceps alone were bigger than his whole head, and his quads were as thick as oak trees! And yet, as massive as he was, he could still see himself steadily creeping up in size. Russel knew he had to be reaching the end of his growth. He was already so massive that he was having trouble moving, and yet he didn’t want it to end just yet. Unfortunately, he couldn’t read the loading bar on his shirt. His shirt had been completely swallowed by his pecs. He awkwardly fumbled as best he could with the fabric and tried to pull his shirt out from underneath his pecs so he could read the loading bar, and to his surprise, when he finally did get a chance to read it, the bar was nearly complete! This was about as big as he would get? On one hand he was glad he wouldn’t grow to immobility, but on the other hand, the rush of getting larger and larger was too great to be ignored. Part of him wanted to keep going. Part of him wanted to get even larger than before. He didn’t care if he outgrew the whole gym! A telltale ding came from his shirt to alert him that the download had been completed. For better or worse, this was his new size. Russel wasn’t too bummed out about it though. He was bigger than he ever dreamed possible. He couldn’t wait to show his new bulk to all his friends on campus, but first things first… he needed to rinse off some of the funk from the powerlifting he had done. He put up the barbells and made his way towards the locker rooms for a quick shower. Russel stopped off by his locker briefly to put up his clothes. He had to pull and tug at his shirt to get it unstuck from between his massive muscles, and when he finally did remove it he had to chuckle at what had become of it. The shirt was so badly stretched out that it looked more like a series of spaghetti straps than an actual shirt. Next came the jockstrap, or what was left of it anyway. That part came off much easier than the shirt. All he had to do was shimmy it down across his thick thighs and then step out of them. With that off, all that was left was to kick off his shoes, which he did with ease. It was strange. He had been pretty much bare-assed naked for half of his gym set, but somehow shedding the last few tatters of his clothes left him feeling awkward and exposed. He never was the most outgoing guy, and he had always been afraid of showering in public like this. He had to remind himself that he was no longer a little shrimp with something to hide. He was massive! He had the muscles of a god and the cock of a whale! He had nothing to hide anymore. It didn’t take long for him to psyche himself up and make his way towards the showers. He was not too surprised to find that he was too large to fit into any of the stalls. He was so huge that he couldn’t even get just his dick into one of them! Still, he wasn’t so quick to be discouraged. There was a showerhead on the side of the wall that was out in the open. It was obviously designed for those who were going to hit the pool and just needed to hose off real quick while still in their suits, but it worked just fine for Russel’s purposes. He shimmied his bulk towards the showerhead, turned the knob, and then did his best to soak up underneath the flow, but he was so massive he could only get small parts of him wet at a time, and that was saying nothing of lathering up. There was no way he could reach his arms around his cock to wash it, and his backside was even harder to reach! Fortunately, he didn’t have to worry about what to do for long. He soon felt the warm touch of a wet washrag against his bare skin. Russel glanced over to see one of his admirers from the gym had made the journey into the showers with him. It was hard to believe how tiny the guy looked. He was without a doubt one of the burliest bros Russel had ever seen before, but even this guy looked puny next to Russel’s new mass. Russel didn’t know what to say. Part of him wanted to thank the guy for stepping in to help out, but at the same time he felt kind of weird having someone rubbing him down like this. Fortunately, the new arrival didn’t seem to be too keen on conversation. His eyes were glued to Russel’s enormous pecs. The guy ran the soapy cloth across Russel’s massive pectoral muscle and sensually stroked the thick mass of brawn. Russel’s pecs were so massive that the guy couldn’t even reach all the way across to wash both pecs. The best he could do was focus on the one closer to him. He’d have to walk around to the other side if he wanted to have any hope of washing Russel’s another pec, but for the time being he was content just to wash half of Russel’s front. The suds cascaded down Russel’s pecs and coursed through the deep trenches of his sculpted cum-gutters before reaching his crotch and dripping off his cock and down his immense nuts before splattering onto the tiled floor below, but soapy water wasn’t all that was splattering onto the floor. Russel was trying to keep a level head as he focused on soaping up the parts of his body he could actually reach, but the sensual rubbing from his new friend was getting him even more hot and bothered than he already was. His rock-hard cock was drooling pre so fast that it rivaled the showerhead for sheer output. Pre oozed out from the tip of his supersized cock head and down onto the floor, and things were only going to get even steamier in the showers. Another set of hands soon found their way towards Russel’s enormous body. This time the hands fixated on his backside, and Russel could only assume that the owner of said hands was just as enrapt as the Russel’s first helper. Try as he might though, Russel could not catch a glimpse of the guy behind him. He just couldn’t turn around enough to look behind him, but he was fine with letting his new helper remain anonymous. The mystique just added to his arousal. Russel soon found himself so hot and bothered that his cock was shuddering with joy as the new arrival soaped down his backside. By the time the newcomer had reached down low enough to start massaging Russel’s massive ass, Russel was so close to cumming that he had to try his hardest to tune out the sensations that were overcoming his senses. Having two helpers was almost more than Russel could take, but soon he had yet another newcomer working over his enormous mass. This guy didn’t seem interested in Russel’s muscles though. Russel could only watch in awe as another cute gym jock strode towards him. Even before this newcomer began soaping down a part of Russel’s enormous brawn, Russel knew exactly where he was going to focus his efforts. The guy’s gaze never left Russel’s enormous cock even for a second. The look in his eyes was even hornier than Russel felt! Russel half expected the guy to start washing his cock with his tongue, but instead the guy soon joined in the other two helpers in lathering up Russel’s body with a washcloth and soap. Russel stared in hormone addled awe as the guy stared down Russel’s enormous cock head, a cock head which eclipsed the dude’s entire torso! The guy silently went about his business as he soaped up and stroked down the spongy tip of Russel’s cock. Just feeling how tiny the dude’s hands felt against his cock drove Russel even crazier than before, and the feeling of the dude’s hands sliding under his foreskin to stroke around the fringes of swollen cock head. Russel almost came right then and there. It was only by sheer force of will that he kept himself from dousing the new arrival in a torrential spurt of spunk. Although, judging by the devious glint in the guy’s eyes, Russel wouldn’t doubt that the dude was hoping for just such a shower. Russel’s mind was almost as foggy as the steamy showers as the three guys works over their respective portions of Russel’s colossal body. Guy A had shifted sides and was now working over Russel’s other pec and the other half of his abs and occasionally even dropping a hand low enough to caress Russel’s inner thigh – the guy’s hand wedged tightly between Russel’s thick quads and enormous cock and ball sack as he did so. Guy B had gotten more adventuresome in his worship and cleansing of Russel’s backside and was now giving Russel’s meaty ass a washing he would never forget. Russel was a very hygienic guy, but even had never spent so much time scrubbing the crevasse between his butt cheeks before. Russel was sure he had even felt a tongue in there amidst the lathers and strokes of the washcloth. Meanwhile, Guy C had gotten even more hands on than he was before. He had climbed onto Russel’s cock as if it was a roadhouse mechanical bull. The guy used his entire, soap-covered body to rub and lather Russel’s cock which dwarfed the dude in terms of sheer girth. Even in terms of length, Russel’s dick had a few inches on the guy’s whole body. It was all too much for Russel to take. Dude A stroking his muscles so tenderly, Dude B massaging his ass, balls, and taint so fervently, Dude C gyrating and grinding his whole body against Russel’s cock so erotically, it all worked together to send him over the edge. Russel tried to hold back, but all he managed to do was forestall the coming torrent long enough to let out a loud, low groan. His moan echoed through the misty showers, and then cum erupted from his colossal cock. Russel was so lost in the ecstasy of his own colossal climax that he couldn’t even comprehend what was happening around him. For all he knew everything faded away into the fog of the steamy showers, but he wasn’t the only one in the throes of orgasm. His three attendants had cum as well. Each one without so much as laying a hand on their own cocks. The group came and came again and again, but the trio of attendant’s loads seemed inconsequential next to the flood of spunk that erupted from Russel’s gigantic cock. After a mere two spurts, there was a standing pool of spunk up to Russel’s ankles, and he was nowhere near done draining his nuts. By the time he was finally spent, the thick layer of spooge had seeped out of the showers, into the locker room, and even out into the gym lobby. The four guys slumped down in an exhausted, post-coital haze and basked in the afterglow and the warm sprinkle from the showerhead. Eventually, Russel’s attendants had recovered enough to continue their work, but Russel took much longer to come to his senses. He was only vaguely aware that the three of them were still rubbing him down, and by the time he had mostly come to his senses, his body had been once more washed and was free from spunk. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for much of the locker room. Russel staggered his way back towards the locker room and over towards his locker. He soon realized a small problem that he had not taken into account during his growth – he now had no clothes to wear! His gym shorts were a tattered wreck. They were useless to him even if he wasn’t too huge to wear him, and he hadn’t brought anything else to wear home – not that anything he owned would even fit him anymore. Even the muscle shirt he had been given by his friend which had once been the largest garment he owned was now far, far too tiny for him. He figured he could maybe force it on over his bulky brawn, but what then? The thing would be so stretched out that it would appear to be little more than spaghetti straps. Russel stared down at the stretched-out garment in bemused fascination. He could hardly believe that this little bit of fabric had completely transformed his life and his body. He had gone from the smallest shrimp to the biggest bodybuilder in the span of an hour! He was even bigger than the biggest bodybuilder by a huge margin! Russel was just about to shove the stretched-out ribbons of a shirt back into his locker when he noticed something odd. The loading bar had vanished! It instead had been replaced by what looked to be a pop-up window. Russel unraveled the shirt as best he could and stared in awe at the new message on the fabric. “A New Update is Ready to be Installed” it read.
  15. The final part here guys. Sorry it has taken so long to produce. Hope it appeals to some of you! WARNING: Serious macro theme. A new kind of power source Part 6 We overshot just a little. Neither of us was really at fault. Firstly, we were both so caught up in the formidable tide of muscle lust as we strained to grow Tim that the idea of slowing his mega muscle ascension down once his mass had swollen sufficiently bigger than the planet just didn’t cross our minds. And secondly, time kind of went…strange. Remember I said Tim’s invention seemed to control reality? Well, it appears that included the very chronological nature of the universe. Seconds after I gritted my teeth and willed my friend’s muscle mass to be bigger than the Earth, everything sort of…shuddered. There was a sound like a groaning, a straining, not from Tim – well, yes, from Tim, but from everything else as well. It was like every atom of the universe was gasping in horror at what we were trying to accomplish. Like time and space were shitting themselves with fear. As well they might. * And then there we were: floating in the void; the Earth, marble-size to my god, drifting about Tim’s left pectoral; the flickering lights of the stars about us illuminating the crevasses, valleys and mountains of his awesome musculature. Every now and then a tremor of orgasm would shake his vast form and dislodge a planetoid drop of sweat from a shadowy striation. I would watch these for – what? Hours? Days? – as they wove their way down the steep striated canyons of his vast, throbbing, freakish bodybuilder physique, here and there disappearing from sight behind a swollen muscle, only to emerge, reflecting the illumination of the heavens like impossibly huge, god-wrought diamonds, before sweeping off a flexed calf or grotesque deltoid and disappearing into the darkness, twinkles fading gradually from sight. Tim was the first to speak. His voice rattled the solar system. His breath whipped up a firestorm upon the surface of the sun. He glanced down at his colossal frame, many many times wider than he was tall, swollen so much with godlike mass that he barely resembled a human anymore. Even as his planet-sized blue eyes flicked from one mind-numbing muscle group to the next, he felt his brawn continue to thicken, his sinews and bones growing denser and denser to support his staggering mass. “HMMM, NOT BAD,” he growled. “WHAT HAPPENED, SPECK? DID I GROW?” He raised a vein-choked arm, slowly flexing the meta-bicep into cosmic, peaked hugeness. “I STILL FEEL SMALL.” Battling through my sudden disorientation I let myself fall back onto his fingertip, a single print of which could have hidden most of the western hemisphere of the little orb now floating dangerously close to his chest. I had long given up trying to control my cock, which was still spurting cum like a fleshy hose. Tearing my eyes away from that arm nearly killed me, I swear – but I just had to see the rest of him. I was like a machine, a one man sperm factory, my eyes feasting on his vastness and churning out cum by the bucketload. “You…grew, stud…” I gasped through the bliss of orgasm as I contemplated my god’s new mass. His perfectly symmetrical ten-pack abs, each surely denser than anything else in the universe, clenched as Tim purred in response. “But it was so sudden. And did you feel that shudder? It was like we broke time or something. We just thought about growing you this big and POOF! That was it. Instantaneous.” “GOOD.” His voice throbbed through my very core. “THEN I CAN GET A LOT BIGGER. I’M FED UP WITH THESE TESTS WHERE I ONLY GAIN A COUPLE OF BILLION TONNES OF MASS. THAT’S SO GODDAMN PUNY. IT’S TIME TO REALLY LET RIP WITH THE DEVICE – SEE HOW BIG I CAN GET, NO HOLDS BARRED. READY?” Caught in mid-orgasm I struggled to gel my thoughts together. “Wait, Tim! Just stop for a moment. Don’t you think this is amazing? A device you created has given us control of REALITY? I mean, we’re able to speak in space and everything! And how come I’m still alive in this vacuum? How come you’re still alive? And how can I see your mass when you should be a blur? And-” Tim let out a low grunt that shook the solar system. “SI – I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU WANTED ME TO GROW AS BIG AS POSSIBLE?” “I…I do…” “THEN WOULD YOU QUIT QUESTIONING EVERYTHING? THIS IS EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER DREAMED ABOUT, EVERYTHING I’VE EVER DREAMED ABOUT. ME, TO BECOME THE GOD OF MUSCLE, JUST LIKE ALL THOSE TIMES WE RPED…” “I know…” He raised me to his bicep. Way bigger than Earth, the beastly mass of muscular perfection strained under the pale flesh, peaked impossibly massive, an unclimbable galactic MOUNTAIN of MAN. Unfortunately for Earth, the movement caused by Tim turning his body trapped the planet between his ungodly heaving pectorals whereupon the little globe was ground into space dust. But I could barely acknowledge its demise, so fixed was I on the mound of striated power and strength that filled my vision. Tim gave his bicep a couple of flexes, and the solar system shuddered again. The merest ripples shook Mars from its orbit and sent it on a trajectory towards the sun. “FEEL IT,” Tim boomed. I reached up, my hand comically tiny against his muscle’s diamond-hard majesty. “TELL ME: IS THIS BICEP BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU? I MEAN, REALLY BIG ENOUGH? OR DO YOU THINK IT COULD DO WITH BEING A BIT BIGGER?” I could barely speak. The moment I touched his arm I had started orgasming again. “YOU TOLD ME ONCE THAT YOU HAD NEVER MET ANYONE LIKE ME BEFORE. THAT EVERYONE ON THE MUSCLE SITES YOU VISITED WHO CLAIMED TO WANT TO GROW ONLY WANTED A FEW HUNDRED POUNDS MORE. I WAS THE FIRST PERSON YOU’D MET WHO DIDN’T HAVE AN UPPER LIMIT TO THE AMOUNT OF MASS THEY CRAVED. THE FIRST PERSON TO REALLY BELIEVE THAT THERE IS NEVER SUCH A THING AS BIG ENOUGH, WHEN IT COMES TO MUSCLE.” My cock exploded as his words settled in the silence of space, but no sooner had I finished ejaculating, it was rock solid again. Was this part of the reality-warping power of the device too? To keep my balls constantly refilled? Upon my head, the colander crackled faintly through the humming as though in agreement. “AND YOU’RE THE FIRST GUY I’VE EVER MET WHO FELT THE SAME WAY AS ME. WE ARE TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN, YOU AND I. I COULD HAVE PINGED ANYONE ON YM EARLIER THIS EVENING. BUT I CHOSE YOU. BECAUSE YOU’RE THE ONLY ONE WHOSE DESIRE FOR ME TO GROW IS AS GREAT AS MINE.” He chuckled, a nuclear explosion of sound from deep within his mighty chest. “AS INFINITE AS MINE. SURE, OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT HAVE HELPED ME GROW THIS BIG – BUT ONLY YOU CAN HELP ME GET BEYOND THIS PUNY SIZE. I NEED YOU, SI.” He paused. “SO I ASK YOU AGAIN: IS THIS BICEP BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU?” Somehow I found the words. “No…it’s still too small. Way too small. Look at you – you’re puny. Not even bigger than the solar system. You need to be so much bigger dude.” A grin split his handsome face far, far above me even as his incalculably vast arm lowered and his hand began once again to work his astronomical cock. “HOW BIG?” “Millions of times bigger!” I started pumping my own tool. “No, bigger than that!” “YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!” He moaned in bliss. “IT’S INSTANTANEOUS, REMEMBER? ANY SIZE AND I’LL BE THAT BIG IN MOMENTS. AND CHOOSE BIG, SI. AS BIG AS YOU DESIRE.” I was working myself into an orgasmic frenzy. He was right. I could wish for anything…. As big as… …as… I gasped. “I want you to grow as big as I desire!” I shouted, voice echoing about his fingertip. “My desire is limitless, you said. Well, so should your growth be.” The groaning that had accompanied Tim’s ascension to space-floating stud began again, but quickly turned to screams. Reality sure was kicking up a fuss in its death-throes. “LIMITLESS…LIMITLESS MUSCLE MASS…YYYYYEEEEESSSSSS!” And just like that, Tim’s muscle exploded across the galaxy. ... Ahem, sorry. Tim’s muscle EXPLODED across the galaxy. * Space was the first thing to be conquered by Tim’s ever-growing mass. His vast, striated physique slammed up against the walls of the universe within a picosecond. Everything that existed – from the weediest atom to the mightiest of suns – was swept aside by his swelling musculature, crushed into nothingness between the vast, grating plateaus of brawn as his grotesquely monstrous muscles bunched with every flex, or absorbed into their rapidly enlarging mass. But the device wasn’t done with him. Not by a long shot. Limitless means, well, limitless after all. With a mighty flex, Tim’s incomparable, freakish thews broke through the walls of the universe. Hungry for size, his muscles grew with a fervour that shocked even him as they tore through the multiverse. “YESSS!” His universal voice, deep and resonating with unheard-of potency, rose up from deep within the vast, staggering, striated mass of his chest. “SO BIG! SO FUCKING MUSCULAR! BUT NOT BIG ENOUGH! NEVER BIG ENOUGH!” Before another picosecond had passed Tim began flexing each of his sickeningly colossal muscles in a posing display that would cause any bodybuilder’s mind to explode from incomprehensible jealousy. With every squeeze his muscles only grew bigger, faster. A double bi shattered 100,000 universes. An ab flex crunched 500 billion more. The “infinite” multiverse filled with Tim’s muscles as they bloomed ever bigger, ever more dense with every fraction of time. “DAMN IT! STILL TOO SMALL! TOO PUNY! I NEED WAAAAY MORE MASS! SO MUCH MORE! BIGGER! COME ON YOU FUCKING DEVICE! GROW ME! GRRRRR!” While time had all but completely frozen, Tim’s growth still seemed to be taking forever. Gone were thoughts of Earth, of YM, of anything but impossible growth. So it was quite a surprise when, a splinter of a picosecond later, Tim saw himself rising up to meet himself. * Tims had grown in other universes, of course. Some of those other Tims had even made it as far as the multiverse. But their ascent had been just a little too slow, or their will to grow as massively muscular as possible not as resolute as our Tim’s, and they had been destroyed, crushed by his expanding mass. This Tim was different. Since he had started growing with the help of his Yippee Messenger (YM for short) buddy Steven, his only thought had been to get bigger and bigger. When he first outgrew his Earth, and later his universe, he had finally thought that all his dreams about vast, endless muscle mass were going to come true. Then he had spotted himself. “WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” They both said at once. As frighteningly muscular as the two now were, each swollen to half the size of the multiverse, they were tiny, pathetically weak compared to how big they wanted to be. How big I – and Steven – wanted them to be. Like some kind of Mexican standoff, the two, still swelling bigger and bigger, hideously muscular pecs straining across reality between them, looked each other’s mass up and down. “KIND OF SMALL AREN’T YOU, RUNT?” My Tim grunted with a cocky grin, flexing a peaked bicep the size of an infinite number of universes. “LOOK WHO’S TALKING, PUNY.” Tim might have been about to say something in response, but just then the rippling mass of his back slammed into the membrane at the edge of the multiverse. I was thrown to my knees from the shock. I noticed, as I clambered back to my feet, that my opposite number, perched, as I was, on his Tim’s finger, was doing the same. So both Tims had outgrown reality. Which meant that the only space left…was each other. * As their heaving musculatures collided, each swelling to conform to the mass of the other, striations slipping between striations, I realised that this was the end. There was no way Tim – my Tim – could grow any bigger. The other Tim was simply taking up too much space. Darkness – and the raw smell of MAN – fell across reality. A horrid grinding, creaking noise, as their swelling muscles began to fight for space against each other’s, filled my ears. I wondered how long my own little space around Tim’s finger would last. It wouldn’t take much at all to grind me to paste. Should I try to hide in one of the universe-swallowing valleys of Tim’s fingertips? Would that be enough to save me? “BIGGER!” Both titans yelled at once. Like an alarm, it snapped me out of my cycle of orgasm. I snatched at the tatters of my mind, trying to pull myself together. I was so used to the casually miraculous – a breathable environment outside of space itself, my ability to perceive even my other self, who should have been infinitesimally small, on the fingertip of his own Tim, not to mention the simply miracle of, OH, CAUSING A MUSCLE STUD TO NEARLY OUTGROW REALITY – that it was a sobering truth that this was one situation the device couldn’t get us out of. In their grapple for space, one of the two Tims must have moved, for a tiny thread of light seeped into my world. All about me the multiverse was filled with striated, pumped mass, muscles fighting against one another in an epic, straining battle, sinew against sinew, still growing ever more massive. And then I saw it. Staggeringly huge, it threatened to shut down my mind even as I gawped up at it, breaking down the walls of my imagination itself and reducing me to some gibbering wreck on the endless fleshy plain that was Tim’s fingertip. The other Tim’s swollen cock, dripping with pre. And it was pointed right at me. * Life is too complicated sometimes. It was almost refreshing to have my reality reduced to a simple equation. An Option A or Option B, if you will. Option A: get crushed as the behemoths’ mass eventually fills the last of the space in the multiverse. Option B: get drowned in cum. My little corner of reality darkening as the incomprehensibly vast cockhead swelled open and the other Tim’s balls began to clench, I frantically debated my options. A or B? It looked as though the decision was being made for me. “GOTTA GET BIGGER!” The other Tim was yelling, stirring himself on towards orgasm. “SO MUCH BIGGER THAN YOU! THE BIGGEST! I WILL BE EVERYTHING! MY MASS WILL BE LIMITLESS!” The cockhead, like some terrible, dark mouth, opened wide and I saw the first silvery globe of cum flicker menacingly at the entrance. A globe that would shroud my Tim’s finger – and likely send me spinning off into God-knows-where. I could survive in space. I could survive outside of space. But would I survive this? I didn’t think so. I grimaced, sickly. Space wasn’t the problem anymore. Time was. … Wait – Time? “Tim!” I yelled. Though there was no need. We were linked through the device. “KIND OF…ULF…BUSY HERE, SI!” He grunted back. “You wanted limitless growth, but we were thinking too small. We were just thinking of space, Tim – but right here, right now, that’s only one fraction of time. And a tiny fraction at that.” The other Tim’s cock exploded. Luckily, Tim and I were communicating through thought – instantaneous thought. This gave me – oh, a fraction of a picosecond. An eternity, really. I hurried on nonetheless: “What if we wish not just for your muscle to grow everywhere – but everywhen as well? Literally allowing you to expand your mass into time as well as space? You’d be the past and future of the multiverse as well, not just the present…” His response was predictably enthusiastic. “I COULD GET EVEN BIGGER? WITH EVEN MORE MASS?” “Ha ha! Your mass has thus far only been in a single point of time – if we expand you across all points of time, your growth would be, essentially, infinite…” “LET’S DO IT, SI! THINK HARD: I WANT TO BECOME EVERYWHEN, ALL TIME AND ALL SPACE, MY MUSCLE EXPANDING INTO THE PAST, THE FUTURE…EVERY POSSIBLE REALITY…INSTANTANEOUSLY…” I broke the conversation just long enough to see the first monumental squirt of man-juice rumbling towards me like some dark and terrible storm front. Then everything shattered. * That’s right, shattered. Like glass. Bits and pieces of reality fracturing off and themselves breaking up into ever tinier fragments. ... And here I am. What else can I tell you? I know that Tim swelled into the past first, inadvertently crushing everything that has ever happened into chronological dust between his forearm and bicep, before his mass swelled out into every possible future. His striated brawn thickening as it spread across an infinite number of possible multiverses, I know Tim flexed and revelled in his new size, even as his lust for size grew more and more vast. Then he started experimenting with time and space, creating pockets that he could then swell into…then whole universes….then entire realities. Personally, I still think he’s too small. He could do with being a bit bigger. Ok, a LOT bigger. But there’s not much he can do about that now. You see, Tim doesn’t have his device any more. I do. Both of them, actually, on my desk here beside me as I write this. I’m not sure why I exist in this current reality, at this current time. Why Tim hasn’t just expanded into this time and space that he created as he has in so many others. But I have a theory. I think he has forgotten he even created this reality. He’s just too obsessed with his own size to keep track of the little details. Hell, there are probably thousands of little realities he has yet to expand his mass into. But don't be upset with your insignificance. After all, it gives us something of an…opportunity. This reality has no Tim in it. I checked. I even went to his house in Swindon, only to find an elderly couple living there. Different realities, different details. But I know he's out there somewhere. I know YOU are out there somewhere. Which is why I’m sharing his story with you. In this reality, you might not even be called Tim. You could be a Bob, or a Kevin. You might be from Hull, or Glasgow – hell, maybe New York or Delhi. But you want to grow. You want impossible, freakish muscle mass more than anything. And once you start growing, you know you won’t be able to stop. You think you’re a freak. That no-one understands your craving for size. That's what people used to think about Tim, and look what he achieved. See, muscle growth is not about steroids or laser beams. It’s not about nanobites, magic spells or potions. There’s a new kind of power source in town. Desire. Mine is limitless. I want to see if we can get this reality’s Tim as big as my own. Ok, maybe a bit bigger. All right. A LOT bigger. How's yours?
  16. Caliban11

    Johnny's Bully (complete)

    Johnny’s Bully Part 1 During his time at uni, Johnny had got huge. Since taking up the gym at 16 he’d made incredible gains – his arms had grown from 13 inches to pushing 19; his former pigeon chest transformed into meaty pecs that hung over a ripped and blocky six-pack. His capped shoulders were massive, his quads like tree trunks. He liked to work out twice a day when he could. He ate big. He slept eight hours a night. He definitely juiced. He did everything right to get the perfect physique. In his time at uni he’d dedicated himself to getting big. Early mornings, late nights, gym sessions which got longer as his body got bigger. He hardly went out to bars, hardly socialised at all outside the gym. Even his studies weren’t as important to Johnny as growing was. Strength was everything to him. He’d graduated with a decent-enough degree, and landed himself a decent-enough job in London. At first he found it tough to fit the job around his bodybuilding, but he quickly got his routine down. Six months in, and he was the biggest he’d ever been. And he’d escaped his home town! That shithole where hope went to die. Where the losers from school still lived, in dead-end jobs or no jobs at all, nothing to look forward to except getting pissed or getting high. Not Johnny: He knew he was better than that. Better than those people. Better than Adam Fucking Gunner. Adam had gone to Johnny’s school. Whereas Johnny had been skinny and academic, Adam was a natural athlete. Tall and broad, Adam would have excelled at any physical team sport, except he was too selfish. He liked to lift weights. By the age of 16 Adam already had impressive 16 inch arms, some serious pec size and huge quads. He was also the hardest fucker in school. His muscular frame made him intimidating even to the older kids. On one legendary occasion when he was 15, he’d got into a fight with an 18 year old and knocked him out with his first punch. Fractured eye socket. If anyone doubted before that Adam had the muscle and the balls to back up his big-man image, they didn’t after that. Adam was a bully almost incidentally. He was the most respected lad in school, surrounded by his crowd of buddies – his gym mates, the hot girls, the beta boys hoping to look cool by association. Picking fights with lads was just a bit of fun. It was fun for him to make an older and bigger boy back down just by intimidating the fuck out of him, making him feel weak, and pathetic. It was also fun to pick on the smaller guys, taking the piss out of their skinny little arms and pale, spotty bodies. His mates loved it too. To be honest Adam hardly knew even the names of most of the people he’d picked on. They were nothing to him. Weak, skinny little Johnny wasn’t even on Adam’s radar. One off-hand, casually cruel comment was all the attention Adam had ever paid to Johnny. They were in the school locker room after gym, when Adam and his mates were comparing their pump. As hard as he tried to ignore the bro-banter and the noise of the laughter and the grunts and the flexing, Johnny couldn’t stop himself from glancing over as he fumbled with his shirt. There was Adam, flexing a single biceps in the mirror. The lad he was competing with stood no chance. “Yeah, keep tryin’, gaylord,” he grunted, keeping the flex. “Fuck you Adz,” said the smaller lad with an abashed smile, relaxing his own flex and ceding the mirror to the bigger man. Just then Adam saw Johnny looking at him in the mirror. Slowly he smirked, then, continuing the banter with his mate and tightening the flex on his bi so it swelled bigger, said: “Yeah, you gotta go heavier to grow, bro, or you’ll get beat by fuckin’ toothpick arms over there.” He smirked, and nodded to Johnny in the mirror. That was it. From then on Johnny was known to everyone in the school as Toothpick Arms. In class, at break, that was what everyone called him. Even some of the teachers started using the name. And the girls. At school Johnny’s crush was Stacey Wright. She seemed different to the other girls. A bit shy, to Johnny she was the most beautiful girl in the world. One day soon after the locker room incident, he’d screwed up all his courage to ask her out. At breaktime he saw her on her own and, sick with nerves, made his approach. “Uh, hey Stace…” was as far as he got before they were interrupted by Stacey’s girl gang. “STACEY!! Omigod I swear, Gavin just fingered Chantelle in the girls’ loo, I can’t even….” Then seeing Johnny there: “What the fuck does Toothpick want?” “Uh, toothpick?” said Stacey, confused. Her mates squealed and proceeded to tell Stacey all about Johnny’s wimpy arms and the locker room incident. All the while Johnny just stood there, hot with humiliation and rooted to the spot, as the girl gang shrieked with laughter while carrying away Stacey with them. That was the start of Johnny’s muscle fixation. He needed to get big. He needed to show that cunt Adam Gunner who was the real fucking alpha. And now, five years later, Johnny stood in the mirror in his London flat, flexing his massive pecs and feeling their mass shift under his t-shirt (size large, but still too small). He reached down to grab his shirt and began to pull it off over his head – only it got stuck at his lats. After some grunts and a tearing sound as some of the seams gave way, Johnny got the shirt off and inspected his upper body. Those pecs. So much fucking beef. His nipples looked small by comparison: A boy’s nipples on a freaking man’s chest, it was fucking hot. That six pack. Abs that Ryan Terry would be jealous of. All the girls that Johnny fucked went crazy over his abs. Typical, thought Johnny, when it’s his delts they should really be wet for: Like two massive but proportional bowling balls at the top of each arm. Arms which exploded into nearly 19-inch cannons. Who gives a fuck about abs when you’ve got guns like these, thought Johnny, breaking into an epic double bi which revealed the deep hairy canyons that were his pits. Tomorrow morning he was training back. It didn’t matter if he was late for work. After all, priorities. * * * * * Next evening, about 10pm, Johnny got home after his second gym session of the day. He’d only meant to go heavy on back in the morning and maybe some cardio later, but he’d got talking about bodybuilding with his mate Will at work who’d asked if he could train with him. “Wanna hang with the big dogs mate?” asked Johnny with a smirk. After the leg workout he later put him through, he doubted Will would be back for more. He’d left him in the carpark struggling to get his legs to work his car. 10pm. Shit, Johnny needed to get to sleep soon – he needed at least eight hours to maximise his gains, or he got cranky. Enough time to microwave some chicken. While the microwave was on he checked Facebook on his phone. There was a post from Stacey. Johnny didn’t have many Facebook friends – at uni he’d spent all his time at the gym and so hadn’t met many people besides a few gym bros – but a few of his old school mates had added him. And Stacey. He didn’t know why: Did she think about him ever? Wonder what he was doing? If she hoped to find out she would have been disappointed. Johnny never posted anything. Stacey didn’t post often either, but whenever Johnny saw one of her posts he always felt a stabbing sensation as his mind recalled that past humiliation. But this post. Jesus Fucking Christ. Ad’s gon! The fuckin bastards left us! Not even a fuckin text! Apsalute shitin cunt! She must have been off her face when she wrote that. Johnny didn’t know what any of it meant, so he trawled through the dozens of “U OK hun?” messages and pieced the story together. Stacey had been “seeing” (more like fucking, Johnny guessed) this lad for a couple of weeks before he’d moved in to the house where Stacey lived with her stoner dad. A while later, after missing her period, Stacey had taken a pregnancy test. It was positive. She’d messaged the news to the lad, and hadn’t seen him since. And the lad? Adam Fucking Gunner. As if it wasn’t enough that his bully had been fucking his crush, he had now totally destroyed her. Johnny felt hot, and realised he’d been tensing his muscles so his pits were sweating through his tee. Did he even care? Did people like Adam Gunner ever care about the damage they caused to people’s lives? Did he even know about the damage he’d done? A vein throbbed in Johnny’s neck. Someone had to tell him. And by tell him, Johnny meant beat the crap out of him. And who would do it? Stacey’s stoner dad was a loser, so were her friends. There was only Johnny. He had transformed himself into a real man, a fucking bodybuilder with a physique that made Adam Gunner with his 16-inch arms look like a pissing wuss. Only Johnny, with his bigshot London life and a body that would make Stacey wet. Oh yeah. Wait till Adam saw him. Wait till Stacey saw them together. Who would have the fucking toothpick arms then?! And Johnny growled as he flexed a most muscular, ripping the size large tee under the arms.
  17. BrutalPowerDemon


    WARNING! This story contains violence, snuff, and religious content that will be disturbing if such is not your "cup of tea". Please do not read if you find such content distasteful or offensive. Following is the entire Brye series as I originally published on CoiledFist, but without chapter breaks. Should there be a continuation in the future, it will be posted as "Brye 2". Comments and criticisms are welcomed and encouraged. If the warning above is ignored, however, and you are offended by snuff and other content, then please keep your comments to yourself. Thanks . . . and enjoy! “Damn, Brye!” David shouted as he came down the basement steps into my favorite space: the weight-room I had created for myself. “You’re a BEAST, Dude!” he continued as he jumped from the last step to the floor. I racked the barbell and sat up, flexing my taught, hard pecs and bringing my arms together in front of me, the rounded bulk of my flexed biceps further crushing my powerful chest together and up to my chin. I stood, shirtless in my extra-large gym shorts stretched taught over my ample cock and ballsack as my thick, rounded glutes flexed. I just turned eighteen, but at six feet, nine inches tall, I towered over Dave (and everyone else I’d met in this small, Midwestern town). I crunched out a most muscular pose, my entire body exploding with full, mature muscle. Dave reached out and ran his comparatively small hand over the thick crevices of my abs. My friend as long as I could remember, he always encouraged me to get bigger from the moment he noticed me growing faster than he was. “You like what you see, little man?” I boomed, teasing Dave. He blushed slightly as he pulled his hand back quickly. “Shit, Dave, I’m just messing with you, you little pussy.” I teased as I placed my large hands around his thick lats and beneath his armpits, effortlessly lifted him and tossed him onto the couch halfway across the basement. “Damn! You’re lighter to me every day, man!” I thundered as I pumped out an inhuman double biceps pose, the thick mountains of vein-encased muscle peaking just below my clenched fists. Dave grabbed a cushion and placed it in his lap as I walked over to him, lowered my fists to my thin waist and spread my wide, thick lats as I loomed over him. “Holy, FUCK, you’re huge, Brye . . . and you’re bigger every day, dude!” he whimpered. “If I was as big and strong as you . . . I would fuck some shit up, man!” He looked up at me and seemed to be gauging my reaction. “Have you ever heard of a website called Coiled Fist?” “No, man . . . why?” I asked as I relaxed and began to rub my freshly pumped muscles. “I came across it last year and, well . . . it’s got stories and pictures and shit. I can’t help but think of you when I’ve read some of the stories. You should check it out!” “What kind of stories and pictures?” I asked, my interest piqued as to why he’d be telling me this, but knowing we had the same interest in a lot of things. He looked at me as if he wasn’t sure what to say and then, haltingly, eyes down, he asked if I’d ever heard of Macrophilia. “No, but I like the sound of Macro, man!” I grinned as I, once again, flexed over him. He looked up and blurted out . . . “CHRIST, Brye! It’s about size, power and shit . . . and it’s sexual, too! I’m SO sorry, man . . . there’s this one story called ‘Justin’ and another called ‘Wong’ and images of you fill my mind as I read . . . and it fucking turns me on!” He slowly moved the couch cushion from his lap and I saw his shorts tented and a small, wet spot forming at where the tip of his rigid cock held his shorts off his waist. “I think I’m gay.” He whimpered. As I mentioned, I’ve known Dave all my life. We’d double dated, done chicks . . . the whole nine yards. I was stunned and my face darkened. I don’t know what came over me, but I reached down and wrapped one massive hand around his throat and lifted him, kicking and sputtering, from the couch. As I did, something unleashed within me and I growled in a deep, menacing voice, “You fucking little shit! You’re queer for THIS?” I boomed as I flexed my other arm hard, forearm thickening and solidifying as my biceps rounded to rock-hard peaks of powerful muscle. Dave stopped struggling as he grabbed hold of my wrist to relieve the pressure from hanging at arm’s length from my fist was placing on his puny little neck. I felt adrenaline pumping through my body, my cock twitched and began to inflate, fighting for space in the constraining shorts plastered on me. “Don’t you know I could crush your neck to paste in my fist and snap you in two without even trying?” I felt my cock pulse and pre-cum shoot through the fabric just before the sound of ripping fabric echoed in the basement and my shorts were ripped from my body by my flexing, bobbing fuck pole, pre-cum roping to the floor. “What the HELL?!?!” I boomed as I released my grip and dropped Dave to the couch. “Holy FUCK!” Dave almost whispered as he rubbed his sore neck. “Look at you! You’re GROWING!” At that moment, my step-dad opened the door to the basement. “What the hell is going on down there?” he yelled as he came down the steps. When he got to the floor he looked up . . . and up . . . and up ! He fell back on his ass as he beheld . . . ME! Twelve feet of nude, powerful, rippling teen bodybuilder beef. As I turned to face him, my thick, thirty-inch cock came in to view, erect and issuing torrents of pre-cum onto the floor. “Oh my GOD, Brye! What’s happened to you?” I had always suspected he wanted more of me than he let on . . . now it was obvious. I could read his body language and face. He was shocked, yes, but he was drawn to me. . . the epitome of masculinity. I saw his little cock raise in his slacks, saluting all that I was becoming. How far would he go, I wondered. “Come here, ‘Dad’,” I beckoned, pushing my hot, throbbing and leaking cock down towards him. “You’ve always wanted a piece of me, haven’t you?” He looked terrified, conflicted. He scooted back towards the steps, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of me. “Brye!” I heard Dave call to me. “What are you feeling, man? Did I cause this? Are you angry with me?” I turned back to Dave and as he beheld me, he blurted out, “Oh, GOD, Brye! Unnngh . . . oohhhh . . . SHIIITT!” he screamed as he fell to the floor in orgasm, jerking uncontrollably. I grinned. “Davey, I feel GREAT! So fucking POWERFUL! I should be worshipped by smaller creatures, man!” I turned back to my “Dad”, now with his puny little dick out of his pants and stroking at the sight of his powerfully muscular and godly ‘son’. I pointed to my leaking, mushroom cockhead almost the size of my dad’s head, and grinned and evil grin. “Eat me, man! But first, treat me as I should be treated by one as pathetically weak as you!” “Brye!” he stuttered, “You are my son, I can’t . . . “ In one swift movement, I grabbed the groveling little thing from the floor, my hand encircling his waist, and shook him like a ragdoll. “You will do what I say, you worthless piece of shit. I’ve heard you smack Mom around, and now it’s your turn to get fucked up!” My anger began to boil. At the same time, Dave crawled up to my feet and looked up at me as he spoke: “Brye, you are more powerful than any human. Look at you! Look how you hold a full-grown man in your hand as if he was nothing but a worthless little bug . . . worth nothing but for your pleasure . . . and if it pleases you, to be crushed out of existence!” “FUCK, Dave! What are you doing to me?!?!” I felt power course through my herculean body, every cell bursting with lustful desire. My cock twitched, bobbed and shot pre-cum with such force, it cracked the block wall across the room. “Mmmm! More, Davey, more!” I boomed as I tightened my grip around my struggling little ‘Dad’. . . I felt a CRACK as two of his ribs broke and he screamed. My cock jumped with desire. “JESUS, Brye . . . you are a GOD among mere mortals now! The world is a mere plaything to you, to do with as you please. Nothing can stand in your way!” Dave was stroking his once again rock-hard cock as he looked up at me. He crawled over to beneath my cock and coated himself in my steaming pre-cum, lapping some of the slimy nectar from the roping stream issuing from my hungry tool. He pleased me . . . my anger with him was gone. Of course he went gay for me! How could he not? Everything was falling into place. I lowered my whimpering ‘Dad’ to my pre-cum issuing cock and pressed his face into the slit. “This is what you always wanted, bitch, so drink up!” I flexed my cock, forcing more and more pre-cum to flow, more than his protesting little body could handle. His beating on my cock-head stimulated me more until, after a short time, it stopped. He had drowned in my pre! What a weak, worthless little waste of skin! I looked Davey in the eye and grinned as I flexed my arm, closed my fist and squeezed, crushing ‘Dad’s’ useless little corpse to paste. As I tossed his pulped body aside, Dave shot his load high into the air. “Time to introduce the world to their new God, Davey.” I boomed as I reached down and lifted my friend from the floor. I crouched and jumped up, crashing through the first floor and exploding through the roof coming to land in my driveway. Mom was just getting home and gawked up at her godly son holding his friend close to his heaving chest. I awoke with a start, fist hard against my chest as my eyes shot open and I felt the hot, fresh cum flowing over my thick, solid abdominals and soaking the sheets. “FUCK!” I muttered as I pulled the cum-drenched sheet covering me off of my body, admiring the deep ridges of my solid bricks of abdominal muscles, my spunk squishing from the deep crevices that slammed shut as I flexed them to sit up in my bed. My mind took me back to that dream and my still rigid, cum drooling cock lurched, spurting another wad of cum onto my pectoral shelf. “That was one HOT wet dream!” I thought as I stood and stretched my heavily muscled, six feet, nine inches tall frame, my large hands easily palming the almost ten feet tall ceiling as my calves, quads, abs, lats and biceps bulged obscenely from my immense teen frame. I heard my step-dad walking towards my room while saying, “Damn it, Brye! You’re going to be late for school again!” As he reached my door he, without knocking, threw my bedroom door open and started to continue, but stopped dead in his tracks, one hand on the door-frame and one on the door knob. His jaw dropped as he beheld my hyper-muscled body flexing before him, thick, dripping twelve-inch cock pointing to the ceiling in front of my cobblestone abs, large testicles laying like grapefruit on my rippling quads. “Shit!” I rumbled, “I thought I took care of you for good!” I seethed as I flexed hard to intimidate, turned, ripped the sheets from the bed and wiped myself down seductively. “Like what you see, Pops!” I taunted him as I gyrated my hips, cock swaying from side to side like a skyscraper in a hurricane in front of my flexing abs. I knew he lusted after me – I figured a few years ago that he only married my mom to get close to me – horny, fucking little size-queen. “If only dreams could come true.” I fumed as, without uttering another word, Pops turned, grabbed his crotch and, visibly trembling, closed the door and quickly headed down the hall. I heard the bathroom door slam shut and grinned as I heard the muffled “God – so HUGE! UNNNGGH! Oh, NOOOOO! Not – a – GAIN! NUH! FFF-UUUUU-KKKK!!!” emanating from the bathroom down the hall. “Fucking pussy!” I bristled as I stripped the sheets from the bed, finished wiping myself down, as well as the water-proof mattress pad, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and deflating fuck rod. I remembered, in the dream, holding “Dad’s” puny little face against my cock-head as he fought and the memory caused my cock to twitch and I realized how much strength, power and control really turned my on! Just then my Mom knocked lightly and pushed the door open, “Brye, what’s wrong - with – your ---- father?” Her eyes looked towards me as she stuttered through her sentence, taking in not only the sight of all that I am, but the masculine, viral scents of sex and cum that filled the room. Her eyes lodged on the towel being pushed forward and out by my beginning to, once again, awaken cock, the full, round head and flange clearly visible beneath the fabric. She remembered how, one night, after “Dad” and she had been drinking and he passed out, she came into my room, pulled the sheet from my hulking, nude body and begged me to fill her with my manhood. Being a young, horny teen, I had no inhibition about giving my mom whatever she wanted. I impaled her on my steely sword and ravished her until morning, cumming into her at least a half-dozen times before she begged me to stop, her orgasmic screams muffled by a pillow she held to her face. Still remembering that night, I’m sure, she walked towards me as if in a trance and rubbed her little hands over my abs, up and over my heaving chest and out to my full, rounded and hard biceps before lowering her hands and removing the towel. My always hungry teenaged cock immediately flooded with blood, inflated and rose to full attention. “Mmmmm! Son!” Mom hissed as her mouth latched onto one of my silver-dollar sized nipples as she began to stroke my now throbbing member. “Can you help me, Mom?” I purred as I guided he mouth down, over my abs and out to the throbbing head of my freshly leaking cock-head. As her mouth covered the slit, a jolt shot through me and I remembered the unbridled power I felt in my dream. “Fuck YEAH!” I boomed as I grabbed her head and pulled hard, my cock roughly sliding down her throat, the sheer girth of my beast splitting the corners of her lips as she tried to protest, beating on my hot, hard flesh, further fueling my new, dream-inspired lust for power and control – over anyone and anything. As I looked down at her and saw blood dripping from each side of her mouth, my cock immediately spasmed in ejaculation, rapidly shooting wad after wad of semen directly into my mom’s rapidly distending gut. As I began to stop cumming, I slowly withdrew my whale from my mom’s throat, the ridge of its head getting stuck on her teeth as I tried to pull out. Grabbing her head firmly between my palms, I pulled back hard, an audible “POP” bouncing off my bedroom walls as my cock broke free from Mom’s hungry, bleeding pie-hole. She fell back on the floor looking up at me fearfully as she wiped the cum and blood from the sides of her mouth. “Oh, FUCK yeah - Thanks, Ma!” I sneered down at her as I threw on sweatpants and sweatshirt, and walked to the bathroom. Pushing the door open with one hand (splintering the door frame as I effortlessly exerted pressure), I saw Pops, cleaning up, his flacced, little dick springing to attention as her turned and saw me filling his field of vision. Grabbing him by the throat with one hand, I lifted him from the floor and carried him, at arm’s length, to my room, flailing and kicking the whole way – my cock twitched and spurt some pre into my sweats. I tossed him onto my mom, stood over them and raised my arms in a double-biceps crunch, stretching the fabric tight over my rippling muscle. I looked my mom in the eye and she quickly shoved her fist between her legs and pumped. I grinned, looked my “Dad” in the eye and flexed harder. His eyes glazed over and his hard little cock began spewing cum in every direction without him even touching the worthless little organ. “Weak, uncontrolled little fucks.” I thundered and left the house. I headed over to my best friend’s (David’s) house to start the walk to school together. As I walked up to his door, my thoughts went back to the dream. It had seemed so real! Was it possible that David secretly lusted after me? And, more importantly, why had I grown larger in the dream. I had tasted true power and I wanted it – BAD! My cock twitched as I thought of manhandling David’s muscular little body. SHIT! I’d never thought of him in that way – but, HELL, why not? I've always been bigger, stronger, smarter - why shouldn't I have my way with ANYONE! “I’ll have to tell him my dream and see how he reacts.” I mused as I walked up to his front door and rang the bell. As David opened the door, his face went pale and he fell backwards. "Damn, Brye! You're a BEAST, Dude!" Remembering that line from my dream, I grinned and evil grin and stepped into the house. "Let's go down to your basement gym, Davey!" I thundered as I walked past him and to the basement door, my cock already twitching in anticipation of what was to come. I ran down into David’s basement with him not far behind. I went over to the workout bench and saw five candles arranged around a picture of me pumping out a most muscular pose that Dave had taken of me at the beach several months earlier. In the picture, in one clenched fist, I was holding my step-dad and in my other fist was Dave’s dad. There was a piece of paper beneath my picture with writing on it. I heard David shut the basement door, start down the steps and stop about half-way down as I picked up the paper and began to read: As my best friend, Brye, Is built like a bull, Fill his body with strength And size to the full David bounded down the steps and ripped the paper from my hand. “Davey, what the FUCK?” I boomed, but, looking at the photograph and candles, along with the beginning of that incantation, I couldn’t help but wonder if this had something to do with my dream the night before and the feelings of power I was having. David looked up at me and tears began to fill his eyes. “Brye, man . . . I’m sorry. I came across this website called ‘Coiled Fist’ a while back, and ever since, I can’t help thinking of you as . . . more.” “Like the guys in the stories ‘Justin’ and ‘Wong’?” I asked. His eyes widened and, as he wiped his eyes, he asked excitedly, “You know the site, too?” “Well,” I said, “No . . . and yes. I dreamed you told me about it last night and then things happened in the dream. Strange things, wonderful things and it awakened something in me . . . and I want more. Did you do this incantation last night, Davey?” “Yes, Brye.” David stated flatly. “I’m sorry . . . I didn’t think anything would really happen.” Looking David in the eyes, I kicked my shoes off, slipped my hands beneath my sweatshirt and lifted it over my head before tossing it on the couch and flexing hard. “Well, something DID happen, Dave. You like this, don’t you, Dave?” I reached down and cupped my ample cock and balls and shook them, “and this, too, right?” “Brye, I – I – I” he stuttered. “It’s okay, David. But I want you to light the candles and do the incantation NOW, okay?” I said. David shook his head no. “Please, Brye . . . don’t make me do this in front of you.” Tears welling up in his eyes again. I went over to him, placed a finger under his chin and lifted his head as I leaned down and kissed him hard on the lips, my tongue probing his mouth. He hungrily reciprocated until I pulled away. “See . . . it’s okay. I’m not mad.” “We both have to be nude before the incantation is spoken.” He said fearfully, but I had shed my sweats before he finished speaking. “Strip, Davey boy.” I commanded. He didn’t take his eyes off of my rippling body as he stripped, his tight, muscular frame was also bulging with thick, powerful muscle, just nowhere near what I have. We walked over to the bench, he lit the candles and he chanted: As my best friend, Brye, Is built like a bull, Fill his body with strength And size to the full As his muscles inflate And his stature will surge To the size of my thoughts Bug-like men he will purge As his body ignites With the strength of an ox, Endow on his frame The largest of cocks As a God among men As his attitude grows May he crush those beneath And all who oppose May he feed off the small ones The awe and fear he instills And use all that power As those worthless bugs he kills Before the last syllable was spoken, I felt every muscle fiber tense and begin to burn with heat. I could actually hear the muscle fibers and skeletal structure expanding, hardening, thickening. David stood staring at me, his mouth agape. His cock quickly rose to full mast as he blurted, “Oh, my GOD, Brye! You’re growing! Oh, SHIT, Brye! It WORKED!” As I reached a herculean twelve feet of bone crushing muscular power, I thundered, “David! Stop thinking of me growing!” He shook his head as if coming out of a trance. “Brye! You are a muscle beast . . . you’ve gotta be the most powerful being on the planet!” as he walked up to me and placed a trembling hand on my flaccid, impossibly thick, yard long cock covered with ropes of veins pulsing blood to the monstrous sex organ. “You want me to take care of our step-dads, don’t you?” I asked, drawing from the picture he had made. “Call my dad and have him meet your dad in your barn.” He called my dad with some lame excuse about his dad wanting to talk to him about us skipping school and my dad said he’d be right over. “Okay, Dave. We’ll give them time to get together out in the barn and then WE’LL show up to ‘chat’ with them.” I promised with a light flex of my cock that sent him sprawling. “DAMN! I’m strong EVERYWHERE!” I grinned. My massive cock twitched with anticipation of what was to come. “So, Dave, you want to make me even bigger?” I grin as I lift my oaken arms and flex, huge cannonball biceps hardening into peaked masses beneath my massive fists as the thick, striated triceps solidify to even larger blocks of muscle clinging beneath. From my relatively thin wrist, forearms flare to broad, vein encased columns and battle my biceps for space. I roll my head from side to side, showcasing wide traps descending from behind my ears over to my rippling, rounded shoulders, my massive, protruding pectorals casting a large shadow over my rib-cage thick with bulging intercostals. The lats spread inconceivably wide, beginning beyond my armpits and tapering down to my waist where brick sized abdominals stack and grind almost audibly. David scoots back against the wall fearfully as I display the all-powerful being whose emergence he has triggered. “I - I - I’m SORRY, Brye! I really didn’t think this would work! I just kept dreaming of you as a - as a - I - you’re a - oh, Brye! PLEASE don’t hurt me!” he begs, knowing what he’s dreamed of, and the spell to make me an absolutely BRUTAL and RUTHLESS, LUST-FILLED MUSCLE GOD. I sneer down at him and growl, “Davey! You’re a smart little fuck! I listened to the incantation you spoke. You linked my size and power to YOUR thoughts, as well as the fear and idolization I can beckon and captivate from others. For me to continue being what you’ve dreamed of, and what I am destined to be, I need you. You WILL help me grow into what I am meant to be, Dave - a brutal, sadistic and depraved MUSCLE BEAST - a merciless, cold-blooded GOD to you and the rest of you powerless and inconsequential little humans!” “Ha, ha, ha!” I thunder, “Thanks for awakening this in me . . . I guess, deep down, I always knew this would come.” I notice David’s eyes are glued to my pulsing, heavy cock. “Come on over and see what a REAL man feels like, Davey.” I purr as he crawls over and places a hand on my cock-head. With an involuntary flex of my fuck-pole at his touch, he is sent flying back across the basement. Drool runs from the side of his mouth as he picks himself up, rubbing his own now throbbing, dripping tool. I smile at the realization of how powerful I really am! “Think of me at my more ‘normal’ size, Davey. Our ‘dads’ should be together in the barn by now.” I see - almost feel - the conflict within David as he fights within himself to obey me and bring my size back to its previous state or, instead, to continue to think of my as a massive, giant muscle-god and causing me to just explode from the basement, destroying his house in the process. “NOW!” I boom, rattling the confined basement with the power of my voice. David backs up and pushes himself against the wall as he closes his eyes so as not to see what I’ve already become; to be able to visualize me as I was before he cast his spell. I immediately feel the change and see the wall appear to rise around me as I reduce in height. “Good boy!” I purr in a deep, guttural voice, “Now get us some sweatpants to throw on before we go to the barn.” ---------------- Sam, Brye’s adoptive dad, had just recovered from Brye’s domineering outburst before Brye hastened out of the house when he received the call from David. Fearful of what might have happened at David’s house and sensing from David’s voice that something wasn’t quite right, he quickly threw on jeans and a t-shirt, checked in on Brye’s mom (who remained curled up in the corner of Brye’s room, seemingly in a trance, moaning and slowly fisting her hungry pussy). Seeing nothing had changed with her, he left and ran over to the David’s family’s large barn where he found David’s dad, inside, working on a tractor. Looking up, Joe (David’s dad, also having adopted David after marrying his mother), greeted him, “Hey, Sam! What brings you over this morning?” Sam walked over to Joe, “I thought you wanted to talk to me about the boys, David called me a bit ago and -” ---------------- Sam stops talking and both men turn as they hear the large barn doors close and the space darkens slightly with the morning sun being shut out by the closing of the doors. As they look towards the barn entrance, they see both of their unusually large and incredibly muscular sons clad only in tight-fitting sweatpants, slide the board on the inside of the doors into place to keep the doors from opening (or from being opened). “What the hell are you boys up to? I thought you went to school!” I hear Joe blurt out, his eyes adjusting to the reduced light As David and I walk up to our adoptive dads, they are completely dwarfed by our size, but, even with that comparison, I tower over David and I see the realization register in Joe’s face that I have grown larger than when he had last seen me. “DAMN, Brye, you’ve grown, son!” he states flatly as his eyes roam our young, virile frames, our full, rounded muscles rippling on our torsos, bouncing, flexing and bunching with every step. Sam stands by Joe, trembling as both men’s eyes are drawn down to the straining fabric stretching over the bulging crotches of our sweatpants which leave absolutely nothing to the imagination as to the prodigious size of our manhoods, further emasculating our puny and useless little dads. I grin as I hear my dad blurt out, “Brye, you’re not in trouble. Your mom and I talked and -” his eyes continue to roam my magnificently powerful form. “How is it possible that you are even larger and more defined than when you left the house?” he whispers. His voice, trembling, questions, “Brye?” as I glare down at both dads. Sam reaches up and places his small hand on the cliff of pectoral beef that looms over him. I sneer down at the reverential, becoming frightened little men, grab each around the throat and lift them from the ground as if they weigh nothing at all. They sputter, choking, as they claw at the solid wrist and forearm of astonishing circumference easily suspending them kicking in the air. I walk over to the wall, lift each man and slipp their belts onto large hooks on the barn wall, suspending them there, unable to do anything but kick and curse. “Brye! What the FUCK are you doing?” I hear David’s dad scream. “David, get me down from here this instant or I’ll -” “Our you’ll WHAT, Dad?” David booms as he peels the tight sweatpants over his huge quads and calf muscles and kicks them aside, his long, thick cock already pulsing to life from seeing me so effortlessly toy with the two men. “I shoulda known!” my dad blurts, “Our boys are a couple of FAG’S!” immediately regretting his outburst and futile attempt to cover his own desire for what David and I are. His jeans are already tented and showing a dark spot spreading at the tip of where his rigid cock is throbbing. “Oh, FUCK, yeah, Davey! This IS going to be fun!” I boom as I grinn down at David, my initiator. “Let’s show both of these fucking little assholes how well they’ve raised us.” Dave grins, looks at me and begins to envision the beast that he always knew that I AM. He lowers one hand and begins to slowly stroke his expanding cock as he sees me close my eyes and hiss, “YEESSSSS!” as every muscle on my frame bulges and swells to new dimensions. My sweats fill, strain and finally explode from my body as I grow, hundreds of pounds of rippling, granite-hard muscle covering my mountainous body. My already thick cock inflates and lengthens down to my knees. My balls churn, resting atop these inhuman quads with muscle fiber rippling beneath the thin, vein-covered skin. David’s dad screams to him as he watches him seemingly worship the expanding creature I am becoming, not realizing it is David, and his desire, growing me. “You fucking, muscle-bound FAIRY!” he blurts to his son. Without taking his eyes off of me and still slowly stroking his pre-cum leaking cock with one hand, David backhands his dad with enough force to knock out 3 teeth and causing blood to gush from the man’s busted lips and mouth, immediately swelling and changing color. As I reach 15 feet in height and open my eyes, I look down and focus on David’s dad and grin a wide, toothy grin. “My turn to rule the roost, little man!” I reach down and wrap my massive hand around a small tractor, encircling it with my long, powerful fingers, and lift it in front of his trembling little dad’s pale face. My arm explodes with muscle and the screeching of tortured metal fills the barn as I effortlessly crush the tractor into a worthless ball of scrap. “Hmmmm - I wonder what I could do to you, little man.” I muse as I reach down and tug at my inflating sex trunk. Hefting it up, I slam my bulbous cock head into my dad’s head (much smaller than my huge, pre-pouring, mushroom head!). The blow momentarily knocks my dad unconscious, his face swelling and turning black and blue. “Well, David - let’s start our fun with these two.” I thunder as I grab and lift my dad from the hook and shake him like a rag-doll to try to awaken him. David grabs his own dad and lifts him from his hook and rips the clothes from his body before impaling him on his steel-hard shaft. His dad awakens with a start, face swollen and lips bleeding, and begins screaming from the pain and from beholding me, now a giant, muscle-bound beast, trying to awaken his neighbor by shaking the puny little body like a broken toy. Tossing my still unconscious dad to the ground, I grab David’s dad and pop him from David’s cock, lift him to my face an growl, “Shutup, you little cunt - I’m gonna give you something to REALLY scream about!” Holding his struggling, bleeding little body in one fist, I insert my middle finger, larger than his puny little forearm, into his worthless, already stretched little ass. His pleasure-filled moans of agony spur me on as I rearrange his organs by moving my finger around inside his weak little body. I use my massive middle digit to rape him mercilessly. As the tip of my finger reaches his racing heart, he renews his screaming at feverish pitches. I lower him down to David, my furiously stroking little pet, and order him to use his pulsing pole to face-fuck the screeching little thing on my finger to shut him the fuck up. Grinning up to me he thanks me, grabs his dad’s head and rams his thick cock down the pathetic little bug’s throat, pulling the blubbering fool’s face all the way into his crotch, moaning, “Oh, YEAH, you fucking piece of shit! Take this muscle cock down your throat like you always wanted! Choke on it, man! This is for everything you’ve done to me and my mom, fucking little bastard!” David bellows as he rams his own massive member down that cock-stretching throat over and over again, his dad unable to breathe, trying to grab onto his David’s massive thighs as that huge, churning nut sack rhythmically pounds against his throat with each thrust David’s making. I pluck my finger from Joe’s bleeding ass and turn my attention back to my own little toy, now conscious and trying to crawl away, unseen. “Where you going, Dad?” I taunt as I reach down and pluck him from the ground by his ankle with two fingers. I lift him up so that he is before my face. “SO fucking fragile.” I state as I smirk and slowly squeeze my fingers together, his flesh, muscle, tendons and bones having no chance against such power. The tissues are simply liquified and squish from between my fingers as he wails in pain and he drops from my now bloodied fingers. I catch him by his other leg in my other hand as I lick my bloody fingers clean. He looks up at me in horror, in too much pain to continue screaming, as my eyes darken and an evil smirk forms on my face. I lift my arm and flex my massive bicep, turn and lick the pulsing, cable-sized veins mapping its surface before looking back at my dad, “All this fucking muscle needs a lot of protein, Dad.” I whisper as I lick my full lips with my long tongue, then run that thick taste-tool over my large, sharp, pearly-white teeth. My dad’s body convulses in orgasm, mixed with piss, soaking his jeans and shirt. Satisfied with the fear instilled into my “dad”, I grin as I hang his trembling little body from the hook on the barn wall, blood dripping from his one completely smashed-flat ankle, his little dick still spasming, squirting out its last drops of jism. I reach down and grab David’s “dad” and pluck him from David’s thrusting, throbbing cock. David just looks at me and begins to stroke his slick dick at the sight of my giant, muscular being holding his whimpering “dad” in one massive fist. I lower David’s dad down to my hungry cock, issuing pre-cum by the gallon. He inadvertently further stimulates me by beating his little fists against my sensitive mushroom crown. “Oh, YEAH, you little fuck!” I boom as I look over at Dave and begin to force my massive cock-head into the feeble little man’s way-too-small mouth, his teeth snapping off and his jaw dislocating with just my piss-slit barely passing through his stretched-to-the-limit lips. “Awww, FUUUCK!” I thunder as I push further, my fuck-toy’s entire head and skull fracturing into small pieces attempting to contain the mass of just the bulbous crown of my throbbing cock invading the pathetically small space. “DAMN, Davey - so much power!” I grin as with one flex of my oaken arms, his dad’s head simply reduces to a red concoction of flesh, brain and bone dripping from my cock and palms, the body spasming from the tip of my cock-head as I attempt to shove my trunk through the neck-hole and into the warm, quivering torso. Drooling, and cock pumping out ropes of pre-cum, David chant’s: As my dad was a dick, Nothing more than a worm, May Rye’s cock just ingest him As food for his sperm More power does hold, Rye’s bloodthirsty cock, Than the bodies of mortals Whose souls it will dock Upon David’s uttering of those words, I feel my cock jump and its pulsing begins to pry my fist open. I can feel the blissful pleasure of the large slit beginning to suck! The orgasmic feeling flows through my colossal frame as David’s dad’s body begins to implode, my hungry cock sucking the internal organs, sinew and bone into my thick, throbbing shaft. “Mmmmmm, CHRIST! Oh, SHIT!” I whisper as the body is completed consumed by my ravenous fuck-beast. I feel the decimated body in my shaft and squeeze my fist hard, further crushing the valueless thing, once a human, to liquid within my monstrous manhood. I feel so POWERFUL, UNSTOPPABLE, VICIOUS and SADISTIC. David runs over, pulls my cock down and laps at the bloody cockhead, relishing the taste of his dad’s blood mixed with my deific, hot and salty pre-cum. “Oh, yeah, Davey, you sick little fuck! Enjoy what you’ve created - and what I was ALWAYS meant to be!” David looks at me and chants: Rye’s bloodlust ignited, His stomach does growl, His hunger unsated, He must eat something - NOW! I look over at my own dad, visibly shaking in fear after witnessing the gruesome demise of his neighbor in an impossible way by - ME - his hyper-swole, giant and brutal step son. My cock spontaneously flexes at the attention David is giving it, sending him sprawling as I turn and step towards my dad. He is attempting to release himself from the hook from which he helplessly hangs. Standing before him, I flex slowly, allowing the mass of muscle fighting for space on my frame to slowly ripple, expand and solidify before his eyes. Having witnessed the savage power the creature filling his vision holds, and hearing David’s last chant, he renews his futile efforts at release. “DAD!” I state, the sound causing him to cease struggling and look into my eyes. “Remember last night at dinner when I called you a worthless limp-dick and you blurted back, “You can just EAT ME, Rye!”? I grin and, once again, lick my huge, pearly-white teeth with my tongue. “Rye! No! Please!” he erupts in wild movements trying to escape hanging from the hook. Even with that fear coursing through his veins, his cock inflates, slaps his stomach and salutes as he takes in all that I am. “Well,” I state coldly, “I’m hungry,” I flex my cock and it slams into my rippling abs, blood and pre-cum splashing from it’s head and seeping into the deep ridges between each flexing muscle paving my midsection, “and my cock’s still hungry!” I raise my huge hand to his crotch and place his throbbing cock and balls between my thumb and forefinger. His little dick immediately spasms, shooting cum onto my thumb. “Oh - unnn - fuuck! RYE! I - I - NOOOOO!!!” he squeals as he feels pressure building on his pleasure center. “Sick little bastard!” I growl, “Hope you enjoyed that! You won’t be needing these where you’re going, you damned, puny worm!” I then increase the pressure between my thumb and index finger, quickly pulping and mashing his penis and testicles into nothingness between his legs as “Dad” wails. I lick my thumb and finger clean of Dad’s cock and ball mash before lifting him from his hook. Grabbing the leg with no foot left, I tell him, “Well, this is of no use anymore.” before ripping the leg from his body, the sounds of bone snapping and flesh ripping fueling my sadistic lusts for more power over EVERYONE. I toss the leg in my mouth, chew and swallow as he begins to pass out. I shake him, flapping about like a stuffed toy, to try to keep him awake. “As you wish, Dad - eat you I will!” I lower his foot to my now sucking cock head and his foot is sucked in, quickly followed by his waist. “MMMMMMM! Good!” I purr as I begin to pull on his torso and my cock continues to suck in his lower portion. With a jerk of my cock, his body is torn in two. I lift his torso to my salivating mouth, bite off an arm, chew and swallow - bite off another arm, chew and swallow - and then, position his head between my molars and grind his skull into more nourishment for my solid muscle-encased body before chowing down on what’s left in my hand. At the same time, my other hand is wrapped around my cock-head and I squeeze, further crushing the lower portion of Dad’s body as it’s sucked down into my thick, pulsing shaft - and beyond. I look over at David, who is worshipfully staring up at me, slowly stroking his steely-hard shaft, pre-cum bubbling from his piss-slit and roping to the ground. “FUCK, yeah, my friend! I knew we were alike, and yet - different, somehow. I didn’t know how much you desired me to be what I desired to be, man! Can you get me back down to closer to your size?” Again, I noticed the internal struggle he has making me less than what he knows I am. He closes his eyes and concentrates - I see my surroundings seemingly rise as my form diminishes in height. David opens his eyes and runs up to me, throws his arms around my shoulders, looks up to me as he leans up and thrusts his tongue into my mouth and kisses hard, sucking at what was left of my dad’s remains still coating my tongue. As he does, he lifts his body up against me, repeatedly grinding his cock against my abs, humping me as we share a deep, hungry kiss, our tongues probing the depths of our inhumane, merciless desires. As we break our lip-lock, I feel David thrust against my abs hard as volley after volley of steaming cum coats the underside of the overhang of my boulderous pectorals and drips and runs down over my abs, cock and balls. David and I look each other in the eye and, in unison, speak: “MORE” Now I hear my mom at the barn door asking if I’m alright. “Alright, David, grab a couple of sheets from the stall and we’ll wrap them around us and open the door.” “Sounds good, Brye.” David responds as he goes over and grabs a couple of sheets. As we wipe the blood and shit from our bodies, we hear sirens in the distance. We tie the sheets around our waists and unlock the barn door. My mom runs in. “You’re dad was on his way over here and I just wanted to make sure everything is okay, Brye.” she blubbers, not noticing David by the door, then she notices the sheet wrapped around my waist. It didn’t matter, at that point, what she was thinking before - my bare, muscle-bound torso entrances her immediately and she walks up to me, reaches up and places her hand on my massive chest, then slowly runs it down and over my rippling abs to the top of the sheet. “Brye, son, baby . . . I need that massive cock of yours in me, again! Fuck me one more time, PLEASE? I won’t do this to you again, I promise!” At just hearing the word “fuck”, I feel my cock twitch and it floods with blood, rising and lifting the sheet. I snatch the sheet from my waist. “You just can’t get enough of this, can you, you fucking dick dock.” “I’m sorry, Brye! I know it’s wrong, but you’re built just like your biological father - I was addicted from his first fuck - the rape that produced you. I must have you again.” She disrobes immediately, cooing as she strokes my quickly rock-hard, vein encased monster cock. Standing there, I place a hand under each of her arms and lift her. She feels like she weighs nothing at all as I position her wet, hot pussy over my slick, steaming cock head and lower her. She moans as the tip of my flared cock head touches her dripping slit and begins to spread her open wide and enter. As the cock head pops in, her hole clamping around my ridge, she shudders and I pull her further down, my cock pushing - rearranging her insides as I creep up up inside her. “Awwww, FUCK, yeah, David, grow me slow, man!” I growl, my mom not even noticing as I slowly stroke her like a fleshlight up and down my vibrating cock. I begin to notice her feeling tighter and tighter around my throbbing manhood. She opens her eyes and sees that I am larger; she feels herself stretching to accommodate my girth and begins to scream and thrash about on my hungry cock. “Mmmmmm, BABY!” The feeling is incredible. I look down into her fear-filled eyes as I state flatly, “Yes, you son fucking mother, this IS the LAST time I fuck you, you worthless fucking CUNT! I’ll fuck you to PIECES, bitch.” “BRYE! NOOOO! Get out of me! Please! Take me off your cock you - unngh - MMMMM - Oh, GOD! MORE! FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUUUCCKKK MEEEEE!” she breathes raggedly as she orgasms over and over again. My johnson juices, mix with her blood, flowing from her pussy and down my shaft. I grin down at her as I see the distinct outline of my mushroom shaped cock head, followed by the pumping shaft, stretching her abdomen. “Mmmmmm!” I purr as I grab one of her ankles in each hand and pull her further down on my cock, her screaming and thrashing about, arousing me even more. I feel bones dislocating and snapping on my sensitive glans, then the beat of her heart against my pre cum spurting slit. Her mouth is open in a silent scream as pre cum begins to jettison from her mouth. Her skin begins to simply shred from my expanding cock as her pleading, green eyes pop from their sockets from the building pre cum pressure. “More, David - MORE!” I boom. As he views me as more, her body simply explodes and disintegrates from around my expanding, throbbing cock and falls to the dirt at my feet, my pre-cum quickly coating the shredded remains. David and I are so engrossed in my little fuck-fest that we don’t notice the cop car pull in and two cops approach the open barn door. They stand there, mouths agape, seemingly frozen in place, as they gaze upon me: A hyper muscled giant standing in the middle of the barn with a broken, bloodied corpse at my feet and my rigid, man sized cock pouring pre-cum onto the pile of worthless, discarded flesh. “Problem, officers?” I rumble as I lower my hand to the base of my gore dripping cock. I slide my huge hand up the thick, throbbing shaft, pooling the bloody mess into my palm before raising it to my lips and grin. Looking them in the eyes, I extend my long, thick tongue and seductively, lap the iron and protein rich remains into my waiting mouth and swallow. Out of the corner of my eye, I see David walk up to me. He reaches up and places a hand on my rippling quad and speaks another chant: Those who wear uniforms Are nothing but toys, To the Muscle God Brye, Such bugs He destroys. With their bodies so puny, Such fun Brye can make, Before dispatching their souls, And nourishment take. Immediately, a fresh flood of contempt for all that would seek to constrain what I am, and a unquenchable hunger, flows from my core and pulses throughout my swelling, mountainous muscles. “KNEEL!” I thunder to the two bewildered cops as I place my fists on my hips and flex hard. I spread my barn wide lats and overshadow them as my pectorals grow and puff out and up like two solid, massive blimps overshadowing my enormous, thick and undulating boulders of abdominal muscle. To further emasculate the beefy little law men, I flex my titanic cock, mapped with firehose thick veins pulsing blood around my pre cum pumping death dick swaying, pec high, in front of me. I see one puny cop’s little cock visibly salute me through his slacks as a dark spot spreads from his crotch and he falls to his knees mouthing, “Oh, my GOD!” The other pisses on himself, draws his weapon and, fires up at me, emptying his clip. All rounds are deflected by my diamond hard cock head and I rumble, “Oh, yes, you stupid little fuck!” at the pleasant stimulation. My cock takes a shot of its own and soaks both little cops in my salty pre cum. They stare up at me, mouths agape. Their vision is enveloped by my muscle encased and indestructible supreme being. The cop that fired drops his weapon and turns to run, but slips from the slimy pre cum in which he is covered. David runs over, shuts and locks the barn door as I order the trembling cop that fired, “Stand up and strip, you irrelevant, powerless excuse for a man.” “N-n-n-oooo! Please!” he squeals like a pig as he scoots away and back into David’s nude, powerful form. He looks up in horror as David reaches down and grabs him by the collar, easily lifting him to his feet. Stroking my cock, I reach down and lift the remains of my mom from by my feet. I make sure the quaking cop that stimulated me with his ammo is watching. I sneer as I exhibiti my huge, pearly white teeth before I take a bite into the ragged corpse, I tear flesh from the remnant of mom in my fist, chew loudly and swallow. ‘Hmph! I need fresh meat.” I grin as I toss what’s left of mom against the wall with a loud SPLAT.” “I said STRIP!” I boom as I eye the little man. “GOD! NO! I’M SORRY!” he blubbers as David tosses him to the ground and rips all the clothes from his body, exposing a well muscled specimen. The cop on his knees, observing all this, stands and disrobes before falling back to his knees, now stroking his own rigid cock in unison with me. The cop now at David’s feet begs his partner, “What the FUCK, Jeff?! No! Help me!” I look down at the worshipful little cop named Jeff as I squeeze a shot of pre cum from my edging cock, roping down onto him and coating his muscular little body. “So, Jeff - do you want to TRY to help your partner? The partner whose back you’re always supposed to have?” He watches me raise my other arm and wipe mom’s blood from my mouth as I grin. Looking me in the eye, he opens his mouth and drinks in my pre cum as I see his rigid little cock rapid firing cum into the torrents of pre cum I am raining down on him. “I’ll take that as a ‘NO!’, Jeffy.” I purr as I turn my attention back to the other cop. “Looks like it’s just you and me, fuck wad.” I grin as I run my tongue over my teeth, once again, for emphasis. At that moment, David and I hear sirens and cars skidding to a halt outside “FUCK YOU, you muscle bound freaking FAGGOT!’ he screams up to me, his voice trembling, “I called for backup!” He looks over at Jeff. “You are THROUGH, Jeff - DONE!” He smirks up to me as if he is now winning. “You stupid, ignorant little parasite. The only thing you’ve done is provide more insignificant little worms, like yourself, for my wanton, sadistic entertainment and gratification!” I bellow as I snatch him from the floor. As I lift the cursing, struggling cop to my face, he seems to realize that he’s made a fatal mistake, but my focus on the miserable, feeble little creature in my fist is interrupted as I hear David begin another chant: With Brye as a God, It’s stoked my desire His cock to invade me, Partake of His fire. May my form not be split By the size of his mast, As I take Him within me, Desiring His blast. A fleshlight I’ll be To His brawn and His might So that mortals may foresee Their imminent plight I look down at David and grin. “Oh, FUCK, yeah, little bro! I guess I’ve always known you were into me, man! We are gonna be linked in more ways than your thoughts, I’m thinking!” My cock throbs and pulses out a few more ropes of pre cum onto the already soaked little cop at my feet. The thought of David’s tight, muscular little body always being available to me and being able to take all that I am - and him being TOTALLY into what I am - and what I want - floods me with even more sadistic arousal. “Davey, MORE!” I growl, “Let’s blow the roof off this fucking little barn!” I see David back up to a wall, glance out a window at cop cars coming to a halt in the yard and grin as he begins to, once again, stroke his throbbing cock. As I feel the growth begin, I reach down and pick up the precum covered cop. My broad, muscular back cracks through the roof with the force of an explosion, scattering wood and debris onto the three cop cars in the yard - a half dozen cops gape up through their windshields to observe a massive beast - a veritable mountain of rippling, rolling teen muscle grinning down at them. I lift my hands so that they can see two of their comrades, stripped nude and dangling from my fingers, one in each hand. Without a word, I lower the bad cop to my cock head while, at the same time, I lift the precum dripping (and still worshipping) little cop to my grinning lips. “Jeff, my pathetic little pet, what should I do with your insolent partner?:’ I whisper to the cop dangling before my face. His little body goes rigid and cum, mixed with blood, shoots from his overworked, hard little cock. He appears to pass out at the sound of my deep, rumbling voice addressing him. I see David come out of what’s left of the barn and look up at my magnificent form, cock protruding through the side of the barn at the roofline in front of the thick blocks of my defined, flexing abs. “Well, I’m hungry, guys.” I state as I place the insolent cop on my cock head, and it immediately begins sucking him in, kicking, punching and screaming. I close my eyes as waves of pleasure emanate from my towering cock. I lower the unconscious cop to my lips and slurp him in as the last of the bad cop disappears into my cock. I reach down and squeeze my cock hard, assuring that I crush the brazen cop in my cock to paste for his journey down my shaft. At the same time, I grin a toothy grin, slowly clench my jaw and crush the worshipper between my teeth, blood spurting from my lips and shooting out onto the windshields of the cars below. I wipe the blood from my chin on my thick, massive bowling pin forearm, lift my other hand and lick some bloody precum from my fingers. I raise a foot and step through the barn, the structure crumbling and falling to the ground as I stomp my massive foot down over the driveway blocking the three cars now trying to quickly exit the scene unfolding before them. David screams up to me, “Oh my GOD, Brye! I always wanted to be like YOU, but to be like you now, FUCK! The FUN we could have in this world of living playthings!” The cops jump out of their cars and draw their useless weapons as I hear David chant: As I expand Brye Just by my own thought, As he wishes me so I will grow on the spot. I will never exceed The God that He is. I am here just to please Him, I am totally His. I grin and envision David as a huge, muscled teen beast. Immediately David’s muscular form expands into a massive muscle monster. As his head reaches just below my throbbing, vertical cock head, he bellows, “Oh, FUCK, Brye! I feel so - so -” He notices the cops scurrying about his feet and snatches one from the ground. “ - so fucking POWERFUL!” With his eye on my pulsing, dripping cock, he takes the struggling man in his hand and inserts him up his ass as he moans, “I want you, Brye -” he coos and shoves the doomed creature further into his dark, muscular chute. “Unngh - SHIT! THANK you, Brye! Ahhh - Brye - FUCK ME!” he booms as he flexes his ass and the muffled crunching of bones resounds. David’s human dildo succumbs to tons of pressure from his flexion, reducing it to a gelatinous goop. Horrified, the remaining five cops empty their guns, bullets bouncing harmlessly off of our smooth, tanned and impenetrable skin. They turn and run to their cruisers. I grab the cruiser with the cop whose partner was just liquified in David’s ass and lift it to my face. The flimsy metal begins to crumple in my grasp as my cold, dark eyes peer in. I hear the cop inside frantically screaming into the radio’s mic, “GIANtS! We need backup! Send the military!” He sees me grin and lick my lips. “Oh, my GOD - NOOO!” he bellows. I peel the roof of the car back and expose his trembling little body. I lower the car slowly so the little thing can take in the expanse of my muscled torso. I want to see not just fear, but terror from this worthless little bug. I alternately flex my pecs over him as he sees my thick abs before him and, in his peripheral vision, my towering cock appear to rise behind him as I lower the car and set the it at the base of my twitching cock. “STRIP!” I thunder over my pecs and down to the terrified being. I see him stand in the car seat and, as the car teeters on my crotch, he quickly strips. Without any prodding he quickly jumps from the car, onto the base of my massive, precum slick cock and begins kissing, rubbing and grinding. I lift the car, crumple it into a ball in my fist and drop it in front of the other two cop cars. Those four cops just stare up and out of their windshields blankly. I reach down and lift the naked little cop from the base of my dick and deposit him on my cock head. I reach down, wrap my hands around David’s waist and lift him. As he faces me, grinning, I position his hungry ass over my cock and slowly lower him onto my godly cock head, The screaming little cop disappearis up David’s ass as I impale the friend who created me to be all I ever wanted to be.. “Is this what you want, little man?” I taunt David. In silent response, his ass alternately flexes and relaxes, sucking my cock in and messaging my rigid, vein covered cock, instatly obliterating the doomed cop against my sex trunk. David reaches up and places his hands on my mountainous pecs and looks into my eyes, “”Yes, Brye! Fuck me - please! Oh, God! FUCK ME HARD!” he thunders and pleads as he wraps his legs around my waist and slowly jacks his cock while milking my head with his ass. As I impale the grateful David further, I look over at the remaining cops. All of them have exited their vehicles as if in a trance, dropped to their knees and whipped out their own drooling cocks and started stroking feverishly at the sight of two massively muscled teens - boy gods - effortlessly snuffing the life out of their comrades and then beginning to give in to sexual lust for each other.The little creatures inhibitions, their very wills, seemed to evaporate and they were caught up in the palpable, sexual frenzy accosting their senses. “Who said you could join, you pathetic little bugs?” I sneer as I take one step, my massive foot covering and instantly crushing all four worthless insects under my sole, I grind them into paste in the dirt as I begin to piston fuck David, jerking his tight little body up and down my long, thick shaft. “Brye, you are a GOD!” David breathes raggedly as I pummel his ass with my throbbing, hungry cock. “Mmmmff! How - Uh! - are you - FUCK! - going to introduce - YES, Brye! - yourself to the world? - OH, MORE, BRYE - FILL ME WITH WHAT YOU ARE!” I thrust hard and David thunders in ecstasy as he is lifted from my cock with the first hydraulic blast of the volcanic cum jettisoning from my cock. He lands at my feet, cum pouring from his ass, and is covered with my godly jizz rocketing from my beast as he jerks himself to climax. He never takes his eyes off of the godly form towering over him. I flex hard and grin down at him as I remember the one cop calling for backup - and the military - before he was snuffed. The sounds of sirens and choppers could be heard in the distance as a news helicopter came into view. “Our introduction in at hand, Davey.” I grinned as he stood to his feet and smiled broadly. “FUCK, yeah!” he thundered. “Dave, bring me down to 6’5” before that news copter is close enough to make us out - I’m taking you to 6’4.” I bellow down to David. In seconds, we are standing in the yard within indentations the size of our feet just moments before. We grab a couple of sheets off of the clothesline, wrap ourselves and run back to my house, leaving David’s house and yard (the house of our initial meting out of death and destruction) empty for the authorities to ponder over. Once we got to my house, David closes the front door behind us, turns and looks up at me, disappointed, “Brye, what are you doing? I thought you were going to introduce the world to, well - YOU!” As I let the sheet slip from my hyper-swole and rippling, flexing body to the floor, Dave falls to his knees as he beholds the 6’5” teen muscle god standing over him, packed with thick, hard masses of brawn. Without a word, he reaches up and grabbs my cock, which is hanging down by my knees, and slurps the head into his mouth, tonguing and sucking in earnest. My cock responds to the stimulation immediately, engorging with blood, thickening and lengthening as I reach down and roughly pull Davey’s head in to my crotch, forcing my mammoth cock to grow directly down his tight, slick throat. The feeling is incredible. He doesn’t even gag or choke as I begin to piston fuck his stunningly handsome face (why hadn’t I noticed that before?). His bulging eyes begin to tear up as they roam the vast expanse of my godly form. He claws at my thighs and abs as I relentlessly ram my cock down his throat, my large, full balls crashing into his chest and throat with each savage thrust. Noticing him beginning to have trouble breathing, I finally flex my ass hard and tense as my balls raise into my sac. My cock begins to buck uncontrollably as it unleashes torrent shots of cum directly into his stomach as he chokes and purrs in thanksgiving. I slowly withdraw my sex log, relishing the feel of his teeth catching on the corona as I slide out, the head popping from his mouth, still spurting cum. “Thanks, bud!” I smile down to him. “No, thank YOU, Brye!” he smiles up to me with his stretched lips as he wipes his cute little mouth clean with his thick, corded forearm. He stands and lets his sheet drop to the floor. I stand there, stunned. My friend is now a massive, godly teen in his own right. “FUCK, Davey! You’re a fucking muscle BEAST, dude!” I exclaim, somehow having forgotten that he had created a spell for me to grow him, as well as he growing me - and I had grown him, hugely! All the years of pent up sexual energy between the two of us is finally being unleashed with the advent of our imposing, deified bodies. I throw him to the floor as my cock reinflates and throbs at the sight of his mammoth, nude and rippling form. He lifts his hefty, muscle-bound legs and locks them around my comparatively thin waist. Looking down at his tremendous, powerful and chiseled features, I touch my, once again, pre cum flowing cock head to his waiting and hungry ass hole. Taking my rigid cock in my hand, I slap the head against his ass several times, spreading pre and lubricating his cave for the coming assault. After positioning the pulsing crown upon his hole, I shov just hard enough for the corona to pop past his sphincter. He shudders in ecstatic pleasure as the invasion begins. I push further, the crown crowding his prostate and causing his cock to shoot pre cum onto his abs as he begis to thrash about, pounding the floor. “Holy FUCK, Brye! UNGH! FUCK ME - PUH-LEEEZE! Oh, FUCK! My GOD, Brye! More, MORE!” David thunders. Inch by inch, I feed his ass more of me, watching my bulbous mushroom cock head push his thick abdominals out as he struggles to flex them tight on my dick within him. I pull back, my corona stimulating his quivering body as it drags back through him. He growls, “NOOO! Brye! FUCK ME - HARD!” I sneer down and cram my cock into his guts until his ass is flush against my hips. I began to fuck him like a jackhammer. He moans - beats and claws at my hard, muscled body until I shov into him one last time, hard, clenching my ass and roaring like a beast. My cock explodes within him and bathes his insides with gallons of hot, steaming cum from his god. Large puddles of cum shoot from around my shaft and out of his pummeled ass and onto the floor. As I pull my still bucking cock from his tight ass with a loud POP, he grabs his own ample sex trunk and begins to pump. “Guess you’re getting what you always wanted, Davey, and I’m just a fucking perpetual cum factory looking for someplace to unload!” I laugh. Dave gets up, still stroking his rigid, hungry rod, and looks at me, “Brye, PLEASE! I need release. I need to fuck your perfect, god like body. Let me fuck YOU, Brye! Let me rape that round, hard, muscular ass of a god!” “Shit! Why not, Dave? What the fuck! Have at it!” I chuckle as I lay on my back and lift my massive legs, exposing my asshole as a target for Dave’s long, thick spear. He wastes no time driving his hungry cock into the object of his desire. I clinch, giving him exquisite pleasure and pulling his cock in further as he moans and thrusts into me in rapturous sexual intoxication. “Oh, FUCK, Brye! UNGH! SHIT!” he moans as I flex and release ass and abdominal muscles I didn’t even know I had, pleasuring both him and myself in ways never imagined. My ass sucks, massages and milks his cock until he is screaming for release. With a final rippling of those muscles in my ass, his cock explods in an orgasm that goes on for minutes as I continue milking with just the controlled movement of my wonderfully enhanced ass muscles. “GOD, Brye! How? Fuck - THANK YOU!” he moans in totally ravished delerium, collapsing on the floor. There is a loud knocking at the door. “Police! Is anybody home? We’re doing a neighborhood check.” My cock twitches in anticipation at the sound and I look down at Dave who, noticing my dick dance upon hearing a cop’s voice, grins back at me before answering, “Hold on a sec. I’ll be right there.” He jumps from the floor and grabs his sheet and wraps it around his waist as he walks to the door and peers through the peephole to see two uniformed officers waiting. Dave motions “2” to me as I step behind the foyer wall and, while stroking my rising shaft, wait to follow Dave’s lead in having fun with the cops at the door. As Dave opens the door, the cops are immediately staring into two balloons of granite hard pectorals rippling in front of them. They both stumble back before regaining composure, looking up into the stunningly handsome teen’s face and asking if he’d heard anything from outside over the past couple of hours. “No, officers, but come in and let me throw some clothes on and you can ask whatever questions you’d like.” Dave booms in his new, deep, bass voice. Dave lets them walk past him towards the base of the stairs, closes and locks the door behind him. As soon as both cops are in the house, their nostrils are filled with the scent of musk, sex and cum - they notice the huge puddle of whitish liquid on the floor and turn in time to see Dave’s sheet drop to the floor and an even larger, more muscular teen step beside him stroking his fully erect, long, thick cock. I notice both of the cops' eyes roam our herculean bodies and dilate. Stunned, they both mouth, “Holy, FUCK!” as their jaws drop. “Double bi, Davey!” I command and we both raise our arms and flex hard. At the same time, Davey’s cock inflates like a CO2 cartridge has detonated in his shaft as the monstrous organ slaps up into his thick, grinding abdominal wall. “On your knees!” I thunder to the cops as I lower my bulging arms, place one fist around my thick cock and begin to stroke the massive, pre cum slick apendage. I step towards the two astonished men and they fall to their knees, drawing their weapons and pointing them towards me and Davey. “Bad move, you stupid little fucks!” I bellow as I snatch both guns from their grasp in one swift movement of my free hand, still stroking my hungry cock with the other. I open my palm before the trembling cops so they can see their weapons before I slowly close my powerful fingers around the pathetically weak metal and form a fist, the guns simply being merged and molded into a single, useless ball of steel by my limitless power. As I drop the metal ball to the floor, both cops stare up at my heaving mass, drooling, and begin to fumble at their belts and zippers, their own cocks now painfully solidified, throbbing and saluting Davey and me - Gods of power whose mere presence elicits an irresistible worshipful and sexual response from both men, their supposed masculinity and illusion of control and power immediately stripped away by merely being in the presence of such godly creatures. “Go ahead, little slaves, strip before your Gods!” I rumble as I push my cock down towards them and motion Davey to join me in front of our newest toys. “But first, radio for back-up.” I grin as I flex my cock, causing pre cum to flow and coat both trembling, but apparently grateful, little men. Turning to Davey, I smirk: "Time to grow, Bro!" We both close our eyes and I feel the orgasmic bliss of muscle and sinew stretching, growing, and expanding all over my powerful body. I hear Davey thunder, “Oh, YES, Brye . . . become a GOD!” and I open my eyes to see his huge hyper-muscled body seemingly drop away from me as I grow. He remains at a swole size larger than any other human, but I explode with muscular size and sinew as I rise. He turns and runs out the front door to see my thick, muscle-bound torso explode through the roof of the house. As I continue to grow, I lean forward and look over my jutting pectorals and down to my feet. Our two worshipful little cops simply popped and smeared to an unrecognizable paste as my feet expanded in the wreckage of the house. The two bugs did not have a chance to escape. I lift one bloodied foot, place it on top of their pulped remains and grind them to a liquified paste unrecognizable as anything that had once been human. I grin, halt my expansion at about one hundred feet of thick, swole, bone crushing muscle as sunlight glistens off of my inhumanly thick, powerful frame. My flaccid cock, twice the size of a man, hangs, twitching, at twelve feet of thick, pulsing vein covered meat. I crash through the remains of the house and plant my feet on either side of Davey who gazes up at me in awe and lust. He falls to his knees and screams, “You ARE a GOD, Brye! THANK YOU for leaving me this size so that I can behold you in reality as I always have envisioned you to be in my head. Oh, FUCK!” He grabs his saluting cock and squeezes. “I just KNEW it!” he gushes. I grin at his recognition and adulation, reach down and lift my cock and wag it over his head as it begins to inflate and lengthen at his worshipful stance and words. “HA! HA! HA!” I thunder as I taunt my tiny friend, “Now I KNOW you’ve always worshipped me, bug! Thanks for believing enough in those spells to awaken the titanic fucking BEAST that I truly am.” I instinctively know what he longs to hear and I continue in my deep, booming voice, “You will now SERVE me the way you have always wanted to, Davey . . . as my pathetic little BITCH, boy! Do you understand me, you worthless little muscle-faggot?” (He doesn’t realize, yet, that I want a companion and that I will, again, make him a massive muscle giant to be with me as I did earlier.) Davey’s shocked and frightened look at hearing my pronouncement surprises me, so I soften my face and smile, the yards of gleaming white enamel sparkling in the sunlight. The ten feet tall muscle beast, which I allowed him to remain, relaxes realizing that I am just rewarding him for the gift of Godhood which he bestowed upon me . . . I am treating him as he longed to be treated by me. He crawls up to my feet and begins licking the cops’ blood from my toes. “Oh, YES, my God!” he responds as he looks up, his eyes slowly roaming the vast expanse of my terrifyingly large and bulging, rock-solid musculature. His eyes hesitate as he sees my hardening, now two-story long cock, thicker than a bus, with pendulous balls churching beneath its base in the man-sized nut-sack resting on my expansive, rippling quads. “I have ALWAYS been, and will always be, your fucking little bitch-boy. I exist only for you, Brye . . . you ARE my GOD!” Neighbors have poured out of their houses and into the street witnessing what is unfolding. Most are frozen in fear seeing and hearing what has transpired. Some have run to their cars and are backing from driveways to try to get away from such a titan. Others, like three college jock bodybuilders that live two doors down, have cautiously approached me, THE Alpha Male, the embodiment of the muscle and power they long for and spend countless hours in the gym trying to attain. I focus on the three respectfully sized and muscled men and slowly lower down on one knee. I notice a car with four occupants driving on the street between me and the little bodybuilders as I lower. My cock slaps into the street as my knee obliterates the road just a little further down the street. The car collides with a large, immovable object: my cock head. The car is stopped dead in it tracks. My cock pusles larger with the light stimulation of the crash. “Davey, come out and meet our three little admirers.” I boom to Dave who walks around my nutsack, setting on the ground, and around my cock and wrecked car in the street. He continues across the street to tower over the more than six feet tall bodybuilders. “How the fuck?!?!” one of the muscled little creatures blurted out as he saw super stacked and hung Dave approach, towering over them. “We know both of you kids! How can this be happening?” At the same time, I boomed from above, “You can see all of our lust inspiring bodies, little muscle-sluts, but we can only see your arms and legs. Only fair if we can compare, don’t you think?” I can hear people screaming for help from within the car that clocked my cock, apparently unable to open their doors. My cock twitches, lifting from the pavement and coming down on the hood of the vehicle, compressing the engine and causing the rear tires to lift from the pavement. The high pitched screams of the occupants increases. The three bodybuilders just stand there, drooling and dripping, unable to comprehend what is happening, but their internalized and lustful desire for what I am is obvious. I thunder, “Strip, NOW, worthless little fucks!” To emphasize their fate if they don’t obey, I form a fist and, with one swift movement, flatten another car full of bugs trying to turn around in the street and escape. The force of my blow instantly splatters the puny humans in the car as it entombs their remains in the pancaked vehicle. All three immediately strip as quickly as they can and just stand there. I examine them. All in great shape, endowed with above average cocks, now semi-hard after my little demonstration of superiority. “Any of you lust after guys?” I ask as I flex, all of my elephantine muscle bulging obscenely. Almost in unison I hear them sputter, “No, Sir! Oh . . . H-H-Holy. FUUUUUCK!” as their little cocks spring up, slapping their abs and saluting their object of desire. David, of course was already drooling, rock-hard, and pre-cum flowing. “Davey, flex for them.” I command and David hits a mind blowing double bi, his cock proudly pointing up to his thick chest overhang, and dripping pre-cum. They all fall to their knees before us. “Any of you lust for real power?” I sneer as I flex my two story long, cock, hold it over the car of screaming people. “Having REAL Power, little bugs,” I continue, “is being able to mindlessly flex your cock and snuff out four full-grown men without lifting a finger!” I relax my cock and it smashes down directly on top of the wrecked vehicle full of screaming bugs. The screaming stops abruptly as the car flattens beneath the bulk of my hardening cock. Glass, metal shards, and blood spray from beneath my tool as it twitches and vibrates with the stimulation, pre-cum flowing onto the sidewalk on the other side of the street. Cum rockets from the three throbbing little cocks with the sound of the snuff-by-cock and car demolition. ”I see you ALL totally lust for what I am, as it should be, my little toys. It can be no other way. You three little worms lust after something you can never have nor attain. How incredibly pathetic you are!” I spoke to them. “It would be cruel to allow you to live in such turmoil and agony!” The smaller of the three stands and turns to run as he is overshadowed by my massive hand reaching to lift him from the ground, screaming and kicking. The other two grab their cum slick dicks and stroke at the sight of their friend being handled like nothing but a worthless little toy at the hands of a muscle-bound giant! With that, David prostrates himself and chants so that I and all others present can hear. I close my eyes as he begins to speak. With the world as His playground, All mankind will know Brye’s unlimited power, His carnage to show Of these weak little humans, Worshipful service he craves, Or this beast will destroy them, His insolent slaves. As his powerful muscles, Unrivaled in size, Cause all life to tremble, His lusts will arise. No power can stop The desires he fulfills, As with bloody rampages, He destroys and he kills. I open my eyes when he finishes and growl as I clench my fist containing the struggling little insect. He is reduced to a crimson goo dripping from my fist as I state matter-of-factly, “Willingly or unwillingly, all human infestation on this planet will serve me as their God and are only useful for my purposes and pleasure.” Everyone gathered and gawking begins scream and stampede towards a church at the end of the street, except the two remaining bodybuilders staring, slack jawed, at the remains of their friend dripping from my fist. I grin, lift my fist to my lips and lap the iron-rich snack from my hand. I know the remaining two are mine. To the larger of the two, I speak, “I want you to understand what happens to you, weak little man. Grab a lizard from the grass.” He obeys immediately with a quick snatch and holds the wriggling, squirming little lizard in his hand. “Now, close your eyes and hold the weak squirming little thing against your cock.” I order. He does and I hear him moan as he begins to slowly stroke. “Now imagine he is your friend that is kneeling next to you. He is now small, weak, and INSIGNIFICANT! The power you have over this struggling little form is intoxicating, isn’t it? You long to CRUSH him against your hard cock, don’t you, little man? To be powerful, in control? You hold his PATHETIC and WORTHLESS life in your hand!” I taunt as I see him squeeze hard. He feels the snapping of the little creature’s bones and the warm blood on his cock as he strokes and crushes his little sex toy against his cock and begins to cum. His eyes shoot open in horror. He looks over at his friend who stares at him with a look of betrayed disgust. They both see my hand approaching to scoop them up. They scream, raising their feeble arms in an attempt to fend me off. I snatch the larger one from the ground and he recognizes the sickening feeling of a quick ascent before being pressed against a musky, hard and hot, fleshy surface, slick with some hot, salty slick substance. It throbs painfully against him as he begins to slide up, then down, slowly, at first. The speed picks up, as does the pressure on his puny body from the fist in which he is trapped. “Oh, FUCK!” the doomed little powerhouse thinks to himself, “He is going to crush and smear me on his giant cock to get off! Oh, GOD, no!!!” But there is no one to hear his thoughts or respond to his futile plea. “NNNPH! NO!” the doomed little bodybuilder tries to yell, but his face is being crushed and rubbed against my massive penis, pleasuring me as the lizard had stimulated him. He knows what is coming and knows there is nothing he can do to stop it, but struggles anyway, just as his lizard had done in a pathetically futile attempt to survive. As I squeeze harder, he can’t help but cum again as he succumbs to pure power. I stand as I snatch the worthless little muscle-slut from the ground and begin brutally stroking him on my solid, godly cock. The one smaller bodybuilder left watches my muscles flex and balloon as I stroke his friend up and down my gigantic cock and screams up to me, “You ARE a GOD! Thank you for sparing me . . . I will do ANYTHING! I am YOURS, Master!” Still stroking, I reach down and lift this sniveling worm from the ground and lift him to my face. “You want to help my godly muscles grow even larger and more powerful, worthless worm?” I grin evilly. He begins to struggle to no avail. “How can I help a God grow?” he whimpers despondently knowing the answer will spell his demise. “Protein snack, bug!” I state flatly as I tilt my head back and lift him over my open, cavernous mouth. I let him dangle there, briefly, letting his fear and terror crescendo along with his shrieks before dropping him in. I move him around my mouth with my tongue, kicking, screaming and punching in the hot, moist darkness, before positioning him between my molars. I relish the slow snapping of bones and pops of organs as I slowly clench my jaws shut. I am rewarded with the delicious spurt of his exploding body flooding my taste buds. “Mmmmmm.” I purr. Davey runs up to my feet and screams up, “Please, Brye, let me feel you crush him against your powerful cock meat!” I grin at Davey’s lust to feel power and lift him to my stroking death fist and place him on the outside while carefully wrapping my other palm around him to hold him in place. He is now sandwiched between the stroking fist and my other palm holding him against the death fist so he can feel the vibrations of the cock-kill. I slowly stroke with both hands while increasing pressure with the death-fist wrapped around my throbbing cock and toy. Davey can hear the screams and cries of the compressing little bug, then the snapping of bones and, finally, the explosion of the puny sack of flesh against my more powerful cock as the weak little thing succumbs to becoming my cock lube. I feel Davey’s cock jettison his load on the back of my death-fist as his body reacts to the feel of the little toy’s explosion against my shaft and the pressures of being contained within a virtual cocoon of my massive and powerful fists. He knows my dark desires and that I could just as easily decided to obliterate his puny body at the same time. What he doesn’t know is the tremendous self-control it took for me not to squish him against the back of my hand and ingest his remains. I remove my palm containing Davey and lift him to my face. “Oh, GOD! THANK YOU, Brye!” he pants. He doesn’t know why I am drooling and licking my lips as I set him on my shoulder and turn to walk to the church at the end of the street. That’s okay. Let him assume I am thinking of the church as an all-you-can-eat buffet. As booming, quaking footsteps arrive at the church, I imagine the fear of the little people huddled in side and reach down to stroke my gory cock in anticipation. I set Davey down in the cemetery before turning around and knocking the steeple off of the building. With that done, I reach on either side of the building, pierce it below the roofline with my trunklike fingers, and lift the entire roof from the building. I toss that to the side and peer in to the sanctuary. I only see the priest cowering at the front and praying feverishly. I know the whole neighborhood came in this building. Where could they be? I can hear the priest babbling, “Oh, God, help me in my hour of need and protect those in your care.” “Are you talking to ME?” I bellow as his eyes remain closed and he keeps repeating the same thing. I slowly stroke my cock, throbbing in anticipation, over the now open building. “LOOK AT ME!” I roar to the trembling priest. The priest, clinging to his book, opens his eyes and looks up. His eyes behold bulging, rippling muscle as the new ceiling to his church. All that swole man-beef blocking the sky rippling and bulging in use to stroke a massive phallus leaking into his sanctuary, pre-cum pooling and running in different directions. The hyper-masculine scent accosts his nostrils as he looks further up to see the massive, angry face of a teen that used to attend. “B-B-B-Brye?” he squeaks to the muscled deity looking down at him. “I prefer how you were addressing me before.” I spit in revulsion. I lower my hand towards him and press him back against the wall. “Tell me I am your GOD or I will splatter your worthless little body against this wall.” I order. I can feel his cock lurch and throb. “I know you always worshipped my godly body when I came here. I could always tell, ‘Father’. You wanted me. You want me now, but I’m WAY too much for a mere human to handle, I always have been.” I jeer. I release him from the wall and grab the organ by him in my fist and lift it like it weighs nothing. I raise my fist containing the massive instrument and squeeze, flexing my planetary biceps and forearm as I crush that organ to little pieces. It crumbles and little pieces bounce off of my hardened muscle, falling back into the sanctuary. “Oh, my GOD!” Father screams unable to hide his arousal and desire. Pre-cum continues to bubble from my slit and rope to the pews below. “Much better, ‘Father’!” I continue. “Now, where is everyone hiding?” I ask. “No! Brye! I can’t.” he responds fearfully. I take my finger and swirl pre-cum around the massive, almost glowing, mushroom head of my cock before flicking the pulped, unrecognizable remains of my previous cock-toy off of my shaft and into the sanctuary, landing by the priest. “Oh, God! What have you done, Brye?” the priest asks in a shaky voice as he looks upon the puddle of what is still obviously human remains. As he looks back up, I flex my arm over the sanctuary again, turn my head, extend my long tongue and lick the cable sized veins pulsing just under the surface of my skin, almost worshipping the powerful biceps muscles. I then lower my fist and extend the pre-cum coated finger to my lips and suck it in before removing it from my mouth and licking my lips slowly, sensually. “‘Father’, I can grant you your desires. Just tell me where everyone is.” I coax. “I know what you long for, what you lust after. Would your former god give you this if you do what he asks of you?” I taunt as I reach over to the cemetery, grab David and bring him to the sanctuary, setting the nude, massively swole Adonis before the priest. “Tell me where they are, ‘Father’, and he will let you do whatever you want to him, or he to you. Just tell me where they are, and he’s yours!” I grin to the conflicted little man. “David, flex hard for your little admirer.” David flexes his teen bulk to obscenely striated and thick, granite hard orbs of muscle, his cock, once again, rising to salute Brye’s voice and herculean presence. The priest looks up at Brye, then back to the massively muscled boy flexing just for him. “You ARE a God! But, what are you going to do to them?” he whispers longingly as he reaches out his hand and runs it over Davey’s thick, hard body. “Look at me, ‘Father’.” I order and he looks into my dark eyes. I shake my godly cock over his head. “I think you’d like to watch what I’m going to do them, insect. I’m going to use this train sized god-cock to give them all what they desire, as well. I will rape and fuck them all until they are just bloody smears upon this godly alter.” I shake my throbbing cock over him. “MMMMMM! FUCK, yeah, BUG! There will be NOTHING left of them” “Oh, God, YES! They are all hiding in the basement, my God! Use them to bring you pleasure, my Master! Take them all as a living sacrifice and use them as you will, my terrifying King and God!” he bleated, salvia spraying from his mouth. “Good, boy, ‘Father’.” I commend. Turning to Davey, “David, fuck this self-serving little bug.” David grabs the priest and rips off his robes like they were tissue. He pushes him face down onto the alter and roughly impales him with his long, thick fuck pole. The priest screams out, “OH, GOD, YES! FUCK ME!” as David begins to brutally rape his ass as he continually whimpers, “More, please, God, more!” After David finishes piston-fucking the little bastard and fills him with his spunk, I reach in and pluck the priest from David’s tool. “Now, ‘Father’, I know what you have really always wanted . . . ME! Why settle for a substitute.” I hold him up to one flexed arm. “WORSHIP ME, YOU PATHETIC FLEA!” I boom, loud enough for the basement dwellers to hear. He is now so far lost in lust that, even with his torn and bleeding ass, he begins licking, kissing, and sucking at the sweaty flesh of my biceps, his little cock bobbing hard before him. “Who is your God, little man?” I ask loudly. He now screams, almost in ecstasy, “YOU ARE, BRYE! YOU are my GOD and I will serve and worship you all the days of my life!” I take his little body and place it on one hard, boulderous pectoral, I drag him over the vast surface and down to my head-sized nipple and under the overhang of my pec, then down over the massive bricks and ridges of my abdominals, battering him against my hard body the whole way. I lift him and hold his bruised and bleeding body in front of my pulsing, leaking cock head. “I baptize you into ME!” I growl as I thrust him against my cock and let my steaming pre-cum cover his body. “You WILL worship me all the days of your life, you minuscule little fuck wad!” I simmer as I position his rigid little cock over my slit and lower him until he is laying across my crown, licking, kissing, humping and crying uncontrollably. I envelope my cock head with my fist, with the worthless bug splayed beneath it, and squeeze slowly. I hear his faint cries as I begin to twist and squeeze, but his words are not what I expect. “I have always been yours, my perfectly muscled and powerful boy. You have always been my God of muscle and power. Use me as you will. Crush me with your power and make me yours forever!” “Oh, FUCK, YEAH!” I bellow at his self-sacrificial worship. I clench my fist on my cock head and relish the feel of such a puny little body crushing and pulping under my power. I twist his flattened corpse across the sensitive glans and moan. I lift my hand and look in my palm. Mixed with my pre-cum are the bloody, flattened remains of the little prick. I grin, lap the mess from my hand and swallow. “Your prayer is answered, fucking freak.” “Now, for the neighbors.” I rumble to Davey as I reach in, extricate him from the sanctuary, and set him back in the cemetery. I reach down and around to wrap my bulging arms around the roofless church. With a light flex of my chest and arms, I cause the puny structure to implode upon itself, sealing the basement exit for good. Assuming a push-up position, my upper body exploding with muscular power, I position my massive famished cock as a ramrod into the basement of the church. With a slow flexion of my incredibly rounded ass, I slowly drive my cock into the earth until I feel the solid block wall of the basement. I grin as I flex a bit more, feeling the block give way to the impossible pressure of my cock’s slow grind forward. I stop when I feel my cock head punch into the basement, the rough, broken block on the flared ridge of my crown a pleasant, lust building stimulation. I can feel the pre-cum pumping from my piss slit and a brief pounding sensation that quickly ceases. -------- Inside the basement, the people who thought they had fled to a safe refuge hear the events that take place above them. Fear strikes terror in their hearts as they hear their spiritual leader succumb to desire and confess the titanic muscle beast as his GOD. They hear their former priest offer them as an offering to the behemoth and then openly worship the titanic beast. A period of silence and then they hear the terrible crash of the building coming down as it was smashed by Brye, then . . . more silence. Someone tries the basement exits, but they are all jammed tight. They murmur amongst themselves in the room lit with flashlights. How could this be happening? Wasn’t this there neighbor’s boy? Hadn’t they watched him grow into a strapping young man? Suddenly, they seem to feel the ground trembling. People against one wall hear cracking sounds and see fractures appear on the wall. Then the wall explodes inwards and part of the basement is filled with a massive, pulsing flesh with steaming, slimy liquid pulsing from a large, gaping slit in its center. They immediately all know what this is as the pre-cum begins to cover the floor mixing with the blood. An intoxicatingly strong, masculine aroma fills the space . . . they can actually smell sex, lust, and power and know that they are doomed. Two men lay trapped beneath the massive cock-head, screaming and beating upon it. This proves to be a fatal mistake as the stimulation causes it to swell, crushing the two bodies until they POP, spraying the remaining puny humans with blood and gore as they scream and beg for mercy. -------- I slowly begin a rhythmic fucking, pushing my cock further and further into the basement until it touches the back wall. Every time I connect with the back wall, I feel some POPS and bask in the thought that my mild fuck is exploding bodies with each thrust.. As I slide my fuck pole back and forth in the basement, I can feel tiny hands, feet, arms, legs, and bodies stimulating my crown and shaft. SO intoxicating, this new feeling of fucking a crowd! Even with that, it is such a loose fuck space! I dig my hands into the earth and begin to compress the basement space in around my lust filled log. As I do, I begin to feel a warm, gritty lube upon my shaft as the pressure of my crushing the basement in towards my bucking cock progresses. My muscles bulge with powerful, crushing forces as I close my eyes and imagine all those fucking bugs clamoring to escape the inevidable. Mmmm . . . those puny little bodies cracking, snapping, popping, and squishing against my blood thirsty cock just to pleasure their God. I squeeze both my hands together around my cock-containing basement and flex my ass hard in a final thrust as the volcanic eruption of the release of my godly seed floods any remaining spaces beneath the church and fountains from any exit from the earth above.. I have kept my promise to that fucking priest of what I would do with his offering! -------- Inside the basement, the people are screaming at the grisly death of two of their own beneath just the dickhead of this massive teen creature. Then the monstrous appendage begins to move in and out, deeper and deeper into the basement, leaving streams of pre-cum coating everything it slides by. The flashlights are smashed and all is dark. Every time the massive crown hits the back wall, there are muffled screams and SPLATS as blood rains throughout the dark tomb. There is more rumbling and cracking, the side walls begin to crack and cave in, forcing everyone closer to the appendage rhythmically raping the space in which these doomed little insects try to hide. Both men and women come to the realization, to late, that this titanic, virile, teen is, indeed, a God and their minds snap. They rub, kiss, and hump the deity’s monstrous cock in an effort to appease the beast. They die in painful ecstasy as they are pulped and crushed against God’s cock before it stops moving, swells, and explodes with white-hot jiz. The pressure of the ejaculation of such volume and pressure in such a confined space thoroughly mixes the bloodied remains with Gods seed before shooting from the ground above at any fissure and outlet. -------- I pull my still-hard cock from the hole in the ground and stand, dripping, onto the wreckage of the church. Davey runs up to the hole left by my cock, not a pond of crimson cum, dips his hand in and drinks hungrily of my gory seed. I look up as I hear sirens in the distance. I can see not just several police cars heading our way, but several military vehicles, as well. “Well, Davey, time for more fun!” I smile down to David as I stroke my satisfied cock and squeeze out the last voluminous squirt of cum. “Wanna grow?” “FUCK, yeah, Brye!” David gushes as he lifts his thick, muscle-corded arm and wipes the bloody cum dripping from his lips. I grin down to him and whisper, “Not yet, my insatiable and blood-thirsty little friend. Let’s have more fun at a more ‘normal’ size. How about being a couple of seven feet tall, thick, striated and unstoppable muscle-bound teens . . . the only survivors of the beast that obliterated this pathetic little town and then vanished before our eyes. At least that’s our story!” Davey grins and closes his eyes as he quietly chants: We must now diminish In position and size, Our true power and stature To others disguised. In brawn and in might As gods still we appear, Though more human in form Our supremacy clear. As we toy with these insects Instill them with dread, They will cum in pure worship, As their blood we will shed. I feel a slight vertigo as I witness the ground appear to rise and my height comes down to seven feet of thick and bulging muscles. I look David in the eyes and grin. Now the same height, I pull his rock-hard and powerful body into mine and invade his mouth with my long tongue, a deep, passionate kiss for my “creator” as reward. I can taste the bloody pre cum still in Davey’s mouth and swirl the smooth, warm liquid within our mouths. Both of our cocks surge and we grind them into our thickly bricked abdominals as our massive hands cup each others rippling globes of ass muscles and pull in close. Our thick pectorals fight for space between our behemothic bodies. I break our lip-lock and Davey runs his hands over my jutting pectorals, down my abdominals, and wraps his fist around the base of my cock. I grab his wrist and pull his hand away. “We need to find a couple of sheets to wrap around our waists before the cops and military arrive.” I boom as I slap his ass, lingering on the hard inundating ball of muscle and begin walking to a house across the street from the demolished church. Davey follows, no doubt admiring my wide, rippling back and my tight, muscled ass rising and falling with each step I take. When we reach the house, I effortlessly rip the door out of the frame, duck, and walk into the house. I find a couple of sheets in a bedroom and we wrap them over our shoulders and cover our bodies, hiding, for the time being, our Herculean musculature from the soon to be arriving squads of officers. “Come on, Dave.” I say, “Let’s go sit on the curb . . . no reason to alert them to our true size before they arrive. About that time, two State Trooper cars and two military vehicles come around the corner and stop in front of us. Two cops get out of each car and about a dozen soldiers leap from their vehicles, rifles at the ready as they start to run over to what’s left of the church, but stop and sniff the air. I hadn’t noticed until then the intensely musky and masculine scent of sex and cum that permeates the air. I notice the officers faces begin to flush as they reach down and adjust their crotches. The military sergeant comes back to the policeman and states flatly, “I’ve never seen anything like this. The church is completely destroyed and the basement is a crater full of hot and thick white, blood laced liquid containing bits and pieces of mashed bodies. There are MASSIVE foot and hand prints in the area. I know the priest called, but there’s no sign of him or anyone else around . . . just these two boys.” The remaining soldiers come up behind their sargent as all the men gather around Davey and me. The police sergeant comes over to us and asks, “What happened here, boys? Where is everyone?” David looks up and responds, “We hid, sir, when we saw a giant muscle-man come into town. He brutally snuffed some people and the rest of the town ran to the church for protection. My friend Brye here and I hid in this house until everything became quiet. We came out just before you arrived” “A giant, huh?” the cop mutters in disbelief. Eyeing both of us, he asks, “Where are your clothes, boys? Why are you wrapped in sheets? Here . . . let me help you up.” With that, he steps over and places his hand on Brye’s upper arm to assist help him from the curb. His hand doesn’t even reach partially across the expanse of Brye’s inhumanly bulging and solid triceps rippling beneath the sheet. The cop pulls his hand back, “DAMN, son! You boys are fucking HUGE . . . and solid!” “We do work out, Sir.” I respond as I look at Davey and we both stand and walk over to the closest police car. Almost in unison we hear the crowd of about sixteen stocky men exclaim, “Holy FUCK!” in a whisper as their necks crane to look up at our hulking, thick, and wide seven feet tall forms. I can almost feel their eyes roaming our bodies and trying to figure out what the sheets draping over us are covering. I see all of their eyes bulge from their sockets as they scan down and see massive diamond shaped calves the size of their heads, mapped with pumping veins, flexing over feet that must be at least a size twenty. I see most men adjusting their awakening manhoods at the sight of two massive teens . . . seeing us, the musky aroma of cum and sex permiates the air from the fucked-to-pieces church. I look the cop closest to me in the eyes and grin. As I lift my arms and throw my shoulders back, the sheet falls to the ground behind me. My thick, foot long cock drapes over my grapefruit sized, churning nuts nestled atop my mounds of obscenely massive quads. Pre-cum ropes to the pavement and pools. The cop’s mouth drops open in disbelief. “Oh my GOD!” he exclaims as he gasps at the enormous muscle-teen flexing before him. Still covered by his sheet, Davey falls to his knees looking at me. I see all crotches begin to bulge as little dicks began to salute the true alpha prime. The police sergeant who had felt my arm earlier shuffles up to me and places his hand on my biceps which are larger than his head and tries to dent the granite hard sinew. I flex and he pisses himself, even though his little dick is hard and throbbing at the sight of such titanic masculine perfection. I feel myself growing and expanding as Davey begins his worshipful thoughts of me as a brutal and beastly deity. All eyes are on me as I flex and my sex-thirsty cock inflates. “I am the giant, you pathetic little fucks.” I raise my arms and flex as I reach a height of thirty feet of dancing, diamond hard muscle. The military sergeant draws his pistol and empties his clip, all bullets bounce harmlessly off of my impenetrable flesh. I scowl and snatch him from the ground, easily encircling his torso in my fist as he sputters and struggles uselessly in my grasp. The four cops back away cautiously as the troops raise their rifles and aim at me, trembling. “Drop your useless weapons.” I thunder. They all hesitate and look at each other, their commander squeezed in my fist and unable to bark any commands to his men. The cops run and jump in their cars, locking their doors. I see them frantically fumbling with their radios. With my free hand, I reach down and slowly stroke my man thick cock, cable like veins pulsing the steely hard shaft. I lift a massive foot and place it on top of one of the cop cars as I sneer, “Fucking insects!” My quads explode with size and power as I slowly lower my foot, the two cops raising their arms to the roof inside as the tortured metal squeals. The car begins to compress as the cops in the other car and the soldiers watch, stunned by my incredible size, power, and brutality. “This is you bugs alive,” I thunder, “This is bugs dead!” I drive my foot to the ground, flattening the car beneath my sole instantly and cratering the pavement. Blood and gore shoots from beneath my foot as the car and living beings it contains are pancaked flat. “Do you really want to piss off a god that can snuff you without a second thought, worms?” I continue,“Drop your weapons and strip . . . NOW!” The eleven soldiers immediately comply and I grin to the sergeant in my fist. I speak to the trembling sergeant with disgust, “They obviously take orders from me, now, so what use are you?” I lower him to my cock-head pulsing pre-cum continuously. “You’re not a man! You’re nothing but a pathetically weak little toy to the titanic and godly alpha beast that I AM.” I coat his little head with my steamy pre-cum as he spits, sputters, and coughs. The little thing is only about the size of my overpowering god-cock. I chuckle. He whimpers and begins to lap at my slit, kissing it and drinking of my nectar. “Good little bug!” I grin.
  18. iuo909

    "I Want More"

    First time I've ever posted a story of my own. No real growth in this part, but hope you all like it! "Are you sure it's fine? It'll be a couple weeks, I promise....right. Thanks Brian." I tapped the red button on my phone sighing in relief. Calling to ask for favors wasn't really my thing, but I had no choice. I needed a place to stay for two weeks while my house was being repaired from the recent storm. I collected my essentials and brought them over to Brian's. He was a good friend of mine, but since Covid hit I haven't seen him in over a year. Driving to his place, I observed the neighborhood. It was a standard suburban area, seemed quiet too. I pulled up to his house, it was decently big. "I guess he wasn't kidding when he said there was room to spare." I rang the bell waiting patiently. The door swung open and the first thing I saw was Brian, at least not the same Brian I remembered. "Woah...Hi Brian." Was all I could muster as I took him in. He was broader and leaner. He used to be a lot fatter but he dropped a good chunk of it. Not to mention it was replaced by some sizeable muscle. "Hey Chris, come inside. I don't want the A/C getting out." I stepped in holding my belongings. Looking around seeing Brian's place. "Let me hold that, follow me." He said grabbing the box out of my hand. We walked to the stairway. I got a view of his back. It was naturally wide from his size but I can tell it was bigger. Walking up the stairs I could see his calves were built too with some nice definition. My focus on his back and legs was interrupted when we stopped and Brian showed me the room. "This is your room, sorry for the stuff everywhere. I've been kind of using it as a temporary storage." Brian lowered the box on the floor. I saw his tricep flexing with a horseshoe shape. "Its fine, this is more than enough. Thanks man." I looked around and saw he had boxes of protein powder, pre-workout and some other stuff I wasn't sure of. "I gotta say you're really taking this workout thing seriously. Plus you lost weight." I said looking Brian up and down. "'This workout thing' has changed my life. Also I haven't really lost weight, I pretty much gained more if you know what I mean." Brian flexed his arm with a chuckle. I watched his arm ball up. "Yeah, I can see that..." "Speaking of which I need to get to the gym soon." Brian walked over to one of his protein powder boxes and picked it up. "Feel free to use the kitchen and anything else, make yourself feel at home." Brian said on his way out. "Thanks Brian, I will." I unpacked my things and during that I heard Brian leave heading to the gym. After unpacking I decided to head downstairs. I went through Brian's fridge and there were a couple packs of chicken and steak. His fridge was full of protein and some veggies. I decided I'd make some dinner for us both. I looked through the pantry and thought to make chicken parmesan. After preping everything and cooking it. I started washing up. I heard the front door open and heard Brian "Im home, smells good..." he walked over and hovered over the pan. "Is it ready?" He asked intently. "Yeah, was just waiting for you to get home." I got up plating a portion of pasta and chicken for both if us. Brian sat at the table, fork and knife in hand as I put the food down. He dug in, eating fast. I watched him chow down while I took a few bites. He must have trained shoulders because they looked more rounded. Before I was halfway through Brian cleaned his plate. "Want some more?" I asked. "Yes please." "Here you go." I placed the plate in front of him. The same thing happened. It's like the first meal never happened by how fast Brian ate. I just about finished mine until I asked. "Uhhh... want more?" Brian nodded. "Chicken only.... 2 pieces." I knew Brian had a big appetite but he was never this ravenous. After Brian had his fill, he chugged his water. I could see his arm flex as he did. "Ahhh! That was really good Chris. Haven't had a good home meal like that in a long time." Brian pat his belly in admiration. "Well I'm glad you liked it, it's the least I can do to say thanks." I smiled Brian smiled back and yawned right after. "Think I'm going to shower and head to bed early. Have work in the morning." "Alright, I'll clean up here and head to bed too." Clean up was quick. I got into bed and felt pretty tired. I heard the shower stop and soon after Brian knocked on my door and walked in. "You awake? I just need to grab something sorry." He whispered. Walking over to the pile of boxes, grabbing one with no name. It was strange but I saw it had a logo on it. It was too dark to tell what it was. In the doorway I got a decent glimpse of Brian in the light. He was shirtless, his chest bare with some hair covering it. Wearing only underwear and I could see his quads hugging the fabric, among other things. "Goodnight Chris." "Goodnight." I whispered back. I couldn't believe this was the same Brian. I never thought he would have turned into such a muscle bear in just over a year. Before I knew it my dick was getting hard. Falling asleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.
  19. Elongro Silver "That's my boy! a father cheers on his son. He's masculine brown beard and headed father in the stands of a little league game as he cheered on his little son briefly running in the foreground. The scene fades to a few years later. "That's my boy!" said the same father in the stands at a school gym. he and his son are slightly older the father's hair and beard are salt and pepper, his son is taller and more adult looking like he was in high school. A few years later... "That's my boy!" the father cheers on his growing son. It's obvious his son and the others players have taken Elongro. Cut to... The father and son walking together after the game. Both come across the son's group of friends. "This is my dad!" The son says to the friends and they warmly greet him, but various camera angles show the size difference. The father is jovial but there is a look of dismay. The son is revealed to have a slight look of pity. Announcer: "Feeling a little small in this world?" Cut to... another scene of the family at a restaurant. The father and his wife are at a table at a restaurant looking upward at their two GIANT boys. "Feeling pushed to the side?" Cut to... a shot of the family at a reunion, the GIANT sons are the center of attention and the parents are cast aside. "Feeling like you're worth is shrinking?" Cut to a scene of the father at work looking at a young co-worker getting a big promotion that obviously should have been given to him. "Then ask your doctor about new Elongro Silver from the makers of Elongro!" the announcer lauds as the box and logo are shown. Various scenes of the father growing and gaining more confidence in various locations including the gym progress as the following paragraph is read. "Elongro Silver has been clinically shown in older adults over the average age of 45 to dramatically improve muscle size and strength as well as height and overall health. Elongro SIlver may increase the size of genitals and libido. Elongro Silver can even treat or cure some previous health conditions after use based on clinical studies. Side effects include dramatic growth of muscles and height. Regular exercise can increase these effects. Growth effects are variable based on body type, metabolism and overall health before taking Elongro Sliver. There may be other factors that may affect growth. Body growth has been known to be more affected by the intensity of exercise. Mental side effects such as increased attention span, acuity and overall intelligence may occur as well. These are also affected by situations that require increased use of mental states. Minor effects such as rash or bruising and soreness at the injection site may occur. These effects are temporary and non life threatening. Be prepared to accommodate for the effects of growth as Elongro Silver may make some ordinary life situations a little more difficult. Government and private programs are available to assist with this life adjustment. Elongro Silver may cause changes in mood, thoughts of dominance and superiority complex may develop although mild and treatable. Seek professional help should these moods become severe. Elongro Silver is a vaccine. Elongro Silver must only be taken once. Do not take Elongro Silver if you had a previous dose of Elongro or Elongro Silver. Detrimental and potential life threatening effects will occur should multiple doses be taken including shrinkage of muscles, height and other body organs including genitalia. Depression and suicidal thoughts have occurred after a second dose. Only your doctor can prescribe Elongro and Elongro Silver. Cut to... similar scene later on of the son and father walking together. "This is my dad!" The son announces proudly as the father stands tall next to him, his muscles bulging huge and his height seeming to loom over the son's friends. Different camera angles reflect the scene. The son's friends look at the father in awe as the father turns to the camera. "Get your life back, BIG TIME! Talk to your doctor about new Elongro Silver." The father flexes a massive bicep. "I did." The son and his friends surround the father patting him on the back and treating him like a bro before the scene fades to black.
  20. MrWritr

    Welcome to the Frat (Part 1?)

    (This is my first sample story! It contains NSFW moments, hypnosis, muscle growth, and dubious consent [although for the purposes of this story the characters do consent]. Enjoy!) --------------------------------- Welcome to the Frat --------------------------------- It had all started out innocently enough. Jake was walking down the sidewalk through his college campus when it had happened. The financial stress of the situation was starting to get to Jake; unable to get a scholarship and with loans running high it looked like his part time job wasn't going to be enough to pay off for another semester of college. That’s when he came across the flyer. “OFFERING SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NEW PLEDGES!” That’s what it took to catch his attention. He went to the lamppost on which the flyer hung, noting as he went that most of the tabs with the number to contact were already gone. Was this for real or just a scam? “OFFERING SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NEW PLEDGES! “The fraternal order of Alpha Beta Sigma is offering scholarships for students interested in joining an international brotherhood of men in the arts and sciences! Alpha Beta Sigma is world renowned for the quality of its members in the fields of engineering, psychology, fine arts, and many other fields of study! We are accepting all applications for students with interests in pursuing one of the following majors as well and partaking in community service projects! “The current majors for which we are seeking in earnest are: “Biology “Chemistry “Engineering “Human Services “Psychology “Do you not see your major listed? Give us a call or text with one of the tabs below and we will see if you’re qualified for a scholarship. Once tabs run out a waiting period will be in effect until all candidates are reviewed. “Thank you for reading our notice! We hope to hear from you soon! “Signed, “Mike, treasurer.” Only two tabs left… Jake began to wonder how serious it was. Should he take one? He was majoring in psychology, something his mom and dad frequently rebuked him for choosing. It was, however, a passion that he wanted to pursue. After many nights of arguing with his parents, Jake finally made his point clear that he would go for a psych major, but without any funding from his parents. Now, financially alone and on the brink of having to take a break from college, an opportunity had presented itself. Would it take care of his loans? No, but it would give him a much needed break. After a few moments Jake slowly tore a tab from the bottom of the flyer and continued on his way, stuffing the tab in his pocket. This was a perfect way to forget about the piece of paper. Even after mentally telling himself that he would look into it after class, Jake promptly forgot as soon as he entered another campus building. After the day at school he arrived back at his dorm with a meal from the gas station nearby. After emptying his pockets and finding the tab within he stopped to think and remember what it was from. He had forgotten all about it up until now. He sat at his desk and ate as he sent the text. Jake: Hey I saw your flyer and got a tab from it. Do you guys still have that scholarship opportunity? It would probably be tomorrow before he heard anything, he rationalized as he closed his messages. Jake then opened up a streaming service and flipped his phone sideways to have something to watch as he ate. About halfway through there was a sharp PING that rang through the air. From: Mike? Hey, yeah we still have it. You want to come by the frat at some point? I'm here all week when you have time. W... Jake opened his messages again to read the full message. It continued, Mike:... What kind of major are you? Jake began typing and messaged this guy back. Sure enough he seemed legit, not like some rando whose friends duped him into a prank. Hopefully, Jake thought, he wouldn’t be the one getting pranked in the end. Jake: Hey man, names Jake. Jake:Is this Mike? Jake:Im a psych major and saw that you all were looking for psych majors? In a few minutes there was another response in a couple of texts. Mike: Yeah, dude, this is Mike. We should still have a scholarship for psych majors open. Let me check rq There were a few moments of waiting before the speech bubble popped up again. Yeah, Jake, looks like we still have some psych major openings for the scholarship. If you have time tomorrow around 2 I should be available. Hopefully this wasn’t some sort of sick prank. Jake typed again. Jake: I have a class until 2:30. Can I come by then? A few more moments and the response came. Mike: That works. I got ya down for 2:45, but you can come earlier. Just bring a transcript with you or a screenshot of your classes with your uni ID. Jake: Awesome thanks man ----------------- Jake found himself outside the fraternity, a large brick building on the edge of the campus with “ABS” proudly bolted onto the brick with member navy and white flags flying in front of it. He opened the glass door leading into a hallway, a hand sanitizing station immediately within. He could hear the sound of people coming from primarily the left as he entered, but thankfully the sign in front of him said that the chapter administration was to the right, a much smaller hallway with a seating area across from some doors. He turned to the right and began to walk down the hall, looking at the pictures and trophies in a glass case as he passed. Jake knew that Alpha Beta Sigma was well known for some of the best athletes and a good portion of the brightest minds, but the amount of awards was staggering. It took up two cases, and all of these trophies and medals were just for this chapter. Maybe he could get more out of it than just a scholarship… As his attention turned away from the trophy cases, he saw the small waiting area just ahead inside a room marked “Administration Offices.” He walked in to be greeted by a small row of chairs just inside the door with an empty desk in the corner and a short hallway of doors just beyond. With no one at the desk, Jake walked down yet another hall, passing labeled doors as he went, most of which were closed. “Chapter President,” said one. Another stated “Chapter VP.” The third by which he passed was open, a man sitting behind it. It read “Chapter Treasurer.” Jake knocked on the door and the young man looked back up at him. He was in his mid twenties for sure with a strong jawline and a thick beard over it. His facial features were strong, rugged, and he had a very masculine figure. Jake could feel his dick twitch just from looking at him and let his eyes travel downward. The man’s body was wide but covered by a hoodie, making most features indiscernible underneath. “Hello, I assume you’re Jake.” the man asked with an upward inflection, his bassist voice making Jake feel like he was rumbling. “Uh, yeah, hey,” Jake stated with a smile. The man smiled and motioned for Jake to come in. “Great! Come in, have a seat. Name’s Mike.” “Yeah, good to meet you, Mike,” Jake replied. He walked into the small office and took a seat on the other side of the desk. Jake’s eyes met Mike’s and he couldn’t help but feel a flush coming over him. Just staring into those deep, caramel voids were making him feel slightly weak in the knees. Thank goodness he was sitting down. “So, are you like a professor, or administrator, or…?” Jake continued Mike chuckled in response, his face lighting up in a brilliant white smile fit for a movie star. “Nah, I’m a senior student, going to a degree in engineering myself. Which leads me to why you’re here.” Mike opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a file with Jake, Psych. Maj. on the tab. “Here we go,” Mike mumbled as he opened the folder up, a bright flyer on top which Mike promptly handed to Jake. “Just some reading material, we normally give it out for RUSH and recruiting events but it gives you a synopsis of what you can expect. If you don’t care, can I see the transcript and a university ID?” He then pulled the remainder of the paperwork out of the folder. Jake handed over his transcript and ID as he glanced through the flyer. The glossy paper had the same colors as the flags outside. At the top of the flyer it read, “ALPHA BETA SIGMA WANTS YOU" Below the title there was a group of men all dressed differently and each with a very American-esque reenactment of Uncle Sam in all blue and white, each wearing a striped top hat for some extra cheese. One was a scientist of some sort in a lab coat with glasses; another an engineer holding his compass, ruler, pens, and blueprints; the third was what was probably supposed to be a manager or business owner. One thing was strange about all three though- to put it mildly, they were jacked as hell. How had they even gotten into those clothes to take the picture? Not that Jake was complaining… They must have gotten some of the best looking guys in the fraternity for this. Below them were two columns of three rows, each with a different virtue for the fraternity: INNOVATION HONOR UNITY LEADERSHIP INTEGRITY SERVICE Along the side was “We want YOU to join our community! We at Alpha Beta Sigma are a community and brotherhood of leaders, thinkers, and diligent workers ready to tackle the world! We offer scholarship programs, study sessions and tutors, connections with coaches for most sports, and so many other offers! Interested? Come by your local chapter today and see how your brothers can work with you!” As far as Jake was concerned it was largely the standard recruitment ploy. “Okay, looks like everything’s good to go on the admin front…” Mike chimed in suddenly as he finished writing something on about the fifth or sixth paper in. “You’re in as a psychology major which puts you ahead of a lot of the other candidates. We don’t have a large psych major population so it’ll be good to have someone in that demographic. So, are you interested in just the scholarship or is there something else you were looking for with our fraternity?” Mike asked finally and looked at Jake again, those soft brown eyes staring back into his soul. “Well… uh…” Jake found himself looking down at the flyer for help. “I do need some help in some of my core classes so that would be nice.” “Yeah, of course! We offer tutors for almost every class. As you probably saw we have a lot of connections with coaches and other clubs around the campus from theatre to football, from newspaper and journalism to the future rocket scientists club.” He chuckled more with the last one. “Cool guys in that one, but may not be up your alley. We also offer community service projects, which we require twice a year although most of our brothers sign up for more, and we invite all of our members from pledges to senior year students to come with us on mission trips and nationwide frat meets.” Jake paused for a moment before answering, was he really just getting the street pitch here in this office? “Yeah, that sounds great, but I gotta say it’s mostly just the scholarship and tutoring.” “Not a problem at all. Let me walk you through some of this paperwork and we’ll get you signed in as a pledge-” “Well, uh, one thing first,” Jake interrupted after hearing the word ‘pledge.’ “Yeah, man, what’s up?” Rather than looking angry or confused, Mike just calmly looked up from the papers and back into Jake’s eyes. “When you say ‘pledge…’ does that mean, like… hazing or anything?” Mike nodded in an understanding fashion and began to explain, “Understandable, it’s a stigma that sticks with the term ‘frat’ or ‘fraternity’ as a whole; it brings up images of a bunch of guys lined up and forced to do embarrassing and humiliating things that they don’t want to do. Well, as you know, most university systems have outlawed the threat or concept of hazing entirely, this university is no different, but what makes our fraternity different is that we don’t allow hazing at all. We don’t entertain the concept of it. Even if one of our older members or administrative brothers is slightly serious about it they’re stripped of their fraternal title and kicked out. We don’t tolerate hazing.” Jake visibly relaxed and took the stack of papers. Mike, meanwhile, stood and came around to the other side with Jake. As Mike rose from his chair Jake looked on as the man continued to stretch towards the ceiling. Holy shit, Jake thought, this guy’s a giant. Mike moved around, his legs and the baggy jeans around them shuffling to the side before resting in the chair next to Jake’s. Jake could feel the heat radiating off of the guy. Why did he need a hoodie, exactly? And from the sound of the fibers popping as the big man sat down the baggy pants seemed too tight to be baggy. That’s when Jake noticed Mike’s thigh, or rather how the denim clung to Mike’s thigh. Is every dude in this frat massive? He thought, thinking back to the flyer. “Do I need to move?” Mike interrupted “Why do you say that?” Jake asked, trying to keep his composure. Was his bulge showing? “You look like a tomato, dude.” Fuck. “No, no, I’m good. It’s probably just from the cold outside. Y’know flushed face and all that.” Mike didn’t say anything but just gave a sly smile. The two then went through the paperwork. It was about 4 PM when everything was finished. Besides the paperwork, the two sat and talked with each other before Mike stood up. “Wanna go meet some of your brothers? I can walk you out and send you an email or text with your induction ceremony after I talk with the other admins.” “I think I’m gonna head home, but let me know about that… induction ceremony, you called it?” “Yeah, dude! And, hey, thanks for stopping by today,” Mike replied with a grin. Jake said his goodbye and walked out of the front of the building. --------------- It was a couple of days later when Jake received the email. “Dear Jake, “We thank you for your interest in our organization and are delighted to tell you we have accepted and are moving forward with your application to the fraternal order of Alpha Beta Sigma! We find your GPA of 3.5 acceptable for entrance and, as well, this GPA allows you to participate in our scholarship program for which you applied. We would like to have an induction ceremony for you and your fellow pledges. The date set for your and your fellow initiate brothers’ induction into the fraternity is scheduled for December 12th. We hope that this is an appropriate time, but if not we urge you to contact our assistant Liam at this time. We thank you for taking the time to express your interest in us and look forward to seeing you soon. “Best regards, “Keylan, Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter President” At the same time Jake felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out to look at the screen and see Mike’s message. From: Mike? Hey, man! Keylan went ahead and approved your application! Did you get it? Jake opened his phone and started to respond Jake: Yeah, dude! I got it! Thanks so much! Mike: No problem, man! See you on the 12th? Jake: You got it dude! -------------- A couple days passed before Jake found himself back at the frat house, himself in a nice button-up shirt and khaki pants. It’s something he usually wore for work, but since the rest of his clothes were more casual and this was his best suit that is what he decided to wear here. Cars were parked all around the building, music booming from the inside, lights strobing to the beat of the music, the whole affair seemed less like a ceremony and more like a party. He walked to the door of the frat and opened it up. Inside was an array of colors and flashing lights. Streamers covered the ceiling and floor, the trophies and plaques that had shone so brightly before with a golden light were now strobing to the beat as well. The administrative office area was dark leaving only one way to go. He turned down the left hallway, stepping to the beat without even realizing it. He walked past a dark stairwell on his right and finally came to a large rec room, the room ablaze in a rainbow of colors, and the people as well. He looked around seeing a number of guys, a lot of guys. Most were dressed rather casually and those who weren’t were in similar dress to him. Most of the guys dressed like him were also built like him - fairly skinny. They were gathered along one side of the room, seemingly trying to keep to themselves, talking loudly over the music despite their discomfort. It was the other guys that had them so gun shy, and Jake soon saw why. The majority of the guys here were huge, the large muscles on their frames and heavy bodies making the floor dance with them. He had never seen the sheer amount of muscle packed into one room, not to mention all of them were giants. Some wore their fur like carpets while others kept their bodies trimmed or clipped, regardless each one of them were unashamed to show their bodies for what they were - godlike and perfect. Most were dancing shirtless, their pecs and abs exposed, strong and boulder-crushing arms over their heads or around another man as their shining skin pulsed with the ever-changing light. He saw the men dancing less like friends at a party and more like couples about to do some serious ‘business’ later. The more he looked around, the fewer shirts he saw, some wearing harnesses and collars in lieu of any clothing. Then he made the mistake of looking down. FUCK! Has someone accidentally bred horses for these dudes? Like, all of them? Those that were hard had dicks easily over ten inches at the smallest and those who were soft, which weren’t many, had a cock that easily slapped their thighs as they moved to the beat between their immense thighs. A hand clapped on his shoulder. Jake wheeled around to see Mike there with a smile on his face. Bro was stacked too. While not half- or fully-naked like his brethren his clothes didn’t hide as much as they did the other day. It was the pec shelf that caught his eyes first on that wide frame, the fact that three of the buttons were straining to hold back the fur-covered mountains within. He traced the arm from Mike's shoulder to his own. That shoulder, more like the deltoid that had completely strangled the shoulder, had bunched up in the fabric, making it look like the seam was about to rip, and the bicep-tricep combo below it put extra strain on the middle of the sleeve. If Jake didn’t know any better he could swear he saw veins in the dancing lights, and that was with the sleeve rolled up onto the upper arm. His forearm was laid completely bare, the fur-covered maze of sinew and muscle pumped with strength had veins wrapped around it like vines from his football-sized hands to the comparatively small-looking elbow. “Hey, Jake!” came that familiar voice. “Glad you made it! I think you’re the last one to arrive.” Mike looked much more comfortable, less stressed than the mid-twenties man he had seen the other week. “U-uh, yeah…” Jake replied with a slight stutter. “It’s, uh, good to be here and see everyone.” Mike just chuckled in response. “It’s alright, bro, you’re not the only one that’s uncomfortable,” he stated with a nod to the guys lined up like wallflowers. “Normally we’re not this… expressive, but with so many new additions to the frat a lot of us felt the need to celebrate.” Jake looked back to the giants on the dance floor, their sweaty bodies making the room shake as they danced. It was then that Jake noticed the sheer stench. It had hit him when he had come into the building but he had shrugged it off as normal for the party he heard happening, what he hadn’t expected was the smell of sweat, musk, and what he could only describe as a fresh load. “I’m glad you’re enjoying your time too,” Mike couldn’t help but chuckle. Jake had a raging hard boner from the moment he looked on the dance floor, and the sight, smell, feel, and sound of the man beside him was doing that leaking nub no favors. “Heh… yeah… thanks… Uh, when is this ceremony?” Jake asked, trying to push past the awkwardness. If all the brothers in the frat looked like gods, where did he fit in? Was this really a ceremony for him? “I think Keylan has it set up for about an hour from now. Lemme check.” Mike turned his head and shouted. “Yo! Keylan! Prez! Get over here!” It was at that moment another large man came upon them. The man was similar in height and size to most of the men here, but whereas Mike’s eyes were intimidating yet gentle in their caramel hue, Keylan’s eyes black were as coals, simultaneously smoldering and intelligent, perceptive and focused. “What’s up, Mike?” boomed the deep voice. It seemed to deafen even the music pounding in Jake’s ears. That chest slowly heaved up and down, the thin fabric of the white shirt stretched like Saran wrap over it. From the looks of it two buttons had already been made casualties, a tie put in place in an attempt to cover the hole they left. “This is Jake, the one who signed up last week,” Mike explained. Jake could feel those eyes searching him, probing him. It was almost like they were inside of his own head. Jake wanted to look away from the large man but found himself getting pulled in deeper and deeper. “You remember, right?” Mike asked, the words seeming sluggish to Jake’s brain. “The one that you thought would make a great psychologist?” Jake felt the words slur in his mind. The room felt like it was warping around him. He felt if this man asked him anything Jake would give it up to him with no hesitation. “You know, the gay one?” Mike offered further. The world began to fade away. The words Mike just said barely registered in Jake’s brain. Keylan then chuckled and blinked. Jake could feel the haze on him lessen. Keylan looked away and back to Mike. “Yeah, I gotcha,” Keylan replied with a smirk. “He seems like the most promising one here.” Jake slowly came back to reality, the music coming in again. What had just happened. Mike nodded. “Glad you approve, prez,” he smirked and elbowed the president in the ribs. Keylan didn’t even flinch. “But yeah, we were just wondering when the induction ceremony was going to start.” “We can start here in a few minutes. Was mostly waiting for everyone to get here,” Keylan replied. He turned back to Jake. “Does that sound good to you?” He asked. Those eyes bore down on him again. “Yes, sir…” he found himself saying. Sir? He asked himself. Why say that? “Great, I’ll get everyone rounded up and we can get started.” Jake watched the man walk off, staring at that wide back threatening to pull the shirt apart at the seams. Mike seemed to be watching as well, though his vision was pulled down lower. Jake saw what Mike must be staring at: under that wide back tapering to his waist that appeared to corset his body was a thick ass ready to pop out of the jeans and a third leg fairly obviously lining one leg of his pants. When Keylan disappeared into the throng of bodies, Jake turned his attention to Mike who seemed to be in another world entirely. Jake was going to ask Mike what was up when the president’s voice came over the speakers. “Brothers! Could I have your attention?” The crowd stopped dancing one by one and turned to look toward the DJ’s stand on the far side of the room. How had Keylan made it over there so quickly? “With our last pledge here, let’s give a big hand to the men who worked so diligently and were fortunate enough to cross our path! Welcome pledges Kris, Casey, Ben, Matt, and Jake!” The crowd erupted into applause, heads of numerous men turning to look at the lineup at the wall, a few turning towards Jake and Mike as they found the last pledge. The eyes were unsettling on him. They seemed less intimidating than Keylan but there was something about them… “Now then! We will start making our way to the basement for the initiation ceremony! Mike has assigned an older brother to each younger brother as we have done in the past to ease the transition from pledgling to full brother. If our pledges will wait where they are, Mike will come around and introduce each to their older brother.” The crowd began to shift, going into the hall as Mike pulled Jake back to the lineup on the wall. Most of the pledges looked as confused as he felt. Older brother? When did this happen? Thankfully, Mike was there to explain as four other guys made their way over. “As is tradition with our fraternity, we have assigned each of you an older brother, one that will be with you on your journey tonight and even after to help you find resources, answer questions, and be a guiding force.” This sounded more recited than just information. Was the ceremony already underway and they just didn’t know it? “One day you too will pick up the mantle as we have and join us in welcoming and helping our new pledges, your future younger brothers. But let’s get started. Kris, you’re with Ash; Casey, go with Jacob; Ben, you’ll be with Parker; Matt, you line up with Dillon; and Jake will be staying with me.” The ‘older brothers’ fanned out and went to their respective pledge, the shorter, scrawnier men feeling dwarfed by their larger counterparts. With that Mike led the double column out of the rec room and to that dark stairwell. He took the group down, the stairs darker and darker, lit by electric candles on the rails. Jake could swear he heard a soft whirring in the stairwell, perhaps even the low hum of a bass. At the bottom of the stairwell they proceeded forward down another short hallway. As they did Jake saw the virtues listed on either side of the wall in a bronze plaque. They really took their shit seriously here. It slowly crept up on him with the candles and the dark stairs but came more and more to a head with all of this ritual stuff that Jake started to feel like he was being inducted into a cult rather than just some fraternity. They reached the end of the hall and Mike opened the door. Inside stood not the brothers they had just seen, but a series of chairs in a circle and a large television screen in front of each, like the light over a dentist’s chair. The room was otherwise empty. What was going on here? “Okay, each pledge take a seat in a chair and we’ll begin from there,” Mike ordered, breaking up the low hum with his rumbling voice. None of the pledges seemed sure about making their way forward until one by one the frat brothers with them took a hand and shepherded them to a chair. Mike did the same, gently grabbing Jake’s hand and walking him to a chair along the left wall. Jake took a seat in the chair and looked around. The wall across from him was dark blue in the low light of the room, unable to tell if it was actually blue or the color being changed by the soft yellow glow of the candles. Sharp clicks erupted around the room, gasps coming in a wave until it reached Jake. Steel bands clasped over his wrists, ankles, and waist in the chair. A hand pulled him back to rest his head in the tall chair as one was pulled over his neck like a seatbelt. Jake could hear some of the others protest and ask what was happening when the speaker came on. “Welcome,” Keylan’s voice stated, “to your induction ceremony.” A robotic voice then rang throughout the room “Brothers, attention!” Jake watched as Mike went stiff, standing in front of him like a soldier, arms at his sides as best as he could reach with his wide back and shoulders. Jake stayed quiet, unsure what this meant as the other pledges in the room started to wig out a little. “Brothers, disarm!” The robotic voice rang out again right before Keylan began speaking once more. “We are glad for you to join our ranks today, not as normal people, but as fellow brothers.” Mike began to strip, taking his shirt off, popping the buttons and tearing sleeves in his haste to get undressed. “Our inductions are much simpler than other fraternities, no arbitrary amount of tasks that you have to do, no complicated rules to follow, but rather just to listen and follow instructions.” Jake could hear the others wigging out a little, the sound of the metal chairs creaking as a couple tried to get out of them. “We’re going to take this time to help you calm down, to just relax,” Keylan said. Rather than the robotic voice again, Keylan continued, “Brothers, put the screens in position.” Mike, and presumably the other men, stepped forward to their pledges, lowering the monitor from above to rest right in the respective pledge’s face. The monitor turned on. First there was static, then there was a noise coming from nearby. Mike slid a pair of headphones over Jake’s ears. In the static of the monitor, Jake could see Mike. Those warm caramel eyes were blank, the face drained of emotion. He looked zombified. His eyes were even glazed over. The world around Jake deafened as the headphones came over his head, only able to hear something similar to that low hum in the hallway as a group of baritones and bassists rumbled in his ear. “One of us, become one of us, become one of us,” he could distinctly hear, but there was a jumble of voices as well saying something about growing and power and intelligence. He couldn’t focus on it for the adrenaline surging through his system. Keylan’s voice came into the headphones this time, providing an intimate whisper. “Don’t worry, just look ahead. Just stare at the screen,” it reassured Jake. Not like Jake had much of an option, the screen was so close to his face the only thing he couldn’t see was the black box of the dark room around it. The screen clicked to a dark blue and black, ribbons spiraling out of the center of it. A hypnosis spiral? What the fuck? “Just relax,” Keylan continued, “Just relax and slowly give in.” Jake could feel his body relax a little. Was it him? Was it Keylan’s soothing voice? Two eyes came on the screen. He recognized them immediately as Keylan’s. He slowly felt his brain going numb again. “Grow to your biggest extent, Increase your power, Gain your intelligence,” the voices mumbled in his ear as he began to focus more. He felt himself melting, those eyes boring into him. It felt like the world around him was going away. “Breathe in,” Keylan ordered. Jake breathed in. “And out,” he stated after. Jake breathed out. “In… out… in… out…” It continued. Jake could feel his body slowly relaxing more and more as he just breathed. “You can feel it starting in your hands and feet,” Keylan progressed, the repetition of breathing orders echoing in his ears. “With each breath in, you feel it climb higher, up your arms and legs. With each breath out you feel it relax your limbs. In and you feel it go to your shoulders and hips, out and you feel it make them feel like lead.” Jake tried to move but found he couldn’t move either arms or legs, the limbs completely useless, weighed down as though they were made of stone. “In and it goes to your back, going up your stomach, out and you feel them relax further. In and it goes around your chest, out and you can feel everything below your neck relaxing.” He felt it pulling him down, even. Good thing he was shackled so he wouldn’t be able to just slip out of the chair… “In… it goes up your neck, out… it makes your head heavy. In… it washes over your face… out… it makes your entire body numb…” And Jake could feel it… or rather not feel it, he could only stare forward, breathing in the stale air of the room, breathing out hot breath as he felt compelled to listen further. “In and your tongue dries up, taste going with it… Out and your scent goes away, breathing out any conscious thought… In and your eyes start to dim, the world around you fading as you can only stare into my eyes…Out and your hearing fades, only able to hear me deep within your mind.” Jake sat there, staring blankly at the screen. He swore he saw Mike stepping forward, taking away the screen… but then why was it still there? Why was it still there in front of him? He thought there was something happening outside of his headphones but the voice just kept playing. “Now, we’re going to take a journey into your mind… into your mind and make everything better. Take you down and down, deep into your conscious mind and thoughts to help you integrate into our fraternity better. As you stare into the spiral between my eyes, you feel your body start to travel there, travel deeper and deeper into that spiraling void. You walk towards it, and with each step we work deeper and deeper into your mind. At the count of zero you will be completely in trance and every step that way will make you more and more deeply integrated into your brotherhood. “Five, going down and down, deeper and deeper… “Four, just letting go, letting your mind wander freely as you go down this hall… “Three, deeper and deeper, so relaxed and comfortable… “Two, so deep now, conscious mind drifting away… “One, nearly there, nearly under, subconscious mind accessible… “Zero, completely under, completely in trance…” The next thing that Jake knew he was standing in a spiraling hallway. He had never gone under hypnosis before and the feeling was foreign to him. It was like a lucid dream. Between how fast he was put under and how effectively, it made him feel like he was somewhere between reality and a dream world. All around him blue and black stripes spiraled, both in front of him and behind him. Mike slowly unshackled the pledge, having already removed the monitor from vision. He himself was in a kind of trance but knew what was going on where some of his fellow older brothers did not. Jake was transitioning well, more than willing it seemed to want to experience hypnosis, not everyone could say that. A couple of the initiates had trouble going under. More than likely they wouldn’t be long for the frat although they wouldn’t remember the night’s events. Jake and a couple of the others had taken very well, though, and they would be moved on into the frat if they took the hypnosis very well. Ash and Dillon on either side of him started unbuckling their pledges too and he knew it was time to move on. He tilted Jake back, the chair becoming more like a slab for a mad scientist as opposed to the chair that it was. Mike then opened the legs, spreading the bottom of that chair and the legs attached to it out. Even in his hypnotic stupor he could hear Jake moan as Mike removed Jake’s pants. He unbuttoned that shirt and slid it off of Jake’s arms but allowed it to rest under him. Next came the underwear. Jake wasn’t much to look at, it turned out: the balls were nice and plump but the cock was a little embarrassing. Nothing that a couple of treatments wouldn’t fix. Mike looked up as a thin hose descended from above. He took it and guided it to Jake’s mouth, the smaller man groaning as he blankly stared upward. Smaller for now, at least. “Brothers, fuck!” The voice ordered and Mike felt himself propelled forward. He was already hard, he didn’t need a command for that. Being with his brothers was more than enough to stoke that flame, but being property of the fraternity he couldn’t fuck without permission until he graduated. Then he would become an alumnus brother, a frat daddy as they called them. But for now he was forced to obey. He slid his cock into his pledge. He could see Ash and Dillon do the same while the others stood in front of their pledges. Not everyone would be fucked, they weren’t animals, only the ones who would normally consent were fucked, only those that would not resist joining the frat, and what’s more you couldn’t even apply to the fraternity until you were over eighteen. He felt Jake shiver and moan out, his spiraling eyes staring into the void overhead. Not even he could remember everything from his own induction, he just remembered feeling sore afterward, thinking about how he could glorify his brothers and his fraternity. He grunted as he fucked the younger man, sliding his dick in and out of that tight virgin ring. Mike and Jake had been texting back and forth over the past couple of days. Jake had come out to Mike, something the younger man was too scared to do to his parents, and Mike opened up to Jake. Jake hadn’t known it yet but the induction process had already been underway. Mike liked Jake a lot and as more than just a person; there had been lots of spicy messages between them, ones that Mike couldn’t address with himself due to certain restrictions. Now, however, it was time to let all that out. He let that hole milk his cock, moaning and grunting like a beast as he did. He watched Jake’s cock throb and leak, pouring pre into his slightly out-of-shape belly. Jake just moaned and groaned around the tube, unable to do anything. The first time was probably the worst time as the pledge had to be completely under, unable to get into the act with the top, but regardless Mike pushed on, huffing as his breathing quickened. He could feel sweat dripping down his chest, slowly matting his hair to his chest. Once he had been like Jake. He wanted to make Jake something to be proud of too. That’s when the fluid started to come down. It pumped down the tube slowly, not a lot of it, not enough to choke anyone if it was out of place, but Mike’s was right on. He watched as Jake groaned more, his body slowly puffing up in the stomach with each pulse of the substance before shrinking back down between batches. He stared as Jake’s muscles started to inflate slowly, bulking up. That pudgy stomach flattening with the next dose and abs mounding in it, his chest starting to push forward. Even his shoulders widened out and bulked up with more mass. Jake wouldn’t notice it this time until the session was over. It would take a few more doses to bring him close to Mike’s size, but that’s alright as Jake seemed to have good, receptive genes. Mike pumped his dick in and out harder before taking it long and slow, making Jake’s spiraling eyes drift back into Jake’s head. Arms stretched longer, and so did the legs, the spine grew taller as the shoulders widened. Mike watched with lust as the musculature of the still-shorter man became more defined. He could feel himself getting closer as he held those bulking thighs and felt the ass close around his torturously slow thrusts. He stared at Jake’s face, subtle traces of increased masculinity started to take hold. He watched that jawline become sharper, a beard grow in as fur began to mound on Jake’s chest. He felt that asshole twitch as the muscles deep within the pledge became stronger. Soon it was too much, the twitching of the hole and the sight of another man growing in front of him was too much for Mike. Mike grunted and slammed hard. He roared and came into his pledge as the other brothers participating did the same. They were a unit and so they came together. Those who could not participate just stood there, bound to get their relief with others later. As for Mike he breathed heavily as he dripped sweat, his fluids mingling with his pledge’s. “Brothers, at ease!” The robotic voice came through. Mike felt his knees wanting to give way as that tube retreated into the ceiling above. How long had he been fucking? Had he really been going that hard? Keylan came on the speaker and told each of them to remove the pledge’s headphones, except for the two who weren’t adequate for the frat. The two would not consent and the frat would not force them. Ash, Dillon, and Mike removed the headsets even as their legs shook from weeks worth of edging finally released. They pulled up their new brothers and started to take them up even before Keylan had said to do so. The other two would stay and get brainwashed. As he had thought before, they wouldn’t join so they wouldn’t remember anything. As for the three taking their new brothers away, they had been given the outro beforehand, able to bring them up and into a brand new state of mind. It only seemed to last for a few minutes before he found himself being awakened again. There was a soft cloud under him now, no longer standing in a hallway or on a metal chair. He could feel the world coming back around him, the spiral disappearing as he watched it go up into the sky above his cloud. The cloud became more real, more like a mattress. And why did his ass hurt so good? “Four, waking up gently, easily, coming back to reality.” What had happened? What was going on? “Five, completely awake and alert again.” Jake opened his eyes to find himself on a bed, Mike and he in a bed together, snuggling by the moonlight. Mike’s chest was in his face, the other man’s head over his. Jake couldn’t understand why but he felt tired, exhausted, but also powerful and full of vigor. He looked down at his chest, his arms. What the fuck? He thought as he saw the protruding pecs and his bulging biceps while his hands held onto his big brother’s chest. “Welcome back,” Mike rumbled. “Wh-what…? What happened?” Jake asked, still drowsy from his awakening. “Welcome to the frat, bro.” Mike said, that handsome face grinning in the moonlight.
  21. musclesmoker

    Body To Match The Package

    First try at a muscle growth story, so be gentle. ----------------------------------- Body to match the package, part 1 My name is Jamie. I'm your average high school senior. Play a bit of football but I'm nothing to write home about. Gotta stay focussed on studying so I can get into Yale to follow in dad's footsteps. I'm into guys, and I'm open about it. Luckily it's 2014 and nobody seems to mind at all, although I don't get a whole lot of action because there are plenty of other hotter guys around. Ever since I can remember, I've dreamed of being bigger than I am. The muscled jocks at school make me jealous -- even angry -- because no matter what I do, or how much I lift, I can't seem to ever pack on any muscle. So like I said, I'm pretty average. 5'11", 170lbs and relatively solid but definitely not model or bodybuilder material. That all said, there is one area where I'm substantially more blessed than the other guys at school. Yeah, I mean my package. Everyone jokes that I have a donkey dick, or a horse cock, but it doesn't really do me much good because I just don't have the body to match. Funny, that even a 13" rock hard uncut cock, with mammoth low hanging lemon-sized balls, isn't a turn on for most guys because the rest of me is so fucking ordinary. Anyway, I digress. There's a circus in town this week and most of the school is going, but it's not really my scene. I'd rather sit around home and fuck bitches on GTA... helps keep my mind off my lack of a sex life. Friday afternoon School was brutal today, as usual. Trying to keep all the bullshit math formulas straight is killing me right now, but thank god it's the weekend. I left my last class a few minutes ago, and it was a bit of an ordeal. I was sitting right behind Jake, the studly varsity football QB. Staring at his impossibly thick neck and wide back, and breathing in his sweaty man stink kind of got me going. It's bad enough that my limp dick is over 9" long... not exactly easy to fit it in jeans, let alone underwear, and today was no different than usual. I actually had to get a couple jockstraps custom made for gym class. I had to buy XXL sized ones, and a local seamstress took in the waist and added some fabric to the pouch. Even with that, my meat kind of spills out of it and literally swings around in my gym shorts, but at least it's all collected into one heavy lump. So anyway, I was pretty turned on by Jake's overall package, and when I stood up to leave, I realized I was nearly hard. The snake going down my left thigh was obvious, as always, but for fuck sakes I even had a wet spot down towards my knee. Christ he drives me wild. My monster balls seemed to be hanging even lower than usual, and you could make them both out clearly through my worn jeans. A couple guys near the front of the class noticed my less than subtle bulge and one of them actually grabbed it -- full on cupped the head of my horse dick -- when I walked past. Everyone laughed. It was a fucking show. Time to get home and let this thing loose. I decided to swing into the bathroom and change into a pair of sweats that I keep in my bag for times like this. My underwear (a ridiculously stretched out pair of light blue Andrew Christian almost naked briefs that actually manage to accommodate most of my meat) were a write-off, totally drenched in precum. I couldn't help but squeeze it onto my tongue and smother myself in the musk of my own crotch sweat for a second or two. Luckily nobody came in, because I forgot to close the stall door and it would have been another embarrassing show in the mirror for anyone who walked in. Speaking of the mirror, I looked down at my hanging dick...a good 11 or 12 inches of half hard man meat, hovering over my two bull balls that swung proudly about six inches from my crotch. It really is an impressive piece of equipment, but fuck I wish I could pack some muscle onto my chicken legs so people would actually be interested rather than just laughing at my monster dick. Oh well, not much I can do about it right now. I swung it back and forth for good measure, my heavy nuts making a nice "thwack" noise against my skinny thighs. Sigh. I pulled my thin grey sweats up my legs and let my dick and balls hang down my left leg, as usual. It was pretty much soft, hanging somewhere over 9 inches, but fuck you could almost make out the head through the material. Not to mention my nuts, which looked like two hanging apples behind my cock. Well, I guess a freaky bulge in sweats is less embarrassing than a wetspot in jeans. As I walked out of the stall towards the mirror, I watched my package swing back and forth between my legs... something I actually really loved the sight of, but fuck one of these days it'll get me arrested. And just as I was almost feeling good about one part of my body, I caught a glimpse of my average, skinny arms in my fitted green polo. Fucking pathetic. I headed down the hall and out of the school, my package swinging lazily the whole way. Got a few good glances from both guys and girls ... the most encouraging was from a skater guy I kind of have a bit of a crush on. He openly stared and licked his lips... but he's just a tease. I know he's more into the gym rats than joe blows like me. My car (a ten year old rusty Civic) is in the shop again, so I'm stuck walking home. And fuck me, the goddamn circus is smack in the middle of my route home. Nothing like a bunch of carnies standing between you and your beloved couch. They block off an entire road for this shit, so I have no choice but to walk right down the midway. I guess at least I could grab some popcorn or something. As always, my thin-fabric-covered dick 'n balls caught a few good glances, but I managed to get through most of the grounds without running into anyone I know. But then just as I was coming up to the exit gate, who do I see coming towards me but my wet dream Jake... drool. He was wearing an impossibly tight red tank top and black lycra cycling shorts. What a fucking showoff. I love how his arms are forced away from his body by his overall width, with his heavy, meaty pecs pointing nearly straight down to the ground... and his fucking tree trunk legs rolling around each other, straining the tight fabric of his hot, sweaty, delicious tight shorts. His own dick actually looked pretty impressive in them. I've seen him in the locker room and he's about 6 inches soft, which is respectable for most guys but actually looks a bit small on him given his hefty, swollen, sexy build. And there it is... more fucking precum leaking from my hardening cock. I looked away from my dream man to try and will it back down a bit, but he noticed me at the last second. "Jesus, Jamie, put that thing away. Go home and jack off to some fag porn or something. I know I'm hot as fuck, but you don't gotta be a perv." A couple of girls walking by stopped and laughed, and one of them pointed right at my swinging meat. I turned beet red with embarrassment. I wanted to fucking KILL him. Cocky, evil, sexy bastard. I started to run, and all I could think of was how desperately I wanted to be able to get bigger. A second before I got through the gate, I tripped over a tiny, nearly invisible woman who seemed to be wandering around aimlessly. She couldn't have been more than 40, but she had long, grey hair that was almost white. "Fuck. Lady, I'm so sorry," I said as I reached out to her to help her stand back up. "Oh don't worry about a thing, dearest," she said, "I tend to not watch where I'm going at the best of times." She stepped back a few feet and gave me a once-over. I noticed when her eyes locked on my lowhanging meat and the unavoidable wet spot from my ever flowing fountain of precum. But then she looked back up and locked her eyes with mine. It was actually pretty strange. It felt like she was looking directly into my soul, and like time had frozen for a minute as she studied me. I eventually broke out of whatever trance-like state I was briefly in, and she grabbed my hand, saying "Come with me, dearest. I've got something you need." The tiny woman led me behind a tent, to a tiny trailer that must have been from the 1950s. She swung the door open with some pretty intense effort, and hopped up the step. She motioned me inside, and for some reason I didn't feel any reason not to follow her. She pointed me to the only seat -- an ancient, worn built-in loveseat -- and started digging around in a cupboard under the micro-sized sink. She turned back to face me, holding a large pill bottle of some kind, and said, "Dearest, I may not look very impressive, but then again, people tend to misjudge others based on their physical presence, don't they?" I nodded, because I knew exactly what she meant, having been overlooked most of my life due to my unimpressive body. "Well, over the past few decades, I've made it my mission to help out other folks like me. The kind who understand how it feels to feel inferior, or under-appreciated, or even ... pathetic." I felt a tear fall from my eye, and turned beet red again. I'm such a fucking sob. "Oh dearest, don't worry. I promise today will be your last day feeling small and less than perfect. I'm going to give you something that should help change your life. This bottle is full of pills, made from ancient herbs from across the globe -- and beyond -- that can help you achieve whatever goals you desire. I'm going to give them to you, and you're going to accept them gratefully. You're going to take two each day -- one when you wake up, and one when the sun begins to set -- for as long as you feel you need a bit of a boost to become the man you desire to be." I looked at her wide-eyed as she handed me the bottle. It was dark red glass, with a cork stopper, and no label whatsoever. I wanted to ask her what exactly the pills were, when she locked her eyes on mine once again and I felt the same soul-grabbing gaze as a few minutes earlier. Something in my brain clicked, and I realized that I could trust this woman. I stood up, said only "thank you," and hopped out of the trailer. My dick, thankfully, had gone back to its completely limp but heavy and thick nine inch state, so swung freely as I walked but wasn't protruding noticeably. I left through the gate, but not before turning back for one last glance at the woman -- only to see that her trailer was gone. Like it had never been there. I looked down at the bottle of pills in my hand, admiring its weight and the beautiful red glass. "I guess it's worth a shot," I thought, as I walked the last few blocks home. To be continued........
  22. SoupBacons

    Growth Powder - Part 5

    And - here's part 5! Finally some more growth. Other parts, you can find here: Part One:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4927-growth-powder-part-1/ Part Two:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4995-growth-powder-part-2/ Part Three:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5108-growth-powder-part-3/ Part Four:https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5190-growth-powder-part-4/ Hope you like it. ///// Max saw the guys, as they exited the school bus. Immediately upon seeing him, Nathan and Jim came over with a bunch of other guys on the team. “Oh my God.” “Dude…” “What the…” He heard them say, and a large smile spread across his face, as he saw their admiration. “What can I say, it’s just… just a growth sprout I suppose.” Max said, looking down at them very happy, they looked at him in disbelief. “No way. What the hell are you doing man?” Asked Nathan, and Max put his large arm around his shoulders as they all followed Max into the school. “No shit, no way – listen, I’ll tell you all about it after school. In the locker room, before practice. I’ll tell you everything. Trust me.” Max said, as he felt a hand press against his back. “Oh my God, you’re so big.” He heard Jim say. “Y- yeah, see you there man. Totally. I wanna know.” Max flexed his large arm, seeing a bicep pop up, as he listened to his teammates, but mostly Jim, ooo and aaah. He was quite transfixed by this, and apparently so were they, enjoying this mutual enjoyment. Their first class started. Max sat down, alone, noticing that Alex hadn’t come to school – and, neither had John. He wondered why at first, but quickly put it out of his head, as he tried to concentrate on the teacher and the class. But, soon after, Max got very bored of the class. He leaned back in his chair, and looked around. He felt how much bigger his back was now, compared to the chair. He shifted slightly, feeling as the edges of the seat tried to dig into his thick strong back muscle, as his wide back extended beyond the seat in all directions. He crossed his hands and tried to cross his legs, but then quickly found out that the table was far too small for him now to do so. He tried to look down at his legs, but his attention was quickly caught by his bulky arms, sitting there, crossed on his chest. He flexed his right bicep, then his leg bicep – looking at one, then the other. Then, just to amuse himself, he started flexing his pecs underneath his arms. He started smiling, and after a while got bored of it, but as he looked up – he noticed a few people glancing at him. At first he was slightly annoyed, but immediately that feeling was changed with both the feeling of pride and slight arousal. A wide cocky grin spread across his face. He bent his legs, putting his feet firmly on the floor, still sitting down. His thighs touched the bottom of the table. Sitting there, arms still folded, leaning back, looking quite careless and nonchalant he noticed a few people glance at him again. And as they did, he slowly flexed his thighs. He felt the muscle in his legs bunch up, and push against the table from below. As he flexed his legs, he saw the table rise, slowly – being lifted off the ground with the sole power of his flexing thighs. A few people seemed to notice this, some quickly turned away, some stared wide-eyed, not quite believing how large Max had gotten. Sure it wasn’t quite a feat of strength, but – it just showed how much larger his muscles were now, and how much he had grown in such a short time. He glanced at his bag, thinking of the growth powder that lay inside. All that power and potential, and soon he would share it, and he kinda liked the idea of that. The class ended and he walked out, noticing how much closer the top of the door was to his head. He heard compliments as he walked down the hallway. The guys admiring him, the girls asking to squeeze his muscles, he quite liked it. Class after class ended, and finally it was time for after school practice he had arranged with the guys. It was in the same time the badminton guys had practice – but he thought his thing was far more important. And, after all, no one would care. He walked over to the locker room, next to the gym. He entered and saw a few guys already waiting. He said: “That’s all that came?” Max looked around, as he saw only Jim, Nathan and Tim there. Tim was another guy on the team, Nathans old friend. He was built much like Jim, smaller than the other guys, but quite good. “Yup.” Said Nathan. “There’s some game or something near, and everyone went – they told us to tell them what you … er… well – tell, um, us.” “Er, sure.” Max began. “Let’s get ready, right?” They all started changing, and by that – I mean, they all took off most their clothes, standing there only in socks and underpants. Max looked around, seeing the athletic, ripped Jim and Tim, the bulkier Nathan. They were all quite attractive, and probably better built than most people in school, considering they all played soccer intensely, but – standing in the same room as him – they felt kind of small. “Alright… so… this…” Max said, reaching for his backpack. “…is it.” He pulled out the large jar, filled with green powder, and showed it to the guys, holding it up in one hand, letting his right bicep flex to accentuate the point, as he held it. “Ooh… right. Er… what the hell is that?” Asked Nathan. “That looks like… is that some sort of drink?” Asked Tim. “I know right, it looked like those old drinks that they like, stopped making, remember those?” Max asked, smiling, as everyone faintly remembered the discontinued drinks. “Oh yeah.” “I guess.” “So – anyway. I thought that it was a drink too, until I found out what it does.” “And, what – does – it do?” Max put the jar down gently, and stood before them, straightening up, smiling down at them and flexing both his arms. “Isn’t it obvious?” “Oooh. I see.” Said Jim. “So – do we… is it a supplement of some kind, like, how do we…?” Tim began, but Max just took the jar again and opened it. “You just eat it, dude.” He held the jar out to them. “Dig in.” The three looked at each other, quietly, until Nathan, a bit eager and a bit worried, stepped forward, and dug his hand into the jar. “Here goes…” He ate a handful of the powder, making a face that indicated that he enjoyed the taste, but was still a bit confused about the whole thing. “So er… what do I do now?” Nathan asked. Max smiled. “Just wait.” Then, they all heard a strange rumbling noise in Nathans stomach. Quickly it stopped. He looked at them, looking at him. Then, he felt a great sensation, through his whole body. As he felt something changing inside him. “Oh my God – I think it’s working.” He looked at his feet, past his athletic body, and saw them… grow. They seemed to elongate, grow thicker, stronger. Then, he noticed something else, as he was looking down, he saw the floor… getting further away. He was growing taller too. “Wow….” He heard Jim say, as they all saw him shoot up in height. He looked at the now even bigger Max, and he saw himself staring right in his eyes, and then, he went on, further. Growing taller than him. He was about 6’6’’ now, he guessed, he must have been. But – he looked down , noticing that this only made his muscles look smaller, on his new height. Then, he felt another sensation. “Oh my God that looks awesome, let me have some.” Said Jim, sticking his hand into the jar. “Me too!” Said Tim, taking a handful of the stuff as well, as they both had their eyes glued to the growing Nathan in front of them. Max just smiled, enjoying the whole thing immensely. He closed the lid, putting the jar away, waiting to see what happens to all of them now. “Oh yeah!” Nathan shouted suddenly, as he looked at his arms. He flexed his forearm muscles, seeing them expand, and then – as he relaxed them, he noticed they stayed the same size. In fact, he flexed them again, seeing them grow even bigger. It wasn’t his flexing, they were just growing bigger on his own. They looked even bigger now, on his longer arms, he brought up his arms, flexing it – seeing a large ball of muscle bunch up, forming a large round bicep right next to his grinning face. Jim and Tim looked at each other, as they saw themselves grow. They shot up in height, growing and growing, until they both hit 6’1’’. Then, he opened his mouth wide, a bit afraid and disappointed, as he felt himself stop growing, yet – he saw Tim continue to shoot up. “Sorry dude, should have taken more I guess.” Tim said, chuckling happily. They stood next to each other, as they felt both their growths stop. Then, they felt themselves expand. Their shoulders became wider, fuller, Jim felt Tim’s shoulders expand so much, they touched him, then – he felt Tim’s growing thighs brush up against his own. He looked down, seeing his own legs fill up with muscle. Muscle became more visible, larger, his thighs filling out his boxers, his calves became thick and strong. Then, they both heard something rip. They looked up, from their own bodies to see Nathan’s boxers tear at the sides at how large he had become. He towered over all in that locker room, laughing at how amazing it all felt. They saw his butt, large and round fill up his underpants completely, along with something else that was filling them up too. Nathan was huge. Every muscle was ripped and large. He looked more of a bodybuilder than a soccer player now. Yet, as he started stretching to touch various new, larger muscles on his body, they saw just how flexible and mobile he still was. They admired his deep, cut eight pack, his thick thighs, strong calves, large arms, pecs like slabs on his chest. His whole body brimmed with unbridled power, and he loved it. Then, Jim looked over at Tim – and was saddened slightly, as he noticed how much bigger he was than him. Tim must have been at least 6’3’’ standing next to him, with muscles bigger than his own, in fact – he saw as he looked at Tim’s boxers – he was now larger than him, in every aspect. Max quietly nodded, grinning. “Nice. So – what do you think?” Max asked, as their growths subsided. “Oh my God – this is amazing!” “Yeah – it’s awesome!” Said Nathan and Tim. Jim wanted to mention that he wanted to, perhaps, take a bit more of the powder, but then the two started again. “God – I feel… I feel horny now.” Nathan added, grinning at the two. “Yeah, no shit – me too. This stuff’s amazing, and wow, look at us.” Tim said, motioning towards their packages. Jim quietly agreed with them, they all seemed to feel quite aroused, was it their new, larger selves, the powder, something else or… Jim thought – maybe all combined? Again, he wanted to ask for more of the powder from Max, when they all turned around, hearing the locker room door open. Then, they were all confused for a moment, but after – a total silence fell on the locker room. “Oh my…” Max and Tim whispered, as they saw Alex, stroll into the locker room, with his badminton equipment. “Oh hello!” Alex said, in his deep, arousing voice, smiling at the four half naked, tall and buff young men, staring at him. “Well, isn’t this just… wonderful?” He asked, playfully, dropping the badminton equipment on the floor, approaching Nathan with a sly smirk. They all felt it, the strange heat, the strange attraction towards this man, Alex. He was…. He was so different. They couldn’t take their eyes off him. And, more to the point, they were all quite aroused, much more so than before. In fact, the whole room was filled with some sort of a strange sexual energy. Alex’s strange charm made them so horny that they weren’t only aroused looking at him, but also at each other, though they remained transfixed on him. “Well, well, well…” Alex began, brushing his hand across Nathan’s large, wide, heaving chest, playfully. “Won’t this be fun?” He said, feeling – with his other hand – ripped Max’s abs, seeing all their underwear suddenly become painfully small, as they stared at him with mouths open. “Oh yeah – definitely.” He answered himself.
  23. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 20

    Sorry for the wait, in case you need a refresher here is Blue Pill Part 19 And without further ado I give to you Blue Pill Part 20 Although she had just fed, Sarah was hungrier than she had ever been before. The smell that hit her as soon as she opened the door to the gym was intoxicating, like pure male essence. It was the aroma of sweat and testosterone that caused her newly formed dick to harden down the leg of her short running shorts. The head of her dick just barely held within the confines of her shorts. She began to sniff the air, walking down the hallway, following the smell to where it was the strongest. This led Sarah to a heavy steel door, which she quickly pushed open to reveal an even more intense cloud of the stench that led here there from the hallway. It was so thick it was almost as if you could swim in it. Sarah felt something wet drip onto her foot and as she looked down to inspect where it came from, she saw another drop forming at the edge of her boxers. The smell had her so turned on that she was hornier than she ever remembered being before. Sarah was surprised to find the locker room was practically empty, minus the few gym bags sitting outside of their lockers. She walked up to one of the gym bags that was setting open atop the bench. She looked in and found a used jock sitting on top. Sarah reached into the gym bag and pulled out the jock. It was still warm and sweaty from the previous wearer, as if it had just been discarded. She brought the jock up to her nose, smelling the amazing aroma of sweat and testosterone with a hint of cum. Sarah stuck the jock in her mouth sucking on the sweat and cum. As she was sucking she felt a surge of strength run through her body and felt her dick pulse in her running shorts. She looked down to see that the head of her dick was now just barely peeking out of the edge of her shorts. As she was looking down at her dick, she noticed that her entire body looked pumped. She ran her hand along the shaft of her penis, earning her a glob of pre-cum once she reached the head. Hormones were racing through her brain telling her she needed to get off and soon. Sarah heard the sound of a shower turning on through the doorway at the end of the row of lockers. She headed towards the doorway with a hunger in her eyes and a raging hardon in her shorts. " Time to feed" she growled to herself... When Riley had first arrived to the gym, his gut was full and swollen with Derek's cum. He knew he needed to do something to get the size of his beach ball belly to go down and after reading the note that was left for Derek about how it would be beneficial for him to work out, he decided the best place for that would be Frank's Gym. It was always filled with meatheads and hardcore weights. Riley was in his jock and a pair of sweats he had found in the school locker room and He was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Fletcher Valley Athletic Department'. It was a little loose on him, but he had a feeling it wouldn't be that way for long. He looked out across the gym floor and found a handful of guys lifting. They ranged in size from amateur bodybuilder to Olympia sized. The biggest being Damien, he was easily a 300-pound wall of shredded beef, ready to dominate his next bodybuilding competition. He was a 6-foot-tall wall of dark chocolate and he was walking straight towards Riley. Riley began to panic. He wondered if the behemoth had seen him staring or if he was just overthinking. Jason's heart began racing faster and faster as each titanic footfall of the giant caused his meaty pecs to bounce. His massive Quads rolling over each other as they fought for space inside the weak confines of his gym shorts. Riley couldn't believe his eyes when they finally fell upon the obscene bulge in Damien's shorts. He had seen some decent sized packages in the school locker room. Chris's came to mind right away, but what was in front of him now had to be as big as Chris's cock was when it was hard, and it was completely soft. As Damien got right up next to me he leaned down to say something in my ear. His deep baritone filled my soul, as I had a hard time registering what he was saying. "Yeah, I saw you lookin. You're gonna need about another 100 pounds before you can handle what I got to give. Come find me when you do though, I'd love to fill your bowl with my cream." He stood back up to his full height and I watched his face as a huge toothy grin formed on his face as he gave me a wink. He reached down to adjust his package which Jason swore was bigger than just a moment ago. As Damien walked past Riley, He turned to watch Damien as he stared directly at Riley's ass. He seductively licked his lips as he headed into the gym locker room. To say that Riley felt on fire would be an understatement, he felt like hormones were flooding his entire being. Not only that, but his cock was rock hard. He knew he needed to focus. If what the note said was true, he needed to start lifting so he could absorb all the muscle cum that was in his belly. Riley decided to start with arms, so he headed over to a long row of dumbbells in front of a large gym mirror. He grabbed the 25's to start as a warm up and headed over to the isolation bench. As he was walking over to the bench Riley watched his arms in the mirror as the sinewy muscle lightly flexed to support the weight in his hands. He flexed his arm straight down causing a slight bulge to appear on the back of his arm from his triceps. Riley sat at the isolation bench and began doing curls. At first the weight was a little heavy, but began to get easier to lift as he did more reps. Once he had 25 reps done he switched to his other arm and began lifting again. Riley watched as veins began to surface on his arm and his goose egg of a bicep began expanding, just a little bit more with each rep. With his biceps now feeling warmed up, he brought the weight behind his head and began one armed triceps-extensions. He really had to push at the beginning to get the weight up, but as he continued it got easier and easier with each rep. Riley did 25 with each arm and stood up to take the weights back. This time as he passed himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but gawk at his reflection. His arms were pumped just from his warm-up. Riley started the work out with 15-inch arms, but they were looking much closer to the 15-inch range and this time when he flexed his arm straight down, he was rewarded with an actual horse-shoe bulge on the back of his arm. The boner that had started to go down during his lifts sprang back to life as he admired his pump in the mirror. "Fuck yeah! I'm getting pumped" Riley growled to himself in the mirror. "So fucking hot!" Riley put the weights back and walked further down the row of weights, this time picking up the 50's. Riley had never done anything heavier for isolation curls than 35. He could feel the heaviness of the weight in his hands as he headed back to the bench. Riley sat down and began pumping out rep after rep. As the weight got lighter with each rep, his arm began to bulge with some serious muscle. Veins that had appeared during his warm-up were now thickening and branching out all across his swollen bicep. The hard knot on his arm was now about the size of a baseball. Riley then continued the same process with his other arm. During this entire process Riley's raging hard on had begun leaking copious amounts of pre-cum into his jock. Knowing that he was going to have some difficulty doing single arm triceps extensions with 50 pounds, He decided to do just a regular triceps extension using both arms and the 50-pound dumbbell. It was a struggle at first, but just like with his biceps it got easier with every rep he did. Riley lost track of how many extensions he did until he realized that the weight he was using felt as light as the 25 pounders. Riley stood up to take the weight back. This time what he saw in the mirror was a complete and total surprise, the arms that he now possessed were at least 16 inches and wrapped in veins. He couldn't believe how big he was getting. The thought caused his cock to flex in his sweats, which brought his attention to a wet spot that had begun to form where the head of his dick was. Riley reached down and ran his hand along his shaft, as he flexed his cock in his hand. He continued flexing his cock in his hand, as he brought his other arm up into a flex as well. This caused his cock to react by surging in his hand, the head of his cock was now poking out of his jock and shot a wad of precum on the inside of his sweat pants. More turned on then he ever remembered being in his life, Riley headed over to the bench press and loaded the bar with weight for a warm-up. He laid under the bar and brought the weight down to graze his nipples. He then pushed the weight back up. Riley cranked out rep after rep as he began to get a pump from his warm up. Riley began losing sight of his erect nipples as his pecs began inflating with blood. Riley decided it was time to put some serious weight on the bar. He got up and loaded the bar with 300 pounds and got back under the bar. The most Riley had ever benched before this was 150 and that was a struggle. Riley felt confident this time as he lifted the bar, he slowly brought the bar down, feeling the muscle fibers in his pecs stretch and scream in pain as they were forced to lift twice as much as they ever had before. The weight finally reached his pecs and he pushed with all his might to get the weight back up. Once it was back at the top, he brought the weight back down, this time not as much resistance from his pecs. Every time Riley brought the weight down he didn't have to go as far as his pecs swelled thicker with each rep. After what felt like an eternity, Riley finally re-racked the weight and sat up on the bench. Right away Riley could tell a huge difference in his pecs, the weight of his bulbous man breasts pulled heavily on the fabric of his shirt. Riley stood to look at himself in the mirror. "OH SHIT" Riley couldn't believe how big his pecs had become. "I might have done too many bench presses." Riley realized, too late of course, that his pecs were out of proportion with the rest of his body. They almost looked like breasts if it weren't for his slight pouch of a belly he had left. Riley ran his hand up along the curve of his bulbous pec muscle and moaned out loud on the gym floor as his hand rubbed across his pert nipple. A couple of the muscle heads turned to catch a glimpse of Riley and his increasing wet spot in his sweat pants. Realizing that he needed to balance out his body, Riley headed over to the squat rack last. One of the big meat heads must have been using it last, because they didn't take their weights off the bar. The bar was loaded with 500 pounds. Riley was feeling stronger than he ever felt and his rock-hard cock told him that he could lift that fucking weight. Riley braced himself underneath the bar and went to lift the weight up when the big muscle head that had been lifting there headed over to stop Riley. "Hey bro, that weight is way too heavy for your chicken legs, how about we start you off with something a little lighter?" "I'm going to crush this weight!" Riley growled with a fire in his eyes. "Well then, I'm at least going to spot you, I would hate for you to crush yourself under my watch. Names Ben by the way, I'm the manager of Frank's gym." "Enough talk Ben, let's lift some fucking weight." Riley lifted the bar up before Ben was positioned behind him. Riley could feel Ben's hard biceps against the back of his newly minted triceps. The breath on the back of his neck made him even hornier if that was even possible. "FUUUUCCCCKKKKK" Riley moaned/yelled as he squatted down with the weight, he could feel Ben's crotch against his ass as he pushed back in the bottom of the lift, then Riley began pushing the unbelievably heavy weight back up. At the top of the lift, Riley could feel Ben's biceps tense against his triceps as he was trying to get Riley to re-rack the weight. "Great job man, I..." "Did I say I was done yet?!?" As Riley squatted down again, with Ben following him down. The legs of Riley's sweatpants were becoming increasingly tight around his ever-enlarging thighs and he could feel his ass pushing back more into Ben's crotch. Riley flexed his ass at the bottom of the squat. This elicited a moan out of his spotter as he could feel Ben's dick hardening against his rock-hard ass cheeks. Once at the top of the lift, Riley started another squat. Riley could feel the power in his legs increasing as they blew up in size. He could feel his sweat pants becoming too tight against his straining cock and his ballooning ass. Before he could stop himself from humiliation, he heard the ass of his sweats give out with a loud rip. He could feel cool air hit his hole as it was exposed between the straps of his jock. Ben felt the head of his cock through his gym shorts push past Riley's rock-hard ass cheeks to his exposed hole. Riley felt Ben's cockhead through his shorts as it pushed against his hole. Riley decided to hold the weight there for a little longer. Ben rubber the head of his cock against Riley's hole. Riley's legs strained to hold the weight, but they grew larger by the second during the strain, making it easier the longer he held it. "Fuck man, I can't. You have got a really hot ass and I have never had these feelings for another guy before. I'm straight man I'm sorry." Ben pulled his cock head back from Riley's ass and stepped back. Riley stood back up with the weight and re-racked it. Riley turned around to face Ben. He stood almost eye to eye with Ben. Ben had the most beautiful hazel eyes and short military cut hair. His face was chiseled and manly looking. He had to be about 260 pounds. He was a big boy. Riley looked down and realized that’s not all that was big on Ben. His arms and pecs were massive, but what really pulled Riley's attention is what was poking at his hole just moments ago. Riley reached down and wrapped his hand around it, massaging the head. Ben moaned loudly as he closed his eyes and rolled his head back. Riley leaned his body in against Ben's, "Wh..what are you doing?" Ben stuttered as Riley leaned up and kissed him on the mouth. Ben moaned into Riley's mouth as Riley felt Ben's cock swell in his hand as it anticipated releasing its load. Riley stepped away from Ben before he could cum. Ben's eyes were still closed in a moment of bliss."FUCK! That was so fucking hot! Why did you stop?" "You're straight remember." Riley replied with a devilish grin." Besides, I'm done with my workout. Thanks for the spot Ben. Hopefully we can lift together again." Riley gave Ben a wink as he headed for the lockers, holding the ass of his sweats together as best he could. "HEY, WAIT! I never got your name!" Ben shouted after Riley. "If you want my name you'll have to see me again to get it." Riley headed into the locker room and began taking off all his clothes. He admired the way he struggled to get his shirt up over his massive pecs. Riley moaned as the hem of the shirt snagged on his nipples. Riley removed the remains of his sweats to reveal a raging hard on he wasn't expecting. It was about a half inch bigger than he was used to and quite a bit thicker. "Well this isn't covering anything anymore." Riley said as he removed his jockstrap and set it on top of his gym bag. Riley couldn't believe how big he had gotten. He must weigh at least 190 now. He heard the locker room door open on the other side of his lockers. Riley thought it might be Ben, so he wanted to make Ben work for it a little bit, so he turned and quietly slipped into the sauna before he came around the lockers. "God I can't wait to make love to the beautiful man!"
  24. Mikeytron

    My Best Friend's Muscles

    My Best Friend's Muscles by Mikeytron I posted this story on metabods over the last few weeks, but I felt I should share it here as well. You can check it out over there if you'd like, as well as several of my other stories - M Part One I posted the human trial to our work Slack expecting the guys to go nuts when they saw it. After all, the results were, in a word, stunning. I didn’t think anyone would react right away, though. It was 2:11 in the morning when I finished preparing the report, sitting in my dark basement, the unhealthy glow of my computer screen the only light. Surely I was the only one awake. I was wrong, though. The channel blew up almost instantly. I guess we’re all nightowls. It would fit the stereotype. “Holy fuck, Rob, these are beyond my wildest dreams,” typed Eli. “Real sci fi shit.” “You sure you didn’t just give all these guys tren instead?” typed Anderson. “No way, these results are better than tren,” Eli replied. “Guys I’m so excited, we’re gonna make a hundred million bucks,” typed Hakan. “Fuck that man, we’re gonna make the biggest bodybuilders the world has ever seen,” typed Matteo. “Haha, you’re always thinking with your dick,” Eli replied to Matteo. “Tell me you’re not hard as a rock right now,” Matteo replied to Eli. “I’m dripping,” Eli replied, with a tongue-sticking-out emoji. You could say ours was not the typical workplace. We don’t technically have a team leader, but the role kind of fell to me, and I knew I had to reel in the others before their excitement got out of hand. Keep their eyes on the prize. They were like puppies, sometimes. Geeky, muscle-obsessed, scientifically brilliant gay puppies. “Settle down everyone,” I typed. “Go jack off and get some sleep, tomorrow we’ve got to plan how to sell this.” “You’re no fun,” Matteo replied with a gif of a cartoon character dramatically weeping. “@everyone Brunch on my rooftop, 11 am. Go get your beauty sleep ladies” Hakan replied. I closed Slack with a smile. I fully intended to take the first half of my own advice. It was definitely wank o’clock. But I had no idea how I’d sleep at all, afterward. This was one of the most exciting moments of my life. We had actually done it. I glanced through the PDF of the results one last time, already painfully erect, leaking pre as I read. 16 week trial. Control group of 25 men, following a workout routine designed for hypertrophy, eating an identical diet. Average muscle gain, confirmed by DEXA scan: 5.7 lbs. Group A, 25 men, taking 100 mcg of the compound daily, following the same workout routine, the same diet. Average muscle gain, confirmed by DEXA scan: 20.1 lbs. Group B, 25 men, taking 200 mcg of the compound daily, same workout, same diet. Average muscle gain, confirmed by DEXA scan: 31.6 lbs. One man in Group B had added 42 lbs of muscle. In a little less than four months. Fuck. I couldn’t help it. Knowing my teammates were likely doing the exact same, I slipped my underwear down, my hard cock bobbing proudly, a pearl of precum glistening in the blue light of the computer screen. I jerked off to the PDF. There weren’t any pictures, just data tables and graphs, but it was more than enough. My thoughts swirling over what we were about to unleash on the world. * Like I said, there are five of us working on this project. It’s too long and too boring to tell how we all got in touch with each other, but we’re all gay, we’re all friends, we all work in biotech or medical research, and we all have a thing for muscle. Not just a little muscle. Not just a little thing. We’re all size and growth fetishists of the most extreme bent. As for our little venture… It started as a side project, something we kept under wraps. It began as empty talk in our group chat, how we wished we could be a team of muscle growth scientists with a stable of ever-growing bodybuilders who we could enjoy at our leisure. It was a running gag for a bit, talking about our muscle growth lab/dungeon. Then the talk took a more definite shape over cocktails one fateful Friday night. The various things we were working on, research papers we had fortuitously just read, some inventive lateral thinking, a few productive what-ifs…. We did the modeling. It looked promising. Then the pandemic hit, and, well… we decided to go for it. Synthesize the compound and see if it works the way the computer says it will. We had so much time on our hands, why not moonlight as a cabal of gay mad scientists in Anderson’s garage or Matteo’s basement? A little borrowed equipment here, a few vials of grey market research compounds there… The theoretical work was already done. Why not see what it does in vivo? The first tests on rodents showed such shocking results, we knew we couldn’t stop there. That’s where I kind of fell into the leadership role. I took care of the paperwork establishing our company. I found the investors to get us off the ground. I filed the patent paperwork. And I set up the human trials. Going around local gyms, recruiting men willing to inject an experimental chemical if it meant they might get bigger. And now here we were, more than a year later, having successfully captured lightning in a bottle. We had an entirely novel compound that induced extreme hypertrophy in a high testosterone environment. It wasn’t difficult to synthesize. It wasn’t difficult to administer. It seemed to have no significant negative side effects. And now we just had to sell it. * “I’ve got the perfect idea,” Matteo said, his dark eyes sparkling. He always looked most adorable when he was enthused about something. We first met on Scruff a few years back, slowly revealing the full extent of our muscle growth fetish to each other over DMs. We met, we fucked like rabbits for about two weeks, and then smoothly transitioned into being friends, like you do. “Yeah?” I responded. The four of us were sitting around a table on the roof of Hakan’s downtown Toronto condo, waiting for our host to return. It was a beautiful summer day. “You’ll love it. We do one last trial.” He could see my face souring, he knew I wanted to launch as soon as we could. “Wait, listen. One last trial, each of us asks our favourite bodybuilder to take our compound for 10 weeks and then we use before and after pics for an advertising blitz. We’ll launch at the end of the 10 weeks so we’ll have plenty of work to do. But the impact from instagram alone would be unreal. Regan Grimes adds 35 lbs of raw muscle and he did it all thanks to, uh… whatever we’re calling this.” “Yeah, Rob, what ARE we calling this?” Hakan, the fifth member of our group, interjected as he approached the table bearing a tray of fizzing champagne flutes and the half-empty bottle. He always had a flair. “Well, why don’t we each come up with our best idea for a name and then have a secret vote,” I suggested, accepting the glass Hakan handed me. “Pfft,” Anderson said, taking a glass. “Everyone will just vote for their own suggestion.” “So ask all the guys from the trial to vote on it too, whatever, it’s a free focus group.” Eli waved his hand dismissively before grabbing his glass. “You’re all ignoring Matteo’s frankly excellent idea.” “What’s your idea?” Hakan asked, handing Matteo the penultimate glass before taking the last for himself. “That we recruit five bodybuilders to be our final guinea pigs and our first spokes-brutes.” Hakan settled into his seat, compressed his lips as if considering. “I like it. Dibs on Iain.” “I already called dibs on Regan, and since it’s my idea I get double-dibs,” Matteo quickly added. “I want Antoine,” Eli added. “If we’re keeping it Canadian.” Anderson gestured imperiously. “You are all such predictable queens.” “Well, what super-heavyweight do you want to sponsor, since you’ve just got to be the iconoclast?” “Joe Seeman.” “Who?” Blank looks from the other guys, although I recognized the name. “And you call yourself a muscle fetishist! Coach Little Joe on Instagram,” Anderson replied with the air of an art snob having to identify Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” to a room full of ignorant tourists. “Ooooh, yeah, him, he WOULD be really hot with another 30 or 40 lbs of muscle on him.” “What about you, Rob?” All eyes turned to me. I looked around at the guys, their faces shining like kids writing their Christmas wish lists. Derek Lunsford? Hunter Labrada? Nick Walker? Names flickered through my mind, a whirlwind of visual memories, thousands of nights spent with my cock in my hand, scrolling through Instagram and Tumblr and Twitter, gorging my fevered brain on muscle, more muscle, more muscle, more muscle… who would I gift this magic elixir to? What bulging skin-straining roid-freak, already existing at the current limit of muscular possibility, did I want to explode with another few dozen pounds of raw beef? “I need some time to think about it,” I said, but I was lying. I knew exactly who I wanted to blow up. “Anyway,” I said, raising my champagne flute. “Cheers, guys. To muscle. To us.” “Let’s make some monsters!” Matteo exclaimed as he clinked his glass against mine, and we all drank to that.
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