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An evening run, chapter 2


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Chapter 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 67


A/N: I thought that I would describe the whole day, but decided to stop at noon. Hope you guys like it. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this, and as before, please do share any comments and critique, I appreciate it.


I woke up to the smell of fresh breakfast. I sat up and stretched my fairly average body, my ankle greeting me with a twinge of pain. I didn't see or hear Ty, so I moved to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to freshen up. I checked myself in the mirror. My face looked back at me and like always, it looked like some prankster took a brush and dotted my brown skin with fresh henna while I was sleeping. The signs of lack of exercise were pretty clear. A small layer of fat covered muscles that were a bit bigger some time ago, my belly bulging out slightly despite not having any food in several hours. Well, it wasn't /that/ bad. But exercising shouldn't hurt, as long as I was less clumsy than yesterday evening. I was mostly hairless, with a patch of pubic hair, and a very light dusting of hair along my legs. I kept the hair on my head short. I finished up and made my way over to the kitchen, picked up the still warm plate with some toasted crickets with some vegetables, and went to the backyard I shared with a few other apartments. There was a big table with benches around, a big tree providing shade and-




Naked Ty cranking out push ups underneath. He didn't notice me, so I limped to the table, sitting so I could watch him. It was such a lovely sight in the morning, his skin, coffee-like except in the few places where sunlight pierced through the branches and illuminated spots on his back which looked lighter.


His body supported only on his fingertips and ends of his toes, the length of his long fingers somewhat offsetting the range of motion stolen by his beach ball pecs. His torso was as stiff as a board, not bending in the slightest. His bowling ball like buttcheeks, slightly flexed, bouncing hypnotically up and down, his dick and balls flopping around on the other side from the quick changes in position. A stray thought entered my mind: would he have any difficulty doing push ups if he got hard? Would he just literally fuck anything that was under him? Could it be as strong as the rest of him, supporting most of his weight as he flexed himself up and down, no hands? 


After a while, he went into the side plank position, facing away from me. I took the liberty of feasting my eyes on his perfectly formed calves, his hamstrings, not quite hidden beneath a layer of fat, his quads clearly visible even from behind. A big ass, sticking out even from this angle followed by a thick midsection, from which wing-like lats sprouted. A deep groove along his spine surrounded by his thick back muscles, that reached out for his enormous arms, which were held perpendicular to his body, the lower being as solid as a pillar, easily holding up his immense weight. I was almost done with the breakfast when he switched sides (though it didn't look like he would have any trouble being in that position for a lot longer). He finally noticed me.


"Hey, did I wake you up?"

"The smell of the breakfast did, thanks."

"You're welcome, how is your ankle?"

"I should go to the doctor to make sure yesterday's accident isn't anything serious."

"I  figured, I can take you there. Even carry you if you want. I took the next few days off."

"Won't they miss you at the farm?"

"Nah, they always nag me about not taking any personal time off and doing all the work for them. Boss almost started to cry from happiness when I told him. Guess he actually misses the physical work."

"Well, if you want to be my maid so much... I guess you could go shopping after we come back. I got a few kids coming over for tutoring after lunch. I won't need to move much, so you don't have to be here all the time. Maybe you could even enjoy your vacation?"

"Is it all right if I just hang around your apartment? You sure you don't need cleaning anything? I enjoy being around you."

"Oh... well, you can stay, I won't kick you out. I enjoy being around you too."


When I finished my breakfast, Ty stood up, and came to the table. He took the plate and glass in one hand, and offered me a ride on his other arm. I eagerly agreed, so he told me to turn around on the bench and lift myself up a bit. As soon as I did it, he slid his hand between my legs and lifted up while angling his forearm upwards, which caused my body to slide down, until his biceps, similar in thickness to my torso, stopped my descent. I hugged the warm pillar for balance, even though there wasn't much danger of me falling off his thigh-like forearm, and he straightened up, nothing indicating that my weight bothered him.

 As he came back inside, he playfully flexed his whole arm, which caused his forearm to harden and push my legs a bit wider, before his expanding biceps forced me a bit back towards his hand before he set me down. He had a quick shower, and we got dressed, I put on a white cloth vest and shorts, while he wore a pair of black drawstring sweatshorts and a strip of dark blue cloth that covered his midsection.


"I took the liberty of contacting doctor Kuti earlier, she said she has time for you today before noon. I know that you don't like being babied, but I just thought it'd be nice for you to sleep in."

"Thank you. I appreciate it. I should apologize for yesterday's explosion too, I overreacted."

"Hey, no problem, I get it. So, you wanna get carried there by your personal butler?" He flexed in a monstrous most-muscular, showing off his whole body, his legs straining his shorts, underscored by a deep growl summoning a cold shiver that went up my spine.


"Uh, as tempting as that seems, I'll have to politely decline. Could you give me my crutches from the closet? I may not be able to run for a while, but at least they could help me start strengthening my arms, and I won't have to rely solely on you for transportation. And if you're so eager to carry me all the time, I'll make the time for you. You do make quite a comfortable seat."

 "Aww, yeah! I'll hold you to that!" He rushed to the closet to get me the crutches.


"So, um, can I come with you anyway?"

"Of course you can. You'd probably start worrying I got lost five minutes after I went out of your sight." I started poking his thigh.

"That's not true. I'd give you six minutes." He replied with a smirk, tensing the poked thigh, the flexed muscle becoming steel-like hard  and pushing my finger back.

 "Fair enough. Shall we get going?" "Yeah."


We departed for the street, Ty's giant stature naturally drawing attention. People knew him, thanks to him spending half of his childhood here and his efforts to come to my home as often as his free time allowed, even though he lived on the farm most of the time for better access to his work.


I remembered that Ty wasn't really fond of the tram, since he always felt like he was constantly intruding in others' space with his shoulders, broad as three normal guys, and people having difficulty trying to go around his thick frame if he was standing. So I tried to go across the street, the route which lead to the doctor's by foot, but Ty's massive body quickly blocked my way.


"Oh, no you don't, I see what you're trying to do, but that's not an option today. We're going by tram or I'm carrying you. Those are your only options. I don't want you ending up in a hospital because you wanted to spare my feelings. And the tram is empty anyway."


I looked at the tram that just rounded the corner, and he was right. 


"Okay, fine. We're taking the tram."


We got on board, and he sat down quickly, to save himself from having to bend down, making himself comfortable, spreading his considerable arms along the back rest of the bench. I followed him, and sat next to him, leaning into his side, my head supported by the side of his meaty pec. He was a bit surprised, but a wide smile lit up his bearded face quickly, and he gently put his arm around me, nudging me closer to him. I'm sure he had to hold himself back from letting the whole weight of the arm on me, because it had to weight almost as much as I did, but I felt no discomfort. Glancing down, his crotch told me that he loved this.

During our ride, only two other people boarded before we had to leave, so it wasn't bad at all.When our stop came up, so we got off and walked the short distance remaining to the doctor.


We entered the bright waiting room, the only other patient was an old white guy in a wheelchair. We politely struck up a conversation, to fill the time. He mentioned that we looked like a lovely couple, which surprised me, but I thanked him. I sensed that Ty was taking the backseat in the conversation, and he made no effort to confirm or deny the man's assumption, only smiling politely, but shooting me a questioning look.


Before the conversation could continue further,  the nurse came out, and took the man in, while telling us that this should be a routine check-up, so they will take me in in just a few minutes.

As the waiting room became silent, I started thinking about the man's words.


"Ty... are we a couple?"

"Do you want us to be?"

"I... I don't know. Do you?"

"I do, yeah."

"Huh. I... have to say, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say here."

"You don't have to say anything. You don't have to want to be a couple with me. I'm fine with being your friend, because that's wonderful on its own."

"I, uh, thank you. That never even occured to me."

"I kinda figured, since you never talked about anyone tickling your fancy."


A few silent moments went by.

Then suddenly I was enveloped in the warm and comforting pressure of his side hug.


"Hey, don't worry, you don't have to figure this out right now. Seriously."


I rubbed his arm as a silent form of gratitude. In that moment, the old man wheeled out of the doors, followed by the nurse.


"Eli, you can come in now." "Right, thank you for seeing me."


Ty let me out of his embrace, and I stood up, and followed her into the office.

The visit went smoothly, the ankle seemed alright, so the doctor told me just to be careful with it, and progressively start to load it over the next few days and she applied slow-release topical analgesic, which would numb the worst of the pain for about 24 hours. Then she bid me goodbye.


I went back into the waiting room. Back to Ty.

I sat back down at his side.


"So, what now?"

"Well, I was thinking you could go to the food court, you already know what needs restocking, while I'll go back, and make a mushroom risotto so it'll be ready when you'll get back."

"Okay, that sounds great."


"Could you bring some mutton too? I haven't had it in a long time." 


And it was his favourite meat. His face lit up.


"Yeah, I can do that. Oh, how's your ankle? I assume it's fine since you obviously don't need me to chaperone you."

"Yeah, the doctor said it'd be fine, I just need to exercise it starting tomorrow."

"That's great. I can assist you with that. If you want."

"Yeah, I'd like that."


 We left the building, Ty followed me to the tram stop, and he waited until the tram took off. When I sure I was out of his sight, I slumped on the bench and cupped my face into my hands.


'Ty wanted a closer relationship with me. How did I not see it before? Do /I/ want a closer relationship with Ty? I guess I'm not opposed to the idea... What does 'closer relationship' even mean for Ty? Will there be sex...?' 


Now that I was alone, the barrage of questions started pouring down. I forced myself to breathe more slowly, deciding that I couldn't answer some of those question without Ty, but I can work on others.


I obviously liked Ty. I definitely wouldn't mind being around him more frequently. I've never given sex much thought... we did learn about it pretty thoroughly at school, but I always assumed I was asexual. Not that sex was repulsing, it just... wasn't really a thing for me. 

I noticed the tram stopping, so I looked up, and seeing that it was my stop, I got off.


I went inside my apartment, started cooking the risotto. When I had a few minutes, I took out a paper and a pencil and sat down in the kitchen. I started writing down questions, and added answers where I could. When the lunch was done, I had almost both of the sides of the paper filled with text. And there were still more questions. 


Suddenly, there was a knocking on the door that shattered my thoughts.

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Very nice addition. Love how the worldbuilding is much more subtle in this one – I mean, toasted crickets? Nice touch :)

Also, I've decided to like your attention to detail because it (among other things) brings out wonderful points like Ty's coffee colored hue in the shadows.


Otherwise this is shaping up to be a greatly unusual story in this type of genre. The characters are unique, which alone would make this a fun read: there definitely aren't enough kind giants like Ty around and Eli as an asexual is very interesting and something I don't remember reading in the recent past. Ty genuinely caring for his smaller friend and even wanting to take things to the next level against Eli's trepidation will bring an intriguing tension to the next chapter – and there will definitely be one, right?

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I like this take on the future that you are making. This society were  labels are thrown away and all kinds of people coexist.

It's interesting that your main character sees himself as axesual, he likes to be around Ty but and he questions how it would be for Ty to have sex but he never pictured himself with him.

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I like this take on the future that you are making. This society were  labels are thrown away and all kinds of people coexist.

It's interesting that your main character sees himself as axesual, he likes to be around Ty but and he questions how it would be for Ty to have sex but he never pictured himself with him.

I'm glad you like it.


As for the asexuality part, I write Eli as more of a gray-asexual (no attraction most of the time), maybe demisexual (sexual attraction can manifest after an emotional bond has been established.). And even "full" asexuals can desire a romantic relationship. 


Since they were good friends, and Ty is around all the time, he didn't even think to question or define their relationship or to explore his feelings, like he does now that Ty told him about wanting a different kind of relationship..

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  • 1 month later...

Awesome addition to the story so far! Like a few other comments mentioned, I liked the unique description you used in helping us picture what is going on between the two characters. Plus, the sexual teasing is done quite well! :) Keep it up!

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